i Buy a Poppy Wear a Poppy .1 I >J Í Buy a Poppy Wear a Poppy 3 HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931 VOLUME XXXV11I NO. 14 Centralization Earl Jossy HTns Observance For Appointment War First Honors in Day Cited As Cause 4-H Hews Contest Economic Woes Earl Jossy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Planned Locally First Lieutenant Wade I). Killen, Desire To Give County Service Cited By Judge Quartermaster Corps, a former resi­ F. 11. .lossy of Rock Creek, won Talk* first place for Washington county Business Houses to Close dent of Hillsboro, has been assigned Templeton Speaker Monday in the 4 II club news writing con­ to duty at the Army War college, test, which ritilnl May 1. The win­ Washington, D. C., effective upon in Memory of Dead Before Large Audience at Chamber Meet ner in the state contest will be completion of his present course named by June 1 and is to re­ of instruction at the Quartermaster ceive a scholarship to the 4-H Corps school, Philadelphia, Pa., ac­ cording to information received club summer session. I.ovatt Davidson, son of Mr. and from the War Department through Mrs. J. M. Davidson of Helvetia, Ninth Corps Area Headquarters at was placed second In the county. the Presidio of Sun Francisco, Cal., Decentralization Seen as Queen Nominee* Presented; Jossy scored 93 and Davidson 89. Program Venetian Theater today. Cure for Business The boys will receive cash prizes Lt Killen is the son of Mr. and Playground Plan* on Saturday Morning; donated by the Hillsboro Argus, Mrs. S. C. Killen of this city. He Ills of World Discussed Forest Grove News-Times, Bea­ attended school in Hillsboro. The Parade Planned verton Review and Hillsboro In­ assignment is regarded as special recognition of the local officer, dependent. First prize is $6 and Centralization of business control second $4. Conduct of the business of th« Memory of America’s soldier and who has been in the army since was pictured as the basis of the county in a businesslike manner, The news contest books were sailor dead of ail wars will be hon­ the early days of the World war. world's present economic woes by judged by the industrial Journalism ored at a patriotic program in the War college assignments are con­ cutting expenses to the bene and practice of economy in every re­ Montaville Flowers, radio speaker department at Oregon State col­ Venetian theater Saturday, begin­ sidered the “plum” of army ap­ spect were cited as important in and organizer and founder of the lege. ning at 10:15 a. m. B. F. Irvine, pointments. an address before the Hillsboro Western Merchants A Manufactur­ Books were submitted by Earl blind editor of the Oregon Journal, Chamber o f Commerce Monday ers’ association, in an address be­ Jossy, for the Rock Creek Calf I wq| jje the speaker and Paul L. noon by Donald T. Templeton, re­ fore approximately 1,000 persons club; Lovat Davidson, for the Hel- | Patterson, commander of the Am- cently appointed county judge t« in the Hillsboro union high school vetia-Jackson Calf club; Jack Barr, (.r|run Legion, will preside. Ilills- fill the vacancy caused by the ........... auditorium. Mr. Flowers addressed for the Hillsboro Health club; boro business houses will be closed death of Judge F. W. Livermore. his remarks to the farmer. Elnora Sandford, for the Jackson for the day as is the custom. Needle club, and Ermine ltennclls, Wants to Pleas« Change* Cited Go to Cematery Judge Templeton expressed the “The outstanding change of the for the Orenco Health club. Services will open with the sing­ Scores were awarded on the basis hope that his actions, while serv­ times Is the drift toward centrali­ of 60 per cent for number of inches' ing of America, and Mrs. Mary ing a* county judge would please zation, the making of one out of of Sahin of the Woman’s Relief Corps printed matter; 30 per cent for' the people. He said that the court many, in all economic and social will give the invocation. The Amer­ quality of material; 5 per cent Fifth annual commencement exer ­ was always willing to listen to ad­ problems," stated Mr. Flower*. ican Legion memorial service will neatness of notebook and 5 per cises of the Hillsboro union high vice and suggestions and that every­ .