% 0. Use Class Ads For Big Returns The Leader in Its Field HILI-SBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930 VOLUME XXXVII Health Nurse Is Achievement Day 4-H Club Show Budget Body For I.O.O.F. Temple Is Speaker at Noon At Forest Grove Of Corn To Be Municipality To Be Dedicated Selected Tuesday To He October 18 Saturday Event The city budget committee was On Wednesday Lunch Monday Korea! (¡rove To Represent This County Rebuilt Hall Of City Is Opened With Exercises named by tin* council in regular | have a ill club session Tuesday evening, Members gram Saturday, Commercial National Back of the committee are J. Il < ia r Laying of Cornerstone Nerd for Largor Force la cording to W. S Ave i Other Cities Join In Con­ rett, M I'. Cady, W. C. Christrn- county agent. The ( First Event on Program of Corn Exhibit Pointed Out By Speaker Me sen, Lexter Ireland, !.. 1 gratulating Hillsboro I ('ommrree, the Forest Pheetrrs «mi John W. Bailey. I tionnl Bank, (he the First National A Irtter was read from Mrs. ! Bank, and business houses are pro Emma Dicrdorff to Fire Chief v iding four summer school scholar Walter Tews expressing the appre­ ships besides numerous other prir.es — ciation of the Tualatin Plains 1 for high scoriiii' exhibits shown by Fire Prevention Committee Mil dub members of the Forest Contcatanta Invited To The Presbyterian church congregation History of the Local Lodge Fire Prevention Stressed At in the services rendered in fight Grove community. 1« Given; Dedication Venetian; Bank To Give Named; Dinner Meet ing the fire there .Sunday. A gift Exhibits of cooking, sewing and Dedication; Fireman Are of $10 to the department was en­ other girls' work will be shown ns Open to Public Out 12 Brize« Is Arranged Dance Hosts closed. wdl as corn and calf exhibits. There will be two scholarships Mother's Favorite Cookie com­ two for boys with Next Wednesday will be a big Tlir ('omine rrliil National bank pany of Portland made a request The need fur a larger health for girls and and third Taxpayers of Hillsboro, and prir.es for each will Npoiifior thr 4 II corn show that the wholesale vehicle tax be day for the members of the I. (). force in Washington county wax second official representatives of Forest scholarship, the prizes to be uward cut down for them because they O. F. and Rebekah lodges of Hills ­ Saturday, in tlir hank lobby here, stressed by Mrs. Grace Richmond, Grove, and Vernonia joined with on a percentage basis, scoring accordirnc to W. 8. Averill, assis- only come to Hillsboro once a boro when the cornerstone of the county health nurse, in an address ed to be done by competent judges taut county agent, in cliargr of wrek. No action was taken on the new budding will be laid and Forest Hills team to compete in Cascade tournament at Forest Hills local officials Monday evening in before tlir forum luncheon of the from the Oregon Slate ('< dedication ceremonies held. The course Saturday and Sunday. Reading left to right Frank Miller, dedicating the attractive remodeled crops an I livestock club* for Wnffh request. chamber of commerce Monday Exhibits will be housed governmental center. A proposal to cut bock the cor­ I laying of the cornerstone will take Francis Rowell, J. 11. Garrett, Joe Frandsen, Dr. Ralph Mills and municipal ington county. Thirty-fix 4 II noon In which Mrs. Richmond store buildings formerly < The council chamber wax crowded corn dub mrmbrrs will each ex­ ners at Second and Third on Main place at 4:30 p. m. and the dedi­ B. M. Goodman. briefly sketched the work that had by Schultr. Grocery and to capacity and standing room hibit 25 car samplrs of corn select­ was rrferred to the street commit­ cation exercises, open to the pub­ hern done. Dr. J. (). Itobli, who open for inspection most only wax available. The dedication lic, at 8:30 p. rn. The new temple ed from an acre grown from seed tee. was chalrmau, also called atten­ day. wan held in connection with fire M rs. Helen MclXaniels, city re- was built at a cost of $20,000. The ex­ donated by the bank. The tion to the need. Parents and friends are inviteli prevention week, October 6 to 12. was ordered to give no- Contractors Local Mrs. Richmond praised the doc to bring their lunches tn the chain hibits together with record books (•order, The dedicatory address wa« tors and dentists of the county for her of commerce room at noon, will be scored by E. N. Breasman, tire of election and warrants were The finishing touches are being made by W. G. Hare, former state agronomist of the O h ordered drawn to .Mrs. Grace put on the new building, which