The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 22, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Page Two
the Wes; Union local of the Farm­
ers Union Thursday at North Plants
K P hall Cards and dancing were
enjoyed Music was furnished by
Sheflev Kellv Mark Blake. James
Hardin. Alvm Hergert and Albert
Maxwell. Two couples ot newlyweds
were present and the grand march
was dedicated to them They were
Mr and Mrs Joseph Belanger and
Mr and Mrs James Imbue Next
Scholls—Scholls Ladles' Aid will meeting will oe March 1 for busi­
only Several new members
meet March 2 at the L. W Crowder
horn« and a benefit noon lunch will be initiated.
will be served from 12 to 2 p. m
Men and working people please
come as is. A very small diarge is
made to accommodate the families
as a whole
"Our Yesterdays." a program of
old-time favorites, will be present­
Witch Hazel—Juanita Hart gave
ed by the Woman s club at the a very enjoyable valentine party at
home IVbruary 14. Mis. Ernest
Orange hall March 9
Guests at the Mrs Ella Hesse Helvogt assisted her mother with
home Sunday were Mr and Mrs the party Following children were
11 T Robinson of Progress, Mr present Preston Drake Lorna Beck.
and Mrs J T. Brow and Mr. and Patricia and Harry Hoeffel. Stanley
Drak< Ernes and Kenneth Hel­
Mrs. J W Tice of Portland
Sunday guests at the Preece Lil- vogt Mrs Vattdel'.ey and Miss Eve­
legaid home were Mr and Mrs lyn Blaine also were present
Carolyn Nash lias been absent for
F C ____
ot Capitol Hill and
Mr. and Mrs C. S Parker ot Van­ some time on account ol
O:k tile Aust has returned to
couver. Wash
E. G Heaton and the Carl Wohl­ school after an absence of two
schlegel family attended a party weeks due to illness.
Saturday evening at the Neal home
Upper grades enjoyed a Valen­
tine party Wednesday afternoon.
on the Pleasant View farm.
The Bedlord Smith family of Prizes were won by Jimmie Abbott.
Yamhill were visitors at the Ed Ella Rose Mason. Margaret Mc­
Hokum and Lloyd Miller homes Carthy. Loma Beck and Elaine
Mr and Mrs. Jim Verbert of
Mrs. R A Anderson, accompanied
Gateway were week-end guests at by Mr. and Mrs. W Jankins. ex-
the Julius Christensen twine. Sun­ SDokane residents, spent tie week­
day guests were Clifford McRoberts end with Mrs Jenkins mother
of Nampa. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs and father.
Mr _______
and Mrs. A Ander-
______ ____
John Stitt and children Mata and son. near Eug.ene. They also vis­
Carl of Hillsboro.
ited with
’ M q R A
‘ Andersons
* J
Miss Wilma Herd is leader for father and mother, Mr. and Mrs
Epworth League Sunday evening.
B Owen, of near Eugene.
Church choir is rehearsing for
Max schwarzenbach of Mayo was
a concert Easter Sunday evening
a week-end visitor of his father
Ladies' Aid social and program and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
last Friday evening was a success Schwarzenbach
and »26 was added to the funds
Mr and Mrs Willis Beatty, who
Mr and Mrs J. B Bartlett and recently moved to Oregon City, are
daughter Bonnie and M N. Bon­ to return to Witch Hazel in the
ham spent the week-end at the near future to make their home.
J. E Manning home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mullendore
Mr and Mrs Will Gembella gave and son Lloyd Jr., accompanied by
a dinner party Friday in honor their nephew. Orville Aust, spent
of the birthdays of Mr and Mrs. Sunday with Mr Mullendore s aunt.
K. P Lindow. and Theo Nissen, Mrs. Sadie Montgomery, m Port­
Mrs Fred Clark and Mrs. Gem­ land. Lloyd Mullendore was an
bella. Cither guests were Mrs. Theo Oregon City visitor Monday.
Nissen and Fred Clark.
Mrs R. R. McCarthy’s mother.
Sunday guests at the Owen Palm­ Mrs M. Hess, spent the week-end
er residence were Melba Morris of with her daughter Mrs McCarthy.
Portland. Don Powers and Hazel
Eugene Barnett has been absent
Morris of Spokane
from school for several days, due to
Prof Joe Grims, a former resident illness.
of tins vicinity, visited old friends
Preliminary declamation contest
during the week-end.
at Witch Hazel school will be held
Mr and Mrs Clair Hill of Port­ Wednesday afternoon. At this time
land visited at the E. O. Heaton contestants, who will represent
home Sunday.
