THE Th tirad ay, May l<>. 1931 HILLSBORO A KG US, Mother’s Day Event Planned by Chehalem Mountain Group Tigard School Wins Award in Typing Contest CIIEHALEM MOUNTAIN A Mother» Duy program and »upper will be featured Hulurduy evening at the Pleiunnt View community with Hu- following preM-nt Mr und club. Fleam* bring cake, cookies or TIGARD Students of Tigard Mrs W. M Evans, Portland; Mr HanxiwichcM, and cup» There will high achiHil showed their prow< ■ . In and Mrs II W MacDonald. Mr I n * tiie uhuul ¡jenny march for ex- tin- typing field l>y again winning and Mm C <’Inl.sU-iteii, Mi and jM-nwH, Progrum will »tart at eight Arnold. Mr. and Mr.«. fiist. place In the I2lh annual Ore-, Mi. ........ .. o'clock. ■on atute high school typing con II M Salmon. Mr and Mm. Fred Mr and Mr». J. P. Jones attended Mason, Mia Elizabeth Vincent al al tret held at Oregon Slate mts I'lgiud ».cored teen yeuis ago section of "In Other ut home now >300 94 to Sandv 2303 01 Tigard Days" column of lust week's Argus, Mr. aikd Mr». Jo© Flnlgan of ■ oil second plm ■- In tin- li-uin ac- uiul II was hurd tor many local Portland w< r<’ Bunday visitors at the resident« to realize tiiat Tigard i Finlgan home. eurucy conte ' with a total of l>3 7«« |H i lent A gold na-dul for In- lias laid a bank for 15 years The Mrs. Clune Wohlschlegel arrived Ctivtliuil uceuraiv honors went to bank stalled In the little wood­ at the home of her »on, W. F. ¡»oils It.lining of lie.nd who i opl- en building which Is still along­ Wohlschlegel, May 1 for an extended |il ut tin- ruti- of 50 words u mln- side ol the pieu nt building. Post­ visit. lite with no i-i I ms Ml > Ralmilg ing was done by lumd In those Arllntu Jones spent the week-end Von second place In the novlci- days offlci-m und directors ol (la- In Newberg with u bL’.UT, Mr». bunk have ri'iiiulncii the same dur­ - -ilivi <1 ■ ion .mil Amo K.i I., ■ ■ M"i." Oral Kiser. VjioiH >1 uL)ie - mention In the umaU-ur ing tin- Iltti i li years with tin- ex­ Mr. and Mrs D. w McInnis and ■ (livLslon i , i ...... The Tig.nd ti am coil I n <1 ception ol G. A Pllelli, who died sons of Reedvllle visited ut the Ebut' last year, and the addition ol A McInnis und McCormick h»m<3 (>f Amo Katlieilni- Mont )’ Ruppreclit, 1X0.1 E Itulmiig and II Vincent a.. tlli't tellellel . retained in the play through unlit .*> of an old Patient visited MLs.s Homm s par­ »ii- Mr M Mullen, mathematics man und a girl from the uairk;> ents at Laurelwcxxl. »nil public | h .iking ; Mr; A < iregg, < -.i ’ of < ii.ti.t- U ra wn sugar W»iclenu-nt Weather Miss Evelyn home Sunday from a Newberg hus- Kalt and p . Pt»»-. ■if.uDonald, daughlrr of Mr und Slie is recovering< tur- 8c rapi­ and cut carrots In 1 half pital. ■tis if W Maclxmald of Tigard lei ng thw ise Boll or steam 20 mln- Uy. ■ I ■ i. 111. ut Mr. and Mrs. W F. Wohlschlegel Drum w.itrr oft Heat buttcr I Attendants to the queen Wei. f-iw- In spider, add carrots aixd brown were hosts at a dinner party at K nee Niuim nkamp pilin'' limn ter. on both sides. When nearly done, their home Sunday, ‘Die guc.sls in- Billie tlp liaw, .pull of play. BZi*. Nalley »on Itonald of Hillsboro, Cal, Mr Sweet and Sour Carrots Giiot .'im und J«'.in <>l < n. princ. and Mrs. B L. Price, Mrs Mrs. C. L. 1 quart carrots sliced St'... Leland Moore. Lelund Gold- Dempsey, Miss Puddy Dempaey, *■» cup chopped celery ■>imm< i I » I lllte and M i\ Misses Rcva and Enola Barlow, M - 1 quart water Robert Cleveland and Lewis Perry, Salt to taste. stalled with tile crowning of the all of Portland, and Mr and Mrs. Boij water und l»’tir in carrots Ed Wohlschlegel of Scholls. SU' '-n followed by th,- pageant. Let boil boll 20 minutes, I'he Spirit of Phu ’ Grade r< h<«>|s und celery. Ixt Wanda Finlgan. Frances Lam- In the district partli l|xit<-d In Inter­ drum und save stock M ski­ sweet bnx and Gloria Hoffman of the preting tile spirit of play by giv­ und sour sauce as follows; Buck Heaven district are graduat­ 2 tubles|xions flour ing different dances Durlinm school ing this week from the H. U. H S. 2 tablespoon» bulU-r DU put o on the butterfly dance. Tigard, Gloria Hoffman is a guest of La- Pinch salt rail ran i<\ li th ... : pint of 1' IV. and Vellr Jackson of North Plains. B< : <1 halloon dance Girl.