THE Thurminy, April B, 1934 HILLSBORO ARGUS, HILLSBORO, OREGON Page Seven ■V" Northwmt quarter (N 16 % / and the th^fu« Smith thirty nine d«-grwsi eleven Isuit week, U getting along nicely. h'Mjlheaa) «piartwr 4/ of tin* N» W«ml twenty-eight ar»«l Sunday visitors at U m > home of t qijartor (NW ’ /j*), Ime ton (10/ eighty nine hundredth* (28.89/ chain«, ». Mrs. Lily Hanley were Mr aiul a«-r* m . of Hecti«»*» T *««T»ty-eight (28/, thence North eighty degr«*e az»>l twenty- Mrs Janies Cok, Mr and Mrs. Towi nshlp One 11/ North. Range Four six minute« '¿f/1 W»wt. thirty-two (4) a . U m ' ■ / f and eighty hundredths <32/ «hams tu Carroll Davu and son. Mr and W m ihingtxrti, I Htale of . ’he renter of said bcholls and Hiilxboro Mrs. Jack Will and family, Mr and half (N*/jj of ll»e N«*. hwmt N« ■«r'li j ltoa/1 , thence North f if teen «Jegrees twxm- Mrs. Elbert Cole. Mr. ar»d Mrs Don ('laaaifird (’«»I uiiiiim <’I om * nt E! u'<*lork Noon quar rter (NW*,«/ of Section Eighlem» ty-une minutee (16’ 21'/ East twenty- Cole and Clarence Hanley, all of •/, Township One (I) N«»rth of six and sixty hundredth« '26.60/ chains Portland, and Mr and Mrs. J. D. Rang« FegInning, containing one t In» Oninty of Washington. Scale uf Bridgman of Aloha hundred acre«, and «iecresung that said (/f««g •••rvi'W than 25«) Township Gnt* (1/ North, ul rne«!iaia poe««KNiori of said pr«,perry and ing, held its urand opening Satur­ children were gue-.ts of Mrs Gales' W per i , W«t ad W M , parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Meek, of that the >r'x-eed* of said «ale be applied Kach a«l«Hlk»nal Insertion, day Many friends and customers halm (iounly of Washington, Htau> le in payment of the crata thereof and in congratulated Manager Henry Low­ North Plains Sunday. wurd gun . payment pro tanto of ail items determined I im than 25c > Mrs Frank Kennedy visited sev­ (No ■a-rvlce I Northwest quarter (NW'.i 4 i of tluB arid adjudged to be due plaintiff as here­ ery and his wife on their new trad­ eral days of last week with rela­ |Ur Reatd**' •». per line Mouthquarter (MW1/*/ uf Section in above M-t out , that ' defendants above ing mart. day of I w tives at Vancouver, Wash. Dorothy (No •ervh'« Iwx »han 98c 1 of North. Keith Kruchek. son of C M (7), Township One (1/ named and ea> h i <«f them and ail per- Apr in who are attend . ­ ' M Range Four (4/ Wmt sorts claiming by. through or under them, Kruchek. manager of the Safeway and Ni-ii Kennedy, — Send Money Count Words A I Wa.bin glut», State of ing school there. re _______ the County uf turned ______ home or any of them, , I m * forever barred and store at Aloha, left Saturday morn­ t'uunl Your Profits of I Oregon. right, title, interest, lien f«jr«cltuale*l in the mitted. every portion thereof, that execution “ te of < ounty 1 of WashingUm and ‘ 8. to wtorae said judgment and du- Keith U taking the course in aer­ daughter Lucille of Orenco spent Cash should accompany the order. •ii Sunday with John Sinclair and Oregon, i, and particularly «imcribe«! I ax and for such other and further onautics for being in Serturn 26, Towimhip > 2 Jay Frost and family attended family. relief as to the court may item equit- and North, of Range 6 W Will. Mer i Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry able. an Easter dinner at the Portland particul ¡laxly described U>-wit: Bugia- bervies of this summons is made upon home of Marlon Lepley. Grilling Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. uf W her« ning at a puml 2o chs. 1 y*/u and earh of ysu by publication there­ MU I.KM Barnes and Cliarlotte of Portland. aid •x««uliun, Mr. and Mrs J L. Schmid were N line of said Ser. 26 crow mm » Gal*« of in the Hillsboro Argus, a new*paper Portland, is a ■ r««*, interest, Miss Madeline Duyck of Roy is < reek and 25 chs. W. uf ’ the W. • + of general circulation pubi ixhed in Wa«*h- Sunday guests at the George Lewel- buy Alwaya a iaid sale to la employed at the Ben Cousaens bank of t/a? name set cedar p>m ir.gton Ci us per the si which a fir 19 inciim in dia. i^eara N for a peruxi of f>*ur cr/nsecutive and suc- •■Buster" Edkins. son of Harry home. al . f*«m dellv« 16* 30 (/' E 49 Ik», dist., a hernl«x:k 19 Mr. and Mrs Landis, who re­ rtM«.ive weeks by virtue of an order E Edkins. is seriously Ul with % mil«* past 12 1934. in« he» in dia bmr* W 57 iks. det . marie hy Honorable Gw»rge R. Bagley, pneumonia. ark street cently came to this community from I «¡»int i« t southerly with the rneanderings thence Judge of the above entitled court and N 16. |M 7p California, have moved to the Mid­ I JOO to I LUU I Teachers Re-employed of the i erw-k tu-wit: (Var. 2'2* '2 /) 8. entered in said court and cause on March dleton hop farm. *r Psrfwt J W Mci«r, lini« « m * » I uf Uillsbur 1* 15 * ! 