THE HILLSBORO Thursday, October 13, 1932 ARGUS, WANrr Al) SECTION ( laMifixl Column, cloM ,1 12 o'clock Wr> «ervli e le»« than 26r) I-n. h adilltlonal I n ««r I ion. per Is ward < No servira !«>•« I hall 25c J 1« It wuder«. par word (No servira m» limn 25c) Count Ward*» H»nd Mm»»y Count ïuur i'ruflt« Black I m» mitt»«!. Heading» per- Nut C h !» «h”uld accompany t>»• order. Out of f« n»«» h» »II no I of orni»- timi un ih» rUa-iíird p«M» will b» alvvn out until th» paper i» |««u»d. announcements 1 HINTING or otherwise Ire« ... i pi i i i <- A < halm* « « II I! tlulm.i« r «urpli:». h»v<- froarn fr«»h ,rn. »alibit». «Iu< k». »!y io Special rale» H |xr month i nntha* peih-l lerminn III |c» HMM« < >> . IIil!.)»*'i•• phone I t :i3tf uur P»ri»*,< prlcsd lower « linp«rfr>*t Mt«ir«. ir> I I ft A for »ny bill« . Whlln r* Floyd Whit- HAULING I RANSFER 3. dlatntic» arid Karr. I’h< ne n Bftt f « EMI TI.RII.S UH I.AWN CI.MKTKIl? WEST »nd ««f Main «trwt. Hilhhor«». Tlx only i-rnifiery In in Waablngton Wa»ldngt”n county o providing p< , ‘ car» for «very g rav». ..•nt of rr< cip ’ « » fr<>«»» »al« Thirty |>rr c»nt r«-»i|< of lol« ret naid» for Upkeep Grava lota and up. Fur Information phon» I3tf 2204. 10 WAN IUD W X » I Rt i» II Itili»! Mitcrllanrou* actor John Pubûla, 33-4 11 wanted. H* holi« 3 ip M AN I H> y I rrry I D WOKK WAN 12. •> ..... nth. , 4.Illi. tr«i> T i* per W ahi F V II II N< F I« I A » ISM. »I < hi A < >tea< mer I I I X bu.ln«u >rk I ■I ai • I ll<> Del . need i farm VS «I It M T II. T haï A I’ we i TRAC Ph II ■4P I C a» n»w 29lf mineral a gl««« S»«’” nd * (ARS 15 i I» Gat i sf e WANTED C A II S l,>ill»hrd Ptinted USED CAR EXCHANGF ITumr 2051 16 RADIOS 1«. FUEL 19 SEEDS, PLANTS R adio Sales «nd H«*rvlc». RCA tul*»- ruivkft of radio. Sr» _ Servie» Oil any Iteid H Connell at llristol Hardware^ SOtf |*h«>n» 761. |Bll»l»oro. I IRHT ria«« «W' nm I for »air Fir. oak am! l’h«»na ash. - Ray Urhman. IHIT. E<)R wood, coal «»r Gaaco briquet*, «’•li Hillsboro Ir» Works, ¡‘bona 2383 X 29tf .....I wood. No. I. 14 J OLD GROWTH cord 12-lnrh. . f . • ft«». «Irlivrrrd. 16-lneh, 14 50; 1Z-L ..... Main Full measure guarantee«!. 1350 I7tf St. Phon» «0IY. 2nd growth, 13.50; CORDWOOD 4 ft-. A-l ul«l growth, abler. 84. Truman or pl»« mo 224, B<>y«!. Mount »iridale, 17tf 1213 Third Hi. G»org» L. Hand- DIESEL ••«! f»«*l Foraat Grove, ml denier. ricks, funi str Rhone 848J. Hil'.CIAL lot re«* lean rd. mix«! vetch and winter oats for «ale. 1** rente per Il î f p«»un<1.- Farmer»' Cash atore. for sale. Hen OATS ami vetch seed near Lelsy- CuUMenn, Rt. 3. Hillsboro. 1 31-Ip Ville I’ 'll I X ' ARM MACHINERY 22. I GAS engine. 2‘j h p. for «ale <»r traile. II lannler, 2 miles north of Huber, on Walker road. USED Bt-20 McCormick-D«MTini: tractor for «ale. cheap. I*. J. Duyi'k, ( urn«- I tlon, Oregon. 8^-4 15 io TRAI TOR in A-l condition f«>r salo «ir trade for balm! clover or vetch hay. Martin Bernards, Orrnro. 32tf FARM light plant with «<|iilpment. cheap. John II« Im. Rt. 2. Hillsboro ; 6 miles Aj*oulh on Laurel rond. IS LIFE ♦ By Charlea Sugh’Of 3>RLVS f Laurel School Students On Roll Of Honor Taffe Nine Mr .»nd Mrs Kidiaril Whittle 1 trmlrd the funeral services of W. in Portland Monday laat week. Mr. and Will an (I ,daughter re Sunday afternoon Mr Will’s parents* M John Will of Beaverton. The pl icr fM’ciipieil by A. E For­ ria, formerly known th«’ Henry Matthes place, ha« been sold to Mr. arid Mrs. Shaw of Portland, LI tr entire acreage is being pre­ pared to s set out in walnuts and filberts. Mr. Forrla will continue tn r reside * on the place for the pres- rnt . While visifing friends in Portland iiurday, \ndrr*w Egrsdahl» s«-rioiirtlv ill and was operated on for appendicitis ¡n a hospital there Hr w IH recovering «athfactorily at ’ i ’ reports. I hr family recently moved to the Lizzie Schmidt place. llie school h is received rerei veil the “Ut­ ile Library“ from Salem. The pl.«> "h« r| h.-is been equipped tor ba a iketball. * Earl Biker and Lloyd Dailey made a bti^inr-s trip to Florence I st Saturdav, making the trip both bv the Salmon river eut- »ff. >i dixtunce of 320 mile The are very imoil with the ex­ rrpiion of 12 or 1.5 mile. bet ween 5 achat, and Florence that are tin- der construction. F I.. Brown ) and daughter Lillie »ftendrd the football game i n Portland Ja.t Satu I _____ rda _ v. Several friend' and former neigh­ bor. of Mr,. I.oui .• Brunner called ■ t her home Sundav. Thev w'ere Mr, Fr.nk H..f of Cott a sre'Grove. Mrs. Her f. Mr. Charles Ch rk «nd daughters lit, and Bonnie Mrs. Frazirr, Mrs. Gemer and Grandmother Jack of Jacktown, A new coat of .. paint t_ _ is brighten- Hvcn- Ing up George Tews’ house. \ new roof is bein? put on the John Mullov house a half-mile east •>f the store. The tenants, the Burr- family, are doing the work. I hr young clover crop which promised a good stand at grain rutting time is icrioiisly ’ * damaged by the long, dry spell. rl«»thing, food md household good« for the* faniilira whose home* were detttroyrd in the recent lire«. They hove tied twelve v”quilta. J. C. !