The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 07, 1933, Image 1

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    ¿’’lisin if
With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent
I. I N l> Il K CK
queaUan of Kpeclal Kenjon
lx(l»lalure in Doubt,
Reunion Delayed
Support of Every
Loyal American
Heavy Rains Halt Earl L. Hobbs
Rev. Graf Serves
Hillii Grid Squad Eight Months’
Council Seeks
Ag Program
Starts Practice
Resigns Place
To Establish
School Term
To Benefit
Twentieth Year
At Wilson River
For /93 J Season
Surveyor Here Rev. William Graf completed 20
Stop Streets
Wheat Men Football practice for llllhl grin­ Hilhi Outlook west Heavy
rains in the mountains
<4 here, where forest fires haVe
NRA Needs-
Allotment in County Total*
$29.76 for Every Acre
Vacated in Plan
Salem Moat every one mm iiu t »
L n * ugrrrd that something (Might to
be done about the unemployment
situation. At thut point, however,
agreement end* Many believe thut
the problem cun only be solved by
the legislature Others, notably
suite Treasurer Holman, are of
tho opinion thut the problem la
largely local and should lx* handled
by the several counties rather thun
the i tale.
Even among these ulio pin llirir
faith on the legihlulurc there Is
violent diAugicement uh to the cure
Earl Hiwll, speaker of the hour«* und
ardent advocate of the bill « a tux
ut the regulur neMion. now propose*
m bond Issue backed by u brer tax
Hay Dill und his granger-» recom­
mend u bond issue B mmx I on dr •
hnquent tuxe.s A few dle-hnidx in
the old Miles t.ix cump urr still un-
convinced thut the people really
meant what they suid when they
turned down thut source of revenue
lust July und still (ling to this
a measure ¡ue the only way out Oth
era. anticipating curly n*|x*ul of
the eighteenth amendment und un­
restrained sale of hard liquor as
well ns beer, want to float out of
the dll< mmu on u liquor tax.
Governor .Meier's action in
¡Minting u committee to “get to­
gether' on somr feasible and ar •
ceptuble plan has met with both
condemnation und commendation
HLs critics charge that he is mere
ly passing the buck und attempting
to evade a responsibility
*“****" —
**'■*' is
rightfully his iu> the state's chief
executive His supporters point out
that a special session of the ley Is-
laturr without a definite program
on which not only the lawmakers
but a majority of the voters can
unite would be :i futile waste of
both time und money.
As was to have btru expected
the governor's committee got no
where ut Its pow-wow last week
except to uppoint u few more com­
mittees to take the problem still
further “under advisement' u n d
report back some time the last of
this month Which means that
« there will be no special session be­
fore October anvway with manv
of the more peAr.linlstlrnllv Inclined
about the capltnl predicting that
there will be no agreement on u
tax program even If tlw commit­
tee lake« all winter for II.
• • •
Governor Meier urged the
people of Oregon to join In the
observance of automobile accident
prevention month throughout Sep­
tember Culling attention to the
fact that 228 pr<>ple met deaths In
(ruffle accident* in Oregon lust year
while more than 4300 other* were
injured, the governor urges greater
care on the part of motorists In
an effort to reduce tills appalling
toll of human life and limb.
Districts arc Formed
Reduction of 15 Per Cent of
Average Crop Required
der* opened Tuesday afternoon
with approximately 20 players turn­
ing out With six lettermen from
the 1932 squad returning and an
expe< ted roster of 50 mep by th*
opening of school, prospects loo.
good for the coming grid season
Team this year will average up
proximately 105 pounds.
Beason schedule will open her*
September 29 with llllhl meeting
one of the Portland schools, whll"
Milwaukie high school will supply
the opposition the following Friday
at the Clackamas county school
Conference m schedule will sturt Oc­
tober 13 will: ti a game at Newberg
Other games scheduled are as
follows: (Atober 20, McMinnville
< here i; October 27. Hl Helens
< there. November 3 Beaverton
< here ■; November 11. Tillamook
'there'; November 17.Tigard <here>;
and November 20, Forest Grove
Regular Attendance
in Order to Earn Full
Credits for Year
Faculty Staff Given
t o
Before September 18
been raging during the past three
week’ have eliminated all Immedi­
ate danger of the fire breaking out
of control Blaze is still smoulder­
ing on several front«, but fire trails
.have been constructed rt danger
Approximately 50 additional C.
