The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 11, 1932, Image 1

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Keep Informed
l argest Audited
Read the Argus
Weekly Newspaper
With Which is Combined the Hillsboro I ndependent
NO. 25
Flat License Fee
Pen w.entence Members Frolic Secondary Roads Merger Higher Short Cut Beach Men Control
Party To See
In County to Be
County 4-H
Road Before the
On ('ars Favored
Gales Creek
Meted Out By At Outing
County Plans
Oiled This Year
Group to Decide
By Farmer Group
Circuit Court
Debate Matter
Forest Fire
In Irrigation
Third Annual Tour of Study
Project» of Willamette
King Conducts Tour
Ever» Pinera
How irrigat ion h serving through
out western < » r« •gun to cut down
production costs of dairy ami other
product» i a II d frequently raised
ipiuhty mm well, will be viewed by
llitisr who make the third annual
U illamrt Ir v alley irrigation tour
schrilu led for August IM and 19.
Plan* are now completed for this
trip whit'll I* sponsored Jointly by
the irrigation committee of the
Oregon It« « I miiim I ion congresH and
thr Oregon State college extension
Open to All
The tour is open to formers,
men, banker1' or <tnv oth
ers Interested in tills in " phase of
agricultural development in this
section I be trip will start al Port
land and end at I'ugrnr, with ev
eryone free Io join <«l miiv point
whrrr most convenient and drop out
whenever>, savs Arthur
Klug, extension soils specialist, w lio
will be in charge.
'Those leaving from
will start Thursday morning ut
H:3<) o’t lot k from Bro.tdw .iy and
Stark streets, going nt once to
Hillsboro I«» join thr Washington
county party under County Agent
W I Cyrus \ftrr visiting A .1
Evers nml John Thornburgh pro
irctn, the party will bo on to Me
Minnville where thr chamber of
commerce is preparing another all
irrig itrd products dinner.
County \grnt White will held
thr party for somr visds to sm
rrsftful Irrigation projects in Yam­
hill county, including the new com
luunity gravity syslriii that extends
across the line from I'olk county
into Yamhill near SherMan
WuhlmiKton county unit. Farm­
er»’ Uidon, went oil record here
Saturday <•» favoring tin* flat Il-
crn»»e rate of $8 on all private
piissrnger riir*. Ihrv hold that if
thi* amount dors not raise suffi<'lriit
funds, a property tax should be
charged, based oil type, agr and
make of vehicle* This, tiny mil
tend, will I»«* (air I»» llm»»r obliged
to use old « ars
Under tlir plan approved by thr
union the county sheriffs would E
Mur the license pin I r*. No licenses
would be issued miles'« the property
tax receipt aci-ompanies Hie appli
cation, so that no one can escape
the property tax
First county picnic of the Farm
t rs’ Union will be held nt Rippling
Maters on (¡ales ('reek August 28
I hairy men and all farmers are in
’The next county meeting will
be held in thr court house Septem-
Inr 3. H It. Richards will be prrs-
ent to explain the proposed i rright.
truck and bus bill
Wells Injured
While Fishing
( li.tries I
Wells was badlv in
jurrd in a fall from a strep bank
while fislung on the Nrstuccii riv­
er Mondnv HI n right leg was brok­
en and shoulders and ribs injured
llr was taken first from Pacific
City to the Tillamook hospital and
then by Hiubulitiu r Tuesday to the
Portland Sanitnriiim. Mr«
Mrs Wrlla
returned with Idin Tuesday
Mr Well* was fishing with
G. H ire »»nd John Harr, who
gone further along the river,
nt thr time of the arcidcnt
alone Melt nt a farm house a<
the river heard liii calls for I
and with thr n*si«»tancr of .
Herr, got him out bv boat,
Two women were injured w hen
car» driven by It A Imlay O t
Portland and W. C Jackson of
('ornrliiiN collided on the Tualatin
highway near Dilley Sunday after
noon, The Imlay rar turned across
the road to enter a private road
nml w mm struck by the .luckMin
nuto Mrs \\ C Jackson suffered
n cut lip and bruises, while Mrs
M J ......
\\ ilsi'u, passenger in the Im
lav car, received • best bruises and
Mrs Ruth Phillips of Hill boro
suffered I minor injuries Sunday
mornhur ’ when the car in which she
• v a x riding win struck bv a truck
nt 'Tenth and Burnside strreta,
Portland. J. W. Tilley of Sin
• < ••• dr«*.
I , drh <. nf the ^ar,
received shoulder injuries, / nd an­
other passenger, M iybclh S idler
of Portland, sufferrd minor injuries.
