THE Thursday, January 29. 1931 HILLSBORO ARGUS, HILLSBORO, OREGON inrinbrrH wrrr prmrfit, Orrnco, , Walker, »10 48. J Gurtrrian, 5 24, R Harmon, ,15; Laura Etta Haynes. Oregon Washington Water Serv. ,5.40; Iuella Hutchinson, 'pay J W North rifihiMt Gurdrn Home, Alolm NWUHMl, «54J, 11 W ttCOlt, »499, L $35. Mary E Batchelor. $15; Mrs Court holuse exp. ,17 75 connell) ,5 20; Edith Faults, ,3 20; B Ncuon, «.08, K Neugm, )30.9U; F Clara Marie KoaenbaJm, ,35; Mrs Hubrr, lorrM (¡rove, unit Moun Portland General Elec Co, Court W B Faults. « 20 tnliKtidf* bring rrprr>»ente77.-1 ey Boyd. ,12; H F Bridgeman. M. Court exp. «25; budget exp, ,2475; more, phy »10. dog license fund, «5. wooly rodeo I* one of the feature W S Averill guve a sliort talk 39, J GM uiu , »22 41, L Blue. »27 93, Inquest fees Malcolm McDonald, Mr» Minnie Buzhard. ,10; Mr» C C event* In the picture on Four II club«. Musical numbers Gilo Brussr, »9 66, Mai Olson, « 99, Bennett, ,15; W H Boulln. ,15; Mrs County Hospital—The Upjohn Co. deed—F J Be well, cor, W, Dr War- ,10 74; Cloaset A Devers. ,9 12; Dea r. . C Hunter, phys, ,10. "Her Wedding Night,” revealing were furnlxhed b) pupils of Herd Curl Oison, 3.49; 8 L Fayrain, »10, Elizabeth Bennett, ,10; Agatha kin Supply Co, ,2.59; Packer-Scott the amusing «ml romantic adven vllle sell ool and light refreshments I J A Fields, 76c, Howard-Cooper, Glass A Prudhomme Co, Co Clerk Cooper. ,15; Anna Custard. »8; Mrs Co, $14 09; United State« Rubber Co. ture* of » red-haired movie »tar were served Corp, »JJ3.9U, Central band ot Gra­ J F Cooke. ,15; H D Davis 'for Pe­ $-5 20; Portland General Electric Co. office, „5. who trie* Io escape the men, mid F G Nat Bank, co treas exp, ,1.50 I he girls’ and boys' Four II clubs vel Co, »96 86, Frederick Post Co, ter Folaomi ,20; Martha Emerick. $22 33; Portland Gas A Coke Co. $5 n song writer whose numerous lady held a meeting Jliurnday. Marvel Brown, co court witness »23.65, Hal E H un , becy of btale, ,12. John Frcderlckaon, ,5; Katie 30; Swift A Co. $8. Palm Drug Co. friends make life miserable for state vs Verl and Alice Salee, ,2 Mrs. John Frunk baa been III, *2, A Vuridiuzundetr, «2 96, H Jesse, Gohte ,15; Ou» Orau, 'for A Bart, $8 71; Aloha News. Tax Dept Exp. Idin, Is Clara Bow’s new riotous but la slowly gaining. Co Crt Witness State vs James D »3 49, J m Vanderzunden, »14 98, ,10; M S Hoag, ,15; Mary Ellen laugh «nd love lilt, coming •« I hr Winter—Danny Talmage. »4 40; George Imlay la tn C'latlr Rock Eagle Lbr Co, 27 26, Builey a Service Holland, ,10; Oeorge Hawley, ,15; $1 80. » till Beaverton Enterprise, Tax Dept Carl Hamel, »4.40. Venetian Sunday, Monday attending to some buaincsa. dluliun, »2 20, Otto Bl use, »36.14. Ermln Jensen 'gdn of $130 Bounty—Arthur Labahr, ,5; Geo Tuesday. Mr*. < I*. Johnson of Tobias urcguri Erec Ky Co, 'Forest Giovo dren of Chris Jensen decdi »40. Mrs Relief—C C Store, $1145; Palm Maynard, »1 