Pas'«« Six Page Four THE XfillsbonOVVrQ os With VV hi. h i* < «»mbined th» llillmhor® ln»tal loss, as th«' companv carries its own l«‘s>»rs. Stock was inventoried Saturday night and ar­ rangements had been made for e.'irpentrrs to begin some remodel ing work Aloud i\ night. Hll.l.SBOKO, Thuraday. February 2. 1933 OREGON Icy prepared coffee lumishcd by U.ikes’ Grocery, I he Commercial building w as constructed in 1890, and was oc eiipicd by the Si hulnierieh A Sons’ store, a drug store owned by the late Drs I \ Bailey and S T l.inklatcr, who also hid offices in th«* building Thr .second floor w is occupied by the Hillsboro Indr pendent printing otficr, thr S B Huston’s law offices, Wilkes \b st i act office, and others. Prison Perni Meted Out for Burglary +■ llaskai burg. Mr». I I Ila Cace \ loia M< (juri n Mr» Louisa I* Iloine. Trio Grandchildren Born Within 72 Hours Ihrlh uf two grandsons and a granddaughter within 72 hours was til«' exciting news received this week bv Mr. and Ml ' < .-I ; <• \ Hull !|< \ id Roy I he three proud lathers are son» <»f tin' It «»A couple, Thr first grandson arrived ’clock Saturday morn at I o o'clock ing tit Gates I’rrelt, the son of Mr .md .Mrs, Joe \ midi ■ hey. \ soil was born to Mr and Mrs Francis \ andehev of Cornelius at 8 o’vloek Sat- n i’d.i \ morning I'hr last of the trio of grandchildren w is born to Mr. and Mrs. I.eo \ anili hi \ of Roy I’ursdm morning at 12:30 o'clock. three »Inter»! For Nile Old newspaper» nt thr Puilliiiid, Mr Argus oilier, lOe per bundle Holley, and ck of Sweet MRS. MAR I IIA J CUMI.EY I uncial m iv icr-. for Mis. Alartli i I’atr Cuinlry, 78, who died in Port land Friday, were held urday at Hie MelhodKl < liui'ch Intrriiienl wax in Imro cemetery. She is mi i lived bv thr w ido» rr, David I Cumlev of I'orthiml, and three daughters, , Mi ( N s hi id I. Air» David It Bill I ind Mrs Fred J. Serhtem, all of Portland Two sisters and two brother» survive ns follows: Mri \ D Whiting, Cor iirlius; Mrs / a <1 \ I inn burger, Chico, Cd : I T Slriplin, I akr view, and M \ Striplln, Selma, Cal. Y\)ii can he Snimd V HEEL J. IJGGER (<\»ntUiunl fn»iti |»an® 1) Erickson, Georg«* F Padgett, Peter Every government official or board th»t handle* public money should publish at P Johnson, Daniel J Barrett, I regular intervals an accounting of it. showing where »nd how each dollar is spent. Comstock, I lovil I-aliiiiston, Jacob We hold this to be a fundamental principle of democratic government. Miller, Clyde W Morgan, Howard I Stout, Millard Worthington and Carl Eggiinan —♦ Suit to rescind a contract to MRS. LOUISA GII.LI TT ♦ purchase land on the grounds of ♦ Mis Louis.i Gillett, ht», died al The public was never more eager for infomation about pub- misrepresent«! ion was filed b y the home of her «l.iughtcr. Mi . lie affairs, and rightly so. Every bit of such information is eager­ Charles Ross ag.iinst Eva I. N ort h I’rurl Taylor, lu Foret»! Grov e in the circuit court here, Iv read. The public’s interest can br served by turning not B oms Tuesday evening. She was born m illeges in his complaint that the less light of publicity, but more, on county and other govern- JOINT INSTAI I ATION III CD < >hio, Ma\ 9, IH4<» .she I» .survived t’act of land near Chelialem moun- mental expenditures. SCHOLLS I O. O. F HAI.I. by three daughters and two sous, t mi w t > Mis I .u./.ir Johiteon of I'ort An abb* for a fish and frog farm lie eliminating publication of county court proceedings and claim*, seeks rescinding of thr cont r art, I’, and Ruby Rebekah lodge No. -• I«”», M i'li, Ali-. I IIa ll"ilgiiia of allowed, was undoubtedly introduced in all sincerity. Results of Boise, Idaho Airs I’earl lav lor ol return of payments and rrimbu rsr- 111, ol Bl hüll» In Id j 'iiit nisi.di.i such action, however, may prove too expensive for the small I (. i. ■ s., i ... i Gillett oi Hi nient for Improvements made on lion of olfhcrs at tile Scholls Odd • publication economies involved. Had expenditure lists been pub­ Fellow •»’ h.ill \\ i-dncaday e\ruing ker and Jim Gillett of Kellogg, thr land. lished in an cistern Oregon city several years ago. for