The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 25, 1932, Page 10, Image 10

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Page Ten
New Highway Commission to
Reduce Administrative Costs
ment that they had determined up­
on n 30 per cent reduction in the
administrative costs of the high
way department, together with a
number of other proposals all of
which bore a distinctive Meier
The new commission will make its
first public appearance at the reg­
ular monthly meeting to be held
in Portland on March 3 and will
again be seen in action at a spe­
cial meeting calltnl for March 16
at which time several big highway
projects arc scheduled for action.
(A. L. Lindback)
Salem Orc iron*» new state high­
way commission will proceed to
carry out the construction and re­
trenchment program promulgated
by the old commission Just before
internal strife disrupted that organ­
Late Friday afternoon the com­
mission “emerged” from an all-day
star chamber session to announce
that there would he no material
change in the 1932 highway con-
st ruction program as previously’
announced by its predecessors in
office. At that time it was also
announced that Roy A. Klein was
rcsigniag as state engineer t»» be
succeeded by R. H. Billdock and
that salaries in the highway de­
partment were being subjected to
a horizontal cut of 121; per cent.
This announcement, however, was
not forthcoming until after Gov­
ernor Meier had injected his per­
sonal presence into the commission’s
conference which was held behind
closed doors with even the press
excluded. Evidently it required the
presence of the governor to help the
commissioners make up their mind*
with respect to the problems i n
hand. Shortly before this announce
ment was given to the pre>s the
commission's spokesman had assur­
ed newspapermen that no action
had been taken either with respect
to the year's highway program or
any changes in the personnel of the
h ighway organir.ation.
A similar situation uas enacted
on Wednesday when the commis­
sion met in Salem to organize and
give the situation the once over
at first hand. On that occasion the
commission after spending most of
the afternoon secluded in a down
town hotel room showed up at the
capitol and informed newspaper­
men that they had merely been
talking the situation over and that
they had no announcement to make.
The»’ then went into a huddle
with the governor and emerged
an hour later with the announce-
Oregon teachers for Oregon
m . bools'
This is the slogan bring
broadcast througout the state by
C A Howard, state superintendent
of public instrutcion. in an effort
to find jobs for more of the young
men and women who have been
trained in Oregon institutions, l ast
year. Howard points out. 265 teach­
ers were brought inti» Oregon from
other states. Howard is not sug­
gesting that any of these teachers
be dismissed to make places for
others but only that Oregon teach
ers be employed to fill vacancies
that will occur for the coming
year. With plenty of trained and
competent teachers already in the
state there is no excuse for going
to other states for teachers for
any school, the state superintend­
ent declares.
deputy county clerk for H \ Kur
.itli five years from 1919 to 1925,
rid elected county clerk from 1921
and 1928.
J.imcs lewis, prominent Beaver
ton business man, filial Friday for
the republic.m nomination for eoun
ty commissioner. Ferm of J. M
Hiatt, who has served two terms,
will expire this year Slogan adopt
ed by I cm is is “For an econ«»
impartial business administration”
Candidate lewis has been a resi­
dent of Beaverton 20 years, where
hr is associated in business with his
brother, Hugh Lewis. They first
Ntartcd in the livery and transfer
business, later operated the Be.av
rrton I.umber company for right
years and are now in the sand and
gravel business. Mr. lewis was a
member of the Beaverton city coun­
cil for two years and is active in
civic affairs there.
C S Hay m s, who is also a can
didatt* for commissioner, makes the
follow ing statement:
“If 1 am nominated and elected,
I will, during my term of office,
strictly apply the most rigid prin­
ciples of economy consistent with
the proper administration of the
county affairs. I will stand for a
readjustment of the assessments of
real property to the end that all
property shall pay its just propor­
tion of the tax burden. I want an <
adjustment of road districts so that
each community can levy such
special road tax as they wish.’’
Mr. Haynes lives at Middleton
and has been a resident of this
county most of th«' time since 1889.
He is a farmer .. d ex-sawmill man.
H A Ball of Hillsb ro Saturday-
filed for the republican nomination
for justice of peace of Hillsboro
district, the position now held by
H A. Kuratli. who has announced
his candidacy for county judge Mr.
Ball is a former county school su­
perintendent and was postmaster
here several years.
