The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 25, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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Thurnday, February 25, 1932
Young wa* a bmdnrm
y Dr Henry
vihiior Io Hood River Tuesday.
7 I siale of |(< üben Prh keil Owen
bll • been admitted to probair.
White uí < oehraii
■ Mr*
vk lied nt I Ihr bollir of Mr, mid
M I '■ l( Hornby Tuesday.
N otlllg filled the
I lie pul
Dr Henry Young
pit .it III, ilmiön Killv Memorial
ell' r. h in Portland Sunday evening
’Mrs. .1 W Holl rnlrrlainrd Ihr
W« 'im ilm
bi i<k«
«lub w ilh
lui.,'beon at her home Wednesday
SMI nh l lrmior I ytirh of Portland
wti a week end giie.l of Mi*. Vera
wired Caldwell left Fur*i|uy for
Oi-ibaldi Io brale log* for I h r
Svlliern Parifi«
■ Mr and Mm. William llaldra
Potland were minh Sunday
Edith Morri*.
a Mt ami Mm. I( NN ( ¡ill •'* were
Kients Sunday of Mr mid Mr-
Kt|i.< Millet
H NN tiliam Hornby of Woodland,
M «*h . h spending the week al
home of hi<* brother, It. Horn
mid Mm.
»ul rm ••pent Ihr
K>iiir of Mr and
Ki amen here.
(bille* N( win.ill
Mr and Mr
of f M< Mlnnville were dinner gue*t*
»I |onda\ evening of Hr and Mr*
H I Xi. -.I
I he degree I«- mi of the Rebekah
If. ite will give a card parly at Ihe
Km. h
■ I he
C* dru
■ l.i <r,
O loek
I Mm
Henry (¡ilbrrt
jieiit the w • ek rl)«l nt the I
ler parent«,
I J»an r
! Mr and Mr* J. II Pankonlnr
f Portland spent the week < nd at
ir home of their daughter, Mr*
ndrew NN
Mr ami Mm W (J Ide returned
today evening from a month'*
t at thr G. \V (¡orinan home
Alameda, Cal
!. \ Griffith ami W C (‘bri»
n*rn made a buidnr»* trip t<
aneouvrr, B
(’., Saturday am
•turned Monday.
Mm Merritt |l Huntley and Mi-,
I tori» Graham of Springfield w err
V reek end guent* of Mr. and Nyr
l tern of ( orneliu*
Mr and Mr-- It Frank Petrm
isiteil Betverlon chapter of tlir
fa*tern Star at their regular meet
Wrdiir m | ay evening.
. F Boley, county a**rMor, wan
» hi* home NN edne*d.iy after
I thr Jone* hospital several
i account of illness.
Anna hostur, Mr and Mr*
Wooldridge and Mr*. NN il
Feldt attended the funeral
iv of Mr*. Smo Stowell at
* Itood, u ho I* attend
Stair rollrgr at ( or
thr Werk end nt the
parent*, Mr. and Mm
Mrs. .Io
K I tin th.
Morrin and Iter grand
il lessa
!■» nprnt thr *rek end
ne <»f Mm.
n. Cari Russell.
pi' tiigbh
[ Mr*
l'allman, Mm. Fred
.lame* Peppnrd and
) '.uni*.
Il Prosi attende«! thr pot
I H k dinner and meeting of the
Jd Nrlghbor* al Bank* I last
*1 liumday
I Mr. and Mr*. Gay Noble of llend
i?Vrrr guest* Sunday of Mr. mul
Mr«. I. F. Furrow*. They were en
^n-outr to Albany to attend thr Ku*
d Mail Carrier*’ convention bring
’Yield in that city this week.
F Id
I he I-.pworlh I • ague volley Indi
team of the Methodist « hurt'll won I
from thr Sunny -.ide rhiirrh
Portland la*t Saturday nigld ill
Portland with wore* of 15 II, and
P«, > nd I > g \ I I ' I I li< ■< / nil'
Ihe boy* won a game of baskt'lball
1'\ i • ■ >' • "I ' ' i " II I « id M • i li
iuli*t I■ pi*< opal < hurt'll was to play
thr local rhurtli tram a game of
Volley ball that night also, but dr
faulted tn the local tram, giving
them two game* in two played in
the tournament.
