THE Page Two ARGUS, HILLSBORO HILLSBORO, Thursday. March 1, 1934 OREGON I Pa Laurel Group Presents Play To Biç Crowd v - x n * tro 7 « « QCP g g ¡ e t t 1 < i 1 < 1 > Laurel “A Prairie Rose." the four-act drama by the Broadcasters class of the Sunday school, was played Co a full houw at Hie com­ munity hall Friday evening Almost the entire community, a- well as many from a dLstano were present and words of praise for the entire cast w>*re heard from all side- A net profit of 142 »M made, which will be used for Sunday school purposes , _ Mrs Hugh McGilvra of Forest Orove president ot the W.ishtn.tton County Public Health associa ion. and Miss Margaret Dixon, county health nurse attended Ladies' So­ cial club at the homes of Mrs John Will last Wednesday and told of the work the association is doing and how to co-operate with them to get the benefits of the a—o. at n Twenty-six were pre-ont Ni xt med­ iae will be in the club room March 7 with Mrs L. F Davis as hostess , j . A debate. '■Resolved that thc radio has been the cause of more happiness Chan all other inventions in the past past, fifty yeara." years.” was held In at lav the w«' meeting of ’ tlie "Friendly Corner” Sunday school class at the Rollin Meyers home Thursday evening Several literary ’»umbers pertaining to George Washington and some contes-t games were en­ joyed Cherry pie was served Next meeting will be at the John A ill home March 22. Mrs. Haase Hostess Mrs. J H Haase ce’ebrated her birthday anniversary February 16 IS by entertaining the following guests during the afternoon ind evening Mr. and Mrs H J. Ha.ise and Mrs John Goetae and son Norman of Iowa Hill; Mr and Mrs. John Haase and three children, Mrs Frank Waibel Mrs E,schen. Mrs. Fred Haase Mr and Mrs Herb Perkins and daughter Siilrley. and Mr and Mrs Henry Peo-rs. all of Firdale; Mr. and Mrs W.ll Haase. Mr and Mrs Henry Kritbel and son Ed of Hillsboro. Mrs W L. Stevens. Mrs Ernehe Hogrefe. Mrs Jacob Schmidt. Mrs. Sidney Roth- strom and two children. Mrs. Louise Brunner. Miss Maud Pattee and Carl Peterson. Mr and Mrs Reynold Gerig of Firdale were Sunday guests of Mr «nd Mrs Francis Coolidge Mrs W L. Stevens and Mrs Roy Fields visited du* Ed Demmin fami­ ly ax Scholls last Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs. Dexter Elliott .»nd son Wilbur and Muss Cleeta Stretch of Newberg were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of the ladies uncle. W H McNay J W Gnmes of San Francisco was a guest for several days last week at the E C. and J W. Mul­ loy and F L. Brown homes. Mr Grimes taught school here in 1897 ffcfkd "98 Mrs Anna Schmidt attended the district convention of the Busi­ ness and Professional Womenscluos held in Hillsboro Sunday. Grandma Grauer was ill at her home several days last week She is now at the home of her daugh­ ter. Mrs Howard Rice of near HULsboro. where she is convalescing George Schmidt and Gretchen Gransten, teachers in the Alsea school, were Friday night guests at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs Fred Schmidt. Mr and Mrs Call? Whitmore and daughter Josephine and their house-guests. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Haines and granddaughter. Mar­ garet Rose of Oroville. Wash . were Saturday and Sunday guests at the Carl Launer home in Dayton. Mr Launer is a cousin of Mesdames Whitmore and Haines Mr and Mrs Henry Haase and son Harold were Sunday dinner Iuests at the John Goetze home on owa Hill Sunday guests at the M Coolidge home were Mr and Mrs. C. A Kuhnhausen Clement Muck. Rus- eell Folley and Joseph Bradley, all of Portland Mrs. Francis Nibler's lather. A Verdigen. of Portland is at the Nibler home tor a few weeks' visit. Mrs W L Stevens entertained the Ladies Aid society of Blooming at her home here Thursday of last week Her sister. Mrs Hattie Wil­ liams. of Hillsboro spent the day with her and as.->isted in entertain­ ing About thirty-five were present Mr and Mrs. J W Mulloy. Thel­ ma Mulloy and Gilman Wight were Sunday dinner gueste at the W N Hathorn home in Hillsboro Miss Mildred Merz of Poitland was a Saturday and Sunday gue.-t of Miss Irene Stevens M lss Merz teaches school at Hood River Mr. and Mrs Herman Whitmore entertained with a dinner Wedn s- s McII- a paper on Un* cultural, education­ value Mrs Geneva Kobuiitte and al. and practical value of music childr n Lavon and Vernon. Chris lhe wealthiest Ik'ini' is poor, in­ Michelson and Carl Long deed. without Uie refmmg influ­ Mr and Mrs .1 W Suvcr were ence ot music.” said Mrs. Fliugan visitors at Gales Creek Sunday. Renofta of the county fisleration Mrs Robert Bellinger of bXuest lueetmg were given by Mesdames Gion* i.xiioi her mother. Mrs M 1’aul Melanson. Alice McCormack. E.ison. Saturday. Henrv Bchrmail and George Wilcox James VanLom and Robert Cvh- Women were encouraged to make a careful study of the sales tax by rone. students at Nor- Mrs A L Brock, chairman ot null, vtsiuxi their faiuilics over the legislation The new ruling on milk week-end. Miss Hila Cornelius of North Farmington Work lias been start - was also discussed. ed at Cx- Fiutinngton school. A Plans for planting flowers on Plums visiuxl triends hero Satur- new fence has been placed around the highway were brought before day M lss LMrnelius formerly re- the school yard and excavation tor t he meeting bv Mrs Albert Bun- sided here Warren B Barnes, principal of the basement started iung. Mrs. Henn Behrnian. chairman Hie school. was ill Friday .uut Mrs Farmington Welfare club met J W Stiver substituted for him with Mrs El Kraus Tliursd.iy ot welfare work, repor.ed on health Mrs. Lotus»* Cochran was ill this Next meeting will be with Mrs. Ed and Ks 1 Cross woik l'he County Red Cross council will lx* guests ot WlH'k Hoffman. Mrs Henrien.» MtL.ui of HtlLs- Sunday guests at tlie Ed Boge the club March 8 Mrs M L Creekpauni reported boro was a guest of her sister, Mrs home were Mr and Mrs Frank M. D Mann. ‘ ................. Wednesday Tuma. Mr and Mrs. Fred Meek. on the library, showing that be­ Miss Zelma Boyd, bi ide-elect of Mr and Mrs Marion Boge. and tween 800 and 900 bcx'ks were read Harld Shaper, was given a allow- Miss Gertrude Meek of Portland during the past month Mrs. Otto Osborn gave a humor­ er at Butuungs hall Saturday eve- and Mr. and Mrs. John Boge Trinity Lutheran Ladies' society ous reading Mesdames Mike Sus­ ning ni<* evening wus spent in met with Mrs. Frank Schulmerich bauer and Ray Shaw were hwslesses. dancing Mis- Boyd received many beautiful gifts. Thursday Lois Brannock Winner Mrs M 1' Mann entertained Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Bennett Annual bird-house contest of the Sunday with dinner ui honor ot the mid children. Kenneth Jr. and Cornelius public school was com­ birtlkday anniversaries of Mrs Les­ Charlotte, of PortlaiO were Sunday pleted Friday Mrs A L Brock ter Mi>oberry. Mis loyal Mann. guests at