The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 12, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    T H E
Page Six
Couple Celebrate Anniversary
At Chehalem Mountain Sunday
Chehalem Mountain.
Mr. and
Mr,. W. F. Wohlwhlegel celebrated
their fifth wedding annhersary Sun­
day with a picnic. Mo>t of the
guests remained to supper, lhose
attending beside Mr. and
Wohls, hl. gel were Mr. and Mrs.
C. I
Dempses, Mr. and Mrs B
I.. Price. Mr. and Mrs. John Den­
ney, Mrs. Adi Fox. the Misses
Buddy Dempsey, Trixcy Denney,
Wilma Morri, md Helen Christen­
son, Wilford Fox. all of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs Collin. Graham of
Aurora and Mi., b.nola Barlow.
Mr. Dempsey »as an honor guest,
Sunday being his birthday anniver­
Sunday dinner guests at the home
of Fred and John Haynes were
Mr. and Mrs Charles liayncs and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morgan of
Scholls, Mrs. Etta Haynes of Hills­
boro and Ben Haynes of Banks.
Mrs. Clara Wohlsehlegel, who has
been staving with a daughter, Mrs
L. I. liiilit, at Newberg, returned
to the
Finnigan home Friday.
The Fir Grove school closed Fri­
day with a community dinner at
noon, which was attended by the
whole neighborhood and a number
of visitors. The children gave a pro­
gram in the afternoon, followed by
a ball game. Norma Meyers. Mar­
jorie Will., David Otto and Wallace
Whitmore received certificates for
perfect attendance through the
Miss Beryl Deford came from
Eugene Friday evening and re-
Mother's Day with
mained over
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Deford. She was accompanied by
Miss Frances Hoffman. Buford De­
ford, who had been visiting at Eu­
gene since Wednesday drove down
with them Friday.
Elect Teacher
The Buck Heaven school board
has elected Mis, Martha Balmer
to teach the next term of school.
The teacher,, salary here has been
cut from W to $7S and the jan­
itor work from
to #2.50.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Sidney Gould
«nd son of Tillamook visited at
the home of Mr. Gould’s cousin,
Mrs. E. I*. Smith, Sunday.
Mother's Day dinner guests at
the Calvin Whitmore home includ­
ed Mr. and Mrs, Leslie lee and
faniilv of Cherry Grove, Mr. and
Mrs. 'M. F. Boge of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Whitmore.
»to __
______ _____
Lee remained to
spenii the week with her grandpar-
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Brown of
Mr. and Mrs.
Garden Home and —
Kenneth Denner and children Alice
and Thomas of Whitford, spent the
day, Sunday, at the Ira McCor­
mick home.
Fir Grove school pupils enjoyed
a weiner roast and ice cream Thurs­
day afternoon as a treat from their
teacher. Miss Irene Stevens
o f
Mrs. Raleigh Whitmore enter­
tained with a dinner Sunday in
honor of her mother, Mrs. E. 1
Hareman. Other guests were Mr.
and Mrs Ansyl Tykeson and son
Donald of Portland.
Miss Clara Shook went to Hills­
boro Sunday and will make her
home with Sirs. Crews, who form­
erly lived on the mountain. Miss
Shook began work at the Ray-Mal-
ing cannery Monday.
Misses Laurine and Frances Lam-
brix entertained a number of their
friends with a wiener roast Sat­
urday evening, guests included Mr.
and Mrs. O. Palmer and family,
Wanda Finigan, Enola Barlow, Ar-
Leonard Whitmore,
Lauren and Donald Haynes, and
Wilbur Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Biiat went to
Portland Sunday and were enter­
tained at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Notigoid.
Mountain Top school playground
ball team won the game Thursday
from Ribbon Ridge 19 to 5 at Rib­
bon Ridge. A return game will be
played at Mountain Top Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs Otto Ornduff were
hosts at a dinner party at their
home Sunday. Among the guests
were Mr. and Mrs. James Rachin
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Templer
and daughter ot Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Shuck and son Stan­
ley of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Finigah. Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel
and Miss Wanda Finigan.
