THE Pare Eight Camp Fire Girls To Present Their Play kfountnindnlr -— The Kiciv Mild re I Meek EOng. and demon»' rat ions by the girl, under the .l.'r-ction of Mrs Evelyn Buffutu, >• guardian w ho la a»»i«ting i.ith the page int which I. to be given in Portland Friday end Sat tit day. Mr». A.'s birthday an­ niversary was celebrated wltn a dinner at her home in Mountain­ dale Sunday. Tho»e present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reiser and •laughter, Carol, Mrs. E. Schl tcfli nnd daughter, Elaine, and Lydia >»ci««r of North Plain*, and Mr. anil Mrs. A. Reiser and son, Walt cr. Mrs. Martha Mor.iman ami son. I’aul, of Mountaindale spent Thurs­ day with Mrs. Mosiman and fam­ ily of Cedar Mills. Mr .and Mr., Arthur Jesse nnd familf of Hillsboro were guests at the Free! Jesse home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. l*agr Gardner and daughters, Irene and EJaine, visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. John Gfrller at North Plains Sunday. Irene Gardner, Helen Tonisfen, Paul Hergert, Walter Jesae nnd l/conard Fowels attended the Ben- verton Forest Grove game at For- est Grove Armistice Day. A. Erdman and children spent Sunday with Mr. Erdman’s brota- er. Dan, near Hillsboro. Leslie Johnson and Robert Fowels of Mountaindale and Miss Ethel Smith of Banks called on Leslie** mother in Portland Satur­ day. J. L VanDomelon and Joe Bak­ er attended the dairy meeting at the Hillsboro Chamber of Com- in ere e last Thursday. HILLSBORO ARGUS, Man Who Started World War Note Writing Memoirs to Justify Himself IN the quiet of hia home tn VI- * enna, a man, near 70. Is pen­ ning hla memoirs as this armistice day rolls around. His name Is not familiar. Nelth' r is his pic­ ture Yet it was he. according to recently published historical docu­ ments. who was more responsible for bringing about the war than any other individual. He is Count Leopold von Berch­ told. former secretary of state and foreign minister In the cabinet of Emperor Franz Joseph of Aua- tria The charge against Berch- told is that he falsifled documents and deceived not only Kaiser Wil­ helm and Sir Edward Grey ot England but hi« own monarch. Emperor Franz Joseph. Hou It Started Every one knows now that the conflagration was ignited with the assassination in Serbia of the Aus- trian crown prince and his wife, No nation considered this su IR­ cient cause, however, to indict the entire Serbian people. Yet Berch- told. historians now say, quickly soiled this excuse to go to war. His anxiety was iusplied by a desire to regain tor himself, as well as tor his country, some ot the prestige both had lost in diplo­ matic exchanges following the third Balkan war In 1913 Because ot blunders. Austria's prestige noticeably declined, while Serbia's efforts to extend her powar to the Adriatic and to win recruits for the ideal of a great Serbia among the Slavs of Austria- Hungary became more and more evident For these reason. Berchteld. In spite ot warnings that any belligerent action on hia pan would set the w hole world at war. sought a break with Serbia. Following the assassination, he But Berchtold was also ambi- Hous Even it Serbia had accept- ed the ultimatum in Ils entirety he had taken steps to provide against such a contingency by llndlng other causes tor declaring war. Pleas came to Austria from all over the world to settle the sit­ uation amicably Grey proposed a conference Russia did the same. Serbia even wrote that It would accept even tho last two points it the matter were set be­ fore a council ot arbitration All these offers were refused In order to persuade his hesi­ tating emperor to sign the decla­ ration ot war against Serbia Berchtold wrote in bls report that Serbian