) JBzìllsbon^Mrg us W ith W hich U Combined the Hilloboro Independent H ilU b o n t A n ni» « t a b . 1894 H illsb o ro In d ep en d e n t ««tab. *S?S M eK IN N EY A M eK lX N K Y . P ahltohera T hursday* E n tered .•'* bOMmd<*laiM m a tte r p o sto ffir« a t H illsboro, O regon P u b lb h e d W V E R N E M eK IN N EY E d ito r M em ber—O regon tio a u l \ E d ito ria l O F F IC IA L 7* « * V th e MRS. E. C. M eK IN N EY A ssociate E d ito r F irs t A udited P a p e r l.a n r- eat A udited W eekly C irc u la­ tio n in O regon S ta te F.H« A» < i a t i n NEW SPAPER in OF W A SH IN G T O N C O I NTV Subscription Ratea S tric tly Cash in Advance P e r y ea r Sia month» ............... $ l.M V 8- O u tsid e O regon . F o reig n C o u n tries 12.00 T h e H illsb o ro A rgua assum es no fin a n c ia l r\*p» tu-ibility for erro r* p ublished in its column-*«. but m «•;»-« w h ere th«*. l'iU'»,r ia nt fa u lt w ill r e p r in t th a t p a r t »4 a n a d 'e r tia e m e a t in u •« th e ty p o g ra p h ic a l m ista k e occur». Tolerance The recovery p ro g ra m in A m e ric a w ouldn't get very far if President Roose­ velt and his aides were faint-hearted be­ cause they are continually subjected to the sniping of persons in and out of congress, some for political reasons, others for sel­ fish reasons and still others seeking a retu rn to the old special privilege e ra— th e old deal. Latest barrage is on the part of those seeing terrible things in the NRA. con­ ceived by the present adm inistration in an effort to put more of the spirit o ' friendship and the Golden Rule into busi­ ness relations. It was intended to elimin­ ate many of the vicious "chiseling” prac­ tices th a t almost dem oralized the entire country. A local exam ple of the fa r reach­ ing effect of “chiseling" policies was in the milk prices reached before the milk control bill went into effect. Those who believe in the elem ent of fairness in business and fair treatm en t of employes feel th at the NRA is a step in the right direction. It is the program of constructive effort decided on by a govern­ m ent th at has openly stated th at its pur­ pose is the creation of a more abundant life for the masses. No other program has been offered by the critics, yet they con­ tinue their efforts to shoot holes in the recovery program . It has been pointed out in the state convention of the F arm ers' Union th a t the farm ers cannot achieve their aims without co-operation. The same thing holds true w ith the nation and it must have the same spirit of co-operative effort in order to put over the objectives of the recovery program . NRA was passed by congress ju st a year ago and it has not had time to prove itself. Some of the codes have ju st been approved and are not worked out com­ pletely as yet. Tolerance and the patriotic desire to w ork in accord with the program of the governm ent, just as we all did in 1917 and 1918, should be the p a rt of every good Am erican. A lready the NRA and the “ new d e a l” as cited by Senator W agner of New York, has accom plished abolition of the “sw eat shops,” and child labor, and “sta rte d wages upw ard with g reat rap id ­ it y .” Stop and consider w here this nation stood a year ago. Unquestionably advances have been m ade from the brink of the precipice, w here the country was stand­ ing when F ranklin D. Roosevelt w ent into office. He is doing his best to lead the country into brighter paths and he most certainly is entitled to tolerance and p a tri­ otic co-operation. A study of the situation from contact w ith non-m etropolitan new spaperm en at th e annual convention of the N ational Editorial association and ta lk with various people en route indicates th a t the small business m an believes in the codes and