THE Tliui'Htlay, October 27. 1932 i HILLSBORO Doern, Neil itichard on and Gerald I'crkinsi discussion Robert ( 'oub rant*. Way tie Tupper, Robert Diim more; service Bob Tupper, Her burl Mohr, John Eldridge A sj>e rial »« m 'I m I committer was also ap- pointed consisting of Wayne Rood, I «*lur Bidchelar and William Doern All of the committer* should hr active by next meeting Two m-w members were voted Into the club, Richard KraiiH and Denzel Stunk aril T hey will hr iriiti «t« (irerley, P 'Slor group'» •how. I room uith the (logs both Lincoln stiret lly Paul I' Adam». «»« k ’ u II vu OiuRMit i>»lry <,«ii»H«'ll Roy Fair of Newport visited Sun­ Evange!i*tir services Salurdn will Io* the topic of Pastor H tiler would stand up mid bark Soon .lie Ihr Itnliwlil» I'» ,,lr *■**■ evening at M o’clof’k Sunday school next Sunday morning, in preparu- day at the home of Orin Fair. butter fed «l««gi would bark .heir Rev. Claude Sabin of Forest wiiv» lierii l»*rii ll>'* Hiy«l«*f>"u* quiet m ; devotion d, II a. m ition for tlie election day 10 a I greeting mid subside Into Grove will preach at the church of Mini The I'“* perfume "r ,,"‘ (in tin* other hand »hr si bsti young peojile’*, ‘.rivK «’, l»;30 ]> lit . —a I—- I nu** (... p<>»rr uf electricity, iliilrl'lly. l,'r Christ Sunday it I o’clock. would continue to bark urr.'ii hing service, 7:45 p iii Wed trinity Lutheran Church I tute dogs .-r J »nr Ann I routman and Richard Third and Walnut Street» nesdav « veiling bible study. ( om« .... I for tlie entire lime u,,y gravity amt the humun »paik « • mid bou « find the thought» ami Beal were ab*«-iit from *« bool Fri­ near mid often wr heard ( ifttrifr Itenlr, i'asti.r you arc wrlcome. »itnhiy I ihi «* i one was ’ day on account of illness. mh I ioiim oí mm from ihr dawn Ilium i after everyone Imd left tlo — ii — lb* .«rvii« uill be conducted In ... hioiMi*"«* *' 'Die Parent Teacher association English next Sunday and will begin •slrenir uf hUtury S. I. I.l I t I II Í « •« M I ' • ' ' room i. llils imli ales uh Rredville Community Church at 10:.T0 a. m.; Sunday school and will meet at the school house Thurs­ have «hVuhd their ib »ughlh to II»« nervous condition which soon be- TT ioiiihs Duncan, Minister bible ria»» at 9:4.5. Srrinon text, day afternoon, November 3, at liiorr comium» but not ir»» vii«»! cainr r apparent --------- in other symptoms ” Sunday school every .S u n d a y 2:30. Deut. 6, 12. Ihr dog» wrrr frd Ihr »am.* r" llihitf» which wc cannot ver and yet morning at 10 o ’ clock. Y. P. S. ( ’ frei and experience ra» h da> ‘»I tiun during the entire teit mid esi li At the card party given by the On November 2 at 8 p. m , the du I. every Sunday evening at. (i:30 day »howrd a markrd Imiirovrment Lutheran churches of Washington Pythian Sister» Wednesday eve­ our live». o'clock. Worship service and ser ning, October 19, .Mrs. William i important question to man In »Ur und »trrnglh "f Ihr hiill.r eounty will unite in a »ervicr at The ..... . ... . mon on the first two Sundays of ..,.1 ..... the Congregational church in For­ Joos and Andy Christenrr had high kiml, now and ever, *- ha* * bren i What frd dog». Ihr mprrlmrnt did m.t each month at 11 a. in., and at est Grove to commemorate the Re wore and Mrs. Andy Christenrr • re the uiy»trri<>u» element» In provr at Ihr flr.t of Ihr tr»t that 7:30 p in. on the remaining Sun forinaHon Prof. E. Brandt of I'ort- and Patrick Davis were second /taken Into the system Ihr »ul.ilitutr» werr proving dirr. th food which, ...----- -- days of each month. Women’s Mis l'ind will deliver the address. Music The next card party will be held mul Ii.ed by the'* .hlt.