Mr* Torn < larnn was a guest
of honor at a party at her home In
North Plain* last Ihurulay after
noon. I lu».f prewent were Mrs. C
\iidrmoh, Mr.
Kay Brighlry,
i■'11 . Mi
Mr* C
Wildman, Mr*
Baker, Mr* John C Green, Mr*
Stewart, Mr*
Katie Sldplry,'
Nir* l.rwin Shipley, Mt*. W Jung
nitklr, anti thr Mi*a* Minnie anil1
Martha l .<khartll, I »tiler Shipley I
ami Emma lie**.
I hr \ \ I'. W. met |a*t Thurs '
day night id thr Womrn’* rhib
liou •«• in l '»rr*t Grove. Prof Gunn i
of Pacific tinlvrr*ity reviewed tlir
poem of N*h Wednesday by Elli­
ott Pile social inerting, which wa*
po.tpontil last month, will be heltl
ii.iii,!.’. ii.ii Mn'ii 18» with
Dr in k dr Jameson of (> S. C
a* tin- principal speaker. Special ,
gur*t* will br invited.
Studrnt* from Normal *< bool at
Monniouth spending tlir wrrk end
and Monday at tin-ir liomr* here
were tlir Missr* Hrlrn Asbahr,
Winabrth McDowell, Joyce F.m
molt, t
Shattuck, Evangeline Fuller and
< liloris |*‘ay ram
Nir» V W Gardner sang in a
trio at III«* Colonial tea given .Mon­
di) in Portland by thr Willamette
chapter, D \ It , of which *hr i*
a member. 'Ihr tea w a* given at
tlir home of Nirs .1 K Steagall.
I lie song* of Washington’s time
were sung.
Mr* Eugene Grrm and daugh­
ter Put*) are Spending thr week
it Derr Island, visiting her moth-'
er, Nirs C Murray, and family.
N|r. and Nir* K J Nicol spent
Sunday at Salem and Silverton, v i*
King relatives.
\ surprise party wa* given Nirs
Ward by Portland freind*
at her home east of Hillsboro Sun­
il iv evening Those present were
and Nirs. K
Simpfton and
nephew, Kobrrt Lillir, and Mrs. K.
I lanrr and children, Juanita
anil Eudora.
I rllni'in and daughter
Freda of I akrsiilr are guest* tld*
week of Mr anil Mr* W F Haa*r
I < dm if, i , | « OUSin "I N1 rs
Haase Mr* U 1' Jacobson of Lu
gene, formerly of Hillsboro, is also
a guest at thr Haase home.
Four II chib girl* netted $2.50
on thr sale of candv at thr NN <sh-
tngton anniversary program Friday
evening at thr Lri*y villr school.
I hr club members put on a Dutch
dance in costume and four did a
Mr and Mrs
p. (’
Aller of
Portland were guest* Sunday of
Nir. and Mr* NN
1' Lornior. Mr
Aller and Mr.
l.«»rm«»r attended
M ||«»«»| togrthrr, but n«»t »cm
euch < »tiler for 29 y rars.
A. K
N|»»rri*«»n and son
Kobrrt of Tacoma, NN ash., arrived
Saturday to spend a few day* with
Nli-.«• Ha/el Morrison. The visitor*
.re mother ami brother of .Miss
Nir and Mr* NN’. I. Cady and
I miily of Beaverton and Mr*. F.
li. NN a rd of near Hillsboro were
Sunday dinner guest* of Dr. and
Nir* George Darland.
Mr. and Mr*. Harry' Horffrl rn
tertainrd with a dinner party’ last
Ihursday evening in honor of Nir.
mil Nir* Vann I
Nash of Port
A very Interesting meeting of
^Bthe Chri*timi F-ndevor was held a
M r
md Nirs. How ell, Mis*
It hr Bethany Presbyterian church
Kyle of
■Sunday evening Mrs. Simon Berger \nna Laur* and IL I
Bwa* tlir leader. Special music was Oregon City were dinner guest*
Blurni*he<l bv Junior Dy sir and Paul of Mr and Mr* John Laur* Mon
day evening.