A truck
• V F II Den­
ton broke
tile bridge a
mile Miiitll
Chrrrv Grove
<lrp«»t last Si
The front of the
truck had alrcuih passed over the
bridge when the bark wheel. < i»e<l
through the center <»f the bridge.
I teuton w is not injured.
\ttrmpting to pusa a wood truck
near Six Corners Saturday, Fred
Rucker of Sherwood ran off the
road and turned over in .he ditch
He was ii ti h (I rt.
Man Enters Guilty Plea to
Larceny Charges
Liquor Cases Tried
Woman Seck» Damage« for
Injurie« Sustained
in Auto Wreck
Pribon sentence»» of not
reed five years on each <
counts <»f larciiiy' anti ol:
money under false preten*r
meted out to John Konlgin
C«lit Judge Bagley last 111
Clyde M iillaiid was irfso •
to the penitentiary on two
of larceny and obtaining
under false pretenses for tr
not to exceed five years ea<
truces for each of the mm
fl ve
Oiling of (brer secondary bigh-
L. I Allen, assistant state I H
club leader, and O. M Plummer, way* in th«- county at an approx-
• of $20,<MM) has been
munagcr of thr Facific Internation­
al Livestock expottition, addresMcd I ordered from the state fund Thia
more than 100 county club mem­ ] work, together with the grading
bers, leaders, parents and friends and re- u r facing jobs already let,
at th«* third annual 4 H club pic- will exhaust Washington county’s
nic Sunday at Rippling Waters appropriation from the state sec­
piefde ground lhe program follow­ ondary highway fund for this year.
. High -.
upon which work is
ed a picnic lunch at noon.
Necessity of carrying on exhibits to be done are all near Beaverton.
miles on the Brav-
of 4 II club projei-ts despite thr
fact that many countirs havr dis- erton \urora highway between the
p«*fised with county fairs this year city limit Is of Beaverton and Fano
11 be started as soon as
was stressed by Allen. He staled creek
that many counties have adopted state < iling crews and equipment
thr club fair idea such an is plan­ are a» iJabir. Other sections to be
ned f<»r Washington county Septem­ improv i <1 at thr same time are 4.1
ber 11* and 17. Plummer spoke of miles * ri the Farmington highway
thr benefits of 4 II club work and bet Wee i i the city limits of Beaver-
of the adv aiK'ements that will be ton and Hazeldalr, and 7.1 miles
made by the next generation of on the Scholls highway between
farmers ns a result of the •plan. Scholls trid the Beaverton-Bertha
William 1' Cyrus, county agent, hlghwny '1 liis latter job is in three
Mrs Josephine .Selby a n d O. B. sect ion .
Rock for the work is now bring
K raus, county’ m I ioo I superintend-
ent spoke briefly, Thr Kraus Jun- piled al '»u/ the highways to hr
ior band entertaineii after thr improv rd I. Resurfacing will be of
the oil b< »■mnd macadam type and
will be from thrre-fourths inches
'The leaders* tri
boys* tram 17 to
a play to one i and one-fourth inches in
ground ball game
(untr <t for grading and paving
featured by the pitching of Fred
.lossy, the umpiring of Alien, and I the s«< -udary highway in the Brav­
two liome runs by Kraus and one j er creek sretion was officially let
t-. ( C \ Mills Ac Company of Ver­
by Jossy.
The afternoon was spent
i n noma last week. Work in clearing
the r '< mile section has been start-
swimming ami games.
Plummer called attention to the cd.
M rr< king of the old Schamberg
acliirv'rmrnt nt the Olympic games
of Ralph Hill from Klamath Falls bridge w ..* completed Friday’ and
on the new structure started.
and stated that nt one time Hill
was a III club member and had Traffic w ill be shunted off on a dr­
attended thr club summer school tour road for the next 40 days
at Corvallis. The same qu dities dis­ while construction work i s under
played by this athlete are thr things way.
A large pile-driver has been en-
toward which every boy and girl
in club work is striving Men wide- gaged in setting piles on the Daw-
(Continued on pave 4)
son creek bridge for the past week.
Informations charging obtaining
money under fali»r pretenses were
filed against the two men Thurs­
day and they waived grind jury in
dittn.ent to plead guilty. An addi­
tional information of lar< eny was
tiled against Maitland to which hr
plead guilty Two terms were given
Konigm on sentence* postponed
from indictments of January 17 on
tw<» informations filed September
22 to which hr hud plead guilty.