-, of the 3 tablespoons brown sugar Frances Lumbnx went to Port­ 2 tablespoons vinegar hbi school preM tiled u May-pole land Wednesday for a three days’ 1 cup vegetable stock. da: re A luncheon was served at visit with her sister Lourine. Brown butter and flour slightly. I ut the school the biuclxill Ernest Gunther sold 13 of his Sa.*:i<« between Direst Grove and Add salt and little pepper, then dairy herd to the Fulton Park Dairy sugar and vinegar. Thin out With Tir last week. __ ird ended suddenly when water vegetable water until a thick sauce, ttteiiilly poured down. Mr and Mrs. F. E Hoffman and w ith more or less water if desired. I family and her mother Mrs. E P Mrs Hannah E Scoffin of Fort­ A teaspoon ol caraway seeds may Smith, visited Mrs Victor Smith land ii-Iebraled Iw-r 93rd birthday lx- added. Pour over carrots und at Portland Saturday. Ai'i:l 21 Mrs Scoffin Is the mother reheat. Gloria Hoffman visited Pacific of C I Scoffm of Tigard. University at Forest Grove today. A "Motlier , an4,775, completed, an- nouncid Chalrmun J. A. Thorn­ burgh. County bunk» co-operate. Charles Johnson of Mason Hill Is with imrd Aimy Artillery Corps in Ainerii an army of occupation. Hillsboro Canning company In which 1! W Ray 1» associated with Gillett iV Bon will run again this season. laiwrence Taggart on U. 8. 8 Pittsburgh, writing from South Atlantic waters, says that 61 had dud on his ship of Influenza Argus, April 24, 1919 Four hun­ dred dairymen attended meeting of Dairymen’s league licre Saturday Mr. and Mrs W. H McCormick celebrate golden wedding April 20 at Laurel. William Stevens, for a number of year., in the mercantile business at Farmington, has bought E. T. Tur­ ner store at Laurel. __ _______ _____ Mrs. William Kemper . died at V< rtxKirt April 1« Mrs Caroline Li lliyng, pioneer of this county in Portland April 17 Contractor J. J Weik died April 21. le' al grangers working hard for state meeting here last of May. Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiubel, April 17, a boy To Mr and Mrs Max Behling of Schefflln, April 20. a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Ed I> r.irnin, April 20. a boy. Dr. E. H. Smith appointed major Oregon National Guard County boys landing in New York from France: Guy Heater, Sert E. Sparks, Henry Hergert. Iaimbert L. Stewart, Jesse l _. . Law- ■ i>'- . Arnold Berger, Cari H. Olson, Erne-1 Zuercher, Evan A Runes. Wilbur Pourtow, George W Rob­ ert.. and Marvin E. Replogie. CATSUP Illg fatnlllrx ami little families will make rxtr* Havings this week during our great store-wide »ale! Get a ropy of our big llundbil! and stork up to the limit. It will pay you! SEE OUR BIG HANDBILL! Made from vine ripened Tomatoes. Large 14-oz, Bottle........... 10c Pure Lard Vegetable Shortening. 3 lbs................................... May 10, 11, 12 and 14 14c SUGAR—Powdered. For those fresh strawberries. 3 lbs. BISCUIT MIX—Fishers. Large pkg.................................. 27c CALUMET—Baking Powder. 1-lb. can ................................... JW a U 35c EXTRACTS—Schilling’s Vanilla or Lemon. 2 oz SOAP OATS SUGAR 17c s U N It 1 P E B R A .XI» ....... 91b. bag RICE Fancy broken. 5 lbs 15c SYRUP Red or Blue Karo. 33c BROOMS TUNA FLAKES Flour Safeway Hardwheat 49 lbs ’1.59 Apple Brand 49 lbs $1.49 Pear Brand 49 lbs $1.39 FRIDAY IS FAMILY CIRCLE DAY Kitchen, 4-sew. EACH 33c BABY FOODS GERBER'S. ,w “* —■ Cleanser ONLY .3 DAYS LEFT to win that $5.00 Prize. Submit your favorite name for this store by Saturday night, May 12. You may be the lucky one. SOAP Palmolive. .. -4 /lx* 3 bars ................ JL STARCH ßz» OL Argo Corn. Pkg..................... BRAN FLAKES pl T: ........ Hytex, 1000-sheet 16c 19c Waldorf 4 rolls . SATURDAY ONLY BANANAS 4 lbs........... Eagle Brand -.. 19c ORANGES — Medium ¡rfor ...... 23C POTATOES — New white. 9 lbs. for ........ ¿eJC $1.79 Milled from Montana Elue Stem. Baking Powder CiH-..... 9c 8c Toilet Tissue 3 rolls FLOUR Maple 4A Leaf, 49 lbs.XeA«/ JELL DESSERT Old English. -C 3 pkgs, for .... XdCe DOG FOOD Wa*' /Zz» l-lb. can ............... OU1 MOLASSES 77 Aunt Dinah. <4 21/2-lb. can .... X /C GRAH.LM Crackers Milk and Honey. 2-lb. box ... Hillsboro Meat Co. THE HOUSE OF CHOICE MEATS 19c 8c Your choice of varieties. 19c Beans Lighthouse 3 cans ...... Small White or Reds. 5 lbs. ............................. LA FRANCE, pkg 8c Clearwater brand. No. i/e Tin ... 10c SARDINES Maximum, oval. 2 tins ............. 15C Deviled Meat Libby’s, No. 3 tins tins. 10c PUREX Master Bleacher. Don’t Forget Your Copy. If» FREEI Quart bottle .... 10c 13c GRANULATED SOAP PEAS—San Wan. Fancy sweet. 2s. 3 cans ................... 49c BEANS 19c WESSON OIL— Quarts ................ I You Name It. Prices Effective Fri., Sat., Mon. — May 11, 12, 14 1 Qp JL«/U JELL WELI__ Choice of flavors. 3 pkgs............ MINUTE TAPIOCA, pkg i. UNA I! R A N l> 5 lbs. QQzj ¿31 ? What shall it be? Serve our meats to those starving appetites . . . and watch the happy smiles. Select cuts—and we keep them in prime condition with a modem refrigeration system. Prices Effective Thursday to Monday, inclusive Small White or Great Northern. X Morningdew Guernsey Dairy SCHILLING SPICES "" iaM” Highway W estern F ood S tore GRADE A MILK For quick, tasty biscuits. 25c ' .ki-d, "How much U your fee, doc- I »15 to drive me over when I ml.-wd tor?" my train.”—Ex. "Three dollars," said the physi­ cian. in surprise. "Here you are," said the sales- | Some have the courage of their Truck operators are showing un­ usual interest in the new Ford V-8 man. handing over the money. | convictions, while others merely trucks because of the special atten­ "the blamed garage keeper wanted1 have peace and quiet.—Ex. tion given In their design to the comfort, safety and convenience of drivers, according t o local Ford dealer. "Aside from the unusual riding comfort which results from Ford chassis and spring construction, many other comfort, .afetv and con­ venience features which appeal particularly to the driver are to be found in the new Ford trucks," he said "The cab is thoroughly Insulated and well ventilated The roof Is all-steel The windshield and real window are of safety glass. "Seat cushions are of the new mattress top air-bound type arid the higher seat backs have de-p springs, both of which contribute greatly to riding comfort. These features, together with the Improved appearance both of the chassis and ---- r to bodies, appeal strongly not ■ only Ivers truck owners but to the driv themselves. "Drivers appear also to be par­ tlcularly interest'd in tile power. , .speed and flexibility of operation of the new truck.'. There seems to Under New Management b<- no doubt that the improved Ford V-8 engine, developing in ex­ cess of 80 horsepower, with its many FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 improved features such as dual down-draft carburetion, new truck­ type cylinder heads, bronze connect­ ing r'xi bearings, new crankshaft, full cylinder length water Jacket­ ing and exhaust valve seat Inserts, is making posible new economies in time, fuel, oil and maintenance." New Forti I rucks Attract Interest In Other Oays Cream styl CORN Page Three Reason Enough She "Here ____ ____ are ________________ some statistics ♦------------------------------------------- * ’hat prove women live longer than EMERGENCY CASE men." A live-wire salesman rushed up He—"Well, you know paint is a to the home of a doctor in a small great preservative."