• roeschlr of Portland spent the wrrk-rnd nt the home of hi* d tughtrr and son in law, M r. anil Mrs. C. 11 Kelley. Mrs. Ernest Nelson returned to her home in Hillsboro this week, »fter 'pending several days at the home of Mrs. Andy Christenrr. Miss Eugenia Cypher of Timber ■pent Friday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cy pher. The Past Chiefs* club will give a rani party at the home oí Mr«. P. A Qu dis this Friday afternoon. The public in Invited. Mr. and Mrs. F. R (’hnmberlain ■ nd family of Timber spent the tv rrk-end it the home of his pur- rnts, Mr. «nd Mrs. D. A. Chamber- lain. Six girls of the North Plain« M’hool organized < I H sewing club under the leadership of Miss Hila Cornelius, The following officer« were elected: J* Margaret Smith, prrs- ¡dent; Betty Coonn .1«, vice-president; Millicrnt Fair, \ secretary, and Evn Kernon, treasurer. The other mcm- hers are M.ary W ilkinson and Irene Langue, lhe girls are taking up division I sewing. Mr. and Mrs. Coppnz and •on Raymond of Portland, Mrs. Teni- pieman and daughter Arlecn of Beaverton, F>ed Karge of Hills- boro, and Mis« Ella Tucker of Ti­ gard were guests at the Mike Zahl home Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Ruth Will were Mrs. Berry of Orenco and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson and children of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M alter O’Dam and Mrs Jo Avers of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moyer. Several from North Plains at­ tended the P. T. \. county coun­ cil meeting at Dilley Saturday. Those attending were Mrs. Edward Moyer, Mrs. James Davis, Mrs. Fred Br«»wn. Mrs. Carl Christener, Mrs. Tom Stigum, Miss Hila Corne­ lius and Mrs. Merritt Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Walker and son of Portland visited at the Mike Zahi home Sunday. Mrs. Carl Christener entertained with a birthday dinner for Miss Hila Cornelius Friday evening. ThoM* present were Mrs. Ruth Will, and Betty and Sanford Will, Miss Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christener and daughter Phyllis. The Girl Scouts gave two hand­ kerchief showers last week for Mrs. Carl Christener and Miss Hill Cornelius, whose bitrhdays were this month. Mrs. Orin Fair entertained with a dinner Sunday ... in honor w of , the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. U. Wienecke. Those present were Mr and Mrs. W. Wienecke • nd children, Mr. and Mrs. Carl White. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Fair and children, Ivan White, Ennse Fair and Tom White. ............ Mrs. Mr. ___ and ____ Mrs. Heckman, Marie I.iesman, Mr. .Morris of Port­ land and Charlie Hess were guests «t the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Langue Sunday. The Pythian Sister card party scheduled for Wednesday _________ z ....... night this week at the K. P. hall was post­ poned until next Wednesday. Laurel Ridge Aid Meets October 20 North Plains Folk Aid Fire Sufferers COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK • (.<•«>«1 I’ m il ( nrs, any m*»»r, | 1931. Th® f'irther «urn of $76.Ml, U*- R«'th«*r with iiitireat thereon at th« rate ' of «ix per «ent p«*r annum from the 20th »lay uf S)’|>ternber. 1932. Th® further »um uf $Z2 *5, coat« coata an«l diNburaernenta, and th® coat» uf and upon thia writ, ><>m»nti ndiug me to lu make mak« »al» •«!• of th« following dew« rib«d pro|>«rty xll- x-ribsMl real uate«i in th® County uf of Washington, Htate of Oregon, to-wit: All «f th h«> West Half (Wm of 1x4 Numlremi Th r®» Hundre! Twenty- Two 1322 i, i. uf Juhtixuti Fatata Addi- ' tlon U, Bea vertifli-Recai vUi« Acreage, aecordb ig lo iba «July reror«ie«| plat ther.f. now on file In the of fir« of th® Ite < rd« r uf ('onveyarx m uf the 1 County < .f Washington, Stal« uf Or»- [ gon, eir irig therefrom 26 feet uff th* Ea«t hl« whi’h i» reserv««! for road purp»j»««. Now. therefor», by virtu« of ••14 ex- 1 erqtion, judgment order, >l«^*re« and or- der uf »ale and in compliance with the i«D uf »aid writ, 1 will on Mon- «i»y. th« <• 24th day uf Ori/iber. 1932, at ten o'cl lock A M., at th« E m «* front door of Ciunty Cvurt Hous« at ‘ HillaU,r< . gon, tell at puh »lie auction (ttUbjcrt t, highest >t!emption), to the 1 bidder f r b Ii ........ «.ii th« right, thte an.j i rest whi«*h the within narn- ed defrnd.’i and each an«! all .f them iri the &i> «•«.titled suit had on the Slat «lay .f March, 1920, the date uf th« rnortga herein forecJot «rd, and sine« that date hi ! in ami to the above de­ •crllx-'l pr rty, or ny part thereg/f, to »at in f y i. judgment order and de«r«-« st«, and accruing coat«. Dated S» P’emlfer 21. 1932. First pu i ¡i- atlun September 22. 