THE Thur''luv, February 25, 1982 HILLSBORO ARGUS, HILLSBORO. OREGON I’asre Five Woman Leads to Gang Capture ami ttiwiis perched on top of high Lakeside, Oregon; Mr and Mr» hill ’, some in ruins, others inhabit William Haase of Hillsboro •nil e«l, some and others mixed with new Mrs. W E their bouse guest, ones Hung tin* route Seemed to be Jacobsen of Eugene, William and the ol«le*»t looking buildings we have John Meier of Hillsboro and Mr i cn in all Europe No doubt many and Mrs. .John Haase and three Ily Mu Amirov f Mr) cr > in honor of Mr. M. r . of them were built B (’ children of Firdale. II \ pc< i.d (calure n lilrthila) I he new curtains and door mats January 12 “Sunday we rested < « I mu r iiic < I Ing Sal u Mrs. Mary Bogard I rom Monn mid walked about the city for two have been purchased for the school i« gon fur >in noli (inltr slav with guide and motor couch, we visited Mr arid Mrs. J. Fowler have » . .Inliii Si linicltitrr relatives ami lircml. Hie following pin« « si First to the moved from the Will Klrirr place, l I till- Imin (ira of Oregon (ily «verc week end 1 tomb for himself and others in the W. E. Sims have rented the place land I lini, illusici' of guest • nt lh<’ Stanford (oilier Imnic lldrd century, mid is the largest in for the corning year. in<, w ilh Mi i Flint ; Mr anil Mrs hl Benson ami the world II was permit ted to go I ( II I I lis \ -III Klerk, Mr. arid Mrs. James Will, Irene faiiill) spent Sunday with Mrs into decay in Hie (lark ages like I . I l< i man Mct/.ciil Inc Stevens and Walter Schmidt at­ Ben .on’ parents, Mr ami Mi O ninny other structures here Much tended the Beaverton high .school I lloveii, who cclcliral <*>!>>. oils«’rv rd U* ash S«domon*s Temple at Jerusalem Schmidt. The visitors* son-in-law ington*M Idrlhd-i \ anniversary with The columns of this canopy are and daughter, Mr. and .Mrs. Ches­ • rk in the church | a program, , followed by a party about 20 feet high mid IM imhes bring mmmg I hr | Hus ter Rookledge and three children .»I..... -I I will give a benefit of Ilo- Mountain j program a I the Laurel hull March in diameter, all solid bron/.e. This of Portland were Sunday afternoon • -i >llc was used us a stronghold of and evening guests. imi t li e Scholls I I if h. I » p III , witli the I.aurei the people when In danger, an« Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Schneider and veil sang orchestra a ssisting the teacher. there Is now an enclosed passage Mrs Flora Baker attended Grange I • pre •’enteil I he I Mr^ Jam« •S U ills was entert idnrd way about 2000 feet from at Scholls Saturday. mt r\ I rossroad," on Sumia \ b) her a rent», Mr ami Sunday dinner guests at the W. I (iuild was act ’ Mr -» J D Finncl of \loha, in lion- St Peter’s and the Vatican. Then to Hi«- Pantheon, i II McNay home were Mr and Mrs. tli« mock wed- or of her •»irt lid a ) unni« <*r»ar y church. A Portico in front has Clyde Stretch, Cleta and Fleda, I'ollowcd by the I he piny Frida,« evening at Mrs which Inrlmled a W inte r*» “for ii carpetrag sewing columns, each one a single piece Ethel Stretch, Mr. and Mrs. Dex­ • if granite 13 feet high and about and also a birth ter Elliott and baby son and C. S. lice” !>« the Sclmlls I iitlies’ Alli I1 feet in diameter at the base I{ • . Ill X m I h< on I -1>i n « i\ I fl was w ell attended McNay, all of Newberg, and Mr. and Mrs. R G. McNay of this place. .e«eral trees to Menilo rs o f I lie cast i ii c I ii <1 c (I Il was built from the third to the <. fifth century, and has a diameter Mr and Mrs. S. E. Stoller and Ill 1.1- .i II. . . Bernice Brown, Dor • >f I 10 feet and no supports. It son James motored to Woodburn oth) Sn)der, Minnie Bartlett, Mo| h agin* held a Ile Hansen, (irace I a) lor, Jennie is the same height and has an open lliursday to visit Mr. Stoller’s round hole in the middle of the the \lrx Bruce I -irkin. Ina Siitlicrl.iml, Ruth Il I) mother, Mrs. Anna Kauffman, and lop of the dome, 30 feet in «liam- his sister, Mrs. Myrtle Weyrneier, nard, NtLi ( hn*»tcn*»et), (irace Kay cler, the only light. and family. muti, Ha/.cl Striitcher, Ituth ( Iiris The Midway school will give a Then to St Peter’s, We all must lensen, and Ella Hesse Eight alleged meml»ri of a kidnaping syndicate of widespread activity program at the Community hall admit that this is the largest and Plant I re« are in the custody of police because one of their number fell In love here Frida v evening, March 4. uni’ll expensive church in t hr w orhi. (liinesc elms planted by with Mrs Georgia Ge< lit. shown above with her husband. Dr Mai The guide said it is 630 feet long , Selmlls Woman* • < lnh Wei Oecht, who was one of the gang’s Victims After the gang had released The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the school. Mrs. LuElla | cn the Appian Way. Many places death Friday, while working in the I Iraconess Mrs George R«an of .