Spring Brook defeated Chehalem
Center at Bald Peak Sunday 8 to
3. A pick-up team played at the
end of the game. There will be a
ball game here next Sunday. About
50 automobile loads o f
were at the park Sunday, many
cooking dinner or supper there.
The road in Washington county
has been graded to the line, but
the mad has not been worked on
in Yamhill county and the going
was very bad, some nlaces in the
road being about a foot de<p.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego anti fain-
ily visited his grandparents, Mr.
»nd Mrs. Reetz.» «t Newberg Sun-
day afternoon.
Mi*s Monica and Hodson Mc-
Cormick, accompanied by th<* Misses
Marie and .Julia Fuchs of New­
berg and Allan Comber of Port­
land, went to Salmon river and
Taft on a fishing trip Sunday. The
trout were illusive so they brought
home a good supply of crabs.
Donate Money for Road»
1.. T. Finigan has subscribed $30
to finish rocking the road pass
ing his farm. Other' with property
to this road donating
money for rock ir/ Guy Strong ot
Hillsboro 823 and Roy Marlin of
Portland $25
Clayton Whitmore Joinrvl (inner
Brown of Hillsb«»ro ami went fish­
ing in D>i'\ ( «‘K Sunday« Mhp
Whitmore brought home a goo«l
catch of trout in spit«* of the fish
ermen being more plentiful than
the fish.
Mrs. Frank Hill is -pending this
week with her parent-. Mr ami
Mrs. Albert Koberstein at (iaston.
F. C. Staliey of the teaching
staff of Hillsboro high was a week­
end guest at the F. E. Hoffman
home. Other recent gursts at the
Hoffman home
included George
Gould of Portland, who was there
Thursday and Friday, and Mrs
Gould were entertained Saturday
and Sunday.
Bill Park S|'rnt Saturday and
Sunday at Portland with his moth­
er, Mrs. Ruth Park.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Sinniger of
Chehalem Center and Mr. ami Mrs.
Ray Ego and family enjoyed Moth­
er's Day dinner with the women’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jones.
Other guests Sunday at the Jones
home were Mr. anil Mrs. Charles
Rees. Mr and Mrs. Paul Rees anil
family and Mrs. Ross Jennings of
Thomas Tw igg is setting out four
and one half acres of blackcaps.
Mrs. Pearl Crabtree and daugh­
ter visited Mrs. L. T. Finigan Sun­
day. Mrs. Crabtree’s family lived
at Laurel. She is m iking her home
with her brother, Herbert Gland­
ers. at Pendleton.
Mrs. D. P. Murray and children
of Beaverton were guests at the
home of her parents from Monday
until Friday.
A. York of Reedville.
Mrs. J.
, of Beaverton,
Mrs. I). P. ___
Mrs. _-
J. L. Marlin and Miss Alice
McInnis of Portland spent Moth­
er’s Day with their mother, Mrs.
D. M. McInnis. Mrs. York and
Mrs. Murray were accompanied by
their children.
Californian Looking
For Location Here
Mountaindale.— Thomas Robinson
spent Wednesday* visiting the C. I
Williams home, also calling on oth­
er relatives. Mr. Robinson owns a
large fruit ranch at Simi, Cal.,
raising a few hundred acres each
of oranges, persimmons and wal­
nuts. He also raises one-sixth of
the tomato seed grown in the
United States. He was quite en­
thused about this country and in
..... ay
locate here later. Mr. Cannel, who
recently purchased
a ranch
a -
neighbor of
Gales Creek, v was
— _
his at Sind.
Edwin Jesse entertained many
friends at a party given in honor
of his eighteenth birthday* at the
Mountaindale Community hall Sat­
urday evening. The evening w a s
spent in games and dancing. About
sixty* were present.
Mrs. F. M. Zilly. Helen and Bud
Zilly and Ethel Harper of Port-
land, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ----------
Irwin, Lester and Robert Schlegel,
and .....
Mr. ___
and _____
Mrs. W. W. Williams
were Sunday dinner guests at the
C. I. Williams home. Miss Zilly
will return to Los Angeles next
T uesdav.