35 chs.. thence 3. 21* 30' 29, 1934. said p**ri«xj of publication being All the teachers of the Aloha - S'f Hred towvr highway Pupils of the LelsyvUle school U 1 •4 chs ; thence 8. 36’ 30' W. lhe peruxl preserilxxl by said order ; the impvrfri t IlLt.i; ri lthli Pert lurmi stallion »« • hs . thence H. 16* 30' W. 3.13 date uf the fmt publication uf this Huber school have been signed up were entertained with an Easter it ti»« under- «ture 36 hireling «hart. t«r Inauro »tan thence S. 12* W. 4 29 chs.; party by their teacher. Mrs. ch summons is th»* 22r.d «lay <»f toarch, 1934, for 1934 and 1935 term. «irninuiraior An Easter service was held at the Caldwell, Friday afternoon. sucking colt, 812 50. 82 50 down, then«-« 8. 4' 30' W. 8.69 chs.. then- Pendleton. 8«p- and Mr. and Mrs Tobv Smith and tion” by Rev Ralph Putnam of the At deceased. P. L. Pattursun, At- 15' W. 10.12 cha.. thence N. 37’ * ” erty situated in Washington County, Ore­ daughter, all of Portland, spent or Administrator. 3-7 Christian church, song by all. an­ thence N. 19* W. 2.38 cha. ; thence gon, to-wit; rent, Sunday at the home of Mrs Alice them by Methodist choir, prayer Her N. 3* 15' W 3 59 cha.. N 2* E. All of Lot 11 uf and in Orenco Adkins. NOTH E OF HALF OF REAL 4 46 chs. . thence N. J51 E. 2.82 cha ; Acres, according to the duly recorded 7tf by Rev L. Elwell of the Foursquare PROPERTY Gilbert Illingsworth left Monday Gospel church, scripture reading thence N. N 29 29* 30' E. 3.33 chs.; N. plat thereof on file and of record in I 26* 45' E. 1.80 chs. , N. &2 cha. set the office of the Recorder of Con­ No. 4774 for Monmouth to visit his sister atf by V. W Gardner, choir and bene­ cedar p»sit fur N. E. corner from veyances, Washington County, Oregon ; I Mrs George Fish of Portland l>tate of A. Neppach. CH 1*8. which a white fir 14 inchea in dta. said property will be sold at the office was a week-end guest at the Matt diction by Rev. Elwell. In U»c circuit Court uf the State uf Ore- Services were sponsored by Hills­ _ 44 .. 80' E. 39 Us. dist., a bears 8. uf Hare, McAlear Ä- Peters in the Shute King home. K II, for the County of Clackamas, Pro ixtf boro Rotary club. Committee I n maple 6 inches in dia. bears N. 64’ Saving* Bank Building in Hillsboro, Ore­ bi ate Department. Mr and Mrs Matt King enter ­ chs. Iks. diet. ; thence W. 1-68 E. 4* gon. and bid» will be received at said charge Included C. H. Nosier. Fred Nep- ! In the Matter of the Ito tale uf A. curs to place of beginning, containing 9.16 office* fur said property from and after tained at dinner Easter Sunday. Amacher and Rev Leroy Walker. pach. Deceased. >ndi- scree ; the 21st day uf April, ¡934. The guests were Mrs. George FLsh f» in pursuance of . Co. Notice is hereby gi L»r Northeast quarter (NE’zi) of the Dated this 22nd day of March, 1934. and Miss Jean Bradlev of Port­ |sn order of sale ut perty maxle I CARD OF THANKS EVA TOTH, Administratrix of the land. August Garrow and Mtss and rntrrr«l in th; thj i aueve enliUed Court j Nurthfamt quarter (NE’z*/ and th« I wish to thank my frier.da and neigh­ RAIMOS La.ll half (ES) of the Northwest quar­ Eatate of Albert F. Gritzmacher Hare, Henrietta Garrow of Aloha. an«! e-iate on the 13th «Uy of I ©bruary, ( bors for the many act» of kindneas and ter (NW%) uf Section Twenty-nine tube battery rad» McAiear &. Peters, Attorneys fur Admin­ 1934. the un«ier»ignrd Executrix of the E. C. McElroy, scoutmaster for sympathy extended during my recent be­ new bailer.«« 1 istratrix. 6-9 ) ..¡ate of A Neppach, d«-ut of and, un- j Oregon ; ml any length after delivery. Inside the County of Washington, State of drr the seal <>f the above entitled C< yd, 6Í» I Ninth Lota One ( 1> and Two (2) in Sec- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barker and r ren t. 31 P<*r Oregon ; 51tf (1) Date of last publication May 3. 1934. dat**d ’he 2«th day of March. 1934. up- I tiun Twu (2). 1 ownship One I’hott* llill»b«*ru 2' J.'