troops had attacked Aus trian troops at Temes-Kubin Afterward Berchtold erased the .sentence about the attack from the declaration because it was proved untrue, He had de­ ceived the emperor, and he de- eelved Sir Ed wind Grey with the same Action. He had. In the words of Emil Ludwig, the hlsto- Count Leopold vom Berchtold rlon. "not merely deceived hia al­ sent to Serbia an ultimatum so se­ lies. but also his own imperial vere in its demands that Grey master, by concealing from him at called it the "most formidable least the tact that this reason for sent one state by war had vanished." document ever < Since the armistice was signed another." Serbia, quiet, and with no 12 years ago, Berchtold has been thought ot war. demurred on only silent until a year ago when he at­ two point«, which practically indi- tempted to refute in a Budapest cited her willingness to abide by i paper the charges made agatnst Austria's orders. When Kaiser him In the book July 14” by Wilhelm, in fact, was handed a Ludwig Berchtold wrote. text of the Serbian answer to the "We were rather convinced that ultimatum, he wrote on its mar­ the vital nerves ot the monarchy gin e "With this every reason ot war were being constricted by terror­ disappears. Geisl (Austrian am­ istic Serbian propaganda and that bassador at Belgrade) might have we should be Irrevocably lost un­ remained quietly at Belgrade. On less we could compel Serbia to the strength of this I should never cease her sinister work of disin­ tegration ..." have ordered mobilization.’’ HILLSBORO, Thurntlay, November 13, 1930 ■ OREGON 00. I* M V*u«ler*aiiil«n. F End. inerting of the committer to ar- • » 414 lii 9 ••' 14 t'angr for thr dedication of the IS Hcutrh Chutvh. 3riia 00 Vailla Kta college g>tiinasiuin, vhich Mill take Gon North Plaln* »1960 00. Mla««llaiie*>ua. •62M I7 33 293 17 place in January. Road 19 Mark«! ................... N.s (I. •1174>4. Mr*. S. I Carlyle entertained •9,674.24. •• 7i‘ f Hill 50 00 39MS 00, I »dub was held at the school Fri 25 A In* Helmer. 3300.00; tfcirensun, day noon. • 724.03; 31.894 03 Mr. and Mrs Seymour Rice and '.‘6 4'anyan. »oiHtlH. liaten*, 330.134, 39.294 44. Kab\ left Mondax for their home 1 «Hihy. 27 Punipkin Ritl*r Esi.. I at Gooding, Idaho, after visiting a Ni>i thM*wi from Cot nelinä Place. »2ou - 00. 3710.74. fortnight in this community. 28 Shady llrtmk-Raeky Putnl R imm I. Mrs H. R. Killingham of For •339.04. »832 94. est I'«rove was in town Friday nc Ilill-iilr »Il > 04 b a.t from Market Komi |'aat Hat Place, •547.74, il.- coinpanird by two friend*. Mrs. David Rich, who is nt- 547 30 74. Market It.out e<>-on.. (112(47. tending Albany, came home Mamtenahce. (»US.0Ö. Ilahn Ml l>ale. > iturday and remained over Arm •227.00. 2«. STI. S7. 31 ('hriatennen ~~ Campbell llridue, •90|.. istice Day. 30; Nut. rvft .Nrwberr. »7*1 . »H» holla- Mr. and Mrs W W Brow n ami 3herwooU. • lì*«» i » . U.K 1 10 31 * Nromith Mi-tKffrr, •1300 00, (¡ilbridr. Mr ami Mrs. J. I*. Rogers ami 49 12.1ST 49. son, Ira, went to Portland Sun •427 33 Verb*«»rt-l-'-nat. •9&M.B0, htiiH>n. Fi«h rumi. •7B.IH). thumtia. • UH 30 . •14g M. Portland. .37 Jvlw ‘ ‘ f I . • Oak. •«.UOPO. Main- Ihr home of Mr. and Mrs. ’ tenance. • iti.* Pai II.837.IM Bella was the scene of a n iSmqu in-Sherwood •«14.00; Graham 39 Ferry. •J04 07 . (»eavral Work. •Joi 47 group October 31 w hen f fl.o7 11 30 of their friends from I 42 Market Raed No. 9 Comp». IV4J3 - boro i and Forest Grove met It ; •9.U3.II. 43 Oblvct. •130 00 |lr«M«kman, •130.- a Hallowe'en party. ; (*«mer«| Work. 1—1 29. I l.&sI .’.» Miss l.orene Woodward was out 00 44 Sc hull«-Sher wimh I, •71134, from Portland Sunday to tint Ka*t of Lebeau behind, •H&.iK 1. •1,024 34 43 Market her parents. IL mo I N« k 14 Leal fn>m 1930 Work, ttoil fo. • .