P. J. Vanderzandrn of Banks was
in Hillsboro Tuesday and
let it
be known that he has been giving
some consideration to becoming a
candidate for county commissioner.
worth of Hillsboro officiating. In
terment was in the Crescent Grove
cemetery mar Metzger
lie was born in Missouri, Octo
her 22, INtil, and came to Oregon
F<*drr.i| Judge Fee
Fucsday m lHb3 lor the past 25 years lie
granted an injunction to the Ore had made his home with his sister
-.on I lectric au.imst the Southern
t Clatskanie Deceased is survived
Pacific over railroad construction by the following brothers and sh I »»r»"'t Grove. Hr denied mo (ers I C Francis and Mis Otto
tions to strike parts of the com Wohler. Hillsboro. Mis J \ Mil
plaint fili'il by the Oregon Elec ler, Clatskanie; I J Francis. I'uala
trie and announced that the tern tin, and M E Francis, Seattle,
por.iry injunction would be signed \\ ash.
upon the posting of a bond in the
sum of $10,000
Ihr t>regt»n Electric recently fil
cd the action in the federal court
here to halt
hilt construction started
by the Southern Pacific on an ex
tension from near Seghrrs on the
Hundreds of people from all see
site of the Stimson 1 umber com tions of (lie county were here l ues
day for an automobile auction held
On Oct (»her 23, 1931, the Oregon
by the II J lllgdim Motor com
Electric filed with the interstate pany of Hillsboro and the llamil
commerce commission for author ton Motor company of Forest
ity to construct a line from Forest Grove Nineteen cars were auction
Grove to the Stimson null, and the cd, according to Mr. Higdon One
hearings have been set for Vpril
II. 1932 Pending this hearing, the car given away.
Oregon Electric coinplains. (he
Southern Pacific begun construe-
tion February 6.
Ihe Southern Pacific his identi
tied its construction as a spur line,
for the const ruction of which au­
Ihr public is invited to i George
thority of the interstate commerce Washington program and tree plant
commission is not needed.
ing at 2 p m. Saturday at Eredy
l'he matter will probably be r<* (■ mgr !» ill at Cedar Mills mhi
ferred to a master in chancery for i duh I <• i< i We »themd " >H ui\e
the taking of testimony.
.i talk on “Founders of \\ ashing
ton County”
Grangers are asked to the reg
ular meeting at 10 a. III. and basket
lunch at noon.
Oregon Electric
Given Injunction
Auction of Cars
Attracts People
I lonor Washington
At Grange Session
Five Years State
Prison for Youth
icontinueti from rvitf« tv
defendant pay 820 each month for
support of child.
Sentence was
ed on IHck
Hyland, win» had ph'.tiled guilty to ______ < continued
1 >______
eonnectiim with the robbery of the I’ortiand route 2; Abe Stoller, Vort-
Dr. < handlee home at Scholls. He land route !; C. I Wismer, Port
must remain home with his parents land route 2; Connell Bros , Hills
and not be out after 10 o'clock at boro route 1; John Loftis \ Son.
night and report each month to Banks route 3; J. I V ani iomvlrii,
the st.ite police, court and sheriff.
Banks route 3; J. W Corey, Banks,
(inters were given in the follow­ route 3; Albert J Evers, Forest
ing cases: Janie* \. Mott v>. I’. s Grov r route 2 E. J. Brocks, Cor-
X.itionil bank of Portland et al; nelins route 2 llermaii I iebenow,
Elwood Johns >n v*. West Coast Cornelius route ' ; Joe S« hmidlkol'er.
Products company et al; E. Point - Forest Grove route I. Henry H um h.
er vs. I’nited Farmers (’<».; State Forest Grove, and Hives Bros,
o» (»recon et al vs Gilbert Walling; Gaston route I.
< Continued from rage 1)
Rebecca M lies.* et al vs. Fhounis
Columbia county association
received a chance, as Coach Good­ M Hess et al
II Freudenthal, Hillsboro route
man rushed in all .available men
ami IL Brlirmin, Cornelius,
It was not until the last half, when
(continued from pace 1)
sentative last year, will not be a the Hilhi tram was made up of
candidate again this year. Only substitutes, that Beaverton could
one of the three 1931 representa­ score consistently. Beaverton at
tives has thrown bis hat into the no time grew dangerous.