instance, Pie iding guilty to a charge of Otficris installed for I .incolli lodge Idaho; and a broth« r, James Alans the taxpayers would have saved many, many thousands of dollars. < Hint driving whil«* intoxicated. F Blosser were J. *M. Stretchcr, N G.; J. II f « III -•! \l ’o il Proposal to eliminate the light of publicity from county ex­ Funeral services will bc held was sentenced to six months in Bartlett, \ G ; J. IL M.mrr, *er Softly •** jail amf fined $5U0 b \ liesse, treasurer i E. S.itlird.iv afternoon at two o’clock penditures in Hood River resulted in the Pomona Grange in Circuit ret ary; Il­ I Makes Quick Move li. liraton, warden; L. Al. Mill», at lltilfvv.iv, Oregon They are In Judge Baglev that county taking immediate action to ask the court to furnish Alonday morning, Hillsboro Meat company moved AAAAA tolU Suoi Ito 12 conductor; J. T. McCann, I G ; charge of the Forest Grove Under the complete information. They bold that failure to publish left Sunday across Second street to th«' Hr was paroled for $250. Jury in the damage < taking company. \ ictor Bolcen, ( ). ( Joseph case of A. Flint, an opening for “skullduggery .” It should not be a case of cut­ former location ot Reicherts’ mar Al Sherwood vs. I.. J I. Andrews IL S N G.; ( Eric Rrt»man, L. S ting down on information of this kind, but rather other tax ket and opened for business Alon­ vv is drawn Wednesday when thr N. G ; C. W. 1 irkin, It s S.; F spending bodies should, in thr interest of final economy, be re­ day morning. case opened in the circuit I court G. Miller, , L. S. S; I I . Cox, Tllf r?JC B-ttrr Sii«»». quired to publish their expenditures. In Iowa every governmental Damage sustained by AA likes Ab J uri»r> are Jacob Aliller, I larvey chaplain; I 11 1 1 > 1 . Expert l itter« I . Selffrrt. It s. struct companv resulted principally subdivision is required to publish at regular intervals its list of Stout, C irl II Bar G.; and Julius Christensen, I from water staking. A|o>t of the I Sti»ut, C«rl Eggiinan, I expenditures. Public demand has resulted in many Oregon cities HILLSBORO'S EXCLUSIVE ' Nyl «!. M »rd Worth V. G Rubv Rebekah officers are files were transferred during the AA’ aiv ing pri'limhiary hearing on being required to publish th«* expenditure list. G ; Mrs • loi STORI fire to vaults at \\ oil’s. Two in- ington, Alfred J. Dy.sle, Daniel J. Mrs. Rubv Meyers, N a charge of forgery, l.etmard I One of the most disastrous things the state could do would Mabel I r of dexrs to .abstract files are believed Barrett, George E. Padgett, James I ucillc Flint, V. G; Mrs Cherry Grove was bound be to curtail publicity which would permit any official to do un­ Airs K at h ry n over t destroyed. The small books were Be ton, Clyde W. Morgan a n d \ llison, see ret ary; the grand jury mi $1000 der cover the things he could not do under the light of publicity. Moore, treasurer; M i s Bet I \ I. i • bond • Saturday bv Justice of the I in the vault and were soaked from Peter F. Johnson. It is a protection to the honest official and the people he serves. Ch mging his plea of not guilty kin, warden; Mrs Audrey Heaton, Peace \ W I Liven« Walter Segrìsi water coining down the vent. The Purchases and expenditures by county officials, who must publish abst ract office w is moved tcnipora- to a prohibition law violation charge conductor; Neil t o • X, chaplain; Mrs Seek» Gift Tax • nd Hiainler \grn f Portland aho them in detail for the electorate, are made with greater care and I lense, musician; I rnest waived preliminary hearing on a Patterned after thr federal act rily to the old Independent of- to one of guilty, S iiiiik I K her Rhoda economy than if these purchases are the business and knowledge a measure sponsored bv Repre flee at Second and Washington stein was fined $100 in the circuit 1 Iraton, L. S. N G ; J II Moore, la rern v ch arge and were bound court Wednesday Upon payment It. ? of only those officials. Additional official publicity should be N. G ; Air*. Annabel I hut, over to I hr grand hire under .