Roy R Walters, arraigned on a
charge of driving while drunk, was
sentenced to a term in the state
penitentiary of not to exceed five
years and fined $500 by the circuit
court Thursday. Upon payment of
$300 lie will be paroled on the pris­
on term and the balance of the
I) images of $ 10,121 65 arc asked
by Esther lloff.trber of Tigard
from II L. Hartzell for injuries
alleged Io have been received when
the defendants’* car, in which she
was riding turned over December
", IMI She seeks $10,000 general
Value <»f co-operative organisa­
damages and $121 65 special dam tions and the present necessity of
ages as well as cost and disburse- the farmer keeping an active in-
terrst in his product until it reaches
Waiving grand jury indictment the consumer’s table were stressed
and pleading guilty to a charge of by Dean William A Schoenfeld,
possession of liquor, Joe Farber Oregon State college, and Marshall
was .sentenced to 30 days in the N Dana of the Oregon Journal to
county jail Friday by the circuit almost 2000 producing dairymen
and their families attending the
\ erne Snyder was arrested Tues­ dairy c< ■ooperative
picnic at Crystal
day bv Deputy Sheriff Harr\ John­ Lake park Saturday.
I he outing
son and charged with using an celebrated the first anniversary* of
automobile without prrmis'ion of the marketing organization and
the owner,
was attended by many Washington
( lydr Maitland nml John Koni- county dairymen.
Returns to the IM00 members of
gin w < re arrested by Deputy Micr-
tn Follrttr anti charged with ob-lthr association last year amounted
tnining money under false pretense*. to almost $2,000,®00, according to
Maitland was also charged with the report of E. W. Newby, presi
larceny, ( barges arme from passing dent. More than 1200 of the mem­
of checks. Gilbert Walling was n r- ber dairymen are grade B ship­
(Continued on pave 8>
pers. Over M.500,00 pound* of milk
have been shipper! to Portland each
month in the 58 trucks employed
by the co-operative to pick up daily
shipments from farms in Washing­
ton, Columbia, Clackamas, Marion,
A amhill and Multnomah counties
in Oregon and from Clark county
in Washington, hr declared.
A baseball gamr under the di­
rrction of Arthur P. Ireland, di
rector from Forest Grove, and
Demands for later parcel post swimming events managed by O
llirshman, McMinnville, were held
service from Forest Grove, Hills­ before lunch.
\ variety of races
boro and B cav erton were made of and events were held in the after­
A. S R ind. chief clerk of the rail­ noon.
wav mail service, by’ représenta
fives of the Hillsboro and Forest
(•rove chambers of commerce here
Tuesday morning. M P. ('ady is
chairman of the local postal com­
piM’overy of a stick of dynamite
mittee and President Hugh Me
(iilvra represented the Forest Grove in the exhausc pipe of one of the
county road oiling trucks was made
A service by truck between 5 1'iicsd.iy morning by H. E. Sus-
and 6 p. m. daily to carry all classes baurr, chief mechanic, at the coun­
of mail will be recommended to the ty shop* just before the truck was
post office department. First class to be taken out on a road job.
now goes in nt 5:30 p. m. by mo- Authorities expressed the belief that
tor stage, but it was pointed out the dynamite probably would not
the present panel post service is have exploded as there was no fir­
too early to get the bulk of that ing can.
The oiling truck had not been
going out of these communities and
that it is delayed a day. This serv­ used for some time anti Susbauer
ice would also make connections found the explosive while checking
with the air mail south and east. over the truck. The stick of dyna-
mite was M inches long and 11j
The Tuesday meeting with Mr. inches in circumference. There was
Rand was the outgrowth of con­ no firing cap in the stick. For this
siderable work on the part of Mr. reason it is believed that the dyna­
('ady ami finally an appeal to Sen­ mite would have fallen out or burn­
ator Steiwcr.
ed up wthout exploding.
The truck is reported to have
been standing in the yard back of
the county shop since it was last
Co-op Value Leider Named
Stressed At Head County
Dairy Outing V.F.W. Post
C. Chapman, Dr. Hector
McPherton in Fray
See Saving Chance
Educator Cites Advantages
and Editor Calls It
Pork Barrel
Consolidation of Oregon’s schools
of higher education as proposed
under the Zorn-M<*Pherson bill to
be voted on in November was de­
bated at the Forest Grove union
high school Monday night by Dr.
Hector McPherson, one of the spon­
sors of the measure, and C. C.
Chipman, editor of the Oregon
Voter Lhe meeting was sponsored
by the Forest Grove Chamber of
Commerce. L. M Graham presided.