thei • fairness. The National Editorial as­ sociation is composed of new spapers from the sm aller towns and the convention unanim ously went on record as praising those who were giving their best co-opera­ tion in w orking out the code problem s in the recovery program . Congratulations M embers of the Business and Profes­ sional W om en's club are to be congratu­ lated on bringing honors to Hillsboro by w inning the state contest in the m em ber­ ship drive which ended the first of May. The prize will be an attractive highw ay sign containing the name of the town, the club national emblem and the m eeting date. This club has been active in com­ m unity affairs since it was organized in 1928, and the Argus extends congratula­ tions on their latest achievement. Right Type Keep Faith In F la n d ers' fields th e poppies blow Betw een th e crosses, row on row. lh a i m ark our place; a n d il l the sky. T he links still bravely sinking fly. Scarce h e a rd am idst th e guns below. County Grand Jury Indicts Three Men O ld Kiii<» Canute y iw u rn — 7 ------ -------- ‘ Ventilation an I'nds Drafts (C o n tin u ed fro m p au * 1' f o r m reage reduction. eompai<*d with $27;» ooooiki m M arch, 1933 Apiil Is (he y e a rs low ixilnt of In- »«»liie. y e t (he bureau eltilliate* April, 1934. income a l Irom $375,- Fnlovinenf »»I your m otor ear In 000 t o $4 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 ,'f t> quan tity at g rain Micks from I , all kinds ol w eather is now pos­ tlie lia s .m i IVi'it A G ra in w are­ sible w ith the new clour-vision . ■■ ' - • ■ .' house. ventilation sy dein w hich Ls built V ein O 'B rien a n d Jo in t Fililens. I into the new Ford V B for ll»;il. We are dead. S hort d a y s ago b oth of P ortland. were sentenced according to II 1. M acK en/le. Io DIESEL fram ing Men and boyn We lived, felt dawn, saw su n set glow. w anted lo learn d u d en g in eer­ »•al Ford dealer ' 1'hc new Ford to one y e ar eaeli in tlie county jail Loved a n d were loved, a n d now we lie ing O pportunities f«>r big pay n ld a tin g .a ste m not only p ro ­ Monday tollowir.,. pleas of guilty In F la n d ers' lields. Jolv.. Ix ltc r Ih.in « vei W ilt«- or vides i he d« su e d am ount ol air in to larceny inform ations. T h e m en i .ill Hem phill Diesel F u g ln e e i - any w eather. b u t also prevent.s were aeeused ol stealing a revolver in 227 F Biiruside Bt , P o rtlan d T ake up o u r q u a rre l w ith th e foe! «halts and perm its H ear vision " front a n autolst who had given To you front failing h a n d s we throw W hen u n id a tio n Ls d» sired the - e " " ; - ' . ' : , I'R llu . r vn.in»..t.mii ,.»-««i (i n •.hem a ride. T he T o rch —be yours to hold it high; window glass 1. ra c e d to the ton II. 'G . .'I I VV I I I., , ip Postponed sentenee was m eted It ye break f a ith w ith us who die. Then the h an d le is given a n a d ­ out T h u rsd ay to Dave A lexander ditional hall turn. Thus slides th e We sh a ll not sleep, th o u g h poppies grow glass back horizontally to lorm a 'o n a ch arg e ot larecny in a dw ell­ In Flanders* fields. narrow slot betw een tlie glas.-, a n d ing. He was allowed Ills liberty. —L ieut. Col. J o h n M eCrae. the train«' T hro u g h this slot all is O rders o te n u lm g deten se m otions «irawn out b> the lorwur«l m otion tor ehange ot venue a n d to strike I i< eliseti Fiiihahiter» and Next W ednesday Am erica will pause i com «4 the cai Individual control is plaint were Issued last week I I \ l It II. DILI ( I OHS provided lor b oth fro n t a n d real to pay tribute to its heroic dead of till its by C ircu it Judge Arlie W alker In . l«le windows." wars. It will praise the sacrifices of those tiio Dairy C o - o p .ra m e association In cold or .stormy w eather the r iim u * 9 5 3 1111 Isboro u it again st th e Blue R ibbon Jersey ventilation slots p n vent logging of who offered their lives for their country. s Milk eom pany a n d several m ilk the w indshield am i window , bv All true Americans should participate and producers. 