*»li'r Injurious tu Ihr dog» I" that gr""P slonary aociety meets on the fourth f<»r the occasion will be furnished Wednesday evening, November 2, • »»trill, luiye priuliK I'l li u r III • I hui Illat Ihr Improvcmrlil. Il“* ""r Thursday of each month. tf by the cMpella choir under the di­ with Mrs. Henry Cypher and Mrs. growth noil henllhy nmloteono'e ol mal growth which »liould br r» — i:— Laurel ‘’One of the best pro­ tin lotril working liuiomi lioilyj prcteil "'“1 Ihr hralth and vigor J rection of Rev. P. Schaut. You are Loel Hollenbeck as hostesses. Oranco Community Church Mrs. Ruth Moyer organized 4 11 Some year» ago learned food which piippir» *>f ihl» “g<* u»uallv gram» that was ever given in the cordially welcomed to w^orship with Thomas C. Duncan, Minister i rooking and canning clubs at the »(■Irntiftl» <«nd nutrition expert* di» „ttaln, wa» much murr markrd In hall” was the verdict of Ihr crowd us. .Sunday school every S u fl d a y school house Friday afternoon, Of- entered certain Utal element» in the hiillrr frd piippir» A, ihr n E. Julius Traglio. Pastor • » • t. t I a «■ laa IA i * «* land, receiving medical treatment. day of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mays for groutli and protection from dis (log wrlghril morr tlinn the lower Sunday school every Sunday al Ihrer weeks were spent in a hospi­ ea»e 1» Vitamin A In their search Mr. and Mrs. M. R Finck and one for every ounce of K»ln. tliu 10 a. m. with German service the North Plains The Jolly Musket ­ tal, after which she was at the for food» rich in thin essential sons Donald and I.ester visited with flog» on butter aubxtltute, utr 3U first and third Sundays of t h e eers club of the local school are Mrs. Finch’s mother, Mrs. Marian Vitamin the M*lenti*t» found that I per cent * m«»rr < »lorlrv of food |>cr home of her sister, Mr». Pearl month and English srrvice the sec­ w'ivmg a carnival Friday evening at Cypher, .Sunday. dairy profluct», r*prcially butter, pound Old <«f of body weight tbiui tbo.e Ih'ge Her mother, who was with ond and fourth Sundays, nt 11 a the school house at 7:30. There her the last eight weeks, returned Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zahl spent w«re among the leading food. An on bini,» butter ..... But .» It — did — - no more good m. Epworth League service every will be a free program. Everyone Sunday in Portland visiting friends it her Vitamin also i«re»cnt in but Hum »o much »awdii.l Since illnr.a h< me m ilh her. other .Sunday at 8 p. m. Service al I is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cutting Mrs F.melia Hogrefe was honor l.r wa» found to be Vitamin D mill death iHi-urrrd. Ihr money Banks Methodist church everv .Sun­ Miss Margaret Davis entertained of Tigard spent Saturday night| m hit h v it« discovered *(• be a pre »prill for the hullrr »iib.lltulr wu, guest .Saturday at the W I. Strv evening at 7:30 o'clock. day i uith a dinner Sunday evening, and Sunday at the home of Mrs. I Mutative of rickelx in growing wa»lrd. ». wa» al»o the luonry rns home, when her daughter, Mr* 1 T hose present were Miss Mildred Cutting’s parents, .Mr. and Afr«. »prnl for all other food that tlirae W I I. Stevens, entertained for her bodies. I Meek, Christian Church Miss Vera Sandford, Rob- Fred Brown. It i* human nature to b«* most Dhr Imiter »uh.tllutr« dog») ale 73th birthday anniversary Twenty* 3rd and Baseline Streets * rt Johnstone, Lanore ] Lydia and it-lrr<»t<(l in experiment» c«»nducte*| Thr.r dog» developed dlgr»llvr and five guests were present Out-of- Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Davis and Elmer Patterson, Minister Patrick and Arthur Davis. t*lt hc to our hoior unuer local •« ii - rr.piratiiry trouble», while Ihr but­ town guests were Mr* Hogrrfe's son Patrick and Miss Mildred Meek A good gain in Bible school at Mr and Mrs. W. Wienecke of spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. two daughters, Mrs. Hattie Wil* dition» and it 1» for thi» reason ter dog* rrmaiurd healthy tendance was shown last Sunday North Plains, Mrs. J. N. Grabel Joseph Ricfenroth at Patton valley. that recent experiment* and (red Dr Moore mid all other per»on< limns and Mrs. Edna Bagley