» Printing Service Two Pilones 5101 Por beller news, cliisaiÌlrd, »IhpUy» printing nini busines« »r rv lee telephone IIIUL J ¡ Centenarian Increase Shown Civic Croup to Damage Suit Grange Meet In Non-Resident Harvest Filed Against Will Be Held Stage Home Festival Cars Registered Railway Group Here October Berry Argument Has Tragic End Hostilities over the right to a blackberry patch near Sherman mill broke out last Saturday with fatal results to one of thr combatants, a big black bear, according to an account received here. The massive warrior, weighing be­ tween 350 and 400 pounds, deigned to dispute mere man’s right to pick berries in his favorite patch with tragic re­ sults. Presence of thr bear in the vicinity of the blackberry patch had been previously re­ ported by brrrypirkers, s o Avis MrGiii went prepared to pick berries or know the reason why. When Bruno ap­ peared on the scene, he was met with a persuasive argu- mrnt from McGill’s gun. A party of men went into the hills early Sunday and brought out the bear. Î Weil To Head Chest Plans Of Next Year Non resident registrations of pas­ Plans arc being made by thr chamber of commerce to have a senger automobih s in Oregon show­ Hurvest Home Festii-al this fail, ed an increase of 1N7 for the first E. J. McAiear Give* Report l’n»» Reiolulion Objecting to probably the first week ill Septem­ six months of this year over that Dairy Co-operative Sue* to A. Thornburgh Will Rrnch ber, h < < ording to Ed I.. Moore, sec­ 'of thr same period in 1931, accord- Enforce Milk Contract of Activities at Meet Reduction of Ag. Funds | ing to thr rrport issued recently by retary. Century Mark on Friday Plan* include entertainment and thr srerrtary of state. Registrations exhibit* of farm products a n d from every statr in thr union as grange One feature will br “old well as from (Jrrmany, England, hat” day, when all business people 1 France, Mexico, Cuba, Philippines, and their employes will be expected Hawaii, Haiti, Alaska and thr Canal Pomona Granger, Would to wear ol>ntinued «n pane 4i Weil as chairman of the commu­ \ rar*. work to other t hannels, favoring Railway company, Seattle, Portland I gril to Uv» 10,1 nity chest for next year was made the retention of Dr. W .L Kerr, r . I liornliurgli “f Banks and Spokane Railway company, and j by the Presidents’ council Tuesday ami hi appoint three county grang itr lii» loi'lli blrllul'iy on him.in-Poulsen L umber company i « vening at the chamber of com­ er* to confer with the slate exrcu , ,h|. urrk. July »« for injuries claimed to have been X--------------------------------------------- merce. E. J. McAiear, retiring til«- and banking < ommission* and i„r of lu» lUiighlrr, received while removing a 40-foot \nibrr Thornburgh of near B inks chairman of thr chest, gave a de­ grange Irgislaliie committee on the I Brurflrl of Monnin Jog from the tracks near Keasey << l«*br ii< < tooth birthday anni ­ tailed report of activities of the or­ advisablliti' of starting a btate bank hr tll'lkr» III» bollir August 2, 19.30, in a suit filed last versary Friday ganisation for the past yrar. Elec­ were parsed bl tin* Pomona («range Srlllr.l County IHttJ Fridas Jac-kson, who w as a section tion of officers for the council in .it I'i'trd Wednesday lhe grange foreman, stated in his complaint, Mr I luirnliur, Il » ' » born .Inly was also made. will meet m Hillsboro in October. he w.ts hurt when a timber used frrson county, '1' lllir»»rr Report Given in prying the log from the track |H32, and inovrd ■ l to low u it It slipped and struck him in the chest. Total receipts to thr community (Wm. F. Cyru«, county aa-ent) pa rrnt» when br WH» 1- in years |N5 ’ i Suff. ring a broken nose, cut lip chest last year amounted to $3380.- |lr eroa »r.l thr plain* Co-op Sue« Canary grass pasture is reducing wrre 12, according to McAlear’s rrport. scratches and bruises milk produi tion cost* for .Joe Kemp­ Sacraincnt Io, t il . » brr short nnd minor Suit to enforce a contract was !, when br ,- iiiir to W *»h Disbursements totaled $3141.27, until lMhw( Prtrr when his car overturned early Tues- er, Forest Grove route 2. Seeded brought in the circuit court Friday Hr fir.t rilled tirar leaving a balance on hand of $238.