THE Page Two Mns. L. L Murray and children Laura and Virginia, Miss Alice Me- Innis. Miss Helen Hoinni, M D s | Mane Fuchs Barkey J,Hies. A rthur Dahl. Don and Laurel Haynes, Hu- lord Deiord. and Hodson and Ira G McCormick. M iss Francis Lambrix and Dor- nan Blazer were guests a t the A. 1- Fuchs home a: Newberg May 15 Miss Arlista Jones u as a dinner there Thursday BETHANY-CEDAlt MILL—Be til- guest Wayne Jones and Thomas Twigg ncli'xil guv c a program Moii- Bethany Ends School Term W ith Program l « “ e g Ç Ä » a r « s w t .•’•R i e K5.a S t S Ä S ? M K H IL L S B O R O left for -an extended visit with his fath er in Michigan. Mr .«lid Mrs George Meacham of M ountaindale were Sunday guests ot Mrs Meacham s mother, Mrs O. C Curry of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Ibach Jr. en- tertained at a family dinner on M others Dai in honor of Mrs John ibach Sr Guests included Mr. and Mrs Hillier lb.icli and tarn- ily of Tualatin. Mr ami Mrs Si«i- nev Franklin of Helvetia Mrs. \V tViwles and sons Robert and Mt u u r i the J. d u et by Sylvia T int and Mary Car- tlu ro^a ddl. and readings by « » » • *' Rev. H. Dickman gav, to tile graduating cl, arc Woodrow Joss. F red -------- ------ ,«....««. «« .u .-,.., .. ... . . M abel Shaw. After the program, re- it at the J P Jones home She „ .‘¿.A '; , ,«„, x „dv ChrU- freahm enu w ire sold to help pay »as an honor guest a t the N. O. D ln n tr guist* a t t i l t A m .y C l. - t e l l e r home Sunday were Mr. and for the piano recently installed W. at Newberg Monday evening. M rs Egarmoar and l a m u y o f Mrs Wayne Jones and sons its Mrs. Charles Lehm an of Portland. B urlington ' Charles Boy ■ Leedv Grange monthly meeting They water night Mr. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. and J. A. and w4thh Mr. and M r s /c . Weiss Of «hudren Gordon Lois York of Reed- Portland. ville visited a: the D. M. M cInnis Mr. and Mrs Charles Boy and j home Sunday . M r and Mrs. O lenn C arr attended Mr and Mrs ho; H arrington of a birthday party m honor of Al- Middleton and Mr. Mrs. Dale bert Saindon of Huber Saturday Nicols of Sheridan, B yers, Ru- night. 1 fus Ornduff and F ran k Shook were Mr. and Mrs William Crawford guests a t tile Ge«.. ■ Zeigler home and son of Portland visited Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. John Zitzm au an d Mrs. A . ------------------------- Crawford Sunday. x-,. T he Presbyterian church of B eth- C l ie tT V r r U l t r l V fuiy gave the baccalaureate set vice / / a t the Beaverton high school S un- F v rv l-iin n rl day night. The music was furn-sircd V -v lliliO t ALHclUlLkl M e ^ S ^t ¿ rre - have been found w un Jesse sc o n ro s ie r a* a m i m elnergence cages near Corvallis, tor. Rev. Dickman gave the ser­ Rickreall and Amity, according to mon. S. C. Jones, assistant entomologist at the Oregon experim ent station. Observations in W ashington countv indicate . .. th ■ at the flies have . not - yet Bend School Picnic Draws Large Crowd agent BEND—Bend school closed with “°-nie appearance of th e flies here a community picnic a t th e Eisner is onjin a n jy a few days later th a n pork on the T ualatin river Sunday. at Up vajje,. points w ith a large attendance. Miss F ran - these fijyg emerge, ail cherries, as well as school vear M isT p c e T with h er brUSh 410118 As soon as varieties of interplanted ience r0WS' r:u — e^S u n d ^v ^w er’ ^ M ^ a n i’ Mrs' ¥5. Richard Bunn of Lafayette. Mr and Mrs. Stanley W atson and soil Don­ ald of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jackson spent Sunday with their son. Otis Jackson, and family near Banks. Attendance at the graduation exercises May 16 was large. Six schools w e r e represented. Eight were graduated from North Plains. Many people are picking straw ­ berries around here. Rust, Hessian Fly Cause Wheat Loss (Continued from page 1) age. W heat will normally overcome considerable Hessian fly injury, but when the crop is afflicted with as much rust as is present this year It just does not come out Even some of the earlier seeded