Charles Walter of North Plains
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Reiser motor­
ed to Seattle Sunday.
Miss Nellie McNew is working at
the Charles Kessler home at Banks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hansen of
Portland are spending the week at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
P. E. Gardner.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Gardner and
daughter Elaine and J. Davis and
Judge Bean Seeks
Voters' Approval
son ('laud were Sunday visitors
at the home of Walter Willis of
I hatcher.
Mrs H McClvn ami 1 uella Max
well of Portland spent Tuesday .it
Henry J. Bean, present chief
their parent's home, Mr. and Mr- Justice of the supreme court of
i it Magwell
Oregon, who is a candidate for
Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Strader and the nomination for re-election ns
t .mily spent Suntlay at the home
of her mother, Mrs. E. Buys of
Brat rrton.
Mr. and Mrs. Butler Raffcty
'pent Mother'.' Day with Mrs. Raf
Mrs. Toelle of Dr­
tety’s mother,
cne»», at a birthday party given
tor Mrs. Toelle.
Mr. ami
and Mrs
Mrs. P. Hergert
family of Mountaindalr spent Sun
day at the home of her parents.
Mr and Mrs. Oppenlander of Gales
Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Dillon and
family and Mr. and Mrs 1 aFollrttr
Brown of Portland visited Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Fuwlvs and family
\ isitors at the Philip Hergert
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
1 eo Strader and family Id Buyer
of Beaverton, Mrs. Wurwalt
family of Hillsboro and Mr.
Mrs. J. Buyer.
Schools Will Join
In Picnic May
May 20 is the
day of school in several districts
and a joint school picnic w ill be
hehi in the wood' near Groveland.
All ay urged to bring well filled
baskets ami be present to enjoy the
sports and games.
Farmers are busy seeding spring
grain and getting the ground in
shape for corn and potato plant­
ing. Field work in general is over
a month behind. Hay ami winter
grain are doing fine, while fruit
trees show prospects of a good
crop. Three potato buyers were in
this vicinity last week. The bulk
of the spuds here are sold, leaving
some for the local market.
The benefit dance at Helvetia
hall Saturday was a financial and
social success. Proceeds will be
used to get uniforms for the West
Union team.
Mrs. Pete Johnson, who died at
the Jones hospital Sunday, was a
member of the Sunshine club and
the members wish to extend their
sympathy to the husband and rela­
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and
son of Portland visited at the home
Mrs. Victor
Christensen. Sunday.
Mr-. Staehle spent Saturday and
Sunday at the home of her daugh­
ter. Mrs. Ernest Zurcher. Other
guests at the Zurcher home Sun­
day were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trach-
sel and family of Reedville, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Amacher and fam-
illy of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Staehle anil family.
Miss Anna Christensen spent last
week in Portland visiting friends.
Joseph Wenzel spent the week­
end fishing at Monmouth
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Lane of
Portland visited at the
Christensen home Saturday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Jones en-
tertained Monday for Mrs. Darby.
Ernest Stockeel, Mrs. Harris and
Mrs. Hadeley, all of Portland.
Grabel school gave a Mother’s
Day program Sunday. .After the
program flowers were given to the
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grabel spent
a week with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor E.
Holm of Svenson.
justice of the supreme court, po.i
ti*»u No. 2, on the non-partisan
judiciary ballot, was first riveted
to that position ID 191»» and h IB
served since that time. The able
opinions written by him soon after
he assumed the position attracted
the attention ot the other member,
of the court and the lawyers of the
state His opinion, received marked
attention in the reports of seleetrd
, i.e., and »ere referred to in text
book, and adopted ns the sound
exposition of tile law
They served
in large measure in the construe
tion. establishment and adniinistra
tion of the employers' liability law
of Oregon and the federal employ­
ers' liability net, of which the
state court, have concurrent Juris­
diction. therefore, cases under the
federal law are commenced and
prosecuted in this state. 1 he work­
men’s compensation act lias manv
time, been considered ami applied
by Justice Bean.
