THE lìiursduy, February 2, 1933 HILLS PORO ■ - - ARGUS, ---- lleg Ititiiog H 7 ft | ' ner Illock 3 Hiliaboro. ( N 40 fl . W 160 46 ft . IHO46 ft. to beginning II Club Beginning at the H. V. 3. Hiliaboro, Oregon, W «) fl, N 117 ft . iilng First llapllst Church of I1 (Trustees) Beginning 69 ft West of H. E lllurk 3. Ilillslxiro, Oregon, then«-« C to 100.46 ft, a. 318 ft » W ft to beginning II (I. Vincent Beginning IM f Norlli .7 H her of Bin rk 3, Hillsboro, Or«g«>n W 261 41 ft . N 75 ft . N 16« Houlh line of Jackon Bl., then«*« - - — ft , 8. 82 ft. »« . I uf Korund H’ , ». General Elec llagliinlng I' corner <>f Bi< thence N. 167 I VI ft. tu b of N Oregon, 49 6 ft . Iter narda H East one half of 1x4 3, Block 17. bur«, Oregoti Alice Wilkes 2 b ft North 149 ft of Ixd 4. Block 17. 12 M toro, Oregon — I. H Rice Knuth 4V ft of Lot 4. Bkwh H. boro, Oregon - Peter Rasmussen I • 6 Itogli n Ilin«».«.m. George Alexander, Fay Alexander •Ou 4 > n I L L S BORO OREGON Page Five ..... ... _ Oregon ’hence W 100 ft; 8 Mitchell Hilia* boro, Oregon Kenneth W Hentley 621.97 «13.80 Hillal «¡109 60 ft; E 100 ft; N 50 ft to beginning — IN 4-' South of Lot 2, Bl'xzk 31 Hillsboro, Lot 2 in Block 1, Tongue's A>ngu«*s Addition to Ixrt 4 and of 36 f’ alley ___ vara’ed on J. Lyons West 50 ft of the 8 of Ixrt 2. Mor­ East side thereof In Block 6, Simmon’s 160 ft. N 49 ft ti to beginning, also 9 ft HiHsboru. Oregon, and ___ __ _ _ the 8 50 ft _ of vacated on 1 N axle thereof J. Ixrt 2. Ill- ck 6, HHIsbum, Oregon - Hill«- Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon — Elisabeth alley 640.85 gan's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon W Anderson. Minnie L. Anderson . 812.09 boro Feed Co. McBride 65 59 O. Crandall . «18.11 813 46 Beginning 18 ft to' of N W Beginning 50 ft E r,f H W corner of >rner Lot Lot 2. Block 2. Tongue's Addition to L '4 5 and 6, Block 6, Simmon's Addl- io. Ixrt 1. Block 1, Morgan's Addition to Block ii, z: Bimmon ’ s Isboro, Oregon, Addition to Lot 6, Block „ ............ 17, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence thence Hillsboro, .... tioa to Hillsboro, Oregon J. A. Raamus- Hillsboro. Oregon, thence S 180 7-, ft. E Hillsboro, (/regon Edith L. Reames Oregon (). T. M'Con nell N I9M ft. F. “ 49 •“ ft. * — ft - - to H 198 ft. W 49 • 10.89 • 17 22 sen •20.70 9H.75 ft. N 160.75 ft; W »8.75 ft to be- «20.22 beginning Jurgan H. Kroeger Beginning at the N W oorner of Block Vaca ’ e«! alley and ail of Ix»U I, 2. 8 ginning, also 9 ft alley partly vacated Beginning a’ N. E. corner a» the H W corner of Ixrt 6. Heg Inn dny I Oregon, thence 8 on W line lying 8 of 8. P. "* ** R. “ R. tracks in Block un N side thereof— France« 1 Gheen 839.04 uf Hilltb.iru. Block 17. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence North Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Bl ' loo ‘ ft ; thence — W - 60 - ft. mors 7. Kimmo Addi’i'.n to Hillsbor. Ore- North 1-3 of Ixrt 1, Block. 12. 8im- or less to the E line of North Rang« to the N W corner of Lot 6. E 60 ft. thence H 92 5 ft . W 116 ft., N. gon—C. F Grabe!, Mary L Grahel 825 M mon’s Addition to t Hillsboro, E. 186 ft. to beginning F A Oregon J. Street, thence Mouth to the South line of Lot 6, 60 ft heme N 100 ft E W ft. mure Righ of Way through N part of Block M. Peterson •7 56 or lev* West to beginning John Kamna, Meta leas to beginning Hillsboro ire A 7, Simmon’s Ad«jition to Hillsboro. Ore- «20 63 Kamna South *•_ of N 2 _ 3 of _ Ixrt 1, _____ Block 12, Cold Storage Co., Inc. •4.77 Beginning 235 ft. N of H. E. corner gon Southern pacific Co. 82'«.6 < Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon East one half I of Ixrt 7, Block 17, Hllla- Uhxk 1, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Also beginning 100 ft 8 of th« N W Vara’ed alleys and all of LoU 4, 5, 6 J«»aeph G. Neitling, Fitt Neitllng «7 5« «20 42 Oregon, then«-« N 70 ft., W. 186 ft.. M Oregon i A L. Cobb »rner Block 5, S on W line 9» ft; W tu lying 8 of K. P. R R. tracks in BI' x - k North 2-3 a of L I 2. Bkxk 12. Slm- 1 a f N<-r h Range Street, thenc« N West one half of Lot 7. Block 17. Hilia­ 7»/ ft.. E. 186 ft. to beginning T. C. 7, Simmon's Adidtion to Hillsboro, Gre­ mon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon—E. sl< n.r F. line of North Range Street 93 I boro. Oregon A. A, Challarornbe. Msyrne ft . gor. Imperial Feed A Grain Co., Inr. «15.12 ft . E 5d ft. more or less to beginning- — •20.43 < ha I la •■om be Beginning 165 ft. N. of 8. E. corner -------------------------------------------------------- 826.5«/ J. Ward, M J. Ward W. V Beginning 120.5 ft S of N F'. r->rnr- Hiliaboro Ire A Cold Storage Co., Inc. Beginning at the ». W. corner Block Bits k 1. Himmun's Addition to Hillsboro, All -J lx»’ 7 and W f.rrt M. Block 7 «4.64 17. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence F,. 50 ft. Oregon, thence N 70 ft . W. 186 ft.. H Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, Lot 1, Block 12, Simmon's Addition to West line 70 ft , E. 186 ft. to beginning J W Hillsboro, Oregon. thence S 60.25 Beginning at a point of intersection of ; W N 13» ft., K 49 ft.. N 6/> fl.. W V'» of Bl«»« I ». IIillshoro. Or, and % vacated alley on N. thereof— J. R. 126.6 ft; N «--25 ft; E 126.5 ft ft 1 ■ , |Z7 1 I . 216 ft. Railway <<»rner right of way and the N to be- Grant Lande«« f* . 8 to beginning H 198 ft . W Ml ft . N I F'rppard, « rie-half interest ; Jas. R. Pep­ ginning Fred Bulling (Undivided 144 »7 f •26.76 Mary Landess Beginning 1 k 6 ft. W of 8. E. corner pard, The! ma Peppard, one-ha If interest % in- line of Main Street in Hillsboro. Oregon, ft. to beginning John Fret, thence E ” along ‘ '* — • — 6u ft. I tereat I ; Ixma Bulling (Undivided the N line of Main Street in- Bbxk 1, Kirnmon ’ s Addition to Hiliaboro, »ani Freudenthal, Herman J Beginning 9V ft, E of 8. to' corner ........... 817.21 tereat) A Loan 815.12 37 ft. more or lea*, thence N 198 ft. W Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N Oregun. thence N. 397 5 ft.. W 12 ft.. Block 17 1................ Eut ’•> Lot H ,nd all of Ixrt 9, Block North 2-3 of Lot 6, Block It, Kim- 32 ft. S 198 ft to beginning J. P. Tam- I t« ft., to' 4» ft.. H 13» ft . E. to be- H lUl.t ft . E. 12 ft. to beginning A. B 7. Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro. Orl­ The West une-half ««f West 66.66 _ I. W. Bailey. T. C. Bailey, Eva rrion’s Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon- Jav lesie u U7/.! ginning Esther Pugh. Allen Pugh «H»/» “ l.<>t 4, Block N, Hlllsboro. <> ■ P.Mi>y M.64 gon, and % va*’«»««! alley on N. and 9 ft. Phillip«. Iren« Phillips Beginning at th« . intersection __________ __ of __ th« N 815.12 Mohr, Erneli« Mohr, Adolph on E. thereof— C. W. Stone, A. L. Stone North 73 ft of the 8 123 ft of Ixrt 1, r • f Base Line Street and the W line Beginning 9<> ft. E. of N W. corner South 1-3 of Ixrt 8 in Block 12, Sim­ garet Moh>* Block 18. Hillsboro, Oregon M E. Church. ... 818.92 •>f Range Street tn Hillsboro, Oregon, • 15 06 Block 1, Simmon's Addition to Hiliaboro, parsonage Bvginning 40 ft. W uf N. A.i I • : sn-l W iz ' 1x5 11, Block 7, . mon's Addition to, Oregon— ence W i Hno *>f Bas« I I m Orvi-on. thence 8. 198 75 ft.. F.. 58.5 ft.. Wm. Alexander, Bertha Alexander 87.56 W HI< m k M. Hlllsburo, Oregon. South 60 ft. of Lot I. Block 18, Hilla- N 19s 76 ft . to’ 68.5 fl. tu beginning Simmon’s Addition Hi b<»ro, Oregon, reet 433.61 ■- ft, mor« or less to th« S W ..f boro, Oregon Eva Bridges North of LoU 4, 5 6, Block 12. 36 ft., 8 106 »3 ft tu N W < •10.31 Lena H. Whitmore and 1 j of alley <#n N. and 9 ft. rner Lot t l of Tongue’s unrecorded ^... 824.24 of Simmon ’ s Addition to Hillsb« r<>, Oregon, the McAleur Lot. thenre F. . to F. on k.. there-.f -Annie F.. Dickinson, Maude Plat, then « N on th« W line of said Ixrt North 76 ft. of lx* 1. Block 18, Hilla- Beginning 148.5 ft. E. of N. W. corner ..f of Lot 4 and E Va ”f N 151.59 ft. thence W 7«) ft; N 5<) ft to Iliock m N 6 ft. tu H E. c< tlft.fR less the N • 15.48 Block I, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Dickinson A J Hartrarnp 'j of Lot 5. thereof - Chas. P. Merrill. S line of Bank. W 40 ft. to 8 ’ W co, N boro, Oregon >rago( • t • ■ i West 51 fl. of Ixrt 2 Block t» 6 ft . Fannie Merrill loo ft. tu >M*gInning Anna M Imbri« • 17.02 thence W V along S line of said Lot and •20.42 to 49 ft., N 19M.76 ft. to beginning— 7, Simmon’s Alx ro. Oregon — W. 8. Alexander. Lot 54, thence on th« W line thereof N Oregon, boro. Oregon, and Lot 1. Block 8 in Simmon’s Addition t> Bertha Alexander J. Rush- Addition to HiHsbor«», Oregon, and all of h«> 8 93 24 Block 1». Hills)>«ro. ..................... «17.02 200.85 ft tu South line of Washington •19.80 Ixrt 6, Block I, Simmon's Addition to Hiliaboro, <>reg m Anna M. Lake .«16.54 __ to' _ in __ said _ ___ City, ____ thence E r. McAiear. low, E. A. Rushlow South ■j of U j 19 4. 5. 6. Block 12, Sim- Street extended East 10 ft Hills- Hiliaboro, Oregon, and ’ ** varted alley of Lot 2, Block 8, Simmon ’ s I ; A. J Eaet »9 ft. of L ’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon—- along 8 tine of said Street 837.5 ft tu th« Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon James L mon • 36 72 adjoining on South- City of Hillsboro W line of North Range Street, thenc« one-third boro. Oregon Guy Loxl« y Weata Betu «34.04 •28.23 Mahon. Ely Mahon, Frances E. Mahon ... S along said line 395.6 ft tu place of be- Beginning 105 ft, of 8. E. corner North % of Lot 7. . ». . 9. _______ Block ____ 12. ginning, lens the ... following _____ _ tract ____ _______ «2.74 owned _ North ‘j of LoU 7, 8. 9 in Block 1, Hillsboro, Oregon, of !x»t 4. Block 1 Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon-- I •• an i Cold Storage Co. to- We-»t Co ft of Ixrt 2, Block 8, Simmon's Simmon's Addition to . Oregon. y al N thence N 93 ft.. 99 ft 8. 93 ft.. Bcttiba Alexander 1 I wit Beginning al the N W corner of ddition t o Hillsboro, Oregon — A. C. Oregon, Rose Cave • 19.19 fe,‘d 1 of vacated alleys adjoining on E. E. 99 ft. to beg inn I South s Of 7 and 8, Block 12. Ixrt 59 f Tongue’s unrecorded Plat, said oeding. Katherine Moe
g 813.72 si.'l N Mattie Whitmore 844.72 40 ft. Bvginning at the E. corner Lot 4, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— point being N 89' 24* W 362.57 ft and 5. Ixrt 3, Block 8, Simmon’s Addition to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church_ s South ‘j of Lots 7, M, 9 in Block 1, Block 18. Hillsboro thence N to' 86' W 33 ft from the center of 34 • i ft. to 99 fl., H regon, Ulaboro, Oregon 0. B. Buchanan « 60 ft.. E. 99 ft. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon 1'2 6 / •n tenect ion of N. N Range Street and Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon. 6. I to beginning - A. Bln ■k 8, Simmon's Addition to K. Pickens, Georgia N. South 90.375 ft of Lot 9, Block 12, Washington StreeU, Hillsboro, Oregon, 12. 99 Pickens Oregon Geo. B. I^dfurd «16.54 Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— thence 8 89r ... »ll.JI •,“1 * j of v«< ated alley on E. side there ...... 24' E 76.05 ft. thence S uf U B Burkhalter, Kathryn Burkhalter N 100 ft. to be- Block 8, Simmon’s Addition to G. Warren Clark, Verna G. Clark....«11.35 q -> 44» w 119.1 ft ’hence S 0‘ 36' W Beginning 93 ft., 8. <»f N. E. corner Grace I. Busch M -1 Oregon -John Sinclair, Nellie Ixrt 4 Block 1» Hillsboro. Oregun. thence AH of Lot 10 and West Kj of Ixrt 11. 100 ft; N s'J' 24' W 163.0 ft;N0» 36* l Beginning 119 ft. W. of 8. E. corner 8 45 ft W 99 ft.. N. 45 ft.. E. 99 ft. «16.5« Block 12, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, E 100 ft; N 89 24' W 127 63 ft to th« rginning at thè 8. E corner of Lot ' to Iteginning Fred Amacher. Irene R»*« '• Bhx a 1, Simmon s Addition U j Hill.- Block 8. Simmon's Addition to Oregon James N. Dickey..................«34.04 to' line of Lot 57 in said Plat, thence N «9.2» ■ Oregon, thence N. 95 ft., to. 76 Iluck m Hlllsburo. Oregon, thence N. A marker Oregon City of Hiliaboro ....... ’ FX»t », of Lot 11 and all of Ixrt 12. 1 ft to the S line of Washington ft., 8. 95 ft., E. 76 ft. tu beginning Eva I . to' 99 ft . 8 9S ft K ? »ft u be Ixrt 6. Block 18. Hillsboro, Oregon l^.t a, Htock 5, ............ —.......... «16.64 Block 12. Simmon’s Addition to Hills- •‘treet. ’ hence S 89 . ’ 24' „ E 216.08 ft tn Elnora Bailey __ ____________ ___ «15.95 « >22 iing The M £. Churrh 640.85 Thomas Connell «440.98 Vk lull Lou 7. 