2 “/ ^ Y ' inaintaiii.ii ; a d ra ll tree cumulation W« .Ir »1 ht U val K a ta la ol a ir in s id e the bodv. llu n m l air renew their pledge of patriotism . By their \\ rh.* J o h n W alnoter of H illsboro l i t ­ E ire nttil A u ln m itliil» 1 nsi» i n m « which otherw ise m ight eonden « • on actions on that day and every day they tere d a plea ol not guilty to a n in ­ f .\ M a ire 1 italia a m i Issu« S tu r i» Um ida in- . the glasses Is d raw n from the should show th at they are holding the d ictm en t charging driving while m - M U A I ' l.l tel lor. ” A M IS M K K x .ra te d W ednesday while H arry W hen th e w eather Ls h u t or I U I 1 i l o k o , o i o <; o n Torch on high and th at they tire not te Mowery ot B eaverton plead not T»l»|>h»>n« l.i »1 u n i H c -.u itl 8 t. hum id the u n restricted IU»u <»i air breaking faith with those who died on guilty to a n in d ictm en t charging provided bj Uu i " : d v e il! H a l i n g Am erica's battlefields. system th ro u g h open u i t k U l l l e l d . sodom y. open cowl ventilat«H am i «»¡ h n w in ­ O rders in the following circuit Let us rem em ber that Am erica is truly dows m akes l o r greatest ruling eases were issued tin s week: the land of the free and the home of the court HARRISON D. HUGGINS, i x- - ■ ' >7 «om In lort mild w eather, th e open cowl W alter Jo h n so n Vs. E lm er W iberg M. D. brave! Our love of country and desire to et al, o rder. Pearl C arlson vs. O sear k* •C'ú/rw. ' *vi ¿2 vcntila.or. with its screen to p re ­ stand by her should not falter. W ith a Carlson, order, decree; J D. N eu­ Eye, Far. Note und Throat vent the « n t r a m e of inset l and [Æ . ' the ventilating slots provide a n great and courageous leader like F ra n k ­ m an vs. C harles B erthold et al. Spet'lallat am ple circulation ol air. ent, decree. 11. A. K u ra tli et ’ *'••• -a-C“ ' ■ - « I > lin D. Roosevelt this country will win its judgm ‘ ' ■ / al vs. O ust R ichardson et al, c o n ­ way through present difficulties a n d firm a tio n sale real property. Dairy G I. ASH EM F IT T E D Says NRA Has Saved ' ' ’I - ' ' I - ' em erge to a brighter future. Those who C o-operative association vs Blue S m a ll O il P ro d u c e r» V Y KilHltNtf .v«*». * R.mm 1 lie in F landers’ fields would have us keep Klbbon Jersey Milk com pany et al. WASHINO'rON < .• h.«v ( .»mmrrt ial NaOuttal lla n k Ann«« m otion for change ol ly th a n any o th er focxl. tlie di< tarv lug saved sm all oil tq a r a to r s is l a ? ’? with them by support of A m erica's overruling given the p re sid e n ts recovery p r o ­ venue, overruling m otion io strike essentials so o tten lacking in low I'h o itM llix irs pr .;m. com plaint, overruling d e fen d an t d e ­ calori«' redui tng diets Fresh milk gram in a letter m tlv e tl al NBA Rralilrtic«. 2U7f W Jl<> a in to 12 m. m u rrer; Donna M . M ullen vs. O. A. .supplier vitam in A. B. I) and <» h ead q u a rte rs ir»»in 1). J. Bw etiuv O ffl.'r2 V ?l I S'» p. in to b p m lime and phosphorus, a n d has an ol Bulla»«». N Y . p im s ld e n t o l th e Cobb, denying m otion; R. P. L an - New Yolk S ta te Oil lT«>dUtei . a s dau er vs. Ja m es Dixon, overruling Two Jersey cows owned by David excellent protein for building, r e ­ stHiatlon. Declaring th a t Tully UO d em u rrer; F F. B urlingham vs. H agg >x Sons of Reedville ranked pairing body ttssues. cent «»i the producers com pris­ A quart of fresh b ottled m ilk or per H enderson Stock eom pany, ju d g ­ h igh in