' In all matter, receiving his nt
tention. justice and right are hi-
principal guide. His opinions ti rr
widely recognised as sound and
just. At three different primary
elections he has been endorsed by
both the and democratic
parties. It ha never been intimated
that his acts were influenced in
lie «!«•-
any way
—.. by partisanship,
,----- ----------- ,
serves the approval of the voters
of the state, irrespective of party
affiliation., at the coming primary
election May 20.
(By son-in law '
Rosedale 4-H Club
Benefit Succesful
The variety program
held at R»»srdale school Saturil.ay
evening was a success. “Cinderella
was presented by a group of the
school children. Supt. (). B. Kraus
and his Junior band played »elec
Other numbers were: Mrs.
Robert Baird, piano solo; Henry
Fueg.v, accord).in music; Marian
Baird. violin solo and tap dancing;
Elaine Beckett, readings; Charlie
selections; Mrs. .1
lllday*, whistling Wirvuvii.-»,
C. Smith, vocal solo, and by \\ il-
liam Gray of Portland, a Scotch
The 4-H Girls sold candy and
____ r___
* *
and ____
had _ a _ grab-bag.
club has enough money to send
three members to summer school at
Thui-HcUy, Muy 12. 1!)32
h.ilcni river nmi mnvlr a flue catch .
of fish.
Mr and Mrs. Robert« and family !
«if Portland spent Sunday at the,
Berger home.
Mr«. T* l'- Blrdso»* has left tier
farm, anil is visiting in Portland
before going to southern Oregon
to inak«* hrr home
llaRcldalr school will have three
< ightll graders to take th«’ state
«x.ims at this time: Joe Berger,
\\ .ild»'l<*
ami W«»o»lrow
Rosedale scho«»l will have
live applicants: A-unta ami J«»lm
> tutor«*, Melvin ami I eltoy Jack
ami Uar»*!in«' Dotin.
Kinton Delegates
Chosen State Meet
Kinton grange met in regular
monthly ««•«sion Saturday, with a
very good attendance and all I of-
licers present, Grange dinner W IIS
served at noon, aftrr u hie li the
lecturer, Mrs.
Mice Fluke, had
prepared a program as foil« low# t
Song by all; reading, Gladys Hall;
stunt, by all present; piano duct,
Misses Mary ( athry Hall and l u
nice Ellen ladder; reading Ada
(Utting; reading,
\hc» Richard*;
I !i,. Albert Strelfl
During th«
business hour, Frank (' Fluke was
chosen as alternate to attrml State
Grange meeting in Silverton in
June. Leland Flint, master, will be
It derided to change
the time of meeting from the first
S iturday in the month to the first
Monday evening at 8 o’clock, dur­
ing the summer month*« Granger'
wdl note that the next meeting will
be Momiay evening, June 6th, at
8 »»’clock.
I akr
Grove* was calling on friend' and
relatives around town last Wed
Primary nominating rieri ion nt
the Grange lull Fl id i) , May 20.
\ «»ters ihuuld not forget this dale,
Regular preaching service next
Sundnv at II o'clock by the pastor,
E. Simpson, following
Rev. W.
Bible school
session of
I very one invited to be
present at these services
Miss Edith Dukes of Farming
ton wa: s a guest Monday of Miss
Mabel VanKIrrk, Pleasant \ alley
a n d
Win Klerk
< liildren motored to Portland Sat
unlay, where they spent the u rrk
end with relativ es
Mr. ami Mrs. Dock Hunt and
son, Dock J., spent the week-end
»it the home of Mrs Hunt’s par-
ent% Mr. and Mr'. Walter I.each
man, Pleasant Valley road.
Mr. and Mrs. (>. II
...... ..........
Rredvillr and Hillsboro, calling at
the home of Mrs. Peterson’s bro­
ther, Chri' Cook of Rredvillr.
Mr and Mr'. Robert Pomeroy
ami »laughter' were Sunday guc't'
of Mr'
Pomeroy’s parent.',
parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. (' Sparks ■ of Portland.