50; Arthur Peters, 80c. Two wlvrx of oppoxltr types me gave Dorlw and Porotby M<-Breen. »132.93, btipcs Guruge, »2.20; Ar- Annie Jones, »15; Stella Kelly. »10. Drug Store, $8 85.. Damages—w F Young, »42. A H Illustrators of one of the <'<>m 1 birthday supper last Tuesday. Stella Kelly. ,10; Frank Kelsey. »10. thur EUloit, »«. Co Hosp- Blumauer-Frank Drug Haydon. »8. inonest murllal problems in "Ex Mr .mid Mrs. Fred Ihigg and Nathan J Kirk. Vi; Chas W Ka ­ K l»y family of I’ortlund visited Mr. and Mrs Marian Snider, relief »10.. Schmidt 'truck luie, »2 40, Juiin chel. »12; Carl W Linde »6; ,7.51. rd by June Collyer «ml Dorothy Mrs. Duvid llagg .Sunday. G Russell Morgan, ind soldier Hally Lewis, ,10; W M Ladvala ,1c, »73.- Knight. ,10; Mrs Mary K NeiUon. H'ep. ,3.8«. Kllnge’s store, relief Lulu Davis, were succesaful in passing U m ,20. Mrs Sarah Neunely. ,12; Flo­ W F Tews. Jail board. ,173 80 M.01. final eighth grudc examinations 2U, blundurd OU Cu ot CaJU, »31 44, ra Peschka. ,15; Tom Pickering. »5. W E Upehaw. fruit lnsp, ,1727. Helwig-Chapman Co. Tax _ Dept thia January, have started to high Beaverton Lor Co, »151.68, bhell OU Mrs C J Robinson. »10; Geneva Tigard Sentinel, Tax Dept exp, exp. ,2.57; Co Clerks exp, ,1.70; Co s< bool. Harlan l> going to Beaver Co, »60 45, F A Vumiken, »321.30; Robinette, ,10; Mr» Martha Sams »130. Geo Wulling, »11.97, Warren Evans. surv Exp. ,1 25, ,5 52. North Plain*—Pythian Sisters ton and ( arl is going to Hillsboro »399; Herman Holznagel, »17.97, $17 50 Mrs Fannie Stone (for M o Reynold« Cash Gros, relief. »5.50 Co Crt Exp KLham Sta A Ptg have Installed the following <>fll high school. Stone.) ,15; Mrs Emma Stevens, L G Wledewltsch, relief Paveys. Co. ,2 07; Hillsboro Argus, ,25. Curl Holznagel, »3 09, Herman cersi Anna Miller, most excellent Holznagel, »5.99, Tom 'luylor, »3.99, ,10; Mrs J F Tolson. «0. Mrs Den» »13.77 John Schmeltzer, relief Boulln chiefi Echo Willi», excellent senior; Delta Drug Store, Co Hoep. »2 20; baby. ,3. Gu oWulhiig, »5.98, Carl Hoznagei,i Vaseleif. »10; Mr» John W^l* »5. Grace Itaffety, excellent junior; »3 99, Mutt Olson, »1 49; Curl Olson, Mr» W A Ryan. ,12; Mrs Ida Volk. Co Clerk. »5 10; Co Surv, »2 75; Re­ 8 W Melhulsh, Crt Hs Exp, ,1. Mary Mxlhlrsrn, manager; I iz/.lc »1 49, Geo Rosevear, »1.49; 11 L bus- ,20; Mrs W V Yates. ,10; Mrs Al­ lief Sarah Harrison »3; Relief Tom Dr J B Dinsmore, Juvenile crt, ,8; Harms, mistress more, »7; Beaverton Lbr Co, »7.50. Dallinan. ,14 80; Clarence E Ship- »5.75. sors Exp, «5. 1 vnurcnW, »4 99. Roy Wuson. »1.30, ; It A: II—Hillsboro Power Ac Inv ley. ,1430; P R Dickinson, ,12 60; A L McBride, relief Mrs Seaman. Jail Annex Fund—Hord-Brooks M'onurU Ken, »19.9«, Joe KiUiy, Co, »7 84. Corwin Hdwe, »1.80; W R Cooke. ,3.60; Jos W Kyle, ,6 - 85. Co Inc, »4.052.15; Milton Keyser A »«tf.93; Ciauue L ook , »330, Bnl Hillsboro Concrete Brick Ac Tile Co, 60; Robert C Hartrampf. ,12. West Coast Ptg and Binding Co. Grand Jury—Waldo Raines, »420; Co Rec Exp. »38 39; Co Sher Exp. I nunic.inwn, »3.49; Frank »41.