Witch Hazel school in the prelim­
Mrs. Earl Shipley and son Avery inary declamation contest in Beav­
Lee returned to Manzanita Sunday erton March 9, will be chosen.
Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel observed
A Washington s birthday program
her seventy-seventh birthday Fri­ will be given at the Witch Hazel
day evening Several relatives call-' school Thursday
ed and a lunch was served
Sunday guests at the Carl Wohl­
schlegel home were Mr and Mrs.
Harry Carter of Newberg and Mr.
Mrs E Pierce and Forest Pape
and Mrs. Alex Allen and children
of Portland visited at the home of
Jack and Marjorie.
Mr and Mrs. Ercell McKimson Mrs Christina Kelly Sunday.
Mrs W. M. Snipes and Mrs
and son Jack and Mr and Mrs.
Mandy Hartley of Centralia spent Mary Olinger went to Vernonia and
Helens Sunday, returning by
the week-end with Mrs. McKim-
son's sister. Mrs. E. G. Heaton, and way of the Cornelius pass.
Mrs C. E Johnson spent a few
Ruby Rebekah lodge observed days this week at the nome of Mr
Valentine day George Allison. Ruby- and Mrs. W. Holtz in Salem
Mrs Mary Lee Keiling and son
Meyers and Josephine Cox were
the committee in charge A lunch Jack of Centralia. Wash., will spend
was served and several contest the week-end with her parents. Mr.
games were played. Mrs. Ruth and Mrs. D L. Sullivan.
C. B Patterson of Castle Rock
Christensen a new member, was
given a surprise Valentine shower. visited his daughter Versie Sun-
Mr. and Mrs Harold Christensen day at the home of Mrs. Christina
entertained with a dinner Sunday Kelly.
The weekly choir practice of the
for Mrs Anna Wenstrom. Mrs.
Elizabeth Reed and Thomas Reed Christian Endeavor was held Mon­
Mr and Mrs J. W Raynard day evening at the home of Mrs. S
were Sunday guests at the Ouy A Becker A ‘Backwards" partv is
planned for next Monday. Miss
Alexander home in Beaverton
Mrs. Carl Seiffert and daughters Wilcox, chairman of the paper
Wanda and Carleen went to Sheri­ drive, and her committee are also
dan Sunday to visit at the Carl very busy. All persons having in
Walbel home
excess amount of paper or maga­
Mr and Mrs. Clifford Trask and zines should see Miss Wilcox.
daughter Jean went to Mills City
Sunday and took home her moth­
er. Mrs. Mary Hill, who spent the
past week here.
i By the Librarian»
Miss Margaret Flint spent last
Young Myron Weagle. w hile wash­
week with relatives and friends in
ing dishes and tending the desk in
A. B Flint made a business trip his father's hotel, nourished aspira­
tions, Then one day a chance re-
to Salem Thursday.
Mr and Mrs. H. T. Hesse visited mark crystalized these into one
the Craven home at Newberg Mon­ great ideal, t o build a perfect
hotel, a "Work of Art." Myron did
work of art. his dream
build a
W. C. Heaton spent Sunday with ____
his brother. O. M. Heaton,
near crashed around him. and he rose
to build again a new and different
Recent guests at the J L. Kerr work of art. Sinclair Lewis' new
home were Mr and Mrs. Will Nut- book. Work of Art. " which critics
Ser and daughter Eva May of Seat­ say is the best novel since "Arrow­
tle Viola Kerr spent Sunday at the smith." tells us how Weagle realized
hi? dream.
Kerr home
Scholls I. O O. F. lodges will en­
tertain Double Six Friday evening. In men whom men condemn as ill
I find so much of goodness still;
March 2.
In men whom men pronounce
.West Union Local Farm
I find so much of sin and blot,
to draw a line
Union Has Social Meet
A social evening was held, Between the two. where God has
—Joaquin Miller.
