Kinton Elect New Officers (By Mrs. E. L. Cos) Kinton—Albert Streiff was elect­ ed master of Kinton Grange Sat­ urday Installation will be held December 2. OtluT of Heers named Ada Cutting, overseer. Alice Fluke, lecturer. Lester Snider, steward. GotUeb Strum, assistant steward. Elizabeth Kulbel, chaplain. Harold Cutting, treasurer. Carrie Streiff. secretary; Edward Cox. gate keeper; Eunice Snider. Ceres; Mary Hall. Pomona; Ivy Flint. Flora; Hazel Strum, lady assistant steward. George Snider, one year, executive committee; Frank Fluke, two years, and Leland Flint, three years An invitation has been sent Scholls grange to join in a joint installa­ tion at Kinton. Installation team will be announced later Mrs. Inez Bell, clerk of the school board, completed taking the school census the last of the week and her report was turned in as follows: Number between tlie ages of four and twenty years. 71; 38 boys and 33 girls. Mr and Mrs. A P Herrick of Sellwood were visitors Sunday of Mr and Mrs. E. L. Cox. A number from the church and Sunday school will attend the "Workers' Conference" at the Moun­ tain Home church Sunday, at 2 oclock in the afternoon. All are invited to attend and especially those interested in church and Sunday school work. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly and Mr. and Mrs. E L. Cox attended the dedicatory exercises of Tigard Odd Fellows hall Thursday evening in Tigard. Mr and Mrs Bierly are members of the Tigard lodges and Mr. and Mrs. Cox of the lodges at Scholls. Mrs Martha Wenzel, who spent a week or so with her daughter. Mrs. Kurt Braunne. iAugusta Wen- to her »el> of Ramier, - . of - returned . last week . Her home the first right arm, which she broke, is get- ting along well. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Davies of Netarts, formerly of this town and their daughter. Mrs. Alex Walker of Tillamook, arrived here Wednesday for a few days stay at the Davies home. They returned to their home the first of the week. Mr. Davies is in poor health. John Steelman, who spent a week or more at the home o£ S. H. Pom- ery, returned to his home in Mo- laila Sunday. His daughter. Miss Marie Steelman, accompanied Mr. Pomeroy on the return trip, and has been a guest at the Pomeroy home during the past week. S. hi Pomeroy. Mrs. Robert Pomeroy and daughter Miss Marilee spent Friday in Portland. Miss Marie Steelman accompanied them on the trip en­ route to her home in Moialla. A number from here attended the funeral of Erick Johnson 8unday afternoon at the Odd Fellows' hall in Tigard, Mr. Johnson was a mem­ ber of Tigard lodge of Odd Fellows. Mr ano Mrs. irancis Corthay of Seattle, Wash., spent Wednesday. Thursday and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks and son Clemet Sparks of Portland were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Robert Pomeroy. Mr. Sparks is a brother of Mrs. Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs William Campbell and son of Portland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson. Group to Construct Pilgrim House Here Using "He Knew What was in Man" (St. John 2:25i as a text, pastor Henry S Haller called upon a congregation which completely filled the county court room In the court house to adopt the funda­ mental insights of Jesus of Naz­ areth in their task of building Pil­ grim House in Hillsboro. The county­ court room is being used temporar­ ily as a chapel, and services will be held there regularly at 11 o clock each Sunday morning for the next four months. Pastor Haller reviewed the work of the founder of Christianity un­ der four heads, and asserted that modern Christians must work along the same four lines. These