Dr. McPherson is a representa­
tive from Linn county.
Savings Predicted
Savings of a million dollars a
year over a period of from 10 to
20 years through the consolidation
is possible, according to Dr. Mc­
Pherson, who said that he spoke
from 20 years of contact with
schools of higher education in Or­
egon. He was one of the sponsors
of the one board plan for higher
education, which hr said was saving
the state considerable money. The
speaker charged the Eugene Cham­
ber of Commerce with beclouding
the issue as far as taxpayers view
the situation.
The Corvallis plant, he said, has
more than twice as much floor
space as has the university and the
campus is large enough for any
future expansion, while the Eugene
campus is crowded in by city
streets. He declared that Eugene
faces necessity of buying more
property. It was held questionable
as to whether the combined attend­
ance would exceed the 1921 en­
rollment at Corvallis, when facili­
ties were not so great. The Eu­
gene campus would take care of the
teachers’ college, which would give
Oregon teachers’ training that would
permit them to teach any place.
A consolidated institution would
give Oregon youth a real education­
al opportunity, according to Dr.
McPherson, who said that only a
partial program is presented under
the present system, not permitting
a complete education. He declared
that it was not destructive to put
two halves of a liberal education
(Continued on page 8>
Members of the. highway com­
mission will consider the “short
cut” road to the beach at their
meeting August 31, according to Families Flee When Flames
information given Washington coun­
Threaten Glenwood Area
ty representatives at the commis­
sion session last week. County Com­
missioner H. D. Krrkrnan said that
Chairman Leslie Scott declared that
the short cut road to the beach
would be the only new road added
until the present system is com-
Hot Weather Bring« Many
Phoponents of the Scappoose-
Alarms for County
Harulrt route have announced that
they will be present with plenty of
reasons for construction of the
road by’ that route, while the Wash­
ington county delegation will u rge
Disastrous forest fires which
the selection of the Wolf creek
raged near the head-w’aters i of (»¿des
road across this county.
Creek and on the Clark Ac Wilson
Local officials understand that land near Vernonia,
. covering
_ the
the decision has to be made this valley With a pall <»f heavy smoke,
month in order to get in on the were brought under control the
federal aid money and
that the first
after thousands
,,.„w of the
__ week
project must be constructed by | of acres of timber had been burned
next July. Surveys of all the routes 1 « »▼er. The fire on Gales creek, which
have been completed by the en­ destroyed the Washburn mill and
gineering department and are to threatened Glenwood, was fought
be submitted to the commission by 200 men and wax declared tin­
der control Sunday when the wind
shifted to the
— cast. Recent cool
weather also aided in checking the
Families Flee
Approximately 50 families evac­
uated their homes in the Glenwood
postoffice area last Saturday as
flames reached the outbuildings of
the town. Shifting of the wind and
state fire-fighting equipment saved
homes there after the fire had come
Salem.—A cut in automobile li­ within 500 feet of the Glenwood
cense fees of at least one-half was postoffice. The southern edge of
urged again by Secretary of State the fire reached almost to the town
Hal E. Hoss, after analyzing sev­ of Gales Creek and jumped the
eral hundred letters from distress­ Vernonia-Astoria
ed motorists and on studying re­ threatened to rare into virgin tim­
ports from the Washington motor
vehicle division, which show many blaze extended over a front of
apparent evasions of the Oregon li­ eight miles and covered 1500 acres.
The Washburn Lumber company
cense law.
“Real relief lies in a lower li- mill, of 300.000 feet capacity, was
cense fee, as I have repeatedly burned late Friday afternoon. Loss
pointed out,” said
•• Hoss,
- “a nd • - I was estimated a t approximately
am certain the next legislature will $20,000. The mill, which had not
cut the licence at least by one- been operated for some time, was
half. A year and a half ago I urged to have been sold at sheriff’s auc­
action <»n this matter, pointing out tion Tuesday. Bunk houses, rook
the difficulties we would experience shack and residences of half a
in Oregon with low $3 fiat fees dozen families were burned to the
both in California and Washington ground. A barn full of hay belong­
Experience has developed just the ing to A. C. Tulley, near the mill,
conditions I anticipated and Ore­ was also destroyed.
gon is losing thousands of dollars
Highway Blocked
in license revenue t o adjoining
Fire in the Kanosky creek slash­
states. I know from the mail I re” ings of the Clark & Wilson Lum­
ceive that people generally are
__ ber company burned over trash
ready to demand a lower fee, and lands and some young second
in my opinion it is absolutely justi­ growth. The road between St. Helens
fied in order to relieve the situa­ and Vernonia was blocked with
snags and debris when the blase
Among other predomnating »n-
in­ ran along both sides of the road.
