193 I Thunuiiiy. January 22 «ml I Pholi» IK48 LIMUF.il. funeral director . UM I Itti I- J lady ■«•ialanl . r»»i ililvnc« funeral parlor» Washington »treat , «I Hlalh, Hlllabora: Butf PhoV» 971 building, repairing, ALL KINIFH of • hlngilng. cabinet work, pian» drawn 11 r»«» cultivator. <'. < I W 4 NT D If THE r HILLSBORO ARGUS. ai > HILLSBORO. OREGON Tajr* Seven and that M- nd«/ th» 9th day of F»br»j ary, I'MlI, at H m » ‘ h»»ur ___ of ~ 2 o'clock ... In th* aft»rn«»«f) of «aid day and th» court room of saM court has bean appointed _ _____ _ by said roort »» the tim» and p|»e^ for th» bearing of «4>x«rtiona thereto and tFi» a»tli»m»nl thereof. Jjatad an«j firat publish»«! January I. 198L Data of laat publication February S, 1981. R. A. NI EIXEN. A «lm in ut rator R. A Niaise,,. Attorney 426 Y »on Bldg Portland. Oregon. woman'» auxiliary at Trinity Epiv- years ago and his ton, Chris Hitter, ropal thurth, Portland. is farming the home place. WrilrirntLiy and lhur«day annual convention of Ihr Epiiicopai church spécialisé in quality Job of the Diocrxr of Oregon, at St. printing. Argus. Strphrn'a cathedral in Portland. reward I'hone I.sat 8757 or At water FOR SALE IXNiS. PEIS t v« Portland M Osborn, 195 E — ii— 24th H* N. Portland 4*tf Hardware, Furniture Fouraquar- O.epal Church ONE HI'AYEI j >n.y GOLI) Elgin watch l«»t Wedm-aday night New and Uied fl have II by 4th and Oak St recta I,eave at Argua, rewar«l F. <« Brown, «H Manley, Clark Save hy buying at h Plain. p|»b II F.ria Panaon and Edith Campbell, The Whatnot. mH 2nd St I HF. party who «tola» aiol» my 410-guage Paato ra FOR SALE I ARM MACHINERY IF single ffD ScMfiDT from my rar barrel shotgun ..l.i, lay The regular pastor« are back In water ■ ya teca, MILWAUKEE air pr»»«ur» will return it. I ’ ll give them more • pi»« • Ing the jiulpit of the Fouraquare church, Chris Zurbrugf, of Rock Creek, engine, with 2*>4 lwira«p«/wer H>ov»r I Boh ■hell« li«»i» Eni Kn ' hud» _______ ^*P t. Hillu ( .Irti DR. R. J. NICOL l»rg» air rompre»»or. doubla artion Mil after a ten day viait to the eighth Ore., has used the same lamp 4Mtf I...ro Nf>TI< E FOR HlbH FOR BOARD OF waukee pump, 1000 gallon air FOR SALE REAL ESTATE annual convention a t Angelus chimney for 11 years. COI STY PRIHONEkH Cornelius llenry Voelker, I OH SAI I DUCKS Notice U hersJ.y given that the County temple The Chriiten.vn «Machine works I. 3F.N A»n Ortjnty, Oregon, Bunday evening, evangelistic aer r« p lired fl 'ir |g | i a «-viiruh-r I.» tf bell«, 12-inrh TEN ACRE cutter, airing «ielgh farm, I'/* mil» »«mth of will reralv» bid« for tha bâtard of county . vice. Sermon topic "Dream Caatlea." in 1920. (Hillsboro, Ore.) plow, light »ingle harncmN, all in Mad Telephon« 643 and 642 4'ornclius. 0d hoone an«! wall, aoma prMonera until 2 o'clock p. rn. January Sunday M-hool, 9:45, morning wor lirnry Kuratli, justice of pence condition. Freeh Jersey i'tiw, yearling Ii M'.hf , 1941 26, 1941, at the county c/njrt nxstn, in ahip, 11 o’clock; Cruander aervice of Hillsboro, married 21 couples liertrorhe, Jereey heifer Mr« K. JI (Jak »tr«wt 45tf the C«/urt JbcMe, >■ Hillsboro. FOR SAI I I URKEYS Jnforniation a« ’o rr*4uiramenta of thia 6.30 p. m., young people in charge. in 19.30. Baseline 1 mil« north Reidville on 47 9p FINE RESIDENCE In Hillsboro, will »«II •»rvica will |>e furni»hrd upon applica­ road. for The Korn family of Helvetia, Turadav regular prayer aervice. vary f«a»«n.»bla, or will tra«l» wiulty tion at th« office of th» County Com- of for »mall pl»«» If k*-at«d right. miae loner«. Friday evangelistic service. Topic, Ore., ha« four birthdays in Jariu- 4Mp FOR SALE Miscellaneous Kuratli It Wismar, HiJI»boro, Ore­ The fount y f I'll Y «,|ov»r society will meet on Saturday by four daughters and three sons, William ||«rg»rt, H ■ h«/p, th« new Be»v»rt/>n garage, alao and baled C. evening at the home of Mm. Teresa Mr». J. O. Kuhns anti Mrs. F. W. P. M. Madden, Beaver- ir«l afreet. 