8, 9, __________ _ Block 8, Simmon’s Arid/- boro, Oregon Mary Dunwald ..... «34.U4 beginning Ray-Maling Co. Beginning 95 fL N. of 8. E. corner rginning 99 ft. to', of 8. E. corner Beginning at the 8. E. corner of Lot Blr<>, Oregon, thrnee N ft. to beginning W 100 ft; N 89’ 24' W . L. ft; S 0* 36' ■" “ tgoii. thence N. i»eginning Mary 1. Smith .... 620.63 thence «34.04 E. 110 ft. tu beginning Geo. L. Fish, Mildred Connell IMI fl.. E. 4V 5 ft . 8. IMI ft.. to. 49.6 AH of Lot 4 and E »¿| of Lot 5 and th« 163.0 ft; N E _ 100 ft; „ N _ 89» __ 24* _ 0’ 36' _ _____ sa JI ft . to vv West 67 fl. of Lot 7, Block 18. Hills- Ret ha L. Fiah Grace E. Low I1M.67 ......................... «21.77 to l»egtnnirig < ft. to'est of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, E 17.62 ft of th« N »4 of the W W 127 63 ft to the W line of Lot 57 in Linklater (Hah* boro. Oregon Mrs. Orville Prickett The North 120 ft of Luu 1 and 2. Bhxk 9, RB mm Addition to Hillsboro, of Lot 5 in Block 13, Simmon's Addition aid Plat, ____ _ ..... .. __ the . 8 «1 . 8ft Beginning al 8 to* W corner thence N 119.1 ft to | Block 2 Simmons Addition to HiiM> Oregon J. M. Elder, Margaret Elder to Hillsboro, Oregon, and one-half of ths line of Washington Street, thence S 88' M, HtllsIxAro, Oregun, theme N corner >f Illock 1. «30.01 Beginning 1 ft. W. of S. E. corner of Oregun. Harry Stout «34.04 alley on the E aid« thereof—Lena W. 24' “ 2....2 ft 2. to „ beginning—Terminal to be- E 216.08 E. )M6 ft.. 8. fl., to' 1 m 6 Hillsboro. Oregon. 1». Hillsburo, Oregun, thence l>4 7. Block Ix»ts 1, 2 and 3 and «29 »V .«33.0» fte and Cold Storage C«. the E»^ of va- South 44 ft of LoU 4. 6, 6, Block 9. ginning Edward Schulmerich «106.49 8 W» ft. N. 19» ft., thence W. 3Ü fl.. 8. to 8. cated alley on the Weat thereof, leas the Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon West 12.5 ft of N uf Lot 5 and N uf 8. AH of LoU 1 to 16. inclusive, in Block E. Wells, Beginning at a point 173 ft. ug ( has E. to beginning — line of Ixrt 7, thence uf Lot 6, Block 13, Simmon's Addi ­ North 120 ft of Lou 1 and 2 in Block W'eata BetU ...... ............. — «16.57 1 «19.11 to', corner of 9, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, nagel. Liilie Holznagel __ ________ «13.60 tion of the South line O 4 0 Ry. 12 ft., to. 99 N 7b ft . to Oregon, thence of ilillsi»orv. South uf W Bl-xk 18, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E. to The Commer- °f Lot 5. and S flight of Way with the W line of First 6. ih ft.. 8 37 ft. Beginning 138 fl. E. of N. W. corner --------- Oregun- Chas. E. McCulloch .... ........... «17.33 F. »u ft . N. 24 *,-s uf Lot 6, Bl h corner of Lot 8, N. M6 ft. W. to Block 2. Simmun’s Addition to Hillsboro, cial National Bank of HiHsboru Nicol, Rava A Nurth of LoU 4. S, 6, Block 8. tning H J. it line of Lot 8, S. to (»«ginning -Central Oregon, thence E. 60 ft., 8. 120.5 fL, tion to Hillsboro, Oregon—Lucy E. Sigler f Way to a point N of the N W eor- fl. <• Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— l‘ Also, beginning IV» ft.. E. uf S. W. H 617.75 W. 60 ft. N. 12')5 ft., to beginning- ---- «' — 3 ner of Lot 6 :n Block 1. Highland Park Nicol Hiliaboro, Oregon. of corner Block 6. Thomas C. Doyle — __ ____________ «34.04 Block Lot* 10, 11 12, Block 14, Simmon ’s Addition, thence S to the N W comer Beginning 5o ft. S. of N W. corner Louis Carrow, Rusi« Carrow ....... «15.07 Simmon's HegtnnMig at the M. E. corner thence N 87 ft., w. 99 ft . 8. ¡9 ft.. f H i I i -I m . i ... Ix>u 7, 8, 9 and all vacated alley on — ur City) N JO.75 ■ *»«•1 L«t 6. thence in a Northeasterly 1x4 M, Block 18, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence I, in the low»» (ho' E. 87 17 ft . » 77 ft.. E. 12 ft. tu t»egin- 5». Beginning at N. W. corner Block 2, East side thereof and LoU It, 11. and 12 Addr.i n to Hu.-non . Oreg “L 7 o . bj -------- : ■ • | in 62 fl., E. 1W fL. N. 62 ft . W. 100 (»reguli. thanco N IVO ft., then«-« W ft., K. mng Hie Commerciai Natiunal Bank of Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, all in Block 9, Simmon's Addition to I. • • be W line of lu I fl . H N 10 fl.. “ » ' » n ■ »o Munte- Hillsboro •3.99 fl. tu beginning Amanda J. Perkins thence 8. 6'J ft.. E. 13» fL, N. 60 fL. Hillsboro, Oregun—Arch Dioceae of Ore­ . n. E as I 49» u ft of Lot 12 — r-rst Street, thence N along the W line . lu the piare uf beginning Less the East 49 ‘ ij W. 138 fL tu beginning—Louis Charles gun City ____ ____________________ 8149.73 S9 6 fl-. — - ' •. R f. corner • 14 64 Beginning 76 ft. 8. H. V. . Gates, O. B. Gates «37.56 f First Street to beginning Carnation suttu IxMlge Nu. 5u. look Beginning at N W. corner of Lot 8, Lumax. De».sie Lomax - ------------------- «17.25 «.« it.. uf Ixrt 8. Block M. 1 Hillsboru. Oregon, South- Company «M N Beginning on N E corner of Block 10 of th« South 15u ft of Lot 7, Block 14, Sim­ Beginning 49 5 ft E m I then«« £. 19» ft., 8. I 86 ft., to'* 99 fl., liiuck 18. Hillsboro. Oregun, thence S. Beginning 60 fL 8. uf N. W. corner in th« Town Beginning at the 3 W corner of Lot ■ ft.. F. lov ft., N. 6u ft., to'. 100 ft. Block 2, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. in Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Ore­ mon's Addition to Hhlsburu, Oregon—L. 8 19 ft., to 99 fl.. N 4b fl- to begin- weal comer uf III.Mk 1. Oregon. thenc* gun. thence to 123 ft, S 111 ft, E 123 Block 1. Highland Park Addition to 4 HiiUburo. ...88-83 «16.93 to beginnit.g lx*n li. Fishbach. Mildred Oregon, thence 8. 60 fL, E. 138 fL, N. ft. N 111 ft to beginning—E. J. McAiear, G. Shattuck, Anna W. Shattuck |SUS City) 4. ning A. J. Hartrampf Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E 66 ft; N 182 810.4.' |60 ft., to'. 138 fL to beginning—R F N Ì9S ft . to 49 5 fl.. 19 South S 15o ft of Luts 8 and -S Block 14, ft >- 19.6 ft V» 123 ft. N uf 8 V corner ft.. Beginning Aita McAiear .............. «28.45 . W 66 ft ; S 132 ft to beginning — 7 4 ft. W. 10 fl.. H. Siar.mun's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, Ixrt 3. Block 19. Hillboro, Oregon Ruth Peters __________________________ 417.25 26 <1.. » I». uf Hhxk M. Hillsboro. Oregon, tl It .f beginning 9. T. George W. Hart — «8.31 Beginning on S line of Base Line St. at M 9« ft . tu place to . 