the cooperation given in esamln where the Gales Grange will have associate senator, who said that paying in­ Scoring will Freeman and the Washington Sav­ Joins the old section of the struc- atlon in many of the county coffee and plates set for lunch. gon State College, stallments on liens would be more schools. Besides the pupils in the At approximately 12:30 there will be on tiic basis of 75 per cent for ings A I Xian association for the ture occupied by the Hillsboro of a pleasure in the future. Hillsboro schools, the children in be a short speaking program fol the corn exhibit and 25 per cent opening of Lincoln street. Cash Grocery, the Sprouse-Iteits Hillsboro post of the American "As I see the Hillsboro of today 56 other county schools have been lowed by an inspection of exhibits on records. store and the old lodge room. The Legion and the Legion Auxiliary and compare it with that of child­ Ai$«mbh At 11 examined. She hopes to complete for parents and 4 II members. new structure which is 42x69 feet will hold joint installation at the the examinations In other county is of concrete and Mohr brothers Veterans’ hall Tuesday evening. The third annual Cascade .tour­ hood days it seems as if it is a Corn club members will assem- Fred Watrous, owner of the schools this year and if possible Star Theatre of Forest Grove, has hie in the bank at 11 «. :n , Saf­ nament will be held at the Forest dream,” stated Mr. Hare. “I saw of Hillsboro were the contractors. Officers elected at the meeting «work out a dental clinic The lighting contract was handled of the Auxiliary to the American Hills course Saturday and Sunday it before there was a brick build­ invited club members exhibiting to urday, where they will be fi ««• with six-men teams from Forest ing in the town. I recall the old ^tf the 2058 children examined, attend the afternoon show as Ids ribbons identifying them hi mem­ by J. J. Ilanel and the plumbing Tuesday night were Mrs. , Hills, McMinnville, Silverton, street lights and the time when by Percy Ixing. The marble in Legion 54 hnd heart defects, most of part in the dub program. bers of this contest, which means McKinney, president; Mrs. Woodburn, Tillamook, St. Helens our water was secured from wells. whl, li could be corrected. Other front was furnished by the Ore­ Emma that they have grown an acre Russell Morgan, vice president; I I played horseshoe on the site and Vernonia participating. gon Monument Works. The lodge defects reported were us follows: of corn, have kept records of room in the new building is con­ Mrs. Elmer Guerber, second vice The Forest Hills representatives of the Wells building at Second Thyroids, 154; car, dental, labor and other costs and have sidered one of the most attractive president; Mrs. Retta Otto, chap­ will be the six lowest men in the and Main street, one of the oldest selected 25 ears for exhibition. 1200, and eyes, IM The annual Washington county in the state. The new building in­ lain; Mrs. R. J. Nicol, secretary; qualifying round of 36-holes two structures in town. There isn’t a The nurse told of the assistance I All 4 II corn club members hav­ ing their identification badges will teachers’ institute will be held at cludes an addition to the Sprouse- Mrs. William Holtz, treasurer, and weeks ago. The team will include town the size of Hillsboro in the given by the Red Cross, the Amer-| he entertained at a dinner sponsor­ the Hillsboro union high school Reitz store and three store rooms Mrs. C. R. Eslinger, sergeant-at- Francis Rowell of Scholls, J. H. state that has made similar pro- lean Legion and the women's clubs. Mrs. Arthur Kroeger is Garrett and B. M. Goodman of gress.” ed by the Hillsboro Grange in the Thursday and Friday, October facing on Third street, one oc- arms. The county federation of women's Hillsboro, Frank Miller, Dr. Ralph and 17th. the regu­ I cupied by Bert C. Huntington, past president. grange hall at noon, and following 16th clubs i furnished the piny play | pen at The merchants, he said, realised The Auxiliary voted to hold Mills and Joe Frandsen of Forest t lx county fair and Mrs. Rich the dinner M. E. Schulmerich, as­ lar meeting of the Washington realtor, and A. M. Carlile, shoe- that their job was to take care of card parties again this winter, and Grove. County Teachers' association will the old structure maker, Part of inond said she hoped that a roof sistant cashier, in charge of the the trade, rather than to cut each Have Four Flights content for the bank, will hr chair­ be held Thursday afternoon with was removed to make room for the second Thursday