1932. Laat pul ..»'ion Octcr 20, 1932. JOHN W. CONNELL, >f WaihmgUfji County, Oregon. . corporation, I In Wn«hington < ounty, <)r<’g<>n, particu- u«a«>rtm»nt of n»w and second­ gori Poultry Farms., Ine., a G I inlhart, Bi*<*ht«»l«l-Powell & As- Imly 4k CFroed «"» follow«: farm mn< blurry at a big aavlng. I, Beg irm Ing on th«* Nor’h lim of | . f i • î '<• "I iviii A • * » ‘î part « »oriate«, hie , a rurpuratIon, Everett Fen­ Walnut Hlr»»t 275 f«wf W««t of •f th« V Hullt, 1250 Hn’.ind Hl. I2»f ton, romiiion law a««lgn«*e fur th« bene Houlhrit’*t ««>rn»r of Block A. Fair- fit uf U»» erediterà of Bwhteld-I'owell A vl»w Addition to th» City «>« 1 HHia- A. orla»««, Ine , «nd If H. H«intley ar» 21 b<«ro, Oregon ; running th«'iu-*» W««t dcfemlanta, directing m» to make »al« of The nttrndanre roll of honor for 62% I f«*»t. ; then«’» North 100 feet ; property herwinafter >ont«f, Oregon, Stoller, Kenneth, Burl and Nor­ W« h I and 100 loo feet feet. North «»I of th« 33 •ell to fl»« hlgheat bidder fur raah ill man and Harold Blackburn, Earl Houthrftftt corner uf Blurb n«»* A. Fair- hand, lb» following «M| real prop­ view Addition ’« i the City ol uf Hill»- Field«, Billy M< Nay, Kobert and erty ailuated In Washington (.‘minty, Or­ Oregon; running ; thori«'» W»»t bor> egon t Let» Spriring, Fred and Stanley ! 105 fe«t to the East line uf Ninth Numbered I, 2, 4 5 and 6, In Cordidgr, Lawrence Dodge, Edward 1 Htraat In «aid city; then«« North 48 llloeli nurnb»r»*l 9 of Talbot*« A’hll- f®ct ; them® East 105 feet. then«« Klrirr, Jirnrny Jimmy Tews, f.osli, Billy Kleier, II«m to Cornelius, aa shown by th« Booth 48 feet to the place of begin- duly rer«»r«led plat therw*f. M irrillr Forrlft arid Mnrjorte Will. ning: f<>r th« purpo»« uf tmltttfyiuu the »um of «ale. Il M I lu- “Broadcast»*rs” Has*: of the Hille» hurt $476.01) wPh Interest thereon at th» I will, on Hat urda y, th» 22 nd «Jay of <>• Itti, at the ' hour . fee» and the further sum uf $IM..î7 « h th« within name«! defend- for whir any «»r either Raleigh Whitmore and Mr- B G remlrrrd In tin» nb<>\<« entitle«! court arid uf them, had on tin» 3'dh day ”f July. McNav, have been rehearsing dur­ HORSES « •«. e in favor <>f the plaintiff and against 1929, or have Mrquired airi«’« aabi da’« ing the past week, anultry I urm», In or lu i »aid real prtfperly or . Ml LES por- two weeks will be spent in practice md fur the ctstta up«>n aai«j writ, that Uno head «i hereof te nallsfy »aid i tion I mid sale will l>e rnade »ubjrct to Ing w«-*-kiy, \ worthwhile program is as«mrrd »hlpriivut» ai nt. order and dei‘r»e. Interest coal above I me' »tloli ua |rtrr th» »tatui tm of the ami accrued « mat, aMi«j sal» to be «ub- l he proceeds will he used for im­ of Or«’,*’t Io redi-m pti««n as per th« statute» <1 in o»*r r. provement of the church building. J W CONNELL. Sheriff, ir a carload uf the Rtat® >f Oregon. it deliver oi» Washington County, Oregon. k »ale» and Dule«j thii 2bth «lay >>f September, 1932. Mrs G. Rothstroin wa honored M ’A leur « Petri guaranlee’l Hai J W. w Alt i dled i of friends anil negihbors s who Iter® McAlear & Peter imbia Blvd , IIIIFRIFF'M MALE ll.M Attorney» for Plaintiff. 11-5 to help celebrate her 73rd birth­ h of 24 V 21-5 Mn 4. Ernelie Hogrefe, Mrs. H enrv In th» ' itity <' .rt uf the S'ate of Or- H«. (Ml "f ut.'h ’ r th«- Mg] "f «•», or will Il h A1 F< »it Hat Mrs. Freeman Rowe, Mrs •gon fof Washington (’«»unty. <‘»urt «'f th« State <>f Or«- rorki •ingle or tht NOTH E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT • < .ni.fy of WaNhlncton. <|H?.*d In t he .Matter of the Ealate of Ella Sidney Kothstrom, Mrs, S E Stoll- »■onabl«. John Tinker, Very I>«*<*» ’ »tMed. Hohman, y ..f September, 1932, in fav«/r • In the Coun y Court of the State of Ore- cr, Mrs. W. I.. Steven< , Mrs. Jacob 83|» Notir. in hereby given that the un<|rr- lermvlln, Plaintiff. Mild ag«»lri«t gon for Washington County. It of hor»e» for »al», M Hermelin D«*f«’ridant, for the • h»ned has been by th® above entitle«! In the Ma ter of the E»tat« of William Nchrnidt and the guest of honor. p « nm | worker» Com« $321”. 6o wl'h i interest thereon <<>urt, duly ap|Mi»«r voucher«, at final ar/’ou jnt and report as such, and the ( Mary Ruthstrom) and Hines Hend- u >i, to me l) v ii-iitle fnrm h'>r»«i for •«.:». room of the above entitled court in ■ented on the air over KOAC Wed- Deere» of H»l®. I will on Mon- Dated nt Hillsboro, Oregon, Heptember • Wn Hergert, I mllM «<-uth -»n Hilbb ro. I Oregon, as the time and place nrMlay evening, October 19 from 14th day of November, 1932, at * 12. “ 1932. I !r«t »ireet, tfilleboen, 26tf for hearini g object ions to »aid final ar- I >l>-'r uf th,- (Hurt H* ■<«'■-» III BLANCHE EDE. count and I for the final settlement uf H:30 to 9 o’clock at the Washing­ i, Wa 'hington County. Oregon, Mt Adminifttratrix <>f the Flstate of •aid estate, ton county program of the Farm­ 27 CATTLE uf ten «»‘r|«K*k a. m. uf »ai«! «lay. Ella Hohman, Decen»e«j. Dal«-«l thia 15th day « the highest Idd- dairy <*«>w. heavy milker F 1(1 Sil IL.I D«t« of First publication September 15. WILLIAM MATZKE. Robert Soule and W liter Schmidt rmh In hand, all uf the follow- 1932. Hon lintinvri, uh» mile beyond wire­ T •.«••jtor of the la-t Will and •ribed real property, lying, being lass tower. 34p Date of last publication October 13. attended the Christian Endeavor T«'*ament of said deceased. liiunt® In Washington < <«un’y. Ore- 1932. WO fr«wh grade J®r«ey family row» 'W» for rally in the Presbyterian church at Hare, McAlear A Peters, ami m*>rw particularly deacribad mh M IL Bump, residence and addre««, al»«j 60 2-yr«r-«i|d cr«H,i|.laying Attorney« for Executor. 