46tf 4-rtx/m hou»« mile« aoutb <»n 46tf Luethe for a social gathering and Pirren of Portland, Mrs. Charles ton. tirooer IIA I.I I) ami l<»»ae hay for «»le T. Koeber, j’hon» SMALL fijrnlabed »pt., Iota of ateam the making of missionary wrap \tkina of Camas, Wash.; Mrs. F.m- farm. Hcholle. I Full Go.pel Assembly of God i ma Patton, Hillsboro; F.mil Ritter, Wimhlngton ; al»o • few 45tf heat. -1 Hotel _ Hr hell« I6L5 books. 1046 M ain Street room», very reaaonabl». by furnhhwl i «ut and clover hay, N<> I VETCH an Sunday services: Sunday school Arlington, and Chris and George if,if II»» month. Pastor Greeley llurnards. Or 814 per ton. I Ritter, both of Hillsboro. ln«iuir» xr»O I Oil KENT two houwa 46 I •neo. Revival meeting every night. Old at JO o’clock, followed hy the Mr. Ritter was born March 15, _________ 4«P Third »tree! Pho«.« 54 wheat, price morning worship. Young People’s Vl.T< II Cleaned out of time preaching, old time gospel, by CARS AND TIRES IHI9, at Canton, Switzerland, Hr my pric» on FOR SALE very reasonable. Get meeting at 7:15 will be in charge FARMERS the <>I<1 finir prr.'K ’ hrr, Mother Hat- FOR EXCHANGE—Real Estate Ham» 1923 Bui«k 6 four pa»»»ngnr roup«, naw came to Oregon at the age of N poultry MAHII and H trad» for w < mm ! or will Your best land needs draining. 47tf lie» verton I'bun» N .*. Prayer meeting on Thursday home on a farm near Hillsboro. ■ell rh«ap Hillaboro Ice Work», phone W«i« Oliver, Pastor Iwx 34. i Amarher, Hiliaburo, rout« I 1200 «ash and take over 8l-!0 payment» Funeral services for Mr. Ritter — «I — FARM MONEY to loan. Th» Federal 4 m V Near Helvetia Car in firat «la»» condition. Wool«! Sunday school, 9:45. F. O. Eagon, were held this afternoon at the Draintile made of concrete im Land Bank now ha» ampi» money to bu» 1» Congregational Church WHEAT for ««le. 75r per ronaider Jer»ey cow a* payment. . loan to farmer« at W-j per cent. Over stiprrinh'ndeiit. Morning worship, Helvetia church with Rev. Scheidt Hillsboro Lasurk, I % miles north Davii! Arna, rout» 4, Hillaboro. Phon» | Fifth and Main Streets 81,000,000.00 has b»en loaned to Wa»h- 4M-9 1 11:00 Sermon: "The Kevstone 1 Junior high »cl^ol, route I and Rev. Graf officiating. Inter­ proves with age. ■ l«>gt/«n i county farmer» by th» bank, Henry S. Haller, Pastor re.leane.1 KF l> < I.OVVR »re«! for «ale. Foil HALF, Overland light «lx touring) Arch of Life." The gen­ Write ur call for partie ida ra. — Wash- The Let our drainage expert help yoa Thursday, January 22: Evening ment was in the church cemetery. b I. Kraua, route 2. Hlil«b«>ro. Phon» , <*ar in firat ria«« mwlianiral condition. National Farm Ix»n eral theme is immortality, shall we Ington i County Mr. Ritter had been staying at 4M 9p Mu«t La »c»n to !»«• appreciate»! 850 worship in the 1‘rearhing Mission. Person, «»rr»tary, Hili»- J M. Hku«». j live again'- Evening service, 7:30, estimate rosta the Wabash hotel in Portland and Itox 358 lira ver toil or phone Hlllaboro | H HALED alfalfa hay for aah> 7tf Orteen. at 7:30 o’clock. Topic, ‘Finding j 24*. sermon: ‘ What Is Repentance?” was struck by an automobile Christ­ 2 mil»» »out h of Hillsboro on Laurel Sin. ” 4Np r.