s' - v D aj •* » Two Phones 3101 Printing Service For bi’itrr new», »In - iihd, display, printing and business service telephone 3101 1 hr Argus, one of thr best equip­ ped weekly plants in the state, offers economy service. __________ » < () f »4 0 . »rt With Which is (’ombin«1 the Hillsboro Independent HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1933 VOLUME XXXIX Two Tigard Men Confess To Murders 7 Delegation from New Officers Phel| JS Cites County Divided As s e s s m e n t On Sales Taxes Begin County Duty Tuesday Delinquencies State House, Salem, January 3 Nation Mourns NO. 4tí New County Officials on Duty I Reduction In Expenses For County Made Washington county’» delegation nt the stat«* legislature seems to bi­ Morgan N«-ce«»ity for Protecting pretty well divided in its opinion District Attorney Levy for 1933 Approved by with respect to the proposed salt l.aboissirre Tells Story of * Moves Into Quarters City’« Interest in tax. Court Saturday with Poisoning; Gets Life Senator Zimmerman is unalter in Court House Property Seen ."hly opposed to a sales tax under Some Changes S*; » In State Prison any condition and would iri<*rea <■ state revenues if such a move is necessary, through an iiicrriir in I thr income tux rate in tile higher ^2 bracket m . 4 Seantor Alb u w ill support a re i Godman Retires as Aid to Work of Firemen Receive« sonalde Tax League Leads Fight at sales tax if it is found t » Sheriff Find» Knife After he ni'cess.’iry but is convinced th 1 Commissioners’ Court Praise of Executive Budget Meet Thursday ■ thr state budget a-» prepared bv Welch Relate« Kiliin« llenry Hanzen can he still furilu i slashed to a point where no stat» V Seriousness of th»* 4 passed Saturday b y the county frwril In |Hil»ulllll| bj Mayor Orange Phelps in li i. court. In addition i a general stat« and is ready to ul Tlguril Nori niial mrssage to the council tax of $90,200 62 and a state ele­ G. Russell Morgan tax if nnd wher 'l.nhol.ii-rr wan m day night on the beginning mentary school lei vy of $62,918 18 ♦ J. E. Carpenter that it in nece»»i ( iinprisoiimciit in t •bird trrm. Mayor Phelps p w'as added to the tax I to be collect- money for the I tin iv Saturday b out that, everything possibl thr county this year, bring- dit .•nd E. B. Sappington was succeed Georg. It Bagiev been done to M'uiire pavment over Mate than the pr< r thr d ( _ Solutions In th»* two recent liiur Foreclosure decree in the de­ 4 rd thr lir<’<*s*iity of protecting the version of thr revenue to the stat«’ Connell, sheriff; Edward C. Luce, linquent tax suit instituted in March, slashed $200, and $500 was taken Washington county were ( ilvln Coolidge, thirtieth prrsi county clerk; (). B. Kraus, county 4 (rr í tn . from the estimate for the board of .. ' (liu sday when Henry 1 a dent of th» I nitrd States, died at ihtrrrMt of thr municipality. Dr- bonus commission. Johnson, a world school superintendent; James H. 1931, on thr years, 1920 to 1924, limpirnt I taxes arc also accumubit- war veteran, is prepared to demand prisoners in the county jail. Four-H inclusive, was made Saturday bv b«d» ...err, O, confr .»rd to poi»‘»n his home in North impton, Mass , »t ruses to increase th’ a show down on tlx* condition of Davis, recorder, and E. L. ilubbs, Judge George It. Bagley. 'Ihe or­ mg in iiihiiv I dub work item of $300 under the ing I’d er M Boose November 18, iimm tod.iv of a heart attack. Hr burden burveyor. <»n tin* citv and those who county school superintendent wa< der directs Clerk E. C. Luce to pre­ and \ ubrey Welch, 39, told th- | had gone Hi his t»ffu<* in thr morn pay thrir taxes and a*M*ssmrnti», hr the bonus fund and to insist that Prosecutor Morgan moved his of ­ eliminated as was the budget of story of thr ditublr slaying of his ing, but had been suffering from .’Hid Mayor Phelps declared that thr commission renew the making fices from the <'oinmercial National pare the order of sale for Sheriff $500 for the circuit court 1 a w wife and daughter Decrtill»« r 26 mdlgcstio,*i Thr ex president was Hinir means should be taken t<* of loans to veterans, a practice bank building to thr district at­ J. W. Connell. I I’, Tongue, retir­ library. Under miscellaneous items, Both tragedirs «irciirrrd * at ‘ Tigard tmind dead in bid bv Mrs Coolidge, secure payment-« and evidence of which was discontinued l ist Octo torney’s quarters on thr third floor ing veteran district i ait orney, acted $500 was removed from the bud­ her dur to thr depleted condition for the county. d I lll.'l X ' • and Welch arc now be- who had been out shopping of the court house. Miss Cockrell get of $6500 for care of the in­ Hr was elevated !