fields of spring wheat also show rust. A winter, such as the past one, is favorable to th e development of will leave next week for th eir form - ^ow ere are^aJiH ontd to avoid h el^v Iowlng such a nu,d' ’ 7 “■ M of g ra y in g 111 th at ^ n e c e ^ r v ’ S we have more ru st th an ° SUa1' . :o set a light sprinkling of poison Some farm ers are inquiring as to ? ° r u a ‘'^ '¿ S i ^ jast Sunday at th e , on tlie leaves of the cherry w hat effect the am ount of Hessian hoi ] \ , oi S parents- Wr and other nearbv trees. From one fly now present will have on the Mr and Mrs O J Tollefson and Eln t one Per tree should crOp next year. There is not any so“ D ^ d “ wen?' ¿> T r e b l e U bo u sed ^ n - T s n i a v ' rea“ n tO WC *'lU visit relatives Saturday. u T d a r e n a « ^ o^ediaif Dint nl0re Hesslan ln next yea,r,° Onion weeding started last F ri- la^ a J t w o J I its w ^ L ? 10 eaL w heat Piantin« th a n we nor? la ' day in the Fritz Eisner onion field. £ 2 ? ' 1 ° q j a n s . io gal hftve ln s p re o[ the heavy m festa- Mr. Weaver and daughter, Mrs _______________ tjOn now. The Hessian flies th at L. Gholson, and daughters Frances . . . « are in the base of the wheat stem- and P atty spent Saturday a t Ja n t- 3 J o U n t i l i n i l n l C (jltr a t tliis time, most of them ln what zeV ,L Be^ c , T n iu » ™ , is called the flax seed stage, will H ° " - e d at Party — ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , H7iv u Corninunity Newspaper? XVUSS V-I Iuremey or > 1 .11 - Keedville H onored t J A N N O U N C IN G I Ve A GUARANTEE BOIL BEEF R epair job. OF THE “ USE VALUE” OF ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION IH THE MODERN HOME G o ld cookery, menu p lan n in g , better and m ore varied foods at less expense, can aald much to your hom e — raise your h o u sekeeping stan d ard s. Douglass lad lo Service Tfrldge Bros. Phone 21X Vi h e th e r you o w n FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliverie» Daily ----- .„ ■ ¿ s r r r s Re». Phone 321Z ¡Ji Durkce* Pint W ’S T E R SH IR E S A U C E 1 lu r kte B o ttle BORAX POW DER ?)« 2-lb. pkg. - FLOOR W A X * g-lb. pkg. the vital part it plays in the m o d ern hom e. » T h e m odern electric refrig eratio n can do fo r you — how you can enjoy its conveniences for less than right refrig erato r — how it w ill sim plify many h o usehold p ro b le m s . • R e m e m b e r th e tim e. R em em ber the place. T ell your friends. A nd be */2-Ib. can PO STU M INSTANT. Large tin FR IL L E T T E S P o rter's. 1 1 1 an electric re frig erato r o r not, d o n 't miss this free op p o rtu n ity to g ath er 1 1-lb. p k g ........................ LUX BAR SOAP. 3 for 19c ............. LUX FLAKES. 2 large pkg»...................... 35c MILK F ed eral or Mt. V ernon. 3 tall cans TO M A TO JU IC E III). 3 fo r P O T A T O C H IP S I Hi . :/.«■. 2 for ...................................... SUG AR Pur«' cane, i o lbs. K * .« jr » O jrLV >r.»f 3 O Z x X a Q Q O G Q O n fiF K n * F l o r « C E * 5 s Q » X V LESTER IRELA N D 8i CO. 19c 15c 48c E » ■ '» « S 3 ö t a ir a x a -» a a x » x.» j WALT’S MARKET In re a r of I’iggly W iggly Store Special» for Saturday Ri O R G E a rsi ROLLATOR THE THE R E F R IG E R A T IO N A D M IS S IO N FREE place LESTER IRELAND & CO. TIME Monday,May2 8 ,10A.M. P O T R O A ST Cut». A11 sh Pound " ' r 12c STÍ * AKS P Pound ORK’ VEAL’ R,B 15c DILL PICKLES 19c FREE DELIVERY 2Í 17c Sure to be th ere yourself. PO T R O A ST Pound ................. HA M BU RG ER Pound .... ...................... Call us w ith confidence « xl H « ? ai (HI B ak er’s. Pound ..... ................................ PURE LARD Pound ...... ............................... LARD C O M P O U N D 3 a, Durkee’s. Pint B ak er's Prem ium . M EATS Pound .... Each Sil COCOA LEGS, lb..................................10c SHOULDER, lb. ............. 