“De-centralization is the thing now cent for form of copy submitted j be given by members of that or- school will be held at the school one would be given an audience. most needed. The tendency toward to printer. [ ganization. Choirs of the churches auditorium at 8 p. m. Friday. Burt He said that he was making no centralization is shown in govern­ Earl Jossy received 60 per cent will assist in the program at the promises, but that he would do hie ment, by dictatorship and the over­ on inches; 25 per cent on quality; theater and Miss Anna Mae Wells Brown Barker, vice president of very best. throw of old regimes. In our coun­ 5 per cent on nentness and 8 per will sing. This program will be fol- the University of Oregon, will de­ commencement address, liver the 'The speaker said that he took try by co-operative associations for lowed by memorial services at the Sixty-five boys and girls make up cent on form of copy. office without any political promisee marketing. The farmer must co-op­ cemetery. Veterans of the World Lovat Davidson was scored Bi senior class, three less I the 1981 and that he hoped to conduct it erate if he is to hold his own per cent on Inches; 24 per cent war and Spanish-American war with than that of 1930 without fear or favor to anyone. aguinst outside competition. on quality; five per cent on neat­ other groups will march to the If need for action arises, there will Program Given "If every person who needs them ness and five per cent on form of cemetery. Headquarters company, be action, he stated. County Com­ Store* Close for were to have three square meals copy. Diplomas will be presented by 2nd battalion, 162nd infantry, com­ missioners H. D. Kerkman and J. a day for 30 days there would manded by Lt. Arthur Kroeger L. J. Merrill, chairman of the Saturday Holiday M. Hiatt are men of mature judg­ be no surplus. There are two things will participate in the parade and union district board of directors, ment and with experience in conn- Hillsboro stores will close and honors including the announc­ responsible for this over-production, will fire a salute to the dead. t y affairs, according to the or more properly under-consump­ all day Saturday in obser­ I Transportation will be furnished ing of honor students, scholarships judge, who said he would receive , 'the surviving members of the Grand and the B. W. Barnes cup will tion. vance of Memorial Day. This considerable help from these two Fnf Ar,,iy R«P“b>‘c, disabled vet- be awarded by Principal B. M. “The first is waste between sell­ j1 i'll older men. Judge Templeton de- is one of the closing dates L erans of other wars and members Goodman. Superintendent B. W. er and consumer, and the second vjULlULHUll I. dared that he would not _ give in provided in an agreement Barnes will preside. The program of the women’s auxiliaries. is outside competition. Russia is Handwriting on the two notes to the dictatorship of any outside Hillsboro with Manager George reached among local business Veterans are urged to meet at will start with the processional Swartz on the firing line won a the most to be feared in outside found following the mysterious party. the Veterans’ hall at 9:30 a. tn. played by the high school orchestra, 11-inning pitching duel from the competition. Russia symbolizes the men several years ago. Most death of John Huber, truck driver To Collect Taxes folowed by the invocation by Rev. Saturday to inarch to the theater. drift toward centralisation and a for the Hillsboro Transfer com­ Vancouver Merchants in the Wash­ of the stores will remain open Likelihood of waste and leaks Boy Scout troops, Girl Reserves G. O. Oliver. The boys’ chorus will ington city Sunday 3 to 0. All change of government from liber­ pany, early last week is the same, Friday evening, however, it Institution of proceedings for and Camp Fire girls are invited sing and Miss Georgianna Jones three tallies came in the extra ty to tyranny. according to an opinion given by in the conduct of public affairs is announced. all delinquent taxes to meet at the Veterans’ hall to will play a violin solo. Robert H. Craddock, consulting was seen by the speaker, who point­ “The Soviet government has ab- , the collection . -....... of ................. . frame when the Hillmen started a Baccalaureate services were held rally that Pitcher Smith for Van­ solute control over the three things <>» ‘h' rolls was ordered by march to the Venetian theater, expert on ballistic, microscopy and ed out that the court intended to + . , > f. Ilia* /iminfv pmirt Incr I Imrcdnv at the school auditorium Sunday hand writing. This opinion leads do everything possible to eliminate most necessary to the welfare of the county court last Thursday. Girl Reserves will act as ushers. evening with Rev. J. Claude Black, couver was unable to check. local officials to believe Huber such leaks. He called attention to Myke, Hillsboro second baseman, n country, its