■ Mm. Claude \ Johnson of Cor-
■v.dlis spent Sunday evening nt thr
■ home of her mother in law, Mr*. C
■ M Johnson, and left Monday to
■ visit her mother, Mrs. F. B. Clark,
■ of near Farmington, who ha* been
J very ill with pneumonia.
Miss Helen Itobb, daughter of
■ Mr and Mr*. William Itobb • f
■ north of Hillsboro, underwent an
V operation for mastoid at tlir Email*
■ iiel hospital in Portland Tuesday
| morning. Mi.** Itobb is in train­
ing there to be a nurse.
Mr and Mr*. I.cstrr \*bahr of
■ Portland. Mis* Helen A*bahr. who
■ i* attending Normal school at Mon-
Kx'outli; Erwin Asbahr of Seattle,
■ Wash., ami Mrs. Henry Gilbert of
KSalem, were dinner guests at the
■ home of Mr. and Mm. Arthur
^Kroeger Sunday.
Start Your
Chicks Right
On Poultry and Poultry
Bunning Hall
Wednesday, March 2
8 P. M.
Cornelius, Oregon
Monday, and county report» will
In given on I ur*day,
well a*
round table dr » u**ion > Mr*. Abend
roth will attend the president*’ ban
quel on Monday night.
— li—.
Club Give* Program—
Thr program and cafeteria *up
per given I riday night attheLeixy-j
villr school house under the aus­
pice* of the Women’* club wa* a
de< ided Hiiccr**. The program con
sisled of singing “America,” and
“Wa hingt« n," by the primary
grade*; “Washington or Lincoln ?”
by the lipper grades; recitation,
“Mickey at the Movie*,” by Ehiinr
Beekrtt; dialogue by Harold and
Howard Berggren. Dutr b dance by
thr I 11 club; *ong by Mi*» Mary
(¡rand, Mr*. Sabina Whitehead and
Mr*. Mildred Hud*oii; minuet by
I II Hub; address on Washington
by Bev. Henry Young; song by
Clair Beeler; reading by Mr». S.
N. D Merk; pantomime, “Not by
Dam .Site,’’ by younger set; *ong
by Bev. Henry Haller; presenta­
tion <»f picture of Washington by
Nir*. '1 lioma* (iregg. 'I here was a
good attendance and the club net­
ted $1 1.10 at the cafctrriu supper.
Mr* Cook Honored
Mrs. David Edigrr entertained
with a birthday dinner for her
mother, Mrs. Claude Cook, at her
mother’s home Sunday. Those pres­
ent were Mr. and Mr*. Claude
Cook, Vernon ( ook, Mr. and Mrs.
lari (ook, Mr. and Mr*. L H
Naught md Cry -Jal, .Mr. and Mrs.
\ Goodin and Mr. and Mrs.
David I dig( r.
Page Sevefl ’
Bill Kieler, Ed Hoffman, Edgar
Relise, Harvey Batchrlar, Carl
Hamel and Freeman Rowe, and
Mrs. Florence Rowe, Mis* Anna­
belle Robinson, Margaret Batch­
rlar, Helen Bagnell, Bonnie Jean
I Kleier, Lyman ( lurk, Earl Brown,
Robinson, Lester
Harold Hoffman and Junior Rowe.
—n —
Bride-Elect Complimented—
Mr*. Donald Megargel, worthy
matron of the Eastern Star, rn-
her officers Saturday
afternoon with a bridge ¡»arty in
honor of Miss Anna Mae Wells,
bride-elect of Bryce Nosier. Guests
were officers of Tualatin chapter,
S. 'ihe officer* presented
Miss Well* with u metal flower
u rn.
Celebrate Anniversary—
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Logan were
surprised with a party Tuesday
evening in honor of their fourteenth
wedding anniversary. Cards and
games were played during the eve­
ning. Those present, were Mr. and
Mr* F. W. Walrh, .Mr. and Mrs.