the production of m ilk and ing this group a re sm all business m ent. decree: S ta le In d u stria l A c­ b u tte rfa t d uring th e m o n th of April, butterm ilk every dav sim u li be in m en operating w hat are know n as ONION SKIN FIN ISH cident com m ission vs. C. J. Biel- according to a re p o rt released by eluded H us m a\ lx« ta k in as a strip p er well». Mr. Hweeney sta te s. m an. default. Judgm ent; E r w i n th e Y am hill-W ashington H erd I m ­ beverage or cooked in food In o r ­ A year ago our n id u s tr v w a. on der to "balanct your reducing diet the brink ol rum ITHav, th an k s Lippert et ux vs. L J. D oherty et ent association report A ver­ be sure to use daily. Last Saturday was a proud day for the al. overruling d em u rrer; Jo lu i P erry provem to P i c s i d c u t It«»«» .« veil am t th e last age production of the 35 h erd s te s t­ A N I» One q u a rt of fresh m ilk; two co-operative dairym en who help to supply A. L arsen et al vs. F ra n k Uleid e t ed for tlie m o n th was 713 1 ixnm ds fru its ione citrus or t -muto»; th ree coligle.xx. through the good o llk e s a lo n e »»I th e N u tm n a l Ke«»*v«ry uct T y p e w r i t e r R ib b o n » Portland with milk. They were hosts at a al. decree; and C lifford Corless vs. of nulk a n d 33 36 pounds of fat green vcge.ables. especially the green and the ieurless a d m in istratio n of M arch average was 874.6 txrunds and yellow variety; use a t least Secretary luncheon to new spaper men of the Oregon E sther Corless. c e ta u lt, Judgm ent. T of h e nulk h ae... tm ■ leading in d u s ­ and 31.92 pounds of fat. tuie raw v« < able dally; one egg try of Am erica is show ing a w«»n- P robate orders were issued in the country, and others. The luncheon room e states of Jam es D. R obbins. Erie H igh producing herd In tlie d a s - Gf posiblt* each day». u ir iu l n n p ro v c u u n t. T he busitu -• was the big butter-m aking division in the Johnson. John C. Briekley, H enry for 20 head or m ore was ow ned by In addition to th e foods listed of tlie sm all business nu n of o u r new milk, b utter and cheese plant built S. Lund. K a th erin e O chs, M innie Mrs T hom as W illiam s of F o r e s t above every person s h o u li get Held has gone Irom le d to black A hlstrom . C asper K e h rh , Em ery Grove. H er h e rd of 21 registered plenty of sunshine during the ruhi - ink. Ami lor ail «»I th a t we a re in Portland by the dairym en. Alphetis Stew art a n d Ja c o b K leger. Jerseys averaged 850 pounds of milk rtier m onths and take t»otne source uuly grateful to Si’i irt.u v 1» k< to the congress, a n d t o P resident W hile speeches were m ade, the build­ G u a rd ian sh ip orders were issued a n d 47.97 pounds of fat H erd ot f vitam in 1> It Is now nossible to itoose w it. vitam in D milk, w hich b a ing throbbed with an industry th at could for Idell Luella K incaid a n d F ra n k 13 Jerseys owned b\ Mrs Ida Bond get verv desirable wav of getting this of Yam hill county p lac id h ig h in im p o rtan t vitam in Into th e diet If Ag B ureau Cite» Fact» not pause, because of public need for its F. M eacham . O rd ers in the following circuit th e class for h erd s of 12 to 20 head vitam in I) milk Ls not available, on In c o m e * f o r F a r m » products. The place was so im m aculately court cases were issued last week: w ith an average of 842 pounds of he next best source ls cod liver W ASHINGTON T h e B ureau of clean that the very cleanliness contributed Jen n ie W. M organ vs. G eorge A n ulk a n d 43 62 pounds of fa t In oil. A gricultural Economic.