- ington routii) • by the Dairy Co-operative against «lay morning on Walnut street be- l ying face down in the woods I 85. The chest provided for 42 fam­ on a wet piece of land two years <»ld (Tntrrvillr „ml Koi, Imi I i»er t ween Fourth and Fifth streets, ago thi* patch of a few acres is David Storey, J. JI. Stiles, W. F. south of Beaverton, where hr had ilies during the entire winter, 35 purchasctl Ihr farm m» ,rth <>f Bank», Rollins and A. Vetsch 6c Sons worker, was cannery John Knnis, taking cure of 10 head of dairy cat­ been sawing wood, neighbors fo ind i families for a part of the winter whh li ha» bren in the r family ever rhirve» robbed the I’nion i I taken to the .lunes hospital for tle. l’hr rows nrc getting no grain Creamery company. The co-opera­ hr ha» inaile siner. Of late jrar Brurflrl, with war»h<»u»r at Beaverton and the T. Sel- t reatment Residents near thr scene and are maintaining good produc­ tive claims in its complaint that the body of Theodore Gardrlius, and many transients. Work was hpn h«»n»e vt it It Mr» \|oh , Drug ion Thursday niuht, »cratic candidate for r« p of th«* accident heard thr crash nt tion. Mr Kemper sowed this seed in thr defendants attempted to void 66, Sunday. Theodore N’rustad, a! provided for the transients to some degree. They were given one meat thr otlirr l hil iiuinis i* window * in Ihr rear of •; (> R Morgan, rrpuh- 1:30 o*elo«k o’clo<-k in th«- morning and thr mud as high water drained off Storey’s contract to deliver all his neighbor, reported to Coroner Frrd and required to go. A total of 420*/3 Olmi I li iinti'i'l'li. dren lii« father, hotli building* to gain entrance. lidate for district attor- rushed out to find th«- coupe lying dairy products to the co-operative’ Sewel! that he had not seen Garde- ‘ days work, divided between the Several other dariymrn ar«- find ­ of 9U livrd to the age Xiith udhs believe that both thefts \ Cobb, democratic can- oil it* side mi the north side of ing this pasture grass valuable on by the lease of the Story dairy lius since a w’rek ago Monday and i Mr». Ihornburph died in 1900. «err (ommlttrd by thr sanir prr- r district attorney; and the street with the injured youth land that is too wet for any other herd to Stiles in trust. They hold went over to investigate, finding city and the cemetery, at thr rate ami three dnugli of $2 per day or 25 cents per hour Ile ha» three mu *on or person* and that evidence khaller, democratic can- inside. Thr front wheels had ap­ crop. On the Kemper farm this that Storey is still legal owner as the man dead. Benefici Mrs Kila I was done by the chest and the men tern I "brj arr ■ point* to both a* the work of am i county judge. all proceeds from the sale of his parently cramped, overturning th« ’ Gardelius w ’ as said to have suf ­ year the canary gras* started grow­ given credit for such wages. Groc­ «if M.inning, , William «I I. Thornburgh teuri. wcr bill to br placed br- < ar and smashing the top and door. dairy products to A. Vctsch & Sons fered frorn a weak heart r«nd had ualer was still over it. ing while water on the old home place, John A Ihr I nion Oil plant at Brayer a-oplr at th«- general r|ee- Enni* was released from the hos­ On some of the creek and river Creamery company w’rre returned apparently died of heart failure eries, food and clothing issued were charged against their account. 1 lioriiburirlt of For rst l»ro\e, Wal ton w as broken into a b o u t 10 tion wa ing, as well as fruit and vegetables, Two cars, one of them driven ty this gras* offers good possibil ­ f Bank», Myrtlr «r.