5«) ft.. K 1M6 ft.. 8 50 ft.. W. 1 11 K. • IN.MS South 1-3 uf Ixrts 4, 5 ,6. Block 2, a point 198 ft W uf N E corner. Block and Is ft of vacated alley on East—C. L. Beginning 66 ft E of the 3 W comer Linklater ( Estate i Oakes, Tillie C. Oakes ............... 619.»3 •26. S4 beg tuning Simmon ’ s Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, H A. Wahner Lot 4. Block 19. Hiliaboro, Oregon, leas i Block 10, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro. Ore- • •f Lot 17. Block 1, Highland Park Ad­ 4. 6 and » In Lots, 1, 2. 3, Block 15, Simmon’s Addi­ Eaal >t Half lx»** 1. loo ft off the 8. end thereof Martha and »-? vacated alley adjoining on E there­ Beginning ¡30 ft 8. uf the N. thence 8 111 ft. E 75 ft. N 111 dition to Hillsboro. Oregon, thence N 132 (how City) « d * Hillsbor««, ’ ............ «24.87 »20.22 of Mary L. Simon 1. In the I own l tier of Block 9. Hillsboro. Oregon .thence Collins 75 ft to beginning—Julia Roy------ I tion to Hillsboro, Oregun, and »j uf va­ ft ; E to E line of Ixrt 19. Block 1, thence mi« tract I occupied a» Lot 1— S 132 ft to beginning -John Narup, Cath- llreg«* mi. used and ivn ft.. N 43 K 19» ft. 8. 43 ft.. V* South 100 fL of Lot 4. Block 19. Hills- I Beginning N. W. corner Lot 7, Block 2. —.... -.................. «17.19 cated alley, less the E 49 Va to'vii, Murria 1/ “ C. R. Boyd .................. 625.75 erine Nathan » A eil, Keuben • 17.75 boro, Oregon Ruth Longfellow »81.7« 1 ft. E. It Tongue «20.63 Simmun’s Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, 88 32 Beginning 90 ft W of N E corner. Weil Ik ell. Jaceb . thence 8. 79 ft.. E. 198 ft.. N. 70 ft., Lot 4 and 1 j vacated alley in Block Iteginning at N. W corner of Lot I. Block 11. Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, an«! the Beginning 6o ft. N. of 8. E. corner All of LoU 1. _____________ 2. 3. 4, 5, __ 6 _______ in Block The toast «9« ft., of Ixrt to'. 198 fL to beginning- S. M. Reagan 15. Simmon's Addition to Hiliaboro, Ore­ 8. 13r«t. Oreguu, Town n\ Addition Beginning 4«» fl w. < ft.. K. w * *• , 8. 16 ............... «53.63 Hlllsburo. Oregon, being the center of va- 5,. ft 2 inches, S 189.75 ft, E 55 ft 2 E**1 Oregon, ning Dura Nclsun of Ixrt 2. Block 9. H West 47 ft of Lot 3, Block 18. Sim- Caro*. Rosie Carow «14.05 ÍL tu pumi aa ft I. Mouth and 29 ft. Phelps cated alley, thence N <>n center line uf inches, N 189.75 ft to beginning, includ- loo ft. mun i Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, and thence 8 loo fl.. to M Beginning at the 8 W. corner Block LoU 2 and 3 in Block 4. Highland uf N F. corni er uf the uriglna) W. 10 ailey 110.75 ft.. W. So ft.. 8. 110.75 ft. ing 9 ft of vacated alley on South—E. F *1 vacated alley on West thereof—Henry Whit«- beginning K. 89 ft t< 9. Hillsburo. Oregon, thence N. 100 ft., f. I» ft., 8- II ft., Park Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon— traci tbence to _____ y n * 4.7.84 Mary J. Scheidel horn ... 66 25 ( F. 297 ft . 8 5u fL. E. 99 fL. S 50 fl.. tu S. line of Lot 9. thence E to point of Carleton. Lillian I. Carleton ____ 621.8i Bruck* »14.05 ft.. M. » fi., thence Southwesterly bwmnin, C. J. Anderwn. Minnie L. Besinnin,, 10« tl t E uf of N N W W comer. ___ of be- «1163 iw it ft . t-- place 1 Beginning at the N FL corner of Lot West to beginning Oregon Electric R Anderson —................................. —------- 911 Lot 4. Block 18. Simmon's Addition to sa ».. u «»eginmng . .. fL. M. 5U fL, to Ihll, |9 1 Nt'.na Lou 5. 8 and 9 in Block 4. Highland N I4ÜI. Orang« ’ ............ • B.uck 11. Simmon' Addition to Hillsboro, HiHsboru. Oregon, and I’. Conn.«ny «N M Oregon, thence W. vacated a Ley on . Block 9, ......... 2. ginmng H. t Park Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon. Less 117.u3 N. 15 fl. of S. ‘v ef Lot 10, Block 2, Oregon, S 189.75 ft. E 48.75 ft, N*”180.^5 E thereof—Newton C. Shipley, Ellen R. the portion of said Lot 5. beginning at 4o ft. S luo ft., E . 40 ft.. 8. 98 fL. Lots 1. 2. 8, 4 and 9 ft. of alley ad- Fheips, Ora 1' helps ft, to to' 48.75 48.75 ft to beginning and 9 ft Shipley ft. 4 uf the 8. E. . the N E comer of said Ixrt 5 thence 3 Fl 15 fl.. N. 19» ft.. to'. 15 fl. tu begin- ali in Reidl s Subdivision of LoU Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon llaglnnlng vv ft., vacated alley __ . ^ .. 81.86 — Ethel Small •1.88 vacated alley on_ south — F. V. Engel- (how the Town ning. i S to. Mcihuish. Edriel Melhuish » of ................. Block 19. Hillsboro. Oregon I. 1. ......... Lots 5 and 6, Block 18, Simmon's Ad­ 10 ft. W 100 ft; N 30 ft ; E 100 ft tn corner uf Block I, of — Lot • 10. -------- Block — 2. ------------- Simmon’s dinger, Anna C. Engeldinger ^..n. Ownce N 614.52 North S «-• J. P. Tarnicate 66148 dition to Hillsboro, Oregun—A. M. Carlile. beginning— Grant Jones .... ........ «18.22 City/ uf I Hiilsburu, Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, and “ W. 4 Beginning at center uf alley on N. side O. S. Carlile ......... k„ ». .1 fl-, w iu ft . I 633.09 tocst une-half of Lot 3. Bk»ck 9. Th« Ixrt 6 and 9 ft. uf alley adjoining, ail Ilo fi., to 4% ft.. B-. inning at the N E corner of Lot 5 ft. of N 106 ft. of Ixrt 11. Block of Block 11. Simmon's Addition to Hills­ ¿ouihweatcrly l»‘x tl. Beginning at 8. E. corner of Block 6. Hillsboro, Oregon, leas the to'c«t 16 ft. in Kridt's Sut»division uf LuU 1, 2. 7, 8 Hillsboro, Oregon -Alexander Griffith M 9 fi, l thence Beginning 99 ft S of N W corner Lot in Block 4. Highland Park Addition to t»«- boro. Oregon, thence to’ 50 ft on N side 2v b ft., u> place of 65.71 f Block 19. Hillsboro, Oregun Carl O. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N 61 fl.. W. ■ ■I ».