*,oit so k junior class play will be giv •¿jo.00. Mi>ceHa- 4« IhiKtvn llau’ona, en in the school auditorium Fri nevu*. •144.74. 1**4 74. day evening by thr junior class of 47 Murphy, 240.00, Ga**ner. •BoO.OQ Market > 11 IM M thr Hillsboro union high school. 4X N ik SOT. •J i O.OO, Maintenance, Mr. and .Mrs. F. (). F..«gon of ••t.t7 ; •919.17 i Hillsboro were guests of Mr. ami Sewell Statum. • J00 00. Donald- ■•«n-Dykeman. •Sim.OU. Graybell ur Shute .Mr*. \. Lindgren Sunday. School. ........ ....................................... •Aon * . m . Market Road Co-op.. Mr. ami Mrs. Carl Peterson and • IBM. 90; ’ 33 434 9U. young daughter were out from •3 Stre*«cl Huaton, 3449 30; lc«s M 34 Schaefer. •& no . End Merket lN»rtland Sunday calling on friends. Koad North. 3413 M9 3913 49 Taxpayers Vote A Special Road Tax LISTEN! LISTENI Saw» Ase» Wrftgvia CJwality goods Hight price. Ihr Whatnot I99N Second Nt Tune In over K. F. X. Mon., Thur., Fri w I’ M ASK ABOUT OUR Poultry House Plans Wo have practical and economical poultry liouza plans which we will gladly furnish to cuatomora. These poultry houses are especially adaptable to this locality and these plans are the result of caro- ful study. The sizes of the houses are optional from 20 feut to 500 feet in length. Those interested in such plans may call at our yard or telephone 301. COPELAND YARDS Hillsboro, Telephone 301 Dependably Serving the Lumber Consumor Opportune Times Ahead I ronanl T Ay rea, banker and bualnra« economist. recently voiced this thoti . •7 Market IG>ad N ik 10 t’o-vp . 3907 • 4. •907 14. M t'iM.k Hridffe I.aFollelt Tiare. 31000 00; Geiger. («M74. II.SflS.72 40 Forbea >1111 «4<>« 70. U.wer Car­ penter Cr.. isi* so. Uvcwr Carpenter Cr . •343.00. “ _ Ml»r«llan«s>ua. 4'4044, ().. 74B.OÌ 41 Johnaon Hl. (tflOOCH); Wheeler Ave.. 3400 00 . Maintenance. 3341 86 , 343 44 62 lbw*« Itenefiel. •300.00; G Mountain- North. I47B 43 1973 43 Hairline North tu Wetkin* Road. l»~Ut II ....... Ilaaellne Mao. tenanrr flS4 3<>. |ii8 5o. 44 Inkley Road 3700 00; Hanks-Hus­ ton. 347«.g3, •1.37’143 Mtacellaneou*, 33.314.44. Total. •130.000 00 -It Is during periods when business is bad and priera are low, that men of courage and In dependent thought hare always been able to anniversary party Sunday. Those Mr. and Mrs Granville Everest (continue»! from page I) present were Mr. and Mrs. Everett of Newberg spent election day , cess of the plan in I 'lac k a in nt start on the path that lead» to future success. Alford and family, Lee Howell, here. Mr. Everest served on the i county. Thr foundations of fortunr are laid In times Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Misner and sons board and Mrs. Everest visited J. M. Vsndrrtitndrn of near ■ Wilbur and Roy. their son Airlie and neighbors on Roy, rond foreman for 19 years, Hazeldale.—A variety program of adversity.” Harry Seabold, Peter Now akaw- the mountain, in thr one district plan and will be held under the auspices of ! ski, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliker, Mr. and from a trip to Gold Beach. ' i five-mill tax a chance to carry Quite true and we hellere that Mr Ayre. J the literary society in the school Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Vail of thr road improvement ahead. Thr house Saturday evening. The pro­ Mrs. Hornberger, Mr. and Mrs. Ed might hare atltlrd that such turn hare had the Misner, Mrs. Toni Fellas, Jack Portland were Saturday night and budget is sound and gm»d for thr gram includes vocal selections, . ..... .. .» . . dances, readings, selections by the Forrest, N. G. Anderson, Mr. and Sunday visitors at the home of county in thr opinion of Mr. foresight to establish « b.nkkig rrla- Iowa Hill.