. Verne Bright visited the beaches said sale and/or »alee will be made for Rt 2. Laurel . on a judgment renderwi and entered in i North, <»f Range Five (5) W®t uf WALTER GEORGE TURNER, Execu- over the week-end. old growth. 12-lnch or Is inch, cash or for at least 10% cash and the tor. Eugene C. Libby, Attorney. »aid < ourt on the 28th day of March, I W. -M . in the County of Washington. I all 7-11 Mrs Carl Rodolph and small son balance credit, provided the purchaser •orofld growth. 12-inrb or 16- 1934, in favor «»f Edward Sy. plaintiff. 1 State of Oregon, and atoo a strip of |4fc0, lump coal and briquet« r purchasers shall execute a note pay­ spent the week-end at Salem. vw H«eb iund commencing at a point 14-32 1U0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS able to said Executrix secured by a mort­ n. >• »<»9li. ...w ______ __ _____ - - her*»- I chains north of the quarter poet be­ Mrs. E. C. McElroy visited her gage on the real property purchased, to In the County Court of the State of Ore­ sister. Mrs Frank Marks, in Port­ Fir. oak and inaftcr dw»rribed f-*r the sum of 8850.00,1 tween Sectiune One (I I and Two (2/ mui -la* -'—I «'■' gon. for the County of Washington. I secure the payment of the balanoe of Phone Hillsboro ash Ray D«lsman. («nrethcr with interest thereon at th« , in said Township and Range, running land one day last week Prubate Department. the purchase price thereof. 4?tf rate of 7 per c«nt J*«r annum, fr«»m j thence V\r«t 4u chains, thence North 81 <>7 Notice ia hereby given that the under­ Date uf first publication March 8. 1934. Mw’.h 6 19X4. and in the CUNI <*f 8»7.M. - i o chains . tlMMen Bwt 88 ahaiag . DIKKEL and fual ull Georg» L Head- signed Edward E. Bacon has been ap­ Date of last publication Apnl 5, 1934. unpaid interval, an«i for the further sum thence South 5-68 100 chains to the ricks. fusi »dl d«al«r. Fure« 4 Grove HAZEL BUDDIN. Executrix of th« pointed Administrator with Will Annexed Stf place of * beginning, containing 100 uf 3 ’ ■ 61 tax***» paid by plaintiff on said , - l’h-.n« I4.U FARM IOANS 42. Estate of A. Neppach. deceased. Frank of the Estate of Louise E. Bacon, de­ property. t« It HERDS—PLANTS 3-7 of Oregon, for Washington County, and Quarter (SW%> and the Northwest I ney» for Executrix. bank h<»w I um ample fund in bond« to of 8 per rent par annum, and the further has qualified. All pxtrson* having claims Quarter (NW^) uf the Southweet ¡ Waahingtun further sum of 811.6'» costs and dis-I Quarter , |3W LeisyvilJe Women club will meet turkvy gobbler» Albert Meier. Kt. 2. present the same, duly veriifed, as by •In the County Court of the State of Ore- 7 ««»unty farmer« by th*» bank. Write or bursemen Is. . and th« c«wta of said Bale I (131. Township One (1) North, Range fl«av«*rt*»n law required, to the undersigned at Route at the home of Mrs. Leonard Van­ writ, eirmmandinf and requir- I Five »5' Weet uf W. M., in the Coun­ j gon, for Washington County. rail for ¡»articular*. Washington C«>un- and said 1 • nd M.*untaia blackberry \O( NGUEHKY I In the Matter of the Estate of Eva Van- 3, Sherwood. Oregon, within six mon-.hi Lom next Thursday ty National Farm Loan Aax»»ciaii«m. ing me to make »al« « f the following , ty uf Washington. State of Oregon . from the date hereof. tip« fur sale •too Ev«rbearing straw- Mr and Mrs. Frank Prangerwere North half (Ntjl of the Southwest I Domelen. deceased. J M Person, *e«-rvtary. IlilUburu 9lf dearribed re d pr«»t>erty situated In Wash- J H Dated and first published March 29. Sunday guess of Mr. and Mrs berry an«i rasph Ty planta. I Nutioe is hereby given, that the under- . t<>-wit : Quarter (SWt*) of Section Twelve , w __ ______ ,, State of Oregon. * ' h .,-: -r County. 7-1» 1934. Date of last publication April 26, Etael. Rt 5. Hlltobom u - - . -*-.» — appointed by the signed has been duly (6) in (12), Township One (1) North, of All of Tract nund»ered Six August Sahlfeld and family of 1934. SHED grain. Wisconsin an«1 Kam insch«n Range Five (5) w Went of W. M , in isboie ent »HIM Court, bj Administrator Block numbered Two (2i 1 North Other gue.sts EDWARD E. BACON. Administrator. south of Hillsboro of the estate of said decesLsed, and has barley f«* sal«, also Victory < oata. to the the County of Washington, State of >Iill»lM»ro Acre*, according present were Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Burns Powell, Attorney, 308 Pacific Bldg.. August Dean x. RU 1. Gaston. I Spring ¡duly Qualified as such. Oregon ; map» ___ and r plats ___ _____ th«r«»f now rec­ Portland, Oregon. 