he named as the calling to the better selves in men, service to youth, recognition of reason and tolerance as greater than force, and the per­ manence of the mystical life. Ob­ serving those fundamentals. Mr. Haller claimed religion would be the saving not only of the com- munlty and nation, but of man- kind. Next Sunday morning the __ _____ mini- ster will be assisted by a group of boys who will serve as altar boys, and will preach on the topic, "Fruits of the Reformation" as a part of the world-wide observance of the 450th birthday of Martin Luther. In the evening the congre­ gation will Join in the union ser­ vice at the Christian church Where B. F. Irvine. Editor of the Oregon Journal, will speak in the observ­ ance of Peace Sunday. The Sacra­ ment of the Holy Communion will be observed on November 26th, as a preparatory service to the ob­ servance of the Advent season. Beaverton (Tuo late for last week* Beaverton Grange sponsored a Hallowe'en dinner and entertain­ ment Saturday evening October 28. After the dinner the following pro­ gram was presented: A one-act play "The Ghost of Crooked Lane" play­ ed by Genevieve Carter, Mrs Carl Hansen, A. M. Kennedy, Mrs. H p. Downing, and A. S. Funston; songs by little Alice Denny and Gloria Nutting; musical numbers by Bob Engleke and David Mason; harmonica selections by Billy Em­ mons; vocal solos by Mrs Harry Barnes, "The Seasons" by four girls, and solos by Dod Burg. At the close ol the program, games were played. Committees in charge for the evening were; Mrs. F. O. Don­ aldson, decorations, Me.sdames Em­ mons, Dobbins, McKercher, Van- Kleek, dinner; Me dames A. P Christenson and L. J Carter, pro­ gram; Mrs. E. C. Perkins, games. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denney and children Alice and Tommy wiere present at the birthday anniversary party given for Mrs R. Vose Sat- COLOR PRINTING W7IIEN oarexperi* ence iuggests the ote of colored paper, colored ink or a com­ bination of the two for 1 the job you submit,as an I old toward increasing 1 possible returna, we 1 tell yon ao. If white paper and black ink are beat, we auggeat them. ft ILLS RO RO T ft E Page Six urd»y evening at the Voss home at Oswego. Westslope Young People s Bible class met Saturday evening at the R B McMinn home on Canyon road for the regular weekly meet-1 Ing. (By Mrs. F L. Brown) Mrs M C. McKercher was sur­ Laurel—The Midway school pro­ prised with a party and handker­ chief shower Monday afternoon at gram. which was to have been giv­ en Friday evening at the community her home on Lombard street Beaverton Parent Teacher as­ hall has been postponed until some sociation is sponsoring a dance at future date on account of sickness, the the high school November 10 for according to announcement of Miss teachers. Mrs LuElla Will and benefit work of the Boy Scouts. Irene Stevens. .......... Sunday ................ dinner guests a t . the COOl DC.»:—KOSEVEAK Raleigh Whitmore home were Mrs Laurel — Miss Leola Rosevear. Whitmore's mother. Mrs Edna daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Havenian. her brothers, Norval and Rosevear, and Francis Coolidge were Eldon, and her brother-in-law and married Saturday at Stevenson. sister. Mr and Mrs Ansel Tikeson Wash. They were accompanied by and children. Donald and Beverly the bride's "brother. Alden Rosevear, of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Woodward Olson Attendance Good They will make their home on tlie The Laurelview school reports the Coolidge place. attendance for the past month as On their way back from St even- 98 1 per cent Children neither ab­ son the bridal party visited with sent nor tardy and having an av­ Mr. and Mrs Albert Rûtævear at erage of 80 in scholarship are Janies Camas. Wash. Moore John Watkins. Millicent Dunsmoor. Mavie Smith. Dale rai­ The advertisements are printed nier. Jean Watkins and Noxine for your convenience. They inform Smith. Verne Rosevear has been you and save you tune, energy and absent the past two weeks because money. of scarlet fever. Gerald Buchanan. ARGÜS, HILLSBORO, Thurnduy, November 9, 1933 OREGON boro, William Kerr and son and Roscoe Thompson of Portland Mrs W 1. Stevens will enter tain the Ladles' Social club at her home Wednesday. Initiation llel.1 Twenty new member.i were m- a cousin of the Dunsmoor children ltiated into the Farmers' Utvon nt has been a visitor at the school for a few days. His home is at Klamath the meeting held at the community hall last Thursday evening »'alls, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds of Mr and Mrs J W Mulloy. Mi and Mrs. F 1. Brown and Mrs W Mountaindale were Sunday after­ I Stevens visited Mrs Winnie Mul­ noon and evening visitors at the E loy and children of Hubbard Sun­ C and J W. Mulloy homes Mr. and Mis. Heiinan Whitmore day Die beautiful weather and the many hues of the autumn leaves in were Saturday ind Sunday guests the woods along the highway made of his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boy. i t Port • the trip ven pleasant Mr and Mrs Jacob Schmidt were land Adolph Schmidt visited his broth­ Sundin guests at the home of Mrs Schmidt s sister. Mrs l’eter Reld- er. Albert Schmidt of l'ualattn. Sun­ day. weg, and family of South Tualatin Mr and Mrs It G McN.iv and Mr and Mrs W H McNuy and baby daughter visited Mrs MeNay s son Billy visited in Newberg Sat­ cousin. Mrs. S J Bechen. and fam­ urday at the homes of Mrs. Me­ ily of West Union last Wednesday Nay s father S E. Watkins, and of afternoon and evening Mr McNays niece. Mrs. Dexter Miss Kathryn l’ugh of Shedd Elliott. was a visitor last week of her cous­ Mr and Mrs Leslie Lee end three children of Cherry Grove were Sun­ in. C. P. Stafford, and tnnulv. Visitor Injured day guests at the Cally Whitmore Mrs Marie Stonefield of Roose­ home. Sunday guests at the John McFee velt B»*Ch was a week end guest home were Mr .uid Mrs Dick Cady of her sister. Mrs John McFee and daughter DeLaurice of Hills-Mrs. Stonefield was badly bruised Midway School Program Delayed From Friday on Account Illness and shaken up on her wav up here »Inter, M ia Ennät Guenther. uud Friday when the steering gear of tunilly of Chehulciu Mountain Mr imd Mrs Wtllliim Jotw Jr tier ear gave away this brought the ladles to ItiltslHHM to ginin Is bclng piepnicd Evervone tlie home of Mrs Dick Cady. Mrs weleoine Stonefield's niece 1'he car was a complete wreck Mr and Mrs Frank Sc hmid oí Cliewelah, Wash wen» til .. .il Mr anil Mis John Sinclair re­ the C 1' Stafford hum ‘ from Fri» turned home Friday Iroin a I t ip day until Monday to Chicago lliey vhlled Mt, Sin­ A large per cent ol tlu commit clair's childhood home m Denver, ntty attended tlie Halloween party mid also visited Sult Lake, relum­ at the hall Tuesday cvenlwi of last ing home through Mexico mid Cull week Games and cards were played tornin before lunch mid dancing tollowed The Lelsyvllle Corn club met with Mrs Hoy Fields received high score l.aheyne Thurstlav eve mid Mrs W H McNuy low In pi­ Ix-onurd The next nu-etlng will be with nochle Mrs Henry Reese received nlng Maili lect’liicvs. who won 4th lilace high mid F I Brown low tn '500 ' at the Commercial National bank B B Cooley is lim ing a combina­ corn show tion cellar and pump house I'J by Mis, Julianna 'diulntvre entrr- 20 feet built of hollow tile w II t.lined with a Halloween party McNuy Is doing the work luesdav evening I'lie evening was Mr mid Mrs S E 8lollvr and , spent playing gmi cs mid a wattle children visited her purents, Mr slipper was served Those present mid Mrs John Will, nt Beaverton weie Helen Schulte. < limivi e Van- Dim. Art Hanlev, Warren Haley. Sunday Mr and Mrs Amos Wat kilts »ml Mr mid Mrs E J lieedv mid Mr children were Sunday guests of tier mid Mrs MacIntyre and Leisyvillc Proposed Budget for Washington County, Oregon, for 1934 Ex l>en4.414.41 County Recorder— Recorder s Salary ............ 