«»<1 I -’t. an<1 the East MW^Igif < f 8 »0 fi.. East I 1. Block 3, Humphrey's Addition to Hills- Hillsboro. Oregon, thence S 30 ft; W ICO __________________ ___ __ «11-42 of f Block. thence S 1»9.25 ft to N line «28.4? ginnmg to f. Mr II rid« 120 fl.. 8 61 fl., E. I2u fl. to begin- Lot 3, Block 9, Hillsboro, Oregon Walter l’etersun alley, thence E 50 ft ; N 189.25 boru, Oregon, S 99 ft; E 198 ft; N v9 ft; N 3" ft E UH) ft to beginning— Sarah of Lot 10, Block 2. Simmon’s of - present ------ ------- South W. of the 8 F ning Lloyd Brown Taylor Sumner. Protestant Fd'iscopal Bis ­ 615.25 ft; W 19s ft to beginning. Contains Christenson. Julius Christenson ....... «2.86 ft-. Ixrt 1. Block 2 ” . Hillsburo, Oregon ■ Heginning 69 6 Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, less N. 15 ‘J 10 beginning to’m. Haase. Anna M. part of Lota 1 and 2. Block 19. Sim­ hup of Oregon 634.63 Thoma* to hiteh< rn I, IliBsUtru. Oregon, «4v.b5 ft. and S 165.75 ft. of E 4 of alley Haas« .................. Beginning 120 ft. W of 8 E. corner, corner ..f * * Btock “ Lot 6 in Block 4. Highland Park Ad- ....... «19.72 mon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon—W. •»fe fl-. H to North 99 ft of Lot 4^ Bha ’ k 9. Hiliaboro. thence West ___ iition to Hillsboro, Oregon Mary J. Bloch 6. HiHsboru, Oregon. L<>t 2. Block 20, Hillsboro. Oregon L. adjacent tbence N iuv ft. to'est—Faye Lord 815.69 ------------ on - Beginning at N W comer Block 11, F. Boley ............ tu place uf loginning. on N ime of Washington Street 48 fl.. Oregon Jacob M>'hr, Emilie Muhr, une- E. Blatchley. L. -..616,71 Scheidel __ ______ «7.03 ft . h. £ ‘ A. ‘ Blatchley___ -------- 64U.85 tehee described in dewi South *4 Lots 11 and 13. Block 3, Bins- h‘n»ux»a a Addiuon to Huiaboro, Oregon, Mohr, Margaret half interest; Adolph i Beginning S line Fir (now Walnut) and laee 60 f« bf l” Lots 7 and 10 in Block 4, Highland Ix»t 8, 199 toahmgton County North 198 ft., F.. 4» Il . 8. 19» fl., tu Mohr, one-half interest Block 20. Hillsboro, Oregon - mon ’ s Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, leas F- L ft: S 67 ft; to 1 > ft; g; ft N 67 820.46 II...k 1«« l-X- I Ii. It. F.niniott, L. F beginning Emma Olsen «1M.V2 E line of 5th Street, thence E 198 ft ; Park Addition t o Hillsboro, Oregon — Cura E. Ware .... 640.85 the N 15 ft thereof Herman Laux. Mar- beginning--M. p. Cady. Birdie V. S 9y ft ; W 19.« f. . N to beginning, less Elmer D. Courier, Snluna Courter «14.05 HuoH. ■< •>—•• 1 Beginning 99 ft 8 of N E corner of • • ' 216 fl. W. of 8. E. corner. Beg inning i —- «13.96 Ixrt 4. Block 20. Hillsboro, Oregon— tin Laux. Katherine Laux ------------- 818.85 Cady Em molt 100 ft uff E end thereof, all in Block 19. k 9. Hillsboro, Oregon, thenc« ‘ Bi«ak 6, ililisixtro, Oregon, thence W. !x»t 4, Blo. L»1 and I in Block 5, Highland Park 640.85 Beginning N E corner Lot 12. Block Beginning 67 ft South of N W corner First C ongregatiunal Church to', corner uf Block 2, Simmon's and Block 3 Humphreys Ad­ 1 99 ft. N 60 ft. E 99 ft to Beginning at N. N IN fl . & about 49 8 6«) ft. W about 2. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Ore- Block 11. Simmon’s Addition to dition to Hillsboro, Oregon—G. C. Reucker, Addition to Hiliaboro. Oregon Louis Her- Ixrts 6 and ||ili&b«>ru, Oregon, thence S«»uth »4 fL. fi . H L 198 ft. lo batí in ning Harvey H. beginning to . H M« Elduwnry. F.llxa Me buldt. Thresa He r bo Id t «14.9« ... to ’ . 136 ft.. t«> place gon. thence S 106 ft. W 116 ft. N 106 b« rt>. Oregon, thence E 100 ft. S 63 ft; cur- Lillie Reucker ..... —................... ....... 620.22 I!-’.'.« gun. r lx»* 4M r Ila ft . N »4 ft «9.36 Eldowney, el al ft. E 116 ft to beginning — M. M Louis« 1 •" ft ; N > ft to beginning Mrs. T. Spicker. Ms- Huff L»u 2 and 3 in Block 5, Highland i ,.f beginning Ferdinand I------- Beginning 98 ft E of N W corner Lot South 39 ft. of Lot 4. of Block 9. Hills- ner, contract 610.VU Beginning 16M ft. W of 8. E. corner Bradley. 2 5 interest ; Elizabeth B New- Minerva Bradley 813.13 Park Addition t o Hillsboro. Oregon — «71.69 Putman 88.051 man, Lillian 1, Block 3, Humphrey's Addition to Hills- tibia Spicker ____ _ Oregon, __ thence W. bsru, Oregt n Lloyd Brown ..... . meyer. 2 5 interest. M. Louis« Bradley, 1\. Beginning 130 ft S of N W comer boro, Oregon, thence E Ivo ft; S 99 ft; George A. Vuylsteke. E. P. Vuylsteke —7 N ?( to r«»r- of ll.tak 6, Hiliaboro, Beginning »4 ft . South 1 <>f E. 69», ft. to'aahingtun Street 4» ft., of un N. line Beginning at the N E corner of Lot Labbie C. Bradley. Henry Bradley, trustees. Block 11. «14.05 thence . . —-—2. Simmon's Addition to Hiils- to' 100 ft ; N 99 ft to being ner Block 2. Hillsboro Oregun, Oreuoi 198 ft. 5. Block 9. Hillsboro, Oregun, thence S boro. Oregon - k 1/5 intereat - ---- ------ ------------------ — «25.63 ' boro, Oregon, thence S 50 ft; E lvO ft; also a portion of Block beginning, to. 138 ft.. N. thence N 19» ft, K. 4» ft., 8. Luts 6. 7 and 10 in Block 5. Highland 19, Simmon’s Fai st 13» ft., 8 6U ft. •9.07 43 ft, to 19M ft. N 43 ft, E 19» ft to Court lo Iteginning Emma Olsen North 110.75 ft of _________ Lots 1. 2. 3. Block Sv fl; W 100 ft to beginning, and 9 ft Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon—Robert E. Park Addition t o Hillsboro, Oregon — bo fl., to beginning l.e«>na M Vaught 8. 100 ft. uf W. 4» fL. Lot 6. Block beginning Hillsboro Grange No. 73 «7 9U '•«<•«» '» 8 ,idc R. R. Euler. Jensen, Elsie Jensen ..... W it 55 ft. of the N 99 ft. of lx»t 3. Simmon's Addition to Hilhboro. Or»- R !•.-<■ $21.08 «20.63 • 17.75 20, Hillsboro, Oregun Chas. Douglas Hillsboro, l/rrgun M. il. Bump W* W gon Edw. W. Moure. Carrie L. Moure — Iva Mster -- ------------------- — of . Ixrt ft. Btoch 7. North ‘j of Lot 5 in Block 5, High- Beginning at N. E. corner . «10.00 __ ______________________________ North 86.5 ft of LoU 1 and 2, less • 11.35 «37.40 Beginning 99 ft. N of the S E corner thence 8. 144 North 100 ft of Lou 7. S. .» ft — all in Bl«k 2. Humphrey’s Ad- land Par x Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon 8, S. 9. E™k Block .. F. 70 Block «, Hillsboro, Oregon, to’est 39.5 ft. of Lot 7, and E. 24 fL F.ast 44 fl. of the N. 99 ft. . of Lot 1, of Lot 6. Block 9. Hillsboro, Oregon, South 70 ft of LoU 1. 2. 3. Block 3. 11, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Ore- dition I lit r- . Thre-a Herlxddt 83.51 to Hillsboro, Oregon—Ethel B. ft . to tu fi . N t • fi . to 3 ft., N. Harry R. Bhak 7. HiHsboru, Oregon I Emma Pit- thence to 99 ft. N 5C ft. E 99 ft. 8 66 ft of Lot », Bi<»ck 20, Hillsburo. Oregon - Simmon* Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— gon. and 9 ft uf vacated alley on N side Jacoba .. .............. «23.98 East 15G.5 ft of Lot 1 in Block 6, »4 ft., E. 62 ft. tu I »eg I lining Pearl L. Smith «26 N to l>cginning Christian Science Society of •9.08 «9.41 man, M It. Bump Herman Heaston_ ;............. «12.03 thereof. I l ess 48 ft off E side of Lot Highland Park Addition to Hillsboro, Ore- Morgan. 