8-10 6 9p Verboort. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey persons having Now therefore, all Hui rand ur«! in the office of the County Re­ Commencing at the Northweet cor­ Krautscheid of Orenco. and Miss Hannschrn order <>f Washington County. Oregon, ner of the Southeast Quarter (SEV«> , claims against said estate are hereby KK-ULEANED spring oat­ NOTICB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT notified and required to present the same, wheat of the Southmat Quarter (8E%) of containing about five acre*, more or barley. Marquis a n «1 club Notice is hereby given that the under­ Bertha Sahlfeld of Portland. Section Twelve (12), Township One : together with proper vouchers therefor, signed. the duly appointed, qualified and Sylvia Coussens. small daughter Frank 8chulm«nch. Phone 5H25 Hill- leas. to the undersigned at the law offices of •If (1) North <'f Rai:k-e Five (ó) Weil, Also: Lots 10 an«1 11 in Block bur«*. All ('«ainty It. »ad acting Administrator of the Estate of of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Coussens. who Hare. McAlear A Peter«, in the Shute thence S«»uth about 7.61 chains to the plants, in l«ds Ono (II North Hillsboro Arre«, ac- Youngberry |NSPE(*TED W«ahingtun Catini y. John Alexander, Deceased, has filed in fell and cut her knee Tuesday of North si le of County Road, No. 332, I Savings Bank building, in Hillsboro, Ore- the County Court of the State of Oregon «*«»rding to the maps and plats there- «••«-h. thousand ■■|»«»t paid f-»t want to uf Boo or m<»re. I thence Westerly. Southwesterly and j gon, within •ix month» from the date for Washington County, his Final Ac­ Martin H«rrdt. N.nwnl^r 1. 1933. i «»f n«»w of record In the office of le «ach at or m<> h«»reof. Southerly on North. Northwest, and the County Recorder of Washington in count in said estate ar.d that said court Q latam Station, mlle nut of Orenco. the «»ffice of t h<* < Dated this 15th day of March. 1934. West boundary of sahl naid about 27.- Bltf lliltobor«». Oregon County. Oregon. !, Heaverton has fixed Monday. R< 30th day of April, 1.8 chains to a p«»int on the wmt aide ’ JACOB L. VAN DOM ELEN. Adminis- 1934, at the hour th« Now. therefore, by virtue of said execu- CF.NUINE of ten o’clock A. M. NIJINE Yellow Bantam »w«w*t corn Interest will reus <»n same April «. ti«»n, judgment, decree and ordrr of the estate of deceased. said ' trator of of said road, about 36 links weet of M ilaloceo, lit. 2. of said day in the County Court room in Mi. 10c pound. McAlear A Peters, Attorneys for 1934 ■ Hare, the one-quarter corner between sec ­ sale, and in compliance with the dc- Itf Illll»b«»ro. MAUD W BOSCOW. (’«»unty Trrn»urer ninml* of asd«i writ, I will on Monday, 4-8 the County Court H oum in the City of tions 12 and 13. Township 1. North, : Administrator. Hillsboro, Oregon. _ ___ *, __ the ___ time ____ and __ place and EAKI.Y ■<—'I l-Jt-l'—• l*1— E Triumph th«* 30th d«y of April. t934. at the h nir ( < f Ranne 5 Wmt. thence Wmt to for hearing objections to said Final Ac­ Northrup. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Corner of Fourth and Jackson Streets llrlll.K q».—•». '<■ »•■ Southwest corner of Southeast quarter of 10 o ‘ cl*>ck a. m. of »aid day. at the count and for the final settlement of said Ilf Notiea ia hereby given that the under­ mll™ r»,t <>« »Unk«. East «l««>r of the County C<»urt ll»«u*e I (Sr.l-4) of Southwest quarter (SW*-4) estate. signed. the duly appointed, qualified and in the City «if Hillsl»oro, Washington i of Section 12. thence North 20 chains, rill. IS SMASH»»’ <>N »IIGHl-ST qVAI.- Dated this 29th day of March, 1934. thence East 40 chains tu the place of ¡acting Adminiatratna of the Eatate of County. Oregon, «ell at public auction ITY »IIIU.IIT rill »’S. <;l«A»"l» l> GEORGE C. ALEXANDER. Adminis­ beginning, containing 62 aerw. more ’ll. A. Plielh. decoaaed. has filed in the trator to the hi> hmt bidder f«»r ra*h In hand Saturday, April 7th 1 p. m. sharp WAI.Nl IS I I '■ •»»»•S. '• 11 1 N KS of the Estate of John Alexander. or lc • in the County of Washington 1 County Court of the State of Oregon for Deceased. all the right, title an«i intercut which r, AUS. < III KKNS. Ari’I.IS. ,r.u— Thos. H. Tongue Jr., Attor­ ' Washington Waahmgton County, __ her Final Account the above nariol defendant Andrew Herb' and State of Oregon ; iH-rri«. «..