« eTTnat»’* M organ release real property from th e small herd division, th e group ••Slenderize, then, w ith f r e s h total cash farm income lor the appetite for the milk and cheese. tlie beauty m ethod of weight first q u a rte r of 1934 a? $1 312.000,- release re al pro p erty from a t ­ of seven Jerseys owned by E.tn . milk Eighteen hundred dairym en own the lien, torney's hen, J. D. N eum an vs. Dietz of Y am hill county was high control because fresh milk p ro ­ (HX). of which |97(kH).000 cam e from building. W hen the m arket does not con­ C harles B erthold et al. d e fau lt, w ith an average of 1071 pounds of vides better th a n any o th e r food the benefit paym ents, xs com pared with vitam ins m inerals a n d proteins $873,000.000 for the first q u a rte r of sume all the milk they bring to town, the judgm ent, decree; E ia th in e M. m ilk a n d 54.85 pounds of fat. th a t prom te n a tu ra l beauty and 1933 T he .March, 1934. c a s h in c o m e C hristen sen vs. A lbert C hristensen, H ighest producing cows were lacteal fluid is turned into products th a t y o uthful bovi ics. of farm ers Included $408 oOO.OOO from D elbert V. L earned vs. R a n ­ "Judy-Second." a 6 -year old Jersey A booklet on ' Safe We :ht C o n ­ a!«* of farm prtxlucts and $9.000.- may be m arketed at g re a te r leisure w ith­ order; dolph Bowlbv. ap p o in tm en t g u a rd ­ ow ned by H agg & Sons of Reedville. tro l’ will be sent upon request io ooo from ren tal am i Ixmefit pay- out th re a t to quality. Even a milk pow der ian ad litem ; O E M cCorm ick vs. average 1440 pounds of n ulk a n d Ada K M a y n e . C ltU ens Bank b u d d ­ m e n u by the F arm A dm inistration , F red B arnum , default, ju d g m e n t; 84 9 pounds of fat. a n d "P retty .' ing. P ortland. division is soon to be added. a n d W alter Jo h n so n vs. E liner W i­ 7-year old Jersey owned by Allen These 1800 dairym en produce milk berg et al order. T uppt’r ot C arlton, average 1632 from 30,000 cows. They have an invest­ P ro b ate ord ers were issued in th e pounds of m ilk a n d 816 pounds ol Fire», A ccident», nnd m ent in dairy farm and equipm ent th a t estates of G ust Peterson. R aleigh S. fa t. "Sally 12." Jersey owned by Hagg Rooinson, C. M Good, W illiam Sicknes» averages $1200 for each cow, or $15.200 rem er, E lizabeth M aurer. P h ilip A: Sons, was high In tlie 4 -year old for each average dairy of 16 cows. Since B Lorenz Scsaefer and Axel J o h n ­ class with a n average ol 1059 Ail com e w ith o u t w arn- they organized, the dairym en have not son. An order was also issued in pounds of n ulk a n d 67.7 pounds of F or f>5 to 80-ucrc B only been able to fight th e ir own battles tire g u ard ia n sh ip of Idell Luella fat. "P et," Jersey owned by C. E incaid, while a n o th e r was t-sued R obertson Ac S on of Forest Orove. and build th eir own plant, but they have K G ra d e d airy farm . in th e case of Delia Poter, a d m in is­ was high In th e 3-year old cla-x> a net income 15 per cent g reater. In other tra trix , vs J. B. W alter w ith a n average of 1281 pounds of m ilk and 78 1 pounds of fat "M er­ from all these r i s k s words, their earnings have m ounted from List y o u r p ro p e rty ry." Jersey ow ned by Mrs. T hom as costs only a few cents $2,484,000 to $3,000,000 a year, and it is now. W illiam s of F orest Grove, placed HO gets th e dollar th a t L- all money th a t goes directly into circula­ a day. h igh in th e tw o-year-old c la s s w ith sp e n t for p rln ttn AnalyMs tion to keep a host of o ther enterprises a n average of 993 pounds of m ilk Insure witli oi disposi Ion of tin lollur Hi n t of a n d 68.5 pounds of fat. going. There is yet a question as to actual for p rin tin g »hows th a t more (C o n tin u ed fro m p ag e 1> Twelve cows were d etected as TU A L A TIN VALLEY • profit at present price levels. th a n 70 per cent of it L, paid on th e craves of v ete ran s p rio r to boarders du rin g th e in o n .h and lo r la :or. ind remit its nt home INSURANCE AGENCY But if they h ad n ’t organized, if they W ednesday. were sold lo r beef. A to ta l of 297 to benefit tlie butch r, tiie bak- h a d n ’t co-operated, the dairym en would H illsboro post. A m erican Legion cows in th e association produced ............... . ever) line er, tiie d ’....... o tili - r over 40 pounds ot fat. be bemoaning bankruptcy instead of cele­ th ro u g h a form al request s. v ral of re ta il trade. years ago by th e G ra n d A tiny of b rating progress.