7x»Ja F Morgan Beginning 86.5 ft S of N W corner II i II s I m . i .. 811-65 Beginning at the S. W. corner Lot 8. 11 of said Addition—D. B. South une half of Lut I. Block 7, of Ixrt 1. North of Lots 4. 5. 6. Block 3, Sim­ 9. Block __ E. L. Moore. Ada S. Moore 87.34 •-»nt- 2- Humphrey’s Addition to Hills- Beginning at 8. W corner South one-half of Lot Block 9. Hills- Block 20. Hillsboro. Oregun, thence N. mon's Addition to Hillsboro, Or«gon — Reasoner, Julia A. Reasoner .. Stella Danner 6X0.42 Hillsboro, > East Oregon •JO.lo buro, Oregon, thence E 198 ft; S 55.75' Block 2, Hiliaboro, Oregon, thence East 156.5 ft of LoU 2, 3 and 4 in boru, Oregon Frances O'Connor 820.42 19» ft. Io center of alley, thence E. 75 Adam A. Hodge« .... «18.37 Beginning at S W «wz«.» »», •»» — ’, Hiliaboro, Oregon corner Block 11, ft. to' 198 ft; N 55.75 ft to beginning — 19» fl.. N. 64 fl., to 19» ft.. 8. I 64 ft. lx>t 2. Block Block Highland Park Addition to «19.29 Grace A. W« m >6 Went one-half of Lot •. Block 9. Hills­ fL. 8. 198 ft.. W. 75 ft. to beginning— •40.86 " Purdy - • .. ............. .......... ......... -613.01 Hillsboro. Oregon Anna Agnes Sias South tj of LoU 4. 5. 6. Block 3. Simmon's Addition to Hilsboro, Oregon. Lydia C. tu Iwginning Deborah Barrett «30.94 thence E 132.75 ft; N 80.375 . ............... ~ boro. Oregon, less the North 43 ft there­ I» i s IM m B W ft; Beginning 142.5 ft S of N W corner Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon — . uf Ixrt ft, N. to ’ . corner of Lot 3, Beginning at I of to'. F. Tew*, Murtha Tews Beginning at N W. corner Ali of Lota 1 and 2. Block 22, Hills- France« Weatherred ....... 816.99 «15.53 132.75 ft; S 80.375 ft to beginning—Ole Block 2. Humphrey s Addition to Hiil»- Beginning at the N E corner Lot 5 in Illock 1. Oregon, l thence East Itioca 7, thence S. 19» ft., h. 66 ft.. N the N. E. From - --- ---------- - East one-half of Lot 6. Block 9, Hills­ Intro. Oregon, and beginning at Hillsboro. 622.23 boro, Oregon, E 198 ft to center line of Block 6, Highland Park Addition t o « - f t . s IN ft to M ft., . N. 19» ft. 198 ft., W. i»t> fl to Iwginning F. W. Beginning N W corner Lot 7. Block «, corner of Lot 2. Block 22. «13.95 1'cteraun, Msyme Peterson «27.2 4 boro, Oregon, leu* the North 43 feet there­ thence E. 3.33 ch*., thence 8. 3.00 cbs., Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, Beginning at S E corner of N E — Block 2. S to S E corner Lot 2. Block Hillsboro, Oregon, thence W 150 ft; S of tu l»eglnniiig Sophia Witt of John Freudcnt hal, Olga Freudenthal thence E 120 ft. S 102 ft. W 120 ft. N Block IV, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro. 2, W to E line of 5th Street; N to be- 50 ft ; E 150 ft ; N 50 ft to beginning— lx»t 4, Block Beginning at the N. E. corner of Lot Beginning at N E. corner toeat 130 ft., 816 99 thence to’. 3.33 ch*, to 8. E. corner of lt>2 ft to beginning Hattie N. Harte Oregon, thence W 198 ft; N 87 ft; 22 E 198 ginning—J. J. Hanei, Etta Hanel 623.01 • 7.16 »aid Lot 2, thence N. 3.00 chs. to place 2. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence fl tu brgin- 3. Hiuck 7. Hiliaboro. Oregon, thence 8. «11.68 ft; 3 87 ft to beginning—L. K. Ander­ Eat 76 ft <>f Lot 7, Block 9. Hillsboro, of beginning, Less the following tract, I........................ ll/N ft . to. 3.1 ft . N 198 ft.. K 33 ft. Beginning at N E corner Lot 2, Block Ea>t 156.5 ft of Lots 6 and 7 in Block K 6U ft . F 13« ft . N. f 60 son . .................... —.......... f 635.90 “" ------------- «7 44 to beginning 2. Humphrey’s Addition to Hillsboro. Ore- 6. Highland Park Addition to Hillsboro, Ferdinand Spicker, M a- Oregon Bert Bergerson, Nathalie Berger- beginning 3o ft. E. of the N. E. corner Beginning 110 ft S of N W cornet Lot ring Tillie M Shute 83U.94 of Lot 4. said beginning point being also 7. Block 3. Simmon's Addition to Hilia­ • 13 b2 son ...i~ ’ Beginning at N W corner of Block .J. 10, gon, _ thence S 86.5 ft; W 70 ft; N to N Oregon and Lots 8 and 9 in Block 6 lilda Spicker Beginning 6u ft. South of the N E. ‘ ' E. corner of - - Lot - - 2, boro, Oregun, thence N 8 ft. E 120 ft Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, line of Lot 2. E - to - beginning—A. J. Ho-hland Park Addition to Hillsboro, Ore- Weat 24 ft of the North one-half of 22» ft. E. <>f * N. Beginning at N. E. corner of Block 7, corner of Lut 2, Block 2, HiHsboru. Ore- Hillsboro, Oregon, thence W. parallel with alley, S on E line of Lot ’ E 14» ft; 8 123.75 ft; W 145 ft; N Turner. Nettie R. Turner “ 612.62 Block 22. ________ _ . \ H ; 81448 199 M - " ft . N. 66 Lot 7, Block 9, Hiliaboro. and the North 114 ft . to HiHsboru. Oregon, thence S. gun, thence 8. t>5 ft., to', 123.75 * 155 ft.. N. 80 ft. j Higdon. 156 ft., 8. »0 ft., E. 8. 32.82 ft, northwesterly to beginning ft to beginning — Clarinda G. North 1 a of LoU 7 and 8 Block 2. Bl • k 6, Hillsboro, Or«- North ». or lou Lots 11 12. 13. 14 and 15. Block 6, 99 ft.. N 114 ft., E. 99 r ft * to beginning one-half of |.< t t. - xvortn ft., E. ft. to Iteginning R •25.s; tu Iteginning Eva V. Loeb. John Arch- All of Lot 9. Block 3. and that portion Miller |6 "• -.................................. .... ♦ ** ‘J| ’ 43 Humphrey ’* Addition to Hillsboro. Ore- Highland Park Addition to Hiliaboro, Ore- I Hank 623.52 gun Bessie Burr Hillsboro Commercial Hattie L. Higdon . A C. Archbold. of Right of Way adjoining Lota 7, 8 and bold, Hugh Archbold, Beginning 145 ft E of N W corner of gon—Walter Gray K. corner. «35.48 ..........................«N.