8c STEW, lb............................. 5c BACON SQ U A R ES Each .Johnson's, p aste. Each you to a b e tte r u n d e r s ta n d in g o f ju s t w h at 15c 9c 7c 9c 9c 8c 14c May 25, 26, 28 iC O C O N U T N o rg e H om e Econom ics D ep artm en t w ill assist in W riting on every Radio as M UTTON ... ..................... SA TU R D A Y and M O NDAY : : M A Y O N N A ISE w o rth w h ile inform ation about re frig eratio n and BACK BA CO N P ound for F R ID A Y . S A N D W IC H S P R E A D i5di AH m eats Inspected by I)r. Nicol a n d Dr. AJmquist. CURED FEATURES F re n c h ’s. 6-oz. j a r . j ïl it costs to d o w ithout it — how to ch o o se th e HOME ■ X»« « « « « s * « . y / x , » wwww-KTrmnrmfMTorM or BROWN BREAD. Each R eady to advise you in purchasing. R eady to give real values. » -J fo r 1473 Forty-eight motnr vehicle <>|X'ra- tors li.ul H u ll ilrlvi : Il« > ILS' ta k e n , away from them by the state d e­ partm ent last m outh Thirty-five lin'ii.•.«•» w« ri' revoked for drunken driving alone 1'urtland continue» to l.ig behind the rest of the state In beurtug down on tlie drunken driver. Only eight of Hie 35 revoka- I ions resulted from < onvictions ln Portland courts B & M BEANS finest MEATS a t the least cost. i W O 1933 re c o rd T ra f f ic In ju rie s f o r t h e sa m e |x'rl«xl Ju m jx 'd fro m 1032 to M USTARD Q uart tin. fg CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN — Mrs. L. L. M urray and Miss Alice Mc­ Innis entertained with a dancing party Saturday night. Invited euc-ts were Mr and M r.. Marvin O m dulf. Mr. and Mrs. O. Ornduff, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hanson Misses W an a Finigan, Doris and Opal Brunson. Messrs. Clarence Woods, Donald and Lauren Haynes, Barkey Jon« A rthur Dahl. Ray Shook. Lou F in i­ gan. and Mrs. Oscar Hagg. Mrs. Oscar Hagg and daughter Id a Lou of Reedville spent several davs last week a t the home of her father. L. T. Finigan. M arjorie Petroff received h e r certificate for perfect attendance for tlie entire term a t Buck Heaven school Monday. Patrons and friends of the district enjoyed a picnic and program here th a t day. The Ira O. McCormick home was the scene of an inform al party Monday night. Those present were » • • T raffic fatalities in Oicgon f«>r the first four inontlis of 1934 to­ taled 85. a gain of 14 over th e M AZO LA OIL t Chehalcm People at Dancing Party (ill the relief rull.s of llie Mate w ith­ in the a n a ela.sitlUil aa rural Ap­ proximately one hall of theae peo­ ple a re i<>.sUleut.-. o f tiluintowiut with the oilier half nshlliiK on i .Hu i iii. . i o1.1 H i . pro I lo provide n .I' lance by blip- plyhi« (hem with (i itnrd »upei vision In uoikiiia their land to the best, udvalituge and uitli bitpplciuenlul t mplo\ nient in an etfori to make each family belf-bupporthig. * * . • Figures compiled bv Ute blah* tax lon from it poits bid>- m ltted bv 3«> count tea, will» M ult- iiomali county estim ated, »how th at ;! •' i*< i i . m , i 11,, ivjj i i.,x roil had tb-cn collected In the ru»h prior lo tlie doc date of the fiiht (inarterh payment < >1 a total of Ml 11 • ■ . m chut «1 1 i .iiii i prop« ci ty ownei on tlie cm rent tax roll» $ I« an had b een co llected a t th e lim e th e countv reporbs were M lb m itted will» $37’».IG(*-IH rebated to tli«« tarpaycr.x as p re m iu m for adcance payment of the second, third and fourth installment». 'th e rc|M>ri» from the counties show that there are still |30,2M2,2X1 outstanding in delinquent taxes tor 1932 and prior years which, to ­ gether with the >25,272.140 02 re ­ maining on the current lax roll« makes a grand total of >.'>.» !>:>4,372 - 47 .•«till due from Oregon projierty owner«. The report f r o m W ashington county »hows that 32 p« r cent of the current tax ha- been collected < >1 a total of >903,00107 (barged on the 1933 roll >314,00197 lias been paid with >7.493 90 rcb.itoj to tlie taxpayer» for advance payment«. Delinquent tax«-« in W ashington county for 1932 and prior year» total >001.711 33. according to the tax coinmUaiuii» figures. Capitol News Letter attended the Pythian Sist ■ er. from Hie «lorinltoi les Guard Feani I lolds I at «ilile 11«« earnings .1 .o.' college m 1*30 31 ex «ii'ili'd ixiiid lniei«".