r ) t i ) 1 THE Page Two Large Group Tigard Lodge i Attend Meet (goods, clothes and potatoes collect­ ed on the recent drive to lielp the poor. Mr. and Mrs David Tscluvbold and son Ernest motored to Brush ; l’rane Wash . Friday to visit her brother. Robert Fuegy. and his family. Give Birthday Tarty Mr and Mrs Vicior Christensen entertained Thursday night with a bir.lidav anniversary party for their brother". Chris Christensen Others present were Mr and Mrs Simon Hershev. Mr and Mrs William Rufener. Mr and Mrs. Carl Clrns- tensen. Lydia Kont. Hilda I ickess. Anna Christensen, and Hallie Jen- nings of Portland Evening was spent playing cards. Services Planned Stanley Cornils. a student at Western Baptis; rheological Sem­ inary Portland, announced at the .-ervice Sunday that there will be an evangelistic campaign beginning March 11. at the Mason Hill school. Mr. Cornils will be speaker and the young people from Bethany Bap­ tist church will " play and sing ~ special music each night- Everyone is invited to attend. Howard Schneiaer. who has been working at Oak Ridge spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. A B. Schmidt and son Frank ot Tualatin were Sun­ day guests at the George Schneider home. HILLSBORO Cornelius Firemen Called Out For House Fire on the Highway Cornelius»—Tuesday morning the Cornelius fire deportment »as call­ ed to the C Wiltlev home on the highway east ot town l'lic chimm-y had caught fire and th«' flames spread on the roof and started it burning Tlie lire was fiKxm ■ —• • • vx- ’*- anguished E Sunday Girls class ot the M »-ho.-l of which Miss Blanche Un'- gan is teacher, won a Bible verst­ memorizing contest over the boys clxs> of which Miss Gladys Brown is teacher, when the contest ckvs-J LY-bruarv 25. Friday evening the losing class entertained the girls' das.-, with a par.y at the church W Tyler, i missionary from N<« Guinea, spoke at the Gt:-mail Luth- ern church Friday tught. Hetty Jo and Jean Osborne and Clyde McCormack won the declam­ ation contest at Dilley Friday and will represent Cornelius at Reedyilk- March 15 Mrs Clara Smith of Portland president ot the third district t• mercial subjects being taught. York home a t Reedville for a made for next year. Anniversary Observed Mrs month. Mrs. Lester Cypher and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Anyone having news items of Henry Cypher attended the home- Bilyeu of Tigard gave them a sur­ interest, please communicate with makers' conference last week under prise party to celebrate their twen­ Jean Smith, or leave items at the auspices of the home exten- i tieth wedding anniversary. More Hazeldale store. sion service of the Oregon State than twenty-five fnends were pres­ Mrs. Tom Miller and her mother. college in Corvallis. ent. Cards were played with Mrs. Mrs A. L. Danford. and sister. Mrs. Anniversary Observed Metcalf and Bert Davis high. Mr J. B Thornton, were guests of The ''500' club had a surprise Bilyeu is postmaster of Tigard, har­ Mrs. Lily Bierly in Hillsboro Tues- party Sunday evening at the home ing been appointed in July Mr. and Mrs Bilyeu were married m Albany, Mr and Mrs. Harley Taylor and cf Mr. and Mrs. Loci Hollenbeck and have two sons and one daugh­ Harley, and Coreatta Adams at- of Mountaindale. It was their wed­ anniversary-. Mrs. J R. Sand­ ter. tended Double Six meeting at ding ford and Aniv Chns-.ener had Byron Blankenship of Tigard was Scholls Friday evening. on the debate team from Pacific Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller attend­ i-.i-h score and Mrs. A K. Reynolds university that met the Lmneid ed a surprise party on Dewey and J. 1 R Sandford second. Ti were the Messrs and Mes- debaters recently. Drorbaugh at his home in Beaver­ present dames A T Christener. Henry ton Fnday night. William Joos. J. R. Sand- John Hendricks and Fred Buntje Cypher, A. K. P.evnolds. Earl Hollen- of Skamania spent Monday and lord. id J Mathiesen beck an: Tuesday at the O M. Taylor home Mrs. Elmer Mays was brought and Ray Cary spent the time at home last week. from the In pital . his home. She is doing nicely. Helvetia—Three 4-H club groups Phyllis Christener entertained met at the home of Harry Han.