Thursday. December 29, 1992 THE HILLSBORO HILLSBORO. ARGUS. OREGON 214-54 100 ft; 8 44 ft; £ Lumber t'o. Block V. Tongue's Lot 4 and of 34 ft alley vacated on O ’ regoli, thenee W n beginning, also 9 fl Lot 1. — w___ Addition to Vernon A Crow I lot) ft N 49 ft tu - — ft of 514 34 Kaat side thereof In Block 4. Simmon's alley vacated on N side thereof C J Hillsboro, Oregon, and the M 5u Mills South 49 ft uf Lot 4 Hl.xk i: Hills­ ■■ fl m h..f »f I . t 1. Bluck 8 ■ | Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon Klleabeth < Anderson. Minnie I. Anderson ili 09 lot 2. Blech 4, Hillsboro. Oregon 510.11 West 50 ft. of the S % uf Lot 2. Mor­ 0 Crandall N 40 fU. W. 120 44 ft.. 8 5° ft,* R bun» Orerun Leva 12 ft. strip un the boro. Oregon-Peter Ra» mu »sen III If 113.41 boro Feed t*iv NoTu^or Airo«»:«« 0 » NOTH a uv _ _____________ 519 19 Lot 5. Block 17. Hillsbor-x Oregon gan'» Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon W Beginning 18 ft W uf N W corner Lot 140 44 ft. . to beginning Hillsboro toffee South End £. J Lyons Ol'TFALL NKWIiM OR DRAIN Lot I. Illuek V. long us'a Addition te Luts 6 and 4. Block 4. Simmon's Addi­ 10. George Alsxander. Fay Alexander 540 35 McBride 55 69 Club ____ Hlmmun's Addition to Block II. Nimmons mrum»» Beginning 33 ft W uf N £. corner uf Notice it hereby given that the City En­ tion to Hillsburu. Oregon J A Rastnus- Hillsboro. Oregon, thence M I l*0 mu 76 75 ft . E Hillsboro, Oregon Edith L. Kearnes Beginning at th« T. S. E. corner of Block Beginning 60 ft K of 8 W corner of Hillsboro. Oregon, Or*—“ thenee gineer uf the City of Hillsboro. Washing­ Lot 1. Block 1. Morgan's Addition to •en • IU 3V vrrvg..,!, thence N 117 fu, Lot 2. Blink 8. Hillsburu. I <72 ft. N II ft; W N - ft be fu. K- 66 ft tu . Lot 4. Block IT. Hillsboro, Oregon, thonco Hillsboro, Oregon O I' McConnell ton County. Oregon, has filed in my of­ 3. Hillaboro. Oregon. - * 198 — •• 117 ft.. K 60 fu to begin- 198 ft W 44 fU N ginning, also V ft alley partly vacated W 6C fu. S UT - M?23 627 23 * N IM ft. K 49 ft. • 198 fu w 49 ft (>. Vacated alley and all of Lots I, 2, 3 llagInning at the N W corner uf lllituk 5i : M fice hia report of the whole coat and ex­ beginning-— E. J. Lyons Baptist Church of Hillaboro lying S of SPUR tracks in BL»ck on N side thereof Frances Gheen 539 04 ft. Ilillaborvi. Orvgvn. thence M uh W lilie beginning -Jorgan H. Kroeger 529.22 514 63 pense of the construction and installation ning -Flrat 1 «. the .7^ 77. « at ÎÀ. ___ __ Beginning at N. E curner uf Lot I Beginning N. E. corner Blœh I. Simmon's Addition to Hlllaburu. Ore­ thence W 5U ft mute of the main trunk sewer or outlet, to (Trustees » North I 3 of Lot I. Block. It. Him* of Block loo ft Hillsbxiru. Oregon, thenee S. Bvginninr at the 8 W corner of Lot 4. Beginning 40 fU West of S. E. corner Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon. 2. Bhick 4, ----- * nvg mnftT -» » — w — --------- Simmon's ¿.Z2..Í-- gon (' F Grabel. Mary L. Grabel •<& 90 mun's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon J. or I sm to the E line “f North Range drain the flow from Sanitary Sewer Dis­ Bluck 3, Hillsboro. Oregon, thence N. 11T 33 ft . . N 198 ft.. K. 33 ft. tu Block 17. Hillsburu. Oregon, thence North th...... s. »* » n. w. ............ * N 92 6 ft.. 198 ft . W _ is n. i Hl red thence N HM> ft. E 30 trict No. 1, and from S:«»rm Sewer Dis­ M Peterson 2? 64 High of Way through N part uf Block 513.61 Ë 30 ft. . W K'v 46 ft. S 11? ft.. K. 100 44 beginning De Line (Inc ) to the N W’ corner of l.«»t 4. K *•- F 144 ft. to beginning r A t. Bailey ur less lu Iteglnnlng lllllsboru trict No. 1, all of which construction ft ___ r. 535 34 7. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Ore­ ft. to beginning H. G. Vincent N524.50 Lot 4. M ft Smith % i uf N 2-2 uf Lot I. Hloek It. Cold •turage Co, Inc work was ordered and declared by Or­ Beginning at the N. W. corner of Lot South to the South line of Kamna. gon Southern Pacific tu. 52'1 6** Addition t*> lllllsboio. Oregon __ . Oregon. thence E Waal tu beginning John K&SUtS, Meta Simmon's / Beginning 157 ft. North of S E. cor­ 3. Block 8. Hillsboro, dinance No. 99u of said City, approved • t. r ’ tt 44 ..a 235 uc ft. n a F. corner Neitling, l ilt Noitliiig n »43 Beginning N Vacated alleys and all uf Lots 4. 5. 4 Alsu beginning luu ft M uf the N W E. — 22 ft.. S. 122.5 kamna ‘ fu. * - - on July 19, 1V32. said whole cost being ner of Bluek 3. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence 44 fl.. S 92 * 5 W Ulll.lx'n'. lying S of S P R R tracks In Block J«*aeph G. Block l. Simnwn'. ... corner Bluck 6. H ou W line VS ft . W to W 68 ft.. N 215 ft. to beginning - ft . N. N 75 76 fL. fu. N. 144 fU t«» ft-. “ • 18.394 74. 32.000 (W of which sum has W 251 43 ft.. North f 3 o| »f Lot I. Block I II. Nim­ t line Hillsboro, i been paid by Carnation Company, leaving K. J McAlear. Alta McAlear gon Imperial Fred X Grain Co., Inc 70 ft.. K. 184 ft. to beginning 516 15 alu«« E line uf North Rang» Htiuet V4 fu. E. 239.14 fu to West line the sum of 511.394.74 to be apportioned ft.. S. J Ward M J Ward _ 82 82 ft.. Beginning 46 fu K. of N. W. romer K. Hille- Bailey __ ______________________________ 336.30 Weal ,t one-half of Lo> '■ ft . E 6<> fl, more or tu beginning *’* S ft. to beginning of Lot 3. Hlock 8. Hillsburu, Oregon, upon the property benefitted by »aid im­ of Second ‘ St.. A A Challacombe. Mayme _ -■--------- Beginning 12H.6 ft N of N £ ctirne** liillalMiru Ice A Cold Nlurage Cu . Inc boro, Oregeu 7 ------- 550.24 Beginning 165 ft. N of S. K romer Ail af l . ( r ««d W », 1 Sv lu.s k 1 tu provement. and the City Council of »aid 220.42 General Electric (.umpany Simmon's Addition thence K 22 fu. N 92 5 fu. W 22 fU. C halla combe Lot 1. Bloch If. • 4 44 Block 1. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Simmon's Addition tu Hillsboro. Oregon, W City ha» apportioned to and is about to West of 8. E. N. 92 5 ft to beginning -W. V. McKinney, Beginning 140.44 fl. f Beginning at the S. W «xwner Hlock Oregon, thence N 70 ft.. W. l»6 ft.. S. : and ‘7 vacated alley on N. thereof J K lllllslMiru. Oregon. thenee M SO 2ft fl, xmmi against each Lot, Tract or Parcel Hillaboro. Oregon, Emma McKinney |l«*gInning at a point of Iniersectlon of 54.24 IfOB ft N 40 24 ft; E 120 6 ft to 70 ft.. E. 186 ft. to beginning J W * corner of Block 3. Hillaboro. Oregon, thence E. 60 ft.. Peppard, one-half interest; Jaa. R I'ep- of Land Hable therefor, its share of said IT. 8. 167 fu. Railway «orner right uf way and the N ginning Fimi Hulling (Undivided ' y N. IM « • * f. 91 , fl.. 527.14 l»ard, Thelma Peppard, one half Interest W Bailey _ j Beginning 99.5 ft. W. of N. E. comer N 138 ft.. K. 49 ft. N 60 ft.. W 99 Badey sum of 511.394.74 the cost of such im­ thro.-« E. 91 ft- to beginning- -J. S. to beg inning Grant Landess. 117 21 tersati, Lena Hulling (Undivided 312.12 Im« of Msin Street In llill»b«>ro, Oregun. Beginning 186 ft W of S. K. corner _. — 529.78 of Block 8. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence tv. thence E along provement. as follows: 884.78 198 fu. W 31 ft.. N 198 ft.. K. 31 S I VS IV, w. •» ••*. . Mary Landess Block I, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, East Lot k and all of Lot 9, Block IO beginning oevinnin« -John -JwL.. kreudenthal. 7*^:—-"**—* Ed- 8. Block It. Him. 87 ft. mure ur Beginning at West line of Bl**ck 3. fu to h M f i Beginning 99 fu E. of S. W. corner Oregon, thence N. 397.5 ft., W'. 