of ing test» conducted by the I'nivcr who walchrd Ibi» «périment mid Hillsboro, Mrs. Ed Kraus of Farm- even though several of our people and Alma Coomes of Hillsboro vis­ *itv of Oregon Medical school In even Ihoar who »tuily the varimi» Ington and Mrs. Jolin Haase of were in attendance at the ('hristuin ited with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stur­ HOMER C. ATWELL Endeavor convention at Gaston. The devant of Portland Sunday. Mrs. their nutritional research lab«»ratoiy, j illuatration» taken during Ihr Irai Firdale. Homer Charles Atwell, 71, For­ pastor has met with many friend* Sturdevant is a daughter of Mr». Mr and Mrs. (’. J. Waldron and under the direttion of Dr (’ IT- are convinced that butter contain. est Grove postmaster for eight y »*r» Moore of Portland, are of Hint m» »tenon» rlrment, that vital daughter Eleanor arrived last week of former years in his visitation* 1 N Grabel and an aunt of Mrs. years and for six years director of which have been pleasant indeed W Wienecke. to make their home with Nirs Wa| special interest to Oregon people »omrthlng. which Hie grow mg body Portland’s earwig campaign, died Past C hiefs’ club of Pythian Sif­ in Forest Grove Monday. One ««f the most *trikiiig example» muât have to maintain II» normal (Iron’s aunt, Mrs. Mary M (honey. Services next laird’s day as fol­ I I he Woildons were formerly resi­ low*»: Bible s(’hor feeding experiments on a litter bltionlr*» rye» oi f hungry mm io Mr \\ aldron’s father. They arc very uing service, 7:30. The ordinance was decorated with orange and cific university, and was a mem­ «»f puppies T'wu uf these pups. hr seen In line* at welfare soup much pleased with this part of the of Christian baptism will br ad *7 days of feeding, arc genri irral lurk of health tone bring pupil in the l aurel school. in Cambridge, Vt., July 29, 1861, used Io illustrate this article Mrs. Boland of Jacktown was a come and participate in all serv- and Julius Schoenberg having high and was married to Cora R. Rus­ k fearful pictures of Ill-fed chil bad ices. score, Mrs. Andy Chrislener and Eight puppies, ill of normal con­ Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. sell September 5, 1889, at Glen­ dren In famine or war swept coun Will Joos second, and Mrs. Loel wood, la. The couple came to Or- dition and strength and all litter tries. In these unfortunate puppies Louise Brunner. Christian Science Society Hollenbeck and Stanley Hahn low Ulates »rre placed in separate cages Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields and were sacrificed on the altar who for this CMpcriinrnt They were fed uf lllfeetiing wr see the human children Frances and Earl, visited Services are held every Sunday at in ’’SOO.” The Pythian .Sisters will have identical rations with one exception rounterpu rt <»f humanity which Sunday at the home of Mr. Fields’ II a. m.; Wednesday evening serv­ In the choice of food (>ne group, from lack of know ledge or lack of cousin, Mrs. Ezra Harris of Cor ices at N o’clock; »Sunday school at their annual roll-call and home­ the check |»en. *. ts fed their nor money must br fed oil careless, un­ vailis. Iliey were accompanied on 9.15 a. m. Pupils up to the age of coming meeting the third Friday mal ration, plus butter, the other suitable diets. thr trip up * , * by / his uncle, John 2<) years are welcomed. Sunday’* evening in November. Miss Eugenia Cypher and Mrs. group, lh< same ration plus .1 but­ ‘‘Everlasting Punishment.” The question immediately come» Fields who returned to his home subject, • ler substitute Both groups were to mind, just how many of the un­ there after visiting relatives and F R. Chamberlain and children fed some luilk products, which tend fortunate souls who are bring fed friend» here for xrvernl weeks, i Dorothy and Duane drove down Congregational Church ed to take the place of some of ••economy” ration», often prepared Mm. Boland of Jarktown was Henry S. Haller, Pastor the elements found lacking in tlie by those unversed in human nutri a Sundn.v vlxitor nt the home of October 30 (Sunday before All siihstitute dog ration*, ns shoun by lion will later br forced to seek Mm l.ouhe Brunner. Saints’ Day): Church .school, in all the illustration» John Helm 1» now uble to hr departments, 9:45 a. iii medical or optical care from other rn . Pastor's "The first indication of lack of public welfare agriirir», at the ex around the house on crutches. ... Hr Bible class. 