1st Deputy * Salary 2nd Deputy's Salary Typewriter and Repairs Ribbun and Carbun btauips ana Supplies Books and Indexes ------ Miscellaneous...................... Telephone Totals ..... 89.251-39 County School Superltendent— Superintendent's Salary ....... Deputy’s Salary . Travel Expense _____ .................... ........_______ Postage and Express ..... .... ......... ... Printing and Stationery Office Supplies __ __ _____ __ Telephone ........ 4th Grade and Teacher«* Examinations Teachers’ Institutes 4-H < lub Work Total« Probation Officer- Probation A Juvenile Officer’s Salary Mileage on County Work _____ Telephone .......... ......... -.................... — Juvenile Court Expense . ..... ___ Attorney'« Fees ............ __ ...... Witnesses ..... ~........................ Supplies Doctor«* fees for examination« Postage and Stationery Totals County Nurss Nurte’s Salary . Car Expense Office Expense Telephone ...... ........ Totals .......... County Surveyor- Stationery and Supplies .... Miscellaneous ......... ... .......... Stamp« and Express ........ ....... Maps and Prints ............. Record Book« ...................... County Surveyor Index Record of Surveyor’« Office Office Equipment ....................... Telephone Total« Circuit Judge- Secretary to Circuit Judge Bailiffs Grand Jury Witnesses Circuit Court Witness«* Grand Juror« ........................ ........ Circuit Court Juror« Meals for Jurors ..................... Attorney Fees ............ Court Reporter Telephone Miscellaneous Totals .................................. 88.762.44 I2.C7S.1S County Sheriff- Sheriff's Salary --------------------- __ ---- ---------------- 1st Deputy's Salary ...__ ______ ... ____ _ -, 2nd Deputy s Salary Special Deputies______ __ ______ , . Telephone ..... ..................... ................... ............... Sheriff's Expense _______ ____ -............................. - - Gas and OU-------------------------------------------- - Car Replacements......................... -............. ,. - Expense and Repair* of Car«_______ ___ __ Insurance _______ _____ _______ ___ ,_________ ___ _ Stenographer - .------------------- _---- . , Miscellaneous .............. _.............. _ Printing, stationery, pustag« and office supplies Totals Coon ty Jail- Jailor’s Salary Board of Prisoner« . ._ Laundry Doctors' Dentists, etc. Miscellaneous Materials _. Insurance . .......................... ......... Light, power, fixture«, etc. Jail Matron Water Totals 81. MO. 00 1,147.94 1.046-2U 806.04 37.36 905.40 1U9.M1 4.00 85.956.72 S S7.421.9C 81J0O oo 910 00 44U.00 15.00 13 50 214.94 196.30 8 600 04 460.40 360 00 11 50 126 00 162 50 10.04 22.60 81.742.54 41.37 83.445.41 000.00 6xH» 00 450.00 2.5UV.U« 3 oc OO 4U0.UO 40". OU 243 00 400 00 25.00 60.00 H.244.H 81.200.00 4UU.U0 6U.UU «OU 'M) 15U.U0 81,200.00 »27.50 4M 65 94.26 222 59 8 82.894.89 11.150.4« 81.400.00 1.620.00 1.620.00 400. UU 500.00 3.6VU.UO »5u.00 8l.79fl.34 1.616.34 1.616 34 134.69 400.50 731.73 »25 66 8 21 50 11.964.3« 9UU.00 «OU OU »30.00 1.0SI M 276.00 15. U0 326.25 818.44 379.40 26.»6 42 9U 85.215.94 61.800.00 1400.00 9UV U0 2.SU" IX) »0U 'M) 4n»r'« Ecu-« I'hy4iei«n»' ►'«•*« Curun«r*a Juror« Uorvner's itn««««« Total« » 83.448.16 Co«ntv Health Officer— Salary of Health Officer Officer'« b'xpen«« Talala 1 Court liuttw Janitors U ater Lltfhta <»aa an4 Fuel liiaurance Elevator liiaurance Miacellaneoua (fixture*. Elevator Operator Total* » 773.15 Count v Atl«r««y— Deputy's Salary Clerk* Salary Telephon« M kwevllanettu« Tola I* E*|>en Oltu rea 1 - : I Budget 1938 719.94 . ......... . 