12 ft., 7. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Ore­ Beginning at N. W. corner of Block 1. r w 32 ft . 8 198 fl ward Freudenthal. Herman J. Freudenthal Oregon Jav 215 O. S. of N. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N. S. 397.5 ft., K 12 ft. to b«*giiinuiir A. H. ti and Lj vacate*! alley on N. and V ft. mon's Athlltiun tu llillaburo, ‘ in the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. I Hilhborv. Oregon, L 144.27 • 12.79 Block T 17. -. - _ “ 50 fU. 316 It leale 8. ft.. - h' thereof (’ W. Stone. A. L. Stone Phillips, Irene rhillipa 134 ft.. W 49 ft. S. 138 ft.. E. tu be- Hailey. J. W. Bailey, T. U. Hailey. Eva Oregon; thence S. 60 ft.. E. 99 ft.. N. corner, thence E. 50 - f- fu to beginning- - llvglnnlng at th* liilsr»e*(h>ti of The West one-half of West one-half of ginning - ------ KeOer Pugh. Allen Pugh 514 09 K. Bailey 59.94 • 18 V2 tT" brinila«' Tuality W IM »■ f> s . Nouth Idi of 1x4 8 In Block It. Him- line of Hase Line Mtreet and the W line bu ft.. W. 99 ft. to beg --------- ...... — Fadaral Satina» â Loan Association «ainoina Lot 4. Block 8. Hillaboro. Oregon -Jacob t*» lllllslmro. H111 •!»«»«•»». Oregon mon's Adtiitioii t>» North 73 ft. of the 8. 123 ft. of Lot I. Beginning 90 ft. E. of N. W corner 515.09 Lodge No. 4. A. F. A A. M . Hillsboro. All Lot 13 and W 4 Lot II. Block T, *>f Range Sitavi In Hillsboro. Oragun, Mohr. Emelie Mohr. Adolph Mohr, Mar­ Hlock 16. Hillsboro. Oregon M E. Church, Block I. Simaion a Addition to Hillsboro, Bertha Alesander 57 64 Oregon 8UL88 Simmon's Addition Io Hillsboro. Oregon, Wm Alexander, liivin« W on the N line of Ila»» Line 510.21 parsonage the 8. W. corner of garet Mate lift .1'6 Oregon, thence S. 198.. .’5 ft.. E. 58.5 ft.. and Beginning 4. 6. 4. Blurb IV. Hirvet 4.11 i>J ft. m«*re or laa» u» the H W of vacated alley on N. and 9 ft. Marti i ’ then re N- Oregon. Beginning S4.37 feet north of the S. W Bluck S. N 198.75 ft W. 58.6 ft. t*» beginning Beginning 40 ft. W of N. F_ corner of “ ’ Hill» boro. on F thereof Annie K. Dlcktnson. M mii .I« Nimmon'a Additimi tu i |f Lol 12. Bluck 61.43 ft.. E 99 fU. S. 51 63 fu. W 99 Be*sie L • IT 0t North 76 ft. uf Let I. Block 14. ilk. 48 Block I. Simmon's Addition to lllllsboru, Fannie Merrill >f I.u4 4Z In aald uure**>rdo>l piet, N line uf 7. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, J. Hart rampi fu. to beginning Ethel Linklater 510.65 of boro. Oregon - A. of N, Hlock V N. 5 ft. to S £. corner --------- • ’ > MÙ. *8,^7 in, ?~rn Oregon. I hence E. 49 b ft.. S. 19» 76 ft . of Lot 4 and K U of N thence W along M lino of sald Beginning and and ly vacate*! alley o n N thereof North N Hills- corner. _ __ with the West line I. Block 12, Beginning at the N. E. corner of Lot 4. line Bank. W 40 ft. tu S. W. Weet 51 ft. of Lot Uharlce J Hine*. Anna May Hines 517.21 S uf IxH 6. Bl< k It, Siitimon'a AddMImi i • la 5 ft. to beginning Anna M lmbrie^ boro. Orgeun Mattie Williams Alexander, Guida May Ruse (Lakeeun) 520.50 >rded Piai to the S W rornor of sald tu HlllalMir*», Oregun W. H Lot I. Block 8 in Simmon's Addition It 396 fU ; S. 396 Hllls- boro, Oregon, thence S. 98 fU. W. 9V fu. thence N. 396 ft. : W • 17 tij ( ■■I 54. thence un ih» W llne thoroof N East 48 fu of Lot J. Block 14. „ Went S of Lot 5. Bluck I. Simmon'» Hillsboro. Oregon Anna M Ixxke 514 51 Bertha Alexander E. ■*" 396 ft. ; to beginning. Known as N. 10 ft.. E. 13.5 ft.. Northwesterly to fU ; “ Beginning 194 ft. N of 8. 1 E. comer boro, Oregon, and W 10 .. ft. uf I .ut 3. Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, and all of Nouth % of Lola 4. 6. 4. lll.irk IS. Mint* 200 hü ft t*> K«>uth line of Wa«Mngton a point .4 fU S. and 99 ft. West of the Public Square Washington County. of Lot 5. Block 9. Hillsboro. Oregon. “ J. ‘ Rush* ------ East K) ft of Lol 2. Block 8. Simmon's Block IS. Hillsboro, Oregon L. Strvvl extemlvd W in salti City. Ihetscg K Hillsboro, Oregon Lot 6. Block 1. Simmon's Addition to Io 8324.81 mon's Additimi • 1V.80 beginning, thence N. 74 ft . E. 99 fU to Oregv»n ___ thence _ E ____ 93.24 ft., W 72 fU. 8. 9A24 low. E. A. Rushluw 3.14 04 along S Iin» uf »aid Street N47 8 fl to the Hillsboro, Oregon, and vacted alley Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon James L Weata Betta the beginning, less 26 fu 90 ft. in N. E. ---- Mahen, Ely Mahon, Frances E. Mahon ____ 5. . Hills- fu. s’ 75 ft to beginning E. J. McAlear. 1 W line uf North Range Niteet. thenee of Lui 3. Bluek 13. Hills* All of Lots 1 and 4 in Block adjoining on South City of Hillsboro Eaat 69 fu •2 74 — !-**<• T. 2. •. Hl'wlt 12. N along »aiti line 398 4 fl tu placa of be* curner deeded to R. J. and R. A. Nicol - North »9 - uf |^ Me Alear. one-third interest ; A. J. 834.72 313.33 Guy K. Loxley * *** ’* h< n Oregon Richard E. Wiley. Wiley. Esther A ton's Addio. >n I«» Hillsboro. Oregon --------- North 4 of IxHa T. 3. 9 in Block I. | __ ———8630 HaH rampi. Clara Hartrampf. un*-third I boro. Oregon it 50 ft of Lot 2. Bh»ck 8. Simmon's Slmnu-i Orange Phelps W. of 8. K. corner 534 U4 ginning. Is«» the following tract «>wned P. ' Wiley-------------------------------------- Beginning 106 ft. . N. interest . W G. Hare, one-third interest by terminal ice and Coki Storage to A C Bertha Alexander Beginning 1S6 fu W. of N. E. corner Addition t o Hillaboro. Oregon 514.57 of Ixrt 4. * Block “ * ‘ 18. Hillsboro. Oreg**«». Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon. Mo«<*ling. Katherine » Moeding Lot 2. Block 5. in the Town mow __ __ *T V» g uf lx»t 7 »nd 3. K . k U wit« lioginiiing Block 1, in the Town »now City) of Hills­ Beginning at al iho the N W curner of 513.73 Nouth V9 ft-. S. 93 fu. , and S uf vacated alleys adjoining on E. W »3 ft.. i. Oregon thence N. Simmon * A«lditn»i» to Illllsb«'i»' boro. Oregon, thence S. 120 fu, E. 40 fu. City' of Hillsboro Birdie M. Wood rded 1'lal. sald Beginning at N. E. corner of Block 8. Lot 8. Block 6. Simmon's Addition to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran llhurvh Mattie Whitmore >11 536.t>0 Hillsboro. Oregon, thence W. 40 fU. S. E. 99 fu tu beginning Kuee Cave •19.19 and N ' N. ISO ft., W. 40 fU to beginning -Janies er ■ W 841 47 ft and point being N 89 ’ C. B Buchanan 814.51 Hillaboro. Oregon South «f 1.»>( m ». 9 in Itkn-k I. 538 49 N 0* 34' W 31 H w Qaw 81 Beginning at the S. K. corner Lot 4. Lot 3. Block 5, Town of Hillsboro. Ore- 100 fu. E. 40 fu to R line of Bloek m the center of thence N. Simmon's Addition to Hillaboro, Oregon Lot 4. Bluck 8. Simmon's Addition to Bluck 12. Interwecliim uf N Beginning 99 fu W. of N. E. corner of gun- F. E. Hartrampf. Blanche Hart- *>. N on E. line of Block » to beginning Block IS. Hillsburu, Oregon. South 9U 376 ft of l.ot 9. uigo Ml reet and fU. K. 99 ft- Simmon « Addition to Hillaboro. Oregon, Hillsboro. Oregon Geo. II. Ledford 514.54 Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon | Shute Savings Bank 58.34 60 fu. W 99 fU. , S. 40 Block I. in Town (now City» of Hill­ rampi leboro. Oregon. Washington Hi reet». Pickens. Georgia i and 1 j of vacat«>*l alley on E. BW3 there­ K. ‘ Lot 5. Block 8. Simmon's Addition to (. \6arrrn t laik. \ ci na I. ( «aik III IS to beginning A. boro. Oregon, thence W . 47 fu. S. 120 fU, E. corner of Lot 4. Beginning at N. E. curner. Lot 6. < ui ft . thenee M • 12.38 of 1» B. Burkhalter. Kathryn Burkhalter Hillsboro, Oregon John Sinclair. Nellie thence N 66' Beginning at N- W. 40 fu, S. 78 fu. tu N. line of Lot 4. 