Sara Login and son Louis, Mr. and
Mr*. A. J. fx»gan and children, Mr.
and Mr*. M. J. Holt and children,
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. f^ogan and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Logan,
and Mrs Clifford Shearer and chil­
li ren.
New Spring
Smart straws for both
Miss and Matron
Goar’s Woman’s
for the
Remodel,. Repair
Re-roof, Re-paint
Materials are cheaper than for several years
Building Material
Are headquarters for all nationally advertised materials and
remodeling information. Ask us for information.
Phone 2691
Fuller Paint Dealers
1011 Baseline St.
Continues, and Rare Bargains Are Yet
Available in All Departments
Electrical Department
This coupon and your old electric iron good for
$1.00 toward a New Automatic
Electric Iron ..................................
Merchandise bought a t
home helps build the com-
munity. No price excuse.
Squibb’» Mineral
Oil. Pint............. 89c
Palmolive Shaving
Cream .................. 29c
Face Powder........ 89c
Tooth Paste ......... 23c
Blades ...........
. OvU
Sal Hepatica
Large size
Heavy American Mineral
Ice Cream
We surely sold a lot of merchandise Saturday, but the store
is still full of bargains, and you are overlooking a bet if you
don’t come in and investigate.
All new. fresh merchandise. Nothing bought for a sale
Every item of furnishings on sale. Nothing reserved
Highest quality merchandise at the price of factory sec­
onds. Stock up now!
Work Clothing
Boss of the Road
Overalls ............ ..... ....
Boss of the Road
Jackets .............-
Boss of the Road
Moleskin Pants .......
Boss of the Road
Kahki ... .......
Boss of the Ryad
Cords ............ . .............
Boss of the Road
Hardware Department
Complete line of Western Grown Garden Seeds
at lowest prices. Cast Aluminum Utensils. We
meet any advertised price.
Going at 25'. off. Real values!
See our windows
Rug Specials
F. Hearing
Bring Your
Odd Pants
A good assortment, all colors. Not
all sites in a color, but all sizes
in the lot.
(?Q AQ
Pants ... .......... ..............
Eants ............. ..............
$3.00 -
Golf Knickers ..........
Hardeman Hats are
known for fine quality
felt, carefully made, up-
to-the-minute styles. I f
you need a Hat, don’t pass
up this sale.
Hats .........
Hats .........
$1.50 to $2.00
Real Bargains for Thrifty Buyers
$3.00 Shirts
0 1
To Us
$2.50 Shirts
s,,-. SH.,.
Ph. G.
in charge
Phone 266
We Deliver
Belts, Suspenders, Hand­
kerchiefs, Garters, etc.
All reduced
Wilson Brother.** Shirts are the
word in fine dress Shirts,
beautiful patterns, fine materials,
carefully tailored.
White Shirts.
Pattern Shirts, in Madras, Broad­
cloth and Oxford cloth. All sizes,
collars attached; or neckband.
We Can Help You
Bed, Spring and Mattress
Double back
Hickory Shirts........................ VOV
L. C. Kramien
This month
Dr. E. M. R¡orden. Eyesight Spe-
Old History Displayed—
ciali*t is in the office. Com­
A history of England, by T.
mercial Bldg, every Saturday.
Hour* 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phons
Smollett, M. I)., printed in 1760,
144 for appointments on Saturday.
is on display in the Argus office
window, along with pictures of
Our g’ are insured against
Washington, h i s Mount Vernon
breakage and reasonable in price.
borne and other pictures of inter­
Examination without charge.—
Dr. Thompson, Tuesday, March
est. The history describes the
hth. Hotel Washington
colonic* in America as to popula­
tion, location, Indians, and plants
and animals native to each. Tells
all about the war with French,
and all of Washington’s activities
in the war. The book is probably
the first edition. It is the proper­
ty of Howard Hillis of the Argus
composing rooms.
Tualatin Valley Service Agencies, Inc.