«»the presidency good faitl» Letting these drlimpirn of thr department's funds. Illg held on I'harura of murder in Damages in the sum of .$2000 sane and feeble minded. Reductions oil thr death of President Harding rirs run, he viewed as discriiuina Both Senator Vilen and Senator of Crane is the district attorney’s were allowed Will T. Wright in tlir county Jail here brought the total general fund bud­ on August 2, I 923 Burn July I, I 872, lion Against those w|n> pay. Zimmerman threw their vote be- stenographer. Botti. Cap. M.rl.r.1 A change of secretaries to the his suit against the Arrow Trans- Mayor Phelps also expressed thr get to $188303.19. (Continued on j >» kc 8) PI v mout h, \ er portation company. Jurors were I II a Itim.r limi ai rlIM d him of on a farm near J oh a Calvin view that the council should pass county court resulted in the re­ Road Fund Sliced the * son of Harvey L. Sout, Millard Worthing ­ giving information to frdrral igcnt* mont, tirement of E. J. Godman of Port­ (’oolidgr and Victoria J. (Moor) a resolution informing thr Oregon- County roads division took a re­ ton, John H. Bremer, F. W. Walch, wlm h II li to I raid ••» thr lloo.r ('oolidgr, land, who served in that capacity hr was graduated from Washington \\ atrr Service company duction of $5650 in addition to an tinnir, wa. thr inotlvr givrn to A mhrrst in 1895, with thr \ B that it would not pay hydrant for 12 years. Hr is replaced by Miss Milton Simon, Edward (). Stark, increase in the estimated cash re­ »I tic poller by l..hol,«lrrr. Tuala­ degree, a mi studied law at North- rental after a certain time if the Gladys McLeod, who has been act­ I., IL Barber, John Nylund, Ar­ ceipts from motor vehicle licenses thur Mills, Howard L. Stout, J. M. tin uo.ul i ulti r, for ffivini Bo® ing as a clerk in Sheriff Connell ’ s thr pressure is not brought up to limptoii. . M Mass, where hr brgan thr from $40,000 to $48,000. These Harshbarger, Jacob Miller. ■ bollir of poiMiiird brrr Hr law practice office. Unemployed registration has requirements of thr franchise. ill 1897 1 Ile U h * m modifications resulted in a reduc­ Guilty pleas to larceny charge.-*’ ■third that hr hail prrparrd a »rt been moved from the county en ­ James Lewis Appreciation of thr help and rird to Mi** Grace A. ( ¡oodliuc tion of $13,650 in the amount to gineer’s office to the commission­ were entered by Herbert C. Hart­ end buttle of liquor with tlir .noli' Burlington in 1905. operation <>f city employes and A large delegation of local pro be raised by taxation for county wig, Charles McCracken and Henry ers ’ court, wh«re it will be handled deadly tlo»r of »tryi'hninr for as governor peeialiy thr fire department Mr. ( oolidgr served pie attended the dinner, entertain­ roads. The item of right of way H. Hartwig. Sentence was post­ \V illeiiii fi.hrr. anothrr nrlghbor of M issí Cut Down Force the thr firemen were d<»ing a particular Aloha (¡range in the new and mod j keep and minor replacements was for the defendant was given in the ned .1 gruttgr agtingui»b them have n »eat at Cabinet meeting» in 4b hours of deliberation, the jury ¡.ester Chase. Deputy Sheriffs servedi thr county. Dinner was handled by the school superintend­ from unpoUoned licer tin«- of the«- Thr el president was m protection ('hristrnsrn, treasurer; Dr. J. B in the second trial of Martin Van- ent will now be carried on by the tic Ii uided Io Hoove to takr to the i»t of thr r«»ck-rlbbril New England Dinsmore, I health officer; (). < ) promptly