5. HiWÂoro. ,,h;n7o * Block 8. Hillsboro. Oregon, thence W. 99 Pickens All of Lot K* and Weal 1» uf Lot 11. neo H 0* 34 W 4 Sinclair 514.5t Block 12, Simmon a Addition to Hlliat»orua U- 44' W Beginning 93 ft., 8. uf N. E. corner Block 1, thence E. 87 ft.. N. 198 fu to STVw“*»«?. sTÄij n-. « '■ s ; IL, 1 *9 ft N IM ft to be­ 100 ft 13 O ft N U* 42» N of S. E. corner Lot 4. Block IS. Hillsburu. Oregon, thence Block 3. Simmon's Addition tn place of beginning -Henry J. Heims. »25.»O Ysa- lin. et „ .- â *. N. ginning A. H. Busch. Grace 1. Busch Beginning 110 fu W *2. Lol 4. Oregon Jam*» N. Dicaey 534 U4 1 17 43 ft to the E I»»« ft . ____ Addition to Hille- Hillaboro, Orvgon City of Hillsboro S. 4S ft.. W 88 ft.. N 48 ft . E 99 ft of Block 1. Simmon's ” ¿ >7*7 ft. to E- H»* I. o beli R. Helms 8*5.?O ui Plal. thonco N Eaat »> of Lo4 11 and all of l«ut 12, W line • f 138.03 fU. tu beginning Fred Amacher. Irene R.we boro, Oregon, t hence N 96 ft.. W. 74 • 14.54 East Half of Lots 2 and 3. Block 1, 5. N. 60 ft. to beginninr-OW«-W“^ Beginning at the S. E. corner of Lot Amacher I IS I ft I Him k It, Slmm«'li a Addlll-'ll HilU- $ ■ ft.. S. 96 fl.. K. 76 ft. to beginning Eva Service Company »*•»» 5. Block 8. Hillsboro. Oregon, thence N. Town of Hillsboro. Oregon Fred Sewell. mg**Mi Water ____ Lots 7. 8 9. Block 8. Simmon's Addi­ boro. Oregon Mary Dunwald 534.04 Street 515.U5 * 0 o ^ m II ............... 540.85 ington Elnora Bailey Lot 6. Block 18. Hillsboro, Oregon tion to Hillsboro. Oregon Southern Pa­ Lot 6. in Block 5. Hillsboro. Oregon, 9* ft . W. 99 ft.. S. 98 ft.. R 99 fu to be­ Tbitnas Lota I and 2. Block 13, Nimmon's Ad- beginn Jesise B Sewell Connell 888 18 Beginning 95 ft. N. of S E curner cific Co. less the North 49 fU of Let 6 — Birdie M. ginning Th« M R Church 520.22 531.12 dition lu Hlllaburu, Oregon George A«iams Beginning 9» ft. N. of S. W. corner. Uvei Beginning at the S. K. corner of Lot Bk«ck 1, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, ...— 518.49 Block 1, Town uf Hillaboro, Oregon, thence Wood (Dresser» Lots 10. 11. 12. Block 8, Simmon's Addi­ Beginning 99 ft. W. of S. R corner i'heraou, 8.mina M I'heraun |.1J *'9 &>> ,,f Oregon, thence N. 70 ft., W. 186 ft.. t K. 59 5 fL. N. 74 fL. W. 69.5 fu. S. 74 North 49 fu of Lot 6. Block 5. Hills- UiU-- k I Hillsb*iro. Oreg*»n. thence N. 4. Bluck 1». Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N. S. 70 ft., N. 186 ft. to beginning A. B tion to Hillsboro. Oregon Gaorga J. Zieg­ Lot 3 and »(« uf ailvy vacated adjacent being • 18.12 19» fu, W. 31 fU. S 17 ft.. W. 16.5 19S fU. W. 50 fU. S. 198 fU. K 50 ft. fu to place of beginning—Percy Long ler. Anna M Ziegler 331 la thereof tn Bluck 13, Simmon's Addition ••»' " buro, Oregon—W. W. Hall ---------- | tu beginning- Ora E. Phelps 520.43 ------------------------------------------------------------59.17 Beginning at the Intersection of Town­ fu. 8 181 ft.. R 49.5 ft. to beginning-- Lot 1 and K % of Lut 2. Block 9. l>- Hillaboro. Oreguri Anion I'auUneirer *iun «• Beginning at 8. E. corner Bluck 1, Samuel W. Bentley, Viola Bentley Beginning 60 ft. W. uf S. E. corner lu Hillboru, Oregon Beginning at N. W. corner Lot 5, ship Line with the N. °f Main *" Ime ' ■'* M.«n 519.74 Let 6. Bluck 18, Hillsboro, t'regon. thviue Simmun'a Additi««n to Hillsboro. Oregon. I I Simmon's Addition •84.34 K 7« Block 1. 'luwn of Hillsboro. Oregon, thence Street and 1031.4 fu N. of S- W. cor- Mildred CunnaU 1« I hiurth Range & 26 fL. E. 49.6 fl.. N. 26 ft.. W. 49.5 ner. Sec. 31. Township 1. ----- Beginning at the S. W. corner of Lot N. 19S fU. W 50 fU. S. 19S fU. K. 50 thence N 95 ft.. W 110 ft.. S. 95 ft.. 2 and all of Lot 5. W eet S of Lot E. 110 fu to beginning Geo. L. Fish. 520.44 N 0« fl to beginning -H. A. Kuratli. Ida :r Kur­ 2 Vkest of Wihnniette Base • Mcndiau, 6. Block ». Hillsouro. Oregun. thence N. ft. tu beginning Mary 1. Smith Hillsboro. 521.7« Blunk 9. Simmon's . Addition U> 52.68 thence on the N. line cf Main Street, N. 13V West 47 fu uf Lot 7, Bluck 18. Hills­ Ketha L. Fish ill TV-r ft.. U- E 49 5 ft.. ------ S -- ---- l»l fu. W. 49 5 atli, J. J. Wismer. Amelia C. Winner Margaret Eider - --------------------------------- v 516.67 Lota I and 2 Block 2. Simmon's Addi­ Oregon J M Eider, i »9-, W. 18 fu. N., paral*el with Town­ fU to beginning—Grace E. Low boro, Oregon Mrs. Orville Prickett •34.04 . 827.44 tion to Hillsboro, Oregon Harry Stout Beginning at the 8. W. comer Lot 4, snip line 198.03 fu. S. »9*. E. 18 fU. to Beginning at S. W. corner of Block 4 I South 44 ft uf Lots 4. 6. 6. Block t. Terminal 14 E ItCus ft to l^« Lot 5, in Block 5. 18, Hillsboro, Oregon, thenee N. 77.10 fu. E. corner of Block 1, Hillsboro, Oregon, thenee N N. W. curner of Lot Oregon Beginning I ft W. of & _ >f |.«H 4 and N Ice and fold Hturage Ct 8IM M Hirtsboro. Oregun. »m»nce South »9 Q . E thenee 89*. Lot 3 and Eft of vacate*! alley on the Simmon's Addition tu Hlllaburu. 86.37 fU. E. 99 fu. S. 86.37 fu. W. V9 E. 184 fu. S. 77.10 fu. W 184 fU to be- Lot 7, Block 18. Hillaboro, Oregon, thence • IS 41 Simmon's Addl- Wcata Belta corner of said Lot, H'-r- .. . ~ W est thereof uf Block 2. Simmon' Addi- 14 inclusive. In Block All of lx*ta I t«i fU to beginning--S. T. Linklater (Heirs • 9.2 fu to N. E. N. 198 fU. thence W. 30 fu. S. to S. .......... ______ 529.S9 ginning Edward Schulme'rtch v 4 red C. Huls- '. 5. 2. North 46 ft «>f S ft of Ixrts 4. , W. 99 ft., to S. E. corner, of) ______ ___ _....................217.22 r«. * to beginning I. M>shl«i>4 Park Addition to I ‘— - tu,n lo Hillaboro, Cregon Cornelius Hla»«*r . n, . , tnence S- 1*. . E. 19» fu to N. E» corner Beginning at a point 173 fU N of 8. line of Lot 7. thence “ I SIX33 80M8 Bluck 9. Nimmon's Addition tu Hillsboro. Oregon Also. Ixglnnlng al the InUrwr. _ Oregon, May Imbrie Smith I ' in W eat line of W. corner of Block 8. Hillsboro. Beginning at S. W. . comer ot « Block 1. “i bot & 1 •*> BiucM Oregon Chas. E. McCulloch f I.u4 4 and M don of the |U>u-f V4«r with ’he W line > of Fire« ’■”z4Z' ii *ir*1 Street. S. 1*. . W. 99 fu to the S. N 75 fu. W. North ft of Lots 4. 5. 6. Block 9. w. 99 fu. ** N ** 12 fu. W. 99 Bluek 18. Hillsboro. Oregon, thence E. tu Block 2, Simmon's Addition to Hillaboro, thence N. 98 fu, E. 49.5 fu. f v- thence on the N. line Oregon Lucy K. Sigler Mirer», thence Weaterly along th* Kight I Chas. t~ corner of Lot, fu. S. to beginning The Commer­ S. K. corner of Lot ». N. 84 fu W. to Oregon, thence E. 60 ft., S. 120.5 fu. Simmon's Additiuu to Hillsboro, W. 49.5 fu to beginning- CT__ R S. »7 37 ft. f »9*. W. 273.77 fu to fU. •34.U4 • I «J • ( Way to a |M>tnl N of the N W cor­ N. » il 4.04 -- ***•44 of Main Street, i tlL'Ji W. line of Lot 8. S. to beginning—Central W. 6V ft.. N. 120 5 ft., to beginning - Thomas C. Doyle deeded to O re­ cial National Bank of Hillsboro Anna E. Welle _____ Louis Carrow, Rosie Carrow 515.07 Lula 10, II. 12. Bluck 14. Simmun's ner of Lot 4 In IHork I. Hlghiamf Park _ E corner of Lot beginning. Los portion Ser vice Co. as Lots 7, 6, 9 and all vacated alley un ■» of - - 8. — W. beginning 198 ft.. ” . Church of Christ of Hillsboro ....... 517.75 ton to waver ater - - - - Addltbov. thence M to the N W corner Beginning at the N. Also, 6. Block 1, of Hillsboro. Oregun. thence gun-to adhingtun Beginning at N. W corner Block 2. East aide thereof ao«l Lots 1 •■. 