83.444.11 I 1 «00 44 1 1 600 OO 25 ou 425 00 11 Soo oo 215 ini I.2O0 oo 2,000 uu L2»>< 33 107.70 re|>aim. lliidget Jan. 1 to July i IMS 3fl< 88 «10 uu t> ou ; 5u 909.43 9 1 50 09 1(M> OO 6 oo 7 So 142 50 fl «00 00 »09 60 47 4M 3M «4 81.4M3.M4 9 34U 37 KH) 497 0i»U IN) 15 OO 41590 1 1 1 11 .154 3u3 1 364 Nib 940 1 1 76 2 7 i>4 5« 4M 1 87.4114 44 84.441 44 84.219 02 84,914.34 1 Lino OU L8U0 uu 1 720 ou 4»0 ou 40U 00 4NU OU 1.I6u ou ilu DU 76U.U*) 1 uou oo 90 uu 36u uu 24U.UO VI luv.uu Lower Feed and Seed Oruga Hay Chithing Fu«i M i*cellan«il>< >«r,| Il . . 1934 294 44 1 3 350 lu 16 475 UO ou uu uu 00 1 ft” 376 46 177 747 I.ÏUU |U0 3(H) 11.50« VU uu L>U 6« 1 134 AU |UU OU 1 • 1 VU ou 16 1« >3 • 300 on 12 60 311 50 1 ISO 00 1 «ou 0« 1 160 94 • 404 00 1 467 413 749 02 4 164 OO 60 ou 00 14 MS oo 83.619.66 96M ut LIou uo b u0 »19 41 379 34 319 3« 379 54 1 191 •« i.'l U 4J« U9 9v2 Ml 71 28 Ml Ui 2a3 AU 247 44 1 lu 17 37« UU 4*4 »9 E>|>en>1 61 5 uu 1.117 .’5 etc ) < ounty lluapital—> Caretaker « Salary County >*hy«ician Other lkictora Cook LaunUrwa J a mt re«« V% ait r««u* N u r»e« Gas 11‘ortiand Ga« A C*4et Meal Groce ri«« Stat« li»4. Accident Ina. l'elephon« Light and 360 OO 46u 00 f 444 04 9 444.44 4 Rubucrlbe for the Aruns. Evi«en 00 83.954.44 Mrs Hans Quartic of Tigard vla- Ited Wednesday with her iluughter, Mis W lllelmuil Mr and Mrs I ahj (lohixon mnilo a buslnetta trip (<> The Dulles lui.t week lliey visited the bench on ilteir ivturn trip K J I'nrfitt <>f Tacoma, Wiuth, s|H iii u few ilnys ut tlie home of Ills relative«. Mt und Mrs. Alliert Scott. Inst Week Joe llaggvnsloa I. building u po- tulo lellut und stole home on In» place Mr und Mrs Oliver Clark hav« been |il> king w.ilnut . ut the Groner orchards near scholia 1'he llruce Bowne plut-e has been quite u place of ulltuciloti lately to IH'ople from ull over tlie country, who have bt-en there puking ii|> |Hi|ntiH-s on »hares tor their win ter supply Several dozen car» with were there Maly has n crew of men helping him get out tils eaullflowt'r for market and 1» sending out truck load, every day Unite u few Hallowe'en prank­ sters were iinmiiil doing consider­ able mischief 7SM 11 4.' su 88.494 46 3 4?' too.00 luu .ou 1NÜ uo IMO UU lau uu 666 OU au oO 3uv MO Sou uu 46 176 IXu 43 I6u 76 »3 16 4 4 41 414 4'*u 1î 1«« I.» 17« 174 441 ■7 14 u Luuu 1 Su luu sou 14u «vu 3UU 6«»U «o «U V0 V« Ü« 0« 00 u« 00 U« uO 00 <»« «4 vC Sou 04 boo oe X 147 IS 114.541 11 M iM-«llanra>u« l(«m«—» District Sa*«l*r R««r Miration and Elect I.>n t ar« of I'uur Mother«' Fvnakm Bounty Cattl« liideninity Herd Inspection Workmen'■ Compensation on I’eaee Officer« Taxe^ in Yamhill County Tax Refund« and Cuata for Foreclosure« Indigent Soldier« Premiums on Official« Bond» Firs Protection Advertising Audit on County Book« Horticultural Inspector Insane and Feeble-Minded Health R«tfi«trarw old Age Penaiun County Fair Emergency Court Hmi«« Building Fund Land Products Show liillaboro Sewer A«min»nl fur Court H um Law Library Cemetery Fund lnlereat on Warranta Outstanding Warrants "not paid fur want of fund« 467 91 85.147 34 If.414 •• S 1'174 lu 00 7.114.81 8 291 64 14 SO 10 MX 49 12.4MO oo 4,911 74 117.74 2 "4M 24 333.08 » 76 843 3J 817.14 S 1 .461 XI ass «o ..;i 94 m ; mo b-H) 1.011 6 V"O «7 4'iUOO 4VO 00 44 7 MO 8.000.00 I.