10 o’clock. Chief serv­ proper feeding u as noticed about penne of tlie taxpayer, all because has been confined to his bed most Ice of il 1153 Washington St. ttr>hip, 11 o'clock, with worship, the third week.” says Dr. Moore, in their ‘•public welfare *- •• »■ • were of the time since hay harvest, when i sermon on “ I Phone 1561 ” diets "For All the Saints” commenting upon the experiment lacking in those essential, vital food he fell from a load of hay and in-1 There will be no evening service •'When attendants into the element» which the M’irntbt» have jurrd his hip. i of worship; instead an open house The Misses Nellie a n <1 Esther will br held, beginning with a dis­ railed the Vitamin* > Rothatrum and Hines IImdrickson cussion hour at 7 o’clock. All young of Portland were Sunday guests of people of high school age or over HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Friday, October 14. the senior tlie ladies’ INiother, Mrs. G. Roth- are especially invited. C. M. Coote, W. C. Brown, and November 1 (All Saints' Day): rl» were initiated into the Philo •trom. The visitors were accom­ R. C. Brown, Props. The initiation took place on panied home by Mrs. Sidnev Roth The church will br open throughout Main »trert still at Ihr bollir of •trom and baby son, who remained the day for private meditation and Wilson. Thirty-nine senior until Monday. prayer, in memorial of those who i Both Mrs. Flora Baker accompanied have passed to the larger life. Itirln joinril tbr club. Mi.i I'oolr’» I.niin III cl««» rlrct- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatman and November 2: Open forum meet-! rr Giri Rr,cries met Monday. HaroM', grandparent». Mr. a n d court was out recently and pur­ For your health’s sake ask for Guaranteed October 24 The new members took •,r* E “i.. .. . chased two and one-half acres more and get Kruschen at the Delta Mr. nn< and * ^rs. Mrs. M Walter n test uhich they had to pass be- ailer Dailey of land for quarry purposes. Drug store or any drug store— Experienced i n Orthopedic fore thrv could Join th.* club nnd Newjmrt are a the home of hi, Walnut harvest will be completed the cost for a bottle that lasts 4 work, in charge Foot . . * . ...... . ' nii>ili«*r >1 rs: ( »Hie Dailey, I)i>il«»«' n here |mother, Mrs. Callie for a this week. A $r«»od crop of the old members divided into groups weeks is but a trifle and if after Department. fine quality nuts is reported from the first bottle you are not joy­ to hear favorite poems. •'Crossing few day.«' visit. Mr nnd Mrs. George Tews and most orchard.«. Only a feu blight­ fully satisfied with results—money the Jlar” by Tcnny»on nnd the "Financier," author unknown, were | ton Jimmie were Sunday visitors ed ones are found. The I.. A. Whit­ back. Adv. nt the home of Mrs Tews’ par­ tle company orchard yielded about chosen ns tbr best of the group. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cline of 12 tons; the young trees in the First practice of the newly or- John ('rawford orchard yielded tuo ganixed high school orchestra was cast of Hillsboro. and Mrs. nriti invMiav ««««»«« r *•»» *^ r nn< ^ Ml ’ S. J. I. Anderson tons nnd Edwin Taylor harvested held ITirsday under the direction u'f'.'. r'"l ¡¿PtatO, I 'the j «"<1 «<»"» <»« HHI»horo were five tons from his young trees. PRODUCIS Portland Sy iii|ili<»n\ OR H< li' ' Mr Un twa caroas DePinto gave nn interesting pro­ gram before the assembly, assisted r by Mrs. Fred Sewell. 