-|». \\ I M moling a window from thr end of ter Ray W. Gill attended thr meet­ by G. II Blair of Hillsboro, and a ities and may be irrigated if it is lease void, a n order enjoining Gardelius had been sawing and evi­ f Forest were donated in addition to the the building lr iding to thr garage ing, »peaking in favor of th«- Pow- truck were involved in an accident necessary. nnd Mrs Miilu Killui Storey from delivering his dairy dences showed that he had been | gifts of money. Clothing, food and ( » ro v r I hr thieve* look a number <» f rr bill, Mipjmrt of thr olcomar- • m the highway near Cove Orchard products to others th.'in the co-op ­ dead for a week. vegetables so donated were dis­ Mr ¡hornburgh wn» engaged tn tools, 50 gallon* of gasoline. III gal garinr tax, the income tax amrnd- Sweet clover seeded in late M ay erative, a n order commanding He had come from Portland on posed at no cost to persons re­ thr »„»mill liii.liir»» for a number Ion* <»f lubricating ml, ami rlraning mrnt, retention of T Prrsidrnt Kerr, Sunday evening at 9 o’clock The truck is reported to havr brrn on the J. A. Lindow farm. Cedar thr defendants to make an account June 1, living by himself on the i ceiving them nor were any of them of », in. and » •» ....... . ,l" and polishing arc«-**orir*. \ five and against further * sales tax and to the plaintiff for all dariy pro- C. E. Anderson farm southwest of charged to men working for the city rl' ownrr» of a tlirr.liiiig outfit, gallon can, grease gun anttowny rar turned over and Ray court after but 20 minutes* delib ­ s been a serious limit- Root-rot ha ing and Mrs. Harvey Batchelar in I...I Io go clear Io HilMx.ro I rr made up of toilet article*, watches, Nuck«»ls of <»f Yamhill, Y amhill, a p t**engrr, ing factor in th«- growing of sweet eration. Miller was indicted with Certificate» Given j the afternoon. Food supplies and member when the mml « «» »<> «lerp bill fold*, pen* ami prnrd*, u atchrs, *uff«r<-«1 i broken arm. O Matheny robberv of Schultz ’ market at For ­ rlover in th«- Willamette valley. De ­ Charles I'igard was awarded a clothing were weighed or measured on Mun »trrrt In lllllaboro timi 'had recently purehi*enc performance amt (). Phelps, insects like thr * abbagr worm Nic­ W1 . ■ proceeds will be used for relief manager of thr theater, intimated otine dust should be either used Moving of equipment for thr «rt 12 2 .S571 Hillsboro work. that a similar production may be soon after bring prepared or kept irov» in 4 .714|Gaaton construction of thr Schaniberg The story of a gambler and gang ­ presented sometime in September. in tight containers. 9 5 S43R<*y bridge was begun Tuesday by Bir­ ster who traded his gun for a New Curtain will rise at N.I 5 with I lillsboro broke the wi ch.mi A Grrrnr company, cont rar - Testament will be told by the form­ tors receiving the contract for thr streak of th«- Tualatin league lead­ prices set at 10 rents for «adults er gunman himself, at the Sunday and 10 cents for children. This will 250 foot bridge. The coudty will ers la*t Sunday when they d«»wned evening union service of worship, be th«- first time that th«’ play has put in th * fills at both ends of thr held in thr Christian church, when Fire of unknown origin destroyed bridge and while moving thr gas th«* Vcrboortcrs 13 to 3 on the brrn shown in the northwest nt Members of the state department William H. Cook, converted under­ 11. C. Seymour, state 4-H club Hi tons of twiled hav nt I he J D shovel to the bridge arr widening I hhiic diamond. Thr locals found prices of less than a dollar for the Charged with larceny in an in­ world leader, occupies the pulpit. leader, and O. M. Plummer, man-, of Veterans of Foreign Wars ad­ Kelly fk Son ranch near Herd* tile several fills on thr Bend road hr Sahnow, Verlmort pitcher, for 13 i best seats. dictment of last November. Jesse For twenty years Mr. Cook spent ager of the Pacific International I dressed gold-stripe veterans assem­ \fstcrdny afternoon ihr hay burn­ tween thr Schaniberg bridge and hits, capitalising on all but one. Hansen, 36. was apprehended in his time among the gangs of the Livestock exposition and a member; bled in the county court house F«»re*t Grov«* and Carlton main­ ed wa* in one pile and was a part thr Scholls Ferry road