They attended Mothrr’i Day mtv -
ices at a church in po rtland.
and Mrs. It
and daughter, Mrs. V I
of Portland, were I rid.« y gur't .H
.it the home of another daughter,
Mrs I. irl ('. Bell, Cooper moun­
Everett Wright, president ol f the
Sunday school contention of thin
district, and E. I
Cox, local vice
president, attended a meeting last
w here
Thursday evening at Srholl
plans were made for the convention
to be held Sunday, “*
..... *
place to be announced next week.
Each school in the district will
take part in the program and the
speaker will be Dr. Staub of the
Davis Reports
Sunnyside U*»ngregutlonal church
»» l Portland.
Mi' I «»ui'»' \ .»nlxlci k, Miss Mabel
\ an Klerk,
Mi'« -----
( lifford and Carl WinKleek and
Robert I rachinan spent Satiiriin)
in llihboro, where they were shop
ping ami visiting with relative.'
Thrr«‘ were a niinibcr of large
family gathering« in town SumLiy,
among them being at th«* home
. ■ t Ml *"«l Mi- I I 11 i \ 5 It i<h.i i <1 •
and thr
Dallmann home, when
their children came home to '¡»end
Mother’« Day
Kinton selmol bill tram Is «till
winning laurels
Two games were
played on thr Kinton «linmond lu'l
vv rrk, our w ith Cornelius thr s»*«»r<*
bring 10 to 13 in favor <»f Kinton
The other gamr was with a tram
mini»* up from Gronrr, Midway
md Mountaimddr schools, tin* .M'tirc
bring lit»» I In favor of the local
The brotherhoo«l mrrting win
held last Tuesday rv ruing at the
( ’liarles
home of Mr
and Mrs
*1 'hoinpson, ’Hie Flat road, There
wrrr 19 mrn present and a few
ladies hm gursts.
Mrmbrr« were
prrsrnt from Mountain Home,
rrl and Kint»»n, ami n fine pro
gram was put on by thr member.'
Mr* llrlrn Siprs, who has been
nursing at the home of Mr and
Way nc Van Klerk, w a a
guv't l.i't vv rrk nt th»* Inmir «»f Mr,
\an Klerk
.’ ml Mi'
Siprs rrturtinl h» hrr home in Port
land during thr past wrrk
Mrs Lilly Birrly and »laughter
Mr* I thrl M«C«»rmi»k and family
of Hillsboro were at their home
here Saturday
They will nmvr t»»
their Kinton home at thr close of
thr srho»»l year
I ittlr Mi«' \ mla Birrly. d nigh
trr of Mr and Mrs Floyd Birrly,
had thr udsfortunr to fall down
Dr Mason
stair* last Wcilnc'ilny
of Beaverton i u as summoned and
collar bone u «.
found that the
fractured ami she
«hr was quite badly
bruised on thr body,
At Inst re-
ports \‘iola i' doing very well and
it is hoped she Mill suffer no ill
Kinton school will dose its w»»rk
' on I'riday, May •jo, aftrr a very
xucceMaful year u ith Robert Sum
mrrs «- principal and Mrs Ihrth.»
Shaver as primary teacher,
.«nine tr.n'hrrs will have »barn
1 thr school next year.
i be several new* scholar! ill thr
.Snhlrr nn«l
Mr ami Mr* J (
son l.cxtrr ami Mr» I’lorriH»' 1 » r
kin «pent Siituln) v ith M r
Mrs Glenn Siiid«T «»( 1 ik<* ( ¡rnv«•
M r. Snhlrr is a wn of Mr and
Mrs Snidrr
The regular monthly inertting
of thr l.aili»''* Aid society will be
held nt the church next 'Thursday
afternoon, M.iv 19, ,»t 2 Members
and all ladies in thr community are
\ roinfortrr
invited to be pre sent
will be tacked at this mrrting,
s»» pl<- use bring srwing tools.
gursts nt the
thr home
hoiur of
Mr« E. I
omi Mr
C Wright of (’«»rmlius,
P Herrick of .Sellu ood.
and Mr. and Mrs D P. Nr u man
of IJnnton.