---Mrs. h red Dober aa« Laurel stringed quartet comtvosed Mrs. William Misner and R. J. Mrs. Vail's uncle, F. I.. Brown. Vandersanden. The budget showing the work to be SIMPLE GLYCERIN MIX surprised with a birthday party of Finis Brown, Lee ’ Brown. Mrs. Woodman attended the road meet-1 Miss Bertha Hutchison of Hel- done llon» with a gc92.!4. 32.730 39 C. Ruestig, H. Whitcomb, C. Epler, nesday Rfurr bowel, rrhrving constipa­ of last week to visit reia Mrs. 2 SherwiH-d-Tualatin. 110(0 ov. H.o-k day dinner guests at the home Creek. J. Epler, IL Schulenberg, T. Sinay, fives Eastman to Portland Satur ­ tion in two hour*. Bring* out poi­ and friends in California. Op.n a Savings Account day to see their son Irving, who of Mrs. Flora Baker. Mr. Matthieu • 1.744.71. 3360.90. Parrot Mountain. (346 71 . sons you never thought is err in J. Koehnke, •, L. P. Hensel, O. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Griffitts had is in the St. Vincent’s hospital. is a .son of the F. X. Matthieu 3 Finigan, 3545 »t«aurel. llenrv Schulenberg, John Goetze,1 Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Danford and now attending school only in ■ .»o.oo. WaUaei L- i - 1: bloating in trn minutes! Hillsboro Creek-Newton. 4746 47; •‘,734 27. Arnold Gnos, Hilda Dober, Frances Mrs. A. L. Danford of Portland forenoon. They are slashing Adv 7 Nordlund. 3490.00. Base Line. •1183.- Gnos, Junior Koch. Ilene and visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller. M r. Boos of Forest Grove in 00. Tolna* S. from Highway. 3404.00; Junior Gnos, Beverly Dober. Betty Saturday. afternoon. Maintenance. 31100.07; 33 339 07 - Tile Flat. 31000.00; Pleasant Valley. Visitors at school the past week Vandomelon, Norman Goetze, Miss Laura Y'oung is now at her River Road. • 12SOOO. Riser. Orenco.—A group of the Wo­ •900.04 Ernestine Schulenberg, Lester New­ home after being in the Emanuel were Retha Mie Smith, Gertrude •700.00 ; East End DisL No. 9, •1.400.00. men’s Presbyterian missionary soci­ •5,260.00. man, Vincent and Albert Vanound­ hospital in Portland for two weeks. I Hilliker and Emilie Felong. Bailer. 3300 00 ; Bull Mountain. enhaegen, Richard and Junior Miss Mary Allen of Green eties of Orenco, Reedville, Bethany th.|N.0,!?Hon the allern.-.n. tur th. port-urn -I dleeuaeln. Gw buw turai r—r Iwalnnln. .oi Juna »0 1,1« aad »..ii«« 10 --fly land. • 1.100.00; OM Cany«>n Tow H. mi I. ..o,„.-„l ,n th. (..Houin, bu.l,.i and lBe|u. willig l. «rt. ap-a an, ta.ll.r. Ufar. Gw mwil.. in games and cards. Those present Wee I from I xm I i . »91 ■ 4M; 33.043.14. her work in the southern mountains ________________________________________ BUDGET were Mr. «nd Mrs. Carl Ruestig. leased their farm for three years 12 Brndler-Barley Station, »1645.00; Laurel.—A dairy meeting will among the negroes and Indians. Maintenance. 3147 14; »1 732 14 Mrs. L. P. Hensel, Elfrieda Moekel, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hackett of Estimated Receipt* 13 End of pavement Pacific Ave. Forest Reedville. Mr. and Mrs. be held nt the Community hall Mr. and Durban Mrs. Willard Brown. Florence Haase, Hattie Church, Grove to .Market Road No. 10, 3&86 51 , I. Ilalnnc. on hand aa »bown i.y annual H Total rvvenu. reeeicu ( Hilda Dober, Bertha Martin, Mar­ have moved to Portland to make . Monday at 1:30 o’clock, according Mrs. II. E. Burdette and Mr. and 3964.61. report •t bmrlnnin. of year • 74 43 10, Inelualvel , their home. to an announcement by W. F. Mrs. S. L. 11.740 of Carlyle attended the 14 VerlxM>rtU Other ______________________________________________ servicee........ .................. ........... .. ............. .. Juhn Mollojr and Mrs. F. L. Brown 1 (21 Hupplise and other et|»«n*ee • . . . . Roy Sunday. 