«loon tentative AIcAlear would impose a streets. Much of thr equipment and rec of $50 he will bc paroled on the I . > \ G ; «loteph Flint« R s . V bond r ach. Segrist wa» arraigned forthcoming from every other governmental subdivision such as heavy t ix on gifts. The AIcAlear ( • ; Air-». Josephine Cox, I. G ; and Friday and \ 'Hi I In: ! .1 i \ cities, school districts, etc. In pointing this out it is not intended proposal provides for in exemption ords in thr office of Dr. Dresser balance during good behavior. Orders in the following cases II T. Hesse, (>. G. Fines «>f $3 50 costs were asses« on the first $10,000 with an addi- and Dr. Dinsmore were destroyed as an aspersion against any’ of our county or local officials in in the fire. An X-ray machine were issued this week bv Circuit AV. Kieler mu! George D Installing officers were from Ti­ rd II tional exemption for each bene whose sincerity and integrity this paper has the utmost confi­ ficiarv of thr gift. The next $10,- valued at $100 in the physician’s Judge Bagley: Ines I., l’lford vs gard, .Mrs. Mamie Downing mid Saxton when they plead guilty in : dence. However, it must be realized that experience has revealed f op 1 office was destro rd ns well as State Industrial Accident commis­ Julius Beckham, district deputies; the Justice court to charges 000 would br subject to a t IX of many cases of dishonest officials. The light of publicity on the records and book: Both doctors sion, order entering in ind ite; Com Miss cr.iting n cir without llcrn»r.s. Both 1 a graduated four per l.lhn ¿wiener and Alfred actions of all officials i.« protection to the people and a deterrent B. Z wiener, scale of running to 2’ were able to salvage a considerable inercial National bank vs. R D D marshal» Mr. mmi were c ordered to buy lirens«* to the unprincipled official. \ Griffith Cora Mrlientine and Ernes llilr. plat rs by A W Hivrite, Justice of ) of Sl.- proportion «» f their instruments. Denny, dismissal; W per cent The great bulk of the total property tax is entirely for local Dr. Dresser reached the fire soon vs. Edith I.. Jones rt vir, decree; vv irdens; Airs Effie Dorhu 1 mil the pc ICC I drier plr ol wuilty Tues- 000,000. 1 led as a purposes and a large share is expended by the county courts. 'The C W. Vanneft, Ferd Strlnlioff, e is i no after it started and was able tn Bettie \ og| v. revenue n secret.trie« Mis. day and Sa \tori on Wednesday save most of his record«. Thr doc­ confirmation of sale; M. P. Cady proposed measure would eliminate the publication of these ex­ experience upon which to bise an Opal Wick and Lester Ei i-I.Min, tors opened b*int offices in the in having the list of claims allowed posted penditures and result vs R B Dennv, dismissal; Minnie treasurers; Mrs. Sarah V»» Klerk H Axtell of S. P. Ry. estimate upon the probable amount AA’ells building, w hich w ill prob iblv on some court house door, or where will you? Picture for your- McLaren vs. Atlas corporation rt rind to be realized through its applica­ Mr. Christensrn, ch Leave» for Portland ’ . ■ - 1 Monday Dr Wiley self crowds gathered iround the court house door reading an 1 al, order of substitution, decree; Mrs, Georgia Hohns and tion. also lost much <»f his equipment, Mr and Mrs Herbert Axtell City of F**resf Grove vs. Al irv Downing, I G ; Airs H «ttb Holdings Opposed studying carefully' the reports of how their money is being spent although his «11.00 X-riv maebinr and son Marvin will move thr first Senator Zimmerman believes that was reported ns onlv damaged t<» Rosunond Semonrs rt al,; t.igue and Ch irles V mKle by the county court, Such i method of informing the public of of the week to Portiind. w here Mr. Tourist fare« to California cut. the state should discourage large thr extent of «100. Dr. AA’ilev will H. T. Johnson vs. F. A. Bryant rt G : and .Mrs. M -imie Erick>or its affairs belongs back in the period of Oregon history when longer limut. Stopover privé- Axtell will t ike thr position of land holdings by investment com­ also open offices in thr AA’ells al. default: and State of Oregon ici in. there were mere handsful of settlers, and but little money was kgrv »nd d«nlrv Co This letter from Mississippi pointed out the tremendous op­ one per