ARGUS, Page Two Linn spent January 1 with Mrs Cook's parents. Mr and Mrs. J E Blazer Mr and Mrs Boring of Beaverton old friends ot Mr. and Mrs Jerome Buzan. were guests at the Buran home Monday. Banks The star mail route, w hich Charles Blazer, son of Mr and has been coming fro tn F\>rest Mrs J. E Blazer, has joined the Greve .......................______ ________ , The has been _ re-routed. Welding CCC near Eugene riail now conies direct from Htlls- .......____ in Banks at 10 a arriving Mrs. Alice McInnis who is work­ boro. Orenco Annual missionary birth­ ing in Portland, spent the week-end I in. which will be one hour earlier with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. than before Return mail is taken day luncheon will be give" »’ * to Fore t Grove IX'stmaster A C church dining room ''lial I) M McInnis Mrs D M McInnis spent part of r Wahl states that mail going north birthday offering »dl oe taken. Miss Eliza be h Carlyle will be hon- las: week with her son. D W Mc­ i should be pA'ted not later than <«r guest at birthday luncheon^ She Innis. and family She helped care « S« 45 a m Ollier mail should be will sail on January 20 China for her new twin grandson* IXmal.I I posted before 11.45. Sunday afternoon visitors at the to resume m hST Ä'honie* on furlough 2 and Duncan, who arrived January home ot Mr. and Mrs W L. Mix>re She 1.— half. for Mr a ' year Mr. and Mrs Henry Versteeg and I were Mr. and Mis W H McEl- and uni Mrs''George D. Garrett family visited at Unionvale Sun­ . downey of Forest Grove. ■ove out Banks Dairy Products company drove out from Portkmd Sunday day with her uncle. J. E. Noble took Mrs. S L. Mrs Ella Clark spent Saturday ■ held ils annual meettng Monday at «toon mix and and Mrs. Marv Beach to Forest ant Sunday at the Sheldon home ■ the home ot Mrs. Flora Muniord. Grove to y>.y,.:«' re-«'a\ :.\t as follows. U be Mt* guest* of - Mr - - *nd Mrs. in Newberg. Beach n n- H N Robinson. Mrs Be»ch Mrs Dewey Mercer and Sam Orn- . R. M Banks, president; C. Herb. turnoi with them in t0 L vice-president; Mrs. Flora Munford. Portland for, a few oav» ^,ard duff of Laurel visited Mrs. Rhoda secretary - treasurer. Monigom c i j Cadv Sunday. Mr and Mrs L. Mr and Mrs James Rachin of [ Turner a 11 d Clell Carstens a r e had as Sunday gmst^Mr and Mrs Portland visited Mr and Mrs L. «rustees. A E Wright of Portland. Joint installation of the Poeo- Mr an«i Mrs. Tom Jirrin and T Finigan and family Sunday Mr and Mrs C L. Dempsey were • b.uitas Rebekah lodge and Jericho son of Helvetia '¡7nt .^nday with ■ Odd Fellows was held m their hall entertained at the W F Wohl- Mrs Mrs. Perrin's parents. Mr. and schlegel home Sunday Mrs Wohl- • Saturday night. Rebekah ofticers wVlcox of Vancouver schlegel returned home with hem 1 .ns.ailed were: Mrs Fred Wilcox. noble grand Mrs Robert Bangs. Wash was the guest of ^;■.rotary. W. ~ urer: R. M Banks. warden; Ed “Mr^and Mrs Carl Peterson and Cherrv Grove Schneider. R. S N. G.. Amos Sel- Mr. and Mrs Charles Tatman vis­ children of Portland spent Sun­ ited his nephew. Raleigh Baker, of lers. L. S N G ; Will Walker. 1 day here with relatives Mr. and Mrs. William Powers of Manning, at Good Samaritan hos­ S. V G ; J J Hutchens, chaplain, and Henry J. Atlee. guardian An Hillsboro were guests at the Biggs pital January 3. Baker is recover­ oyster supper was served after the ing from infection in his knee home Sunday, , . installation. Lloyd Brown of Scholls, the Miss ­ Mr and Mrs. W H^Rmg had a» Charles Hedricks of Forest Grove their Sunday guests Mr an- .1. «. reais is duitribiuing All-llran lealth b.'.’klets m Hillsboro and surrounding rural districts This booklet carries out the "Sunnyside ot late" idea used in advertising All-llran and con anis valuable health hints and some excellent recipes and diets local grocers are co-operating in th.