C. C men were transferred during
the week end to the fire line neai
Hamlet when the wind threatened
to take the Hames out of control
for a time. Blaze in the Flora
holdings above Carlton also spread
rapidly Friday and Saturday but
was orought under control by damp
weather. Majority of the C. C. C
workers have been called off the
fire lines this week.
Approximately 1500 men are still
stationed in the Wilson river fire
area, according to a report by Lynn
Cronemiller, state forester As many
men as needed will be retained un­
til th< coming of fall rains, as there
is still considerable fire in the re­
gion. he declared. Only half of those
now on duty are C. C C men.
Estimates tor equipment and
fighters in combatting the Wilson
river blaze total more than $30,-
000 Cronemiller stated. Maximum
cost was $3000 a day.
Better Position Taken with
Land Bank;
Barney Appointed
County Many Year*
years as pastor of the Bethany
Baptist church last Sunday The
church i* the oldest German Bap­
tist church in the original Oregon
New parsonage and cement church
building have been erected and a
pipe organ installed during the last
third of Rev. Graf's parsonage. A
large choir, orchestra and band
have also been maintained during
this period.
Although still affiliated with the
German association, all services in
the Bethany church are now con­
ducted in the English language.
One song each Sunday and one
Bible class remain in German.
Under Rev. Grafs leadership the
Bethany church ha* become one
of the most active of country
churches. Rev Graf is now presi
dent of the Baptist Ministers' as-
sociatlon of Portland.
Prohibiting o f U-turn*
a f
Second and Third on
Main Comidered
Congestion Problem
Acceptance City Bond* f«»;
Assessment* Discussed
Traffic regulations to establish
Eight months' term of school is
Earl L. Hobbs resigned as county
additional stop streets and to pro­
the present outlook at Hillsboro
surveyor Friday to accept appoint­
hibit U-turn» at Second and Third
union high school this year, ac­
ment as appraiser for the Federal
streets on Mam street were con­
Land Bank at Spokane. The new
cording to B. W Barnes, super­
sidered Tuesday night by the city
intendent. who urged students to
position means an advancement for
council and the matter turned over
Mr. Hobbs, whose résignation came
enter the opening day. September
to the street committee with power
18. and to be regular in attendance
as a surprise to officials and friends.
to act. Proposal to permit the city
He has been assigned to Washing­
This procedure 1 s necessary I n
to accept city bonds on Inter««*
ton county.
order to earn full credit each sem­
coupons for payment of assessment*
ester. he stated.
J. W. Barney, county engineer,
or purchase of city land was also
Teachers at the Hillsboro union
was Friday appointed by the county
high school are being hired this
court to till Hobbs' unexpired term.
Recent accidents on Main and
fall on u four months' contract,
He will continue his present duties
First streets and congested condi­
according to William C. Christen­
along with that of a surveyor,
tion of traffic in the local business
sen. chairman of the board Delin­
having a deputy handle the addi­
district led to consideration of ad­
quencies in collec tion of school taxes
tional work.
ditional traffic regulations. O. O.
have made it necessary to plan
Succeeded Morrill
Three Judge* Will Occupy a maximum of eight months'school
Freeman, chief of police, recom­
Honors at Salem Event
mended prohibiting of U-turns at
this year, he declared Forest Grove
Loca) Bench This Month
the intersections of Second and
high school teachers are being
going ui with the late A. A. Morrill
lured on a four and a half months'
Largest delegation of 4-H club Third streets with Main street.
as deputy for four years in Jan­
This action would eliminate con-
Circuit Judge:, from three coun- contract.
uary. 1921. and was elected to suc­ members ever to represent Wash­ gestion at the intersections and
tie* will occupy tile local circuit
Students with standing above
ceed his chief. He has served two ington county at the Salem state prevent cars racing from one end
court bench during the coming that of a freshman and entering
full terms as surveyor and part of fair is making an excellent show­ of the bock to the other, he be-
month, according to the calendar the local high school tor the first
another. His home is on a small ing in the various exhibits and con- lleved.
posted tills week. Judge George R time are asked to report at the
tract on the highway between Hills­ • tests this week, according to Joseph
Stop Signs Advised
Bagley will hold court from this office and register before the open­
Belanger, assistant county agent,
boro and Cornelius.