the Charles Clark home. and Mrs. Henry Bchrmail were Mary Rae and l.ucille Irene Mann Mr Jones. Farmington school judges. Lois Brannock received live teacher, who has been quite ill. is grand prize. Oilier prizes were Present besides the honor guests were Mr. and Mrs Ray Mann. Mr Improved but is still unable to seventh and eighth grade. Lester and Mrs William Mann and teach. Pisibody. tirst. Albert Vuj Isteke. daughter Priscilla Mr and Mrs. Mrs. George Biersdorf of Scheff- second; Clyde McCormack, third. Joseph Manti and daughter Barbara lin was a guest of her daughter. Esther Pe®t>od.v. fourtlt Fifth and Mrs W T. Putnam Jr. a few days sixth. Lois Brannock, first; William Jane of Portland Lester Mooberry. Loyal Mann, Mrs. Mattie Smith last week Hamelman. second; Richard Cor- an 1 the hostess Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John nelius. third; Georgiana Jones. Mildred Meyers of Portland spent Boge Sunday evening were Mr and fourth. Third and fourth. Mary the week-end at the Mike Susbauer Mrs Charles Coffin, and Tommy Jane first; Tom Sel- home McCormack, Tobin of Portland and Mrs. Mary- ___ ____________ fridge, second; Delores Sahnow. Mrs A Spiescheart spent several Hoover of Hillsboro. third; Otto Haag, fourth. First and days in Portland last week with Miss Wanda Fintgan of Chehalem second. first; her sister Maxine McPherson. Mountain was a guest of Miss Dusick, second; Audrey . Jack Hensel spent Hie week-end Catherine Boge Sunday afternoon. William Mae Palo, third; Ralph John, at the home of Charles Pfalil Fri­ Both girls attended tlie Girl Re­ fourth. The prize houses i are on day evening in company with Joe serve Spring conference at Reed display in the window- of the J and Frank Onos he attended tlu* college during the week-end. A. Irmler Hardware store. play given by; the young people of Mrs Ervin Burkhalter has gone Laurel. Mrs Anna Susbauer was hostess : to California to visit her daughter. John Burbank had his eye seri­ to the ladies of the St Alexander s Mrs. Walter Robinson Miss Maude Patter is taking care church Thursday afternoon at her ously injured while working on the rock crusher near Hillsboro Satur­ home Twenty-one were present of the Layton Watts family, who I have all had the flu. , Ovid Chartrey had lus tonsils day. The Hall service station is being Cement is being poured at the removed in Portland last week. Glen Smith of CCC camp near enlarged and improved new Farmington bridge now. Miss Helen Talbot of Portland, Mrs. G Nelson has gone to Seat- * Vancouver spent the week-end at who has been ill w ith sleeping sick­ tie to be with her husband, Cap- home ness. is reported as improving The Joseph Cochran left last week for tain Nelson, whose ship, the S S Talbots formerly resided in Cor­ Sidney Hampton, is in port for a San Francisco, where lie under­ nelius. went an operation at the ''Letter­ few days. Mrs. M. Gnos visited Mrs Frank A farewell party was held for mans General Hospital.” Cochran Mr and Mrs C. C Hoffman and is a retired first-sergeant and ex­ Brandaw of Blooming Tuesday Dinner guests of Mrs. Joe Van- daughter Betty, who have moved pects to be gone several weeks. Doris BishoD has returned to audeniiaugen Sunday were Mr. and to a home near Beaver. Mrs Frank Reichart Betty Lou. school after two weeks' absence Florence and Bobby. Mrs P. Van- due to illness. The chile supper held at the audenhaugen and daughter Janet. z city hall Friday evening