Emil Miller of North Plain s suf­
Chiotti, Hilhi’s high scoring for-
ring so f ir and that is A M. Jann-
>cn o f Reedvilie. Representative w ird was high noint man with 17 fered rib frutures Wrdnesdiv eve
Chicken thieves have made rec
John A. Aiiornburgh is understood points to his credit. Wolf of Beav­ ning when the truck, which hr was ular visits to the farm of I
to have some senatorial ambitions. erton led his team with eight points. driving, went over the fill on the Jenkins near W«-st I nion, aicordin^
Me Aiea r, who has been an ac­ Hillsboro (3.5)
(20) Beaverton Lights »if an approaching ear blind­ to a report made to Sheriff J \\
tive supporter of Governor Meier,
(. onnell ! ue.sil<) I vventy three hey*
Shiv ely ed him so that hr turned out too
has as his slogan, “Reduction and
ami two Rhode Island lied r«»«'ster*
equalization of taxes." He has been
were stolen from the Jenkins' tarm
a particular supnorter of the gov­
December I* ami 26
(6) Brandie bank.
ernor in his policy of reducing gov­ I Welch (5)
ernmental costs. McAlear, who Sorenson
(5) Hart
b<»rn in Missouri in lS7b, came to I Johnson (2)
this county ir. 1909. living fir>t in Dinsmore
Forest Grove. In 1911 he moved to Sutherland (1) s
Referee: Hauk.
Hillsboro and became associated
Dog license fr«s must be paid
with th« firm of Bagley* X Hare.
Local garages ami service sta­
He became a partner of William
tions are eng aged in a gasoline on or before March to r ape the
of SI, which is added to
G. Hare, e\-srnator. in 1916 and
war. dur it is said to the failure
in 1917 R. Frank Peters came into
of some dealers to maintain prices. Ihr regular fees. Eiceii*r fees for
the firm
Fifteen-rent signs were posted on dogs over eight months old or ow n
rd and kept over 30 «lays ire: Mah
Opposition for E. B. Sappington,
March issue of Popular Aviation some of the pumps this morning dog, SI; frm.ilr «log, .81.50, am
who has been county treasurer for has a short article and photograph and it thought that prices
many years, developed Thursday describing a new light airplane would drop still further if neces­ spayed female dog, >1.
when Newell Macrum of Elmonica motor that is being built at the sary.
filed for the republican nomina­ Long Radio plant at Cornelius. The
Marriage Licrnw*
tion. He h is been a resident <»f the engine • was designed by Les Long
Paul Mnntrrrler Craw forti am
county many years Since Sheriff
John 1 Francis, 70, died
Viola Ruth I "i. er, I •■■th • >! II ♦
and so far, the boy have built
J. W. Connell has been in office, three of them. The motors have
the home of his .sister, Mrs J.
boro. February 23
Mr M scrum has been employed proven very satisfactory and arc Miller, at Clatskanie January
Walter M Whiting and Marth
part time as a clerk in the tax de- causing favorable comment all I uv- • nd funeral services were held
Johnson, both of Hillsboro, in Port
p.a rtment.
Portland with Rev. M S Wo.
I anil
er the country.
IL. L. McCormick of Hillsboro
Saturday* filed for the republican
nomination for county treasurer.
Miss Morland of Pacific univer­
Mr. McCormick is a native son
of Oregon; was born in Polk coun­ sity has beer, substituting for Mr*
ty, and moved with his parents to Abraham this week during her ill­
Washington county in 1*7 5, where ness. Mi'S Morland, who is major­
he has since resided. After finish­ ing in French, was surprised lu
ing the public school he «attended find a cl i * in public speaking also
Pacific college at Newberg for a part of the job.
B. M. Goodman returned to
three year*. He taught school in
Yamhill and Wa*hington counties school Wednesday after an absence
for right years, when he was elect­ of two (lavs on account of il!nwv
ed to the office of county recorder
of Washington county .and served
two terms, from 1*91 to 1898. He
w » k city recorder of Hillsboro from
1914 to 192E For ten years Mr.
CRACKERS—Sunshine, Krispy.
McCormick conducted a music,
2 Ibe.
jewelry’ and stationery store i n
JIillsb<»ro, «and «after having sold
his business has been interested in
r- '
real estat«* «and insurance. Mr. Mc­
3 lb. tins .
Cormick declares that, if nominated ¡T his wet
■ nd elected, he will manage the af­
fairs of the office with economy
and efficiency.
tins ..
Edward C. Luce has entered
lists for re-election and is see
the r<
SOAP—White King.