10-4 Bethany last Friday evening. follow«, to-wit: Hillsboro, Oregon, Ham J« mu *. north of Bethany Lot Foriy-three <431. Johnson Estate The place known to older resi- Attorney for »aid Administratrix ul Phun» 14F4 34 Addition to H<*Mvrrton|(«*^,|v||le Arre- NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Fatate. 10-4 dents of this community as the F I.Y row. ju«t frr.b. • 5 A K« hrll, rre. according Ui th® duly recorded In the ( ’ •runty Court of the State of Ore- e««t Orvnm. 34p Frederickson place, one and one- plat therrof, containing 6-30 acre» gon, for Washington County. NOTK E TO ( HEDITORS rn««r» or le>«. BRI 1» regi»t»r«n| Jrr»ry bull for I.itafrt uf Leri>>ra M Chapman, Deceased. In the Matter <>f the Estat« of Loren W. half miles west of the store, was »urns tw>' io pi«*k fr«»m Grant Dial«». to «at inf y th«* hereinbefore named Lai.n-I Ridge The Ladies’ Aid Piaer, derm»»«!. Nutice i« hereby given that the under- sold last week to Mr. and Mrs. B. Phon» 3SRI5 34p and for the co»l ami expetiMm of rule and figned ba» l*?en appointed Executor of Notice is hereby given, that th« un­ B. ill inert Will inrct next Thursday with Mrs. Cooley, recently o f Chicago, ■aid writ. Gl1 iTlNSI* Y bull. 2 year» «»bl. rum»» from tha Estate of Lenora M Chapman. De­ dersigned ba been duly appointed by the C. S. Haynes for an all-day meet­ Hat«! sale will l>» mml« »ul>j«M*t to rc- cease«!. by the County C« urt uf the State a)M>ve en itled Court, a» Administrator of III. A new house is being built. Violet uf Spr Ihgbrook'» Hex. «lain 1» Twinkle uf Walnut Spring». rea«on»hlc , dempthm a« prr atatut» uf Oregon. uf llrvttun, fur Washington County, and ®*ta :e of ___ said _ deceased, and has Lee Brown and Joseph Twigg ing, the purpose being to finish Dated at Hill«b<>ro. . Oregon, __ ___ _ ___ thi« 23rd has qualified. Al! pen« n« having claims duly qualifie«! as such, »¡ mi «ouie gArtl Jrrnry row». freak. excavated a basement for Cooley the quilt which is to be given at « <'tiiirtg ireah reasonable <>r will trade day of Srptemlwr. 1932. against said Estate are hereby notified to Now therefore. all persons having the^ t hicken pie supper the latter J W. CONNEI.U fur grain George Jack*« place on present the »am® duly vérifié«! as by law* claim» against «aid e«tat« are hereby last week. Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. required. t<> the un der» igne« I at 604 _ Con- ___ notified and required to present th« »ame. Willis George and Peter Carsten- part of November. * AU members Farmington rioul near Ja«iit<>wn arbaol. T H. Ward. McKay Bldg., c««rd Building, Portland. Oregon. within together with proper vouchers therefor. son of Silver Falls were visitors are req nested to attend. Pot luck |(>R >AI.I. • w nn«l heifer. l«> freahen Clark & Clark. Yeun ii«4g.( ■ix *) months from the date ______ hereof. ______ to the undersigned at the law offices in •priiig. Al««» on» g».<»«| work hurae. Portland. Oregon, dinner will be served. Dated and first published Octul>er 6, of Hare. M< Alear A Peter» in the Shute nt the George Rosevear home Fri­ II yv»r« «»Id. weight |5uO, a«»*ir>«l aiol Attorney« for Plaintiff. 34 Born to .Mr. and .Mrs. II erm an 1932. Havings Bank building, in Hillsboro, Ore- day evening. Willis is a former Htll«lM,ro. |rning». 34*7 .3.1 tf R'»Y !.. < li Xi ’M \N. hereof. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aebischer and r will trade tor Arthur Langguth and Dated this 22nd day of September. 1932. He and his friend are attending W.«-l. Rt L 3. Hlll»l»uro. p NOTH F. TO CRFDITOKM son Dan motored to eastern Ore­ Louts S Dun« more. the Silver Fills high school. MILON PIZER, * , f rea h . sl«o family Jer. In the County Court uf the State of Ore­ Attorneys for Executor. 11-7 Administrator of th« Estate of gon Sunday. .Mrs. Aebischer will Amos Watkins spent most of last gon. fur the County uf Washington, temagli, I Eltnonici*. Phone •aid Deceased. week in Portland at the bedside of remain there for a couple of weeks I’roint» Department. NOTICE TO < REDITORH Hare, McAlnr A Peters, 34 Nolic® 1« hereby given that the under- In th® Cmunty Court of th® State of Attorneys for Administrator. I Jeer 31-5 his father, E. Watkins, who passed to visit with her sister, .Mrs. Riechel- I for «ale. 1 year dorfer. .. appointed Or»g<>n. Washington County. uniin Rt. 3. lb,» 117. ■ lgnr*l Lillian Cook» ha» l>een sway Sunday night. >f Perry E I In the Matter of the Entat® uf Laura Aiui«t ratrlx of the e*tat*» J. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Ihon® Ila 0713. 33tf .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spath and Mrs. Ernelie Grauer was an or­ Miller. present the same, duly __ the «-»tat® of »aid dereaned, and ha» duly Deceased. 