-rl^rr,. rurr«nt». «hriil- ney for Administrator. 6-11 in said estate and that said court has 1 Atwater-Kent electric radio, 45 yards of Axminster carpet, Southwest Quarter iSW’4> of the Sr hud in i»ai«i real property above dr- , .„.I rurt room lust what you are looking for— Southeast Quarter (SF.%) of Section vcmh.T 16. 1929 ami all the right, title Nur rry < <• Carlton Oreg«»n 41 * in the County Court h«»use in the city Read tliem. dining room set, 1 Hoover electric vacuum sweeper. 1 Bise»e!i car­ 13. Township One (1) North, of Range __ as the time and of Hillsboro. Oregon, I ive < 5) W est uf W. M., in the Coun­ pet sweeper, quantity of pictures. 1 heating stove, quantity of II «V ami i » i I» place for hearing objections to said Final m ty of Washington, State of Oregon ; AH curtains and drapes. 3 oak dressers, 2 full size bed springs and Account and for the final settlement of 4 Southixist Quarter of the Soiitheaat iy said execution, Juilcmen mattresses, feather bed. center table. Singer sewing machine. 2 said estate. Quarter (SE1*) of Sec. ion Eleven (11), onler «»f sale, intrn’bt and YOUNG’S '1 ’wnship One (I) North uf Raime ' Dated this 15th day of March. 1934. book racks. 2 pedestals, quantity of books 1 6-hole range ___ _ _____ with ai'cruing euota. Said »nl* listratrix of the ANNA l ’ LILTH, Admin • i e (5), We«t uf W M.. In the » subject to re»lmipiii«n n coils and warming closet, 1 8-day clock, quantity of dishes, all C unty «>f W ashingtun. State of Ore­ ' Estate of G. A. PlletK Deceased. Tho*. >f the State of Oregon, kinds of kitchen utensils, electric waffle iron, refrigerator, empty Attorney for Adminis- 1H. Tongue Jr., . gon ; this 2Htb dwv of March, -i. i him moni « r jars oil heater, lawn mower, garden tools, carpenter tools and Southwest Quarter (SWk¿) of the |tratrix. Thoughtful, Sympathetic first publication March 2.». u »•<»TVn>LS f..r -»I- Ihirlmnl.« N »rth« ;.st Quarter (NE*-*/ of Section numerous other articles. last publication April 2f>. Service” liri-i.h QuW . Hillsboro. Orrgoi Terms cash New York Life Insurance Company, •ehoul. State of Oregon; or riaintlff corporation, plaintiff, Northwest Quarter (NW’4) of Sec- V4 HEAT NOTICE TO CREDITORS forje« vs, Don't the time and place, comer of Fourth and Jackson ti*»n Twenty-six (26), Township One K rati»«, h.» County Court of th« State of Oro- NOTR E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Austin Sims as Executor of the Last Will n, for Waahim- *m County No, 4173 (1) North, of Range Five (5) West 16I3R. N« k 3h74 streets, Saturday, April 7, I p. m. ami Testament of Sarah J. Sim*, de­ hr Matter of the Last Wi'l mid T«*st- in the County ('•■urt of the State of Ore­ i'f V\. M., in the County of Waahnu:- ceased, Bernice Hunt as C«>-executrix ton. State of Oregnn ; ieni and Estate of Columbus C. Whil- 2 • I ARM MACHINERY gon, for the County of Washington. of the Last Will and Teetament of South half (SVii) of the Northeast •r«*. Dweaard. H. F. VVOODRY, Auctioneer In the Matter of the LstaU of L. K. liver Sarah J. Sims, deceased. Austin Sims, liiat the under- Quarter (NE^<) and the West half »tire in hereby given _ Green, Dci’«*to*ed. individually an«! Lorna Sims, his Wife. 825. Quarter of the Southeast ( W'.jl ••I. Raleigh Whitmore, haa been by Notice is ..erc‘»y ah*«» that the under­ Bernice Hunt individually and Lloyd » of Ore- of Section Twenty-eight (28), County Court of the State •igned, M. ll. Clar»., A th..It u trator De, (SEM C. Hunt, her husband. MerceiieB Ur- conducted anywhere—Satisfaction guaranteed N field for Waahingtou County, duly < ap- B«»nis Non with Will A hiwqnk I of th«* ■ Township One (1) North, of Range I cream and Estate «»f L. K. Greet* dt« cased, has ! Five <5. Wmt «»f W. M„ in the C«>un- , dahl ami Hal H. Urdahl, her husband, tot Executor ••( the l.nx«t Will 1 Marjorie Hunt, D. F. Babcock and ( ’«»rneliu«. ty of Washington. State «»f Oregon ; ament and Estate of ColtiinbuH C fihsl his final act ‘oi.i.l in the County Wm. V. Clark, defendants. South half (S‘y) of the Northeast .inoro, deeenavd, and hiu* duly qual- Court of the State of O k on. for Wash- Charter No. 9917 hav- ington (’«»unty, and Ihut Monday, the quarter (NE’4) and the North half i To the above name«! defendants Bernice an auch Executor. All — |M>rrton* . Reeerve District No. 12 24. ( Hunt individually, Bernice Hunt ns Co (N'»j) of th<* Southeast quarter c I hiuia againat aaid eatutc are hereby Both wnship I i executrix of the Last Will and Teata- of Haiti «lay, al the of 10 o'clock A M K. for North, «»f Range Five West of W. M . J ment «»f Sarah J. Sims, deceased. Lloyd * 7t> pr«»|'or v«»ucheni, at my residence at County Court room ii. the County Court C. Hunt, hit'rvciie« Urdahl, Hal H. Ur­ in the County of Washington, State of , . ‘ li I.aurnl, Oregon, Route I, or nt the law House in Hillsboro, Washington County, dahl. Biarjorie Hunt, and D. F. Bab­ he'. hi"» | ,, r M h . n,,,,,,, |{,|l Oregon ; ONE of Hillsboro, in the State of Oregon, at the close of busines, on March 5. 1934. Oregon, ha:» been fixe«! ami appointed as (>. ' cock : Went half (W’.j) of Section Two 37.50. 1«. t mgtun County. Oregon, within six th«* time ami place fur the heating of 87 ; «»or* « <>«• In the Name of the St te of Oregon Falmlston, Rt 6. Hillsboro, near Grabrl I months from «Inta* hereof. ASSETS (2), Township One (1) South of Range ions to said final icc«mnt and th« Loans and discounts ................................... ......................... .................................. each of you are hereby re- you and ------ _ I453.65R.R5 •rhool. Jp | Dnieil and first publish««! March 29, object hive (5) West of W. M.. in the Coun­ settlement there«»!. Overdrafts quireti to appear and answer the plaintiff ’ s ty of V\ ashington. State of Oregon ; 327.88 si 11 1NC. egg*. I»I« m >«I t«Mt«Nl Bnrrc«! Rocks, | 1934. Last publirat ion April 26, 1934. Date <»f first publication 1 March United States Government» owned ........................................ ; amende«! and supplemental complaint filtxi 107.S 19 M Standing tin. ber only on the South ­ 82 per 100. L. 1. Davis. Rt. 2, Hills- RALEIGH WHITMORE, Extvutor of 1931. Bute of last publication April 2; Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned west quarter (SW%) of Section Twen- I against you in the above entitle«! court 267.548.29 boro. Phone 5R5 6tr ' th«* Last Will nn«l TiMtarnent and Estate 1934. Ranking house. 832.250.00. Furniture and fixtures. 88,885.00 .................. ami cause within four weeks from the 40.915.1/0 (26), Townrhip I. North, uf decease*!. WHITE Leghorn chicks, 3« for 100. State I «» f Columbus C. Whitmore, M. H. CLARK, Ailminti’tator De Bonis Real estate owned other than banking house ................................................. date of the first publication of this sum­ 1.177.07 5 West of W. M„ in theCoun- I’ullorum t.wted by tube method liens M. II Hump, nwidence ami a«"I range- R« n ! chicks, 3** i"f b«»ro, Oregon. Attorney for said Estate. 10 L. K. Green, deceased. Addreas, Y eon Cash in vault and balances with other banks .............................................. 1934, ami if you fail so to answer said 67.567.74 Southwest quarter (SWl4) of the 6-10 loo. Don’t come Sundays. buiklin*-*, Portland, Oregon. checks and other cash items amended and supplemental complaint, the the 1,403.09 NOTH E TO CREDITORS Northeast quarter (NEL») »»nd Hatchery. Beaverton. r,ir plaintiff will apply to th- court for the Redemption fund with U. S. Trea urer and due from U. S. Treasurer 2.500.00 un- Southeast quarter (SE**4 ) of the North­ Notice is hereby given that the t • i dendgneii Other assets ...................................... _....................................... NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SAI.E Ui : ITER and cheaper than th« old relief demanded in its saitl amended and 1,734.78 west quurter (NW\) of Section Twen­ uvmiHuni has ii.»i» h«««*n •• a|»p«»int«*f an order made and entered In the mid oriier of sal«» issued out of and under judge that there is due and owing to in the County of Washington, State 4«21 ’’.y LIABILITIES Phone ll«*Mvvrt«»n oflIM. plaintiff <»n account of the promissory CAN YOU IMAGINE of Oregon ; ('«»unty Court «>f the State of Oregon, the seal of the Circuit Court of the Demand deposit«, except U. S. Government deposits, public funds and hatched from “ cHIcks note described in and tetured by the ,oFl ¡of March, 1934, and that he ha* been un th«« Mh day of Man h, 1984, upon « deposits, except postal savings, public funds and deposits of other ______ ___ t chicks, 10c | n account of sai«l mortgage the sum of Grove,W J,mon who,otter spending Time banks 10c each. Barrr«l four (24), Township Tw«> (2) North, ............................................................................................. ..................... 