night of each would be provided for the play others throats. One cannot build month was named as the party President I.ronr Graham presiding, the new temple building. pen by nest year, This, she »aid, The Qualifying round of la on the wreck or ruin of their com­ In thr firM five minutrs of play man of the program which will Thr program as announced by would be of value during tin- in thr HHIwImm-St. Helms foot­ include Theodore I*. Cramer, sec­ The building committee includes night. The first one will be held holes will be played Saturday petitor and it is necessary to work Thursday night, November 13. County School Superintendent N. Fourth of July celebration morning and the eight low medal­ E. I.. McCormick, C. C. Bannister ball game at .St. Helrnt laxt Fri­ retary of the Oregon Bankers as­ The date of the annual Bazaar ists will make up the championship together on common problems. The need of superslxed play­ day, thr .St. Hrlrmi rlrvrn icorrd sociation; Eugene Courtney, chair­ A. Frost list» the following in­ and R. N. Brown. This committee The ex-senator pointed out that set for Saturday, November 22, was John F. Dobb--, stnirtorsi Dr, man of the agricultural committer grounds, where children enn he two fant touchdowns. Thr final flight. There will also be three is in charge of arrangements for kept off the streets, was pointed M'orr wan |H t<> 7. A long rnd of the bankers association, and (). president of Pacific university; Dr. the dedicatory ceremonies. R. II. and the general committee on ar­ flights of eight men each, making it hadn't been so many years since out by Nurse Richmond, who also run f«»r 50 yards brought thr fimt M. Plummer, manager of the Paci­ E. J. Klemme, former professor of Greer is in charge of plans for the rangements will be Mesdames A. H. a total of 32 men that will be able the business affairs of the city spoke of the need for n summer Mx points. After thr xrrond kick­ fic International Livestock Expo­ education in normal schools of laying of the cornerstone. The Busch. A. W. Hoffman, B. M. to qualify. A consolation match were run in a haphazard manner, sition, Mod an ardent booster of Washington, Seattle; Eleonora E. supper committee includes R. H. Goodman, Russell Morgan, Robert for the ten failing to qualify will even the recorder a few years ago rsmp for the underweight and mi­ tiff and a Thmopson, professor of applied Greer, J. N. Wiley, Hallie Ireland, Cull, R. J. Nicol, and It. J. also be held. Eastman of Silver- couldn't tell how much the city demourished so that tiiey might on thrir e which was boys' and girls' club work. In recent vears business Following the speaking program sociology. University of Oregon; Miss Elizabeth Gheen, Mrs. Will Scearce. have the right kind of a start In rccoverrd ton was the 1929 winner and B. owed. opponents, a life. New health clubs will be long paas M. Goodman of Hillsboro was the men have sacrificed their time to ic second sis Orange Phelps, manager of the Ione Dunlop, school docent, super-1 Morley, Mrs. J. R. Hargrave and started ami the outstanding boy points. Venetian theater, has invited the intendent of art museum, Portland; Mrs. i„ I. Davis. runner-up two years at McMinn­ city business with the thought of service in mind, he declared. With and girl will lie sent to the sum­ ville. An intercepted pans in the sec- contestants to »tend the afternoon Dr. II. I). Sheldon, dean of school Expect High Officers mer srsslon at Corvallis. Home ond quarter netted .St, llelens 18 show. The identification ribbons of education, U. of ().; Ida Mae Prizes for championship flight the city in such capable hands the Grand lodge officers will be nursing courses are being planned point*, with thr local squad not given by the bank will admit the Smith, Florence Beardsley, profes­ will include a silver cup for the future prosperity of the city is present for the laying _ of the cor- for the schools. winner and a silver trophy for assured, according to Mr. Hare. even able to make i a first down. owner to the show* any time dur sors of methods, Monmouth; H. ipper at 6;30 «nd Mrs. C. C. Hancock, 69, pioneer the runner-up. Congratulations on the improve­ Seymour, state 4-H club lender,] nerstone. The health nurse trial in tilit In thr Mrrond half Ililhi came ing the afternoon. The winner of (Caatlnuad on pan* 101 Washington county daughter, died , the three flights will each receive ment were expressed by Mayor Corvallis; E. F. Carleton, secretary1 countv win financed by the Ore- buck with more confidence, To- Twelve Prizes * ' Sunday afternoon at the St. Vin­ a