- ' »35418, Chrutemxen Machine Works, Industrial Paint Works.1 Daniel Adams, »5; John H Ebert, 88c; «9 77. vj , Leoiusid Keh, »J 99, K Vanliau- • »12.15; gnen, »199. frank Ken. »35.94, o »218.M. J D Adams Co, »22.63, J E »4.60; Henry Boge, »4.20; John Hammond A Stephens Co Co Sch *4 luyiuc, »3i>.9J,F Kuins, »19.94; J Huacltlne Ac Co, »127.64, Honeyman Boyd. «.60; C 3 Hensley, »5 10; Ot­ 8upt Exp. «9 76. Fowl**, prrlntri I<E< IMIlUt. 1930 19, Olson Bros Ac Nyberg, »121412; L Dep Sheriffs—C C Follette. »134 - Corrlnne Crane.—Dorothy Brown, R A H Howard E Snyder. »4 35; »5 98, Meo Foiher, »9 08, V J White. K Carpenter. »12; S P Co, «7; State 70; A F Schendel. »134.70; Paul G H P Lbr Co.. »434 7»; F D Rob­ »11.91, Geo Fisher. »4.09. V J White, Ind Accident Com. »241.73; Hans Parson. »134.70. inson. »19 45; Pool-Gardner Lbr Co. »4.99, Alvin Curley. $3.99, Theo Cornlls, 50c; Scholls Tile Co, « 76, Grant Zumwalt, Jail »49.70 jan­ »8 80; Portland Bolt A MIg Co. Duvison, »390, Geo Fisher, »400, »1080. »4.59, 90c, »18.90, Laurel Lbr itor »149.70. ,106 17. S P Co. ,32 40; Swift A Co. V J White. »4 00. Russel Burrus, «.- Co. «70.07; Progress Merc Co, »4.- Tax Deputy—Harvey Elsner. ...» W7. »312; C Sandberg, _____ »225, ,13 96; _ 1*8, L aiuis Dober, $6 73, b C Inkley, j 28, G H P Lbr Co. ( assigned to »152.70; NeweU Macrum, »99 70 INx»!-Gardner Lbr Co, $2 56; United | $-’u 57, H Lu-bnow, »60 86, P Lleb- Coml Nat Bank) »469.33; L Stroh­ Clerks Tax Dep—Helen Connell. Rsllwnyx Co, »102 82. Olaf Braseth now. »32 45. R Schoeler, »12 21, 11 mayer. «. J W Copeland, Yards, »100; Gladys Elsner, »117; Mildred »9 07; Carl Holm Ai Co »444 »774 1«. Labnow. »0 98. P Liebnuw. »6 08. R »36 48, Aloha Super Service Station. Lindholm. $108.50. City of Hillsboro. »12; State Ind Schoeler. »6.98. J M Thompson. »2 10; J D Adams Co, «2 63; ....... MUI G Russell Morgan of American Ac Com. «05 50, Tigard Lumber Co. »24 05. O M Taylor. $1198, Harley Ac Mine Supply Co, »4. Legion Post No 6, $51.50, relief of »16 23; The United Cont Co. »724 20; . l uylor. »3 09. Mr Carnes, »6 90. Aio­ Mrs. H VunDomelen, bounty. »12- Harry Morrison family. li C Melqulst. »4 15; O E Ry Co. ha Lbr Co. $1 44. Gules Creek Mer- F M Warner, damages. $12. »54. »81.B E Yeoumans, »2 50. W, cunliic Co. »1. H E buabuuer, »126 - • >0. W E Kimball, elections. $3. E E Hanyen, Reporter's fees, W Lcpley, $2 50; Union Oil Co of 27. U li Gardner, »120.52, Hans Edw C Luce, elections $10.65; Calif, »97 95; Carl Holm A-Co. »6; Riui-sinuAbi’n, $120.52; Joe Corrierie, Court, 80 clerk $1018, $20.83. Bounty—Delmar Lumber, »5.30; R Union Oil Co of Calif. »009 14; Cody »120 52; Chas Hoag. »106 77; James J J Stangel Interpreter Cire Ct, $5 Color Co. »3480. Union Oil Co of Beaton, »116 02, R L Chamberlain. A Slmposn, »9. Dr J B Dinsmore, salary health of- Calif. »207 81; Shell Co of Calif. »116 64; Jack Hess. »91.07; Frank Edw C Luce, Co Clerk, »150. fleer, »150. »53 84; O E Ry Co »162. E J L*W- Reh. Jr. »117.26; R W Williams, Deputy Co Clerks—Z R Hiatt,j Dr J R Marshall. »1, relief E L ROBERT BROWNING renz, »11 0; W A Snyder. »169 41. 