-atl Rout» boa I I ( »rd of Thank» Friday, January 23: Evening mas Eve and had been suffering LOST AND FOUND Trinity Lutheran Church to thank our friend» and worship in the Preaching Mission, from shock and fractured skull, FOR SALE—WOOD TAKEN up White two-year Ayranhire neighbors for the many act» of lov» and Third and Walnut Streets at 7 :30 o’clock. Topic, “Finding but his condition was not consider­ heifer, left car marked. Her» all mm- sympathy extended during our recent ■ >wlh Or w<«-l. itt inch. . George Reule, Pastor ed serious until January 15 when rner. Prove and pay all advertising. bereavement, the death of rd north of Helvetia, where the tim­ 12 or 16 Inch. 87 5'*. ‘»Id fir whom we have redemption through same hour. 12 or IS Inch, green. 86 5<» ber was heavy. He retired a few his blood. ” Public worship, the closing ser ­ Oak. Hun»»t Garag», Tenth ami ---- It----- ur writ» T. N. Famrl, ('..r- vice of the Preaching Mission, at real property hereinafter ■al» of NOTH E OF EISAI. SETTLEMENT 47t f Scholls Methodist Epiacopai route 2 11 a. m. The gospel quartet of have levied upon and pur- Court of th» Htat» of daeerfbod, In lh» County ' dry It. inch. 86 5« a full cord Church i E«e«»tion, Order and De- ■uant to boys will sing. New members will or Oregon i for Washington County. order» at Ma< Marr »tor« » », I will on M oungson, superintendent of uf I h» »I m > v » named dca-ma«»!, has filed hour ing of Prayer.” Discussions on _ ______ pttblic auction to th» highent l V\ < > COWH. ju»t freah It H Han««>n in the above entitled court an«! csum »ell at * • hand, ‘ all of th» fol­ the I’ortland district, will be the world religions will be continued 2 miles »«>uth Witch Hasel 47-Np hi» final account and report a* such, bidder for raah in lowing deecribed real property, property. lying, speaker at thr morning service 11 next Sunday morning, when the fixed the 24th day F‘()H HALF, 2 heifer« and 3 14-month« and the court ha bring and aituat» in Washington County, Il o’clock. Epworth league at 6 topic will be “Where the Ganges 11 H. Carey. North of January. 1931, at the hour of 10 old bull». The merchants and professional people on this page are known 45-7p <»’rl«k ■aid day. and th» Oregon, an«! more particularly deacriLed o’clock; Mickuel McCann will be Flows,” a study of the religion of A M u Plain». as reliable business men and women of Hillsboro. Here you above entitled court as follows, to-wit: Near T«»p court room of Wi F'KF'MII Jrr«. y row for »ale The H. E. «4 of the N E. U thr leader. l ’ rayer uieeting on the Hindus. will find the business places listed alphabetically, which will HcoflehL J’. Nuwakow- in Hlllaboro, Ore« *n. as th» time aad Hill »taifa 1». part of th» H*A of the N. Fk*4 objections to »«id Tuesday evening. for h»arini Vesper service of gospel songs, 47-5«»p place serve you economically and promptly. When you call on them •hi. . . . It 4 final account, anw fur aale. al»o 1 l>ec/ W., Willamette Meridian, con tain in« please mention that you saw their advertisements in The Argus. r llr«» . Cornell r<>ad. box ment of »aid rata All Saints Episcopal Church 45 acres, bounded as follows: Begin­ with their ever new meaning. The ¡»alexi thia 2 4th n for Washington County. 