— Oregon Journal. F ill Main Street Phone Mil Hillsboro, Oregon SI 1X1(1 ItIZ.E s t H I . Y WITH th e Republic, G eneral R andom p t. Tlie d ollar nxpt’nded w k h th e I 111 II MILK has charge of th e M em orial Day ter n local ,;r. ler observance. Legion com m ittees a re he do.- T he redo ing d iet is alw ays a su b ­ l m m ii ity t h i n W. V erne M cK inney J . ject of in ter, nt am ong Women be- lur .'.pun for n w re n a n d t e. E3K IZ'£JXK XaaW Ei«nH EXI.> 'W l.-. . ¿kUU'.J a n d Nye Bristol, exercises a t th e ­ luuse one ol th e a ttrib u te s of a tre ; Dr. R. J. Nicol, pas. com ­ c h arm is a slender, youthful bodily T he local r icrc h an t who buy » It is related th a t in a neighboring town m ander. prog ram a t cem etery, a n d c uitour. T h u is not only decree,I p rin tin g out de of hL. own coin- by ¡ashion. b u t because good h e u lih the president of the high school student Lt. K ro e je r, parade. u tuiittv I, ro. j ni . his own cash dem ands it. r . ! ; A good m any retail body appeared recently a t a cham ber of S ta rv a tio n d iets and o th er h a r m ­ in ercl’.nn.i, n tel education aioiik commerce m eeting to urge the business ful m ethods in th e field of w eight th is iin. Th » only source from control are taboo a s h e alth is too men there to advertise in a year book be­ w inch they v. ill get th is educa- often im paired w hen th: xe p ra c ­ ing published, only to learn th a t the ;. • 1 tl I- . r a l new spaper. tices are followed T he sale way to cham ber m em bers resented the fac t th a t Thirty Years Ago reduce or gain w eight ls tlie "bal­ Il h a s tak n years for people Argus. M ay 19. 1904 — U. of O. anced diet" m ethod w ith p ro ix r no local business places were being p at­ to come to omc u n d e rsta n ling • You have at your toinm and a complete envelope service— exercise o r re st depending on th e k tea m d efeats Pacific 68 to of tlie fa c t th a t the tourist dol­ ronized in the way of photography, print­ trac requirem ents of tlie individual 49. one th a t is not »urpussed in th e W rit. T his mean» that you lar. for instance, is of d u e t . ' T he reducing d ie t like tlie no rm al ing, binding or engraving work and th ere­ G eneral Jo u b crt, a fam ous com ­ have a choice of styles, size«, weight* and grade» which uie ber lit to tlie e n tire com m unity. diet m ust c o n ta in all the food e le ­ m an d er in the B 'jer war. lectures fore the group had decided not to give here available on short notice. m en ts needed bv tlie body. A q u a rt a t opera house. T iie dollar sp en t for prin tin g one thin dime of advertising. There you S ix tie th anniversary of founding of fresh m ilk, fru its and vegetables ls th e m ost loyal dollar in your have a practical application of the much- of W est U nion B ap tist ch u rch will a n d eggs- -the "protective loixls The Special Postage Saver com m unity Don t let your local should form th e founda i n of tlie ' be observed M ay 22. talk ed “ buy at home” policy. m e rc h a n ts lorget th a t fact. — reducing d iet because these foods T he Mail-Well 1’o.tage Saver F ra n k P eters a n d siste r Miss provide essential vitam ins, m inerals W isconsin P r Fortunately