11. arul 12 AdditHm to Hlilaburo. Oregon. N 30.76 of said l*ot 2. H illaboro. Oregon. Beginning 60 ft. S. of N. W. corner County Record ot corner of Block 8. “ _. thvnce In a Northeasterly 1. S. -• 26 ” ;"- k- E. 90 fU. N. 26 recurde*! in Washington W. Block 90 fu, fu, to 99 ft.. S- 10 ft.. IxJt 8, Bluck 18. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro. Oregon, all In Bluck 9. Nimm«*n a Addition to ft uf Lota 7. M. V and alleyways in Bloch direction to the N ► corner of l.«rt 2 in 87 fu. W thence N. Book m. l> “ e 4M — 9U fU. *n tu Hillsboro, Ore- ft.. Hillsboro. Oregon Arch Diocese uf Ore- 14. Simmon's Addition to thence S. 60 ft.. E. 13 m fU. N 60 *• 12 ... fU to begin* S 63 fl ft. to beginning—R. J. Nicol, Reva A. Deed». .......................................... w—J4 R 87 7 ru. M IM lu N M R * _______ •aid Bloch I. thei *e >. to the W line uf fur S. 77 fu. £. .. 49 ft ft uf Ixrt 12 Chari*« | gun. Lews live Fxist g«'ti City 5149.73 Nicol ............ ----- -------------------------------- 84-57 Wood ... W. 138 ft. tu beginning- Louis ... Commercial National Bank of fu to beginning-- Amanda J. Perkins fu of Lot 2, Block 2, Hills- ning . Ihe 53 I 66 First Street, thence N along the W line 517.25 512 92 Lomax. Deasie Lomax ..........83.99 Beginning un N E corner of Block 10 IL V. Galea. U. II Galea Beginning at the S. R corner Block North 148 —E» Klinger................... 59.42 Hillaboro uf tirsi .Street to beginning Carnat4x»n South I6u ft uf Lut 7. Bluck 14. Nim- Cum|*any In Nimmon's Addition tu Hillaboro. Ore­ W. corner 1. ill the Town i now City) of Hillsboro, boro, Oregon- corner of Lot 4. •fl so Beginning 40 ft. S. of N. W -Z nvg>tii>>a«B ... _ corner 75 ft. S. of N. Beginning at N. W. Beginning Beginning Simmon's Addition to Hillabor -. gon. thenee W 123 ft. • 111 ft. E 143 man's Addition tu Hillai*uro. Oreg”** L Oregon. Block 18, Hillsboro. Oregon, thence f Block Oregon. thence N. 100 ft., thence W 70.80 — ----------- j 4u fu East of N. W. corner 1 of Lot 8. _ Block 9. Hillsboro. ‘ Beginning at the N W «armer **f Ixrt uf Lot 3, Block 6. Hillsboro, Oregon, W Nhaltuck 58 S3 fU, 8. 2u fu. E. 1.33 fu. S. 80 fu. E. thence S. 19» fu, E. 8 fU, N. 5u fu, E. then«.*e R 198 fu, S. 34 . ft-. W. 99 fU. 50 fu. K. 104 fU. N. 40 ft.. W 100 ft. Oregon, then re S. 60 ft., E. 138 ft., N. ft. N III ft to beginning E J McAlear. G Shattuck. Anna 17. Block I. Highland Park An lu Hlllsburo, 210.4 ......... Block 2. 1 a point 19» ft W uf N E corner. Bloch and 16 ft uf vacated alley un Feat hast C. 1«. George W Hart Beginning 49.5 ft East of the South­ raiiipf South 1-3 of Lots 4. 5 .4. «-a fU N. of S. Z. W, corner Lot 3. Block 19. Hillboro. Oregon Ruth 5« >1 S1B.M Beginning 123 I Oregon, N. Longfellow west corner of Block 1. in the Town 540.85 Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon. 10. Simmon's Addition tu Hillsboro. Ore- l>ake<*. Tillie C Oakea of B.ock ». Hillsboro. II.!_ « » thence Ki Beginning S4 ft E «7 (Ke N W romer E. corner of Lot 4. E there- MM. th.-ne .•» Ill ft E 75 ft. N 111 Lots, 1. 2. 3. Block 16, Nimmon's Addi­ I at IxH 17 ‘ — and S vacated alley adjoining on (now City) of Hillsboro. Oregon, thence | Beginning at 8. Ureguu. thence N. 9a 50 fU. R 186 fU. S 5u fu? W |M fu to Block I. Highland Park A<1- Lot 4. Block 19. Hillsboro. Oregon, less 884.87 ft. W 75 ft tu beginning Julia Roy 819.55 tion to Hillsboro. Dragun, and ft *4 va­ ditto« to Hiliab..r.*, Oregon thence N 135 E 49.5 fu. N. 19» fU, W. 49.5 fu. South Block 6, Hujsooru. 100 ft. off the S. end thereof Martha of Mary L. Simon _ 4s ft.. W. Su fu. S. beginning- H. A. Wahner 517.19 cated alley. Iroa the h 4Vft ft uf 1 a >1 1 fu, fu S. to IU. & *\2kfT fu, W. luu 15v 26 fL. E. IV 10 fL. “ *• w • N W corner Lot 7. Bluck 1. ft . E I.» ► line of !.«•< 1» Block I, thence •22.22 beginning—R. W. Beginning 130 fu 8. uf the N. W. cor- Collins.......................... Beginning aiaaa ft E. 122 2_ ........ ......... -..............222.23 Oregon. 886.76 M Ilf ft to tteglnning John Narup. t'ath- Beginning 9u ft W of N E corner. C K- Boyd 8. J- ner of Block 9. Hillaboro» Oregon S. 9» fU, lo pive« ot beginning— * South 100 ft of Lot 4. Block 19. Hills* Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, 18 to Kreil» ___ _______ N. 70 fU. Block 11, Simmon ■ Addition to Hlllaburu, «vr S. e,. 7u fu. E 19S ft.. H N. 43 boro. C.__ l.«>t 4 and ft vacated alley In Block erme Nsi I’ •* J’ 220-43 thence Linklater ( Eetaw I ~ 120.4.* *.V of N. E. comer, e . i»s <<-. a 41 a, w. m ft-, Orwon R “ 1 » U>n«f»bow . Reagan Oregon. S 130.75 ft. W 10 ft. N to a Beginn. ng 4». 9 ft. W 517.75 4. 5 «nd 8 in Bloek __ _ 198 fU to beginning S. M 15. Simmon s Addition tu Hillaboro. Ore- * All uf U»ts I. t. 3 4. 5. 4 In Hhwk ft.—E. B. Ton««« East Half Lou 1, E corner W. 1 828.88 point 9 ft N uf center of alley, thence gun 44. S. Rogers 50 fu N. ot S. ------- 1 2, Hiimboro, , Oregon, thence W. ’ ,w Cil» I ot Hillaboro. Bio.« 514 6) Beginning 8. Highland Park Addition to Hillsboro. corner of „ Lot 1. 1, m the Town (nou —,, Bcxinninir at N. W. --- --------- w «« ft if te he- N !• N M m f i' ••» Hilbburo. Orwon. thence N. S. 1UU fU, . E. 54.3 ft.. N. 10V Oregon, used and occupied as one tract-- 54.4 fU. oeginuin* Block Lots 6 and 6. Illoch 15, Simmon's Ad­ < iregon Ahnte Havings Bank (3 14 Inter Beginning S W. corner Ixrt ?. Block 11. thence E 54 ft 10 inch«« tu beginning IK««« K w 1‘» »U. . E. 93 ft. ~~ D. - ft. tu beginning — —Albert Brandt, Heieu Bluck ». Hilbboro. Own. »3 fu. S. Nathan Weil, Reuben Weil, Morris Ore- 30 ft.. W. 1» 70 »J-. fu. ¿J N 148 fU. dition tu Hillsburu. Oregon Willie il«>ag. eat I , J W Mhutr Retate it 14 intereat*. 2. Simmon's Addition tu Hillsboro, 1 ft.. E. E. 1»S ft-. N. 20 ft-- ’ *• J. D. Brandt. Hulda M. Brandt U M. OJJJj Fred hngeldinger. Anna C. Eng eld inger brandt, .. 1: -- Weil. Jacob Weil ...... —__ -«I-« «ei to beginning J. 211.31 100 ft., W 12S fu to 5401V gun, thence E. 146 ft., N. 110.75 fu. W. 510 .9 Florence Munger (I 4 interest I 520 4« Mattle Hoag The West 39.5 fU, of Lot 6 and the 146 ft.. 8. 110.76 ft. tu beginning M II. .......... ................ »»»-•• lipe Lots 7 and 8 In Block 8. Highland All uf Urt« I and 2. also £ 13 ft of Beginning at the N. W. corner. Lot Copeland Y»nl. of S. W corner Bump. Bertha O. Bump . 888-49 Beginning on N line un Block 11. Nlm- Beginning 100 ft. N West 49.5 fu of Lot 7. Block 1. in the ___ ____ Becinnin. at 3. W. corn«« ot Lot 1. Oregon, thence S. thenee N. mun'a Addition tu Hlllaburu, Oregon. 144 Let 5, Bb«*k 18. Him m*>n a Addition tu ' Park Addition to Itiilsb-ro. Oregon Ada Hillaboro, Town Oregon. uu _ -------- E. Block 19. r • — Oregon. M Moure Beginning 18 ft. E. of N. E. corner ft 10 inch** W of N E corner, thenre W Hillsboro. Oregon Henrietta llrocka • 11 44 and the (now West City» 12 fU of of Hillsburu. LoU 2 and 3 in .jg fl r f. iBtK>rv N I. ' 194 ÍU. W. 4u fu— Block 9. Hlltaborv. Omen, thenc. E. 7 198 fk. N. 29 . n., ft., E to s E. 40 ft-. 198 fu. S. 26 fu to 78 fu. E. • 7 56 ft.. N. 25 ft-. * 1»« 534 41 said Bluck l Grece __ A. Wood ..... 523.62 •'» - ’«« 1 8 1 198 f ft-. ’ Savings I - E. comer of Ixrt 9. Block 2. , Simmon's Addition to M ft I li rbee. N 1M9 7'> ft. | 65 ft J Lota I and 4, Block 4. Highland Park hUte Bank iL. E. of the N i, being the center of va* • 10.31 point 6 fu. Hillsboro. Oregon, L««innin« Winifred Gunton West to begin- inchra, N 1»9 75 ft t<> beginning, Includ­ corner Lot 4, Wwt 47 ft uf Ixrt 8. Block 14. Nlm- Addition t<> Hillaboro. Oreg.-n Louis Lot 4. thence S 98 ft.. ’ *U East of the S. W. Beginning at N. E. 1 .... 