THE i'll ii isd ay . Manli K, 1934 i > 4 HILLSBORO ARGUS, HILLSBORO, OREGON Page Sevra cron und Augustus Belanrlcr of HHuJboro Is-r*.,. .I is survived by ri Un- widow, four children mid five other brothers and sisters. t he young married people of the oxllat church met ut tiie church evening for a pot luck 1)1 1-AR iMI NT PRESIDENT and a social evening. 'I ticy Argonne prr.t i: evening playing ping American Le lion Visits IF. IJ. V. TENT ♦ l made arrangements to Sherwood wi __ Mr*. Eth<’l Andrew« of A’-.tori a loru of tins group twice trict No. 2 at a be Youths’ Activities Cliai let. F Walaer, pre. Id.'llt of depirimrnt pie..iu< nt of Daughter Tiie time ot meeting conference at Kherwood on Friday 4ie f.orthwer.l<-rn : bool ot Com of Union VetejaiL mode her of p. rn. on the first and March 23. fa lal visit to Alm Brniv tl Olden HH*rci* of I'orUund. will be the ue.xiays of each month, Plans consist of a 10 a. m. U'lil Monday evei Ing. Other d« - peaker at the uiinmil public |e- ltrs. W E Brown und ference. a luncheon at noor pailim nt and past department of- lulloiri dinner ol the Business ruid which the Sherwood group« an 1 Mrs. Murtln Hammer at- fleer« present wer< Mi giami**. Muy Protei- .onul Women's club on Fri- • i the funeral of S. A. Starr be ho its, afternoon sessions, ban­ Esberg, in.*>p<‘clor; Anna Warren, Woman a This conference will be of speef- ;"id was a son-in-law of tlu; late liimiM, past pn-.sldi >1: anl Ehtella al interest Week. March 11 to 17. Inclusive aMnU ’re.»t to officers, Americanism, Lou Pulnquin of HilUboro. Weed, treasurer. All were fr community service. and Mis Zulu Morgan. |s<. t pie idi nl wel- Portland. Guests if honor w s. Elsu* Schulrnerlch returned fare commitU es of the child pofita and ol the < hit» mid m coiu I Vie* prer.i pr<* 4*nt4*d with con ige bouquets. week from a two weeks' visit units, as well as leaders of youths' Representatives of Dolly Madison, «tent of the Mute federation, L> i h tier brother and slat' r-in-law, organizations sponsored by Legion Mary Logan and Betsy Him tent**» ullulrnuin ol National lli.'lnt... Week and Mrs. Orville Wilkes, at and Auxiliary group6. of Portland were also present. lor tlu ItM'.d club, unit unnounce» unock, mid will spend several A Ht Patricks Day program was I’MIAIII. OF '1111 NA'IIONS U m * billowing prog lulu tiis at tiie home of tier brotii- Stephen Cox left Tuesday for given ii nd Miss Marjorie Sewell ■. E. Wilkes. work on the roacU near Salmon Members of the club will attend < 0*111. < l.l'B PROGRAM played violin .selections, uccornpani- Mr. und Mrs. Charles Coffin, Mrs river. HuiimiurizlnK » M i l' ■> <»I talk» <>n • <1 by her mother, Mrs Fred Sewell. wrvheu Sunday inotnuig ut 1<> lit), rt.itruus Tobin of Portland, and Mr and Mrs. George Burkhalter nt the 'ITimty Lutheiun church, fon lKii ri.illilu "I'lr.uli' ot thr Refreshments and table decorations Mrs Tobin's sister-in-law. Mrs were week-end guest» ot Mr and ■ ■ Irish motll an i where lt* v George lbuile, the pastor. N a U oiu " will be ■' >ied ut U m HUI C o H im * < tub inrrling In the roll < all at the table was answered James Hopfer of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs Karl Koehermeier at West «Ill take as his sermon subject. clnunb. r <>t cotninercc room» ut 2 were Sunday guests of Mrs Mary F. Linn. Lydlu, the Christian llusint . |> in l iKUy. uixlrr the direction ot willi Irish stories. Hoover. • • • Zola Morgan, chairman Mrs. H. R. Chantier has been Woman.'' Mi. II II Htunnurd National Businc.