by women of thr grange - Harry Johnson and Richard Busch dercoevering on a statutory indict­ in the , will continue to serve with Sher- in the large dining room F rerman. chief of police; W w county agent’s office, according to field with Idin miti Hie other lie oidrr, in religion i Congregatlmial iff Connell in law enforcement ment was discharged at noon Fri­ the county court. Intended to leave In a cou»|iicuou» i»t. a practical farmer and student Weaver, night officer; WalterTrws, basement of the structure. day. Jurors retired to the jury , Program was as follows: Hills work. fire chief, and Wilbur Dillon, fire plan- where Flaher umuM flr»«l Frank Rowell, J. M.- V.anderzan- room at 11 o’clock Wednesday of economic» Mr. (’oo)idgr win marshal. boro Chamber o f Commerce <» r Clerk Lure, who is starting on Ihr peculiar vcratèM»», on th" on side red by many as one of the den, Arthur Ireland. Chester Bridges morning and reported failure to chestra, Charles Walker, '1 hotnas his third consecutive term, will Water committer was instructed itile * ip proieil in-t t ilinrnt«l in most oul*-! andiiig president» I n and Al Croeni, members of the tax reach a verdict to Circuit Judge to secure changes i n the street Shuck and R. J. Scearce; Leltay keep thr same office force. Mrs. J. U,, ,,,, i of I «Imi u r. «tat« equalisation league committee, met George R. Bagley Friday. American history lighting contract, which will rrducc Martyn, whistling solo, accompanied M. Hiatt is chief deputy and Misses police «Ictcrmiiied th it the mark, Saturday morning wit,h the county Circuit court orders were given 'Ilie ex president 1» survived by bv Mrs. C E. Barker; Hillslmrn Josephine Hughes and Eva Oake» court and discussed rrdu^Sons’ rec­ I, ill been piade with ♦ hr knife the widow and a m n, John, a *r< ■ expenditures for strrrt lights by a women’s sextet, Mcsdames C. E. arr assistants. r.s follows: Cunita Nunan Taylor ; ommended at the budget meeting carried by L«boi«ilere, according mid son (I) ing earls in Mr. Cool large sum. Thr committee will re­ W. F Boley, retiring assessor, vs. Jacob Vannet et al, order of j port next liirsd.iy night. A letter Wells, V. W Gardner, T. G. Bron- last Thursday. to J W. Connell, »lierift confirmation; Francis M. Easly, ad­ idgr ’a term as president. ierwr, L. C Kramirn, Lyman How»- will continue in thr assessor ’ s oi ­ from St. Helens was read asking Htioar, who resided on a small Budget and Meet Stormy for co-operation in securing the end I G Selfridge, with Mrs. F lier under his former deputy, J. E. ministratrix estate Magdalena Da-, farm near thr Tualatin river Led by the county tax league J. Sewell an accompanist; Edward Carpenter Mrs. Helen Steinke will vid vs. Octavia Langley et al, de-' Mimr rates as enjoyed in Portland. highway, bridge on thr Newberg cree; Magdalena M. Holt vs. Louil (Continued on page Si committee of eight,” the annual Hearing on the sewer improve and \’era McElroy, blackface clog wa» «reding grain a iiiUe from his Holt, order. county budget meeting voted to dance skit; Hillsboro men’s and incut apportionments will be heard when he Intuir on November 18 inuee< ame violrntlv ill »nd died An prepared by the budget committee. onr-nct conirdv, comedy, bv by Mrs. C. E. aid T. Templeton in the following mtopo indie.tr.l th.it death had Sale of Christ iiiil seals in 1932 The meeting started Thursday Miss Mirv Barker, M try Grand, Vrrnr estates: Karoline Hering, Mary Jane rexultr.l from *tr>»'hninr pot»<»ning was less than that of thr previous W. W. Bo.cow morning at 10 o’clock in the Hills­ Bright and A. J. Vance with Mr. Allen, Betty V. Craddock, Nor. in bollir of brrr from which hr yrar, but thr work oi f the Wash Vance as director. Thurston, Everett W. Wilkinson,' Change in officials at the court boro union high school auditorium had been drinking. ington County Public Health assn- Katherine Wrenn, Mary C-Pringle, I The new (¡range hall, which was house took place Tuesday. G and adjourned at 3:30 o’clock in elation will br carried on in every Slate Polke Aid the afternoon