and spon­ Mrs M Gnos. Miss Frances Gnos. sored by a committee of the M E E A Deaville. Charles Vanauden- church was a success. Those help­ tiaugen and Anthony Gnos Mrs John Koehnke celebrated ing were Mesdames John Rock. Leisyville—Next meeting of the Charles Lathan. Lester Mooberry. her birtli.lay with a large party Leisyville Womans club will be O Olsen. O CartwTight. Mattie Friday About 35 attended March 8 with Mrs. John Sinclair Smith and Earl Smith Misses Myra Otto Wackron of Portland spent All members are requested to be Weldewitsch and Rosamond Mun- the week-end at the home of Mrs. present for election of officers. dorf The committee is planning M Gnos. Program given at the Leisyville to have interior and exterior im­ Contestants in the declamation school Fndav evening was well at­ provements on the church done this contest were chosen Monday at the tended. I*, included a dance by Hel­ week. Cornelius public M'hool. and will go en Wick. vocal numbers by Mr. Mrs. D Horine 'Leah Turner' to Dlllev Friday to compete* there Reilly and a short skit by Mrs. of Portland entertained the fol­ The winners here Mnday were: Blake and Mrs. Meek lowing Girl Scouts at her home third and fourth grade. Betty Jo Frances Zilimski of Silverton last week-end Misses Goldie Wes­ Osborne, serious; $!ary Jane Mc­ the Sin- spent this last week at Fifth and sels. Dorothy Headrich. Georginana Cormack. humorous clair home. Jones. Dora Lee Selfridge. Violet sixth grades. David Edmiston, seri­ _______ Mildred _________ Rowton o f Portland Hieme. Jean and Betty Jo Osborne. ous; Dorothy Headrick, humorous; spent a few days last week with Jean Brannock. Madeline DePrez. seventh and eighth grades. Clyde her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E E Bonnie Kicser. Esther Peabody and McCormack, serious. Jean Osborue, Rowton. Elaine Henderson anl their captain. humorous. Mrs John Gates Sr., who has Mrs Otto Osborne. Mrs Jessie Henderson recently been ill. is able to be up. Miss Gladys Brown attended an had the large maple trees by her Mr and Mrs. John Sinclair vis­ Evangelical Sunday school conven­ home cut down. ited Mr and Mrs. Albert Lenners tion at Silverton Friday and Satur­ Pupils of the Iowa Hill school' of Silverton Sunday day. She also spent a few days visited Firlale school February 22 Mrs P Davis and son spent sev­ visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs and participated in a Washingtons eral days last week visiting her G W. Brown, of Gervais. birthday program and in a spelling sister. Mrs. John Gates Jr. Mrs Elvin Finegan and two chll- match Mr and Mrs A. Gnos used dren of Hillsboro visited Friday at their truck to furnish transporta­ tion. See Large Eagles the Joseph Finegan home Iowa Hill school students are lm- Mr. and Mrs. B B Irving and Oren Reshe and Clarence Robin­ son saw two large eagles Saturday daughter. Miss Rosemary, and son. afternoon at Farmington. They Rav of Roseburg and Mrs. Eliza­ beth Morris and Miss Mary Corl came down on the Rehse farm. of Portland called at the W R. ■ Cooke home Saturday afternoon. Quality job printing—Argus. I CWA W ork Starts Farmington School Leisyville Club to Convene March 8 proving their school yard by plant­ ing flowers and shrub». MLv> Fran­ ces Gmxs I» teacher. Mrs Henry llaa.M* celebrami her bimmay with a party MoiaUy uitei luxin About 2t> aHended. Hiteon Club Meets With Mrs. I H iks ' u Hltcon club met February .’I with Mrs Evelyn