-s Women's Week, Breakfast club met at the home confined to her home this week with Party and Style Show Member.', ot the Hillsboro Garden Early Spring Flowers March 11 to 17, for tire Hillsboro of Mrs Verne Curry Wednesday. Lillies». I \hlbll« (I III IV IliiliiW — club’s activities_____________ Mrs. Lester Ireland und Mrs. H on Tu.xnluy ufternoon tlwre will club will I m * Ku<»ts ut tbe meeting which will be tiie unnuul "guest Mrs. Clyde Lincoln of North If Stannard put on a stunt, and be u curd |>urty und style show ut duy" Old Time Dance v.Ion ot the organization. Plains brought to this office Sat­ roll call was answered with Jolly Uic < hmubt-r of commerce rooms, Two officers ot the Third District urday several French pmk«, which At Kinton Grange hall Saturday i Jokes. Ijeginnlng ut I 45. Two hours will of Uir I'N'diTatlon ot Womens clubs usually urt* not In bloom until in night, March 10. Admission 25c J A basket social will be given Everyone welcome la* spent; ut curds, Inc 1 con- will ii L mj attend Mrs Clara 11 the fall when grain is ripe A bou­ Saturday evening. March 24. under tnu t .uul auction bridge. "500" and Smith, president of U h * Third dis­ quet of wild tnlhums, gathered by . tiie auspices of the auxiliary of the pinochle If desired 'hr lulest In trict, and Mr . Kuudt. ctuilrnum of pupils of the Lt »syvlllc school, is Card Party and Dane« Veterans of Foreign Wars Addition­ UkJItW styles will be exhibited on Uir public welfare committee uiut also on display in the window Oth­ At Oxiar Mill Grange haf] Satur­ al entertainment will be offered. living models ut tile style show, u member ot the 1’ortluiMl milk er early spring flowers displayed March 10. is Or een wald's orches- Circle No. 1 of tiie M E. church day. A d-ni»Kjnn with Mrs K M Burnet ot dour's Irourd, are expected to address ttle in the Argus window this week are »111 have a cooked food sale Satur- 25 cents. a bouquet of Mayflowers gathered Seventy-eighth birthday of Judge Woman's shop und th<* Well d<*- < lul> The conimltU'e on Intcrnutlonul by Hillsboro school children, a pur- J W Goodin, which occurred day at Fred's Market, beginning at Old Time Dance I mu U im tit store | mi tldputlng l1 Mill Iman. horn at llw W Tllayer place near ent Mrs J E Bennette. Mrs Dell li°gers. This U Miss Rogers' fourth week’s activities ure Mrs Helen Business and Professional Wom­ i measurement» of Benru t'-e Smith and children. Mar- Reedi • ot teaching at Garibaldi, .Steinke. MLna Margaret Cady and over six inches 4M way and nearly garet and Allan, Mrs Fred Zilly, Mrs. Rupert Kennedy underwent ens club will give a benefit card Mrs. LI nil in Thomas. Mrs Muud Mr». Young Honored— Mrs Adrian Young, u recent bride, nine the other i way was brought in Dr and Mrs. B Gulick. Miss Lena an operation for appendicitis at •Stannard of the einlilrm commlttoe for display. Goodin, Mrs. Frederick Fitch. Mrs.'Jones hospital Tuesday. Dr A. O. will be chairman of tlu* dbuier. was honored with two showers Fri- Anna Cleveland, Arch Graham. Mr Pitman performed the operation, i'. tho homo <»f h®r parenu. Mr». Gardener Si4oi*rt assisted by Mus Marlon Lytle, und and Mrs Melvei Goodin, all of Port- She c“‘" ‘ is getting along nicely. ‘ Mr mill Mrs Roy .Stuart OlM ' At McMinnville Meeting— and pinochle if desired, will be (Vilas Moselle Newton in tiie afternoon were Mesdames land; Mr and Mrs. W. G. Hare Mrs. J. W. Maier. Ted and Pearl played. The style show will follow Mrs V. W. Gardner was soloist National Broadcasts George Kinger. Robert Hunt. James and granddaughter. Jane Vinton.______ „ J. R Wat- cards, and refreshments will b e Maier, ’ ■■nd Mr. and Mrs. at tiie dinner meeting of tiie BuU- Mr, and Mrs. W A. Goodin, Mr. kins and daughter visited Sunday served. All ladles of the community National radio programs will be Miller. Ludeiiui Anderson, James !