Olympia, Wash., and brought here lar^e eastern cities, having been of the national 4-H club committee,; Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock as the <»f the 1N(I(> bales harvested b y Shunting of traffic over thr dr­ tained their positions of second and by Deputy . . Sheriff Harry John- arrested 56 times, but only con­ will be speakers at the third annual , first step toward forming a county Kelly and standing in the field tour bridge over Dawson creek was third place in the league with vic­ ‘ Bail was set at victed twice. At the outbreak of the county club picnic a t Rippling' post of the organization. More than 1 son last Thursday. I hr fire is reported to have start started Monday. Workmen arr now­ tories «»ver Roy and Gaston. Mer­ World war hr enlisted in the Can­ Waters picnic ground August 7, ac-( 3.5 county veterans attended the $1000. rd in thr field at 4:45 o’clock and tearing down thr old bridge and chants turned back Roy 6 to 1 and Alleged to have knocked down adian forces, receiving four medals: cording to an announcement by the . meeting at the court house. Anoth­ Rev. and Mrs. P. H. Schaus re­ was swept to thr stack by the will begin construction of thr new Carlton defeated Gaston 11 to 1. Hillsboro meets Carlton Sunday turned Friday to their home a t Mrs. O. S. Murphy of near Tuala- for bravery in action, and return­ picnic committee. The program will er meeting has been called for Tues­ u ind. bridge as soon ns thr old structure day night. at Carlton and thr latter must win Schcffiin from a two months* trip tin View school in an attniept to ing with thr rank of lieutenant. follow a picnic lunch at noon. Ihr hay ranch, comprising 500 is out of thr way. Speakers representing the state molest her, Eugene Zervas, 27. was On his return he was arrested once to have a chance at second place acres, is thr largest in Washington A baseball game between leaders, department were Dr. W. G. Scott, honors in thr league. Thr game to thr east, where Rev. Schaus at­ arrested Monday by Deputy Sheriff more for old crimes. county devoted exclusively to hay and club members has been plan- J state commander; Cicero F. Hogan, Traffic Violator Fined raising, and is believed to br one Lester Zurchrr was arrested Mon­ at Verboort between Forest Grove tended the national convention of Harry Johnson and held in the Stopping at a church in Memphis,; ned for the day as well as swim­ state service officer; Donald E. of thr largest in Ihr stair. Four day on a traffic charge by State and Verboort, holding thr top posi­ Lutheran Missouri Synod at Mil­ county jail on a charge of assault. Tenn., for a drink of water, he ming. games and races. Each club Long, state chief of staff and form­ W. II. Long was arrested on a baling crews of I I men each have Officer (Jiff P. Boss. He is charg­ tions in tht* standing, promises to waukee, Wis While in Milwaukee w as taken into the pastor’s study, will provide lunch for its o w n I er Hillsboro man; and Alfred E. brrn working on thr crop and com ed with having too high a load on br thr feature game of Sunday’s they i ¡sited at thr homes of Prof, charge of driving while drunk and where in conference with Dr. Ben­ group and tables will be arranged Whiteside, state adjutant. Purposes C. N. Miles with being drunk schedule Roy and Gaston will play I’aid /anow’ and Rev. Elmer Zanow, plrted their work in harvesting thr his truck. jamin Cox. he made his decision to close together for the program. The of the organization, children's home I HOC) bale crop Tuesday noon. Trucks Zurchrr plead guilty to the traf at Gaston for thr cellar champion­ sons of Mrs. Bertha Zanow of this on the public highway Monday by turn away from the underworld and Kraus Junior band will provide the at Eaton Rapids, Mich., adjusted State Officer Jack Waldron. Both ship. Games scheduled for Sunday have brrn hauling NO tons a day , fir charge before .lustier of Peace to lead an honest life. Since that music. city. They also visited Rev. L. compensation and what the