following the business meeting of
Scholls Aid
Plans Meet
On March 2
Witch Hazel Girl
Hostess at Party
Library News
New Chehalem Mountain Mill
To Begin Operations March 1
Chehalem Mountain Neil Hodge*
will finish this week building and
setting up his sawmill on hts 40
acres of timber in the Pleasant
View district He will begin opera­
tion about March I West Coast
Lumber code has allotted this mill
187.000 thousand feet during March
Mr Hodges expects to install a
planer and run a retatl yard m
Newberg Earl Etzwiler. head saw­
yer. Ray Ego and F A Burget
helped in building and installing
the mill
Mrs Kay Ego and Miss Margar­
et Neill, assisted by the latter's
mother. Mrs H H Neill, were host­
esses Saturday ntglit at a party at
the Neill home Games and dancing
were enjoyed Those attending Mr
and Mrs Carl Wohlschlegel. Mr
and Mrs Glen Miller Misses Vel­
ma and Nadyne Wohlschlegel linä
Aleen Hutchens of Scholls. Miss
Buddy Dempsey of Portland. Miss
Lois and Howard Ingraham of Che-
hulein Center. Misses Fay Howard
and Marie Fuchs of Newberg Mes­
srs and Meslames E C Wohl­
schlegel and daughters Phyllis and
Ernice. F E Hoffman and daugh­
ter Merrtbel. Mervtn Whitmore Hav
Ego and family. H H Neill, and
Merl McDougal. Mrs Ira G Mc­
Cormick. Misses Gloria Hoffman.
Margaret Neill. Alice Maynard and
Jessie Versteeg. Messrs J P. Barky
and Waytie Jones. Hodson McCor­
mick. Leonard Whitmore, Dorman
Blazer. Leland Schmeltzer. Henry
Versteeg and son Lloyd. Harvey
Neill. Mike Maynard. Don and
Lauren Hivnes a--* Thomas Twigg.
Miss Margaret Neill visited Miss
Marte Fuchs at Newberg Friday
Mr and Mrs Jerome Buzan and
Mr and Mrs M M Harvey drove
to Oregon City EVbruary 12 to
visit Me Harvey's son Allan Harvey
and family.
Donald Versteeg. small son ot
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Versteeg. is
suffering from double mastoids and
is under the care of an ear special­
ist tn Portland
Mrs George Maynard is confined
to her home with a severe cold this
week Mrs. Elery McDougal suffered
from la grippe last week
W R Davis accompanied J E
and Dorman Blazer to Portland
Friday and spent the day with her
brother. Jake Davis, and family.
Miss Helen Homm entertained
her pupils at the Buck Heaven
school with a taffy pull Valentine's
day. Visitors were Mrs. L. L. Mur­
ray and children Sherman and
Virginia. Mrs. E C. Wohlschlegel.
Mrs. Ira G McCormick and Dickie
Saxton. The children entertained
their guests with singing.
Miss Helen Homm spent from
Friday evening until Monday morn­
ing at her parental home at Laur­
elwood. Her brother. Jim Homm.
accompanied her here and spent
part of the day at the McCormick
Miss Puddy Dempsey of Portland
was an overnight guest Saturday
of her aunt. Mrs. W. F. Wohl­
Barky Jones was a guest at the
C. L. Dempsey home in Portland
Mr. and Mrs John Smith and
family of Lafayette were entertain­
ed with a duiner Sundav at the
home of her sister, Mrs. F. W
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGhee and
Mrs Ed Cowan of _Falls Clty^ were
Elery McDougal
.. itors at the
home Sunday.
Howard and Lois Ingraham of
Chehalem Center spent the week­
end with their brother-in-law and
sister. Mr and Mrs Merl McDoug­
Mrs. Wayne Jones and son John
spent from Friday until Sunday
evening in Portland as guests of
Miss Rosa Bisbee.
Mr. and Mrs E J. Reetz of
Dayton were entertained Friday at
the home of his nephew. Ray Ego.
F E Hoffman visited Richard
Z ltelde in Portland Monday. Zu-
felde worked on the Hoffman farm
last year.
Mrs George Zeigler, who is with
her brother Herb Davis in New­
berg taking Medical treatment spent
from Saturday evening till Monday
Miss “
morning at home.
' ___ "
‘ .
Jarman, who is teaching at Spring­
brook. was a week-end guest at the
Zeigler home.
Mrs. Tom Shuck is here from
Hillsboro this week helping care for
her mother. Mrs L T. Finegan
Stanley, Schuck was here from Fri­
day until .Monday morning. Mr
Shuck joined the family Sunday.
Miss Wanda Finigan attended a
Girl Reserve conference at Reed
college Friday. Saturday and Sun­
day. She was a guest of Miss Kath­
ryn Boge at Farmington Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, who
were married February 12 at Mc­
Minnville. were chanvarieq Thurs­
day by about 50 of their friends.