553.43 rated alley, thence N. on center line of ing 9 ft of vacated alley un South E. I Beginning 49.5 fU. ~ h F. fc' rnon'a Ad«iltiun lu Hillaboro. Oreg««n, I < arow. Hua io Carew re, Oregon, thence W. 1 Beginning «0 ft W. ot N. E. corner ning Dura Nelson fU. N. 110.76 fu Block 1. — m the Town BluC< 6. HilUbo*». alley 110.75 fu. W 60 . •21 Ml ft vacated alley *»n West thereof Henry corner of Lot 7. B.v^.« — thence Bloek t. Hiltrixiro. Oregon. fu. E. 4»,9 fu. N. 100 of Lot 2 l^»ts | 3 and 8 in Block 4. Beginning at the S. W. corner Block tu 8. line of Ixrt 9. thence E tu point ' * of Carleton. Lillian 1. Carletun - 48 g ft.. S. iw 1-. (now City; of Hillsboro. Oregon. S 100 ft-. W. 30 fV^ N. luQ fU 1?, Hillaboro. Oregon, thence N. 100 fu. • 17 44 F. E. Hartrampf 510.19 Brucks — - — Park Addition to H Beginning 100 ft K of N W corner. C. J. Anderson, Minnie I. North 100 fu, thence W. 10 fu, _ W. M fu to beginning ” E. 30 fu to beginning -Thomae 18. 297 fk. S. W ft.. E. V9 fU. S 50 fl.. beginning ........... — White- 34.25 £. ' I:: » I Block 11. Simmon' Addition tu Hillsboro. lx»t 4. I Block 16, Hlmmun's Addition to Mary J .Hrheidel fL. E. 60 ft.. S. 74 fU. Southeasterly Beginning 146 fu M. N. of S. E. curner. _ E. corner of Lot West to beginning—Oregon Electric R. Oregon, N Iso 76 ft. E 4« 75 ft. N 180.78 Hillaboro. Oregon, and ft vacated alley Oregon, ouru. kz . w .—, thence West hern U»ts 2. S and V II to point 88 fu South and 29 fu East Blue« 6. Hilistmru. •*- N — R. Company ........... 572.21 ft. W 46.76 ft tu beginning and 9 ft £ thereof f Newton Hhipley, Ellen H Park Addition t<> HilUburo. fu to - Beginning at the N — ------ —__ of N. E corner of the original Phelps izu fu. Simmon’s Addition tu Hillsboro, Oregon vacated I ft-. N. 52 fu. i-. E. 120 fu. 8. 52 alley on south F. V. k'ngel- Shipley • .'I 4V the portion <»f »aid IxH B. Deca 2 Block 9. Hillsboro. Oregon, thence w. Luts 1, 2. 8. 4 and 9 ft. of alley ad­ tract thence W. 19 fU. S. 11 fu, W. 10 Ethel Mnall 8LM - H. A. L>«ck, Bertha P. . 513.01 I w fu. S. loo fu. E. «0 *t-. 8 »* fu. joining. ail in Reidt's Subdivision of ‘ I*ota fu, S. 0 fU, thence Southwesterly 17.3 beginning dinger. Anna C. Engeidinger 519.23 !.<>(» 5 and 6. |ll>>rk 18. Nimtnon'a Ad­ the N h. corner <»f »aid North ft of Lot 10. Block 2. Nimmon's 1 fU. S. 80 fU, W. 2v ft., to place of be­ Beginning at center of alley on N. side dition tu Hillsboro, Oregon A M Carlile. 10 ft . W too ft . N >o Beginning 52 ft S. of N. E. corner uf E. 15 fu. N. 1»» fu. w 15 fu W bwio- 1. 2. 7. 9 of Block 19. I H ti laboro. Oregon Addition to Hlllaburu. Oregon, and W. 4 ning. — S. W. M.lhuuh. Ldn.l M.lhuwh^ ....... 241.44 S.oi.N. H.u, Or««. Blu a of Block 11, Simmon • A«idili«>n to Hills ­ O. N. Carlito 533 u9 txginning Grant Junoa *u ■», Hiliaboro. Oregon, thence —-J. P. Tamieaie ginning H. C. Hill, lu« ft. of lx>l II. Block 2. boro. Oregun, thence W 5u ft on N sole a »6 fu. W. 12u fu. N. »6 ft.. E. 120 Beginning at the N F corner of |.«»t 4 Phelps. Ora Phelps lirgmning VV ft S of N W corner Lx»t Oregon—Alexander Griffith 1 Lvt 6 and 9 f^ •. __ _ _ Block ». of Bluck. thenre N 1MV 25 ft tu N - line The Went one-half of Lot I. ft. to beginning—Henry Kamna, Rebecca . 511.42 I. Block 3. Humphrey's Addition tu lillls- in llha-k 4. Kishiand Park Addition to beginning 99 fu, West of the S. E- Kamna.......... .... .......... ...... -................. 821.51 | Hillsboro. Oregon. less the West 15 ft. , in Reidt's Subdivision of Lota 1, 2. 7, •* uf present alley. then«*e E 50 ft , N 189 23 buro. Oregon, N 99 ft. Hillsboro. _ . thence . in the Town mow Oregon, N 30 ft W lob of Bluck 19. Hillaboro. Oregon — Carl O. E 198 ft; N 99 South ft of Ixrt 10, Block 2. Simmon's 1 ft to beginning Wm. Haase, Anna M curner uf Block 1, uf said Lot. and the East one-half of Peterson 528.4? _ Ns rah [ f( . W fl to l.egiiiiiing I ■ ntafia 1 ft . N M It . K luu ft to beginning City i of Hillaboro, Oregon, thence N. Addition to Hillaboro, Oregon, leas N. 15 llaaae Beginning at S. E. corner of Block 4. Lot 3, Block 9. Hillaboro. Oregon W alter ‘ I Christens«*«. Julius Christen Ihcnc« N. »1 »«•. *• part <. 129 ÍU to begin- ï« , ning at N W «ornar lt¡ -« u ||, , thence Southwesterly l«u, fu. • 40.85 mun's Addition tu Hillsboro, Oregon W. 1x4 4 In Block 4, Highland Park Ad- adjacent un West Fay« Lord 515.69 8. 9 ft.. Uu fu. 8. 41 fu. Thumas Whitehorn 215.25 hop of Oregon 4-4 - to place of be- Ammavu s Addi Mo« lo Hüiebnro, Oregon. ’ F Boley 618.71 dll ion ' - - - lu lllBaburo, Oregon Mary I ■ J. Lot 2. Block 20. Hillsboro. Oregon— L. B. 80 fU, . East 29.S fu, ..... South ft Lota 11 and 18. Block 8. ........ 1...... 22.71 ning—Lloyd Brown __ North 99 ft of Lot 4. Block 9. Hillsboro. F luo ft ; 8 47 ft; W ¡uo ft . N 47 ft i H« ha («1*1 W. McBride T», of S. E. cerner, Beginning S line Fir (now Walnut) and ginning 54U.85 mon's Addition tu Hillsboro. Oregon, less to beginning Beginning 120 fU W. “ hr. * '1 Emilie Mohr, one- E. Blatchley. L. A. Blatehley._ M. 1*. Cady, Birdie V. £ line <>f bth Street, thence E 194 ft; I I Lots 7 and 10 In lil.ek 4. Highland it Oregon Jacob M of th» S. E. Block 6. Hillaboro, isoorv, O Oregon, thence West Beginning 69.5 fU. W. — the N 15 ft thereof Herman Laux, Mar ­ (sly 21196 S VV ft . W IVN ft . N t<> beginning, leva Hili-boro, Oregon. interest ; Adolph i Mohr. Margaret , Lot 8. Block 20, Hillsboro, Oregon— »f Washington Street 48 fu. half Block Park Addition t u Hillaboro. tirogun 516.65 corner of !*' —v ’ 1. 320.42 Corn E. Ware _____ 54U.85 ti« Laux. Katherine Laux 1Í4 fu. S. 100 on N. line ui E» 48 fL, S. 198 fL. to Mohr, one-half interest Beginning 67 ft South of N W corner 1”« I li ■ * < >r«-g i> (, < llcurkrr boru, Oregon, thence E 100 ft g 216 «KÛ ÍU .V. of S. E. corner, Lot 4. Bluck 9, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence First Congregational Church Addition t«> Hillsboro. Oregon I m > u I s Her- gon. thence S 104 ft. W 116 fl. N 104 W I<>U ft . N 63 ft to beginning Mrs. Lillie Reucker County Beginning fu ’ W in Book 144 page 1 *1*T l‘“-‘ Wahington County 53u.t8 Lota 6 and 4. Bloek 20, Hillsboro. Ore­ Oregon, thence W. S 6v ft. W 99 ft. N 40 ft. E 99 ft to li.'—a Iler..... It lit I Blocs 6. Hillsboro, • ’ • ---- cs, ft. E 114 ft to beginning M Louis« 513 IS Records of Deeds—H. R. Emmott, 54.09 in S W' cor- Bradley. 2 5 interest. Elisabeth D. ' New- Minerva Bradley 49 ft., N. 198 ÍU, E. about 49 beginning—W. H McEldowney, Elisa Mc- gon. Less 49 ft x — 190 ft Beginning WM ft E of N W corner Ixrt ----- 1-- —M M P.i»_ Ixrta 2 and 3 in Bloch 6, Highland 512 34 about 198 fu to beginning—Harvey B. Eldowney. et al Chas. rv Douglas Hui­ Beginning 130 ft S of * N W corner I. Bl<n t u Hlllaburu, Oregon Jensen, Elsie Jensen •20.42 « to I 8. 100 fU of W. 48 fu. Lot 4, Bluck gon Edw. W. Moure. Carrie L. Moure 198 __ ft.. E. E« 4» ft. S. 198^ft- 43 ft. W 19» ft. N 43 ft, E 198 ft ....... tilda Spicker------- George W |i* ’• Or««,., W»t 39 thereof. Less 4» ft off E aide of Ixrt Ja | 1« I __ _, 9. Block 20, Hillsboro, Oregon Herman Heaston 512.03 '• i(l<-k B ---------------------------------------------------------- 87.90 I). th«ne« W 99 ft. N 5« ft. E 99 ft. 8 M ft of Lot II < f aaol A«in Mat 166 *. ft of 1x4 I in Hlock 3. Beginning »6 5 ft N <*f N W r«»rner Pearl L. Smith 524.20 «4 fu of tha N. »» fu of Lot 1. - -« x — .1 L 230.15 North ft of Lots 4. 6. 