Posting of stop signs on the
who accompanied the group. Place
Friday until a week from Saturday, ing day. All former students who
to NRA Program Friday
The veteran surveyor issued the winners in events at the county north side of Main street on Sixth
Three cases in which the Dairy did not register last spring are
following statement to the people 4-H fair were eligible for state and Seventh streets and on the
Co-operative association is plamtltf requested to complete registration
Revival of the Washington Coun- of the county Saturday, his last in competition.
east side of the Intersection of
are scheduled during the following before school opens. The schedule
week with Judge Arlle Walker of is now being made out and prob­ ty Bar association was completed office:
Eleanor Bendler and Esther First and Lincoln streets was also
Yamhill on the bench While Judge ably cannot be changed after Sep­ Friday by county attorneys who
of Hillsboro not only won recommended by the police chief.
with which you have entrusted me Harty
Bagley Is hearing the trial o f tember 18. declared Superintendent met at the court house to discuss for
first place m the contest for home Visibility at the latter crossing is
the application of the NRA to the
Donald J Ryan. Clackamas county Barnes.
economics judging teams Monday. cut oft by a high hedge, he stated.
legal profession. Resolution pledg­ expressing to you my deep appreci­ but placed as high scoring and George McGee, city manager, ad­
representative and ex-county clerk, |
Texts Listed
vised placing stop signs on all
ing the support of the bar of Wash­
at Oregon City September 25 to 28.
as adopted by ington county to the NRA was cere friendliness so long enjoyed second high scoring contestants, streets crossing Main and First
Judge E C Latourette will hold the state textbooks
respectively. This team placed in a
streets. Such a move would tend
court here.
as follows: Geometry, bookkeeping, unanimously adopted by the group.
“It has become necessary for me tie with two other teams at the
Damage suit totaling 110.070 55 commercial law. commercial geog­ L. M. Graham of Forest Grove to move on to a field that seems county event, to Kathryn toward uniformity and permit easy
was filed Tuesday by Stanford raphy. commercial arithmatlc and was elected president and P. L. to hold more promise and more and Juanita Cawrse of Academy in entrance and departure to the city.
Steps to authorize acceptance of
Gray through his fattier. E E English Pupils taking the follow­ Patterson of Hillsboro secretary of material returns for my services. the drawing to determine the coun­
representative. The Hillsboro city bonds and interest coupons in
Gray, against Mr and Mrs Meri ing subjects will use the old text­ the temporary organization. Draft­
"It is not without regret that I ty
Batten Plaintiff allege« he wax books geometry three, English two ing of a constitution and by-laws resign a trust so long held at your team paid their own way to the payment of city assessments and
in payment for city land in line
for a permanent organization was pleasure, but it is with a great fair.
knocked down by the Batten car and English seven.
December 18 1931 while he was
turned over to E B Tongue of measure of gratification that I can
Columbia club judging team, con- with recent action of the state
returning to Uic David Hill school. by Superintendent Barnes are: B. Hillsboro. Perfecting of a permanent do so and take with me the fund sisting of Donald Cawrse, James legislature were considered. Coun­
Injuries as set forth in the com­ M Goodman, principal, and science; association and adopting the consti­ of pleasant recollections that these Meek and James Hardien placed cil felt that the plan was feasible
plaint consisted of a fractured Elizabeth Abraham. English and tution will be taken up at the next years in your service will bring me. second in the crops judging con­ in view of the fact that it would
ku'.l nil» and bruises about the
"And now as I pass on to the test. James Meek and Donald keep up the value of city bonds
Ina Pearl Allen, mathe­ meeting of the group September 18.
laxly, Miuck. aud permanently im­ french.