«5 gon—F. Van Meltebeke Beginning 62 ft E of S W corner of Beginning 65 ft. N. uf S. E. corner of N. _ u - -, 8146.55 9. Block 3. Simmon's Addition to Hills­ Block 10, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro. Bvginning 126 ft. 8. • d > Oregon, thence Lol 4, lliock 7, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence Block 9., Oregon. thence E Elizabeth Archbold South % of Lot 7 in Block 2. Hum- Lot 1, in Block 1. Oak Grove Addi- Lot 4. HI.Mk 2. Hi!! "■ ft “I. ; 22 ey i Addition to Hillsburo. Oregon— lion to Hillsboro. Oregon — William E. Beginning 30 ft. E. of N. E. corner Lot boro on the south and all of Lots 10, 11, Oregon, thence S 198 ft; E 50 n ?. k «w N 2o fl., to 99 ft., S. 20 fl.. E. 99 ft. 61 75 fl. N 99 ft. to 61 75 ft. S 90 ft to N pnr phrey's N’ 73 fL. . “ 73 ft.. W. I- Cox Rh ft., 8. of N. E. corner •48.86 Block Guyton (Estate) ................................. «20.74 lying N of S boundary of Ry. Right of Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, —James M. Hoy, Sarah C. Hoy ... 811-18 S II»-«.75 ft; W 75 ft to beginning City |«>f Lot l>. Block 7, Hillsboro, Oregun, beginning 28 ft S of N E corner W of 105 North 148 ft of Lot 2. Block 30 Weh- of Hillsburo .......................................... 829.84 10. Hillsboro, thence S 29.5 ft. *.......... ft. ** Block 2, Hiliaboro, Ore- thence N 75 ft ; E 100 ft ; S 75 ft ; W Beginning at S. W. corner Lot 6. Block Wap- Southern Pacific Co ................... «29.28 thence 8. 22 fl., W. 99 ft., N. 22 ft.. E. All of Lot 7 in - --------- rung's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon - .Z.« W. corner 99 ft. to beginning Less a strip 99 ft. N 67.5 ft. E 5 ft. 8 28 ft. E 190 ft to 22. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E. 60 ft., Beginning at the S E corner of Lot 9, All of Lot 6 and the West 18 ft of 100 ft to beginning—Doris Davit... 815.63 John W. Raynard ..... «.... -"I bniln«'"« 816.55 Block 1, Oak Grove Addition to Hillsboro, beginning--City of Hillsboro ..... 612.51 N. 3.015 ch».. W. 50 ft.. 8. 8.015 chs. to Hillsboro, Oregon, Beginning 100 ft E of S W corner of Lot 5, Block 4, in Simmon's Addition to |,ng E. and W. lying on the North 8 140 6 ft. E 105 ft, N 140.6 ft to begin­ Block 22. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N. Beginning at N W corner of Lot 7. S 75 ft; W 50 ft to beginning—J. A. ft; S 190 ft; ~ E 50 ft “ to beginning- Wil- Grove Addition to Hillsboro- Harry Brown Moore, Antionette C. Moore ................ 87.82 199 ft.. W. 49 5 fL, 8. 199 ft.. E. 49.5 Block 4 in Simmon's Addition to Hills- Bailey tract in Lot 5, side of J. W liarn W. Corwin ‘ «10.73 West Coast Telephone Co. 830.74 ft. to beginning, less the E. 24.75 fL • Beginning at 8. W. corner of Lot 8. Block 7 Henry Wood ...................... 6 .31 ning Beginning 150 ft; E of 8 W corner of boro. Oregon, thence S 100 ft. . E _ __ 180 __ ft. West 49 ft of Lot 7. Block 30, W'eli- UliH'k 2, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E. 98 All of LoU 13. 14, 15 and th« E 78 Lot 5 of Block 10, Hillsboro, Oregon, of said Lot W. I). Smith (Estate) N 100 ft. W 180 ft to beginning Sarah Block 10. Simmon's Addition to Hills- ft. 8. of N. E. corner of Beginning K ’ 2 to Hillsboro, Oregon, ft of Lot 16, all in Block 1, Oak Grov« Addition ft . N |6 ft . \t 66 f . ■ •• ft «14 M nnd Lot 6, Block 10, Hillsboro E. B. bor. Oregon, thence E 48.75 ft; N 75 A Stansel . ......... «17.18 6, Block 7, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence less the N 8 ft dedicated for alley. All Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon -Clara Den­ ginning (Library) City of Hillsboro 681.70 Exist 24.76 ft. uf Lot 7, Block 22. Hills­ 99 ft.. N. 20 ft., ~, E. 99 ft., 8. 20 ft. Tongue South 80.75 ft of Lota 7. 8, 9. Block 4. ft; W 48.75 ft; S 75 ft to beginning— of Lot 8, Block 30, Wehrung’s Addition ton 814 3<> .................. «14.2« 87.62 Weat one-half of Lot 7, Block 10. Hills- boro. Oregon Andrew Godfred, Emma Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon - Huxel Morgan ............................... . . I Uppcnkamp 64.1.1 to beginning Mary E. North 1-3 of LoU 10. It. 12 and ad- (Estate)S*>°rO’ Oregon— Mary C. Corwin Beginning nt N W. corner of Block Beginning at the N W corner of Lot 18, «1" .26 R. Rasmussen (Estate) ................ 820.42 Goilfreil Beginning 63 ft. 8 inches N. of 8. E. boro. Oregon Elisabeth T. Fey «13.87 .... -.................. «31.76 Block 1. Oak Grove Addition to Hillsboro, 3. Hillsboro. Oregon, thence 8 100 ft.. E. corner of Lot 5. Block 7, Hillsboro, Beginning 49.5 ft. W. of 8. E. corner Ef^at one-half of Lot 7, Block 10, Hilia­ Lota 10, 11. 12. Block 4. Simmon’s Ad­ jaccnt vacate*! alleys in Block 10, Sim­ Lots 6 and 7. Block 1, Humphrey’s Ad­ Oregon, thence E on the N line of Lot 16, 6| ft., N. 12 ft.. W II ft.. N 8M ft., Oregon, .............. thence _ W. M0 ft. 4 inch«*. N. 12 boro, Oregon A. W. Hoffman, Marie Lot 7, Block 22. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence dition to Hillsboro, ~ Oregon — Lydia — E. mon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon—L. dition to Hillsboro, Oregon—Fred Schoen Block 1. Oak Grove Addition to Hills­ W. 60 ft., to beginning Glenn T 8tnple- ft.. ‘ W. 1 IM * ft. H inches, N. 60 ft. 4 inches, Hoffman 832.41 N IN ft . f : Bft ft . n . IN Rh«a ............................................ 180.46 W ftft ft «31.05 C. Estepp ..... lon, Onita Stapleton 81-90 E 99 fl. 8. 32 ft. 4 inches to beginning ............ -.......... ........... .... .......... -.......... «38.84 boro, Oregon, 75 ft, thence Southerly ft. to beginning Louis Kempf, Anna South 2-3 of Lota 10, 11. 12 and ad­ North 86 ft of Lot 8, Block 10, Hills­ All of Lot 1 and E 20 ft of Lot 2. Lot 8. Block 1, Humphrey's Addition parallel to the E line of North Rang« Washington Savings A Loan Asaocia- boro, Oregon -C. B. Beginning 100 ft.. South of N. W. cor­ It. Taylor 617.75 Ken pf Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, jacent vacated alleys in Block 10, Sim­ to Hillsboro, Oregon William Hathorn, Street 198.75 ft. thence Westerly parallel Block 5, . ________ .............. 66.20 ner Block 3, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence tion ....................... Beginning 74.5 ft. W. of S. E. corner Oregon, and alley on 8 side, except por­ mon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— South 118 ft of Lot 8. Block 10. Hills­ «13.13 to the S line of Base Line Street 75 ft, E. «1 ft. 8. 20 ft., E. 83.87 ft.. 8. 