1151 Third Strwwt Tbr C-lli dub met Thursday» lidi.boro. Oregon October 20. President ap­ Phon. 911 pointed the following permanent committees: Program W i I I i a in Butter Important in Healthy Growth of Every Individual RELIGIOUS SERVICES H "Broadcasters” Class Gives Good Program n Program Friday at North Plains School Hillsboro Truck Co / General Trucking and Contract Hauling Wood - Fuel Formerly Hillsboro Truck & Fuel Co. Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In Just 4 Weeks Bring Your Foot Trouble To Us Pape Five rgon in 1891, settling here Mrs. survived by a daughter. Mrs. A. I< Atwell survives. Christian Science Kanaga of San Francisco, and a services will be held at the Forest •on. L. Hartwig of Oakland. Cal. Grove Cndertaking company chapel azs p ... . at O 2:30 m. I uesday interment Argus classified Mils get results. Will hr in tlie Forest \ irw cerne- tery MRS BARBARA HARTWIG Forest (»rove i Special) Bar­ bira Hartwig, 85, past matron and life member of th Astoria ___ __ chapter i»f the Eastern .Star, died at *the Masonic home near Forest Grove Saturday. Fern chapter. Order Eastern Star of Portland, conduct* ' rd services at the Portland crema­ torium Tuesday. .Mrs. Hartwig is I To Northwest Mutuil Life Insurance Compiny LAYING HENS RACE TO DUCK THE SUNSHINE Policyholders Rut L. C. Beall, Jr., Kuowt U hat to Do pnultrrmrn ar« well aeqoalnUd With Ua pWigr-wd 8 o. Whlta Ufhnr» •to«» t»r»d oy Mr. L. C. Basil, Jr., nt Vaehon, Washington H» a*M a laying n so eon tain In < JUOPCO XX Concentrate v .. B I •r» Health aad top production in summer. Mr Beall. Jr., »aye, •’!» very warm *-•'*•» • bird «ou t it., oat In Ik. us. I • bin. inl-ia ah. la for«« to do »q ,od tbax •»• x »e. mfortebl,. Tk., anj.,, ik. • hlno bat It la • qawtlon aa to tba .moan, • r altr, Tlol.t r*7. b, ik.m. par. tlralorl, darin, tba la:« enmmar month. • h«n th. hlmoaphm la quit, foil oi •**■*•. tkoi prokikIU», th. altr. viola, »•ya pMain, throb,h. W. consider th. SiOPCO XX ebr.p Inaorxneo la ka.pio, a, lho .amm.r production.** Mr fad-r Kulp, of ItOPCO, •*• "■*• reader, of thia paper real Informa­ tion if th., ear, io writ, for • opr.ial letterilia folder lellln, * Wbtl 15 Pro- **■••"*» of Poultry Hoabandry Hay A Loot r.odmx iitao i. l > * n ao, , I uJIrymnn—.how thia ad to year oei.h- bor «ho In. Tba folder la qalta worth •hila. No rhar.o — pncp.H Addroa. to HOPCO, 455 CaUornta 8trwl baa Araaciaca. HELP WANTED Oregon citizens are on the brink of ruin, facing the bit- 11er prospect of losing properties by tax confiscation. I With a high-powered taxing machine, designed for more than the traffic will stand, the tax boosters have speeded 1 along, without effective control. They are now on the j edge of the ditch. Talk of tax strikes is heard, but far more serious is the utter inability of property owners to pay their taxes. Many governmental units, by reason of tax delinquen­ cies are on the verge of bankruptcy. 99 Fortunately, the opportunity is at hand for clear think­ ing citizens to take control and direct a safer course. Two constructive measures now on the ballot will in­ sure efficient driving of the tax machine and a slower We have a number gait. o f imported monu­ These measures embody the improved Oregon Plan of ments which we are tax and debt supervision and control—the best plan ever presented in any state. „ offering for 60 days They will secure very substantial reductions in the only at greatly re- property tax load and thereby promote better government. They will definitely separate tax levying from tax ducetl prices. spending powers. They will provide effective limitations and control of taxes and indebtedness, but positively will not disturb the These monuments from Sweden, Finland and Germany existing 6'< limitation nor lift the lid of any debt re­ striction now fixed by constitutional