Holland nt IU Fourteen memlxis mid three visitors answered roll call. A MiHieiti Farm Improvement During tlx- mix*t'.iig Mis I* s Kamlt of I'ortbuid s|x>ke to Hie club on the different divisions of welture wor» Next nu*« mg. Marell 7. will be with Mrs Emily Peterson and Mrs Emma Carlson Annual M*ed m» I pl.ui; exchange will be lie Id nt tills time. Muss Eh alx’th Struthers has been ill tlie past week Mr misi Mrs J. L Haggerty vi»- ltixl Sunday with their daughter, Mrs N 1* NieLsen. at Tigard. Mr and Mis Joseph Flint of Sclmlls Mr and Mre Robert Hol­ land and si ns of Beaverton uixi Mari Yixler oi l*arkpla< <' were Sunday guests at tlu* " “ k.' 1> Hite home Miss IXiroUiy Peterson of land visited at her home Thursday Site was also a caller at the Struthers home Mr. and Mrs. Robertson nisi children of Portion 1. E Fulmer of White Salmon. Wash . and the Messrs Converse of Portland visit­ ed Sunday at the William Campbell home Miss Verna Mae Walters o f Cedar Mill visited Mis, Elisabeth Struthers Sunday Mr and Mrs Sherwin Schoals and son Raymond of Rix-dvIUe vis­ ited Sunday at the C W Strutlurs home. Quite a number of tile school children spent Sunday afternoon with Henry and Archie Davies Mrs I’ Failes and laughters of Portland were Sunday visitors at the James Campbell home at Camp­ bell Hill ranch Mr. and Mrs. William F Gamp- C” bell and son. Ralph and Mrs ’ I. C W Struthers visited Monday ut the Fems home ui Portland Hillsboro Motors Adds to Its Force Hillsboro Motor company added amral n»w men to i*« staff this week according to Junes Whitelaw. manager G A Edwards of Spo­ kane who was W1U» Mr Whitelaw in Spokane »even years, is now in the mechanical department and will move lus family here J W Perkins of Portland will serve as txx>kkeeper, while Elmer Irwin will continue with the l Phone 1RX1 WE PAY CASH FOR HIDES FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily Re». Phone 321Z Lux Toilet Soap The MODERN TREND . . HILLSBORO, OREGON Calo SALAD AID . . f:ft 19c I’kg. 1 pint jar 17c Whole Bran 1 quart jar 29c Pont’» 12c Pkg. Granulated -, Soap < « ■ White King i s æ 27c 1 Sunbrite Cleanser : Ammonia or Bluine .< 5c CHOCOLATE cake 15c Each Swunsdown 24c pkg. Carnation Oats Larve, premium 24c Pkg Pabst Cheese Golden Grain All varieties A bulk cereal 25c 15c 2 ib,. 10c 25c 14c 14c 20c DEVILED MEAT " MINCED CLAMS Tran»chef MACARONI ^phI. FRESH EGGS COPPPF 1 1,1, J Hershey Cake Flour 4c Per can '41 y 25c 3 cum H Postum Cereal 2 pkg,. I’lwiy Wiggly spwui. I |h |(kt. WALT’S MARKET IN REAR or PIGCl.V WIGCI.Y STORE Floating Power ... 77 Horsepower . . . Safety-Steel Bodies . . . Hydraulic Brakes . . . All-Silent Transmission . . . T-Slot Alum­ inum Alloy Pistons . . . Full Pressure Lubrication . . . Individual Front Wheel Springing . . . Rubber Core Shackles . . . Silent-U Spring Shackles . . . Shockless Cross Steering . . . Air Cleaner and Intake Silencer . . . Hand Brake on Transmission . . . Hy­ draulic Shock Absorbers . . . Rigid-X Double Drop Frame . . . Oil Filter . . . Precision-Type Removable Connecting Rod and Main Bearings . . . Complete Crankcase Ventilation . . . Manual Type Starter . . . Silent Timing Gear Chain . . . Alloy Valve Seat Inserts . . . Ball Bearing Clutch Release . . . Roller Bearing Uni­ versal Joints . . . Bonderized Fenders and Sheet Metal Parts . . . Custom Built Radio (at extra cost) ... 