-on with a slumber party Friday night, Friday. The Rock Creek Dairy dub. Those present were girls in the led by Fred Jossy, had it; busi­ ______ Mover. Fran- eighth crad Patricia ness meeting there, also the poul­ cis Millet. Maryhelen Tolson and try club, led by Frances Detrick The Corn club was reorganized North Plains—A P T A. pro­ Phyllis Christener. Bessie Wienetke Honored with Harry Hansen as leader for gram will be given at the K P. the second year. Officers are John­ hall Friday evening at 8 o clock Mr. and Mrs. William Wier.ecke nie Hansen, president; James Dav­ P. T. A. observed Founders' day e: terta.ned with a dinner Sunday, idson. secretary-treasurer. Next Tuesday evening at the school A. the occasion being Bessie's birth- meeting »dll be at the home of playlet, “The P. T. A Birthday dav. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson April 6 Assistant Cake.'' was given by Billy Trout- Grabel of Grabel and Phyllis Chris­ county agent. Joseph Belanger, and man. Ellen Mai's. Laura Millet, tener. Mrs Belanger were among the and Mrs. Merritt Jackson, Games Week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. guests. were played and a box lunch served, Moyer w?re Mr. and Mrs Hay­ Helvetia school board has receiv­ P. T. A quilting was held at the ward and children of Portland. ed word from the CWA oltice that home of Mrs. Pritchard Wednes­ Mr and Mrs Lester Ireland of work will probably be done at the day. Hillsboro S-ie Davis and Dr. P E. school house soon. They intend to Miss Hila Cornelius was a guest Hale of Por land were guests of Mr. have a basement built. of Mrs John Parson at Forest and Mrs. J Schoenberg Sunday Mrs. Jossy Hostess Mr and Mr- Merritt Jackson and Grove Sunday. Mrs. Fred Jossj- entertained with Regional declamation contest was daughter. Lavelle, -pent Sunday with e dinner party at her home last week, the occasion bemg Mr. Jossy s birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Gates and Mr. and Mrs. John Stamch of Portland, Harry Badert- echer, Earl, Donald and Dick Jos­ Hazeldale Group Holds Big Party Clubs at Helvetia Elect New Leaders North Plains P.T.A. To Present Program An “Insurance Policy’’for Your Table ey To Make Home Here Mr and Mrs. E. R. O Banion ar­ rived from Camarillo. Cal.. Friday et Mason HdL where they intend to make their home. Helvetia won a fan- share of honors at the declamatory contest •t North Plains school Friday. Lilly Schmder won a first: Ralph Hamer. Earl Pieren and Emil Yurkow.ch won second places and RuthGuer- ber tlurd. Mr and Mrs Oscar Feterstein m Rev I’aid Sc Ita us ot s.li-ll liti will deliver the sermon Visitor,, always come again. I'lu- iippumtmrnt was male WaHt'i’ |) Alien, pir.Hidmt of National EillUHlul hxhoc U i ion head oí flu* commuter Evangelistic Campaign An eiangelisMc campitigli will be conducted a t Mason Hill public school house four miles north of Helvetia store, beginning Sunday night, March 11. and continuili : int­ one week Services will oe held ui 8 sharp, every night, except Satur- iav Stanley Cornils. student at We tern Baptist rheological sem­ inary. IMrtland, will I m * the speaker Bethany Baptist Young People's union "HI sponsor the event m mi top < Sun ay May i be a Middle oi