organ­ to Ihr barn whrrc it is planned to! Kuratli Wednesday and was fined v. ¡¡I br thr last on thr schedule. Stu rhe and family at Strasburg, men are from Cornelius. Long was time he has traveled mileage equal Members of the committee 1 n ization is doing for veterans and Winners of first and second posi­ III., former residents of Blooming, reported as driving the car and to a complete trip around the charge of the picnic are J. L. Batch­ their families were discussed. J. store 1100 tons. CO«t« uf S3 SO tions will play a three game scries where Rev. Stuehe was pastor of Miles as being the passenger. world, telling the story of his con­ elder of Hillsboro, chairman; Mrs. (Continued on pnge 4) E. L. Rowan of Sherwood re- version, and the power of the gos­ Ina Bowman, W. S. Averill and O. I.aider of Hillsboro was chairman th«* Lutheran church for years. of the meeting. ported the loss of a Majestic por­ Their itinerary included visits at table radio set while the family pel of the Christian religion i n B. Kraus of Hillsboro; and Mrs. Selection of a name for the coun­ men ’ s lives. Juanita Kasch of Rosedale. The ty post and election of officers will Washington. D. C., New York, and was at church last Sunday. Last Sunday evening Pastor Hen ­ picnic grounds are 414 miles north ­ Schenectady, N. V , and other large he made Tuesday night at the coun­ Report that his home had been cities of th«* cast. At Washington burglarized during his absence on ry S. Haller of the Congregational west of Forest Grove on the Gales ty court house. All gold-stripe vet­ they attended a session of the senate a vacation was made by Vernon W. church preached the sermon on the Creek road. Last year nearly 500 erans interested are urged to at­ STATE CAPITO!. NEWS LETTER effect Ihr federal emergency re­ Completion of a well pumping ami heard President Hoover make Harper, Portland route 5. to Sher­ topic, “Alive, Though Dead,” from club members and their parents at­ tend by those sponsoring the or­ (A. L. IJndbeck) ganization. a speech, which was said to be iff Connell Saturday. An electric the text, St. John 11, 25. 'The union tended. lief bill will have on the financing 150 gallons of water per minute at the only speech hr ever Salem Thr stat.- highw ly com­ of Oregon’s unemployment relief < m a d e sewing machine, percolator, table services will continue throughout mission Is scheduled to meet here program. While it is understood th«* Ray Malin,r cannery aft«r it in thr senate during his term the month of August. --------------------------- ( Friday to map out a program of that Oregon will be entitled Io ap had been declared impossibl«* in the of office. At Chicago Miry saw lamp, electric toaster, linen, suit ( of clothes and an overcoat were uncinploy inrnl relief and to con proximal»-Iv $2,000,000 out of the quicksand formation in this locality Franklin Roosevelt, the democratic «Ider highway finances. Faced with federal fund in lhe form if a loan was the accomplishment of the A. nominee for president, just after taken. Leo Schumnier of Sherwood re­ a serious shrinkage in revenues the use of this fund is hedged M. Jnnnsen Drilling company last his speech, while lie was rn route ported the loss of a year-old heifer through the slump in automobile about by so many rules and regula­ week. The well is 1N2 feet deep from th«’ auditorium to the hotel. to the sheriff Wednesday. The heif-l license fees and gasoline tuxes and tions that a state fund of consul and th«’ waler test was passed by Returning by’ way of the Cana- er was killed and taken away in a By W. 8. Averill) strychnine on from a pepper shaker Mrs. LaDocia Cobb, state presi­ with .