114.70; L C Melqulst. »174 70; B U »115; Josephine Hughes. »100; Eva Hutchcroft. »1 93. «2 02. »27 47. C A Grlffels. Dickey, »5 98; Myron Sheelar, »5.98; Oakes, «0. W W Weaver night watchman “Perfect I call Thy »16; William Edward Rlngold and M E Easterday, »20 97; Ross Hayden, E B Sappington, Co Treas, »100. court house, t mavc, ___ _ his ______ -___ John »47 88; K W Moreland. »43 89, Geo Mabel ........ Rlngold, wlte. _ $500; plan: thanks that I was Irene Chapinon, Dep Co Treas »90 J F Jones. Dlst Sealer. »22.35. YsunandLJUy Yaun. hi* wife. »500; »McLeod. »39 90, Mayo Hayden, »47,- James H Davis, Co Recorder, »100. j Well's Dept Btore. relief. »1.35. a man. Maker—remake Franccs P Cornwell and Frank 88. J W Moreland, »66 4O._ Dep Co Recorder—Ophelia Wla­ Mrs A B Todd, Probation Offi­ — complete — I trust R A: H—J M Hayden. »71 88; J E mer. $90. Valene Underwood, »90. Cornwell, her husband. »550; C W cer Exp. »10. Mltzel, »13926; Otto Johnson. »75 - what Thou shalt do. Miller and Belle C Miller, his wife. N A Frost, Co Sch Sup, »150. E L Hobbs. Co SUrv Exp. «4. »1750, Walter A Sharp and Jennie 76; Chas Austin, »75 76; Chas Rob­ Zola F Morgan, Dep Co Sch Sup, West Coast Tel Co. Tax Dept. ,4 - Sharp, his wife, 425; Mlehacl Con- erts. »7.47; C Nyberg. »7 98; J Ny­ »46 67. j__ ____ 35; _______________ Co Recorder. »3 65; ____________ Co Juvenile zelman and Dorathea Conzelman. berg. »9 98; Chas Roberts, « 23; E H E E Frost, office help to Co Sch Officer, »4.70; Co Surv, »4 .20; Co hLs wife, »105; Agnes M. Hite and Robbins. $2 99. C Nyberg. « 99. H M Supt, »53.33. Sch Supt, »5.85; Go Circ Judge. »7.- Garfield E Hite, her husband. »400; Moore. $1.74, J Nyberg. »34 93, H R E B Sappington. Co Treas Exp, 45; Co Treas, « 70; Co Judge. »7.65; Julius E Dow and Mary E Dow. Chantier, »148 25; A Howell. »104 - »6 Co Clerk. »4.05; Co Assessor, «.65; ,1050; Agnes M Burroughs and J 39; N Mann. »99.90.D Chantier, $18 - j N E Stangel. Clerk Circ Judge, »90 Co Sheriff, »49 80; »98.85. M Burroughs, her husband. 11000; 52; W C Brown. 86 43; H Groff, « - I James H Davis, Postage Record- h a Kuratll, Salary Justice of Hattie Holbrook. »450; J W Barney. 98. C T Walker. »4 49; L Holt, «1 -- era Exp. »8.80. Peace. »150. Co Eng, ,249 70; W A Tupper, Cost 63. W F Deshiger, $112 54; Wm Bailiff —Jos Robinson, »6; C C Grand Jury July Term, 1930 (No- Keeper of Co Eng. ,125; Florian MatzkA Jr.. «1.79; Eli Kingston. Bannister. »60 vember>—W L Batchelder. »8; A E Funeral Director* Mills, Drafsman to Co Eng. ,114 37 $81.79; E C Smith. »79 80; E R Jor- i Widows' Pensions—Lois Field Hanley. »7.20; R F Mott. »10; Wal- R A H—Flortan Mills, Draftsman dan. $8! 