N ew berg business places Lottie nam ed a ssista n ts on Pacific and p ro tein s necessary to m ain tain E nvelo|« is of sjierial design are not vexed by any such aggravated sit­ university publication. good h e alth . . ---- which gives first < lass mail ap­ C ounty fin an cial condition e x ­ F re sh milk, because of its a b u n ­ uation as the one above related. As a gen­ pearance and is mailable a t I lie cellent, being $4000 ah ead of deb'. d a n t food value, h a s been co n sid ­ eral rule our educational institutions and third d.iM rate with the flap co u rt house building opposite ered by m any as la tte n in g Ac­ various organizations exhibit comm end­ . T u Old a la tin hotel older th a n W e s t tually, it is a low calorie food, b e ­ ■ruled. Another special feature of its w ealth of vitam in, and able loyalty to home town m erchants and Union ch u rch by one yeai I t was cause is the "window'* which is available in Mail-Well Post igs m inerals it furnishes more clfective- built u n d e r co n tra ct by Jam es Im - craftsm en, but there is still some mission­ brie in 1852. W illiam K an e of F o r­ Saver Envelopes. (The addressing charge ot «5 (X) |ier M ia ary work to be done in this line. est G rove a n d H enry W enrung did saved due to the fill-in being used ns the address.) the c a rp e n te r '*urk AU tiie iuin- As one case in point local new spapers ; ! ber w as h a n d worked. Full G um m ed Window Envelope« are frequently called upon to provide free I G ra n d m a M ary R am say Wood, publicity for profit-m aking entertainm ent 'o ld e st in h a b ita n t of U nited States, Window Envelopes save tim e in mailing, ! i,> the elimina­ celebrate 117th b irth d a y May and are glad to co-operate in this, but will tion cd the addressing ojaration. Mail Well Window Enve. 20. S he crossed plains In 1853 a t G A S O L I N 7. 3 th ere is a feeling of being imposed upon age of 66, m ost of th e way o n horseback. .« i - G ilm ore R ichfield - G en eral - SI when handbills, tickets and program for «TV»« Fifteen Years Ago such affairs are turned out in the form H i-l’res: ure Gn a Argus. May 15. 1909 -Dr. d i a r i e s of cheap, hand-fashioned m akeshifts as H. R affety, who cam e to county Aut< lotive R ep airs F re e C ran k case S e r v i c e an expedient to save spending a few dimes in 1852. died in P o rtla n d M ay 10. Too Tate to Classify S" J Donelson & Sewell County Herds Rank High in Milk I ests Their Splendid Progress CARBON PAPER I lillsbtvro Argus OSE ft ft ANT*A W h o G ets the Dollar? Decoration Day Observance Here H A V E CASH BUYERS ing. PR O T E C T IO N w \V. G . I D E Patronize Ye One Another C’ tL ÍS T K In Other Days G overnor M artin of W ashington, in his recent visit to Oregon, was very logical in W alter F. V andervelden and L u ­ his statem ent “th a t if there ever was a for printing. H V andchey of Roy m arried tim e when governors are needed th a t are E nlarging on this them e of ethics in ella May 6. Jo h n F. C a rsten s and Mr.,. in tune with the president it is the pres­ patronizing one a n o t h e r , considerable E lizabeth H eltzel of B anks m arried e n t.” Throw ing of partisan m o n k e y m ight be said about business men who go M ay 11. R asm ussen or n e a r th e M in­ w renches into the wheels are a handicap out of town for their printing and those te r H ans bridge re tu rn s from service in in the road to recovery. Co-operation is who never fail to rise to the seductive lure , F rance. so easy, but it seems awfully h ard for of transient advertising solicitors offering B orn, to M r a n d Mrs. E arl Hobbs, u g h te r, May 7. some to grasp the idea. space on everything from maps to m atch ; a d H a einrich O tto of L aurel died boxes. You seldom see the