3 Transportation of pupils: were guests of the Scholls Ladies’ Flection* and publicity •tl» Personal service (driver*, etc» | 14.000 00 __________________________ Aid at a meeting at the home of I««*ffMl service (clerk’s bond, audit, •(2) Kupplioe and other ei|»ena«w _ 1,060.00 Mrs. T. C. Reed Friday afternoon. •(.Il Itrpair aii'l rrplarement ot Other expense of general control i Scofield.—George Roy made a Honor-roll pupils for attendance (1) -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Other auiiliery apenriee ; -----------------------------------------♦ business trip to Hillsboro, Friday and scholarship in the Farmington (1) - I’vrsonal ____ svrvlea Total Expenae of General Control (1.220 00 (2) Kuppi Im anti other ««penaee Roy M. Fox has traded his i and also visited his mother there. school for the month ending Nov­ INSTRUCTION — g a ».rvtel.n I)<> mm tic arienre Homaatlr srlvnea 100.00 ember 7 were Betty Hoffman, farm north of Reedville for Port­ • 4» Personal »er»le« : Everett Alford has completed Lillian Bryant, Esther Boge, Helen II) .Sui.rrvlxor» f land property and has moved there it) Prinripal« . 2.40».no «,.» ’ •< A.illlarr Afenrlea (U.IM00 to make his future home. M r. his work with the Buxton Lumber Bagnell, Jack Kanna, .□nd Robert VIL FIXED UHARGEH Robinson. On Hallowe’en evening Baumgartner and family are now Co. I HRuranre (4) Htenovrsphers and other offlc. S00 00 Maialante _ Pensions located on their place recently Sheriff Connell was in Scofield the parents, pupils, and teacher Rent had supper at the school house. Supplì««, principal, and aupervlaora ... ___ ____ purchased from Mr. Fox. Friday searching for the robbers A program was given, and a dis­ Other flaed chargent Freddie Baumgartner Other expensa of supervision (l> Ht reet entered who held up the Forest Grove cussion on forming a parents’ club imsnls SOO 00 (31 the Reedville school this week. was held. Mrs. LuElla Will is Total Expenae, H.pervlalon jewelry store. I 2,400.00 Tefal Fixed ( hargee ______ . Roy V. Hacker has moved his INSTRUCTION—T.«Mng * l.IOOOfl Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fellas visit­ teacher. CAPITAL OIJTLAYH family from Reedville to the 1 i’.eaonal eervle.: Mrs. W. L. Stevens went to New sites ...... ..... ..... •II) Tearhera ed with relatives in Dayton, Sun­ (24,000.00 Rosedale district. New botldlnn Portland Wednesday of last week (2) ..................................................... Alteration of building* (not repair*) . »1 E. C. Morford of near Aloha day. and made an over-night visit with New furniture and equipment ........ 600.00 (4) was called to Seattle Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mizner enter- her sister, Mrs. C. Bagley. Assessment* for Ixttermente Huppliea (chalk, paper, etc.) .. ...... ..... .. 1,000.00 the sudden death of his brother, tained with a birthday and wedding Other capital outlays: T.xtbooka (deak eopiea and Indlxenta) Chambers returned (1) Playgrounds his family accompanying him. Un­ 400 no (2) ........................... Other expense of teachina til the brother’s death there were five brothers living between the Tefal Capital (»allay*__ Total Ex pence of Taarhln. I 900.00 S2S.000.00 IX. DI nr Al IIVK K •ages of 40 to 65. OPERATION OF PLANT L Principal on bond* (10.000.00 1. Personal oervice: John Frank and family visltcd 2. Principal on warrants •(1) Janitor, and other employee 12,400.00 2. Principal on other Indebtedness the home of Mr .and Mrs. George 2) —-........ —......... 4. Interest on bond* Morris at Gaston Sunday, 7.200.00 21 ........................................... ..... _...... 