after a stormy ses­ dedicated last month, is valued at Marshall M. Brierly and Edward A. the county branch, officia!» of Russell Morgan as district attor­ sion. from $8,000 to $8,500 and has ac­ (By Joseph Belanger. Aast. County Agent) Korman and John T. Gerrish. State police invr »tigiiting^ the in reporting group »aid this week ney succeeds the veteran E. B commodations for 300 persons in mystery upon thr call ”( Sheriff Resolution presented by the tax Divorce decrees were granted1 W. W. Henry, manAger of the < Onnrll diacovrrrd t h r prculiar thr progrrsa of thr campaign. Main Tongue, J. E. Carpenter replace** league embodied reductions amount­ Fire losses in Hillsboro for 1932 the dining hall and 1.50 in the au Dairy Co-op, was the main speaker Sarah A. from Stephen L. Hollen-1 individuals arr still to br heard i thr cap from thr bol- ditorium. markings on at the meeting of the Laurel unit beck and Lester from Lillian Put-| W. F. Boley as assessor, James ing to $29,805. The meeting adopt­ They later found from, and the campaign for funds totaled $<»492. A0, according to i In behalf of thr (¡range, Verne of the dairy co-op Tuesday night man. tie used by B»N»«r I ed all reductions in the resolution report made to thr city council first will br continued during thr Lewis is the new commissioner in ...^.2 .» «i I. abois ,i similarly marked cap and went further by voting slashes l ursdax night bv Fire Chief Walter Bright, secretary, wishes to thank Mr. Henry talked about the recent place of J. M. Hiatt, and W. W. in the travel expense of the coun­ Here's home Hour» IL-.— of qur«tioning frw wrrks of 1933, in ordrr that Lews Most of this loss occurred local people w ho attended and help­ increase in the price of whole milk every available dollar mav br «»li­ brought thr full confession ed made thr affair a success. Boscow replaces E. B. Sapping­ ty agent, coroner’s physician fees, and cream. . :n six fires, including five resi­ l.rtboissicrr made his l.‘ ronfenxion tained for the furthrrnnee of the dences, two of which were vacant, high school tuition and transporta­ ton as treasurer. Arthur Ireland, director of th* and —Picture courtesy Selisrman Studio. tion fund, cost keeper, and rock in Portland and was returned to hrnlth srrvicr In thr schools dairy co-op, suggested a basis for • and one fire in thr business district. the county jail here by Sheriff *omniunitir» of the county. Offi­ crusher supervision. future price changes that would Out of town calls again exceeded cer« of thr association arr stressing Council- do away with the necessity for i those made in thr city limits. Out Elimination of the offices o f the fact that under present econ Welch Tells Story arbitration and by which the price county engineer and county health omic conditions thr nerd for health I of 72 calls, 41 were in the coun­ Charged with thr murder of III« service i« far greater than under try. Cause for alarms were as fol­ of milk would automatically react I nurse wve called for in the resolu­ Banks Mrs. J. M. Kessler and wife and right-year old da lighter. normal r ire uni st aners. lows: Chimnc) fires, 14; slipping unugliter Elsie were injured in an to the price of butterfat and cor.-’ Scholls Louis Martin Hesse, 55, tion and was voted by the meeting. prominent member of the Scholls Welch, Tigard overseas veteran, densery milk. rar clutch, 1; cigarettes, 1; chil ­ Other reductions sought were: Cut the Rev. A statement issued by Sales tax as a permanent means related to county officials Thursday Henry S. Haller, of thr executive dren with matches, 1; combustion, automobile accident near Cornelius Considerable discussion centered community, died at his home near of securing income for govern- in the salaries of deputies in the early Friday evening Mrs. Kessler the story of thr double killing thr committer and publicity chairman, 1; earehssness, 19; defective flues, around the subject of thr proposed Scholls Friday after an illness of offices of the county clerk, re­ day after Christmas. Hr also told thanked the Argus ami thr other