| anil n i n e meni., by approximately »I2.IMM1, for League Leadership Hie «ear 1931 -32 Hie e.lining - lacked National G uard teiun m aintained approximately Hie same am ount In Its lead 111 Ila' local diamond ball inerting Ixiiid ¡liierest and tein e league Hits week bv defeating Bah - lia ni and log 1932 33 tile earnings wai lit to -I last Thursday ami the Iloin (Ite dormitories lell short by By Gerald Henry. Lowell, Midi. iSccond l ’rizci Bakeiw I to 2 Tia silay lielan I s linin' Ilian $22,IHM) of the »37.561 3:« knoiked the Pi'ihii old o f 111«' 11«' neri n « lo (Ake cure of the bond High in 11 tower at the Chicago fair was a crystal ball lo r Ills! place bv nosing out the ed dein fog Hi.i( year. Al the unl- which, by lenses and mirrors, somehow caught the panoram a versttv Hie s u n a ilo n w as e v e n "Juicers' 1:1 Io III Tues«lay. beneath and rctlcctcd it upon a tabic. On otic side was a Games played Thursday found woise Al m at In .1 dtiH on rks th at would do only tor the smoulder of a cigarette. I11 and 11 lo 3 and llii* Bakery blanking 122 49 to meet b o n d In lei'est a n d out of exhibition buildings eddied crowds microscopic people, Ireland s 1 lo 0 In the oilier m ake­ • T i l l e i l l e n i . ', totaling $33.032 87 The mysteriously intent on something. up game Tuesilay Sateway won from next vear available earituig.s «trop ped lo »1.1.321 20 with bond Inlei'est the Soda Works 111 lo ft. It was like gazing on the great fair through tin1 eve of Schedule for tonight Is as fol and retirem ents totaling $30 o lí 43 some precise and colorful historian, general ions hence. Through lows lielainl . vs S m la W o rk s m id o l i d tor 1932-33 dorm itoli o pera­ ltaki tv vs Safeway, at Junior high tions show a loss ol »3.1179.36 with sinnhir persiH'dive the modem community newspaper nnrrois llie b o n d obligation rem aining the everyday activities of the people it serves. I and III«' Guards vs. Pe|>co. at union 1 pi .letleally e o n s la n t tit $30 H3o 44 hlgti SCtKXll. Ion nt t i l e d m l u l l o i li .. Through Its own newspaper, the community is kept In­ I according (ó sla le departm ent audi­ formed on and iratern al activities, the progress ot its t o r s . is In violation of Hie law schools, the conduct of its municipal government. w lileli probably means th at the board tram pnue I 1 ci higher education will be eom- In the furtherance of every worthwhile enterprise, the nt an is. le .'.ite cost «>1 $264.176 or ix'lled to Increase their dormitory a i>cr p u p il co st o t $2 33. newspaper welds diverse interests and anus into a cohesive charges next vear in o td i'r lo take • • • whole, united toward a common goal. care of the bonded debt. It cost the state »19.8S4.6l to • • • in tilt nml mall the 442.6'J2 copies By friendly encouragem ent and praise, tile comiiiunity The annual apportionm ent o f 1 of the otttcial voici.< iHimplilet newspaper lciuis stim ulus io achievement. neces.ary to cover tin’ registration county fair funds was made tins wix k bv Seeretary ol Stai«' Studel- . for the primary election As an In the hour of tragedy, scandal and slander not being its ' otf-set to t i l l s expense the slat«' Tli«' fund Is riiLsnl by a levy stock in trade, it lightens the burdea by silence. Every editor collected »6.150 Irom candidates ol one-tw eiitlrth «>( a mill on prop­ knows as many medals are deserved tor what he omits to print whose pictures and statem ents a p ­ erly and each county receives the as by what he publishes. peared in Hie pamphlet mid from ali itlb .il amount raised by lids levy sponsors or argum ents In opimsl- within Hi«' county except M ultno­ Less tangible, but nevertheless very real, are the contribu­ which is lumlixt to a m axi­ tion to tli«' n ii'ire d measures, leav­ mah tions ot the community newspaper in m aintaining a high level ing a net loss ol »13.7(H) Gf the mum ot $16 300. the exi'iss this year to $246 29 going of general character, and fostering the best traditions ot pub­ cost of the pam phlets $13.641 went to Hi«' mnouiiting Northwest I'm key show at lic and private