> law offices will be closed Satur­ limbo of forgotten public servant*. Cawrse ranked as second and third and aid in the collection of assess­
paired hearing The boy. through Elate May Cimino. English; Edith day afternoons after 1 o'clock for I wish to thank you all for your high scoring individuals in the con­ ments. City Manager McGee was
hl* guardian ad litem, seeks $10,-
the doing of legal business, begin­ confidence, for your helpfulness, test. Livestock judging team com­ instructed to obtain additional in­
000 general damages and $70 55 for Fort, English; Edith FUidley, Am­ ning September 9. according to a and
the privilege of sharing your posed of Margaret Cypher. Wesley formation on the proposition from
medical expense* incurred
Batchelder and James Davidson of the League of Oregon Cities.
decision reached by the attorneys. friendship."
(Continued on paire lu, column 2)
the Helvetia-Jackson Calf club
John P Johan-en Jr. of Hills­
This step was taken In line with
Request by the Portand city
boro plead not guilty in the dr-
placed fifth.
council that the local group join
the spirit of fair competition in the
cu.t court Saturday to two indict-
various lines of endeavor and in
Shady Brook Poultry club team, them in a resolution requesting that
incuts of embezzlement by agent.
consideration of requests of other
made up of Herbert Schneider, cities be permitted to borrow di­
Injunction enjoining E V Kin
attorneys in the state.
Ruth and Frances McDougall, plac­ rect from the Federal Reserve bank
ney bf Forest Grove from selling a
ed fifth in poultry judging. Walter at the same rate of interest as
Athough the government has
product under the name of "Cello­
Eames. Merle Pennington and Earl member banks with city bonds as
ruled that the NRA does not apply
phane" or words of similar pro­
Sagert of the Tualatin Rabbit club security was submitted to the coun -
to attorneys, it was the consensus
An audacious thief broke Into the of opinion that the lawyers should Quarter-final baseball game sched­ ranked fourth in the rabbit judg­ cil. Such a resolution has been
nunciation was sought in a suit
tiled by the DuPont Cellophane home of William Allinghtun of Ti- sign the agreement, do their part uled for tonight between Verboort. ing competition.
passed by the Portland council. The
(Continued on pace a. colunm ¡)
company in the circuit court Tues­ gard last week, took a bath, stole in the movement, and extend bene­ Tualatin valley champions, and
Winners in the livestock division
day Coinpaint alleges that brands a new' outfit of clothe* and left his fits of the act to their employes Wolfer's Federáis in the Oregon were as follows: George Barkley of
on varnish products sod by the de­ cast off clothing, according to a Every attorney present signified his fall baseball tournament has been Forest Grove, first on Jersey cow,
• • •
fendant infringe on the DuPont report to the sheriff Friday In intention of complying with the called off. due to weather condl- fifth on senior yearling: John Han­
trade mark
The family reunion of the board
truder also stole an automatic pistol, president s agreement and display­ tions. The game will be played sen of Portland route 5, second on
Judge Bagley Is holding court at two watches and a pair of opera ing a "Blue Eagle."
of control which wax to have taken
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Brown Swiss cow, sixth on senior
Tillamook this week and u ill re • glasses. Entrance was gained by­
place Tuesday of this week, the
the Vaughn street park in Port­ heifer; Don Jossy of Rock Creek,
turn here Friday.
breaking tl»c glasn out of a kitchen
third working day of the month,
first on senior Holstein calf, sec­
Grand jury will go Into session window Alhngham left two weeks
tia.s been postponed until next
Final games In the fall tourna­ ond on senior yearling and sixth
John Morden of Hillsboro was
this morning.