(MM) 00 310 14 2«•« Licens« O A C Land Grant S4.0O0.00 354.00 400 00 - 2,100.00 8325. lit 14 SS.SCO 00 S7.C5O 00 From County Tax Department— Delinquent Taxe« "Current Year’’ |)eiin0.00 50.00 County Clerk— Clerk's Salary ------------------------- 1st Deputy's Salary___________ 2nd Deputy s Salary ........... ........ 3rd Deputy's Salary ----------- ------ Telephone .................__ ___ Books, Stationery A Supplies Stamps and Express __ —------ Extra He»y Totals County Asaessor— Asseaeur * Salary _______ ____________ . .. IM Deputy • Sa.ary 2nd Deputy's Salary ______________ ___ Fteid Deputies ... ................. Copying Field Slip«_____________________ ■ Tax R. .. Tax Extensions . Stationery, postage, office supplies, etc. Coat of Tax Roll ____________ ___ _____ Teiephen« Personal Inspection Totals Huilgel Jan. 1 to July I 1933 Ex pen dit un 1932 I 150.00 100.00 1 100.00 1» u 209.09 25 60 95 35 290.98 8 8 100.00 150.00 60.00 60.00 150.00 60.00 200.00 760.90 Expenditur«« I ’»3 » COI'NTY KOAI1S— Oftlr, of County Surv.yor— County Hurvryo, Chuinman Viewer, Oftirr of County Knaineer— County Enulneer and Hhop Foreman <’iml Keeper Extra Help itetrloter of Unemployed Tranaltman Hend and Itenr Chuinman Hooka, forma, xtatlonery, pootatre, telephone and advertising Innurance, theft, liability, I*. IJ. IIridge Construction and Maintenance Hight of Wny» Machinery and Equipment (purchime of) Repair.. Upkeep and Minor Replacement!! Allocation to Cities Labor, grading, maintenance, rru.hlng and hauling rock, etc. Material and Suppllc State Ind. Accident Insurance Indemnity Award llork Cruaher Hupervl.lon Maintenance of Market Itond. (176.tfl mile.) District Foreman (K) ................ County Hhop— Hhop Fommaa lllark.rnllh Itlncknriulh IMptf Mat baa«, chief Mechanic, Truck Driver Walchmun ............ Telephone light, power, water, poetage, etc. T-lal. SH0.2C7.M3 Expenditure« 8256,330.74 F i trendit urea Jan. I to July I. 1933 Budget 1932 81.800 oo 300.00 400.00 81.260 90 1)1 16 200 28 1.620 00 1,940 UO 64MI 00 I.0NO (M) 6(H) 00 1.633 46 1.077 (X) 4Kl 60 618.34 666 4M 1.200.00 HW" ou 600.00 70(1.00 40.000 ou 4.000.00 10,000.00 16,000 00 9,600.00 281 49 474 14 20,268 M2 2.64M 51 M. 936.00 4.612 12 6.94M 66 200 (M) 360.00 11,000.00 1,000 00 4.000 00 6,000.00 3.600.00 fl9,000 00 36,000 ()0 3,000 ou 740.00 3.000 00 63.562 74 22.4X7 31 2,107 mv 780.00 1.873 90 7,200.00 1,620.00 1, flflo.oo 1.36() 00 1.360.00 L600.00 1,200.00 960.00 800.00 8205.090 00 8 760 00 |oo no 150.00 1934 Budget Proposed 394 33 24 50 24.04 8i,.'" Joo O0 lOOOO 1.138 30 (M) 1,400 00 1.1X0 (H) 91 M2 43 20 AN 29 00 800 00 66o 00 1.000 (Mi N.OUOJM) 10.000.00 7.000.00 7,410.10 32.600JM) 11.260.00 1,600 00 890.00 1,250.00 16,068 oo 4,000.00 29,993.82 14.204 90 1.662 97 390 00 729 «3 4,431 34 4.036.25 «6,000 00 22,600 ou 4.000 00 7 NO 04 1,804) 00 26.000 00 8.000.00 1.889 Hfl 967 37 1.011 44 X77 MM 679 94 1,070.3« 860.74 3HN.O4 8144.112 42 600.00 Nt N 600.00 600.00 400.00 floo 00 300 00 300 00 8I9I.5M8.00 617.93 440.0H 435.00 604 6fl 379 12 441 A4 2MM 34 242 62 I.2 1ID05 8 9« 441 fl.OM4 494 7.701 4.47N 2.164 1.000.09 1,000 04 1 000 00 XD4.00 1.200 00 600.00 600.00 8191.710 99* FUND DATA — (Cash receipts for 1st fl months of 1933) (Estimated receipt« for 1934) Motor vehicle license appropriation 824.727.16 848,861 9M O A C. Land Grant 308 4 N Delinquent Taxew 22.000(H) 10,022.49 Sale of powder, culvert«, etc. Hfl 24 IN "o Refund«, Gaa Tax and Freight Bill« 1.166 65 l.flO" 00 '.III«« of junk. Iron. • 106.96 1...... .. i quipmt nt Réntala 477.40 106 oo Sale of Rock 5.632.0« 11,000.00 S79.3SO.4fl COUNTY ROAI> Amount to b« Raked for Countr Road« E.p«ti