quiries in the correspondence of A brisk wind whipped up the flames
the secretary of state during the Sunday after they were believed
last two weeks has been the one, controlled, but the fire was confin­
"What has become of the gover­ ed to old burn and no additional
nor’s plan for issuing stickers or damage was reported.
permits for licenses. ” Repeated an­
Considerable property was de­
nouncements in the press have told
of the abandonment of the plan stroyed near Orenco when a slash
due to the fact that the suggested fire spread to the dry grass and
procedure was illegal and that only neighboring farms at 11:45 o’clock
a change in the law would permit Friday morning. The barn, chicken
any relief from this angle, but many house and woodshed on Mrs. Lil­
automobile owners still question lian Enst rum’s place was burned,
what method to follow to get re­ The house caught fire twice but
were extinguished each
lief from annual payments at this the flames
(Continued on page 4)
Lumber Mill Burned
Hoss Suggests
Fee Reduction
For Motorists
J. Leider of Hillsboro was elect­
ed commander of the newly or­
ganized Washington county post
number 2666. Veterans of Foreign
Make Several Stop*
Wars, Tuesday evening at the
court house.. Initiation and installa­
Several st«»p* will be made m
of officers of the post will be
Polk counly limlrr the leadership
made next Tuesday evening, when
of County Agent Beck before thr
department officers will be pres­
party goes on to Corvallis for th«*
ent am! a veterans’ parade held.
night Friday morning will be d •
Other officers of the po*t elect­
volrtl to inspection of thr irriga
ed are: Senior vice-commander, I..
tion trials on thr experiment h'H
E Furrow ; junior vice-commander,
ton, some of wh*cl have been cat
H S Rogers; quartermaster, E. V.
rir<l on for 25 y ear*.
Plapp; chaplain. E. C. Morford:
Just before
the parts Will
officer of. Hie day. E. O. Barber:
continue to I, where C<»n«»i
trustees, H W. Farnurn, T.
Agent Fli tch» r will guide them __ • ■ «C
(’ Darnell and John O. Smith.
a fmir of b* periion of tC Il I« lidie r’
Degree team from the “Battle­
of irrigated truck farms, Ihr num
ship Oregon.” post 1478, Veterans
her of stop* h k been gret'.ly re-
of Foreign Wars, will sponsor the
»li.crd from thr number visited I Kt
initiation ceremony. Preceeding the
yi ar, in <• tdrr that a better •den
service, a parade of veterans will
may be n id of a few typical irri-
st i rt at the court house at 6 o’clock
gation sys’rms.
with drum corps of the “Trench
Il is estin.-»ted that .irigi’u'n lias
Rats,” Disabled Veterans, and la­
inerr »*«•»! 5<> per cent in W'< ».tern
’ auxiliary of post 907. Port­
< Irrgon tills pa*t year despite short
Suicide was the decision reached
Veterans of Foreign Wars.
age of money for improvements.
Nearly 500 persons are expected to in the death of Jack Strom, 29,
who died under mysterious ci rcu di­
"Due to the fact that a session
stances at his home on the Beav­
erton-Bertha highway early Tues­ of the legislature has not been
to legalize some relief meas­
day morning. Before his death.
Strom, a logger, told a story of ure for motor vehicle owners, noth­
being attacked and beaten by two ing can be accomplished apparently
masked men and thrown in the until the regular session in Janu­
ary." commented Hoss, when asked
\pple and pear growers in the river at Portland late Monday. An what applicants might do to get re­
autopsy by Dr. Frank Menne, cor­
lief at this time. "Those interested in
second cover spray now for the oner’s physician, showed traces of lower
fees or an easier plan of
arsenic poison and lead to the
payment should talk to the mem­
('oinmlttermen to serve on the
suicide decision.