Humors to the effect that Charles
K Spaulding of Salem would seek
vindication for his state highway
policies by seeking election to some
high office—that of secretary of
state or the governorship have
been effectually spiked by Spauld­
ing himself. Spaulding, who was
appointed to the seat in the state
senate left vacant by the death of
I loy d r. Reynolds, declares that
he will content himself with seeking
a return to that sent for another
term and has no ambition to serve
the public in any other capacity
iust at this time.
Economy Feature
Templeton Seeks
Cooking Classes
Office as Judge
(Continued from pa^e 1>
new trick* and i.ibor-*a\ing id« ;>
that will make preparing a meal a
joy to those who like to cook. Ev­
en women who think they’ don't
like to cook, will find at the classes
methods that will make it a pleas­
ure for them.
Economical and seasonable dishes
will be featured Only those prod­
ucts which can be afforded in the
average home will be used. The
preparation of meal» from yester­
day’s left-overs will be discussed
and illustrated. Economy will be
the keynote.
A gas refrigerator will be used
and frozen salads, deserts and
chilled drinks will be prepared.
The mystery of making ice by fire
will be explained.
Some people, who do not know
the art of economy, and think that
cooking is cooking, will 'serve a
meal costing several dollars, which
could be duolicated, or improved
upon, for less than half the money.
Delicious soup, as made by the
French people, cost nothing or al­
most nothing, by using things that
others throw’ away. Miss Reger
will show local women how to use
stale bread and vegetable leftov­
ers; how to prepare 20 cents worth
of veal for a family of four, so
deliciously that the meal will ling­
er in their memory. IIow to pre­
pare a frozen salad for almost
nothing, but so dainty and attrac­
tive as to tease your appetite. How­
to make desserts that are differ­
ent, inexpensive, attractive and de­
licious, instead of the regulation
pie or cake.
There is plenty of time left for
the housewives to arrange their
work to attend both classes. Every
woman in the community is invited
to attend both day.«, as there will
be different features and dishes ev­
ery day. Dishes prepared at each
session will be given to those at­
tending the school.
Thursday. February 25, 1932
Local Dairymen in
Test Associations
Hillsboro Meets
Forest Grove Five
North Plains Man
Chicken Thieves
Hurt in Accident
W orking in County
Bn ths
\ aiideraniideii To Mr und Mrs
Walter \ uiderr unirli of Forest
Grove, February •JI, a girl
McClaren I’d Mi and Mrs, II.
.lacktown sehool, of* which Miss I McClaren of llillsboio, February
(iladys Brutlev is teacher, had a 23, a boy.
program Monday, commemorating
Ihe anniversary o f Washington^
All Saint’« I piaiopid Church
birthday Rev Henry H iller of the \\ ashington brlvvccii Second and
Hillsboro Congregational church
lliiid strerlx
was the s|»rakrr, his subject bring I hr Rev II D ( hambers, vicar In
“George \\ ashington.”
Ihr program consisted of rreita
Sunday, Febi'narv 2N ( Third Sun
lions and musical numbers Those day in I «'lit): Church school, 9¡15
taking p.irt were Mildred and .i hi , with special story hour dur
Charlotte Roseman, Robert Ficketi, mg I ent Morning prayer, II a m ,
Barent Boicourt, I'laine Beckett, with lay ri• ider in charge. Young
\ irgiuU lloogduili, Michael \ an People’s Fellowship, (»loO p III.,
1‘ouchc (accordion sdc» lions), \lta with round table disciiMsion topic
Monday, 7 p m., meeting of the
•»nd Bonnie Clark, and Dorothy
Girls* Friendly »oi iety at the church
Fuesdiiy, 3:15 p in., ( .aiidldalex’
Mrs I utitia (Grandma) Jack, a
pioneer of that section, planted a club of the Gills’ Friendly society
lilac tree and dedicated it to the meeting at Ihr church.
, regular
memory of George \\ ashington The
Wednesday, 2:30 p
pupils have been busy cleaning up business meeting of
the school grounds and will plant ('hiirch Servier I eii|
at I h r
more shrubbery
class in
church, followed by
Pupils on the honor roll for the "Personal Religion ”
month ending I'ebruirv 19 were
Wednesday, 7 p. in , confirm«’’
\lti (lark, Dorothy and Richard tiun instruction class Wednesday,
Fielding Elaine Beckett, Robert 7:30 p m . I .eilten .service ami talk
I'ickrn and .lack Chenoweth.
by the Rev II I > ( Immbcrs.