advertisem ent j M ay 8. of this type of m erchant in the local p a­ I A rnold Berger, who w as with 91st Ln F rance, arrived hom e F rl- per. Good Work Every small town business man feels ! day. T igard high school ia atrong in ita com­ th a t his custom ers need much education in F orest H ills L ad ies’ Team m ercial dep artm en t and has won many the way of home loyalty, and the home D e fe a ts Y am hill G olf Club honora. The school again took the state town new spaperm an has problem s of his F o rest H ills ladles' golf team d e ­ ty p in g contest at Oregon State college, own in this line.— N ew berg Scribe. feated th e Y am hill club team 164 having won last year. Such w ork is de­ to 1 3 4 last week on t h e local course. M em bers of th e F o rest Hills serving of much credit. Included: M esdam es Mills, Taxpayers, through th eir ownership C team ate, A nderson, M organ, Arms, of property and their paym ent of govern­ O oodm an. Miller, W atrous, J o h n ­ a n d Enschede. T h e Y am hill M em bers of the F arm ers’ Union from m ental costs, may well be regarded as son team was composed of M esdam es all p a rts of the state have been m eeting stockholders in their governm ents. As Ross, C om pton, M allone, S e lle rs , here this week and the people of this such, they are entitled to financial s ta te ­ M ardls, H offm an, L inder. Alexander, com m unity are happy to have had them ments, either m ailed to them or published M arsh a n d Macy. as th e ir guests. We hope th eir stay has in th eir local papers, ju st as the financial New Inspectors Named been p lea sa n t and th a t they will w ant to statem ents of big corporations are.— W is­ A new flock of inspectors has re tu rn h ere fo r th eir convention in the consin Press. Just been released T hese, n u m b er­ not too d ista n t future. ing ten o r 12, will cheek up w hole­ Buyers of advertising have learned salers, brewers, re ta ile rs and oth ers who sell o r h an d le liquor and who Life is worth living, if only for its th a t there is no substitute for the circula­ a re supported to pay th e s ta te a tion th a t new spapers give. license o r fee fo r t h a t privilege. taking of chances. n e r v h í : MilbhuryjlisArij us 1^-1 Cosleti Super § er-fice Station F iresto n e T ires, Tubes an d A ccessories DRIV E IN — SPA RK P -UGS TESTED FR EE Coslett S uper Service Station M ade-to-Order Envelopes f'O S I.E T T ’S T llU t K SI R« I L F irst and B aseline S treets CO SLETT’S B A R -B -0 Phone 12C3 LOWER FEED PRICES W e Sell for Cash ( nly! W e Buy in Car L o ' r ! We m anufacture Im perial Bran ' Feeds in our own m odern plant. W e sell our Feed direct to th«1 consumer— You save the dealer profit. T rade w ith Im perial — P ay Cash and S ave! IMPERIAL FEED QC GRAIN CO. Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feed« lopes oiler still further advantages they nave inserting lime due to the firmly cemented glassine window save sealing time due to the heavy gumming of the flap which insures that the flap on every cnvelo|>e "slicks." Honth Kerond Rt. Tlie made to-order envelope is now used for the mailing of IxMiklrta, catalogs, folders, etc., almost exclusively. Hie oppor­ tunity of using pa,>cr stix k of sny color, grade, or weigiit, snd the assurance of a snug fit are available at prices conqjarable to stork enselopes. Stamped Envelope Service If you are partial to the use of stamped envelopes, see esn supply Mail-Well envelopes stamped whirl, give all the con­ veniences of government stamped envelopes, but none of their limitations. Your investment in postage will lie seduced two- thirds by our monthly delivery of stamped envelopes. W i are prepared lo serve you and will apprei tale the opportunely "M ail tTell Envelopes R m huivoty'