Mr and Mr*
\ugnst ( Ibri't of
Harley Taylor. Ray Cary, and J
Collection of $528.20 in fees in
April has been reported to the conn Hendricks spent a few days last
tv court by Recorder James II. Da week around the Puget Sound cities.
Mr. and Mrs. ('laud Mills spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Mills and Mr.
Ask your attorney to send your W. A. Jones.
Jones spent Sunday on the Ne-
advertising to the Argus.
(Present incumbent)
Candidate for
Republican Nomination
H. A. Kuratli
Washington County
Judge Brand ii . .
(1) Circuit Judge of Second Judicial
District . ..
(2) Originator of Brand Probation
Plan ,. ,
(3) Fair . . . Learned . . . Efficient.
First mortgages have stood the test for 100 years
through hard times and good time.«.
Our monthly payment mortgage which is reduced
a little each month is doubly secure.
Invest with us today.
Amounts of $100.00 and up accepted.
Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n
J. M. PERSON, Manager
Hillsboro, Oregon
The subject of taxation, which
is the most complex problem that
ever çonfronte<l a legislative body,
has been n bone o f contention
since the first establishment of gov­
ernment and has never been satis­
factorily adjusted to the individual
taxpay er.
The trouble is, the wants of the
people are never satisfied. These
wants must be provided for by some
source of taxation and when tax
is lrvied it must be paid. The sel­
fish interest of the human heart,
| which w e all possess wc want to
: shoulder the burden on the other
There are
ation -property, incomes, licenses
and inheritance—and to make the
proper distribution of the burden
is some job. In rny opinion, one-
third of the direct taxes should be
raised from graduated incomes. I
am in favor of a stiff inheritance
tax. No person should be allowed
to dispose by will, that accumula-
tion of property that hr obtained by*
the rise of bis possessions created
bv his environments, 'ibis alone,
would create funds enough to rnain-
( tain all the expenditure of state
government a n d
wobld support
your institutions of higher jearn-
1 ing. I want no exemptions of any
kind, this only leads to abuse.
I promised by grange friends,
three years ago, that if the laws
that were placed o n the statute
books in thr '29 session were left
i impaired, that the taxes on real
«•state would be reduced 20 per cent,
and the sta*e tax would be practical­
ly wiped out. 'ibis was brought
J about in this manner, '¡’be taxation
i committer, of whirl) I was a mem­
ber, Introduced a bill for a more
, equal distribution of thr tax burden,
compelling the assessor to tax rner-
» handisr stock from the invoires.
| Our assessor did his duty and here
are the results the entire asse
valuation of Washington county
lowered but four and one-half
cent, while real property was
duced 27 per cent.
The intangible tax, in the’31 srs-
sion, was raised from 5 to 8 per
cent, of which I w as instrumental
in bringing about. I refer you to
Governor Meier to verify this state
merit. Some claim this is not high
enough. It isn’t what, we want in
this world, it is what we can get.
'There are but three states in the
nrdori that erjiral this and none high
rr. Furthermore, did it ever occur
to you that thr payers of intangible
taxes pay* a double tax. 'They are
om? of the sources that support th»*
I’nitrd States government, by pay­
ing an income tax to that source.
Furthermore, 1 question very much
if this source of taxation is raised
that it will produce as much revenue.
For this reason, intangibles are that
sourer of property that, you can
stick in your pocket and move.
I have been on the committee of
taxation for the last eight years and
have supported every income, in­
tangible and rxris»' tax on o u r
statute books.
I helped to introduce a bill in
the 27th session to put the Indiana
plan on our statute books ns now
advocated by (Jovernor Meier.
fought for and helped to put the
stat<* police bill on the statute book
and circulated a petition in the
cabinet form of government, with
this proviso in 1930, and also the
department of agriculture recom­
mended by the governor.
In the 23rd session I want the
credit for stalling the bouse by roll
call until we bad time t o hustle
three more votes to get thr required
number of votes to put over the
10 per cent tax on oleomargarine.
(Paid advertisement)
Siinari'br for Ihr Arg..a.