tlu* Koader ’ Mon­ dai l or What Puq»ose lhd Christ Come’ I’ue.sday. How Does the Ikatho Chn.st Save Me? Wedne- .111 a Man n * B oi n day Hoa ( i an When Hr is s old ’ i’hursday. W’hat Mu>t I 1 to he be Saved? Sa\vd? “ Friday, What lkH*s the Bible lutile Say Sai About Same Preseti! World Con litlon.s ' Sunday ' C.m I Sin Aw.n Mi Dai of Ora« • lt so. lloii ' ' CamiMign theme, ’Christ Calne to Save Sm- ners.” Regardless of your creed or church affiliation, you are cordially invited Suitt* Senator John Go* o'. Marsh­ and welcome, Special music a n d field seekx the democratic nomili singing at eieri M-rvtce bv Bcth- nt ion for United States repre- any Baptist church choir and band, tentative ile pledv.es onc hun- dred ix*r ceni suppoit ot Presi- Tualalln 1‘l.iiiis l-re-.toterl.iii Church dent Roosevelt, a marked riduc­ the Christian Endeavor »ill meet turn ili gin emmental costa ns at 8 o'clock, with Christine ChrlsUnc Robb, now being carrivd out bv tlu* nd- leader 1Y>pic. W hat Did Religion ministration and a fair iduin- of ?” Dr Voitliu' Mean to Jesus?'' Young Will federai exprnditures tor tn<- lint lx- there and give a short talk on congroosional districi the subject. bv Rei J Baptist Church of ttie Dor­ Bible study. 9 45; preaching. II and 7 30; young poopie. 6 -i* You are welcome to each and all meet­ ne.ss meeting ings. Guild room Keedville Christian Endeavor Christian Science Society Reedville C E will meet Sunday are lx*ld every Sunday evening, with Warren Williams as at Service« 11 Wrdne-’.Ja) evening lead; r Topic. ' What Did Religion services a at in 8 o’clock, Sunday .school Mean to Jesus ’ Whut Did Christ s at 9 45 a in Pupils up the* age Advent Into the World Mean to of 20 years arc welcomed. to Sunday's Him? What Did tin- Temptation topic, ’’Man ” Mean to Jesus in His Mmistiv ' Will Was Jesus so Often Misunder­ Banks M. I Churrh stood? ' All these and many other Sunday school every Sunday. 9 4.» questions will bt- unswvred at I la- a m Mi - II Jensen, superintend­ meeting. ent Preaching services by E Julius Traglio, pastor, every Sunday we­ Four Square Church There is much activity going on ning. 7 30 I ¿idles* Aid meets hrst Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jackson near m the church us the Easter spirit and third Wednesday at 2 p. in wings its wav into the lu-art of the Banks. Mr and Mrs Ed Kiepke and people, ant this special time This coming Sunday night Rev. Elwell sons of Mountaindale spent Friday evening with Mrs Kiepke's parents. will be speaking on "The laws of the Universe " The men's quartet Mr and Mrs Langue. Mr and Mrs L B. Haley and will bring u message in song as son. Warren, ot Bethany spent Sun­ well as the music ensemble, w Inch day evening with Mr. and Mrs consists of tlu* vibra harp, saxo- phone, trumpet and baritone Ot her C. Langue special numbers which will be a blessing also Don t fail to attend. A special contest is on in the Sun­ day school Mrs. Katie Shipley Is German M. F. Church. Bethany superintendent, and everything Christian Church On Oerman town road ¿Sunday possible is done to make one feel at school every Sunday. 10 a. Lord's dav church school. 9 45 a I home If you do not attend Sunday man service, 11 a. m. m. C H Nosier, Nosier. superintendent anywhere else we give you third Sundays. Englhh .* Now for the 200 mark this month. I school a special invitation to jo n us at a. m. .'-econd and fourth Sundays If every member of the school en­ 9 4- next Sunday Frulay- E. Julius Traglio, pastor. deavors to be present every Lord's nlght is the service morning the young day and also invites others it will pple have charge when of the musical Arne Rae on Mt \ Board be easy. You art- going to do tliat p.i:. ol the program. Eugene Arm- G Rae. Held man­ we know The "99 class invites the ager tor the Oregon Slat - Editorial men of this community Y’ou 11 en­ association, hi. been appointed a All Saints-’ Mission - authority com­ Fourth Sunday in Lent Church ing worship. 