I; overheated stoves, 2; short cir­ suffered a broken collar bone and plant to be built on the building several weeks. He was state repre­ mental purposes is inequitable, ac­ corder, assessor, sheriff, school su­ cording to O. H. Holmes Jr., pro ­ a serious cut on the leg, while Elsie i Washington coun- sentative from where hr had hidden the knife with newspapers of thr county for their cuit, 1; green hay, heating, 1; site purchased sometime ago by perintendent, elimination o f clerk which hr is accused of slashing his co-operation during thr seal sale InIse alarms, 6, and unknown, 21. suffered cuts about the body. Mr. 1 thr association. The dairymen were tv from 1923 to 1925 and was fessor of economics at the Ellens­ hire in the commissioners’ court; burg. Wash, normal school, who Kessler and George Drake of Port­ community af- in always active wife’s throat and of stabbing Ids campaign, both rditori.illy and in There were 26 calls between <» land were not injured. Mrs. Kess­ of thr opinion that this plant should discussed taxation at the Rotary elimination of 411 w’ork in the daughter. county school superintendent’s of­ thr publishing of news items re­ p. in. and 7 a. m. AU trucks were ler and Elsie were taken to the | be built as soon as possible. While fairs. Mr. Hesse was born September club Thursday. He is lieutenant- fice: slash in sheriff’s expense ac­ Welch slated that hr returned garding th»* work. I driven 609 miles with no accident*», Forest Grove hospital and Elsie no direct action was taken on the governor of Kiwanis in Washing­ from Portland, where hr had been different subjects of the discussion 16, 1877, nt Forest Grove, and ton. : 8250 feet of hose was used to rx- was brought home Saturday. count: removal of item for circuit visiting with a friend, Ed Quaddy, Annunl M<-eting Farmer«’ the outstanding features of the moved with his’ parents to their t ¡aguish fires, 875 firemen answer- court law library; reduction in The speaker cautioned all to be at about 6 o’clock in thr evening, meeting were the loyalty of the home at Scholls when he was two 1 careful because so many quack salaries of court house janitor«; Mutual Set Here Monday ' cd alarms and were on duty 130 Mrs. Kessler ’ s left leg was am ­ lie was standing by the sink in dairymen to the association and years old. He had lived near here Annual meeting of thr Farmers’ hours and 85 minutes. No firemen putated Wednesday. Her condition: their determination to stick togeth- the remainder of his life. He was remedies would be presented in the i eduction in item for board of thr kitchen drinking when Ins wife were hurt while on duty. Chief is serious, but attendants at Guv- prisoners in the county jail; 61ash Mutual Eire Insurance association married to Ella Farver Scott April present emergency. He advocated in appropriation for herd inspec­ began scolding him lie apparently Pews personally answered 63 alarms mon hospital this morning reported , ei through high or low prices. 8, 1925, and to the union two chil­ increase in the income and inheri­ tor and elimination of horticultural flew Into a rage and struck her of Washington county will br held i and 23 alone. that she was getting along as well i dren were born, one of whom died tance taxes as being scientific taxa­ inspector; cutting o f emergency with thr knife According to his in thr chamber of commerce rooms Work on fire prevention was re ns could be expected. Monday at 1 p in. (Continue'! on |>«ge Ml in infancy. He is survived by his tion, believing it better to secure fund in half; and reductions in the ported by Fire Marshal Wilbur Dil­ Two men in the other car were widow and three-year-old s o n, j the money where it exists. lon, who said that hr had inspected arrested immediately after the ac­ items for right of way, machinery \ . W. Gardner was chairman. Louis; and two brothers, W. G. and all buildings and surrounding prop cident and Jailer Grant Zumwalt and equipment, repairs, upkeep and H. T. Hesse, both of Scholls. « rty in fire limits twice a month. had them examined by a local physi * minor replacements, materials and We»t Union Unit to Meet Foodstuffs for exchange are the Funeral services were held from j | Hr has had removed one frame cinn as to whether they were in 1 supplies, district road foremen, West Union unit of the dairy co- [ building and thr remainder of thr toxlcated. Report was in the nega­ urgent need of the People’s Ex­ the Scholls Methodist church, of. operative association will meet Mon shop foreman and blacksmith. change, sponsored by the Congre ­ which he was a regular attendant, day evening at the West Union *1(1 house nt Seventh and Baseline, tive and the men were released the ! Although the budget for the damaged by fire. Marshal Dillon re next day. Two others, believed to gational church, and those having Monday afternoon, and interment' school house. f (Continued on page 8) ___________ I BTATK CAPITOI. NEWS LETTER i “it creates a condition where the provisions of any kind which they was in the Farmington cemetery.. ports that he has had wiring ehang (A. L IJl>lltiM*k) state highway commission has lit- | rd in three buildings and had one; live at Vancouver. Wash., are said could trade for labor, household J Rev. Alexander Hawthorne of the Snlrm County courts mny find1 tlr. If any mi'irr funds available for f,'irn«,.e,"vrrrd‘" w i t h" J"" to have left the scene of the wreck goods or clothing are asked to Scholls church and Dr. T. II. Tem­ • covered with asbestos thcnisclvra up iignlnst the nccculty ' bring them to the store-room in: ple of Portland officiated. Miss Improvement work on the primary | wr|vr fire .alls were answered in the confusion. of iiinklng n fight for their ,cc- systriQ. of highways than it is rr . .||on(., Mrs. Margaret Rands and Elvan the Den uf Sweets, on Second street , Helen ricirn UW |III3VII, Mi Johnson, Mr. . and Mrs. Ma- ondnry highway funds in the forth­ qulred to expend for improvement* Rands, both vf Beaverton, suffer ­ I.udies in charge of the exchange | “"Tia'roun’and Mrs.“ s 7 t . Grover, _ coming legislative session. The lust work on thr secondary Fystcrn, ed cuts and bruises in an automo ­ have report«« ¡‘.h^ H'rno'er ,of' Portland.' hail dinnre of the g, - iegi.lnture in repenting the one-mill which condition is not, of course, bile accident nea^ Beaverton early articles of * all kinds left * there "■* ““ — for — lliusil, w J.; Prgg of Beaverton Iiinrket roml tux ns «n economy an equitable our. Furthermore con New Year’s day. When Albert Toiler pulled the Sunday school superintendent, was exchange, but the demand for food! was in charge of funeral arrange- move ordered that the sevcrnl conn st ruction expenditures on secondary bell rope at the Methodist Episco­ voiced by the pastor. Rev. Leror in trade has far exceeded the sup ments. ties should he apportioned an highways arc only half as effective pal church here New Year’s eve to Walker, who presented him with ply so far. The exchange is open nmount equal to that raised by this as construction expenditures o n herald the passing of the old year a gift on behalf of the school. M. to all citizens, regardless of religious Union Oil company won three levy out of the funds of the «tute primary highways due to thr fact straight games from the national Hundreds Participate in and the coming of the new i t B. Bump on behalf of the men of affiliation. highway coininl.ssion. Now the com that thr federal government docs guards. to take the lead in th° church gave an address of ap- Co-operation of the ladies of the Annual Midnight Matinee marked the sixty-first time. A large the mission want, to repeal the act of not co-operate on secondary high Booster howling league last Wed Hillsboro Christian church has been crowd asesmbled for the annual preciation of the pastor’s work 1931 mid throw responsibility of way work. For each dollar expend­ Carnival spirit was enjoyed by event, which was sponsored by the and presented him with a brief secured for the exchange, and vol i nesday night. Winning two out of YOU’RE LOOKING maintaining mid Improving the «ec- ed on thr secondary system, the three from