ago for a vacation in eastern Ore­
Monday because of the state fair
ment were scheduled for this Sun­ on junior calf; Frances Detrick of
Revised court calendar is as fol- gon and returned last week when
At that time all three members of
day afternoon, but these games Rock Creek, third on Holstein cow; injured by a falling timber Tuesday
Committee to prepare the 1934 lows
September 8. Vincent vs. notified of tl>c burglary by a neigh-
the board are expcctrd to attend,
probably be postponed a week. Marvin Heyndenckx of Schefflin, morning while working on the
Well s Department store Is cele­ will
(Continued on page 3. column 3 l
Secretary of State Hoss having re­ county budget will probably be
defeated the Columbia seventh on Holstein junior calf; Commercial building here The tim­
its twentieth year in Hills­ Bees. Portland
turned to Salem after an absence appointed by the county court
champions, Albert Coussens of Leisyville. fifth ber fell front the second floor and
Theft of H sacks of barley and brating
with an anniversary sale, in the first tilt valley
of more than two months which he next week Action of the legisla-
four sacks of oats from the field boro
series 10 on junior Holstein calf; Clayton apparently struck a two by four
which begins Friday. Well's began
that Morden was carrying. The
has spent ill eastern Oregon N' t lure mnkes It necessary to have
of Tom Henton of Hillsboro route business in Hillsboro in the Tamlesie to 1. The following Sunday the
(Continued on par« 10. column 2)
latter stick flew up causing Morden,
only «III there be a full attendance the estimate completed by the
1 was rcoprted Thursday. G. K building at Third and Main streets county team lost to the same team
to be knocked unconscious.
of the board members but heads middle of November and In th*
» Of the «tote's 11 In-tltutlon-. will hands of the state tax conimtsion Twenty-three Hillsboro Rotarians loss of two grease guns, gasoline In 1913. followed by the construc­ Catcher Laurel Heinrich of the
A number of persons were pres­
of their present store bulid- Verboort team Injured the
ent when the accident occurred,
also attend, reviving a custom which by the end of November County attended an inter-city meeting at and diesel oil from his combine tion
but none were able to determine ex­
Governor Meier discontinued more budget meeting will be held dur McMinnville Friday night, when the Friday Home of John Schilling at ing in 1919
finger of his right hand in the
actly what had happened. Morden
R W. Weil states that the store, second game with the Columbia
than a year »go Tills will be the Ing the last two weeks of that district governor, William Dins­ Aloha was entered Saturday noon
Fine of one cent for each pound was taken to the Jones' hospital
which is independently owned and Bees when he was struck by a
mpetinu of the board since month.
first meeting
more. of Tacoma. Wash., addressed and approximately $8 stolen.
of overload on his truck was as­ under the care of Dr. J. B. Dins­
operated, has the largest assort­
Addition of old age pension, in­ U m Rotarians of McMinnville Sa-
July 0
Shotgun shells, cigarettes and ment of nationally advertised goods pitched ball.
I sessed Mervine Godsey of Willa­ more. Extent of the injuries have
crease in tux delinquencies and lcm. Forest Grove, Portland and pastry goods made up the
I mina Tuesday in the local justice not been fully determined.
loot in the store's history.
The World War Veterans' State outstanding warrants, and de­ Hillsboro.
I of the peace court. Godsey plead
Mrs. Mary E. Uppenkamp of
crease In the valuation of tlmbc*
Governor Dinsmore nu t here Fri- store at Sherwood sometime br­
Additional sales people required
Aid commission Is offering a
guilty to having an overload of Second street. Hillsboro, received a
000 block of Its bonds for sale next lands due to the recent forest fire day night with chib officers ani tween Saturday and Monday night for the sale include Mrs. Fayeita
1190 pounds and paid $11.90 and broken leg and had two ribs frac­
week. The block is n part of th* a III make preparing the budget a committee chairman
Entrance was gained by cutting Allen. Mrs. Julia Mays. Lawrence
tured Sunday, when the car in
$2.000,000 issue authorized by the difficult task this year, according
A golf meeting followed by a through the roof. It was also be­ Wismer. Mrs. Vada Susbauer and
Sale of property taken over by
Fine of $150 and costs were levied which she was riding skidded in
commission last fall nt a time when to Donald T. Templeton, county dinner will be held at Forest Hills lieved that a single barreled shot­ Gus Apple.
the county following the recent
Oscar Carlson of Hillsboro loose gravel and tipped to the side
money was needed to bolster up the judge An increase In the lax mill­ this afternoon, with Verne Curry gun had been taken.
Weil's invitation to their anni­ foreclosure for delinquent taxes against
route 2 Tuesday when he plead of the road, throwing her out. The
ns chairman.
state's general fund. At that time] age u 111 probably be necessary.