- "Sunnyside ot Life campaign uy featuring A! Brun tn their stores tills week. Chevrolet Showing Portland Saturday First public showing of the 1934 "knee-action" Chevrolet cars will be next Saturday at the Masonic einple. Portland, according to Janu s Whitelaw, local dealer. First ear«, will be in the showrooms of the Hillsboro Motor company soon Showing will continue in Portland for a week and will include all the glamour of that attending new model openings m prosperity years, declared Whitelaw Thursday. January 11. 1934 Hierly, David Mason, and Melvin1 city council took the onth of of- lice Jununry 3. Guniin niuiMlay evening Beaverton Dulles ot the Bethel t'ongri'ga- I urinerx Meet ut I tur hum church presented a playlet. United Fui iners' league will meet I haiiksgiviiig Ann." Bunday idghl Folk Elect tlonal p in Frl- WesLslope Bible class met Naim ut Durham school ut iliiv i> E Siu h i ot West HlayUui day at the It B M< Minn home on will speak New Heads Canyon road Nav you MW It III the Alitu* h New Beaverton Officers of KlwiinUi club wi're installed January 3 us follow. A M Junnsen. president; Charles clarke, vice piestdent; Dav Ion 1‘eck. .secretary Walter 1*01101, retiring president of this district, was Installing officer lust 1‘ue.slav ileum: four boys ran away from St Man's Imine l'lieir names me Raymond Ruebon. Kenneth Sauer. Robert Ezell, all 13 years old. and Curtis Ezell, 11 years old. Rebekah lodge Sliellenberg- er. 1st vice-president; Mrs Meyers, 2nd vice-president, Mrs o ole- son. secretaiy. Mrs " Lnwrrncr Tuck- er. treasurer, Mrs George Tuvlor, ‘ ‘ C missionary chairman, und ' Mrs e Ifaaoo. 2nd missionary chuir- man. Beaverton Giunge will meet Sat- urday in ull-day session Newly elected officers will preaid« The lecture progruin ut 1 30 is O|X II to the public, Hl-Y club of the Beaverton >11*11 school initiated Bob Denney.. Anuxs Phone 771 Phone 771 F ree Delivery RED & WHITE STORE OUR STORE IS SPICK AND SPAN OUR FOOD IS CLEAN AND FRESH OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE Special* for Friday and Saturday — January 12 and 13 THESE SPECIALS ARE CASH Matches Beans Cocoa Cheese Western Food Store AN INDI •PENDENT STORE Phone* 2001 y Isnnk Free Delivery Kenyon, Owner* I’«»atures for Fri., Sat., Mon. — Jan 12, 13, 15 Palmolive You will always find n wide variety at Western Foods store Kept fresh! X Free Delivery iiK'inliers of the Beaverton I l ICMPS— 4 II«. 1.» n t < ».— Each C Ut HOTS 2 bundirx < uibage — Pound 10c 5c 5c 5c SPINACH 15c Rockwood’s. 2 lb. can FLOUR Maple Leaf. 49 lb*. Many other Specials Airmail Blend. Lb. Societtee Blend. Lb. 42c Large pkg. Shortening Swift'* Creacent Red Rose, 49 lb*. Fisher’* Blend. 49 lb*. In a sanitary 4 lb*. l*4N< 4KI ll"tK-4Qn 9H/I0 lbs S|x’rry or Albers < HIIN—No 2 tall 3 for liKAN Pillsburvs. Each sH CSSIIOH \ — I M li I lilt XX Kellogg's Each BRAN Fl.AKtS— ’ for RED ROSE 9 IL. bag T» A—Fancy black Pound PI Iti X—Quart Each BALT i 3 for Ilf I ING—Steward'» I in., Your Service Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS at the least cost. Really to advise you in purchasing. Ready to give real values. All meats inspected by Dr. Nicol and Dr. Almquist. WE SPECIALIZE IN Home Cured Hams Side Bacon Back Bacon c Bacon Squares Hamburger Pork Roast Beef Roast Lard Pure Home Rendered FRESH SMELT ARE IN SEASON WE PAY CASH FOR HIDES FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET 5 Deliverie* Daily Re*. Phon« 321Z 19c 25c Furr rane. AJI.-BÍAN 25c COFFEE IO lbs. 23c 19c BANANAS F’uficv fruit. •< t 3 lb* IwU SUGAR Ohio Blue Tip 6-box carton Each ljC BEETS— Î bunches Fancy Calif pack a ibs. gm b SOAP 25c 25c 17c 19c 27c 20c 25c 49c 10c 25c 7c