*’ .. I Anderton. Julia Roy. Frances and Mrs. T P Goodin. Jack Good- evening with »1th Mr and Mrs Mrs. James cordially invited. Admission, 25c. ixsaulcast during tlu* week in McMinnville on Monday eve ­ in and Mr and Mrs. J. L Satchel-. Valley of Beaverton, Mrs. Ge line MclXinald Bowman, Ghecn, Miss Mayme Srigal, Mbs ning 'Hils was an ensemble dinner, der and children, Margaret, Wesley Mudge Richmond. Mrs Stuart and of Richmond, Virginia, president of the guc. i of honor TI mxw * pre -ent guests being presidents and other and Billy, and the host and hostess.' The Woman's Home Missionary American Legion and Legion *11T- 'society will meet at the home of lliary: Legion meets second and tlu* National Federation, will signify In tiie evening were tiie Mises member;; of each woman’s club in Mrs. Mary Sabin Tuesday afternoon. fourth Fridays of each month Qu* opi'idng of Business Women's Helena Mohr, Arllne Kanina. Min­ Che city Mrs Hanna Martin, rep- Carl, Robert. Raleigh and June • from Mirion c<»unty. ' Reamy. children of tiie late Mr. Friends and members are cordial­ Auxiliary first Tuesday. Veterans Wi ek try a eoust to coast bmud- erva Fuller. Eleanor Kidkwarf, Jo­ hall. 8 p. m. ly inv.ted to attend. tiie speaker of liir evening. Those ■Mt Monday morning. March 12 sephine Stuart, Mrs Wallace Hull, Mrs Ernest Reamy. left Mon­ attending from hero were Mrs. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper and Mrs. Joseph SI m * will tell of U m * campaign waged Mrs Stuart and the guest of honor. Garlncr day evening with an aunt for Bil ­ American Legion Dance Mrs A W Hoffman, Mrs by the federation to put women (»uine» were played and refresh­ Lyman Howe, Miss Putty Lomax, ling... Mont. near where they will Divish of Fruitland. Idaho, were Hillsboro post, American Legion, ments were served. m.,ke t)i< ir iiorne witli their moth­ guests at the home of Mrs. E L will buck to work sponsor a dance Saturday night, and Mrs. Emma MrKinncy. Hobbs. Mrs. Cooper's sister, several ers people The two younger chil­ March 17. at the Odd Fellows' hali On Tuesday afternoon. March 13 Celebrate Anniversary— Entertain With Card Party— dren. John and Milo, will remain days last week. Admisison, 25 cents. Everybody in­ Ra-pn-.u-ntullvc Florence I’ Kuhn oí Mr and Mrs Paul Crawford were Miss Martha James left the first vited. Mr and Mrs. Erneut Helvogt, as- here witli their grand parents. Mr California will .speak Mrs Kalin is given a jMirty E’nday evening in of the week from Portland on the j and Mrs. William Reamy. by Mr and Mrs. Francis otw of tiie moat popular women in honor of their secund welding an­ slated s eamJiip Admiral Peoples for a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lucas of Oihers present wen* Beach, entertained with a card par­ congress mid Is nou*d for her cour- niversary ty ut their home Saturday evening. Portland were Sunday guests of two weeks’ trip to San Diego. Cal. Messrs and Mcsdanies O F Juck- •u ** and common sense Mr. and Mrs. P L. Abbott of Port­ ’ ' parents, Mr. -- and ■ Mrs. and Eugene, E E Bowlan Mrs. Hirl Johnson and Odell Bran­ Mrs. Lucas* Honorable Rutudle Ixiew Whitney, man and Verna. P. A Anderson. Wilbur daw winning high s<-ore and Mrs. H R Emmoic. Bayfield Pooley of land visited at Die home of Mr. ,| k iking Tliur >lay. March 15. Is n !«rwls and Helt len, J A Short and Harry Hoeffel and Louis Furrow Eugene was also a guest at tiie Em- and Mrs. R. G. Cull Sunday. lawyer mid a former member ot thr Kenneth, J H Ixxgner and Harold, sitoik I. Guests present were M< x rs mott liome. Mr Pooley is now with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gates and WANTED—5-room modern New York NLilc laibor commission, Steve Prevrusky and Jimmie mid and Mesclanir. I. E Furrow, H. the Crown mills in Portland, and sons of Portland were Sunday guests house on a sewer line, 2- Farnham. P. Batchelor. E. John* Mrs Pooley and daughter will move of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gates. She lx . a well known und brillimit Norman. Mrs. Butterwoi ; h and basement and Dorothy, Mrs F Estepp, Mis Ber- . »n. A. Brundaw H