1 wins, a boy and irirl. were born Mrs. Rollin Meyers and her moth­ verifie»!, as by law re«piirelifu’-l , h. Notice ia hereby given that the under- • tgned at »17 Corbett Bldg., Portion«. id, • Now therefor®, all i»er*«»ni having rlaim« signed executor > f the Last Will and er, Mrs. Ad i Hanson, made a busi­ <>ctolH-r Mr. and Mrs. Donald 2«. RIAL ESTATE <»ri-.'<-n. with n six month« from th® dale agutn^t »aid ®«tat® arc hereby notifie«I ,;nd Testament and estate of Emma J. Stuart, ness trip tn Portland last Fridav. Bagley, who live on the old Theo hereof. re«iuire«i to present the »am®, t«»gether deceased, has filed his final account and Mr .nd Mrs. W. H McNay and Dodge place. Mrs. Bagley is at <1 luiwl and flrwt published Sep’® iber with proper voucher- therefor, to the report as such executor in the county I uni|er»igne«i nt the law office*« of Hare p, court of the «tate of Oregon, for Wash- son Billy were Saturday guests at the Emanuel hospital in Portland, 2V. ivsr Dal of last publication October M«'Alear & Peters in the Shute Saving« • ington county, and that said final ac- the home of Mr. McN'ay’s niece, Mrs. George Baker received word 1932. urcNwI-Mhod, crilur ; fu Bank building, in Hill»b«>r«>. Oregon, wtih- i- count and report has been set for final Mrs. Dexter Elliott, and family of the other day of the • death of her LILLIAN COOKE. ’ in aix nionlhn from the «late hereof. hearing and settlement !«ef<»re said court nephew’s daughter, who ' lived in Administratrix. at the court room there«»? in Hillsboro, Newberg. Date«! ihh 13th day uf Oct««ber. 1932. «er»». Ir.quir» W r e n I. for Kürette A Latoure'.te, Attorney«, c. J unes . Oregon, on Monday. October 24, 1932. at Mr and Mrs. Ade Rutschman Iowa, The family car overturned far Up Corbett Bldg.. Administrator of the estate ul >f 10 o’cl«M*k a. m. of mid day. killing and baby son were Sunday dinner twice, killing the girl and bruising I Portland. Oregon 6 Date«! and first published September •aid decea««»!. 30. STOVES HEATERS rucsts at the Peter Meierjergen the rest of the family quite badly. Hare. McAlear A l'eter», 22. 1*32. Card of Appreciation - d RMHANT f Attorney» fur Administrator. 34-3« Date uf last publication October 20. home north of Hillsboro. Mr. MILIllFF'S SAI E I wish to thank my friends and W 1*«« 1er 1932. Rutschman w is a neighbor of the Notice (■ hereby given, that by virtue nf Hr • . Rt neighbors, especially Miss I,eila NOTICE TO ( HEDITORS ROY T. STUART, an Execution, Order and Decree of Sale, before moving t o In the County Court of the State of Orv- Executor uf the Last Will___ and Meier iergens I OR SALI Peters, for their assitsance in help­ issued out of and uiiilrr th» »cal of the gun. for Wavhingt >n County. Twnment and Estate of Emma rel. Circuit Court <»f the S’ate of Oregon, f r In the Matter of the ing me save rny home.—J. R. Mc­ J. Stuart. Deceased. F.-tate of Walter W. Walnut harvest will begin in the County of Wa*hingt*»n, dated the 14th New. M B. Bump, residence and ______ address. Mellar. Dccea*e«l. ______ ___ _ _ day of September, 1932. in favor o f the I.. A. Whittle orchard the lat-j lhe P.ircnt-Teacher association j .Notice i- I'.-t. l'y given, that the under- j Hillsboro. Oregon. Bernhard Schmidt. Truatee, plaintiff, and -i’-rne«l hn ter part of this week. l*c«-n duly appoint«»! by the . B- D. Bump, resilience and address, has been busy the past several days' can’t scll'eni if you don’t i. ain it George Zimmerman and • John atiove entitled < -urt a th«’ Admiirntru- Forest Grove. Oregon, John Mull oy attrndrd a meet­ making quilts, and gathering up I tell You .irrmun, defendant», for the «urn trit of the E»tate of sai«i decr«*ed and Att irneys for said executor ’em.—Try n Classified Ad. ing of the Highland Seed Potato of piu'i.ot) with Interest thereon from has duly qualified as such; 34. FRUITS and estate. 11-5 Growers* association in Portland Charter No. 9917 Reserve District No. 12 Now. therefore. all personN having (iRXl’IS Concord and Niagara. 1 cent; the 18th day «if April, 1931, nt the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and for the 'claim«* ngain«t said estate are hereby noti- I jiib-e 6«» r»nta |»er gallon. Chantier*» last Friday evening. CITATION REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE further »urn of S75.OU attorney*!» fee« fie«i and required to present the »ame. vii’»*vard. north end ut Second »tr.*e’. No. 3645 Mr. ami Mrs. S. E. Stoller anil therefor, Bill l», r<> llring container». 33tf with Interest thereon from the 14th day together with proper - voucher« —.. Sections 11-901 t«» 11-1001 inclusive. uf September. I9H2, at the rate <»f 6 three children were Sunday din­ Oregon Code. 1930. CONCORD ernp«-«. fe II», for f.» Ibs , «>r ¡M*r cent per annum, and for the further t<> the undvrvigned at the law offices* of Hare, McAlear & Peter*. in the Shute In the County Court of the State of Ore- ner guests of Mr. Stoller’s sister, 19 ’r°’ *n «»»■ «<■ p” k th« m youraelf. Bring eonlaln- • urn of Stale Oregon, at the close of business on September 30th, co»!» with interest thereon Savings Bank building, in Hillsboro, Ore- gon, for the County of Washington. Mrs. Sadie Hanauske, and famih’ « i I I. H«>bi>». 