324,781.7« $6250.00 with interest thereon at the rate $10,000 in useless treohnents ond each. Custom hatching, hatching egg». 1 tor. Court «>n the 3rd day of March, 1934, in of Range Five (5) West of W. M . Public funds of States, counties, school districts, or other subdivisions or •>f 10% per annum from De«*ember 1, West Portland Hatchery A Poultry I Now, therefore, all persons h n v i n g a cause therein pending in which E. L. in the County of Washington, Slate municipalities ............................................. .................................................. ............ resigning o $9,000 position because 93,428.39 Portland. Phone 1932, plus the additional sum of $166.03 farm. 8*»« 774. Kt. 8. claims against sal«! eatate nr«» hereby McAlear was Plaintiff, and Lucille Banks of Oregon ; States Government and p<*stal savings deposits ............................. 76.567.54 of ill health, got rid of his trouble , Unitetl HR 6795 representing balance of interest due De­ _f Northwest quarter (NW**) of Sec- notified and ro«iuir« present them Milliman ami Charles Milliman. Claude Deposit« of other banks, including certified and cashiers ’ checks cember 1. 1932; the further sum of with a few bottles DtfDLEY'S Hans«»n strain Lrnhorns ar«* I with the proper vmwhers to the under­ Banks and Ethel Bunk, Lynn Banks ami ti«»n Thirty-four (34), Township Two ties of o BISMA-REX/ outstanding ....................................................................................................... 21,740.07 $23.50; the further sum of $500.00 at­ •ure tn make y< u a pr«»fi( Hl»o.l teet.*«| signed nt the office of Kuratli and Wi*- Dorothy Banks were Defendants in favor (2) North, of Range Five (5) West Total of items 15 to 19: torney’s fees, and also plaintiff's c«wta and all egg« fr«»m our own flock. All mer, 1236 Second Street, Hill«h«»ro, Ore­ I of the Plaintiff and against the «lefend- of W. M.. in the County of Washing­ 8170,095.93 (a) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments and disbursements incurred in thia suit; male* used from |n*dlgree«l 250 to 327 gon, or at the law office of I’. I,. Pat­ ants in the sum of 32,000.00, together ton, State uf Oregon : (M Not secured by pledge of loan and/or investments 673.826.47 (2) for a tlroree foreclosing that cer ­ large egg dams Chicks 81« per 100, terson in tho Wells Building. Hillsboro, I with interest there«»n from the 4th «lay West half (Wty) of the Southwest tain mortgage executed by Sarah J. Sim« 8vember 25, Oregon ; Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on thit. bureemenls herein incurred ami tnxe«l at Will rail or bring Frld,,. Saturday or Common slock, 750 shares, par 8100.00 per share 875.000.00 suffer the agonies of indigestion 1021, at page 155 of B«>ok 90 Mort ­ South half (d*¿|) of the Southeast j 861.04 commanding me to make sale of Surplus .......... .................. .................. Monday b-fnra noon. Portland pricor — 14th «lay of March, 1934. . 15.000.00 gage Records of Washington County, and other acid stomach ailments. quarter ,.SE**) and the East half .1 J. W18MF.R, Administrator with the the following describad real property, »'. Il Burden, Cornalliiu. *»«« Undivided profits- net . ................................................... 819.32 90.819.32 Oregon, covering the following described Bisma-Rex acts four ways to give (E* aj ) of ¿the N«*rthoaat quarter (NEVi) UltllEK »’.rlrluon While l^uhorn ba'iy Will annexed of the eatate of Vernon situate in the County of Wa.-hmgton, real property situated i n Washington lasting relief in three minutes. It of the Southeast quarter (SE*4) of Edward Nowland, «ieooaeed. I*. L. l’at- State of Oregon, particularly described Total, including capital account ....................... 81.011,982.42 chirk« for lunie eirir» and ,ood pm- teroon, County, Oreg«»n, towit: Lots Two (2) Swtion Twenty-three (23), Township Attorney for Administrator. 