cent, gradually scaling thi> ing hostess. The officer» werc rc- operative M»»ociation will he hrld ened temporarily at thr former I loffntan. tax upward until it taxes three per position to the passage of this act, saving the entire state was elected as follows: Mr». I F Em- I rbru<«r> 7 ut Ihr I ist Niile < otn Maytag location on .Second street KAMPLE TOURIST TARES cent annually of the assessed val­ bv Fridnv. Books, records and fur­ aroused over the matter, resulting in mass meetings, and in some uii’tt, president; Air». Lloyd Brown, inerchil dub li.tll, Portland, begin- ue on property' in excess of $30,- instances riots and almost bloodshed. "It is now regarded as the niture valued at $500 In the of­ vice-president, and Mrs. E. L ning at l0;.3<> a m Report» will br < >«»• Hound* 000 of taxablr value. most just, equitable and easily enforced of all our tax measures fice of Benton Bowman were dam­ Moore, secret iry-trrasurrr. W *jr trip givrn bv the President, serrctary Would Fix Fee» If there is such a thing as a popular tax, the Mississippi sales aged Hr will be Heated at present SAN I RANC IM O »n •• »1» •• Following the busine»» meeting, < m ann g rr l(H4l aunnor mrc ni.m.iger and auditor Direktors for Representatives Mc Aiea r and above tbr Kuratli Ac AVismrr of­ LOS ANGUIS •” •• B W ■ rr pl |J ed, Mr, s E ■ dhtl I I, I. . ind '■ • I bc rlcd ■ (ConHntitfd f»*»m rare 1> tax, in my opinion, is popular." Johnson have joined in the intro-i fice. Tillamook Next Tuesday they’ will Fay ram receiving high score nt rd. Earm population of Oregon is 2-50,000 or a little less than um J tnany olfrri duction of a measure fixing fees AA’ iter soaking through thr ceil play Neuberg in thr second game bridge, and Airs Brown at ruiumv i one-fourth. Objective of taxation under the present conditions to be charged by justices of the ing md «moke d image caused «»me of thr season. Thr next meeting will be held Class to Meet is to relieve property taxpayers, represented in a large measure peace. Under its provisions the reg­ |<»«« t.» Smith Grocery stork. Mer Hilhi (37) <25> Bea vert «xi at tbr home of Mrs. Brown, on X i t ii rail rat ion classrs by the farmer. With everyone carrying part of the burden it seems ular filing fee would be $2.50, with chandise was moved temporarilv to Chiotti (12) F (3) Brotikey 'Thursday night, February 9, with held next M«»nd iv night at reasonable that it would do what its proponents claim—distribute r F W 4MP. A«»nt a defendant’s appearance fee of thr old Suit.itorium location on J -hrix- ri • LI) Shively F Mr» Fayram as assisting hostess. in the county court room, I'hon» <21 the burden more equally and among many who do not contribut- <• Ja<-k»«>n $1.50 and a trial fee of $2.00. Second street. Equipment in the Sutherland M" i — n — ing to IL M Goodman G R*»muwn (6» (5) Wirt» anything towird maintaining government. Economies Cited armory was valued it approximate Dinnmore (5) 43» Krun-Il YEARS COMMITTEE G G. Russell .Morgan, district attor­ Iv .«5000, according to Lt Arthur (Innran (2i It isn’t a question of what we would like. Human nature (I) It -ecidi R APPOINTMENTS MADE ney for Washington county, does Kroeger. Seven out of 11 15 caliber Sorenson (2) WI laon dictates that taxation for the other fellow is O. K.. but not when S Mr«, Natalie VanMoock, mont Mumn S no* take kindly to the proposal to revolvers, three pairs of field Barr it hits us. Reductions in governmental costs must come, but it is excellent chief of Phoenicia Temple,| Smith s slash 19 per cent of his monthly glasses and 5500 rounds of ammuni ­ very, very doubtful if it can be reduced sufficiently to eliminate (25) McMinnville Pythian Sisters, made thr follow ’ pay check as is proposed by the tion were reclaimed and sent to Hilhi (22) the necessity for a state tax on property, which is now groaning Chiotti (2) (»> Fink ing committee appointment» nt tbr F legislative ways and means com ­ the state arsenal at Clackamas Riu>muMen (4i (Si TUtadt meeting Friday n ebt : Mrs Frank F under a load th it it cannot stand. mittee. In a letter to the commit ­ c |Mj Ver« treu Karr, Airs. ’!’ (’ Reynold« and Mrs Monday. Lt. Col. Shur, U S. prop ­ Sutherland (7) Income tax is the fairest method of raising revenue, and ex­ ( 1 I Thurston W. C. (’bri tensen, flouer commit­ tee this week Morgan enumerate-» erty and disbursing officer from Dinamore (7) emptions should he fairly low so that all participate in the cost <6) Shelton G “a number of extraordinary and Salem, was here Sunday to inspect, Sorenaon (2) Holme» tee, and Airs John Gardner and 8 of government. The people, however, in November turned thumbs particular reasons’’ why his sal irv the loss. Equipment will be re­ Airs. J. D. Anderson, staff leader« Mulhkey 8 down on the income tax proposal of the tax equalisation league, should not be subjected to thr issued as soon as suitable quarters which lowered exemptions and increased rates. The F. L. club of the Rebekah trimming suggested by’ thr legisla­ can be obtained, according to Lt. Hillsboro town team defeated th«’ ♦ The money must come from some place, but where'- The ture in its demand for reduction K r«»cger. local Epworth League squad 70 to lodge will give a A’nlentine modern general attitude on who is to pay is “Let George do it." in public expenditures. When Lt. Kroeger arrived, just .39 at the Junior high school gym dance on February 18 in the I. (). “Washington county h is bad after the alarm was given, he im­ In re Tuesday evening, Welch was O. F hall. Good music is assured deputy district attorney for over mediately went to the armory, high man for the town tram, »cor­ City of Hillsboro rightly asks the highway commission to THOMAS BERTON SMITH 20 years, during thr past seven fearing that Supply Sergeant Perry ing 31 points, finance" pert of the proposed improvement of the Til ilatln de- iring to Th<>m it Rerton Smith, II, died years of which the salary of such Walker, who hid been sleeping in .schedule the tow n games valley highway lying within the city limits. Abutting proper!' deputy has been $1800 per year.” the orderly room since last .Aug- tram are request in Portland Thursday <»f lait werk cal! 9*1 owners have paid out many thousands of dollars to build th • Morgan points out. “Prior to and ust to prevent thefts or damage to IliltMboro (70) Epworth I.raKiir Hr • was a son of th«- lair Cordelia highw.iv street, only to hive it battered down by the heavy high­ upon assuming office January .3 oi the equipment, might be caught in Johnson (16) Nori on Whitten Smith and I'hormis Brrtnn ..... (IB) way traffic. The proceedure of assessing the abutting proper»' this year I agreed to conduct the • I) Stuart Smith, and was born October .3. Blazer (12) the fire. He fought his way through Curry the heavy costs of such an improvement practically amounts to Bevbr 1892, at West Union. Hr is sur­ «14) office without thr assistance of the smoke and finally found the ...__ «3) Young Kennedy (8) confiscation and cannot bc tolerated. vived by his wife, Mrs. Myrtle such deputy and I am doing so. padlock of Walker’s door, so kn* ‘V Welch (34, (3) Stuart Smith, and two sons, Hoy Bnllirti Thus I am saving the taxpayers that he was not in. Kroeger was Experience in in other Mate« ha, shown that elimination of at home and Walter Bslliru $1800 per year. 1 do not know of almost overcome b.v smoke, but Experience Pearl Oil’s modern another district attorney in the made a second attempt, accompin- utility companies from selling merchandise in their lines has 1)-en Hawaii; three brother». George screw cap air vent. | state w hose deputy has thus been ird by Private: •s Rood and AA’a liner, of Cottage Grove, Alfred W a detriment to the welfare of the commonwealth. Sales effort of No “potato-stop* cut off or who has effected such to enter the armory HolleV- and Russell F. of Peters the utilities Ins stimulated purchases from the independent dealer, and remove i a saving, amounting to a reduc­ some of the equipment. Their ef­ per” on this caul it has been shown. Newspaper comments from Kansas, particular (Continued from page 1) tion of to per cent in tbr salaries f o rt s were unsuccessful, i as was Person, Alf Johnson and 1y, point out the economic loss of such a move as provided in a