2’ j miles wr»t of from the 14th day of September, 1932, Il I • . I hi hawy M at the rate of 6 p»r cent j»cr annum, to won. within nix month» front the date In the Matter of the Estate of: C. Peter- >f Portland. RESOURCES hereof. son, otherwise _______ _ known a» Christian me directed ami delivered, commanding Mr and Mrs. I.. A. Whittle. Mr Loans and discounts . 1511,784.91 Peterson, deceased. Dated this 13th day of October. 1932. Overdrafts me to make »ale of the real property 178.30 37. ROOMS and APARTMENTS Elmer Peterson, otherwise known as Elmer ami MABEL O. MELLAR, Mrs. Richard Whittle and United States Government securities owned hereinafter «lr»cril»e*!. I have levied upon 84.350.00 Administratrix of said Estate. J. Peterson. Chris Peterson. Crz “ 7 George daughter Doris were Sunilav dinner Othe- b.'nd', •twit«, and securities owned .'•XIA I.», apartment for rent, turnara heat. ami pursuant . . to sale Execution. Order Hare. McAlear & Peters, 261.221.82 Peterson. Constance Cornan. Lena Green down town location. Sr«« S W. Mrl- and Decree uf “ Ranking house 832.250.00, furniture and fixtun» !■*,700.00 _ Sale, I will on Monday, Attorney» for Administratrix. guests at the Eugene rox home in 40,950.00 and Kathryne Foeter, Plaintiffs, 14-1 hui«h 1236 Washington St. 3!tf Ho 17th day Real estate owned other than hanking house .......... •f October. 1932, at the : Mt ‘>7 vs. Portland. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .. APARTMENTS for rent; also room and East door of the Court House in Hills­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Albert P«»e. and all persons unnamed or The high school senior party giv ­ Cash and due from banks 1 rd. rea I Flrat Dl 27tf boro, Washington County. Oregon, at the 57.779.21 unknown, having or claiming any in ­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ de checks and other cash item' h<»ur of ten o'clock a. m. of said day. signed ha.« IxH'n appointed Executrix of 1.185.47 terest in said estate as heirs or dis­ en Friday evening at the hall was • • sell at public auction to the highest bid­ the Last Will and Testament of Charles 2.500.00 of a gala affair, attended by the *1., Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer tributees and "the unknown heirs” u. 35. PIANO Other assets ............. ............................ ................ ...... der for cash in hand, all of the following Coppens, Decea*«ed. and ha« been duly said deceased. Defendants. 119.00 seniors, most of the faculty and a PIANOS U-.-.I |')5 . rm.y term». Lenter de»crib«d real property, lying, being and To confirmed a* such by an order made an«! Ireland A <’. 34 •ituat» in Washington County, Oregon, entered in the County Court of the State Albert Poe. and all persons unnamed or few parents. ... 11,004,354.55 __ ­ Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Elliott and and mor» particularly dr»cnb«d as fol­ of Oregon for Washington County, on the unknown, having or claiming any inter LIABILITIES low«, tc»-w4t • est in said estate as heirs or l ’ IIth day of October. 1932, and that t.he dis- baby son of Newberg were Sun- Capital stock paid in $ 75.iW.OO M. HOUSES tribute®» and “the unknown heirs” of The North one-half of Lot Number­ hn-> duly qualified a« such Executrix. Surplus ot day evening dinner guests at the 15.000.00 the said deceased. Defendants, PARTLY furniahed «mall hotiae. corner ed One (1) in Edgewood Acr« Tracts, Now therefore, nil persona having claims Undivided profits net 1.CI.1.7S home of Mrs. Elliott’s uncle, B. J. Reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc.................... of W alnut and Moran Sts . $ » month. as shown by the recorded plat of against said estate are hereby notified Greeting: 2.842.02 In the Name of the State of Oregon, It I McClure. Route 4. W Hill»- same now on file in the County McNay. and required to present them with the Circulating notes outstanding is 860.00 34-5 boro. Recorder's office of the County of proper vouchers to the undersigned at you. and each of you, are hereby cited, Charlie Schmidt returned Satur­ Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding 33.730.19 Washington, State «if Oregon. her residence, one mile East of the City commanded and required to be and ap- HOUSE and lot in Portland to trade for Demand deposits 327.902.97 day from a ten days’ hunting trip Time dep<'sits ......................... „............................ .................... property in or near Hillsboro.—Used to satisfy the hereinliefore named sums [ of Hillsboro, or at the law office of IH’ar in the court nx>m of the above en­ - titled court in the court house of said in southern Oregon. fo.f I Th«»»». H. Tongue, Jr., in the Commercial and for the c*w»t and expense» of sale and I’ar Exchange. Hillsboro. Bills payable and rediscounts ................ „................................................. 62.588.88 Oregon. within s i x County of Washington. State of Oregon. said writ. Block, Hillslwir«», Mr and Mrs. I.. V Whittle and I ‘ rebate Department, in the City o f tinte of this notice, to- 8aid «ale will be made subject to re­ months from the Total .................... 