Box of tools was reported stolen
guilty to a charge of driving while accident occurred about thirty mile*
$800,000 of the bonds were «old
from the Used car exchange Satur­ page spread In this week's Argus. according to Donald T. Templeton, drunk. He was arrested on Laboi south oi Eugene, when she and her
and used in tiding over the general
day night Report was filed by by the Argus.
Day. Carlson's driver's license was daughter, Miss Margaret, were en
fund Last spring when bonds of
the parcels of land and the mini­ also revoked.
V. V. Toney.
route to Reedsport for a visit. Mrs.
the Ixmus commission became due.
county court
R. A. Keller of Tigard was found Uppenkamp was taken to the Pa­
Two suits of clothes and $3 in
$530.000 of this loan was recalled
week in the guilty of assault and battery by cific hospital at Eugene for treat­
cash were stolen when the home
To meet $1.050,000 In principal nnd
Hillsboro Argus and the Forest Justice of the Peace A. W. Havens ment. and will remain there for
of Hugh Lewi* of Aloha was en -
Interest payments due October 1
Friday and fined $50 and costs. He some time. Miss Uppenkamp. who
Detnlled report on the sewage ation of applications for loans for tcred this week.
the balance of this loan $270.000
Notice of the sale will be pub­ immediately filed notice of appeal was driving, was uninjured, but the
Charged with a burglary com­
will be recalled. To Hit« will be disposal project for the Willamette construction of sewage disposal
The NRA is an opportunity for
car was damaged to some extent.
added the money from the bonds > valley, released this week by the plants. Financial aid offered by mitted near Buxton. Arthur Bond America to save herself, declared papers in five consecutive issues. to the circuit court.
to be sold on September 12 together reconstruction advisory board, in­ the board has no restrictions at­ was arrested Tuesday at Under ■ P L. Patterson, colonel in charge After this time the sheriff will
Wash., and brought to the
with the cash balance In the hands cludes recommendations for nine tached to It other tlinn the agree­ wood. (Continued
of education and speakers, in an conduct the sale. Price on the
on pnirr 4, colunm 3)
of the commission Little or nd communities in Washington county. ment of the cities to vote upon the
NRA talk at Orenco Wednesday various parcels of land has been set
project, and If this is favorable,
difficulty Is anticipated by the com • i
night. He said it was un-Americart by the county court and the prop­
to make application for a loan,
mission in disposing of the $200,-
for millions of people, one-third of erty will not be sold for less than
000 block of bonds. Officinis In Study of sewage disposal problems Cities wll repay the board the
that figure.
our population, to be In want.
• touch with the flnnncinl situation,
amount It has expended In the
Oregon and the Pacific North­ abnormal spread between here and
Everyone must practice NRA. ac-
however, are not. so optimistic over
west were centers of much activ­ Chicago, officials believe. It will al­
cording to Patterson, who said it Tualatin People Back
the prospects of peddling mi addi­
Action of the board was taken
ity related to the agricultural ad­ so clear out the present congested
may cost a few pennies more, but
NRA; Consumer* Pledged justment act and having to do terminals and storage space with­
tional block of bonds to meet prin­ on the request of the conference the money Is loaned for construc­ over the Coslctt Bnr-B-Q nt First will mean the salvation of our
cipal nnd Interest payment« total of mayor« and city officials held
particularly with wheat, fruit and out flooding the eastern markets
gone over in Tualatin about 100
ing $840 000 due next December, in Port land nt the call of Governor
No recommendation* were made duct the business. Mr. and Mrs
Referring to possible criticisms per cent due to the vigilance of livestock in this territory, according and thus harming the entire do­
practically nil of which will have Meier June 1 to consider methods for Banks. Gaston, Orenco anil
of the program, Patterson declared the workers. The merchants all to a summary of events issued by mestic price level.
to be met through the sale of re­ of cleaning up the Willamette Tualatin as these communities have for more tlinn a year.
Immediately following the wheat
that Franklin D. Roosevelt as our display the blue eagle and the con­ Oregon State college.
funding bonds.