79; Al Johnson. $25 93; Aaen. »25; Cora Mabel Bell, «5; ter L Oppenlander. »10; L O Grieb- Third and Lincoln St*. Co Eng. ,55 33; L A Johnston. Tran­ Yamhill Electric Co. »367.83; Hills­ Bertha Bores, »45; Florence Butch- ler »11.20; Carl S Nelson. »9 80; L Telephone 953 sitman Co Eng. »169 70; John Liver­ boro Pharmacy, »2 75; West Coast er, »15; Minnie Cox, »25; Mrs. Grace M Sparks. »9 60. Tel Co. iTlgard) »4.05; J Nyberg. more, Chainman, Co Eng. »99 80; D Creese, »25; Emma DePrez. »45; C O Roe. Co Hosp, »4.90. Horace Glasgow. Chainman Co Eng. $36; Hillsboro Independent, $2.75; Lottie Blanche Ezell, »45; Mrs Myr­ State Industrial Accident Comm. »5.23; John Oregon-Washington Water Service, tle Flnsley, »45; Mrs Mary B Foley. Peace Officer's Contribution. »2132. ,83 70; Alb Keehn, Trachsel, »1246; J R Tompkins. $2 54 ; Portland General Elec Co, »25; Ada Hagen, »25; Eva Hansen, Grace MIUgate iRchmond. Co ___ __ «389; W R »820; Hirman Becker. »13627; H L »15; Laura T Hayes. Mrs Elsie Noble Health Officer. »200 »5740; W C Bacon. Hawkins. »34 95; C II Mitchell. »23 - Funk, $70.38; Robert Meacham. Huson, «5; Mary E Johnston. »15; J W Connell. Tax Dept Exp. »29 14 94; Eugene Briggs. $399; Robert »12055; Verl Salee. »12055; A Pow­ Mrs Stella Kearn, 35; Mrs Edna A B Sappington, bounty, »300. Wetzler. »7 23; Ed lArsen, »199; J ers. »114 55; A Focge. »114.55; H L McCrady, »45; C S McNutt (for Em­ P L Patterson, salary dep dlst R Tompkins. »33.17; W C Bacon. Susbauer, »54 16; C E Potte, «9 31; ma Viola Yonally) »15; Maude N atty. »150. »25 92; Robert Wetzler, $7 98; Jess Claude Cook. »17.46; H Schindler. Oller. »15; Zephy Ritenour, »25; Mrs Dr J O Robb, phys Victor Van Moore. 12 96; P Lee. »12 96; S E »107.91; Kurt Llebnow. »115.40; W B Frances Randolph. «5; Mrs Ber­ Meltebeke. insane, »5; phys to Car­ Linde, $4 98; Fred Boyd. $5165; Fuller. $6'2 37; C E Downer, $61.12; nice Rychlick. »45; Hulda S Ryd- rie E Bacon, Insane. »5; phys for Joe Franks, 36 39; C R Knighten. M J Robinson. »22 45; E W Wagner. man, »55;Stella Shaffer. »25; Mrs Charles Keppro. Insane. »5. Dr D E Wiley, phys for Herman »38 39; C P Jackson. »27 96; J D »249; Jud Nicodemus, »17.95; O 8 C E Shaver. «5; Mrs Virginia May ______ _______ Wilson. »28.82; H D Kerkman, $44 - Shiffer, »11.98; Arthur Elliott. »7.98; Sorenson. »15; Mrs Jennie Y Shep­ C Oerdlng. insane. »5. 92; Alb Keehn, »199; Mary Wood- L W Norgrcn, »7.98; P G Norgrcn. herd, »25; Mrs Addye M Shaffer, Mrs A B Todd, probation office exp. ward, »65; E L Hobt». »94.40; Lloyd »7.98; Alex Gabbert, »15 96; Perry »15; Mrs Cora E Shrom, «5; Mrs »164.35. M Nickerson, Muriel Thompson. »15; Mrs Ida Siegfried Wolf, bounty. »90. »375; Frank Lindsay. »2 $2 50; Gabbert, $1398; L ** Shaw. •'51 C C Gault, elections »2.50. Alfred Cummings. »2 50; Thomas »13 98; O 8 Shiffer, »92.84 ; John Wade, »15; Mrs J P Waters. »45; Katie Weckert, »35; Mrs Althea J H Wilson, relief »10. Connell, »lf; C E Dcichman, »4 70; Bennett, »11.97. J M Vandcrznndcn, »8 10; West I J ¡16-.9» 'JJII1BI opnuio 1Ç6 »6» UjqquD Coast Tel Co. »22 50; Win M Martin uovj.