*■ • round the rooms, skulls in one are still iidact, with flat stones r<»< k pit A bunch of rock and dirt is spending the week place, thigh bones in another, and laid B C. Along this route were bec.iuir loosened from above and ilauglitrr, Mrs II c ich part of skelton in separate hundreds of old tombs in all stages started to slide. George, being 4-piece walnut finished suite Mr and Mrs pile» I iust recall hundreds of of decline, some with good statues stooped over at work did not see it $49.00 tcrtaincd with shoulder blade- and vertebra, work- on them. Yet most of them date and would have been completely Now buried had not Lloyd made a “ fly ­ daughter Bertha de «mt in curious designs on ceil- B < After the latter part of the Mr. honor of her 2 fret itr columns about 10 feet high and tains Only seeing could give an school children met with the teach ­ apart. Much of the work was done ___ was later freacoed. about four feet in diameter, over out and this idea of what it really is. Then to er at the Roy Fields home Monday Here wa « the most lavish eapendi- by hand Ihesr furrows were at an 200 of them 1 would estimate their the Vatican, where the world’s and sewed the new window curtains angle to reduce the work Not n poor purpose weight e ich at from 75 to 100 lure of labor for greatest collection of art treasures for the school house at Laurel. I ever saw These tie Mediciz were in tn) r«n k) places, but steep, anti tons, and another bunch still larger I arc shown. We spent two and a Sunday guests at the Henry wealthy and lived in great man« terrines Where too poor for supporting the portico, and 180 family. Pitta, cultivation there were several large more, still larger, inside in four half hours among them, but I will Haase home were Henry L e 11- i»r. Another mention two as the most strik- | only mann and daughter .Miss Freda of ook to outdo them with a »lock farms, onr with j»r«eral bun­ row s. I ing. One is about three times life­ I he u dis and floor are mostly palace, but went bankrupt, dred sheep, another wit h about statute of Motes, by Michel- The ceiling is nd Illi dt Medici* bid in the palace 150 horses, nil fed on the ground; all inlaid marble another of cattle, raising the kind different from most old churches, angelo. and an art glass portrait of I lie l «mil« died out ami it n<»w- be Pope Pius IX by a German artist long . to tilt ’ .............. * »Utr The xplrndnr in of white work cattle of which we being of carved wood in most in­ iw so many hundreds. On many tricate designs and gilded. There about the middle of the last cen­ some « ,!>. outrivaled nil other» we tury. The last is a marvelous fine­ have .tn I here tire »o many w ay» sm.ill farms these seemed to hr the are mosaic portraits of all the ness anti beautv. The expression of of > ¡. lulo - money for .plendor onl) motive power for farm work Popes from St. Peter to the pres the face, and especially of the eyes, that it i. imponible lor one to and road. They used a queer cart ent time, something over 200 of 1 never saw equaled in my judg­ with the ends of the double pole them While not so large as St <•«■<’11 ini igme it without »reins. ment. This was the same artist, 1 “Then to mi old, very plain or shafts turned down like n goose Peter’s it is a «cry large church. am sure, that made the two win­ «hurt It, built that way on purpose neck, about 30 inches to the yoke. But the most beautiful thing I have dows in the Stoke Poges church in tor n place for poor people to wor- \ll through Italy, grapes are grown yet seen is all alabaster windows, England, as no onr else in the hq> and hold their gatherings Thia on each side of mulberry* and other replacing glass ones about three world has ever equaled his work. i ,.i i Umber truM ceiling» very trees, and trained up on them and years ago. a present from the King i Then to tno from one tree to another in rows. of Eg) pt I w ill place these first It stands out by itself. “There are more interesting art gallery, one of the finest, if Other crops are raised between the for beaut) of anything I have yet ntd the finest in the world The rows, mostly grain. These rows seen in the line of windows. They things to be seen in Italy than in best liglihng and best interior fin­ «ary in width apart, but cover a arc marvelously beautiful and 1 all the rest of Europe, and especial­ ish. with many of the greatest large part of the country. On the w ill nr« er forget them. It is im­ ly in Rome There are many more piintiii-’ mid work’ of great sculp­ last trip we saw a few scattering possible for me to describe them. things I might mention, but Pm walnut trees and quite a few olivc 'The delicate shading and blending afraid you will tire of it. so will tor Ibis was Hie home of Michel angelo mid Dante It is claimed trees, hut «cry few fruit trees. of light colors is what impressed not write any more here.” We saw man) ver« old buildings most never saw- anything HERD GRONER that I lort nt t produced more great artists mid Ila» more of their fine «vorks than any other city in the world, ami 1 hrlieve lhr\ have a rt i .in ililc right to the claim Then uc went I" an inlaid ktont works. 'Tills is surely onr of the fine arts. 1 hen through mail) parks and up it will blast green »tumps in on a hill where we could look down wet or drv soil; on Hie cltv. Wr spent a «cry in­ teresting day. Imlay WC «¡sited two display it has more power in each stick; rooms of inarblr and alabaster You’ll find the »teel- .statuary. More mid of greater variety h »tav» down in the bottom of cut "grind" of Gold­ than we ever saw before The sub­ the hole; en Weil prHtct for jects, d< igns ami variety are al “drip” and other most unbelievable. I lien to anoth­ it does more work per pound of method» of making er of iidahl fine stone und fine coffee. powder; marble stone. Tomorrow wc go to Rome. it can be stored without losing 'These are the finest rooms wc have ha