11,004,356.55 10. MISCELLANEOUS Loan. demption ax per statute of Oregon. wit: Within six months from October Hillsboro. County of Washington. State cash in hand, all of the right, title and State of Oregon. County of Washington, a». of Oregon, on the 22nd day of Decem­ interest which the within named defend­ Date*! at Hillsboro. Oregon, thia 14th 13th, 1932. FARM money to loan The Federal lain«! I Alf O. Johnson. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the ber. 1932. at the hour of 9:30 A. M. of I inted I Im Hili iboro Reagan is Plaintiff and W. H. Camp- deceased, by the County 12.47 gon, for Washington County. Stat® of Oregon, for Washington Coun­ Ronds, securities etc. fire truck for their assistance. Alex A. i bell. C. 88.429.3? N. Campbell, Lester Ireland, ty. and is qualified. All persons having such cases nuulo and provided. In the Matter of the Estate of John D. Ranking house 14175.00. furniture and fixture« 13775.00 You. and each of you. are further cited, 34 H. A. Deck. Vca.-y Gardner, Ruth Ganl- 7.950.00 Lehman. ____ ____ . Westen haver. Decease«!. claims against said estate are hereby Real estate ownel other than banking house 450.00 ner. Guy Pool ami Jennie E. Fool, F. F. notifie«! to present lhe same, duly verified, commanded and required to be and ap­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ ........ 18.025.21 Crawford and Jane D<»e Crawfonl. his as by law required, to the undersigned pear nt sai*i time anil place hereinabove sign«! Executor of the estate of John D. Cash, due from banks and cash items LEGAIS fixed and specified for said hearing and ' wife, nre Defendants, in favor of the at 122" Spalding Bldg.. Portland. Ore­ file your answers setting up your re­ Westenhaver, deceased, has filet! in the Total . 4 Plaintiff and against the said Defend- $119,712.43 gon. within six months from the date spective claims of heirship, right of dis­ above entitled Court and Cause, his final NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON LIABILITIES I ants W. H. Campbell ami C. N. Camp­ report and account, anti the Court has • tribution. ownership or any other inter­ FOREl LOSLKF. Capital stock paid in . bell in th«» sum of 12,000.00, together with ....... I 10.000.60 Duted and first published September ests in said estate. fixed and appoints! the 7th day of Nov­ Surplus ....... ............. 8,000.00 N«»tlra 1« hereby given that by virtue interest thereon from the 30th day of 22. 1932. Dated this 20th day of September. 1932. ember. 1932. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. Undivided profits net of nn execution, decree, i*n«l order of January, 1932, at the rate of 7% per 831.87 Date of last publication October 20. M. of saitn of Witness the Honorable D. T. Temple­ Demand deposits 40,884.98 snle Issued out of the Circuit (’«»urt <>f annum ami the further sum of $160.00 1932. the ahove entitled Court in Hillsboro, ton, judge of the said County Court of Time certificates 31.378.47 the State of Oregon, for Washington attorneys' fees and coats ami disburse­ LUIGI CASALE. Oregon, as the time ami place for hear ­ 'the State of Oregon, for the County of .......... , on the llth «lay of September, ments herein incurred taxed nt 330.78 28.617.61 Beaverton, Oregon. XX .. -hington. Probate Department thereof, ing I'bjectlons to said final report and Savings deposits ............. County 1932, In n cause therein ponding wherein and commanding me to make sale of the Chas. A. Colist ro. Attorney, with the seal of said court affixed this account and for the final settlement of Total .................................................................... following «h'scribed real property situated 1119,712.43 Bertel In cbriri «on is plaintiff «nd Ore- 1220 Spalding Bldg., said estate. 20th day of September. 1932. Portland, Oregon. 31-5 Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 4th State of Oregon. County of Washington. ss: Date of first publication being on the 1. James C. Say, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the «lay of October, 1932. 22nd day of September. 1932. 1 above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE TO GEO. W. WESTENHAVER. Date of ' last publication being on the CREDITORS JAMES C. SAY, Cashier, 3rd day of November, 1932. Executor. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of October, 1932. Notice is hereby given that the under- G. Russell Morgan. EDW. C. LUCE. signed, by an miler made and entered in­ JAY GIBSON, Notary Public for Oregon. Clerk of said Court. Attorney for Executor. 83-7 to the County Court of the StHle of Ore­ iSciiD My commission expires December 22, 1934. By Z. R. IIIAT. Deputy. Correct—Attest: Dr. Jas. A. Baker. John E. Blum, Directors. gon for Washington County, on the 17th Junies FT. McMennmin. Attorney, • lay of September, 1932, in the matter of r.Js-640 Mead Building. the estate of G. R. Adams, deceased, has Portland, Oregon. 