>XJ|N W T 106 69, ,316 42; F M Allen, ,50.94; J J Hen-'XxMd 106 68, 'HJjqq«O x.»iv 106 68, derson, ,28.96; C W Allen. ,7 98; E uojfUoN M 1 18811, '7701113 Jnt|).iv Allown, ,13 98; J H Berger. ,26 00; 166 6» WiasnuO IW -H V H J H Hayes. ,1998; J II Berger. ,17- Brown, $1799; A E Schmidt. $399; 84; E Allewn, $6 99; F M Allen. $35 - E G Heaton, $3.99; F L Brown, $2 - 92; J J Henderson. $10.48; F M Al­ 99; B A Brown. »3.99; F L Brown, len, $26 95; J J Henderson. $2146; »4191; A Rasevear, »1.99; M Ben­ Wilber Minnen, $3 49; James Wal­ son, »498; F L Brown. »21.72; A E Experience has taught us that in order to ters. $3019; John Bose, $4185; El­ Schmidt, »6 98; B A Brown, $8 97; A Rosevear. »698; John Speiring. mer Lowe, $33 65; John Rollins, »6- save money, it is necessary to observe You don’t really have to 99; Fred Hohman, »1..87; John Bose. »12 23; Edwin Burkhalter, »6.99; J wait the turn of the calen­ three fundamental principles:: $2884; Elmer Lowe. ,2056; John dar for your vacation. Take Rollins. ,6 98; C A MorRan. ,31; First there must be a definite objective Peter Vannucienliaegen, Jr. ,6.25. it now, when you need it R A H—O Phillips. ,3 85; E W and a determination to succeed. most. Board a Southern Livermore. »125.79; L Yoeman, ,104. Pacific train to California. 79; G Bcherllng, ,84 29; O Phillips, Secondly to save first and spend after­ To San Francisco, Los ,83.79; P Moyland, ,75 81; C K This Doctor’s Prescription ward. Johnson, »83 79; O Fenner. ,84 29; Angeles, Hollywood . . . Requires No Gargling P Barnum, ,83.79; Jno McClaran. perhaps to Agua Caliente Third: Adopt a systematic plan and save No longer Is It necessary to gurgle ,4990; Jas Churchill. ,25.93; Fay or Palm Springs. Some­ Shearer, ,698; Otto Pritzloff, $14- anil choke with nasty tasting medi­ a certain sum regularly. where down South you’ll 96; J J Adkins, ,2544; Joe McRob­ cines to relieve sore throat. Now yon can get almost instant relief Many of the depositors in our savings find the carefree fun you ert, ,10.97; Ernest Hudson, ,798; W Hoot Gibson Conies Here Next Friday Officers Installed By Pythian Sisters Green Mountain , —* P. T. A. Council In Meet At Reedville County Court Donelson & Sewell Why zvish for Summer? vacation NOW in Plain Facts California Speedy Relief for Sore Throat with one swallow of a doctor's fa­ mous prescription. This prescrip­ Carl’» Discovery Stop» Gas, Constipation tion was refilled so often that the druggist who originally filled it de­ cided to put it under the name In his private practice, Dr. Car) "Thoxlne" and make it available to Weschckc first perfected the simple everyone. mixture now known ns Adlerika. The remarkable thing about Thox- Unlike most