Of vital interest the world over hearing the formal hearing on the
small ixipulntlons nnd are not con­
president was entitled to our sup­ sumer's statement of co-operntion
• • •
und personal inspection ascertained gested districts. Recommendations
port and Hint it was no time for was signed by practically all who was the informal hearing at Port­ proposed marketing agreement for
Appointment of Edwnrd C. Kellv such general facts as would en • for Beaverton included a new sewer nnd confectionery, ndding n larg" political bickcriiu:
land on the proposed plan of tree fruits of the four Pacific
were found at home when the cap­ subsidizing export of some 40 mil­ northwest
of Medford to n post in the legal able them to prepare specific rec- system of the pumping type and n electric refrigerator and is hav •
states was held. Senti­
department of the federal public oinini luliitlons for each locnlliy.
lion bushels of surplus wheat in ment was overwhelmingly In favor
complètement works. A similar rec­
Griffith in Insurance
works bureau al w.i hington D <■.
Pacific northwest. This constitutes
Govenor Meier and the recon­ ommendation was made for Cor­
Game Here for Himself Cimino, Nellie WeSeh, Mrs. Fred a new policy for the United States of the agreement submitted by tho
feature home cooking, crawfish
erentes another vncuncy In the ore struction advisory lioaril have car­ nelius.
and crab«, Coslctt *» Bar-B-Q w 11
F. A. Griffith now has his own Sagert. Mrs. E. C. Richardson. and is considered to have special agricultural adjustment administra­
gon legislature. Kellv was one of ried the outline of the program
tion, which was a compromise
Complete trentment wns recom­
Jackson county's representatives in to Wnshlngton where II has been mended for Forest Grove. Engineers remain open from 6:30 a. m. tò insurance business at 1314 Main Mabel Heald J. E Whistler. Walter significance Just now as the wheat between previous majority and min­
street in the offices of the Oregon Eames nnd Ed Stites were the cap­ exporting nations are seeking to
the last session. His running mate. favorably received ns one of the made t h e following comments : 2 a. m.
ority reports.
Farms company with whom he will tains in this district Th- NRA reach some reduction agreement.
Earl Day, hns nlso been ret I reel lending projects to be undertaken "Forest Grove now hns a primnrv
Federal examiners who presided
be associated in real estate and stickers may be had by calling at
from Ills legislative scat through under the Natlonnl Industrial Re­ trentment plant which provides Non-High Board to Pay
Hearing resulted in formation of over the hearing expect It to be
nppolntmcnt as county Judge.
covery net. according to Burton E. for sedimentation and separate1
a detailed plan reported acceptable approved and put into effect by
Tuition Outside Schools
• •
Pnlmer, executive secretary. Federal sludge digestion. The effluent from
to all parties concerned, particularly September 13. in time for winter
Payment of tuition for high Tualatin Valley Agency ns agent
Two thousand men will find officials nt first indicated willing­ tills plant is unsuitable for dis­ school students who do not reside for several years. Prior to coming Scholls People Signed
the producers, the exporters and pear and apple movement. More
steady work on Oregon's highway ness to advance $7500 to $10.000 charge Into Tualatin river during In any standard high school district to Hillsboro he was manager of
On NRA Consumer Cards the millers. The plan calls for sell­ orderly control of markets, result­
during the next 14 or 10 months to ni<l towns in preparing appli­ the summer season. This plnnt is and who wish to attend Portland the old North Plains Commercial
One hundred and forty NRA ing this surplus wheat for what ing in better returns to producers,
under the federal public works pro­ cations. This was reversed Inst adequate ns n primary plnnt. hut high schools this year has been bank.
consumer cards were signed in the it will bring in foreign markets is hoped for.
* gram, which Is lust now getting week on the grounds that n dan­ further trentment Is recommended." authorized bv the county non high
Scholls district, according to Jesse [ and then making up the difference
Meanwhile the administration has
under way, according to R H. Rai gerous precedent might lie set.