11 a m Music by choir St-rmon. "Crusading for school, 9 45, primary, junior and mittee winch will have charge »! Souls." Church history outline study senior classes; morning prayer and NRA regulations for dally and in C E room. 6 p m. Christian sermon by Rev J T. Hl.uk Choir weekly newspapers ano pim'iii Endeavor. 6.30 p m Junior in pri­ practice Thursday. 7 p m . followed plants out-sidc of metropolitan«! mary room, intermediate in main r--------------------------------------- auditorium and young people in C. E. room. Evening worship. 7:30. 8 aerricc «Misted by young people's choir Sermon. "The Heart of the Gospel." Tuesday. 6:30 p. m.. free-will supper given the men of the community by men of the "93" class Dr E F. Leake has been invited as chief speaker. Wednes­ day. 7:30 p. ni. church school con-, ferenoe ot of I icers and teachers. Thursday. 7 30 p m.. "Christian Ar­ tton program and choir practice following March 18 a series of pre-Exster meetings begin Watch Quarta for further announcement We wel- c me you to these services. "The Pinta church with a family spirit." R. L. Putnam, pastor. amt fam.lv ot Hillsboro. Miss I'helma Cornelius of Cor- »wills stH-nt the week-end u Uh Miss Blanche Fmei .iii Miss Cor­ nelius formerly lived here Mr and Mrs Robert Cornelius mid son Ron­ ald were also viMtors ot old tricmls here. Miss Reatha McRoberts of Gales Creek was a Sunday guest of Mr amt Mrs J Suver Lloyd Shaw left Sunday for Reedsport, where he is employtM Mr mid Mrs Walter Nuson and daughter. Jean i itod Miss Gladys and Leslie Broun Sunday. Mrs I-tcrle Adamson who has been visiting at Sheridan with Mr and Mrs James Adamson and son. has returned home Earl Phelps spent the week-end at the coast William Scholfteld of Port land was a guest at the W A Goodin home last week Mr and Mrs Llovd Shaw were Salem callers Saturday Mrs V. Bacon is ill with pneii- mon la. Leslie Brown visited lus parente, Mr. and Mrs G W Drown, at Gervais Saturday. Mrs. Frank Doohcr will teach at Mountaindale again next year Mrs James Miller ot Hillsboro greeted Cornelius friends Wednes- day. Mr and Mrs. Robert Bellinger ot Forest Grove visited relatives here Hits week. Sunday visitors ot Mr and Mrs Oscar Pfahl were Mr and Mrs Fred Krahmer and famllv and Mrs C Pfahl ot Hillsboro. Miss Freda Pfahl ot Portland and Ted Pfahl. a student at Linfield college. Mr ant Mis A Kyle and Mr and Mrs A Hunger ot Gales Creek were guess ot Mr and Mrs A Onos. Sunday Mr and Mrs C Newman of Blooming visited Mr and Mrs. Oliver Newman Sunday Bobbv Reichard has returned to Iowa Hill school after an absence of seven weeks, due to scarlet fever Miss Blanche Flncgan was a guest of Mrs. John Parsons ot Forest Grove Sunday. at Uppenkamp’s TAILOR SHOP 1121 Second St. Oregon Hillsboro MUS I- Vt I IXI I VI I Is XI It Helvetia Mrs Pauline l-'aulkner. wit,- of Louis M l-'aiilkner. tiled In I'oil hind Manli 4 and funeral »rv ices were held ill Portiani '1 u« .»tav Siu- wiu> tile daughter ot the Inte Joseph lli-Jiop mid wig, born and reunal on tin- home place lien- De­ ceased Ls survived by tin- widower mid two children IiorLs and la>us Jl . a sister Mrs Anna Scliulder- inan ol 1-ortliiml. and William II; r- inan and Henry Bishop of Helvetia l< < GOODWIN Funeral services for Robert C’lns- •en Goodwin, t>2. who died lierv February :8. weir held Saturday at tlu* l>onr!son A Sewell chiipel. He wiyj born October 5. 