provision. are of very high quality and rare bargains at prices we They will preserve the true substance of home rule in are asking. taxation, distinguished from the empty form of that great principle as it has been perverted by tax boosters to their Term« if desired own selfish purposes. Voters, the appeal is to you to help yourselves and your fellow citizens, to save Oregon property owners from im­ pending ruin and your governments from fiscal chaos by voting: , ‘A viation G asoline ,/ UNITED AIR LINES (a/ir/eAt a^eiS of atnaficn rfoAvltne tn (he teoM buy it exclusively font STANDARD Oregon Monument Works H. H. STANNARD I STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA) Hillsboro, Ore. Phone 121 LYLE NOSI.ER. Sales Manager .119 Main St. :: Forest Grove Tax and Debt Control Constitutional Amendment 318 X Yes Tax Supervising and Conservation Bill 320 X Yes I OREGON TAXPAYERS EQUALIZATION and CONSEBVATION LEAGUE JAMES E. BURDETT, President R. C El.ANDERS, Secretary (Paid Adv.) 604 Woodlark Building, Portland. Oregon. AGENT Every form of Protection: Fire, Automobile, Casualty, Liability, Fidelity, Surety and Life. Phone 1732 1164 3rd St. N on -S kid T ires FISCAL year cloaca October 31, and we are offering un­ usual bargain» during the month of October. October and November are the dangerous months of the year for driving. Trade in your thin, worn tires for Firestone non-skid tires, used by race drivers because they are the safest tires in the world. Glen Schultz recently set a new world's record for tho Pike» Peak climb, where hair­ pin turns were made at high speeds and where a skid or tire failure meant death. All world’s records on road and track, for safety, speed, mileage and endurance are held by Firestone Gum-Dip­ ped Non-Skid tires. Come in today and exchange your smooth, thin, worn tires for the safest and best tires you can buy. They cost" you no more — besides, in this October Clear­ ance Sale we will give you a liberal allowance on your old tires in exchange for these safe non-skid Firestone tires. PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER DRIVING Compare Construction, Quality, Prie. Tlrestsas SENTINÍL TYP« SIZE 4.40-U... 4.50-20 i 4.50-21 4.75- 19... 4.75- 20. 5.00-19.. 5.00-20 5.00-21... F 5.25-18 h 5.25-2L. Cjum dipped Caah Priea < -aah Priea Per Pa if ¡ Each •4.15 4- 4« 4. *7 5.17 5. *« 5.55 5- *5 5.M •■•5 •7.»» »•7» ••94 1«.X4 1«.4« 1«.M i«.«e 11.5« IX. >4 I5-M CORD PLIES «UNDER THE TREAD' < 8 Quick dependable starting with Firestone Courier Type Bat­ terie». 13 full »ize plates— •Fully T guaranteed by Fircloue and ourselves. Special Sale of Monuments Chas. L. Walker *" Tirestone EARL F. HEARING Ph. G. Si Local agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, which is over 75 years old. has one bil­ lion assets, pays large dividends and has a low net cost. TRADE-IN SALE THE PALM Drug Store f CHARLES L. WALKER S pecial O ctober C learance We Can Help You $6.90 Aa an authorized agent of this company I shall be glad to meet with its policyholders and rend­ er any service I can. 40 SIZE 4.40-Î1 AUTO POLISH OMBagwv Sentinal—$5.25 Standard___ 7.65 Superior____ 9.20 Extra Power .13.30 lour Old Mattery Prrciaion anti efficiency in man­ ufacturing Firestone Batteries gives you Extra Values. You'll find Grester Power — I-ongcr Life in Firestone Batteries. Cleans and polishes at the same time. Leave«hard dry luster that does not collect dust. Easy to apply. 50« FREE SATTERY TEST FREE BRAKE TEST Smooth, quiet brake action with Firestone High Speed Brake Uning—The Firestone Aquapruf process coats every fiber and insulates the lining so it is not effected by water or moisture. Free Spark Plug Tact Fireetoae Extra Value Spark l*lug»arw Power Scaled Doubla lea led lo insure inaure satisfactory Mtiaf.ctory service. Made in Fire« tone’s moat efficient Spark Plug Factory. As low as eOSLETT'S SUPER SERVICE STATIOR 1105 Baseline Phon« 1263