conduct. tor printing, including cost of the Oakland. Douglas county. paper; *8.383 was amut for pott­ • • • Not the least of its many services is the community news­ age. aim $630 for labor ln mailing A federal grant of »62.500 made paper's capacity to act as an economical and fruitful medium Of the 442.692 pam phlets mailed through which m erchants and others with goods and services out approximately 16.000 were re­ available lor Hie financing of a to sell, can present their wares to a broad public. turned bv the iKxstnl departm ent r u ra l relict pi o i am in a - con because of Inability to deliver, most will lx' uscii ui developing guidili The best test of advertising effectiveness, as expressed in ot these addresses having moved Iracts lor tlie benefit ot needy fam ­ since last election or since register­ ilies residing In the sm aller towns term s of reader interest, call never be made. of the s t a t i ' mid for the rehabilita­ ing. • • • tion ot families residing on farms, Go into the home. Discover what portion of the new spa­ pers' ephemeral product is kept and treasured through the That the young men In t h e according to Governor Meier Non«' Civilian C onsdvatton Corps camps o f Hu . money will be available for years. do not spend all their time at play llie rehabilitation of ntxxly families Will you find a lurid account of error and disaster, drawn is indicated by a report Just ts- living in the larger eitles of the sig'd by State Forester I ynn Crotie- state by locullng them on subsistent from a sensational daily newspaper? mllli'r. This report, covering the iraets .us us contem plated under the Never. Between the pages of family Bibles, tucked away work perfornii'd ln the ram ps on bill ot tlie last legisla­ state supervised tim ber land for ture. II was explained. Rural areas In bureau repositories, the yellowed clippings from the com­ tin’ nine-m onth iwrlixl e n d i n g as contem plated under this relief munity newspaper tell of an honorable career of decency and March 31. shows th a t among other program iueluiles all fanning com ­ sacrifice, perhaps recount the death ot a child now remembered i things the CCC boys construct«'«! munities and towns of less than by its m other and God alone. 1 241 miles of telephone line. 221 3000 population. The fund is to be ■ miles of truck trail, six lookout adm inistered by the S tale Relief More and more, advertisers are learning th a t their m es­ ! hous«'s and towers and 26 bridges committee whose records show that sages create the largest buying response in such a publication, 1 In addition to tills work the b o y s there are approximately 7000 eases which Is closest to its readers, identical in purposes, in sym ­ ' found tune to clear the brush away A ■ x » k t W < » X M < < pathy with their amis and hopes, friendly always. V . a . . I from 26 miles of roadside, reduce , the fire hazard On 1630 acres of In short. It Is the people. timber land and to put ln 19 996 I m an-days in fighting fires. Tin1 original eight state an I prlvat«' factory and some o f th e wheat and some green pasture will be camps were later reduced to six and ure now down to four. acreage th a t is not going to pro­ available nil summer. i m 'o i I«1 ., at Hi«' P n n e r s i l v Of duce a crop, might be seeded to Crimson clover m ight be seeded Ori 1 ><«i gon. .'•late college and Monmouth this grass again The greatest dif­ on this land after It is sum mer fal­ Normal siliool operating at a ficulty may be th at in cases where lowed all summer. Crimson clover loss, according are to auditors of the there is rather a considerable green is, of course, strictly a seed crop state departm ent Financed by bond growth there may be a tendency preposition and it would not be Issues on the theory that they for the ground to dry out unlesj advisable to seed any large per­ would be self-liquidating prejeets we have some more rain. If the centage of abandoned w heat acre Hie buildings. It seems, have been moisture can be kept up. the Sudan age to this crop as It m ight result