silver trophy and the runner-up I John A. Oregon State Teachers association, Thornburgh of - — Forest - gon Tuberculosis aisociatioii, evrn ward thr rnd of thr game thrv prizes will he given by Portland; Frances Arant, musical cent’s hospital in Portland follow­ in the first flight will be given a Grove and Recorder I). B. Reason- though this county Is healthy and' began to play real football. St. the Twelve n summer bank, ranging from ing an operation for goitre. Fun­ wrist watch, in the second flight er of Vernonia, both former resi« director. Forest Grove; Josephine doesn’t have tuberculosis cs es. i Helms u an penalized 20 yards and j itci.olu rshlp plus $5 cash Case, secretary of institute and of i eral services were held from the a sweater and in the third flight I dents of Hillsboro. Mayor Thom- Mrs Richmond said that In four llillhboro completed a pasn to bring school first to $10 cash for second, for family home in Cornelius Tuesday a raincoat. The low medalist in I burgh jokingly remarked that For- year« shr hud found but 24 cases the ball to thr IN yard line for $5 cash for third, $3 cash for Washington County Teachers* as-} afternoon with Rev. Harold H. the qualifying round will receive i est Grove officials were present mid most of them have been given | a firnt down. On Hirer hard line fourth to eleventh inclusive, and snekition, Hillsboro; Dr. Arthur Pupils of the M! room were pre ­ Miles of the Methodist Episcopal a $15 rolf bag from William Mar­ I because of their interest in build­ Yeoman, professor of education. hosxitJilisntlon. Onr young man plunges Johnson took thr ball over cash for twelfth place. Pacific university, and Superin­ sented with the $5 cash prize offer­ church officiating and the Neigh­ tin, owner of the Forest Hills ing up all suburbs of Forest Grove. la now learning a vocation and | for a score, and a pass made up , SI All sections of Washington coun­ tendent Frost. ed by the Women's Relief corps bors of Woodcraft conducting the j course, and the high medalist will He recalled belonging to the hose rarnin'* $60 a month. The county thr extra point. ty are represented in the Bank’s Interment was in the I be given a wrist score tally. Thr Thursday morning program: at nn assembly at the junior high services. has five cases in Salem and three , cart section of the local depart­ Thr game featured many kicks, corn contest, says W. S. Averill. Bev. G. (). (¡liver, invocation, 9 school Monday afternoon for scor­ Cornelius cemetery. Oliver, at The Dalles. Other prizes will be given for ment 31 and 32 years ago and of ............................. (Continued on pave 10) pnssrN, and spectacular runs. John ­ ing highest in an essay contest on Florentine Cornelius was born a. m.; Mrs. Arant leads in singing; The «peaker polntril to thr ex (continued on page 4) dragging an old two-wheeled cart nuisance,” "How may I best show my patriot­ at North Plains April 11, 1M1. J )r. Y com a iij "A recon i pericncrs of a child of nine that j son and Batchcl'ir out kicked St.' through the mud to fires. Helen» men. Hillsboro attempted ism at home and at school? ” The the daughter of Colonel Thomas Dunlop, “ Art 9:15 a. in.; Mta li ul never walked, which was given The growth of Hillsboro was 21 passe» and completed 11, and It. and Florentine Wilkes Cornel ­ 6B2 room was given an historical 9:45 i n. m.; Dr. Appreciation,' hospitalisation at the Shrine box { pointed out by Recorder Reasoner, Klemme, “Waffles,” 10:30 a. tn.; map of Oregon as second prize. ius, who crossed the plains in 1845. pltul end is now able to lie around St. Helen» attempted right nnd former Washington county judge, four sections, high school, upper Nine rooms of the school, repre­ She came to Cornelius with her Mr». Richmond said she had al completed two. who said he was present at the Thr next game will be played grades, primary, art under Dr. senting the sixth, seventh and parents when a child, September, . way» tried to kern the children at D. Everett Gallaway of Beaver I A natural gas flow was struck laying of the cornerstone of the home if they could possibly be tak­ nt 3 o'clock Friday afternoon with ton suffered a fractured collar I Yeoman. Miss Beardsley, Miss eighth grades, were entered in the" 1890, she was u.nted in marriage ' en care of here and local doctors Hill Military Academy «t Portland. bone, broken teeth and face cuts Smith, Miss Dunlop; lunch in do­ contest, which was conducted last to C. C. Hancock. Deceased is t last Friday on the Cecil Kiggs ■ present building 39 years ago. In opening the meeting. Mayor survived by the