the Home Laundry, | case. unteers from other groups are in | the several hundred persons in at­ Epworth League. omlary highways hack onto the primary system loses two dollars placed the Commercial National National recognition of this his­ vited to assist. A gift shop is be- tendance at the American I.egion A feature of the evening was FORWARD counties. A« an nlternntlve to re- of construction value, because the bank in second place. ing conducted in conjunction with benefit midnight matinee at the toric action was won last year by the “Old Timers* Meeting.” All of peal of the meiisiirc the highway federal funds cannot he used on the exchange effort, with needle­ Venetian theater New Year's eve. Mr. Tosier, who began ringing the Cap Fay ram’s ten bowlers won communion suggests that the act the secondary system and the ex- two out of three from Lents Bro«. work of every description offered The part of little 1933 was taken old year out and the new year in thr early settlers were asked to <>f 1931 be «<> niiiended us to per­ prnditurr of state funds on sec­ Battery Service station in the city for sale. A rummage department by Dolores Jackman, daughter of at the local church as a small boy tell of the old times in Hillsboro mit the commission Io use Its own ondary highways deprives thr pri­ Ixiwling league Tuesday night. The county, ______ L_______ -- several rc- has also been established. The ex I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jackman. and and has religiously performed this and Washington best judgment in Hie allotment of mary system of fund for match (’. (’. store won thr odd game from, change is open each day from 10:30 L. J. Merrill represented Father duty ever since. He has made trips sponding with interesting rerninis- funds for these roads. cencec. Mr. Tosier spoke of early Time. The Indian stage band was to Hillsboro from great distances a. m. to 4 p. m. ing federal aid.” Lester Ireland Ac Co. The recommendations of the high the stage attraction. Committee in several years, coming from New conditions here when he first start­ Bowling two practice games last wav commission are contained in Its ed ringing the bell. He voiced charge of arrangements Dr. R. I York at one time. Oregon luis spent approximately Tuesday night, Mrs. Inez Ruther­ Blooming Farmers’ Unton biennial report to the legislature Nicol, Dr. It. 11. Huggins and Stan­ First part of the evening was appreciation of several early set­ ford of Gaston rolled scores of 201 Session Wednesday Night ley Hubbard reports that profits spent in looking over the large tlers and especially mentioned thos^ uid are prompted by serious shrink­ $500,000 during the past biennium and 180. age in highway revenues which in the construction of new build TO A Blooming local Farmers* Educa­ will be only a few dollars. collection of early Hillsboro pic­ who have passed away. Guests were have dropped from n total of $l), forwards; Young (6), center; Grange will meet at thr court house to mutch its federal aid mid curry tions for 50 more patients, cost complaint of Dunean Bruce McDon­ H. Wilcox (8) and Stewart, guards. Young. Appreciation of the work tendent at Champorg park Saturday afternoon to discuss leg ­ ald did not state sufficient facts ting $95,000; a tuberculosis hospital on mi Improvement program. (Continued ôn page 8) Beebe and Weaver were substitutes. of F. O. Eagon, who retires as islation. to constitute cause for action. (Continued on page 6) "in fuel," the report points out, I 1 ¿2 »State Officials Police Help Change in Clerks Named Offices Retained Bagley Issues Decree On Tax Coolidge Dies At Home Today Aloha Program Attracts Many Sale of Christmas ’ Seals Runs Behind Henry Speaker At Dairy Meet Fire I .osses For City Reported Former State Solon Passes Mrs. J. M. Kessler Seriously Injured Speaker at Rotary Opposes Sales Tax « Foodstuffs Needed At Local Exchange Counties May Have to Fight for Their Secondary Highway Funds Albert Tozier Rings Out Old Year, Rings in New 61st Time . Bowling Leagues See Fast Action < HILLSBORO ARGUS WANT-ADS