Hoeffel, O to that city at the end of school. political speaker. Miss Helen Robb left this week bedrooms. Branda»', (>. Dorland, C Darnell tha »Shot Is, Elmer Crawl ord. Ednu Mrs Franklin D Roosevelt, mi Charles Delchman of Centralia, for a months visit with relatives furnace. Have buyer. M Burber. Mrs M Hoff- and Mrs. im live uendH-r of the federation, ’Tucker and Violet Loomer. Wash., was a Hd.sboro visitor Sat- and friends at Pasadena. Cal. man and Gleneva Brandaw will ck»c the observance of Btisl- Given Housewarming— Mr. and Mrs. A W. Lentz were lay. His mother, Mrs. C. E Deich- Entertain for Visitor— nv.M Women’s Week hy streaking tnun. ret u*ned horn" with him lor a Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H E. Ha a ere lew weeks' visit. Casper Krettler in Portland. Misses June and Evelyn \ Saturday afternoon. March 17 Mrs give n a surprise houseware p.u- 5 acres, new 3-room house, R« mim 'V c It is not only a teacher, but ly nt their new residena Miss Rhea Wilkes Is substituting Mrs Caroline Stangel and family 1163 were iiostesses for a ••f>00” party February 25, for Miss as teaching dietician ut tiie Port­ spent Sunday in Portland at the garage and woodshed, is herself the hviul of a very suc- iifth stm t 'I’uc.sdiiy evenii Hornt y of Corvallis, wlio w as a land Medical hospital during the George Stangel home. miles from town, $1200. rcssful shop for tlw? inaklrig ot al tending were Mesdainr; week-end guest. She reccivt •d a absence of Mrs. Boucher, icguXr Polly Melhuish spent the week ­ hand made furniture Appropriutc- Merrill, ihiruld K yiioid miles from Kuert prize •. Miss Flora Wick liad d . ti: i. ii. who is making a trip to end in Portland with Mrs. Mary 10 acres, »|M*ak on "How Goin tie, Pete Schukart, ly enough 1 site alu* will apeak first mid Miss Authelva Cox c< >nso- the Orient. town. 4-room house, $1500. Piullips, Alice Woods. Buxines« i und Prole ..lonal Women Scnko, Mrs. J Liuon, •n. other Other guests were M it»es Douglas, S W Mcihuls Wilbur Thacker of Vernonia vis­ Mrs W M. Smith, who has been May Achie i*vc Kc'onomlc Btablllty " H •n Wick. Frances Grteir Mar* ile.! Bctzcr, Ra-»s Hall, Waite Saturday with hLs siste . Mrs. seriously 1U during the past week, is Watch daily ¡ m | xtx for Pacific William Jous, Scott Wolfe r irriti Lawr and Betty Havens. Zula Wooldridge. Mrs Wooldridge improving. »taildurd time of bi(Midcasts» Opt! Bctzcr. Phone 811 returned home with him for tire I’he Corvallis Buxine*.» «nd Pro- Mrs. E Mcresse of Forest Grove Dr nnd Frank Peak of Gres- week-end. Entertain With Party — Hillsboro spent Tuesday with Mrs. Caroline 1314 Main St. fr c lonal Women s club will give u luun. Mr and Mrs. Cloytor and Burke Tongue Jr. was brought Stangel. Mr. and Mrs E B Watt« enter­ M b Bc -'-.e I ced of Walla W.illu. prognun over KOAC on Tiic.xday .home Friday irom St Vincents ev< ning nt H 45. and other chibs tained Saturday evening with a Wu h and Mrs. Ruth Nerrls of hospital in Portland. where ___ ___ he ____ lias L.-. over the state are planning pro­ card party at their home. Guest« Fish, Mont . were here this Leen for several weeks. He is much wire .Mrs, Wvena Chase, Kay Claus.*, week, attending the funeral ot their grams for tin* week. an I Messrs and Mcsdam Kuen- rei. stive, Mrs. J E. Means of For­ improved. Mayor*» Proclamation vlly. A. L. Cha.»?. FrF. you send prescriptions as assisting hostess. 