*1,30(1,000 of its funds con ernblc proportions Io serve ns a th«’ state board of health last Thurs­ dian Pacific, they visited at Van- Rodents arc particularly destruc­ and stir until thoroughly mixed. truck, the thieves leaving a sawed- mimed in emergency unemployment revolving fund will probably’ be day morning. couvrr and Victoria, B. C. Rrv. off axe on the scene. A Ford truck dent of the Auxiliary to the Amer-1 tive at this time of the year, goph­ Do not mix more than can be put ¡can Legion, will visit the Hillsboro Work in drilling the well took Srhaus says that business conditions relief work during Ihr past winter necessary in order to share in the owned by August llickethier of unit Tuesday night nt the regular1 ers nnd squirrels are storing food out in one day. thr«’«’ months. Pipe of 2l-inch di­ are very poor in the east. thr romiiiission is confronted with federal money. Placing the Bait Cedar Mills was taken from his* meeting in the Veterans* hall. Mrs. for fall and winter and because they ameter was used on the first 60 the necessity of issuing another Small handful of fresh tips may place Tuesday noon according to Cobb is spending the most of her arr active it is a good time to large block of bonds in order to Sun baths for farm animals is feet of the drilling to shut off sur Galley Irrigation Tour practice control measures. b« ’ inserted in the fresh runaways his report. The truck was recover­ time in Portland, assisting in plans finance this year’s program which not as silly as it sounds, Dr. W. II. face water and 10 inch perforated The Willamette valley pocket by opening with a trowel or tile ed yesterday noon in Portland by for the national convention of the1 To Reach Five Counties police. Includes thr retirement «»1' $1,937, I vile, stale veterinarian, insists. pipe to the depth of IN2 feet was gopher is the largest and most de­ spade from the mounds until the legion and auxiliary, to be held in structive species found in Oregon. main runway can be reached. The 500 in bonds maturing October 1. Modern dairy barns in lhe future Installed. The well is known as a ’I’lie itinerary of the third annual that city September 12-15. She will j “ rock wall well ” and two earloads As an allrrnalive Io Hie bond issue will be designed to admit health Willamette valley irrigation tour is They arc numerous and have enor­ tips are then deposited in the main of ^>ea gravel was worked in be- practically completed, reports Ar­ Discussion of Trucking tell of these plans at the meeting mous appetites, eating garden crops, runway and a clod and loose earth there Is seen Ihr prospect of a loan giving violet rays, Lytle believes. Bill Held at Rotary Club Tuesday night. tween the 10 and 21 inch pipe. from the Keconsl ruction Finaiivr roots and plants. They are very placed over it, so that no earth thur King, soils specialist, rrpre-1 Election of officers and election | easily killed by the use of the fol ( Discussion of the proposed High­ corporal ion. One by one lhe ranks of ex­ srnting both thr extension service I will fall on the bait and light will way Protection law regulating com ­ of delegates to the convention will' I hr regular highway program for highway commissioners continues to lowing bait: be excluded. and Oregon Reclamation congress Store Remodeling to Be mercial trucks and busses was made be the order of business. 1932 is now all umlcr contract. grow in numbers. The latest addi Ten pounds green clover tips; on the arrangements committee. Strychnine for poisoning gophers Mrs. Arthur Kroeger, Mrs. A. W.l one ounce strychnine (alkaloid). Some of lhe projects, in fact, have lion to the membership is Leslie Made by Merchant Here The tour will start from Port­ by Ralph Stahley of Portland at may be purchased through the drug the Rotary club meeting Thursday. Hoffman, Mrs. B. M. Goodman and already been completed, (’ontrnc’s M. Scott, who became an “ex” last Gather the clover tips fresh from 1 land August IN, visiting two places stores or through the county agent*« Several local merchants have been awarded since thr first of Ihr yr ir week w hen he could no lonrcr brook remodeling and redecorating their in Washington county before go­ Stahley represented the truckers’ Mrs. C. E. Wells will be the host­ the field at a time when the (lew office. total approximately $3,500,000 for the interference of (ioiernor Meier