4-8 ns follows, to-wit: Memorandam: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secare I.labilities dilution. All bird« t<«ti«l hy O. H. 0. and Seven (7) and part of Lot Three neutralizes excess acid; relieves the |\vo (2) North. o< Range Five <11 f” Beginning at the section corner MHy f the I gon, for Washington County. - -a . _ . a ...... Ht IS. Phona 1001 »rholla. Code No Harry Range Two (2) West Willamette Meridi­ ment. Bisma-Rex is sold only don Northeast quarter (NÈ1*) of Section thence on Section line N. 0* 16’ L. Robinson, Plaintiff, Total pledged (excluding rediscounts) 6tf 8283,980.04 fol- Rexall Drug stores. Get a jar to- «7M. an, more particularly described Twenty-six (26), Township Two (2) W. 33.61 chain to the S W. line of VW. Pledged : ON HAND now. hunky Nt art rd chirks; Uhnrlca Berthold and Anna Berthold, hus­ Iowa: Beginning at a stone at the in­ North, of Range Five (5) West of the D. L. <’ No. 52, of John Louisig- (•) Against circulating notes outstanding ............................................. 8 50,005.00 tersection of the Scholls and Hillsboro day at R m I s . Rocks, White Glanto. Hughes A W. M . in the County of Washing­ n<»nt and wife; thence N. 51* 45’ W. band and wife, am! Bank of B«»averton, (b) Against U. S. Government and postal savings deposits ... 94,008.81 Road with the Farmington and Portland Hon llatrlmry. 1 Against borrowings .................................. ............................................... 27440.79 gree« thirty minutes (66* 30’) West (N’fc) of the Southwest quarter (SW%) By virtue of nn execution, decree and N. 1* 58' E. 6.51 chains to the quar- Htnrtrd chirks and imlleta. Cuetom Thirty-eix and one-half (36%) link« dis ­ of Section Twenty (20), Ttvwnshlp ter section corner between sections hatching code price, ('hick price«: Up order of sale issued out of the above en­ Total pledged tant, and running thenoe South eighty One (I) North, of Range Four (4) 10 and 11 ; thence N. 89* 22’ W. to 100. 9r each; <»wr 100, He each titled court In (he aÌM»ve entitled cause State of Oregon. County of Washington, as. degree« and tw«nty-«ix minute« (80* 26 ) West of W M . in the County ef 19.H5 chain« to the N. W. corner of ('abe’s Hatchery. McMinnville nad Carl­ to me directed and «late*! thè ftth day I. Alf O. Johnson. Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that East twenty-two and seventy-nine hun- Washington, State of Oregon ; Lot 4 in Section 10 aforesaid ; (hence ton Coda rertlflratr 5491 _ 8tf of March, 1934, upon a judgment render- the above statement is true to th« beat of my knowledge and belief. «1 re« I ths (22.79) chains to angle in road; South«mst quarter (SE^) of the S. 0’ 16 W. 10.16 chains, ______ more or rd and entered in said court on thè 3rd nUGHI H MIIALIIA ( HH hb thence South seventy-on« degree« thirty- Southeast quarter^ (SR’* ) of^ Hecti«»n ALF O. JOHNSON, Caahkr. leas, to the center line of the drain­ in favor of Harry .. AFTER April 15 Hugh*» Erghorns. Reds «lay of March, 1034. i five minutes (71* 35’> East seven and Eighteen Hghtren |48). Township One “ (1) age ditch of Drainnga District No. 7 ; Subscribed and «worn to before ma thia 28th day of Marsh. 1984. and Rix 21 . ’ks ;_ all at “ $H 2 . per _ _ * 104. “* Aleo I,. Robinaon, plaintiff, and against the 1 nin«ty-three hundredths (7.93) chain«; North of Range Four (4), West of thence down said ditch following the hrroaftor described real property for the White Giunta and Auatralorps. A few R. P. RASMU8SKN, Netary PwblU thence South seventy-nine degrees and ( W M . in the County of Washington, center lihe thereof 4.60 chain«, more earlier «latee open on all breeds. L«»w sum of 82000.00 with internet thereon at My oomratosion expiree Nov 28. 1984. fifty-«ix minute. (79* 56 ) East thirteen Stata of Oregon ; or iwN, to the E. line of the D. L. C. raUM on ru«tóm hatching ; turkey hatsh- the rate of 7 per <»ent per annum from and forty -«even hundredths (13.47) chains; Correct Attest: William C. Christensen, E. I. KuraUi, R. R. Easter, Directors. Northwest quarter (NW *4) of the of said William D. Poe, being claim ing a specialty. Visitors always wsl- the 14th day of Novenibes, 1932, and the . ■aid I ’ Aloha Store Moves; Boy Goes South Classified Advertising Sunrise Services Held Here Sunday INSURANCE of All Kinds I LeisyvilJe Club Meets Thursday Tualatin Valley Service Agency LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Ella Schulmerich Secretary FURNITURE AUCTION 2 blocks north of the monument works Funeral Home C an You I magine ! Phone 801 Y COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK EXPLANATION THE DELTA DRUG STORE