February Clearance Sale
Divorce Suits Filed
Steinman Alice v*. Earnest. Mar­
ried City of Le idville, Colorado,
September 7, 1905.
Party Given Children —
Thompson, Miss
Nathalia Koeber and Nirs. Arthur
Whiddon entertained for the child­
of thr
League Monday afternoon at the
home of Mr*. Whiddon. Those pre-
BifIDES —Inaure their happine*« by re-
-«•nt were Alta McGowan, Rose
qussting that their rin»* be bought at
Ander*on'* Jewelry Store.
Cyrus, Mary Mikey, Allen Sigler,
Iren»- Traughber, Caryl Estepp, Ef­
I<»l*on, Mary Wyatt, Helen to order and remodeling done at
(¡riff. Elaine Thompson and Phyl­ .Margaret’s Hat Shop, 1121 Second
street, Hillsboro.
lis Whiddon.
Local agency
8 1 0 values
Dora Nelson and Mrs.
Frank Davi* of Portland attended
the Past Chiefs* meeting Tuesday
night at thr home of Mrs. S. E.
Fay ram.
Auxiliary Party Monday Night—
The Auxiliary to the American I
will five i benefit card
party Monday night, at the Veter­
an*’ hail, beginning at h o’clock.
.Mesdarnes B. M. Goodman, Paul
Patterson, A. W. Walker, Cora
( ochran, Arthur Kroeger, George
Imlay of Reedville, and Harry
Hoeffel of Witch Hazel will be the
hostesses. Bridge and ”500” will
be played, and everybody is in­
vited to attend.
Its policies of protection have a first claim
on the hearts of the American people, and its
investments, a first lien upon their industry.
N C Poole and her niece,
Have you seen thr new MAY
Nli*s Beta Meade, of Portland and
TAG? It’* a marvel. Beautiful in
V. Wiley were dinner guest*
appeirancr, high agitator post, in
Monday it the home of M r. and
eluding thr famous M N V T AG
Nir* B E. Wiley
WB1NGI IL It sh.rnld sell for $150,
Nir and Mr*. NN
1’ St angel
but i* now nvnilablr at SN9.50.
( anby and Nir* Mary Calupky of The Lightnouse, Ernie F. Dahl
NN il*onvillr spent Friday nt the brim, 1156 Second street. Phone
home of Mr. and Mr* J. J. Stangrl. 3331
6x9 Congoleum
Rug ....................................................
9x12 Congoleum
Rug .......................... .........................
Folding Fire Screens.
Delphian* Meet Monday —
Delphian society will meet Mon­
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
B. W. Barnes.
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary —
Mr. and Mr*. E W Plapp cele­
brated their twelfth wedding anni­
versary Sunday evening with a
party. Those present were Mr. and
Mr*. R«»y Pearson, Mr and Mr«.
Wilber Lewis and children, Mr.
and Mr*. Ralph Scott and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. 1/. E. Furrow and
(hildren, E. C. Overman, and host
and ho.*tess and family.
Mr*. Connell Entertains—
Mr*. Reid Connell entertained
last Thursday with a luncheon,
complimenting her aunt, Mrs. E.
E. Cable (»f Portland. Those pres­
ent were Mrs. Cable, Mrs. (¡eorge
W. Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Larson,;
Mrs. J. S. ’Fillman, .Mr*. J. H.
Sroufr, Mrs. E. A. Danford, Mr*.
S. E. Douglas, Mrs. Chester Eg­
bert, Mr
Kenneth Griffin, Mrs. C.
L Phillips, all of Portland, Mrs.
Thomas Connell, and the hostess.
Mutual Life Insurance Co. Says:
Cornelius Feed Co.
The President of the Connecticut
Red Wing Pottery
Free Lecture
Mr*. J
B Dlnsnmrr *prnt tlir
weekend with relative* in Prim-
villr, where she nltrndd the fu
neral <»f a friend.
A. J
Whlddon left for Aber
dem, NN a h , Saturday morning to
Rotary Hear* of Trip—
attend io business matter* on tlir
Larry L< «• of the Standard Oil
harbor II»- will return lids week.