40 849.91 Mary J. Hathorn Beginning at 8. K. corner of Lot 5, boro, Oregon, lea the N 6 ft H. Coslett, Lot 7, Block 22, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence tion beginning at point 12 ft N of S E Birdie V. Cady ........................... hence Northerly along E line of North ft.. Weet 14487 ft. to West line of Block 7, Oregon .thence N Lot 9. Block 1, Humphrey's Addition Range Street 198.75 ft to beginning- G. Hillsboro. “ ----- -- to . 2:. ft . N. !•.» ft . f : f . S IMS corner of Lot 1, Block 5. thenc« S 30 Beginning at N E corner Lot 1. Block Olivtr <» ( .Jett, Viola J. Collett 823.10 Block 3, thence N. 60 ft. to beginning ft to bvginning Lester Ireland, H. A. ft to center of alley, W 40 ft. N E 50 11, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Ore­ to Hillsboro, Oregon J. O. Robb, Jessie G. W. Pate, Margaret E. Pate 64 fl., W. mu ft., N. 12 ft.. W 19 fl., 814.28 Vesey W. Gardner, Ruth Gardner 86.70 8. 76 ft. E 99 ft. to beginning Paul Lot 2 of Block 11, Hillsboro, Oregon— Deck ______ ____ ______ __ ___ •10.31 ft to place of Iteginning. less alley on the gon. thence W 90 ft ; S 130.75 ft; W 10 Mb ftiftklft Lot 1. Block 6, Oak Grove Addition • i.i 66 George C. Spencer, Lulu J. Spencer Beginning 100 ft. East of N. W. cor­ Bailey Lot 10, Block 1. Humphrey's Addition to Hiliaboro, Oregon James Cruickshank, Beginning 100 ft., N. of 8. W. corner South John M. Kennedy •13.7J ft; S 9 ft E to E line of Lot 1. N to 81147 ner Block 8, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence 8. All of Lots 6 and 7, and 8. 149 ft. of Block 22, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N. * West 40 ft of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, beginning C. E. Deichman ............. 826.40 to Hillsboro. Oregon Mary Goar «13.13 Mary A. Cruickshank «15.53 120 ft.. W. 39 ft., N. N 82 11 ft., Lot 3 of Block II, Hilalboro, Oregon 32 ft.. W. W it it.. Lot 8, Block 7, Hillabor«», Oregon F' partly VHcated on N side thereof—Lina 166. M7 ft. East of N. W. Lot 14. Block 1. Humphrey's Addition E. 49 6 ft.. 8. 3M ft.. W. 49.6 ft.. N. Hillsboro, Oregon Lot 1, niock 17, •26.09 dition to Hillsboro, Oregon John J. Weik Beginning E. 88 ft., 8. 40 ft.. W. 88 ft.. N. 40 ft. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E to N E cor­ Tews to Hillsboro, Oregon Earl Donelson 640.66 to beginning (Estate) corner Block 3, 11 illHboro, Oregon, thence 38 ft to beginning Ethel Linklater, Ken­ William Joase •31.07 A. K. Pickens, Georgia ner of Lot 4. E 18 ft to center of alley, Beginning at 8 E corner Lot 12, Block 619.41 6. 14 thence E 16 ft, 8 132 ft. W 71 1-3 ft. 11. 8immon*s Addition tu Hillsboro, Ore­ 8. M2 ft.. E. 6<» ft.. N. 82 ft., W. 50 ft. neth Linklater, E I. Kuratli, Tillie Kur- Lot 2, Block 17, Hillsboro. Oregon I. »’ 9. Block 6, Oak Grove Addition to I. nlli 63-92 Alice L. Redmond .. N 132 ft to beginning (Heirs of) Malinda to beginning M. W. Johnson, Mattle 640.85 Lot 15. Block 1. Humphrey ’ s Addition gon. thence N 81.76 ft; W 100 ft; S Hillsboro, Oregon--Arthur Hanna, Fran­ Lot 1. Block 31. Hillsboro, Oregon O. •6 91 «8.99 81.75 ft; E !00 ft to beginning—Weata to Hillsboro, Oregon M. Connett, Fay A. cis Hanna Johnson 810.74 Beginning 123 ft.. 8. of N. W. corner .......................................824.72 8. Bowman .............. West one-half of Lot 3, Block 17, Hills­ T. McConnell ______________ I All of Lot 1. ¡Hook 6 and Eaat 20 ft C. Betts Peck ...................... ....817.03 619.41 Beginning at N K, corner Block 3, of Block H, thence E. 49.5 ft. 8. 38 ft., boro, Oregon Elisabeth II. Smith (Estate), Lot 10 ir Block 6, Oak Grov« Addition North Vfa of Ixrt 2. Block 31, Hiliaboro. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence W. 189 16 ft ’ W. 49.5 ft. to beginning Mary C Cor- All of Lot 1, in Block 1, Tongue ’ s Ad ­ Also beginning 49 ft 8 of N E corner to Hillsboro. Oregon Martha Ann Tup- Oregon, and the North *. of - - Lot . - 6. of Lot 2, Block 6. Simmon's Addition to (Lillie L. Barnes, sons and daughters) . 8 82 ft.. E. 189 16 ft., N M2 ft. to be-’ • ' 61 (CuntlMtd 09 page •) # 11 Block 1, Morgan's Addition to Hills- i Hillsboro, Oregon Elizabeth O. Crandall Lot 12, Block 11, Simmon's Addition to dition to Hillsboro, Oregon -Geneva M. ginning E. C, Brown ......... 814-80 Noni». O» OIIFAII HKWLR AH XAHHMKNI mi)M HAMIAH1 H».W»K IllHIKIi I Mi I. ami HIOKM h ».W > U iiihiuK r nu i, or mi < it » or HU I HUONO. ORI GON. TO lilt. TVAI.ATIN KIVEN b Tu «II uw»«r, ul Iola. (ruU or par. cels uf land hereinafter ile« rDied Y<»u are keieby inrtifiwl that un February I, 1933. an aaaeaament was entered in the |/u< bet uf City Liens <»f the salii City <»f llllisburu Oregon, against your property <>n account of the const ructiuii and In­ stallation of a main trunk sewer or drain as an outlet to carry the flow from .... I .ill ,'ioiiitniy Hewer Dlsliui N-- I uf aald City, * . out - of Ntorm P Sewer from City, also I cuidad by and Mallng ( ‘o i . Inc of and Coki Hturage. ticularly described 990 uf sal < City) ’lty) of Hillsburo. .... . F 99 ft.. N Oregon, thence K ho fl begin hing Tuallty to (iU fl. W. 99 ft. I Lialge No. 6. A F AA M . Hllleburv 812 18 (/regon Beginning N« * 17 feel north of the H W corner I.ol 4. . illock I, in the Town (now (Tty) of Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N 99 ft . M 61 ’.I ft . to 99 61 63 ft , I 11 " 66 ft , tu i»eglnning F.tliel Linklater C. cogner <>f Ixtt 6, Beginning at the N E. of Hill* In Block I. Town (now (^H City) ft W 99 ft., latro, Oregon, theme M UM ' iterly to N. IO ft-. K I»« ft-. North*« West ««f a point .4 ft H. and V9 fl. 99 ft. to beginning, thence N. 74 ft I E In N E. . 1. 90 ft I the beginning, less Jti ft corner deeded tu K J * and It A Nl«<*l 816.00 Orange Phelps corner I Iteginning I»« ft W Block I. in the Tow........ boro, Oregon, thence 8. 120 ft , F. N 1Î0 fl.. W 40 ft. to beginning W Grace lieginning vv ft W of N E Illock I. in T<>wn (now City» boro, Oregon, thenc« * 47 ft . I to 4o ft . H 7» ft. to N lit»« Block 1. lienee E. »• ft . N I place of beginning llenry J Ils bell It. Heinis 3, Block I. Kaat Half of lx> Had H«well Town of llillsburu, 640.86 Jeslse Ii. Hewell W corner, Beginning 9» ft. regon, them« Blurb I, Town »f II 15 ft . H 74 E 69 5 fL. N 7 4 ft. lo piace of beg f - ■