On the evening of March ♦, Ihr
I II sewing club will have a bene
I' Al •• Liquor Charit»
fit program in the school house to
I! M I arsen was arrested Sun
send some of their member1« to the day on a i charge of driving while
summer school at O S (' Pwo drunk
short plays wil be given, '’Sniggles
Family." and "Pirate Perry of the
Slov only Sloop ”
I «U< SAI ,E |l«hy rhii k>, llanaon While
, . 8-
wreka-nhl l'utlHa I anil alar test * « hirha ,
John Daniel Denton, 63. resident
Bruno Potili« In
I i M muye
of I lillsboro 21 years, died .it (lie
bl'tHsiiiitf alm-k i-w refill I y cullai I we I
ih alesi
(»•« from «lUrHAv« A-l .hick,
.1 »lies hospital Monday night
Poult«, loo per r«*nt «ufe I arrival
IL- was born \pril 15, 1*68. in
iruarantaml. Uu«t om i hatchliitf Uab«-'»
Michigan. Deceased is survived by
ItnUhrry. Carlton. (It
1 rtf «m
the widow and the following eliti W IIITt Brahma haiehintf vtftf« fur
SI IH» |wr ■«Htititf Mr» J Kllneman.
driii: Flovd Denton,
I lillsboro;
Ri 1, HlllalM>r«v
(Mis Denton, Salinas, Cal., , and Mis.
(»1 I» GHOWTII wo « m | for «air I'hotie
I Tilth Irish. Portland.
Funeral services were held Wed rvv ri vi­ l'itf». about M waaka ul<| prira
nrsday afternoon from the Domi
li so ra«h. I’lmna Hra» ar tun »719
Sewell chapel with Rev. II
\ Deck officiating. Interment was
(Continuati from paura •»
in the Fir I awn cemetery
pramium *>n <>ffi. lai homi». 1. .. J VV
Jacktow n School 1 las
W ashington Program
«'olinoli. «heriff. l«\ ilrpt
4«l . Nini«' hnliiNl i Ini A« < liltfiit < > iiihii I mm |< iii ,
»• «»ffh-vr«’ « <»nl i limi I miim
TI, ll.m.
rlaoii .V Hrwrll, rrll.-f Jmin< Gvigi-i.
< rU'M*l f'? bl», I INllk III m < k. ||<<<
|.'2 .
50 I u | n I flh K.'lli.lilt« l'v|»rw iltrr Co.
((' oii U iiiiin I n«i«t w«^k )
If your
Do not operate proper
ly consult us. Phone its
or bring them in. We
are sure you will like
our service.
Have you had y o r
electric vacuum clean-
er or wa.iher examined
in accordance with the
manufacturer's rccom-
mendat ion ?
Too Late to Classiiy
I . very thing
Ernia Dahlheim
1156 2nd. 5l.
Ph«>na 3331
Again Weil’s Lead !
50 "Colunibiaknit”
New Low
Shoe Prices
Men’s and Boys’
W ork Shoes
II« nvy ”VV.-nrlb x" out­
sole, .soft pliable leatlu r
uppers atxl leather in-
Blouse and Zipper Skirt,
brown, green, red, blue and
Famous "<'ohinibinknit”
Sizes 1 I to 20.
Few Davs Left to
Dealers Engage in
Pay Dog Licenses
Gasoline War Here
Sp«. ial
Long Plane Given
National Writeup
Real Estate Transfers
J. W. Connell (Sheriff) to M
M. Beers, pert Blk 2 Humphreys' Addi-
lion. Hillsboro.
Fred Cook et ux to
1.15 acre» Anthony W.
T’S P1W.
__ tn F. M. Keim
26 T1S RoW.
el ux to Ve*ey W
5 k 3 Hillaboru.
Co. to Edith
Corni« & Kohlm
Women's Sport
( orupii'it¡oil »| . wide
sport rubber hveH. Col­
ors buck and tan. <>n
1000 Pairs Regular $1.50 - $1.95
»leproof All-Silk
Women's Dress
Pumps and Straps
Blacks a n <1 browns.
< «■ntrasting ti ini High
and niilitaia
This is no chain store
February 27th and 29th
i Imtrual
McCall Patterns at Weil’s Only
Blouse and Skirl I lurmonies
to Bern a dina Van
IL Catching eläin
Lot 4 Elk C Hillsboro Gar
BUTTES, Ib. 27c
Carl A. Schmidt, S’; of
tziier Acre Trai­
vi r to A fred
Kc !ey.