Transfer of property from the
II Rotary committee!» were named
Strom is reported to have left bers of the legislature, who will be
tomologist of the Oregon experiment
glad undoubtedly to have the opin­ Sjvady Brook to Wallace school
today by J. M Person, president, plrtrd last week. The new unit
station. The peak of egg laying of
ion of car owners.”
district upon the petition of Alfred
at the regular luncheon meeting. will move into the Sholes Luildin
the second brood of moths has been at I o’clock Monday afternoon to
I wo methods w ere proposed — Nelson was made Wednesday morn­
Three committer! • h had already been J. (’. Barnard, formerly of the
reached ami great numbers of eggs
one where the secretary of state ing by the district boundary board
announced, but the I».dance were Cornelius Cash store, and A. II.
were deposited during the last two agency*. He returned at 6:20 the would violate the law and illegally for the county. The tract of land
held over until i after the president Caples and Harold Schmalr of the
same afternoon very ill, his clothes
issue stickers and the other where shifted comprises 40 acres.
at Salem A. B Cash store will conduct the
and secretary’s assembly
from 6 to 16 days, depending on soaked with water. Dr. R. S. Welch the governor would legally call a
Petition for the transfer was
grocery business with Earl Phelj >S
the first of the w eek.
was called to the Strom home three
(Continued on pase 8)*
made by Nelson in order that his
Members appointed on the viir as clerk. Rudv Schultz will have
times, once at 7 o’clock, again at
might attend the Wallace
Ions cummith
were: Aims and charge of the meat market
The spray is powdered lead arsen­ 12:45 Tuesday morning, and the
school which is one-half mile clos-
object« committee, I J Me \lear, Mr* L. K<dsy will coinbict the con-
ate used at the rate o f three
i er to his farm than the Shady Brook
V. W. Gardner, Il I
Wiley and frcti<»nery ami notions, having pur-
pounds to 100 gallons of water. In dead when he arrived for the final
school. The distance to the Wal­
Charles \\ alkcr; club ser» ice com chasril Jack’s confectionery f rom
orchards where codling moth is not.
lace school is approximately two
mittre, R E Wiley, M 11 Steven Mrs 1. \. Jackson and son Ashley.
i serious problem, two pounds of
miles while it is nearly two and
Mr. Schult/.’ and Mrs. Krlsv’s
son and J. L. Amlerxon; vocational
the lead arsenate to 100 gallons
Delegates to the state convention la half miles to the Shady Brook
service commit tec. V W. Gardner, businesses, formerly conducted in
of water is sufficient to give com­ doctor concluded he had suffered of the American I.egion will be school.
J II Garrrtt and Lester Ireland; the Thies building, are already in
from skull fracture. It was not
at the meeting of Hillsboro
As a result of the shift, the Nel-
community service committee, I J. the new building. The groerrv busi­
application is essential in codling until the autopsy, that traces of post in the Veteran«* hall Friday son children wil! be able to take
McAlear, Verne Curry and Byron ness will be opened the first of
advantage of school bus transporta-
Goodman; international
service next week. The interior of the
be made to thoroughly cover with, According to the story related be instructed bn material points, so tion to and froni school at the pres-
committee, Charles Walker, ('. E. building has been remodeled and
spray solution the tops of the trees,
(C<>ntlnti«Mt on pmk * m >
Welch, he was attacked by two Commander Paul Patterson urged ent time, Nelson and the school
as a majority of the eggs are laid
a large attendance.
clerk from the Wallace school at-
masked men as he stepped out of
in the upper part of the tree.
Plans for the part the local post tended the nieeting
_ of the county
the employment office at Second
and Burnside street at about 5:30 will play in the state and national boundary board.
The assessed value of the prop­
o’clock. They* robbed him of his j convention will also be considered.
A post adjutant will be elected erty concerned amounts to approx­
sweater, coat and «$1.75, mauled
to succeed I.. B. Howell.
imately .$730.
him, forced him to the harbor wall!
and threw him into the river, de­
! to Oregon motorists. Maybury es­
Contract* on excavating for the clared Strom. Unassisted, Strom said,
(A. L.
timates that not less than 2000
Club projects for the county 4-H | Local Real Estate Sold
sewer project along the highway I he got out of the water, walked to
Salem Reports of an unprecc- ' Oregon motorists have applied for
For Cash to Utah Man fill in Jackson bottom were let to, his car and drove home. Twice en-
dented rush for half venr license Washington plates during the past dub fair to be September 16 and I
(Continued on page 4)
Sale of two local farms was re­ 32 local men this week and work
plates from southern Washington few weeks. Many of these are now 17 are rapidly being rounded into
counties, part icularly Clark conn asking for refunds of their license shape. This will be the first time ported fills week by the Oregon ¡ started Monday under the direction,
ty, lends strength to reports that fee, apparently having repented of that chib members in Washington! Earms company here. The Fred of George McGee, city engineer,
Basing In* sermon on tho three nt the right w
hundreds of Oregon residents have their attempt to evade the Oregon countv have held their own fair. Schoen place, one mile south of] and W’. W. Jones. A basic price of
parables of the 15th chapter of and followed joyously. 'That we
temporarily changed their address license after it become noised about Premium lists for the show with Cornelius and comprising 140 acres, 40 cents a cubic yard has been set I
Luke’s Gospel, the Rev. George E. nerd, more than ever i n these
to Washington for automobile reg­ that thr police were on their trail. I classes and premiums practically i was sold to .lack A. Hillier o f by the city for the work.
thr same as in former years will i Savics Island for $14,000. Ten
Excavation along the line along!