50 Anti-Friction Ball or Roller Bearings . . . New Thermostatic Water Circulation Control . . . Automatically Sealed Water Pump. COMPANY 1 large pkg. Durkee'» The Cady Motor Co. urges you to see the NEW 1934 PLYMOUTH SIX . .. more than that they ask you to ride in it . . . check its salient features and then judge for yourself. 1» to Join with Lux Flakes Dog Food 25c 2 pkgs, for I If you judge cars by their popularity you can find plenty of Plymouth own­ ers to give you a first hand opinion of Plymouth value. CADY MOTOR I Erenc h’s 28 Superiorities of the PLYMOUTH” 19c 3 bar, READY TO DEMONSTRATE “Change to • > > Specials for Fri., Sat. and Mon.—Mnrch 2, 3, 5 Bottle NEW PLYMOUTH SIX ft ■ M ft * ft ftt V JI ILK W « » t 1 a If too are having dlf- fliuUlrx I ll wlertlng your ì . hkìt during la*nl — ju>t drop in I» Hf- gty Wiggly. W'r* carry a large larirty oí M*4M)n- foods and will lie to you »Hb order. I I r. 1 JC < ft ft...« CXJC.X B. Jk.*.. a 'M » • a* B * a • B 1 » » * • » 4 5c FRESH SMELT ARE IN SEASON or Krguhr 10c 7c The NEW 13Í 9c L 1 4 Grade A Milk And yet — millions of people today hail Plymouth as the new champion. Pound Try C arnation O at » tomorrow »».1 you t.w. w ill rcalue w liy »<> nutiy etprnn»rd houtrwivc, prefer thrill. Lhereoi’ii then .Intin.tor tsbtr, thrir utiilorm iiiioolh neu I owr»t pmr in many yr»ti 'I Home Cured MEATS Beef Roast Al ¿j Bird Seed DEMAND WE SPECIALIZE IN BACON BACKS lie PICNICS POUND 9c BACON SQUARES Pound 9c Hamburger Pound md : NEW VALUES? Yes, because t h e race belongs to the swift. Who would have thought a few years ago when Plymouth entered the race, that there was a possibility of Plymouth’s soon becoming the largest selling 1 o w priced car. COTTAGES A CARNATION-Al »1 HOT CIRIAL Mountaindale Mrs R E F»x was honored with a birUutay anniver- snry party at her home in Portland Saturday night Mr and Mrs 1* E Gardner and family. Mr and Mrs N H Tout«'» and family. Lloyd WtllLs. Edwin Keenon. Alvin An­ drew and Elmer Hergert of Moun- talnlale attended Sunday writing dinner gurata at tlu* Joe Baker home were Mrs lluw Crop and Lena Crop of Portland Mr and Mrs Kroetch, Mr and Mrs Tom Stlgum and son Scottie. Mr and Mrs Clarence Meek and VIn­ cent. Marjorie Ed. Ethel and John Splerliu: Laurence Crop and Verle Haves» Hank»-Mountaindale ' 500” club mrt at tlie home of Mrs Fred Bo- vee Fratay Prize winners were Get the Inside Facts About SALE- i iitrihilni'd l>y Mi and Mrs E K N.irthiup Hiiturdav evening lllgll More wa< won by Mio Alma Van.'n ium I 11 J Mailer, low by IS’te lleillK kx and Mrs Fle»i Jraas. Seven tables were In play The Kli-ldiipl Ciiinp Flrr girls gave a hobby parly tor tlu* upper I gruih* M'hool girls of Hanks aiul Manning al tlu* home of Hu*ir guilt'Hull TiK'Mlav wi lling Tiler» tltli-eii glrLs present Mountaindale Folk Guests at a Party BEFORE YOU BUY.... Anniversary < .hum's Mathiesen first, Mrs Carl JeiiMMi second. Mis Gaxv Wil son coi »solat Ion III the giune Mis latri Hollenbeck received first Mrs Ada Haundera of Tllliun<«>k s|x'i»t a few duvs lust week with lier graiuLson. Hubert Hinltli. mid hLs family Mr anl Mrs I, Brown of IMrt- laiul stx'iil Sunday with Mis Brown's iMil'ents. mal Mrs 1> Fow le». chib wiui Happy Canyon NEW Price» for Fri., Sat. and Mon., Mnrch 2, 3 and 5 Pure PICNICS LARD Fresh smoked. 10c it 4 to 6-lb average. and Vegetable Shortening 2 ib,. Si 15c HAMBURGER and STEAKS SAUSAGE Sirloin, Rih, T-Bone VALUES New Reaaons 10c a ib to Change to PLYMOUTH Free Delivery Every Afternoon Phone 3131 Mil