land, labor and lib­ The order reads in part: “Ordered May Need Car* vicar of St. Michael’s All Angels’ led the batting with five safeties I committed suicide and that the the order of the court calling for erty. It controls the land by con­ that district attorney and tax col­ Anyone willing to donate the use Episcopal church in Portland, de ­ notes were purposely written to action on the collection of delin­ fiscation, the labor by force and lector proceed forthwith in ac­ of a car for transportation is re­ to the plate. the sermon. Rev. M. S. in five trips convey a different impression. Dep­ quent taxes for the years, 1920 the liberty by a doctrine of atheism cordance with law to collect all quested to notify C. E. Matlock livering Senators went into a Woodworth presided. The program tie Salem delinquent taxes on the tax rolls uty District Attorney Paul Patter­ to 1927, which amount to approx­ with Ever-Ready Pharmacy for and free love. Russia can afford to included the following: Rev. M. the leadership by scoring a 10 Washington county.” . or Fred Engledinger. - - son has stated that there will prob­ imately $180,000. Prior to 1920 buy the necessary brains she needs of The C. - E E. - Matlock, Fred Fre' Engledinger " of .$10,000 to cover the c Putman, invocation; Rev. II. S. to 6 victory over the druggists. ably not be a grand jury investiga­ tax claims are outlawed and after to run her country and those cost of Mill! collecting the delinquent an<^ Stiff arc in charge of Haller, benediction, and vocal num- Four teams, Vancouver, Hillsboro, 1927 they are not subject to fore­ tion as at first announced. brains come from the United _ cn,cn*s ___ bv _/ a quartet composed of Newberg and Vancouver Barracks £ i American > bers closure. Sometime, •, somewhere, Investigation of officials reveals States. Russia Inis 130 farms of at taxes was placed in the county bud-j arran Heads last December. , Legion. ' 11 '' of other patriotic or-|-p. G. Bronlccwe, E. E. Niemeyer, are tied for third place with per- that Huber had been brooding over someone has been derelict in their least 125,000 acres each, and meas­ get Delinquent taxes for the vears, ganisations ore assisting the legion- Eugene Crosby and H. E. Thomp­ r n' ges of 500 each. Vancouver duties, the judge declared. It is ureless natural resources us yet 1920 to 1927 amount to approx-, «Hires Four-H summer school delegates I unlucky business deals and that only fair to every taxpayer in the ",lire8 and «n<1 they they ares *re: Mrs. H. b. S. son. Attendance at the baccalaureate liarracks defeated Gresham 6 to unused. are being furnished a special train i the act of taking his own life was county that all be required to pay ¡mately $180,000. according to Judge ! Kogers. Women’s Relief Corps and was the largest in the history of 0, while Newberg was giving Comp­ over the Oregon __ „ _ Electric with a : undoubtedly prompted by this fact. their taxes. Judge Templeton de- “Our wheat surplus this year is Donald T. Templeton. U. S. W. V. Auxiliary: Mrs. Frank the school, the busses being used to ton Clothiers an 8 to 3 trimming. Mr. Craddock’s letter: "Person round trip rate of $1.55 from all [ 200,000,000 bushels. Russia will ________________ Challacombe, D. U. V.; Albert (Continued on page 10) Hillsboro will play here Sunday points in Washington county, ac­ who signed name J. Huber on the dared that the district attorney and have 500,000,000 bushels to sell at Speiring, U. S. W. V., and Mrs. E. against Gresham, tied with Comp­ cording to information received by freight bill May 19, 1931, is the sheriff have pledged their full co­ 10 cents per bushel In 1935. The C. McKinney, Legion Auxiliary. ton for the last position. Manager W. S. Averill, assistant county person that wrote the note or let- operation in the tax collection. cotton industry is another that is Wreaths and flags will be placed It is the purpose of the court Ralph Dresser hopes for the good agent. Bus fare from the Oregon ter No. 1 as well as the one written on the graves of veterans in near­ threatened. of the American Legion, which is Electric depot to the college and on the piece of wrapping paper, to see to it that the taxpayer gets by cemeteries. Anyone knowing of Say* Farmer Fooled (Continued on page 6) return will be ten cents, making No. 2, but using different pencils. a full dollar’s value for every Eva Holman of Portlnnd, wife (Craves that should be marked is “These are leak» that must be “In all the writing submitted the dollar expended, according to Mr. Subject to the approval of the a total cost of $1.65 for the round asked to notify Fred Engcldinger. stopped and one way to do so is of William George Holman, ar­ writing is a combination of back­ Templeton. Calling attention to» trip. Commissioner of Public Utilities by an embargo, steel hard and rested last week as a suspect in The Oregon Electric special will hand, vertical, and angular. Both and the sponsoring groups: Miss and effective June 1, the Portland sky high, to make a barrier against the J. C. Penney company rob­ leave Forest Grove Monday, June capitals T at the beginning of each Gladys Kuratli, sponsored by the General Electric company has filed bery, was placed in jail Friday aft ­ such a competitor. 