widower, a Cor- farm in the Horne Cap district I nnd dentists have been most gen Thr local boy» won Inst vrar’s nnd Donald Minns of Portland a ( mestic science department. spring. conflict with ii score of 36 to 6. broken tooth and face cuts when > Dr. Klemme will talk on “The Paul Patterson addressed the as­ neelius real estate dealer, two I near Dallas by the A. M. Jannsen I’helps introduced the members of crous In their help. Appropriations for roads, schools II. M. A.’» »core came after a kick the Gallaway car collided with one’ Horrid Boy” at 1:15 p. in. Thurs­ sembly, stressing honesty and law- daughters, Mrs. Lulu Jensen «nd ‘ Drilling company of Reedville, the council present and other city and every phase of activity in the from Cawrsr to Ragsdale on thr driven by Earl W. Minas of Port- I day following music at 1. Sec- enforcement, and explained the Mrs. Lina Crowthers of Portland, operating for R. E. Combs of officials. He expressed the appre­ The gas. which was ciation of the council in the in­ (continued on page 4) county are many times larger than three yard line resulting in a 97 lurid at 2 a. m. Sunday in a dense need for loyalty to oneself. Don­ and the following brothers and sis­ Portland, (Continued on pave 10) for thr health department, accord­ ald Templeton, and Mrs. II. H. ters: Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw of Cor- I thought to be shale gas, is odorless terest shown by the people of the fog near Tobins station. ing to Mrs. Richmond, who pointed Stannard, president of the Woman's nelius, Mrs. Olive Couture of Port- ! and bums with a very white flame. City and invited all to attend reg­ Gallaway in his report to the, out the need for another nurse “ - " corps, also spoke, ‘ The land. Benjamin Cornelius of Hills- j The vein is not a heavy one, but ular meetings of the council, the Relief Sheriff's office says it was impos ­ and a full time health officer and I judges in the contest were Paul boro and T. S. Cornelius of As- ; pending the arrival of Mr. Combs first Tuesday night of each month. sible to see the other car until the The remodeling of the present nurses in the larger towns. Patterson, Donald Templeton, and toria and her step-niother, Mrs. M. the well was capped and drilling crash on account of the dense for, Mrs. Richmond introduced Flora: A. Cornelius of Cornelius. One I suspended. In capping the well a governmental building has been W. Verne McKinney. while Minas reports that the other When registrations closed Sep­ grandson, Jimmy Crowthers of pressure of 20 pounds was found. considered for years, according to Wick, winner of first place at the tember 24, 190 Christian Endeavor According to Mr. Jannsen, there the mayor, who said that with en­ Marion E. Westcott, ♦6, of near car swerved toward him. state fair in the 4 11 club health Portland, also survives. Back injuries were suffered by members had signed for the county contest and who will be entered in Reedville died nt 9:25 o'clock Sat- For 40 years she had been a is a possibility of developing a couragement from property owners the contest at the Pacific Interna urday morning as the result of a Mrs. C. E. Garner and A. P. Coop­ conference to be held at the Chris­ member of the Methodist Episcopal considerable gas field in that sec­ the present administration bad fin­ tinned late this month Ida Muller frncture of the skull sustained in er of Cornelius when their car tian church here October 17 to 19. ( church. Mrs. Hancock was a char- I tion. The vein was struck at a ally gone ahead with the work. was introduced as the 4-H club on automobile accident south of collided with one driven by F. C. I Gaston Congregation won first ter member of the Anemone circle depth of 145 feet in soft shale He called attention to the fact The well is located that local contractors and dealers health girl allowing the greatest Amity September 27. Denth oc­ Francis of Hillsboro route 4 early place in the registration contest The first Boy Scout honor court No. 446, Neighbors of Woodcraft. . formation. Forest for the fall was held nt the court 200 feet from a well where gas was had all the work and furnishing improvement in health. Mrs. Ret­ curred in a hospital nt Dnllns, Saturday eveninr near Cornelius. with 71 entrants, and ' the “ struck almost 50 years ago. For of the building. Mayor Phelps said ta Meredith Otto, club leader in where he wns taken following the Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and Grove Christians scored second house Wednesday evening with R. the past 15 years sufficient gas that in the present