Pleading guilty to game law’ vio­ Williams of Condon preached on critical times, to discover the will
istration purposes, in the opinion of
of God, in social, economic, political
be on the press by the end of the] acres of the Virginia place was the fill has been divided into eight i lation by hunting deer out of sea­
Secretary of State Hoss.
cense fee to a flat $3 is responsible week.
sold for 11. A Shayler to John M. stations comprising approximately! son, Ralph Simpson and James! "Lost Christians” to the congrega­ and international life, was h»s claim.
Washington officials arc co-op­ for this situation in tin* opinion of
“We have the Word of God
As usual all calves six months Kennelly of Delta, Utah, for $23,- 75 cubic yards. Contracts on each Lane,
____ , ____
both of
. _ ______
Buxton, , were
____ ____
fined j tion at the union services of wor-
erating with Hoss in ferreting out the Oregon secretary of stale, win»' or older must have passed the blood
Himself that the poor in spirit, the
attempted evasions of the automo­ points out that the same condition test for abortion within 80 days
The company* reports that there groups. The city has taken care of days each in the county jail by tian church. Mr. Williams, whois humble minded, have the blessing
bile registration law on the part has existed on lhe southern border, preceding the fair. All entries must
line and the Justice of the Peace II. A. Kuratli pastor of the Federated Christian and grace of the Almighty,” said
of Oregon motorists. Charles R. but to a much lesser degree for be made and exhibits in place not is a fair demand for farms and clearing along the
ranches that are priced to sell on construction of retaining walls on Wednesday afternoon. They were and Congregational church in Con- the Rev. George Reule of Trinity
Maybury, director of licenses a t many years.
later than the night before the the present market.
the slope below the ditch. W’ork paroled on both the jail sentence don, told of three ways in which Lutheran church, in his sermon on
Olympia, has already submitted the
fair opens on September 16. The
on the balance of the line will be and
-J the fine on
— good
J v
-‘—1— The ('hristians . might
■ «. «_ be « lost.
» “Like _ a the text, “Blessed are the poor in
Colonel A. E. (’lark’s trip back j programs on each of thr two nights
names of more than 800 applicants
let later as soon as the present pro- arrest was made by State Officer sheep,’’ he said,
said. “men "'"y
School« to
may keep spirit,” from the Beatitudes. “Chris­
for Washington licenses who last to Washington, I). (’., in company of thr fair will give everyone ini Elementary
their faces turned downward to the tian humility, like that of the
Commence on September 6 ’.ecl is c°n'plcted McGee states Thomas Carmen.
year were registered In Oregon. with Governor Meier, cost the state the county j an opportunity to see
w ages
Henry Wendt plead guilty to a seeking of food and treasure and Christ,” he said, "is a necessary re­
Elemcntnry »chools in thi, citv 'h,al‘hc men
m,n are
ftrr making good w
These names, after bring checked of Oregon $279.31 it Ims been re­ what thr club members can do in
basic price of 40 cents a charge of assault and battery be­ may wander; or like the coin of the quirement for entrance into the
by the Oregon registration depart­ vealed through records in thr of­ an entertaining w»ay with the co-
open on September 6, accord­
fore Justice of Peace Kuratli Wed parable, they may have no resis- kingdom of heaven.” The service
ing to a recent announcement byl'ar<^'
ment will be turned over to state fice of the secretary of state. This, operation of their communities.
afternoon and was fined i tence to the pull of lower things and sermon were in the German
police for investigation. Discovery too, in spite of the assurance giv­
C. H. Nosier, principal. This will
and may fall; or like the prodigal language.
of attempted evasion of the Ore­ en by thr governor in a public let­ Clouds and Rain Take
allow for a week’s vacation during ( CountyjC. E. Rally Held
“Every search for God leaves us
son, they may of their own will
gon license law will result in Im- ter of May 9 endorsing thr xena-
the year, probably in thr spring. |
At Forest Grove Church
Place Sweltering Sun j The
go far from their Father’s house.” a great and valuable experience,
inedate arrest, according to Charles torinl candidacy of Clark in which
Reunion at Farmington
union ...p..
high vw...wa
school will
* iiv
w.., open
•> I
though we do not find all of
No matter how they get lost,” he
County Christian Endeavor rally I
Sweltering Angu.t gave way ,ix (|1>ys |„h.r on September 12.