kept open the past two or Hire«' years only through subsidies from grass may be seeded any time from ln too much seed. other funds of the state board of now to the middle of June a t the higher education Whereas, avall- Say you saw it ln th e Argu*. rate of about 20 pounds per acre convention at McMinnville last th a t we got th e heavy infestation Wednesday. th a t is now present. As stated before M ountaindale eighth grade will £n this discussion, growers should REEDVILLE—A kitchen shower hold the graduation exercises with not attribute all their trouble to 'w a s given in honor of M bs G er- N orth Plains class. Hessian fly as rust has caused mest trude Churchley. bride-elect of Ralph Mr. and Mrs R alph Uglow of , Schappert. Tuesday evening by Mrs. G rand Round visited many of their , . farmers W ilfred Zink and Miss Esther former friends in M ountaindale and ¿ as‘ >Jar a «ooa m an>. ‘arlne‘s Schappert at the home of Mr. and Glencoe Sunday. I " °,,n grass for hay and ' M Wilfred Zink in FVrtland. Emil Eglo of Mountaindale has pasture, tm s proved quite satis- T r .tv guests were p r e . , e n t ____________ _______________________________________ Mr. and M: A. A. Kirluvood . — — an d son Robert of Troutdale were j Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Kirkwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Im lay an d ' children went to Rockaway over the week-end. „ T he Interm ediate C hristian E n­ deavor has disbonded, forming J u n ­ ior and Sern-r Endeavors. Alvin Becker is president of th e Junior Endeavor anti Hazel Churchley of the Senior This change was made because of lack ot interest and will be tried out for the summer months. Everyone is cordally invited to at- tend a' tea a t tlie Reedville church Thursday (today) a t 2:30 p m. Mrs. f- Ferd Groner. who has traveled ex­ Ready to supply you with the tensively, will be th e guest speak- » t T h u rsd a y , May 21, 193-1 Contest Sponsored by A.iruin ViuiKoevertng of Zeeland. M idi. niece, Lorraine VanTessell, of T r o u t- MOUNTAIN DALE—A party given This might come now but normally dale, who spent several weeks a t the by Mrs J. L. VanDomelen in honor the big brood of adults will emerge Tollefson home, and will retu rn of Betty Jean VanDomelen's eighth just following our first fall rains, home in a few days. She was one birthday anniversary Mav 12. The These adults then lay their eggs 111 year old. I afternoon was spent in playing t jje volunteer w heat or early seed- Alvin North Jr. of th e CCC camp games. Those present were Calvin ed s£u{{ th a t niav be planted The a t Oakridge spent the week-end Corey. Donald Hergert. Phyllis and d ,, onIy ,lve a ShOrt time w ith his parents. Norris Raffety. W alter Tschonz. ooly u td and die M r and Mr> H. L. Eisner en- Mary Lou Toates, Lewis Schwander. a ‘ er r Ae# i i pn»h<’r rnnditinns tertained with dinner last T hursday Betty McNew. Anita and Joseph regard-ess o f w eath .r co. 01- • evening. Mrs. Spence and daughter, Baker and Nolan and Dale Van- Stuaies of Hessian flics made in this Miss Frances Post, and granddaugh- Domelen and Betty Jean VanDom- county by the entomo.ogy station ter. Miss Wilma Post, all of Fores’, elen. a t Forest Grove indicate th a t seed- Qrove. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitelkofer ing ordinarily after October 18 is Pupils having perfect attendance and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben generally safe from the standpoint during the school year were Beulah Gent, all of K ansas City, were o£ Hessian fly damage. Tins state- Peterson and Donald Meyer. Lvle Sunday visitors a t the Joe Baker nient applies to a normal season. Tower, son of Mrs. H. L. Doane, home, 'D ip u - t vear owin«’ to the mud was the only graduate. Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck. Mrs. Loel ™ e 1 y ta r’ ° 7 n i’ 10 ? n® 7„,„ ------ —-----------------Hollenbeck. Mrs Jake VanDomelen, sin ter, we had Lies e rn e .,, Mrs. Tom Qualls, Mrs. Floyd R ai- as adults late in February a. d Mice OREGON Q u a r t......... PHONE 3131