1871. In Ohio nnt nmrrled Uluru Agne/i ltr - in Kirtland Mnv 23 1907 Mr Goodwin had lived at Timber on Castor creek for more than 49 years Deceased Is survived by the widow, a son. Ohm 1 Frederick Goodwin. Timber, and a brother, J F Good­ win. Portland Mr Goodwin was w as on<* of the first mall carriers m the Timber country, carrvinu the mail by pack hor.M* from Strassel to Timber. Funeral services were held under the auspices of the Seventh Day Advent Lst church of which he was iui active member. If you change your addrees kind ly notify the Argus direct and »1 once GOOD DINNI IIS , . are rawy to pre |»arr with fiMMln from PIG- GI.Y WIGGLY. < oiiir in and take your time; plan your dinner«» rh lit from the «dirhe*. You’ll find rver rthinf arrant - rd where you can easily find it- and you will i Ind t h 11 pi. i % \\ i . i. price«» will keep your budget healthy. Grade 7V Milk Trinity Lutheran Chnrch Public worship at 10.30 a m : Sunday school at 9:45. Sermon sub­ ject, "Lydia. The Christian B . :- ness Woman " Acta 16. 11-15. The Women's Bit-im-ss and Pr .li-.si ,nal club will attend this service in a body. You are also welcomed to Another Lenten I FIR GROVE DAIRY Phone 4RX1 PLYMOUTH S HERE TRY THE 193' thia ride. To learn what ON’T ask us bow it was done! But one of Individual Front Wheel Springing, plus Patented the biggest, safest, most Floating Power Engine luxurious automobiles Mountings means to com­ you’H see this year, is in fort and ridingsmoothness! the lowest priced group! D It’s on our showroom floor right now. It has a lot of things you'd not expect in a low price car. Especially its performance W c < .ill it The 1934 Pound Lard Pound Fure Home Rendered Pound « Pearls o£ Wheat Margarine F Khrr-s Blend. Flour 21' j lb. Flour A 19 ’hlirr'» Ib i. k s. Biscuit Mix Ft I lb. lier pkg. Mrd »I Salad Dressing Gold 1 quart Toilet Tissue Scott Tissue Scot. 3 rolls Oxydol, large pkt ’s. Salad Oil Durkee 1 quart tin Borax f!” 20 inule Tram. Hershey Cocoa Tin H lb. ... Baking Powder i t“*- Minute Tapioca , pkf. SUGAR 47c t Mlty Nice. Sliced or unslicrd. lb. Inni •»»»»il» W ¡ if ZO>' * J»--» T j» «■’ jt • ■ jr • «. jr’w » • )t~>~X~X~l t f íV» M a Wc want everybody in town to arrange to take IN REAR OF PIGGLY WIGGLY STORE tl Price Fri., Set . Mon. — March 9, 10, 12 REGU1 AR HAMS POT ROASTS All shoulder cuts. 9c RIB STEAKS 12c » Vegetable SHORTENING 5c Re». Phone 321Z » ’• •* * «»MB K 'M Plymrtuth ride. BOILING BEEF .‘¡hort Rib and Brisket. 6c m PICNIC HAMS BACON Surtir ciin-il HILLSBORO, OREGON Greetings to Hillsboro B. and P. Club on National Business Women's Week 18c n» 1 to fl-lb. average. a. 15c WE PAY CASH FOR HIDES 5 Deliveries Daily 14c 23c 20c 33c 27c 9c 24c 12c BREAD FRESH SMELT ARE IN SEASON Phone 651 Ì Alben». And this Plymouth has plenty more to talk about . . . 77 horsepower, hy draulic brakes, safety steel body, rigid-X-fraine and valve seat inserts. 9c 8c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET : Friday, Saturday and Monday Special» ' Beef Roast LARD West Untoli locai of (Ile Farioer.. Union nu-t at (he Norlh l’ialn-. K P. Itali Thiusdav ami a few ik - w mi-mbc-rs werv mitlalcd FUn ulor Arthur Ireland explaiimd thè non liuutrr cod, Neri iiux-tlng will I h * a MHial uttalr. dam-lnu and card pluylng iVoim-n ure x.ked lo bi mg lunch DEMAND BACON SQUARES Pound ....... 9c 9c satis­ Hamburger............... Pound You must pet 100N faction as to fit, wearing quality of cloth and lining, Hhape-retaining of garments. New 1934 spring and sum- mor fabrics now on display Senator Ireland Spvak» We»t Union Parili Union CHURCHES SATURDAY SPECIALS SUITS and TOPCOATS Thurnday. Mart h H. 1934 10c u. CHICKENS For str-wing. ii> By the piece Free Delivery Every Afternoon 17c ib. Phone 3131 ■ > y » cx ~ t x xA