4H-&U ____________________ -—♦ 4 Shows Large Oyster» m. with graded classes. Morning land claims of of th» homeatead In ll* Matter «>f lire Fetal« of Ellen BATTERY and ELECTRIC Jiocph D. Stewart on tha »action Some Japanese oyster shells prayer and lennon at 1 a. m. with row», fre«h an«! corning F |VE young Bramia Friday. (lc*cr**rl SERVICE MUELLER ’ S GREENHOUSE line between section« 22 and 23, T. freah. registered Gurrnaey bull. «»nr Notice 1« hereby given that the under­ General Repair Work Jay readers in charge. Young I’eo- grown at Willapa Bay. South Bend, I 8 , R. 4 W. ; and rigining thence year old Hay tram, mare ah«l gelding, signed ha» l»ern duly confirms! by th« Twelfth and Oak Street« pies’ Fellowship get-together sup- Wash., were brought into the Flaat 3 57 chains to th» 8. FL corner weight 2900, 5 »nd 7 year» old, a«»und alxive entitled court, a» Executor of th» SAHNOW BROS. TELEPHONE 1021 r»«w or cattle M Fielding. 7 mile* caaned. and ha» duly qualified a» »uch. the Argus and are on exhibit in ing nt 6:30 p. m., with Miss FINE CUT FLOWERS II taMNI »nd wife. thence on th» »««Uthraat of lliilabum. near Jackt«>wn N<*w therefor», all persona having claims Floral Designs. Fancy Baskets. Potted Mildred Rowton leading the discus­ window. The oysters, a new in- Phone 1»S1 N. W. boundary of »aid Dickaon Mani St. ■rh«M>l Farmington road. 48tf againat »aid relate are herrby notified House and Garden Plants dustry in that section, were sent Claim 24 11 chains to th» »outh cor­ --------- ♦ sion. and required to preaent ’he »am». U>- ---------------------------------4 ner of the land . hem therefor, to FOR SALE HORSES Monday, 7 p. m., meeting • • f to Coulter by his brother, who is aon and wife to M Copenhaver ; GARBAGE COLLECTION----- the undersigned at th« law office» of Junior Girls' Friendly society at president of the South Bend Cham­ thence north b" degrees West to th» five-year old tram. weight Hare. MrAlasr A Peters. in the Shute MATt IIF.D ------------------------------------- 4 ber of Commerce. It is claimed that section iin» between said aectiona the church . L. K. FUke. Having» 8200 |Miund». for «aie Hill.L-.ro. Hank building. in EVE ’ S BEAUTY SHOPPE 22 and 23, 12 chains; thence south 47tf Oregon, within ala MMMtka from date the ojsters grow faster over here Corneliu». the Tuesday and Wednesday GARBAGE COLLECTION tuonerai Beauty Work on »abd »action line 24.93 chains TF AM «f black mar«», about 8900 II»»., hereof. annual diocesan convention of the than in their native waters. and Cans to thr place of beginning, contain­ fqurdj Directory Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tiie Co, LEGAL NOTICES HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY l*a ra- 4M FOR SALE POULTRY Servi. lll.ool) teatrvl «4 h< >u»» 3 tnllea a«»uth 47 -9p R (lirdlrr M r«, Ailnoria r«aatera. Fol’k white 4 ' a r I S «•« m. near t.ralxl »r<» an«! hatching *«g« W L baby chlx Adjoining record hen*. fr«»m high L slatLm, Cornelius. Union Oil 45tf W ieilewltsrh hatching All rggo n«»w in- < DHTtiM Bobbin« »»nltary, In new ruba ted Wr «fei your work electric ntarhln»» right Hugh )>r« A Son H»trhcry. F.levenlh ||ill»|M.ro I'hon» 1152 47tf an«! Oak, “ HI’ECIAI. reduced ■I prie» fur January «ml Maguire Rtijwr Quality February on chicks. Barre«! J'lymouth Kork» an«! R I Re«!» an«! White Ixghorn» I I 8140. 1000 Big luitrh each M«»nf 250 »nil up. All rgga i pm- from i our *luc»»i on i our own farm, two and thre» threat year old h»n«. Only chlx, 813 p»r hundred one grade of ‘ *rhii. or 812.80 In Iota of 500 or m«>r». Com» and »«w «»ur florka l»ef«>re onlrring Erickson, route 5. Ilillahoro. F <>. Oregon. tel»ph«m» 1007 Scholl» 47-6p BAIIY chick««. Lower prices <»n Hughm quality chirks We have the br»t brred- Ing »t«i ck »ml the best hatchery e«iuip- mrnl. t’ompare Hugh»-» chick», point for point, with all other*. A viait to l»t< l.rrv Oak «tree!. Hillabor«», telephone 8152 48tf ( Fetabli«bed 1917) * WHITE Leghorn» from our trapne*t<*«! atork. Tr»|>i>e»tr<| «-«mlintmualy fur riyht yrnra. To meet «*«» rnirryHiry »ituntlon w« arc «riling rhix from thi« flor Nt.M-k at thr extrrmrly low price of ■14 for I r I I for 1 RHODE ISLAND RFD rhix from Mr Rar »train of trnpnratrd RHODE ISLAND io i> iI m - i . ■ hm I>r«llff r««vH of over 260 rgg rrr«»r«la . II. W. D. trwt«Nl. 816 for 100 ur 8150 I N or 9 year» old. __ in << mm ! condition, L. Hirret» with g<«»d heavy harm rwsa 46-8 thaler I’hone M7I6 Bea verton. vs f : HUY, sell and »ichang» b* ras», mula». cattle. hamraui and farm marh- Inery at th» Farrn«r«' Feed Barn on 44tf Main «lr»et. FOR SALK 3 . young horse», sound and true. Will work any place, new harne»« and tiew roller«. Wil! ■ell for cash or give term» All kinds of farm tools. W ill »ell reaaonabl»; »rxcral milk row», mostly all fresh. T. H and abortion tceted. 86'1 am! up. Plenty of baled hay. (Come Saturdays or Sunday«) l*hon» Manning lit. Frank Rinck. Hank«. Oregon. JUST arrive«! 2 carlo»«!« of t'mtral Ore- waigh from I! to 19 g«in bor»r». hundred pmn ind«. Somv are well mate»! Mg tram« liny now and save from 25 to 40 percent, aa horisra will be higher in the spring on arrount of getting »«•arre, All hor«e» guaranteed as rep re­ Free «lellvery Ph«»n» Walnut ■anta«!. Interstate Honw A Cow Market, 1593 837 Columbia boulevard. Portland, Ore- Ron. ______________________________ _____ 4 YEAR old »addle h««r»»e. aboiit 950 lb» . work »Ingi» or double W. M. Brooks, route 1. I hh 3<»5 Linn ton. Dated thia 5th day of January. 1981. ALBERT FRIDAY Executor of th» laat Will and Te»ta- ment of »aid «IcseiMMMl. Hare. Me Alear A Peter» 46-50 Attorney» for Executor. HIIER!!’F'S SALE Notice 1« hereby given, that by rirtue of an Execution, Order and Deere» of Sale, iaaur*! nut <»f and under the aea! of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Washington, «late«! the 27th day of December, 1910. ih favor of Oar« r A. Simon and Beaaie H Simon, hu* wife, plaintiff», and against Nancy Bacon, widow; A. 0. Teeiw; Harold F. Fl ford and Edith C. Elford. hi« wife, and W £. White- ■ide. defendanta, for the «um of 81600 with interwit thereon from tlx 12th day of Auguat, 1929, at the rate uf 7 jwr cent per i»er nnnum, annum, and for the further •urn of 8125.00 attorney fee« with in­ tercet thereon from the 27lh «lay ai Itecember, 1930. at th» the rat» of 6 per cent per annum, and for th» further ■um of 821.60 e »5 15 Special Sedan Standard Coupe •••••• Standard Five- indow Coupe Hair Catting. Marcelling. Shampoo­ ing. Hot Oil Treatments, Etc. Standard Sedan • • PIGS LIGHT AND HEAVY HENS FARMER’S CASH STORE POULTRY SEEDS Phone 3061 Over »050 Shute Office Hours 10 to 2 and 2 to « Evenings and Sundays by Appointment lowest in today’a motor car market. Everything 1332 In Insurance Washington^ •------------------------------- —4 SU1TATORIUM Drive It. Jim Let Telephone 721-Z ♦— ------------------ Check the prices—and you will realise why it is Clean ARCHIE O. PITMAN, M. D. It' Hillsboro, Physician and Surgeon Ore. ------- 4 COLLECTIONS th« Creai ¿morirán Fatue. Commercial Natl. Bank Bldg. Telephones Office 3231 Residence 3233 ■4 4- Ü HUH.' N WHY NOT ? KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT COMPANY We Collect Your Bad Notes Bills COLLECTION—NO NO Ireland Bldg. -4 ■I- >- and 4 I DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon CHARGE Phon. IOKI - Y DENTISTS Commercial -♦ Telephones: 4---------------------------------------------- 4 REAL LOANS ESTATE All Kinds of Inaurane« KURATLI Evening«, Sunday by Appointment I Telephone 1S91 DR. W. H. PASLEY Dentist in Heidel Building, TTputair. Main Street, near Third TELEPHONE 2»«1-Y --------------------------------------------- 