5. Interest on warrants Janitor»’ »uppllea 300.00 <1. Interest on other indebtedness A baby girl was born to Mr. Fuel anil telephone 1.100,00 7. I ranafer* to «Inking fund nnd M rs. E. It. West of Aloha 4. Lieht and power 460.00 «. Other debt service: Wafer ............... November 9. 360.00 (1) 1’oetng. nnd stationery E. II. West cut two ligaments in Other expen»« of operation his left wrist Friday, lie will be 0. Tolsi Debt Herviré Total Fipen«« of Operation 117,200.00 I 4,904 00 X. EMERGENCY laid up from work about MAINTENANi K AND KEPAIHH weeks. 2. lül'.iir and replacement of fiirr.lture Oscar Lackanen will be and equipment ..... .......... ....................... TOTAL INTIMATU) EXI-ENDITUREH Repnir and maintenance of biiildinK* this week : after working in («urn nf ¡Irin a |.fl, ||.»t 11 f - « IV-H and Kround* ........................... ....................... fonila for six months. vi. VI 6, Vll-O, VIII-7, IX », X « 1 ) .......................................................... .. ............ Program Saturday Hazeldale School I Party Is Given For Mrs. Dober Shute S.ivings Bank Church Women To Meet November 20 Notice of School Meeting Dairy Meeting To Be Held Monday Aloha r Scofield Reedville For your trip Nearby Around //eWorld Consult your agent Men’s Suits Cleaned and Pressed L. Shinaberger Phone 621 75c You benefit yourself and your home town every time you patronize your local Southern Pacific agent. You save yourself the hurry and wor buying at busy terminals in large cities, can plan and buy leisurely. The handling of your baggage is facilitated and made easier for you. Your whole trip becomes simplified. No matter where, by rail or steam- « « ship, your local agent can sell you 4*lra your ticket, make reservations, ar- wB M •* range all other details. He can tell TT* rtwS CS rta You’ ,o°* any ,P,c*a) farc’ 'h41 CQvlZlC would save you money. You can buy just as cheaply from your local agent as in large cities — and your dollars stay at home. other cleaning accordingly 1’hone 1082 Valley Cleaners ÔC Dyers 1431 Main St. ■■ I 2 I (Jiher rxperiHe of maintenance and repair* ................... .. ...................................... .. Tulal Lxpenae of Maintenant*, and Repair* » 2.000.00 Item, marked with an aaUrlak (•) ar. thou molt commonly u»«l by .ehl dlatrieU of Ch. third ,ku.. HUMMAItY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - . , ,, . rof.l e-illmcclecl exiwriw. for the ye«r (72 200 00 Total c«tlcn»t».| rec-.lpt., not Inc-liccllng propoMd U. H,740.00 llnlccncc, nrnc.unt to b. rnlxcxl by diatrirt t.x ..................................................................... For school year from June .10. 10.1», to Jun. .10, 1931 Personal service, sum ot (t-1) (II-l) (lll-l) (IV-1) (VI, 1-1, 2-1. 2-1, 4-|) (45,(00.00 Soiiplles. sum of (1-2) (lt-2) (111-2) (IV-2) (VI-l-1, 2 2. 3-2. 4-2) (VIH-4) 1.300.00 Maintenance and repairs, sum of (V-l, 2, *■> .... 2,000.00 Imlil service, sum of (IX . 6. - ». - 4. 7. »>......................................... 17,200.00 Miscellaneous, sum of (1-3, (111-3, 4. r>) (IV-3, 4. 2, 3, 4.) (VIII 5. fl) Construction, stem of (VIII-1 Emergency (X-1, 2) Total ........................... Dalod Attest l C. E. this 20th day of October, 4. Total b 2. Indehfrdnra* 3) (sum of Item* (222,000.00 10.10. 1 DEICHMAN, Dietrlat Clerk. E. L. JOHNSON 0. F. GRÄUEL T. P. GOODIN (M, 4(0.00 INDKIITEDNEHN 1. Amount of bonded Indcbtedne»* (Include all warrant* i**urd by vote of elec- , I«»rw> (l«».000.00 2. Amount of warrant Indebtednean on warrant* laaucd and endorsed “not paid for lark of fund*“ 53,000.00 1. Amount of other indebtedness ..... ’ Nona W. L. RTEVENS JOHN W. KANNA L. J. MRRRILL,’ Chairman, Hoard of Directora. I H. I., I»I(<)WN W. T. PUTNAM It. E. TIIOMI’HON N. O. JOHNSTON • A