(•omfiany discussed a recent trip
Nir1' 11 I
MacKrmdr left Frl
to ihe South Pacific at the Rotary
dav for a visit with her father, J.
(lub luncheon 'Ihursday. He point­
W. Mason, and her sister, Mrs.
ed oid the backwardness in Aus­
(Iwrn Byrne, at Helena, Mont. Sin-
tralia and said that he wa-» sur­
will return the first of next week.
prised Io find them so far behind
William Martin entertained with
in railroad equipment. Cliff Abram*
a “»lag” party al the Forest Hills
<.r Forest (¡rove, district manager
( ounlry « lub Friday nigld. Gu< *t*
for Standard fill, was chairman.
in« luded NN’ G liare, It NV. and
Morri* NN’cll, G
Ku ell Morgan,
Mr*. Martell Entertains—
Carl Miller, B M Goodman ami
Mr*. Lyda Martell entertained
NV. N’rriir McKinney.
Saturday night after the dance with
Fred Dion was surprised
a supper at the home of her par­
Saturday afternoon by Portland
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crow
friend* who arrived to help cele
Those ¡»resent were Mr and Mrs
bratr her birthday anniversary.
Henry Stohler of Banks, Mr. and
NV. I llis of Portland, Mis*
During lio- afternoon a request
number was played for her over
Marion Lytle, Leon Nelson of Sa­
KOIN Those present were Mr. and
lem, Ed Kanina, and the hostess.
Mr* Victor Vrngc of Portland and Sponsor Washington Dinner
Sponsored bv the men of thr Entertain at Cards—■
Nir*. Boyce Tierney of Portland.
parish, the (»eorge W.ishington din­
and Mrti. Ernest Helvogt
ner held I ursday evening at thr entertained last Saturday evening
Return* From Hospital
wa* *uc- with ( i rd
I reglown, w ho has hern Congregational church
Mr*. Johnson and Mr.
in the N’rtrrans* hospital for a cr»»fuHy carried on, a* a novel Anderson winning high score and
month, was brought liomr Tur* method «»f aid for the Current Ex-1 Mr*
H oeffrl arid Mr. Johnson
day afternoon, and is slowly ini p< use Fund Dr. George T. I Jar­ winning • < <»nd. (¡nests present were
Mr. md Mrs. Erie Johnson, Mr.
event, with the following com nit-1 and NJr
Harry Hoeffel, Mr. and
tees: J. NV. Holt, Rex Howell, Fritz Mrs Ralph Anderson and the host
Federal Inspector Here -
( olonel II A. Allen «>f Portland Nbrridroth, J. M. Person, i. i’ecrrn- and hostess,
and Lieutenant Kay Diion were boiim and Henry S. Hiller, klteh-j
dinner guest* at the home of Lieu­ cn; F. C Stallry, Donald Rollin*
Make* New From Old—•
Arthur Kroeger Tuesday
B Menkens of near Hillsboro in­
night. Col Allen was making a vis­ O. Dom-lson, (¡eorge E
.h * Busmiissrn, NN'. A. .Sorrn.*on,l vested in a knitting machine, so
it of federal inspection.
he might make a little pin
Eldridge, Arvin
Robb, J.
— i»—
Nelson Weaver and Willard New­ money during hi* spare time on
On Honor Roll
the f irm, and is now making men’s
Nliss (¡race Gifford, a student ton, dining room, and Dr. J. O.
sock* out of old silk stockings,
al Linfield < ollege at McMinnville, Robb ind H. I Fatten» ticket*.
which hive passed their usefulness.
wa* a week end and Monday guest
He take* old stockings, unravels
of her parent*, Mr. and Nirs. W. Honored on Birthday—
Mr*. George SHiuhnerich of Cor­ them, and knits a very good look­
Gifford. Nliss Gifford is on the
ing sock for a man.