remedies, Adlerika acta on BOTH upper and lower ine is that it relieves almost instant­ bowel and removes old poisons you ly, yet contain* nothing harmful, would never believe were in your ft is pleasant tasting, ami safe for system. Stops GAS blunting in the whole family, and is guaran­ 10 minutest Relieves chronic con teed to relieve sore throat or stlpation In two hours! Let Adler coughs in 15 minutes or money Ik« give your stomnch and bowels back. Put up reaily for use in a REAL cleaning nnd see how good 88c, 60c, nnd $1.00 bottles. Sold you feel I It will surprise you.— by Hillsboro Pharmacy and all Hillsboro Pharmacy. Adv. other good drvg »tores.- Adv. Dr. 6 department have followed these prin­ ciples so successfully that we want to pass them along to others who have not yet developed the will to save. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK “The Oldest Bank in Washington County” need to fit you for the year ahead. Any Southern Pacific agent will help you plan the trip. Southern Pacific L. SH1NABERGER Telephone 621 Page Fivi Son. Inc. «28.83; Davidson Electrio Co. ,68 07. W H Boulln, relief, ,10. Ed Sweeney, Co Audtor Multno­ mah Co, Jail Board of Prisoners, 028. Lester Ireland A Co. Crt House Exp, ,1.06. Dr R J Nicol, herd Inspector, 116- 06. Court House Exp, Shell OU Co, W6 98; Packer-Scott Co, »4.90. ____ Palace Laundry Co. Co Jail Exp, 61c. Jersey Milk Co. Inc Co Hosp, 2.50. W E Blatter, Catted Ind ,17 50. Independent Transf A Fuel Oil Del $36; Crt Ss Exp. W E Upshaw, fruit lnsp, »11 66. Ella Wohler, Stenog Dlst Atty, ,75 Clarence Sievers, bounty, 50c. Law Library Fund ~ —West ‘ _ Publlxh- ing Co, WOO; Frank Shepherd Co, »12. N A Frost, Co Beh Supt Exp. »49 50. Co Sheriff’s Exp—Mac Ken zie Mo- tor Co. »23 39; Jlm Monger. »5; Bud Mulklns, ,250; M J Haynes, ,10.50; J W Connell, ,9.50; Helwig-Chap­ man Co. ,2.10; Cork Floor Products Co. »20 36. J E Johnson, »5 20. Tall man A Son. »2 60. Justice Crt Exp—C W Noyes. 610. 50; R A Twiss, »13. Well's Dept Store. Circ Ot Kxp. »258 50. Frances Campbell, relief J W A<1- sms, »3.30. Sheriff's Exp. Wilson Motor Co. »15; Standard Serv Sta. »9 33. Lents Bros. 60c; James Walters. »18. Henry A Nagi, »10 60 ; 8 E Fay nun. »9 HAW Specialty Co. Clerp Exp, »2 50; Sheriff Exp. »8 95. »1145. Orlo R W Hosaack, Jail annex fund, »100. Pool-Gardner Lbr Co, Crt Ht Exp. »64 45. Jail Annex Fund,—Eugene Ruedy. »645 06; George W Zarr. »2803 Arthur E King Jr, Bounty. »1.60 Mrs. Frankie Chllcot, relief David Swenson. »15. Packard Malloy Co, Inc. Jail an­ nex fund, »343. Bounty- May Tomlta, 50c; August Stiegert. »4.20. W E Calvin, relief Freeman fam­ ily, »8 85. Boys A Girls Aid Society, relief Delbert A Margaret Russell, »420. RHANAH A naw sensational Mystic Show. Never seen in Portland before. Under the auspice* of the Swiss Turnverein Swiss Hall 3rd and Jefferson St. Admission Saturday, February 7 - 8 P. M Dancing after the performance 75c