4 EAR. NOSE AND THROAT­ PAUL BAILEY Fractice limited to Ear, Nose and Throat 929 Milica I-Den tai Bldg. Portland, Oregon Office Phons Beacon 2798 Res. 2682 REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE RALPH DRESSER Dentist Office Building Office 2681 »------------------------------- -4 4 Room 10. Commercial Building TELEPHONE 1U CAUSR POP&MO IF YOU HOOKED «T A CV j OCK, IT WOULD STOP Building Phone 1701 »------------------------------------------------ 4 4---------------- -PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS-- THE Rv IRVING OH.'SAY, MISSUS DOODLE----- YOU MUSN'T LOOK AT THAT CLOCK Bank RUSHLOW 4 -------------- 4 — CLEANING and PRESSING — Hillsboro, Oregon CARLSON & SHERK CO. -♦ DR. WILLIAM M. ROBNETT Chevrolet’s reduced prices are not only the lowest R. J. HIGDON MOTOR CO Bldg. Hillsboro **Th. Safe and Sure Highway to Health” VADERMINEKAL PACKS 4 Building Material Merchant« Are the exclusive dealers in Hillsboro of “RE-NEU-SHADE” See them for particulars in National Hank Hil labaro “The Insurance Man" Insures Everything I calle«! Smith, surgeon 4 4 tn Chevrolet history, but are among the very Pool-Gardner Lbr. Co charge C. T. Office GEORGE T. McGRATH Washington County Agenci, built, finished and equipped to standards that Come in. See the new Chevrolet Sis 872 INSURANCE Room Oppo.it« Entrane, to K. P. Hall REASON ENOUGH MY, MY, VJHAT A BtAUTIFUU CLOCK IS IT AN ELECTRIC ONE. MALCOLM? Dr. Ultra Violet. Sun and Infra Red Kirs All the latest in Chiropratie and Physio-Therapy treatment*. Colon irrigation. 9:08 to 11:30 a. m. 1:40 to 5:50 p. m Nights and Sundays by Appointment Delta Building — Phones 2531 Rooms 6. 7, s and 9. Sherwood, Oregon MOM SAYS YOU SHOULD WAIT IN THE PAPkOR--- SHE'LL fSE DOWN IN A MINUTE Hospital 881 PHONES Offic» 9th and Washington 1471 Weil’»—Telephone 4__ - ----- 4’ CHIROPRACTIC and NATURO- ------ PATH1C PHYSICIAN — * DR. GEORGE T. DARLAND Six is ■ /in« caí—a quality product—designed. 1011 Baseline St MAC Complet. X-Ray Equipment Ambulance Servie. SANITARY BEAUTY SHOPPE Each of the nine new modela of the Chevrolet Ten beautiful tints and white. Use one color on the exterior and another color on the interior. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID SMITH GENERAL HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTIC­ PHYSIOTHERAPY For Window Shades Its a Paint Non-Cracking Washable Shadow-Proof Economical Quick-Drying Easy to Apply FAT HOGS for »ale. weight about 200 II»«., prier lOr per II». Waller Stuck!, route 4. Phone 29FN, 4Mp 2191-Z _________________ -Î The Modern Color Finish SALE Telephone Rca lis tic and LeMar Permanent Wave» Marcelling. Water and Finger Wav- Shampooing. Facial». Manicunng Marinello Coametics l53.*> »5 15 •575 »035 Sport Coupe with rumble seat GARRETT MRS. Appointments Special «^uipment »«tra. All price» f. o. b. Flint, Mie higan rRe-Neu-Shade’ FOR D P. CORRIERI Telephone 2126 TELEPHONE 1M1-W Balcony Hillsboro Pharmacy •rtf A rumble NEW Permanent Ware if chine Installed—Permanent Waru a Specialty. Realistic Recently Sport Roadster $ f <| WANT FEEDS ing 18.61 acre». Washington County, Stale of Oregon. to satisfy the hereinbefore named-auma-and f. y th.- « «t and rx;>en»»» of sal» and «aid writ. Said *al» will lu mad« subject to redemption a« per statute of Oregon. Datol at Hiliaburo, Orrfon, thia 80th day of December. 1930. J. W. CONNELL. Sheriff of Washington Coanty, Oregon. By C. C. Follette Jr., Deputy Carl B. Winder, Attorney for Plaintiff. 726 Chamber of Commert« Bldg. Portland, Oregon. 45-49 I -4 a WISMER 12«« ftwond St.