honor roll at Linfield for high vallis was hostess at a family din­
ner Sunday in honor of the birth­
day anniversary (February 22) of Birthday Party Held—
A surprise party was given in
her husband. Those present were
Mi»* Rowton Honored
Mr% and Mr*. Victor Berg of Nir. and Mrs. 1 hoinas Bilyeu of honor of Freeman Rowe’s birth­
at his home near Laurel Sat­
NVapato gave a birthday dinner Portland, Mis* Eloise Bilyeu, a
Sunday for their niece. .Miss Mil­ student at <). S. C ; Mr. and Mrs. urday night. Five hundred was
dred Rowton, in honor of her IHth (¡eorge Birr.sdorf, Mrs. Otto Voges, played. High score was won by
birthday Guests were Mr. and Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. 1.liner Johnson, Elm­ Mrs. Ed Hoffman and Earl Broun.
er Jr and Margaret Johnson. Mr. Other honors were won by Mrs.
I . I Row ton and family and How
.md Mr* D. B. Burkhalter, all of | Albert Erickson and George Rob­
ard Willard.
I hose present were Messrs,
Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. William inson
Albert Erickson,
Krebs and Itudolph Krebs of Cor­ and Mc.sdames
Social Club to Give Party —
I hr Social club of Eastern Star
will give a card party at the Ma­
sonic Temple on Thurs«iay after resident* of Hillsboro and are well
noon, March 10, beginning at 2 known here.
o’clock. Bridge tyid “500” will br
played and an added feature will Honored on Birthday—
Mrs NN illiam Zeigler was hostess'
be announced later.
at a card party Saturday night
in honor of the birthday anniver­
Entertain National Guarda—-
lieutenant and Mr*. Arthur sary of her husband. Four tables
“500” were played, Mrs. Oakes
Kroeger entertained with a dinner
last ihursday evening for mem­ r< «living high score and Mr. Shuck,
ber* of thr National Guard. Guests low. Those present were Mr. and
were la rl Morley, Mark Blake, Nir* L. Oakes, Mr .and Mrs. Ray
Nrthur Wahner, Lester Batchrlar, Sigler, Mr. and Mrs. James Pep­
pard, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge,
and Lieutenant Ray Dilon.
ind Ml
U D I I ■ ■ ►'. Mr. uid
Mrs. loin Shuck, Mr. and Mrs.
Girl Rr*rrvr* Make Plant—
and Mr. and Mrs.
Ihe old and new officer* of thr
cabinet met together to discuss Zeigler. Ihr game of “Bran Bags”
plan* .for thr inauguration of the was also part of thr entertainment, j
new officer* and plans for the and refreshment» were served.
spring conference nt Salem. Four­
teen girl* are going to the confer­ Hard Times Party Held—
Phone 1272
I hr N oung People’s society of
ence. Plan* for thr next Girl Re­
serve meeting were also discussed. thr Reform church held a hard
time* party at the home of Lou
—-1 —
I’ezoldt Saturday evening. Ganics
Lohr*« Group Entertained —
I (diese ('amp Fire group was furnished entertainment for t h c
entertained Monday night after thr evrning. Those present were Elea­
ceremonia) nt thr N'rtrrnns’ hall, nor and Esther Zurchrr, Mr. and
bv Norma Krritx at her home. A Nirs. Lou Zurchrr, Sylvan Nelson,
waffle supper was served to thr Margaret and Lillian Berger, Em
fidlowing guests: Hrlrn Pearson, in.i Schneider, Gottlieb Schneider,'
Winona Turner, Mary and Margaret Magdalene Bocckli, Fed Zurchrr,
N antti, \my Craft, and thr guard­ Henry and Curl Berger, John l’r-
trrson, I'd Scheldt, Clara Jaggi, Al­
ian*, Esther Lisle and Lois Bred.
fred and Chris Jaggi, Ida Jaggi
— :i—
and Glen Zurchrr.
Attend State Health Meeting—
N| rt J J NN Iftni i. Nirs C
I iinkin and Mrs. F. Abrndroth
will represent 1 lilhboro at the meet­
ing of thr State Tuberculosis as­
sociation in Portland Monday and
Tuesday. Nir* B. B. Faster and
Nir* C. E. Well* will br rrpre-i
sent.dives on Tuesday. \ national
speaker will br on thr program
Until March 5th
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