8 at 12:45 p. m. and will connect note are alike, also the different Pythian Sisters and Coffee club; a meter water heating rate avail­ “Another result o f changing ernoon when she called at the of- i with a special from Portland at letters K as they appear in the Miss Elaine Caldwell, sponsored by able to any and all customers upon ficc of Sheriff J. W. Connell to Need of support for the Ameri ­ times is chain merchandising. It its Tualatin valley division, This can Legion junior baseball team Garden Home. Stops will be made different words. The small letters the Busfness and Professional Worn* visit her husband. She was charged ' began 71 years ago and is now be­ with being intoxiented. rate covers a separate meter serv- was brought out by Carl Russell at Hillsboro, 12:57 p. m.; Orenco, f, the small figures 2, the small en’s club, American Legiort Auxil­ coming a monopoly as great as ice for water heating only upon of the legion committee in charge 1:05 p. m.; Elmonica, 1:11 p. m.; letters t all appear to be written by iary and Daughters of Union Vet­ Gus Henderson and Emil Ander- , that of the Soviet. The fanner is erans; Miss Evelyn Hesse, spon­ the following basis: l’/aC per at the post meeting Friday night. Beaverton, 1:18 p. m.; Garden the same person. son were taken into custody at the one most fooled by it. There Beaverton Friday night on drunk I “In conclusion, it is my positive sored by Scholls and Laurel com­ k. w. h. for the first 200 k. w. h.’s Confidence that the local junior Home, 1:33 p. m.; Tigard, 1:41 are now chains in 60 different lines charges. Sheriff Connell said they] opinion that all the writing was munity clubs and the Scholls used per month and lc per k. w. h. will get some place in the elimin­ p. m., and Tualatin, 1:47 p. m. of business, operating on 10,000 for all additional energy used per ation games and the need for uni­ This is by far the best rate ever done by the same person, that per­ Grange; Miss Mary Helen Himes, took “ three drinks of kerosene and ( William George Holman, arrest ­ son being J. Huber.” different systems, with a total of wood alcohol and were barking at sponsored by the Hillsboro Grange month. forms for the boys was stressed. offered club members and has the ed last week in Portland as a sus­ 125,000 stores and an increase on the moon." The filing of this tariff was The business men will be asked to advantage of being an insured car­ and Royal Neighbors, and Miss pect in the attempted robbery hastened to aid Washington county the average of 40 new stores per Anona Joos, sponsored by the em­ Spencer, Glen Vickers and April 30 of the J. C. Penney com­ help finance the purchase of suits. rier. Club members should avail day. This is done mainly by the J. I. W. IL Wiswcll ployees of the Ray-Maling cannery. were arrested Sat­ pany and resultant gunfight with dairymen to conform to Portland Resolutions of sympathy at the themselves of this opportunity, says Wall street process, selling o f urday. regulations governing the produc­ Mr. Seymour, state club leader. Jake Weil reported that play­ Night Officer W. W. Weaver, was tion of class “B” milk, to which death of Past Commander Alfred stocks, promoted on the hope of Four-H summer school registra­ grounds are being sponsored in Monday in circuit court here al­ regulations they must conform prior J H. Morgan were ordered drawn. future business. tion starts Monday, June 8. Wash ­ connection with the various schools. Invitation to attend an American Washington county is well repre­ Tennis courts have been construct­ lowed his freedom on $5,000 bonds. to July 1, next, according to Man­ ington county delegates should not “What chance have your high Legion district meeting at Tilla ­ sented in the graduating classes of ed at the junior high school through An automobile with a small bole, ager R. R. Easter. (Continued on page 10) school graduates against such a mook