Mr and Mrs Turner are at home
on the John O'Bryan farm, where
he is employed
Mr and Mrs Charles Tatman.
laurence Tatman and Jim Baker
went to Manning Sunday to visit at
the W D Baker home
Mr aiul Mrs Arthur McCormick
,'i Portland ware guests or her
biether Floyd Whitmore Sunday
Twelve students trout Pacific col­
lege put on an hour s play. "Take
up the Cross, at the Mountaui
Top church Sun.lav eiciimg after
endeavor Next Sundav evening the
local girls will entertain with a
Mrs B F Deford was a guest of
her sister-in-law. Mis Etta Haynes,
at Hillsboro Monday
Mis. D M McInnis visited In
Hillsboro Friday and Saturday and
Reedville Sunday and Monday.
Mrs E 1 Havemail was honored
with a birthday anniversary dinner
party at her home at Mountain
Top Sunday Covers were laid tor
16 Among those pres< m were Mr
and Mrs Calvin Whitmore and
their house guests. Mr and Mrs
Alvm Haines ot Oroville. Wash .
and Mi and Ml- Raleigh Whit­
more and daughters of Laurel. Mr
and Mrs Norvail Haveman, Mrs
Ansel Tvkeson and children and
Eidson Haveman
Mr and Mrs H L Allison and
two small children and Gordon
Bacon moved to Mrs Mabie Pet-
roffs house last week from Port­
land. They will move to tile Fim-
gan tenant house soon Allison and
Bacon have contracted to cut 1000
cords of wood on the Finigan place.
Mrs Mary Ornduff. who is at a
Newberg hospital suffered a severe
heart attack Saturday She was
better the first of the week Mr.
and Mrs Fielder Wood and Clar­
ence visited her Sunday.
Mrs Tom Shuck attended a
dinner party at Hillsboro Tuesday
evening, honoring Mr and Mrs
Ralph Ramey It was their tenth
wedding anniversary and the birth­
day anniversary of Bill Zeigler
Mr and Mrs E. V Hanson are
employed in Portland this week
sacking IC”50 sacks of potatoes.
Capitol Neus Letter
iContinuexi from pace 1)
has enjoyed a lot of favorable pub­
licity in connection with his fight
for the Coast highway bridges, is
expected to give Mott a real race
HLs entry into the race is also ex­
pected to head off a number of
other aspirants who have been try­
ing to make up their minds to get
into the primary battle.
When Justice Belt of the state
supreme court, in upholding the
validity of the Knox liquor con-
trol act this week likened the liquor
problem to Bamquos ghost whtch
would not down, h e apparently
knew whereof he spoke. On the
same day that the state put into
effect the new law by opening the
first of its liquor dispensaries, op­
ponents of state control launched
an attack against the law from two
quarters, both aimed at repeal of
the Knox act. One of ,he repeal
measures is sponsored by the Amer­
ican Brotherhood. Inc., with head­
quarters in Portland
The other
measure is sponsored by the Knox
Law Repeal club of Astoria If
either measure receives enough sig­
natures to win a place on the state
ballot the question of approval or
repeal of the Knox act will be be­
fore the voters of the stale next
nictit "disowning" the patreu'ty ot
the offend,ng price lists
♦ • •
Some difference of opinion exists
among stall- house olservers as to
whether Governor Meier or State
Treasurer Holman came off Vic*
turions in ilie Jousting bout ue-
tween these two officials at the
board ot control meeting tills week,
tlx- first, in, i.ienlallv SIMM last
Novemtx'f Holman ha 1 been trying
for months to bring about a reg­
ular schedule ot board meetings,
but had me. detent at every turn
because the governor refused to
call a meeting ot Hie board n t
wlvili Holman could bring up bus
pioprxsal I ust Friday when the
board met Holman Introduced a
resolution providing tor weekly i c.s-
slon- Gov< mor Meiej as chairman
ot the board persisted in ignoring
Holman* motion and Secretary of
Sta.e Stadelman wishing to avoid
ixirticlpation in the filed between
the two officials, pleaded unfani-
Ularlty with the situation and ask­
ed to lx- excused from committing
himself on the problem for the
present l'lien having checkmated
Holman by depriving him of any
credit that might attach to the
move the governor announced on
his own motion that hereafter lie
would call .lie board togethci very
Monday So while Holman s motion
failed tor want ot support it ap­
pears that he accomplished ins nevertheless
In spite of the warning Issued
by Harry Hopkins, federal relief
administrator, last September when
he told Governor Meier that Ore­
gon would receive no more federal
money tor direct relief unit! this
state did something for its own un­
employed. Uncle Sam continues to
pour ills funds Into Oregon for di­
rect relief Word has Just come to
the governors office that »4;>0.iXX)
lias been allocated to this state for
I'ebruary and Marvil. Records ill
the executive department show that
a total of »3.041.288 in federal funds
was received by this state during
1933 tor direct relief of needy un­
employed And In the meantime all
that Oregon has done to comply
with the demands ot the federal
{;overnment for state support of re­
let work has been to pass an ap­
propriation based upon anticipated
profits from liquor sales, an empty
gesture at the best
* • •
Governor Meier may go back to
ngton himself to press Ore-
gon s <
____ for an allotment of
»1.500,000 in Public
___ Works
funds to
finance construction of nine state
building projects which were au­
thorized by the last legislature. In
a letter to Harold Ickes. PWA ad­
ministrator. this week, the governor
urged that the constitutional in­
hibition which has been raised in
connection with the state building
program be ignored in the Interest
of meeting the emergency which
confronts a number of state insti­
tutions at this time.