'Iliosc present! i Mr. mid Mrs Oucar Humburg and ton of E'orest Grove. OF DWIGHT III I.IT were » J W. Bailey. E ;. C '' son Alan of Garibaldi arrived here N'eedlccraft club met Wednesday Miss Edith Wilson, < daughter of Schulnicrich, R. F. Peters, M. H. Sunday for a visit of two weeks afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A Complete Stock Mrs Edward Wilson, and Mr Stevenson. R. L. Snutli, B. W. with Mrs. Humburg's parents. Mr E. Reeves. Mrs W. C. Gilford was Dwight C Built, son of < Mr. luid liariu’s, Miss Eva Bailey mid the and Mrs. Fred Rood, and oilier assisting hostess. of Staple Drugs Mrs. 8am Hulit. were married Sun- hostesses. It was reported Ilia. S15 relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Pfeiffer day afternoon at the liomr of the was cleared nt the recent benefit [ Mrs. H R Einmott L. confined and Otto Wolfe of Multnomah bnh’ss mother Rev. H A Dlck- card party fur new boons tor uie to i)er home this week Is as a result Saturday guests of Mr. and man of the Betiuuiy Presbyterian library. of an accident Saturday evening. A. W Lentz. church performed the ceremony. She struck her ankle against a Merel Sunderburk and Miss Cara ____ The bride wore a gown of old Miss Davis Complimented— NRÀ tearing ligaments and in­ Dryden of I*ortland were visitors ivory satin, with a wreath of orange A surprise party was given in rocker, juring the bones. Saturday at the A. J. Whlddon blossoms. and carried a bouquet of honor ot Margaret Davis on her Prescription Druggists Lola .sc Camp Fire girls held a home. calla lilies. Her attendants. Miss eighteenth birthday Tuesday eve- Ruth WiLs«>n. .sister ot the bride, ning nt the home ot Sylvia Muller meeting at Marjorie Sigler's home Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Watts and 1208 Main St. Phone 266 «nd Miss Cora Hulit. sister of the The evening was spent In playing, Friday evening. Plans were made Robert were Sunday guests of Mr. bridegroom, wore green and peach games and dancing Tliosc present I for a hike next Saturday. Elsie and Mrs. Orin Darcty of North FREE DELIVERY .•»ilk crepp frock, respectively, and were Margaret 1 >avis. Thelma Davies. < Martin was voted in as a member Plains. carried bouquets of sweetp as and Sally Hanna. 'Ditty Moss. Ignore of the group. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Manley were Talisman roses Mr Elbert Stevens l.vda, Ambrose Chlottl. Arthur Hail- 1 Mrs. Charles I.. Walker entertain­ guests Wednesday evening of Mr. of Laurel was best man. and Mr. J. mi and the hostess. ed a Forest Grove ladies' bridge and Mrs. F. A. Younger in Port­ J. Wismer gave the bride away. club at her home Wednesday after­ land. Attends Council Luncheon — Mis Nell Foster sang *1 Love You noon. Mrs. Theresa Abendroth of Port­ Mrs. George T McGrath, presi- Truly." iU’coinpankxl by Jesse Fo..- Mrs. Arthur Allen of Stevenson. ut , who played the welding march. dvnt ot llu* Hillsboro Garden club, Wash., spent a few days last week land was a week-end guest of her son. Fritz Abendroth, and family. DeroratioiLs were of Oregon grape attended a luncheon nt Campbeli with her cousin. Mrs. H R. Sigler. Court hotel In Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkes of and daffodils. were Sunday Following the wedding the couple It was a m<*etlng of tlu* executive I Mrs. James Rasmussen of Forest Longview. Wash.. left for a short honeymoon trip to council of tlu* Oregon State Feder­ | Grove was a visitor Friday at tile guests of Mr. *und Mrs. L. E Wilkes. home of Mrs. Caroline 8tangel. tiu* const They will make their ation ol Garden clubs. Plans were Funeral services were held March Mr and Mrs. L. J. Rushlow spent 1 in Portland for Enill Selander, home near tiic Hulit place south of made for n stall* foderntion meet­ ing Muy 18 mul li> at McMinnville. Sunday at St. Helens. Hillsboro. brother of O. E. Selander of Bcav- i Entertain at Bridge— WEIL'S HAVE STYLE SHOW , Mr. and Mrs Alt O. Johnson en­ tertained witli a bridge party Sal- AT vi \i 11 \\ M viu ii ii | tird.i.v evening. Guests were Messrs, Weil s department store announces mid Mcsdiuncs Verne Curry. J. L. a style .show at the Venetian Seurcy. Harry Morgan, T. B Lums­ theatre Wednesday night. Living den. A 1. Ainiiii»r. Nyc O Bitt 1. tn