and Rockaway June 6 and Oregon State college and the Uni­ the co-operation of local business apparently made by a .32-caliher The Portland Milk Ordinace per­ 7 was extended by Dr. Reedy of condition in business, which takes versity of Oregon. bullet, in the rear part of the mits sterilization by chlorin com­ people. away all chance for individual en­ Portland, member of Tillamook 1 top was found in a private garage College graduates are: William pound, and steam for this purpose terprise. No action was taken to have a The county Christian Endeavor in Portland Monday. It is believed post. Dr. Ralph Dresser and William and Patricia Beck, Gaston; Hillsboro float in the Rose Festi­ is not now required. However, elec­ “The farmer and independent rally will be held at the Christian H. Dierdorff were appointed on a that this automobile was the one Gayford Wilson, Beaverton; Albert val parade. tric sterilizers are being developed, merchant must get together for church Friday, June 5. Ross Guylie, to secure attendance | Arnst, Rollin Deck and Ruth Mc­ their own benefit. If we bad n state field secretary, will he pres­ used by two robbers who at­ and, when required, will be avail­ committee A. A. Soule, proprietor of the from here. tempted the Penney robbery. A Grath, Hillsboro; Alice Johnson, new clothing store, was introduced Genn Norton, Hillsboro, and 2*/z per cent leakage of the heart ent. The international convention able for use in conjunction with • machine bearing license plates reg ­ Forest Grove; Alice Steel, Metzger; as there is a leakage of the profits will be held in San Francisco this Curtis Trenholme, Portland, repre- as a new member. the water heaters necessary to be senting Pacific university in the | Esther Moser, Sherwood. through chain store merchandising summer and the rally is to boost istered to Holman, stopped at the installed before July 1, 1931. Hillsboro’s stand in favor o f garage and the driver, a woman, University graduates: Don Smith, northwest conference tennis meet we would die in 30 heart beats. the convention. Miss Maurille Moore D. S. Young, farm service rep- Roseburg for the national soldiers’ removed tools from the car in the Maude Moore, Beaverton; Wilma at Tacoma, Wash., last week upset Profits represent progress nnd if is in charge of the program. The I resentative, is in charge of this home was re-affirmed at a meet­ the dope when they defeated the B. Moreland, Edwin L. Graham, ing of the chamber of commerce the profits of tl.e community are local Christian Endeavor will give garage, detectives were informed. work. Frieda I.. Holzmeyer, Forest Grove; strong Willamete university doubles not kept within it the community a miscellaneous program Wednes­ The machine with the bullet hole board of directors Monday night Hillsboro union high school with in it was registered to George John­ (Continued on page 10) 23% points placed third in the team in straight sets. 11-9 6-3 in Fern Catherine Baker, Gaston and and a telegram sent to Senator Mc- day of the following week. son, 314 Stanton street, but at that (Continued on pace 4) 1 triangular track meet between Hills­ the first rounds. Then later in the Paul Addison Grant, Garden Home. (Continued on page 10) boro, Forest Grove nnd McMinn­ afternoon they beat the College of ville high schools at McMinnville Idaho in a hard fought match 13-11 Saturday. Forest Grove was first 6-3. Several Hillsboro students are with 60 markers and McMinnville This put them in the finals fac­ included In the list of candidates second with 40%, Thurston of For­ ing Whitman college. Both of the for graduation at the Pacific uni­ est Grove was high individual with Pacific men put up a hard driv­ versity commencement exercises ing game, but Whitman retained (By Rev. II. H. Miles) Workings of the Gresham retail Monday. A department award in 20 points. dence of any of the people of Don Batchelar took first in the the title bv winning the match A statement relative to the free repaired, mended, renovated, and The fiftieth anniversary of the Cornelius except possibly one or two. credit association were described English will be presented Miss pole vault, second in the broad 6-1 6-2. text book law, passed by the 19,11 the district stamp placed upon dedication of the Cornelius Meth­ It is from the carefully kept diary at a dinner meeting of the local Eleanor Hanson of Hillsboro. Next year Pacific university is jump and second in javelin. Scott legislature, is issued for the benefit them, after which they will be stor­ odist Episcopal church will be of Mrs. M. A. Cornelius nnd