Nationwide Criticism
Of NRA Program Sought
Portland —Nationwide criticism of
the NRA was Invited when the
largest industrial congress in history
was called by General Hugh 8
Johnson, national recovery admin­
istrator. who telegraphed Edgar
Freed, state NRA director, of the
scheduled public meetings in Wash­
ington February 27 to March 3.
Iiv the meantime the
___ liquor
__ _ con-
__ ■
trol commission is finding its path­
way beset by many difficulties. Pre­
mature publication of a price list
at whict,.wares of the commission We Will Test Them For You FREE
were to be offered the consuming
public brought a storm of protest
dow n about the ears of the commis­
sion. These protests in turn brought Phone 72
1152 2nd St.
from Administrator Sammis a state-
Corwin Hardware
P. & G.
Quick and Regular
lb. sack
Extra fancy
Red & White
Blue & White
None better at any price
A high grade
Big Bargain
You will be surprised
at the quality
Wide Mouth Glass Jar.
1 ib. pkg......... 23c
1 ib. pkg.
Brookfield, fancy.
Red & White
1 lb. package
Hamburger................ pOUnd
Beef Roast.................. Pound
Lard • ....................... Pound............. 8c
Pure Home Redered.
Blue & White
Made from Oregon White Oat3
Red and White
1 n,
10 bars
Home Cured
Friday and Saturday — February 23 and 24
I Watch for Red & White Bulletin for other specials!
Farmers’ Cash Store
Specials for Fri., Sat. and Mon, Feb. 23, 24, 26
Safeway Meat Market
Closed to Give Space
FLOUR Cold Medal. 1 No. 10 bag
FLOUR—Gold Medal. 49 lb. sack
TEA—Lipton’s Orange Pekoe, 1 J lb. pkg.
Safeway meat market has been
closed and the space taken over by
the Safeway grocery department to
provide additional room Ttioma-s
Stanton, who has been in charge >f
the meat department, will remain
here a short time and will then
probably be transferred to Port­
’Phone 651
5 Deliveries Daily
TEA—Lipton's Orange Pekoe, 1 lb. pkg.
TOILET SOAP—Camay. 3 bars
MAYONNAISE—Durkee's. 1 pint jar
Pupils with perfect attendance
for the fourth six weeks report are
C an You I magine /
1 quart jar
Sodas or Graham».
Broken sliced.
2 ib. bo» 25c 2 tp !:.2,< 29 c
COFFEE—Golden West
Res. Phone 321Z
1 lb. jar
H O OATS—Q uick or Reg. .small pkg
BISCUIT MIX—Fisher's. Large pkg.
CAKE FLOUR—Fisher's. 2 lb. pkg.
TOILET TISSUE—Waldorf. 6 rolls
CHOCOLATE—Ghirardelli'.s. I lb. can
o more convincing testimonio!
than thot of a mon in Rochester,
N H .who suffered from gostric
trouble for over40years, had his
stomocfi washed out at leost once
a week for two years, and finally
took BISMA REX with the result
thot he eats whatever he likes
ond hos olmost forgotten how it
feels to have an upset stomach/
COCOANUT—Baker's Southern Style
JELLO—All flavors. 3 pkgs.
EGGS—Fresh extra.
Salad Oil
Per quart
Bring container
Ready to supply you with the
finest MEATS at the least cost.
Grow Your
All meats Inspevled by Dr. Nicoi
and Dr. Almquist.