« uiuliilatv
Mr. and Mrs Glen Ihirdesty
children I orraine and Gene,
Clinton Balfour visited Mr.
Mr- Jacob Miller and family
Pat Balfour visited in Portland
the first of the week
Miss Margaret Maher \ Kited in
Portland this week.
\ dance was given
Mat 7, by the Ari'atlr I1 ’«»tato clui»
\ good crowd attended and supper
was sold at midnight.
Say you miw It in the Argot
In its issue of \pril 20, 1929,
referring to the recommendation by
Senator Mi'Nary of Colonel \lfr««l
I Chirk for the office of Solicitor
General of th»' l*nilc»l States, the
“Oregon Voter” sanl, “A I
has llie legal learning, th»' («»renal«’
ability and the dignity to represent
the \ttorncy General of Hi«* United
States in appearances before the
Supreme Court
lie would be a
worthy successor to distinguished
pri'ilece»s«»rs if appointed S«»h»’ltor
General” Colonel \lfrril I
is now sri kiii'* the Republican nom­
ination for I’nitrd States senator.
\ vota for Colonel Clark is
a vote f<»r “Oregon and (he I >c
velopineiit of Its N at oral Resources
In the Interest of All Its People.”
(I’d adv
( lark for I
S Sen
ator committee, 82d 5 e»»|| Bldg ,
G. Russell Morgan
F< >11
District Attorney
1 nm the youngest son of Henri­
etta litre and George \ Morgan,
parent» coining
Washington county pionrer fam-
¡lie' My grandfather, W I» Hare«
practiced law in this county for
many years and my timlr, William
G Harr, li-ii pr.artirril law here
and been actively interested in all
county affairs for thr last 25 yr«irs.
My father wax at one time clerk
of this countx- 1
born at Hills­
boro 35' ago and attended the
public s«hool« »»f this county. For
my legal education I attrmled (he
Northwestern I aw school, the Uni­
versity of Washington mid the
University of Oregon. During the
war I cniistcil in the navy and was
stationed at Seattle, Washington.
W ishing
(itinriiM and V«»t<*r«
ton County i
I havr nlrrndv nerved you a» a
police <«ffu»r ami deputy for III«’
pa«t rlrvrn year«, whi»h «piahiir«
ill«* fur the offi»*r of -lirriff ami If
Min-«"ful in this romlng »l«»li«»n,
I will *rrve you a« in the past, rn
forcing all laws »»like without fear
or favor, and using good judgment
along with thr duties of the of
i« police officer and
Mv r«*<*«»r»l
deputy sheriff of tlii« c o ti n I y
that I have always
and offenders
treated i the public
I would like t o be
of thr law <t
1 >. 'id I III VM If under I h r same
» ir» um I in»'«', always giving them
.-« fair ami«- deal itid notl
showing partiality
I have wi»rked for I«" different
sheriff», ltr«'ves and Connell uti»l
ti»»tii them I hive forme«l mv »»pin-
ion of what thr people of Wash
itiglon countv want in thr u ay of
law » nfuri rmrnt.
Following are figure« and
hat will interest >«»u a* i
ml taxpayer)
These rr«'or<l*» were taken from
hr ret ord» it the clerk's office of
\\ I'hingtoii «•onntv. I hey are ex-
prmlittirrs (hit thr diff< rent shrr-
»»( this county expended »lur-
the first three years of thrir
trrn> In officr, together with
nmi fines collrctrd Thrv have
nollilng to do with the tax depart­
ment whit'orvrr I hey are rr»-or«|s
of thr civil ami criinimtl depart­
ment only
George \lrxan<lrr in the year«
I‘’21, 1922 ami 1923 Uir«uH court
fines »‘oliect r«|, $51,269 89;
>5(0 7<t; total 83|,H|(>59; expenses,
19,961 SI i total turned over to
nuntv clear and uhot r ripense«,
31.8(9 ON.
J E. Reeves in the year* 1925,
1926 ami 19’J
Circuit court fine*
collected, $75,929 75; f.. . ' I. u :
90; total, $79,
7 65; r xprnsrs, $35,-
951 Hl. total turned over t !o county
clear and above rxprior«, $13,323.-
J W (‘«»ntirll In the year« 1929.