P. Pray, superintendent of state it was asserted that Clark’s trip to
Sunday Attracts Many went on to say, “the call of the Him,” said Pastor Henry 8. Hai­
thr national capital was made . . . ; . .... . .. I
..... I.. I. .. I ..
4 I. . ■ 1" • .» I» |
Christian church Sunday with Rev. I The reunion picnic nt Farming-,
_ Christ will restore them.” The Rev. ler of the Congregational church,
to help In the
i According to Maybury, Clark "without compensation and at Ids «uffieirnt
ivu ounuay
Ross Muiivy,
Guiley, stuiv
state neiu
field srerrmry
secretary i I ton
Sunday was <tucuuru
attended uy
by uvcri
over : Mr. \\ illiams, for many years state in his sermon at the 9:30 service,
th, farert A ns that «ere j
Catt|e Breeder.
county is supplying more appllca own expense.” The $279.31 repre­
■ ti llw>
n I n i ii u nnnrhv.
Ilin |
from Eugene, as the main speaker.1200 guests. Ferd Groner gave a evangelist of the Oregon Christian of great price when we finally find
raging in
the mountains
nearby. The
Hons for Washington licenses at sents the expense incurred by Clark e<iirn><r
Plan for Annual Picnic A pot luck supper followed the interesting talk concerning his im- churches, filled
pulpit of the “Our knowledge of the Irsserpearls
............. the
this time than all the rest, of the in his trip Io Washington and was weather office prediction today is
Oregon and Washington
County afternoon session at 5 o’clock, with pressions of foreign peoples gain-1 Christian church in the morning, enables us to recognise the pearl
slate combined. Out of 600 ap paid out on a claim endorsed b y fair, but some cloudiness, slowly
Taking ns his topic “The Will of great price when we finally find
I Jersey Cattle clubs will hold their regular Christian Endeavor meet- rd on bis world tour. Bert Rowell
plications received at th«’ Olympia the governor. Of the total amount rising temperatures.
Maximum temperatures for the annual summer meeting and pic- ing at 7 o’clock. Rev. Guiley spoke sang. Officers and committee mem- of God,” the Itev Leroy II. Wal- it.” That pearl, Mr. Haller explain­
office in one day more than 400 $194.56 represents railroad fare,
hers are as follows: Mrs. I.utitia ker of the Methodist Episcopal ed, was the experience of God, as
came from Illis one southern Wash $31.50 was for Pullman fare and suinmcr were reached last week, nic at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. nt the evening church service.
A special junior rally was held .lack, president: Herman Boge, j church, at the 11 o'clock service re- Jesus found it on the top of the
ington county. Most of these ap­ .$53.25 for meals and hotel expenses. Tuesday the maximum was 100 dr George Biersdorf on August 21.
plicants ask that their plates be The money was paid out of funds grees, Wednesday 98. and Thurs-| AII Jersey breeders of the county concwrently with the senior rally vice-president; Maude Patter, sec- minded his hearers that God's will
“Spirit” was the subject of the
sent Io “general delivery,” at Van­ of thr hydro electric commission day 96, with a gradual decline from and their friends should be pres with Miss Dulclnn Brown as speak ; retary-treasurer, and Mrs. Ferdiwas nothin - to be suffered and en
couver, Camas or some other town whom (’lark was said to represent then on. according to A. W. Moore « nt. An interesting program will er. Miss Edith Wilson of Hillsboro Groner, Mrs. Herman Hoge and dared and taken like a dose of bit- lesson-sermon on Sunday in the
Mrs. A. W. Moore.
ter medicine, but rather something
of the U. S. biological survey.
| be provided.
(Continued on page 8)
(Continue«! on nage S)
along tin- Columbia river convenient
Rotary Club
Com mittees
Named Todav
Business Houses
Are Consolidated
Better Parcel
Post Services
LocaliV Asked
Police Believe
Strom Death
To Be Suicide
Board Shifts
Property To
Wallace Area
Spray for Codling
Moth is Suggested
Dynamite Found in
Exhaust of Truck
Washington Co-operating with
Oregon in Auto License Fees
c,ul’1 a,r pJans
Round Into Shape
Legion to Select
Delegates to Meet
Sewer Ditch Work
Started on Monday
Men Get Parole on
Game Law Violation
Rev. Williams Speaks at Union
Service on "Lost Christians”