Snyder, lieutenant-colonel In charge [ between that and the domestic put its hog slaughtering plan into
Rccommcndntlons for Hillsboro school board. Students wishing to Farmers* Union to Meet
dock, state highway engineer. An-
In Hillsboro Saturday of the NRA campaign there, who' market price out of proceeds of the effect in the mfddlewest and has
Under the circumstances the re­ included extension of the sewer take advantage of this must first
oilier 2000 men will find employ- construction advisory board plans system tp Include unserved portion obtain certificates of residence from
Washington county Farmers' was In Hillsboro Wednesday. Onlv wheat processing tax.
announced that hog raisers in
ment In producing the machinery to use a portion of the $30.000 ap­ of the city, nn intercepting sewer.1 O. B. Kraus, county school super­ Union will meet in Hillsboro nt the j two refused to sign. Mrs. J. E. Suth-I Effect of this will be to raise this state will also be eligible
and materials for the highway Im ■ propriated by the state legislature
n complete treatment works intendent. before enrolling in Port­ eourt house Saturday evening at [ erland was in charge of the house I the price in the northwest bv later to dispose of light weight pigs
provoment program In this state to aid communities in the prepar • 1 and (Continued
(Continued on pave 10, colunm 1)
8 o'clock.
land high schools.
i to-house canvas«.
wiping out much of the present
on lour* 10, column 1)
(Continued on pn$c« 10, column 1 )
CyruR. Count y Agrnl)
Benefit payment > io Washington
county fui merit un the 1UJ3 wheut
crop, when figured un the baxls o!
payment fur lund taken out of
wheat production, will average 129.>
76 for each acre vacated Payments
are made upon allotments which
are 54 per cent of the average
production for the years of 1930,
1931 und 1932.
Washington county has un of-
flclnl allotment of 350,125 bushels
which bi 54 per cent of an average
annual production of 048,347 bushels.
With m payment of 28 cents per
bu he! thia mi mm that SN M • >■
uvailablr to uheut growers of the
county on the 1933 crop if they all
take udvuntage of the plan A
figure of 15 |>rr cent has been set
un tile reduction to lx* required und
this Mould mean reducing the
average unnuul acreage of wheat
by 3294 acre«.
IHntricU Formed
Organization meetings around
the county have been completed
und applications ure being com­
pleted daily Officers of the wheat
control iiasociaUon elected to date
are District 1 Eerd l*angcr, di­
rector. W H. Burkrrt. Frank
Hciwcklu. committeemen; district
2 W J Enschede, director; C H
Thompson, Eduard FrurdrnLhal,
committeemen; district 3 Arthur
W Connell, director, A. L. Croenk
C. E. Wismer, committeemen; dis­
trict 4 J M Vandvizanden. dlrec-
II- •
' t. Will 8ahn<»u
committeemen; district 5 -Olen
Hilt hey, director; Charles Wunder­
lich. Albert Peters, committeemen.
district 6 John W Kanina, dlrcc-
tor. Julius Vanderschurrr. Ferd
Putnam, committeemen.
Payments to individuals based on
their actual allotments vary from
18 to 40 dollars per acre for the
land mat is taken out of <heat
production. Home farmers think
thut Ix-caiLV? they grow only n
relatively small u< rcagr of wheat
the benefits of the plan do not do
them any good. Because of com­
paratively high acre yields the Rise
of the allotments und consequently
the »mount of the benefit payments
are in the cum * of a numtx*r of
small growers relatively large One
local farmer with an unnual pro­
duction of 300 bushels from 10
acres, remarked this week after
figuring out the amount of his 1933
luiyment. ’’Forty t<> fifty dollars is
perhaps not a large sum of money
but when I cun get it by agreeing
mi patfr R. r« '.unin 3)
Circuit Court
Opens Friday
4-H Clubbers
Win at Fair
County Legal
Body Revived
Many Report
Petty Thefts
Verboort Nine
Plays Sunday
Local People
Badly Injured
Budget Group
Selected Soon
Weil's Celebrating
20th Year Here
Hillsboro Rotary
Group at Meeting
Truck Driver Pays
Fine for Overload
County Will Place
Property on Market
County Cities Listed Report
On Willamette Sewage
s' Plan
Patterson Speaker
Orenco NRA Meet
Mrs. Coslctt Takes
Bar-B-Q Back Again
Oregon and Pacific Northwest
Center of Farm Act Activities