T2N R3W.
21 uc
t ux to W. 8. Junkin
ct ux. Lr
.1 21 Tigardville Height».
McCar.hcy C. Marin et ux to W. R.
Zun.wnl», L'' 11 and 12 Blk 5 Thorne’.*
Addition, HiHsboro.
W. It. Zun ■ -alt to MrCarthey C. Mar­
tin ct ux, 4>.u4 acres Secs 3 and 10 T1S
.J. W. r nneJ (Sheriff) to Isabella Mc-
Mi an. Lot 15 McMillan Acre-.
Western Oregon Farms t«< Title &
Trust Co., Tracts 97 and 102 Bonny
Lcnime Brothers to Nicholas Schneider
< a . part Sec> 12 and 13 TIB R3W.
Erick Jacobsen et ux to W. F. Foley
e< ux. 4 23 acre» Johnson E-t. Addition,
Henry VanDomelen et nx to J. A.
Moore. Lot« 2, .. 4 10, 11. 12, 13, 11,
25 2- 27. 28 and 29 Hill’s Acres.
C. C. Hancock to Earner E. Hammond
et ux. Lots 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19 I’lk 3
Frank H. Sholej. executor, to Elrrrr If.
Hammond et ux, Lots 9 and 10 I! k 3
Ethel S. Worrel et vir to Georye L.
Hendricks et ux, Lu’s 1, 2 and 3 Blk
3 Forest Grove.
• paper office
of ¡3
d in Southern
dep •t in Hillsboro
nt; taught
sc loo! thr« «• n mth 4 near Mt. Ver-
non: worked
c.dtle and zheep
ranch near John Day nine months;
stenographer in )»w office of late
S. JL Huston in Hillsboro four
years; admitted to bar as an at­
torney-at-law in 1903: work'd in
county clerk's office here for late
George \. Morgan in 1901; writer
for mining publication ut Sumpter
seven months; traveling collector
of i or;'eer< ¡ ¡I accounts for Oregon
Conden'cd Milk company for two
y< r
abstract of title and law
work for IE gley Ac Hare for one
year; deputy county clerk for four
and ■< h If year« under Clerk .1. W.
Bailey; county clerk for four years,
from 1913 to 1916, inclusive; ac­
countant work for Buchanan &
and a half vc
no denynig it, every-
Al’TO” carry AUTO
IN SI R ANCE. And if you
want a policy that really
SOAP—White W'oner.
10 bars ............
51 -meh
Skirt Material*
For ninkinjr t be
SUGAR—Pure cane.
8 lbs........................
the one you “AUTO”
RICE FLAKES—Red & White.
2 for .
Fashion never tires of
thinking up diverting
now ways of exploiting
her pci prints. This sea­
son she s setting them
against tho porioct foil
of malching c r contrast­
ing plain fabrics Tho
McCall, model skotched
shows this now trend m
mart rendition.
Rose Cave
Room 3
Delta Building
hrgc package
Phone 3171
Southern Pacific Agency
all »I amship lines.
B íor
APRICOTS— Blue & White, 2’/js
2 for ................................................... .
Let Us
7C a
GRAPEFRUIT—Blue & White, 2s.
2 for
This extraordinary price covers the complete job—labor, grease and
oil for the springs. VVe have a hydraulic hoist and use a high pressure
gun. Only the best of material- and workmanship. This is our regular
"l ILRE’S no trick to having lol? of changes in th- ie?e magical
■ lern ,.....
. and -- f o - trick
— . . -------
----- . I awir g pent
if th«>
solfsamo time. Hero's the formula: —make a slirt ■ r tv a, and
all tho smart blousos you can't rosist from thr, now McCall
collection. Thon ■.imply chancto them a! out. V/nll-rh. o I
modorns practice this harml'" . decoption with tho < ; | ival of
Paris . . . hotter start your 1.1- i. and skirt ■•••v/in,| t ¡.■,
Flat Crepe
Eyelet Novelty
Fast pastel colors,
40 inches wide
Beautiful fiorili prints with
dark ba< kgrounds.
Per yard
All-Over Eyelet
All bright spring colors.
All Silk Plain
Free Crankc.ise Service
Best grade eastern oil
Bi st grade western oil
--1 Cx*
Phone 441
/¿ilfjoUrtieeds at Big òavinfls.
rotors washable,
for the new f
Sale, per yard
r1' 69c
McCall Patterns