—Ex. village about 3 a. m. and asked him to come at once to a distant town Thirty Yrars Ago The doctor cranked his flivver and Tlie advertisements are printed Argus, April 21, 1904 — Oregon for your convenience. They inform they drove furiously to their destin­ Couden. < d Milk company. Fred you and save you time, energy and ation. Schomburg, manager, started can money. Upon their arrival the salesman making Tuesday. Factory now em­ ploys 35 not including milk wagon drivers Payroll runs to from »75 to »100 a day. 1- M Heidel and A. C. Shute circulating paper to raise »200 for Installing steam laundry in Hills­ boro. Washington county sends 120 stu­ dents to Pacific university and l'ualatln academy. Calvin Johnson, working at John­ son brothers mill, has thumb torn oil and both arms broken when arm caught in line .shall. Greenville post office to have rural delivery route. Hillsboro will also have another one going south Scholls and Farmington post of- tici-s to be discontinued. Ward D owils ol Hillsboro pitch­ ing great ball for Bishop Scott academy. April 28. 19O4R Frank Peters member of Pacific university team which won ________ _ debute ______ intercollegiate at Eugene against University of Oregon. In W G Hale. W. G Hare and Frank Peters this city has three forensic champions in collegiate debates, and that they will make their mark 1 n their chosen professions is certain. Union party names following tl< ket Ira E. Ihirdln. senator; Wil­ liam Tucker and J. U Henry, rep­ resentative; G. W Schulmench, Vitamin D Milk, 47, quart recorder; T S Weatherred. clerk. Jolui W. Sewell, sheriff; Thomas Chocolate Malted Milk, quart Talbot, treasurer; A. L. Thomas, school superintendent; Dr. W. P. 4 7 Pasteurized, quart Via. coroner, and William Hanier- man. commissioner. 5 7 Pasteurized, quart Rathbone Ststers, auxiliary Knights of Pythias, hold district convention 4'.' Raw Guernsey Milk, quart here. Fifteen Years »go 5 7 Raw Guernsey Milk, quart Argqs, April 17. 1919—John Heis­ ler Gales Creek pioneer, drops dead Distributed only by Wednesday. Byron Garrett is at home after service with engineers in France. James Mahon, who served with the A E F. artillery, returned home Saturday. Wholesale and Retail W G. Hare county campaign chairman for reconstruction meas­ Phone 2568 ures to be voted on June 3. Washington county quota of Vic- Corn Jersey Brand OREGON TOMATO JUICE— Del Monte, Is. 2 cans MATCHES—Fire Chief. 16 cu. in. 6-box carton ....... PEP—Kellogg’s. 2 pkgs......................................... 35c 15c 23c 19c ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS XJYf Wf WAX PAPER, 40-foot roll 125-foot roll Medlum sUc pkg iree BEANS—Silverton or San- tiam, 2s. Fancy cut. 3 cans MARSHMALLOWS—Fresh from factory. 1-lb. pkg.......... 15c PANCAKE FLOUR— Sperry's. 10 lb. sack ............ 49c CORN FLAKES— 3 pkgs. ....................................... 25c X .,l’.'y !“!. Mt. Vernon. Tall cans 4 for .............................. CRACKERS QCJx* Ó3L Again We Offer for Saturday CHOICE MILK - FED VEAL So fresh you will add a breath of spring to your week-end dinner menus. Tender, snowy-white veal, at prices that make it the most economical meat to serve at this time of year. Let us suggest a cut to suit your needs. Sunshine, Krispy or Grahams. 15c 23c 28c Lard Compound Our Own Boiling Beef Choice Steer FREE DELIVERY Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday íefumít«' /cerf G Glenn Campbell, Manager SHORTENING, White Cloud. 4 lb*...................... 28c PORK LINK SAUSAGE. 2 lb*. ............................... 25c PORK ROAST, lb............................................................ 12c Phone 982 Free Delivery