her credit association in the Hillsboro County students to graduate are: observed at 11 o’clock Sunday remarkable memory that we are Chamber of Commerce rooms Tues­ Walter F. Freeman, Glade C. Follis, Samsel finished second in the I rated as having one of the out­ of parents and school patrons by ed for the summer and given use standing teams in the conference. C. H. Nosier, superintendent of in the fall. morning. The Rev. William Wallace able to compile this brief history day night by President White of the Laurel B. Frost, Eleanor Elaine mile and third in the discus, David the Hillsboro grade schools. loungson, district superintendent of the church. “Auntie” Cornelius Gresham group and Walter Hicks, Hanson, Lowell E. McAlear, Char­ Samuel took third in the low “Due to the new text book law, hurdles and tied for third in the “Following is information per­ second hand books will have no of the Portland district, will preach has lived in Cornelius since 1866. past president. Thirty-one attend­ lotte A. Jesse, Geneva McDonald, 220, while Hubert Welch finished taining to the new “ Free Text the sermon. money value next fall, as the local It wag in that year she became the ed, including business men from Viola Frances Paterson, Janice second in the low hurdles and Book Law,” which w.as recently stores are to be freed from the The organization of the Cor­ wife of Colonel Cornelius after Aloha and North Plains. Strickland, Galen Westwick, Forest third in the high hurdles. Burke adopted by the state legislature: nelius Methodist Episcopal church whom the town of Cornelius was necessity of handling them from Mrs. Ed. L. Moore was named Grove; Paul W. Johnston, Banks; “1. This law affects the grade now on. Hence the book is of no dates before the time of the resi- named. For several years before assistant secretary of the local Reve Tucker, Gaston, and Myrtle: Tongue took second in the discus. M. H. Parkin of Forest Grove schools only, the students of the celebrated his eighty-second birthday high school purchasing their texts value except to the school dis­ that time she taught school near group. A new credit rating book W.K, Dm.,. trict, where it will be of great is being prepared by the local busi­ here. Saturday and incidentally dropped value, In that every used book Sheep, Lamb«, Sow* in to tell the Argus that 60 years as previously. For a number of years the serv­ ness houses, which, It is explained “ 2. The law provides for each will take the place of a new book. before on his birthday he planted ices were held in a log school house are glad to give credit where credit Are Sold in Hurry school district to appropriate one “We are hoping parents will re­ corn with a hoe all day in Wis- located on the land now owned is due. Contrary to reports in Portland sonsin. Mrs. Parkin is 75. They dollar and fifty cents per pupil spond one hundred per cent to by Vivian French near where their Louis Herboldt of near » newspapers, neither Sheriff J. W. were married 55 years ago. Mr. per year for the purchase of texts. this plan. During the last week beautiful home stands. It was dur­ Hillsboro, who has made quite Additional honors came to Hills­ Connell or r.ny of his deputies hnve Parkin was born in London, Eng­ This amount, of course, will not of school each teacher will notify ing the pastorate of the Rev. Joseph a reputation ns a grape grow­ boro at the I. O. O. F. and Re­ ever claimed to have outwitted land, and came to the United States buy a complete set of texts for the pupils of her class as to the Hoberg in 1871 that the first Sun­ er, had 20 sheep and lambs (Continued on page 10) bekah state lodge sessions at Cor­ Portland police in any arrests. The with his mother when a boy of six. each pupil, and it will be neces­ day school was organized. At that and four young brood sows vallis last week besides those an- Washington county sheriff and his The Parkins have lived in this sary for the majority of pupils to • ... , time the pastor lived in Hillsboro, that he wanted to sell. They Oscar Shiffer of Timber, mem­ nounced in the last issue of the officers are very appreciative of county for 42 years, first settling make certain purchases in the fall it being on the Hillsboro circuit. ber of the Washington County Rod were all sold immediately aft­ However, to make additional pur ­ __ ________ ,_______ „ ___ them ____ on a farm at Cedar Mills. full co-operation given Results Surprise In 1920 Rev Hoberg visited the and Gun club, won the Portland Argus. W. O. Morley, who was the er the advertisement was chases for students as small