places of business this week. The ing to McMinnville for an all-irri- side of the question and stated that esses for the evening. or moisture of any kind is gone. Ground squirrels are storing grain th<‘ ni'W construction and better­ with the work of the commission Palm Drug store is extending the grttrd-products luncheon. A’amhill thev desired regulation. Wet tips will not mix satisfactorily. and are not as easily poisoned now C. T. Richardson, new manager ments, in addition Io which I h c and resigned. Scott’s retirement baleonx Io make room for a chirop­ and Polk county farms will be vis If gathered in the rain spread them as they were during the spring and City Council Will Open year’s bill for maintenance of the from the commission increased lhe odist department mid a truss ap­ Ited that afternoon. The forenoon at the Carnation condenser, wasj out in a dry place and allow water early summer. Bids on Sewer Tuesday re instated by tlie board of direc-1 state highway «yRteni will total number of former commissioners to pliance department. Both depart­ of th«’ next day will be devoted to to dry off. Avoid getting grass or Poison barley is the most practical another $2,000,000. New const rm1 I I The members of the first com ments are to be managed by Earl vii’wing irrigation experiment.« on tors. Richardson was a member of ; Blds for furnishing and laying of any foreign material mixed with bait for ground squirrels and can h e th«' local Rotary club when tion ami maintenance rxprn.e on mission Simon Benson of Portland, F. I h aring. the experiment station at Corval­ pipe for the city storm and sani­ them as they are not good bait and. be purchased from most of thr served as manager of the con- tary sewer will he opened at the will take up strychnine that .should community stores in the county. secondary highways aimmiding to I',. .1. Adams of Eugene and W. L. Redecorating of the marquee in lis, ami in the afternoon the party $1,100,000 for this year also conic Thompson of Pendleton. Others front of the Venetian theater was will visit vegetable and fruit irri­ denser previously. council meeting next Tuesday night go on the clover tips, thus reduc­ This bait is prepared by the coon rill of the Mull III '",l who have scried the slate on the completed III«* first part of the gation projects around Eugene. tv agent and may be purchased at N o’clock. Bids on both con­ ing the efficiency of the bait. Filed for Probate highway commission, but who have week and thr show window in the Mix by spreading the tips on a from him if the local store does irrigation i n under tin- fi-rnis of U Estimates are that crete and creosbtcd wood-stave pipe Estate of John B. Lilly was filcd for the 1.1 mile line either resigned or been removed, Perfection bakery has been and' the Willamette valley has increased heavy paper or in a tight box so act of 1931. have been not handle It. for probate Tuesday. Mrs. Roxana called for and a two-year mainte­ a.s to keep the strychnine from sift­ In thr absence of ‘»nt Candidates Speak Tells of Early Days I NO. 23 HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 2M, 1932 VOLUME XXXIX One Hundred Years Record Of Banks Man The Argus, one of the beat equip­ ped weekly plant« in the state, offers economy service. W. Miller Sentenced Local Youth Canary Grass Injured In Valuable Crop Auto Crash On Wet Lands Prowlers Rob Druggist And Oil Warehouse Funds to Be Asked Body Found In Woods South Of Beaverton Groners’ Pictures Shown Here Later ; Fire Destroys Hay Harvest Near Recdville Schaniberg Bridge Equipment Arrives Famous Stage Play To Show at Theater Locals Break Win Streak Of Verboort Ex-Gangster To Speak At Union Service Speakers Named on 4-H Picnic Program Man Arrested on Old Larceny Indictment County Post OfV.F.W. To Be Organized Rev. «and Mrs. Schaus Return From Trip Highway Commission Considers Relief and Highway Bond Issue Drilling Completed On Well at Cannery State President of Auxiliary Visits Poison to Control Destructive Rodents Advised at This Time