6. Block 2. Sim­ Reaaoner, Julia A. Reasoner East -- «i Beginning at N. E corner of Lot 2, of Block 2. Humphrey's Addition to Hill»- Highland I'ark Addition to Hillaboro. Ore­ Oregon—Emma Pit- to beginning -Christian Science Society • ” 11.54 Block 2, Hillsboro. Oregon, thence S. 144 Block 7, Hillsboro, ........................... -42.92 Hillsboro • “ 1 Beginning at the 8. W. corner Lot 8, mon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— gon E I, Ada H. Mn t o a Mm > w■ 75 ft. to beginning— Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— 132.76 ft. 8 80 376 ft to beginning -Ola Morgan, Zola F. Morgan —.............. 58.41 Hillaboro, Oregon Stella Danner . 520.42 Beginning 142 5 ft N of N W corner Hillsboro. Oregon Anna Agaea Hiaa ."“Ji" Neieon 530.94 West one-half of Lot 6. Block r, Hillsboro, Oregon— From 888 88 Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to Hlllv Frances Weatherrrd I Beginning at S. W. corner of Lot 1. Lot 2. Block 522 11 ft there* boro, Oregon, less the North 43 All of Lota 1 and 2. Block 22. Hills­ __________ 540.85 Block 2, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence East Grace A. Wood Beginning N W corner Ixrt 7, Block 5, I Beginning at H E corner of N E % uf boro. (IrrK 'i). j| IN fl ’ 'rotrr line <>f Beginning at the N E corner IxH 8 in of—W. F. Tews, Martha Tews _ ...515.99 boro. Oregon, and beginning at the N. E. 198 fu, N. 54 fU. W. 196 fu. 8. 54 ft. Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, corner Lot 2. Block 2. 8 to 8 E Block Block 10, Simmon'* Addition to Hillaboro. Block 6. Highland Park Addition t n Beginning at N. W. corner of Lot 3, HLst one-half of Lot 6. Block •. Hille- corner of Lol 2. Block 22, Hiliaboro, thenre E 120 ft. S 102 ft. W 120 ft, N to beginning—Deborah Barrett ....... 510.20 Block 7, thence S............. 198 fU, .. _ E. 66 fU, N. boro, Oregon, thence W 198 ft. N 87 ft ; E 198 2, W to E line of 6th Street . N to be­ Hillsboro, Oregon, thence W 160 fl; 8 Oregon, less the North 43 feet there­ thenee E. 3.33 chs., thence S. 3.00 chs.. .M, W. ... 66 __ fu to beginning- -F. W. of John Freudenthal. Olga Freudenthal thence W. 3.33 chs. to S. E. corner of 1U2 ft to beginning Hattie N. Harte _ ft; N 87 ft to beginning L. K. Ander­ ginning J. J. Ilanel, Etta Hanel 521.01 So ft. E Ibu fl. N 6u fl to beginning Beginning at N W. corner of Lot 3, 198 ft.. 511 €8 son 835.90 Block 2, Hillsboro. Oregun, thence Eaat Petersun, Mayme Peterson---------- . 527.23 57.13 Beginning at N E corner L«>t 2, Block T. K ( *>pley 515.99 said Lot 2. thence N. 3.00 chs. to place 68 fU. 8. 196 fU. W. 68 fU, N. 198 fU Beginningwl 10 ft S of N W corner Lot of beginning. Leas the following tract, Beginning at N W corner of Block 10, 2, Humphrey's Addition to Hillaboro, Ore­ Beginning at the N. E. ~ corner of Lot l-.avt 156 5 ft of !x«ts 4 and 7 in Block Eat 75 ft of Lot 7, Block 9. Hillsboro. tu beginning—Sophia Witt ............... 512.85 2. B.ock 7, Hillaboro, », Oregon, thence S. 7. Block 3. Simmon's Addition to Hllls­ Nimmon's Addition to Hillaboro, Oregon. gon, thence N 8»..5 ft ; W 7o ft . N to N 4. beginning ft. E. of the N. E. corner * Highland Park A«lts II. 12. 13. 14 and 16. Block 4. W. one-half of Lot 8. Block 9. Hillsboro, Ore­ to beginning- -Eva V. Loeb, John Arch- of Right of Way adjoining Lota 7, 8 and Beginning 60 ft. South of the N. E. Hn>t>uro, Oregon, thence S. 114 fu, W. gon Bessie Barr gon Walter Gray •40.95 Block I«, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Highland I'ark Addition to Hillaboro, Or»- ..................... 525.37 bold. Hugh Archbold. A C. Archbold, 9. B.ock 3. Simmon's Addition to Hills- corner of Lot 2. Block 2, Hillsboro, Ore­ 99 ft., N. 114 fu, E. 99 ft to beginning V an Meltebrke Meltebeke 536.43 South % <>f Lot 7 In Hh-rk 2, Hum­ gon F. Van • 144.55 boro or, the south sn• io ft. N. of S. E. corner of Block 9. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E Beginning 30 ft. E. of N. E. corner Lot ft., E. 130 ft. to beginning— R J Higdon. 32'» 4 ’ tiun to Hillaboro Oregon William E. Beginning 65 - Hillsboro. Oregon, .u Pa- ------ ---- 51.75 ,c t. Hattie L. Higdon ....................... 58.07 thence ft. m N co 99 ft, w «).76 ft. S 99 ft to 4. said beginmg point being also 228 ft. tion to Hillaboro, Oregon Southern •34.49 Beginning at S E corner "bf N W % Lot 4, Block 7, ¿9 ft.. 8. 20 fu, E. 99 ft. beginning— Earl J. Bailey. Beginning at the H E corner of Lot Jacobson i Undivided ft Interni); Betty Estelle I. E. of the N. E. corner ot Lot 2, Block eific Co. __ of Block 10, Simmon’s Addition to Hills­ 8, Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to llllls- I Jacobson (Undivided ft Intereat) Beginning 125 ft. 8. of N. E corner. N. 20 fL, W. I 515.43 •12.73 All of Ixrts 1, 2, 3, 4 lying South of O. boro, Oregon, thence E 146 ft; N 76 22, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence W. 155 ft., Groner, Mabe! Bailey Lot 4. Block 2, Hillsboro, Oregon, thenee .to beginning— -terdinand J Ihf'lur N VW ft. W <<• I L«»ls 2 _ and . _ 3 in . ____ Block I. Oak Gmve •4.13 Beginning at the S W corner of Block 8. 60 ft., E. 155 ft., N. 80 ft, to begin­ 4k C. Ry. track in Block 4, Simmon’« ft; W 14.» ft; S 76 ft to beginning and 8. 73 fU. W. 130 fU, N. 73 fu. E. 130 Groner ft . 8 99 ft ; E 40 ft to beginning C. F Addition to Hillaboro, Oregon J. J. Wis- 525.85 Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon Shut« Sav­ ’a of vacated alley on South Emily Con- ft. N. of S. E. corner of 9, Hillsboro. Oregon, thenee E 62 ft, N ning- First Baptist Church ft. to beginning—Lemuel T. McPheeter», Grábele, Mary L. Grábele 58.26 I mer Beginning 25 Hillsboro, Oregon, thence 99 ft, W 62 ft, S 99 ft to beginning 524 20 • 11 24 P. A. McPheeter» ........ 39.04 Lot 4, Block 7, _________________ Beginning 100 ft E. of N. W. corner ing» Bank mdl i Mtat< i I Beginning at the H W corner Ixrt 4, Lot 4 in Block 1, Oak Grove Addition *• 4 *• E. R. Bailey, Effie Bailey 812.79 All of Lot 4, Bloek 4, Simmon's Addi ­ Lol 6, Block 22, Hillsboro, Oregon, E. W. 99 It., N. 4U fU, E 99 ft, S. 40 fU Beginning at the 8. E. corner uf Block North 76 ft of lx>ta 7, 9, 9 and % of Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to Hillv- ~ ** to Hillsboro, Oregon Llllia»i Ix*all, Esther North 100 ft of Lota 1 and 2. Block 60 ft . /4. 3.015 chs , W 5U ft.. N. 3.015 tion to Hillsboro, lying N of Ry. track. alley vacated on N and E side* of said 2. Hillsburu, Oregun, thence N. 83 fu, W. to beginning—W. D. Smith (Estate/ ....... 11624 chs. to beginning -John Meier .... 520.74 Beginning 78 ft E of W line of Lot 4, Lots In Block 10, Simmon's Addition to boro, Orrgon, thence N 99 ft; E 69 ft; I __ ___ _______ 58.25 10, Hillsboro, Oregon F. R. England 99 fL, S. 63 fU. E 99 fU tu the begin- 8 99 ft, W r>9 ft to beginning J. Mur- •41 24 Lots 6 ami 6 In Block 1, Oak Grove ning—-C. E. Koontz .......... 317.12 Beginning 150 ft. E. of the N. W. cor- Blk 4 and 88 ft N of S. P Right of Way, Hillsboro, Oregon Henry Peterson, Father row, Ettie Murrow E. corner of Lot 4, 512.19 Beginning at 8. thence E 40 ft, 8 to Right of Way. •3U.V4 Addition to Hilldboro, Oregon Mrs Rose Peterson * "■ 1,1 South 98 ft of Lota 1 and 2. Block 10, 1 ner Lot 6, Block 22. Hillaboro, Oregon, Beginning at the N. E. curner Lot 5, ' Block . 7, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N. 25 westerly along Right of Way to a point North 148 ft of Lot 1, Block 30. Wah­ Potter 530 97 Bluck 2, Hillsboro. Oregon, thence S. G5 fu. , W. s: 45 xu, E. 99 fL, N. Hillaboro, Oregon—C. J. Anderson, Min­ thence £. 