as elected grand junior warden of by Portland police department and church and preached on his ninety- Gun Cedar Mills Folk first published in the great possible, the stbte board of edu­ club handicap Sunday at the the encampment, was awarded the the constable's office. The local of­ first birthday. He rejoiced in the Everding park trap grounds in market place of Washington cation has made the following sug ­ Surprise at results obtained progress of the Sunday school and Portland. Shiffer broke 48 out of prise for being the best drilled of­ ficials at the same time are always county—the classified section gestion: willing to co-operate with officers fr^m classified advertising in that he was able to visit It after 50 targets shooting from 23 yards. ficer from the canton. of the Hillsboro Argus. "3. That the parents give their Mrs. Morley was elected grand elsewhere. the Hillsboro Argus was ex­ 50 years from its organization. Phone, write or call In consent for the pupils to give scribe of the Lady Muscovites. pressed by Mrs. C. H. Kat­ person and make this serv­ The history of the church goes Directors of the Hillsboro Rotary to the school district their text Mrs. O. M. Heaton was named as terman of Cedar Mills, who ice available in turning odd back to the time when the Tualatin club will be elected at a meeting books, if these books are not to marshal in the Rebekah assembly. ran a cow for sale ad and a things about your home into valley was n forest and travel was of club members and their wives be used by the pupil or if they Victrola ad at a cost of 92 cash. There are many pros­ limited to horses and saddle-bags. at the Forest Hills golf course to­ cannot be used by some other cents for both. pective buyers among the Mud was often knee-deep in June. night (Thursday). A golf tourney member of his family in school, Four cows were advertised, readers of the Argus and But knee-deep mud wns not the Kathleen Caldwell, daughter of Owners of dairy goats met Sat­ will be held before the dinner. next year. but the Kattermans decided careful reading of the ad­ most trying hardship in those Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caldwell of urday night at the home of G. Arthur Reiling is chairman of the “The parents should understand to keep one of them. The vertising in Washington coun­ days. Men were not rich except in Hillsboro, has been selected as the N. Taggart and elected officers for committee (in charge of arrange­ that the child should keep the book three cows sold for $865. ty’s official paper will pay faith and energy. To build a most popular girl student on the The American Legion Junior a permanent organization. The of­ ments. ” if he will use it as a text next Seven prospective buyers came for the year’s subscription future state and to make a home Pacific university campus in * league team lost a 10-inning game ficers are C. Churchill, president, Gilbert Priest, high school stu­ fall. However, If no member of the In one day. The Vlctrota sold many times over. was their chief desire. Religion vote of the student body conducted to the Hil’sboro union high school and J. Huenergardt, secretary. The dent, gave two readings at the family can use the book, it may be for «25. must have a place in the building by the Index, university weekly at athletic park Saturday after­ next meeting will be held June luncheon Thursday. B. M. Good­ turned in to the teacher on the last (OcUawS «• M« It) 4 paper. noon. 8 at the Taggart home. man was chairman. day of school. These books will be Montaville Flower* B. F. Irvine Speaks Farmers Addressed No Promises Made Graduation For Hilhi Class On Friday Evening Handwriting On Notes Of Huber Found Similar Hillsboro Wins 11-Inning Game From Vancouver Delinquent Tax County Ordered Transportation To 4-H Session Arranged Here Arrest Follows a Visit to Sheriff Water Heat Rate Reduced by Pepco Support of Legion Junior Nine Urged Robber Suspect Freed On $5000 Bail On Monday Many from County Graduate in June Christian Endeavor Rally Here June 5 Local Youth Plays Tennis at Pacific Hillsboro Last in Triangular Meet Fiftieth Anniversary Methodist Church at Cornelius on Sunday Gresham Men Talk At Credit Meeting Pacific Will Hold Graduation Monday Free Text Book Law Discussed For Parents by School Leader Forest Grove Man Is 82 Years Young Shiffer Winner in Portland Handicap More Lodge Honors Won by Local Folk Portland Police Aid Appreciated Rotary Club Will Select Directors Kathleen Caldwell Voted Most Popular Extra Inning Game Lost to Hillii Nine Dairy Goat Owners Organize Association