Free Deli
Elenora Straaarl, and Everett and tile. sir. It the cisik would admit
Jeanin- McCormack
Unit It was soup But he insists It
Club daniva at the old achixd Is cotfeeT' Ex
house hall are attracting a large
crowd each tlinr
'Hie advert Ise men la are printed
(lly Mrx O ||
G McCormack .md C lawkett
Bend A prograiii will lie given w ert» business callers I n Forest tor your convenience. They Inform
nt l hr schixil I’tKlny evening nt 8 Grove and Hillsboro Wednesday'
you mid save you time, energy and
o clock Refreshments will be served
Mi mid Mrs ll.itiv Mooie re
turned I'rldav trom their weildlnx Morris Dean Talks and
trip, to the home ol the bride's
Sings Before Rotarians
parent.*, Mr and Mrs Altxrt Scott,
Morris Dean In siwaklng tx tore
aiul left Saturday for Portland, the Rotary club t'huisday told ot thei will reside
in eiesthig events connected with
Mr and Mr Grover Snmilelsand the excursion ot the Wlllliiliivtte
-on Hobby. Mr n n I Mrs Jnck University I'hllharinonlc choir to
1'vtrir.mi * Mr mid Mr. W G the world fair at Chicago us the
Zednik mid daughter Alice Mrs official représentai lvv ol (he slat<-
lla.-el Haller mid Mr* Nellie Me.- Morris wiis manager ot the group
wuk mid nephew Jimmie, all ot on IG extensive tour lie also sang
the llodgen-
Por.lmul. vulted February 11 with a group of songs mid was acconi- The new wny
Mr mid Mr* Joe Borovicka mid punieil by Mr. Leroy Walker Fred Brewstcr way.
It’s better,
son Jackie
Amacher was program clialrnuui
wafer, cheaper. We can tell
Born, to Mr and Mrs Dale Craf­
ton. February 14 a boy Mi* Hal­
Mav l’sr Steri Strilli«
,vou all about it.
ve' Miller ot Kinton, sister ot Mrs
"Do ruta k »» to lic.ivcn. mother?"
Crafton, is acting as nurse
Mr and Mrs Clunles Deverrll
Broodern and poultry
were guests Sundav ot Mr and so they could hardly hr expected to
Mi* M Kercher in l*ortlnnd
lien where do the nnnrls «et
Mi.** Lucille Johnson celebrated the “’¿’ strings
Feeds - Seeds
here fourth birthday with a party
“Come. dear. It's lime (oi you to
at her home on valentine dav
Guests were Mrs Herlx-rt Elsner go to bed
an 1 children. Mrs Fred Weller and
daughter, and Mrs Charle.. Deverrll
1 don't know why the
I'hone 3061
Mr mat Mrs o || l'rterson and
daughter Beulah spent Saturday In men grumble l’hh .soup Ls leally
excellent "
Sergeant ' They wouldn't grum- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a
Henry and Clarence llowne arc
employed on a ranch at Midway
K.* V... .««ex»«« tex«* ...<•■«« «<w sirwj
Mr* Bownr. mother ot Bruce >y t a sa *.» uzi_..msurí»ianíníslí
Bowtie left Sundav tor Salem where
she will visit relatives for several
A Scott was in Portland Monday
repairing the root on his city resi­
Come in to your
Anais Henderson spent a week or
so at hts place near Cedar Mill
I’igjrly Wiggly
putting In grain
store and compare
Mr mid Mrs Mitchell of Port­
land will soon move to the Dillar
our price»,
Mrs Charles Deverell entertained
will find the price
several ladles of the neighborluxxt
right and the
at a lunclieon Monday atternixin
Mr and Mrs W J Bartlett of
is K o od,
Boring and Mr. and Mrs Herbert
Elsner and two children were en­
and remember Pig-
tertained Sundav by Mrs Elsner s
gly Wiggly is a
parents. Mr and Mrs Ralph Scott
and family at Tualatin
home owned store.
Mrs. Clyde Leedy of Salem vis­
ited Sundav with Mias Mildred and
Ferd Stelnhoff
Bend Children in
Program Friday
Hauling Permit Granted
Permit to haul logs over county
roads was granted this week to
Frank Rinck by the county court
Bond of »1000 was required
Herman T Rossback was also
issued a log bauMnc permit this
week and required to post a »1000
Ready to advise yon In purchasing.
Ready to give real values.
Thursday, February 22, 1931
Per dozen
I’iggly Wiggly