81 ft., N. 3.015 chs.. W. 81 fu. du« 8 of beginning, thence N 88 ft to North 49.72 ft of the 8 123.75 ft of ft.. W. 99 ft.. N 65 ft., E 99 ft. to be- 2u 1 Thomas Whitehorn nie L. Anderson ........ 540.44 18. 5.016 chs. to beginning -£. L. John­ beginning and 60 ft Right of Way In Lota 7, H and 9 in Block 10, Simmon's rung'» Addition to Hill«lM>r<>, Oregon - Lot 7 In Block 1, Oak Grove Addition ft. to beginning— - William F. Lormor, Iona <). Lormor son _ _____ ______ ___________ _____ 533.40 ........... .............. .......... 33.23 to Hillsboro, Oregon W N. Hathorn, ginning F. G. Mitchell 513.42 ‘ West 93 ft of Lot 3. Block 10, Hillaboro. 516 65 Lot 4 and all of Lots 6 and 6 in Block Addition to Hillaboro, Oregon, and vacat- Mary J. Hathorn 51663 Beginning 50 ft. E. of the S. W. cor­ 4 in said addition lying 8 of N boundary ed alley Mrs. Henrietta Morgan 520.19 538.37 Beginning 65 ft., S. of N. E. corner of Beginning 20 ft. 8. of N. E. comer Oregon Elizabeth T. Fey South ft <>f Lota 1 and 2, Bloek 50, Oregon, ner uf Lot 6, Block 22, Hillsboro, Ore­ of Right of Way of the 8. P. Lof 9, Block 1. Oak Grove Addition to Lot 5, Block 2, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence of Lot 6, Block 7, Hillsboro, Oregon. ’* Railroad Beginning at S E corner of Block 10, Wehrung's Addition to HillslM*ro, Oregon Beginning at N E eornsr of Block 19, gon, thence E. 60 fU, N. 3.015 chs.. W. 40 ft.. Block 4. 8. 50 ft.. W. 99 fU, N. 50 ft., E 99 thence S. 40 ft., W. 99 fU, N. ----- and --- portions --------------- of --------- Lots in 1, 2, 3 Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, Hillsboro, Oregon, thenee S 28 ft, W 160 Jniiir« M IL*y, Sarah ('. H«»y Sil IK Hlllabor ». Oregon, also beginning H W J. 8. »ring N E. 99 ft. to Trustee» Phoenix ft, N 28 ft, E 100 ft to beginning. Also, 50 ft., 8. 3.016 chs. to beginning 520.74 corner Block 1. N 199 75 ft. F. 76 ft; H boundary ft. to beginning -Geneva M. Mitchell i; of Z *1“ of * • Ry. Right of thence N 76 ft; E KM) ft; H 75 ft; W North 14M ft of Lot 2. Block 30 Wah­ M 198 76 ft. W 76 ft to beginning City •4.25 •29.28 100 ft to beginning Doris Davis 515.63 ““ .. Wap- Southern Pacific Co. ------- ----- ------------------- -------- -------------- 510.31 Lodge No. 34, K. of P. beginning 28 ft S of N E corner of Bloek Guyton (Estate; rung'» Addition to Hillaboro, Oregon Beginning at 8. W. corner Lot 6. Block of Hillaboro 529 94 of N. E. corner All of Lot 6 and the West 18 ft of 1U, Hillsboro, thenee 8 29 6 ft. W 105 ft. All of Lot 6 in Block 2. Hillsboro, Ore­ Beginning 60 ft., S. Beginning 100 ft E of S W corner <»f John W. Raynard 516.55 gon—C. M. Kruchek, Myrtle E Kruchek ot Lot 6, Bl Co. J3O.74 Weat 49 ft of Lot 7, Block 30. Weh* • 14.22 W. lying on the North ning- We»t ‘ Co«., Telethon« Hz. »ide Of J. and W 120 74 ft u L«vinnln,. Im, th« E. 24.7S ft. N 100 ft, W 180 ft to beginning—Sarah bor, Oregon, thence E 49.76 ft; N 75 to Hillsboro, Oregon, rung’s Addition 517.1$ ft; W 48.75 ft; S 76 ft to beginning All <>f Lots 13, 14. 15 and the E 75 W. Bailey tract in Lot 5, of Ixninning K«nn«lh A. Llnkl*terJ67 .J Lot 6 of Block 10, Hillsboro, Oregon, ot said Lol—W. D. Smith (Estate; |13 N Stansel dedicated for alley All I mi the N 9 ft ft of Lot 16. all in Block 1, Oak Grove Henry 57.62 Block 7 ” Nouth 80.76 ft of Lots 7, 8, 9, Block 4. Hazel Morgan and Lot 6, Block 10, Hi Ils boro- --£. B. of Lot. M, Block 30, Währung'* Additio i Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon Clara Den­ East 24.76 ft. of IxH 7. Block 22, Hills­ Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon - North 1-3 of Ixits 10, II, 12 and ad­ Beginning at 3. W. corner of Lot 8, Beginning 102 ft. S. of N. E. corner of Tongue .....................................................581.70 . Ill.’l boro, Oregon Andrew Godfred, E rn m a R. Rasmussen (Estate) ................... 513.87 jacent vacated alleys In Block 10, Sim­ to Hillsboro, Oregon Mary C. Corwin im. Hillsboro. Oregon, thenee ...... =. Block 2. Hillaboro, Oregon, thence r.. 9» IxH 6, Block • 31 *6 N 7, 20 ft E 99 ft S Z0 tu West one-half of Ix>t 7, Block 10, Hilla- G-x!fred (Estate) 510 26 E. 99 ft.. S. 20 fL Beginning at the N W romer of 1x4 14, mon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon L. IxHs 10, 11 J. 12. Bloek 4. Simmon'» - - Ad- - • ; “ Mary E/Uppenk a mp mp 54. 54.14 Oregon Elisa bath T. Fey 520.42 O N 70 fU. W. W. 9» »« ft- ft.. »• .?», t4 ,*" b*" W. 99 fU, •' /‘Uppenk’a U boro. Oregon Lota 6 ami 7, Block 1, Humphrey's Ad ­ Beginning 49.5 ft. W. of 8. E. corner I stepp 5 (2 41 Block I, Oak Grove Addition to Hillsboro, |to beginning g.nning (Library) City of Hillaboro B. < E. Ept one-half of Lot 7, Bloek 10, Hills- I»ot 7, Block 22, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence dition to' HUUboro. Oregon — L»dla dition to Hillsboro, Oregon Fred Schoen Oregon, thence E on the N line of Lot 16. 531.00 Beginning 63 ft. 8 inches N. of 8. E South 2-3 of Lota 10, 1!, 12 and ad­ • 3M Ml corner ui Lot 5, Block 7, Hillsboro, boro. Oregon—A. W. Hoffman, Marie W 26 fl.. N 198 ft.. E. 25 ft., N. 193 Rbea .. ........ Block I. Oak Grove Addition to Hills­ of 1 Beglnning at N W. corner of Block corner jacent vacated alleys in Block 10, Sim ­ All of 1x4 and Oregon, thence W. 80 ft. 4 inches. N. 12 Hoffman ............................... 520.42 ft. to beginning Louis Kerapf, Anna ix/v 1 a mi ... E 20 ft of _ Lot 2, Lot 8, Block 1, Humphrey's Addition boro. Oregon, 76 ft, thence Southerly 3, Hillsboro. Oregon, thence S 100 fu, E. - - 8 inches, _L_ N. u 20 •« «. Nor(h ft of g B|oik je, Simmon’s Addition to Hillsboro, mon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon— I to Hillsboro, Oregon William Hathorn, parallel to the E line of North Range ft., W. 1» ft. ft. » 4 inches, Kempf ............ 510.51 Block 5, i, Simmon'» 61 ft.. N 12 fU, W. 11 fL, N. 8h ft-. Birdie V. ( ady 549 91 Oregon, and alley on 8 side, except por- por­ E 99 ft, S. 32 ft. 4 inches to beginning boro, Oregon—C. B. Taylor ........... 517.75 Mary J. Hath<*rn ||3 13 St reef 198.76 ft, thence Westerly parallel Beginning 74.6 ft. W. of 8. E. corner tion beginning at point 12 ft N of -* " *‘" W. 50 ft., to beginning—Glenn T Staple­ 8 E Beginning at N E corner Lot 1, Block Washington Savings A Loan Associa- ..... .84=90 24.99 South 118 ft of Lot 3, Block 13. Hills­ Lot 9, Block I, Humphrey’s Addition to the H line of Base Line Street 76 ft. ton, Onita Stapleton ........ 5. «• thenre * k —« Ixrt 1, Block S «n 30 II, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Ore­ .....86.29 boro, Oregon, les the N 6 ft- -H. Cosiett, Ix/t 7, Block 22, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence corner of ..................... to Hillsboro, Oregon J. O. Robb, Jessie G I hence Northerly along E line of North W. ft.. r». N 198 ft.. ... E. — 25 ft.. 8. 198 ft to center of alley, W 40 ft, N E 60 w. 25 so rs., *»« «... cor- 't» on Beginning ft., South Oregon, of N. W. V*. cur- ----- - •- Ireland, h . A. ft to place of beginning, les» alley on the gon, thence W 90 ft; 8 130.75 ft; W 10 Iitit It an re Street I9H.76 ft to beginning G. ner Block 3, 100 Hillsboro, thenre Beginning at 8. E. corner of Lot 5, Oliver O. Coslatt, Viola J. Coslatt 823.10 ft to beginning—lister thenee ft; 8 5 ft K to E line of Ix>t 1, N to W Pate, Margaret E. Pate 514.23 E. 61 ft., S. 20 ft., E. 83.M7 ft., S. 40 Block 7, Hillsboro, Oregon .thence N. • 10.31 South John M. Kennedy 513.71 beginning C. E. Deichman ......... _ ______ 7, Lot 2 of Block 11. Hillsboro, Oregon- De< k Lot 10, Block I, Humphrey's Addition 523.40 ft.. West 144.87 ft., to We»t line of m ft., W. MU ft.. N. 12 ft, W. 19 ft.. Lot I, Block 6, Oak Grove Addition W, corner of 64 ft., W. George C. Spencer, Lulu J. Spencer to Hillsboro, Oregon Mary Goar 513.18 Beginning 100 ft., N. of 8. West 40 ft of Lot 2 and all of Ixrt 8. Beginning on E line of Block 11, Sim ­ Block 3. thence 60 ... ft. to beginning — S. s. 76 76 ft, • 11.47 Block 22. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence N. Block 6. Simmon' Addition to Hillaboro, Io Hillshoro, Oregon James ('rulckshank, tence N. xv. w — J— ft, E 99 ft. to beginning—Paul Lot 11. Block I, Humphrey’s Addition Mnry mon’s Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, 9 Veeey W. G — Z-~. Ruth " *u «--<"••• «6.70 Bailey» 513.68 A. Crulckshank 515.63 Gardner, Gardner..... 56.70 Lot 3 of Block 11, Hilslboro, Oregon— i 49 2-3 ft., E. 99 ft.. N. 40 ft., W. 89 Oregon, and ft N of center of alley, tlMMt N M ft . to Hillsboro, Oregon I. F. Julien 513.13 beginning W f « corner nou ovkh .»...« at **- N ------ 40 2-3 O > 1 AH of Lota 6 and 7, and 8. 149 ft. of , 8. 97 ft.. W. Block 6 in All of Lot 2 and the N 10 ft of Ixrt said addition, thence E 142 W 100 ft; 8 60 ft; E 100 ft to begin- Baginning 100 ft. Eaat of N. W. cor­ Lot 8, Block 7, Hillaboro, Oregon —Ed­ John Thorne McKay, Ella Sine McKay . ! ft.. N. 8 1-3 ft., E. 99 ft., at the N W corner of Lot Beginning I., ». W. 74.5 H. U> begin- ft. 8 132 ft, E 71 1-3 ft, H i 1 «v, ft ........... H 68 ft, W ning, Including the S 9 ft of varnted 12. Block I........... ..................................... 532.86 24 5 ft. ner Block 3, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence S. ward I, Humphrey's Additimi to 'I In Block 6, Oak Grove Addition to Schuimerich . .. 5112.44 Earl Doneison, Lena H. Donelson Mary Ellen Trimmer 164 ft, N 6« ft, W 6() ft, N tu begin­ alley adjoining thereto Frans C. J’aull Hillsboro, Oregon, thence 8 40 fl ; E 100 Hillsboro, Oregon 120 ft.. W. 39 fl., N. 32 ft , W. 11 ft.. Lot 4 of Block 11, Hillsboro, Oregon — ning 1—.. ------- -- ning, and beginning M 8 W corner of • 19.63 North 49 ft. of Lot 8. Block 7, Hills­ Emma McKinney Jr., Ethyl Pauli 510.42 N. 88 ft.. East 50 ft. to beginning—Frank ........ . . 540.85 ft, N 40 ft; W |00 ft to beginning Oregon A. W. King, Mabel C. Beginning at the S. W. corner Block 22, Ixit 6, Block 6, Simmon’s Addition t n J. Schneider, Edith L. Schneider ..... 55.49 boro, The S 39 69 ft of Lot 3 and all of beginning 19 ft E of 8 E corner Lot Mary MacKay 56.34 Lot 6, Block 11, Hillsboro, Oregon—Wil- Hillsbnro, thence N 50 ft, E 60 ft, 8 68 9, Block II, Hlmmun's Addition to Hills­ King . 510.11 thence w N. ,nn 100 ft., Hillaboro, Oregon, **■ * Lot 4 In Block 6, Oak Grovs Addition, Beginning 140 fL 8. of N. W. corner ....... ........... i Ham F. Haase, Anna M. Haase ..... 549.85 H 23 ft of Lot 12 and the N 17 thence E. 74.5 ft., thence N 1 ft, E. ft; W 50 ft; N 18 ft to beginning, leas boro, Oregon, thence N 190.76 ft to alley ft The ('has. Krahmer, Block 8, HUtoboro. «»won. E. I Beginning Beginning at at the the N. W. corner of of Ixrt 13 and the H 46 ft of Lot 13 f o Hillsboro, Oregon Lot 4. Block 11. Hillsboro, Oregon H. 24.6 -w.- ft.. -w„ 8. _. 191 __ ft to N. line of Main a strip 1H ft wide on the Houth »ide of W 66 ft , H 190.76 fl to S line of Block 527.01 144.87 fL, 8. 55 ft., W. 144.87 ft.. N. 8, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence in Block I, Humphrey’s Addition to Hills­ Lilly Kriihmer Lots 4, 5 nnd 6 Benton Bowman 545.18 Oliver O. Cosiett, Viola J. Coe- Street, thence W 99 ft. to beginning J. Cosiett, 65 fU to beginning -Commercial National R5 E 4y 5 ft w. 11, E to beginning also 9 ft of alley E. 49.5 ft.. N #5 ft All of Lots 6 and 6 In Block 6. Oak boro, Oregon Free Methodist Church of •32 86 P. Tamieaie ........................................ 520.68 lelt ...... 51U.72 fi to beginning Hillsboro National Bank Beginning 142 2-3 ft E of N W corner partly vacated on N side thereof Lina Hillsboro, Oregon 517-92 Grove Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon Bank ____ ................................................................... 88.77 Lot 7, Block 11, Hillsboro. Oregon- 8. ......................... 522.09 Beginning 8 1-3 ft. 8. of N. W. corner Lot 6, Block 5, Nimmon's Addition to Tews • hi rr Beginning 100 ft. E. of N. W. corner Lot 14, Block I, Humphrey's Addition < nl hoi I«« llnrrison 511.14 Ix»t 8, Block 22. Hillsboro, Oregon, thence Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E to N E cor­ ’• Oregon, thence E. I Beginning 85 ft. 8. of N. W. corner, W Poole Beginning at H E corner Lot 12, Block to Hillsboro, Oregon Earl Donelson Block 3, Hillsboro, i Ixits 7 nnd k in Block 6, Oak Grove Ad­ Ixrt 1, Block 17, Hillaboro, Oregon — E. 88 ft., 8. 40 ft., W 98 ft.. N. 40 ft. ner of Ix>t 4, E 18 ft to center of alley, 11, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, Ore­ W. 44.87 j Block 8, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence • 19 41 dition to Hillsboro, Oregon John J. Weik 44.87 ft 8. 120 ft., ,, - ‘ — ft., N. 12) ! thence E 16 ft, H 132 ft, W 71 1-3 ft. A. K. Pickens, Georgia 888*88 to beginning 55.14 K 49 6 ft 8 3M ft W 49.5 ft., N. William Josse gon, thence N 81.75 ft; W 100 ft; H •31.07 fL to beginning Lotti« Lottie Smith Smith N 132 ft tr> beginning (Heirs of; Malindn 91.75 ft; E 100 ft to beginning Weata Lot 16, Block I, Humphrey's Addition ( Estate) Pickens 57.14 U. W. 3M ft to beginning Ethel F*u“' Linklater, 1 ‘«•‘'••♦w* Ken- Kan. I t 2. Block 17, Hillsboro, Oregon— I Bowman 58.9» (. Betts Peck Beginning 156.87 ft. Eaat of N. lx.t 9, Block 6, Oak Grove Addition to 817 t 12, Bl«»ck 11, Simmon’s Addition to Ixrt 10 In Block 6, Oak Grove Addition dition to IlillHboro, Oregon Geneva M Hillsboro, Oregon, thence W 100 ft; H Johnson 38.31 of Block M. thenee E. 49.5 ft. 8. 38 ft.. (Liilie L. Barnes, sons and daughters) Oregon, and the North of Ixrt 6, 513 N Mitchell SHO9 to Hillsboro, Oregon Martha Anri Tup­ W. 49 6 ft. to beginning Mary C Cor­ 50 ft; E 100 ft; N 60 ft to beginning 52'* 42 Block 1, Morgan's Addition to Hills­ • 1"74 Wert 40 ft of Ixrt 2, Block 8, Him- Weata C. Betts Peck Beginning at N. E. corner Block 3, win (Estate) .................................... «...53.92 510.41 Lot 2 in Block 1, Tongue*« Addition to per East ona-half of Ixrt 5, Block 17, Hills­ boro, Oregon Kenneth W. Bentley 521.97 mon's Addition to Hillsboro, Oregon, all Hillaboro*. Oregon, thence “ W. 199.12 ft., Lots II nnd 12 In Block 6, Oak Grovg Beginning at N E corner Lot 12, Hillsboro, Oregon, and Lot 7, Block II, Beginning 161 ft., 8. of N. W. corner boro, Oregon Alice Wilkes South % of Lot 2, Bloek 31, Hillsboro, of Lot 3 and ft of alloy vacated adjacent 520.42 8 82 ft.. E. 189 18 ft., N. 83 ft. to be- I (Continued <>n page 7) Town of Hillsboro, Oregon Pool-Gardtisr of Block 8, Hillsboro, Oregon, thence E. 214.90 520.36 I Block 11, Simmon's Addition to Hillsboro, ginning E. C. Brown ... North 149 ft of Lot 4, Block 17, Hills­ i Oregon, less the W. 50 ft. thereof and i thereto Hattie J. Crandall ........ 49.6 ft.. 8 25 ft.. W. 49 5 ft.. N. 26 ft. 850-24 |S ‘/«i of I^rt 6, Block 1, Morgan's Addl- I Beginning 117 ft. North of 8. E. cor- jto beginning Theo Bernards ........... 52.58 boro, Oregon 1, H. Rica then ce nor Block 3, Hillsboro, Oregon, Page Six tiun to Hillsboro, Oregon i Ù ‘‘ m JÎTÏM