I 930 and 1931
Circuit court fines
collected, '31,5(3 37; fees, $2.155 -
I I. tot » I. $38,998 5| ;
$4O,A0l 78; amount Connell i« lack­
ing of paying expenses, $3,503.27.
Where George Mexamlrr made
ii clear turnover of $31,8(9.08, and
J I Reeves $(3,325 84 above their
expenses, J W Connell i« lacking
$3.503 27 f I ron» even paying his
Itrrvrs made 97»i
arrests in the above three year!»
and Connell 760
I he sheriff’s office should nt
least be self sustaining and if m»m
inatrd and elected I will put my
utmost effort« in rconomiaing upon
the expenditures, and living up to
Oath of my office
(Paid adv.)
This Is thr first
ever been a candidate for any
lie office of this county, and 1
mit a short statement of my
form for your approval.
State Senator
with Mrs Obrisl'N parents, Mr. and
\ugust II Dallmann
Work at the tile factory of
E, I
St bolls started up Monday.
Cox of this town Ims employ nient
“M«»ther‘s Day” uai observed ut
I he church Sunday morning during
the Bible schuoi hour with tin
follow ing program i Reading« l»y
th»* children, talk by S II l'oinrr<»\
about “Mollier,” duct by E
Met «.entine
Cox mid Mrs. Cora
“M\ Mother's Bible,” an illustrai
t d recitation by Beulah Peterson
I Was admitted to thr bar In
1921, and began thr prncticr of
law in Coos county, where I re­
sided for 8 years, returning to
Hillsboro in 1929 Since that time
I have practice«! law in this coun-
Ed Schulmerich
Tested for 100 Years
Saving. & Loan Bldg.
If nominated ar.4 «*lrctcd, will,
during my term of office, devote
nil of my time and efforts to give
to Washington county an econom­
ical, cffi<irr»t and businesslike ad­
ministration of its affairs, for ev­
ery dollar expended, I w*ill en­
deavor to see that one dollar in
value is received therefor. I am
in favor of giving each road dis­
trict, especially those in the outly­
ing districts an opportunity to vote
their own special road tax to make
such improvements ns arc needed
in their community.
P»l. adv. 3 11
Continued Faithful Service
If nominated and elected
I Will.
( omlm t the »»ffi« »-w ithout a . darled
Maintain my office at the Court
I louse
T’ore»•lose delim|»lent taxes In ac-
cordance with the law
Conduct all civil and criminal busi
nrss of the County honestly, rf-
fiiiently. coiis<'icntiou«ly and with
absolute impartiality
Paid Adv.
PRIMARY, May 2olh
Paid Adv., St cl wer-for Senator Club,
Pa' lite Building, Portland, < )rer n
Re-union time . . . chil­
dren return find fam-
¡lies come together
again. The same spirit
of family devotion that
loads them home also
leads them to the ceme­
tery. Then, gather«;«!
about the memorial to
missing ones, they make their re-union complete. The
family tribute is to them both a representative and
a symbol of the past, it is a lasting bond between
themselves and those they have lost.
I this summer
New York
St. Louis
30. Day
Coach Intermediate
One W.iy One-Way
$40.00 $65.00
135.12 119.77 70.70 95.70
40.00 65.00
116.56 130.45 67.78 92.78
Sale Date» — Season, May 22 to Sept. 30; 30 Day,
May 22 to Oct. 15; return limits Oct. 31; Coach and
Intermediate, May 15 to Dec. 31. (Coach fares good in
coaches—Intermediate fares, In tourist sleeping cars.)
Go T int via the famous Columbia River Scenic Route
of Hie Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. on either the
L. SHERMAN, Agt., Phone 541
L. F. KNOWLTON, Gen. Agt., Portland
H. II. STANNARD, Manager
If yon have not already placed n memorial on
your family lot, wouldn’t the corning re-union on
Merry» rial Day provide an ideal lime to do so..................
Oregon Electric
S. P. & S. Ry