81-7 REPORT OF CONDITION OF been nppointe»! ndministratrix of the . G. W. McClaflin et ux estate of »aid deceased; | Lorenzen et ux, 20 acres NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE persons who have Now therefore all R2W. Notice is hereby »riven that, by virtue claims against said estate nre hereby J. W. Connell (Sheriff) to Guardian notified to present the same, together of nn execution, judgment, order, decree Building # _______ Loan association. Lot 2 at Hillsboro, County of Washington, Oregon, at close of business September 30, 1932. with proper vouchers therefor, to me at and order of sale issued out of and under . Greenberg Heights. RESOURCES my iiddre-«. Shervvoo»!. Oregon, i?r at the the seal of the Circuit Court of the State J. E. Nordstrom to Etah Nordstrom. 8 I <>an< and discounts ........................................................... ......................... 1283,383.08 office of F. II. Tongue, Commercial Build­ «»f Oregon for Washington County on the acres T1S RlW. Overdrafts ...................................................................... 276.23 ing. Hillsboro. Oregon, within six months 19th «lay of September, 1932. in a cause J. B. Dinsmore et ux to Florence United States Government securities........................ .................. . therein pending in which Cynthia Good from I he date hereof. Twigg, part Lot 8 Blk 2 Thorn’s Add. Other Ronds, securities, etc . 296,675.48 is plaintiff and H. B. Burton an«! Mae Hillsboro. ESTHER LOUISE ADAMS. Ranking house 128,000.00, furniture and fixtures 18,500.00 . .. 36,500.00 Administratrix of the Estate of Burton and R. R. Summers and Iva B. J. M. Person, trustee, to J. O. Robb, Real estate owned other than banking house ............................... .. 8,923.03 Summers are defendants, in favor of the G. R. Adants, deceased. Lot 9 Blk Humphrey’s Add. Hillsboro. Cash, due from banka and cash items ................................. .............. .. 56,010.06 said defend- plaintiff and against the Tongue, Gertrude M. Calef to Martha F. Shay- ants in the sum of 12500.00 together with ler. 2 acres Sec 81 TIN R2W . Attorney nt Law, 1722,817.11 interest thereon from the 2nd day of Commercial Building, Lucinda Stringer to Eva Hanson, N 2 ............ rate — of - 7% . . per ' acres of Lot 366 Johnson Eat. 1 Hillsboro, Oregon. 33-7 April, 1932, at the LIABILITIES Add. annum, and the further sum of 8200.00 I 60.000.00 Capital stock paid in ç AMT’ \ WAS attorneys fees and the costs nn«• to hanks s A jcu 15' life in Washington County. Oregon, particu­ vs. . 184.896.08 Demand deposits .ion, 6 acres See 34 Tig RlW. The Shaw-Fenr Company, a corporation : larly described as follows, to-wit: . 160.676 88 Time certificates ' Blodgett Co. to Helen Blodgett Erwin, Lot or Tract 206, Johnson Estate Thomas Crowley ; H. H. Fletcher ; and . 253.687.2.1 Savings deposits 48(1 acres Sec 5 and 16 TIN RfiW. Addition to Beaverton-Reedville Acre­ Bertha Selehow, Defendants. 88.600,00 Bills payable and rediscounts I Raleigh D. Walker et ux to R«»y D. age, as shown by the duly recorded By virtue of an execution, Judgment, j Walker, . 50.16 acres Sec 8 T2S R3W. map ami plat thereof, of record anti decree and order of sale issued out of $722,817.88 Total ..................................................................— A. Benz et ux to Samuel D. Gaunt on file in the office of the Reconler the above entitled Court, in the above State of Oregon, County of Washington, ss. et ux, Lot 7 Bens Park. of Conveyances, Washington County, entitled cause, to me directed and dated I. C. Jack, Jr., cashier «if the above-named bank, do »«»lemnly »wear that th« Marlba Ann Tupper to Willard Arthur Oregon ; the 21st day of September, 1932, upon n above starement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Judgment rendered ami entered in said " Î will, on Saturday, the 22nd day of Tupper, Lot 10 Blk 6 Oak Grove, Hills­ C. JACK, Jr., Ca»hi«r Court on the 20th day of September, October. 1932. at the h<»ur of 10 o'clock boro. Subacribed an«i sworn to before me this 7th day of October, 1932. Ida Noffainger to O. B. Maxwell et 19.32, in favor of the plaintiff and against A. M. of said day at the east front W. (>. GALA WAY. Notary Publie for Oregon. the defendants for the sum of $250, to- d<><»r of the court house in Hillsboro, ux. SO acres Sec 28 T2N R2W My commiaaion expires January 13. 1933. O. B. Maxwell et ux to Portland Se­ •eth.’r with interest thereon at the rate Washington C »unty, Oregon, sell at pub­ , Correct Attest: R. J. Scearce, L. J. Merrill, L. T. McPheetera, D raclors. cf reven |»er cent per annum from the lic auction to the highest bidder, for curities Cu. 8.) acres Sec 28 T2N Il2W. GOOD hand I î ■ î • I. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HILLSBORO, OREGON J ?O YOURL -(Mi- FELLOXV WMO TWXÎ , 1V, ''J?UCD LIFE" FUMUy I \\|ELL?WW A94V P L -1 WA PRAW'WD WlL. I GOT A CxOOD IDEA* DRAW A FELXER SANIM," \\A\O WAS LApy | SEEM YOU \\ivrvA LAST AM' TXV OTHER FELLER SEZ., , ''-TWAT VASMT NO LAW- -iVUr WAS aw W ife / GASTON STATE BANK (SEiWPE I CAkU FrUlUK OF AU IPFA 1 AMD I'M LATE* -----) AMD IM PAV Real Estate Transfers SHUTE SAVINGS BANK