council the city the Hillsboro schools, nnd llnzel accident. Funeral services were Doris Peterson of Tigard received with more than *0 registrants, Frank Peters, chairman, presid­ has been taken from the original has a group that wants to go ahead Blades, outstanding club member held nt 2 o’clock Tuesday after­ head injuries near Garden Home Among those who will attend are ing. state president, well for illuminating the Riggs with what they think is best for and leader of the health club, were noon from the Donelson A Sewell Monday when the Peterson car James Henderson, First class merit badges were 1 home. The drilers expect to find the city. also introduced. chapel, with Rev. Henry S. Haller collided with one drften by James and Viola Ogden, state secretary, awarded ns follows: Nelson Wea­ Forest Grove.—F.rrett Hummel, a heavier flow of gas at a lower H. E. Wiley expressed the hope officiating. Interment W4IS In the M. Gines of Portland. The Pe-! both of Portland. In carrying the message of fire ver, troop 216, bugling; Robert The theme of the conference is Dinsmore, woodcarving and Rob­ sophomore, of Hillsboro, has been level. that the county would show as Hillsboro cemetery. prevention week. Captain Stokes terson car upset. pledged to Phi Alpha Tau, na ­ "Overcoming the World," and Rev. much Interest In the health of the of the fire marshal's office called Deceased wns born in Kansas Joe Dicliik, Portland, was bruised : I.en B. Fishback of Tillamook will ert Patterson, woodworking, troop tional honorary forensic at Pacific. children ns It does In full blooded January attention to the fact that Hillsboro is survived about the chest and Mrs. Didak be the principal speaker. Miss 226. Second clnss merit badges Mr. Hummel has been active in 14, 1884 He stock. C. H. Nosier called atten­ has one of the outstanding fire two daugh- suffered a badly bniised leg when Leah Turner, county president, were awarded members of troop debate, dramatics, and journalism. by the widow, Clara; tion to Cool lounty, which now marshals of any town of its size in 227 as follows: Raymond Harms, has five nurses and a full time ters, Vloln nnd June; two sisters. their car collided with one driven and Miss Esther Stucki of Bethany cycling; George and Louis Meyer, He is dramitics editor this year the state. Captain Stokes said that Rachel Miller of Monmouth M hi . by Janies of Banks route 1, Sep ­ of the Pacific University Index, will tell of the world Christian En ­ doctor. Dr. Robb said it wns a pity Arthur Alvin nnd Herbert Mohr, student weekly publication. Fire Marshal Wilbur Dillon was Mrs. John Toelle of 1536 Wal ­ anil Mrs. James Corrleri of Reed tember 29. deavor conference in Berlin, which there weren't three Richmonds in the only marshal that he knew of handcraft, and Eugene Plank, path­ ville and three brothers, II. W. nut St. won a beautiful Hotpoint Hillsboro freshman girls who they attended, and Miss Dulcinn Melvin Lukas of Hillsboro, suf­ the county. Second class scout rating have pledged sororities are: Clara electric percolator as second prize who bought old dilapidated build­ Attention to the Oregon State of Chicago, Raymond of North fered a cut leg, Daniel Carter of Brown will speak on her recent finding. Plains, and George of Reedville. Cornelius two cracked ribs and trip to the Holyland. The confer­ was given the following in 227: Ruff, Shirlee Smith Janette Cady. for a two-crust golden apple pie, ings out of his own pocket and (Continued on pass 16) Earl and Elbert Bentley, Irving in the Oregonian's cake and pie tore them down. All great fires Vernon Krause of Hillsboro shock ence banquet will be held Saturday Chase, Holcomb Himes, Richard Lahoma Powell, and Elizabeth contest held last week in Portland. ( ( ontinued on p 10) Thompson, Theta Nu; and Jessie in a car wreck on the Farmington night. A cabinet meeting was held Sun­ I.oomer, Wayne Goetter, Harold Belle Ireland, l’hi I.atnba Omicron. road September 80. day afternoon at the Christian l’oyner, Ben Yantti and Alex Mor- church to discuss the conference. leq. I Dinner At •Medical Men Help Building Grange Is Ready Progress Is Cited Legion Post And Golf Players Of The Auxiliary To Seven Clubs Vie Install Officers In T ourney Here 4 County Institute For Teachers To Be Next Week Hillsboro Drops St. Helens Game With 18-7 Score Mrs. Hancock Dies After An Operation 8B Children Given First Essay Prize Serious Hurts Are Received In Wreck Jannsen Strikes Gas In Drilling 190 Register For Endeavor Meetings Injuries Fatal To Reedville Citizen Advance Many In Scout Honor Court t t Hillsboro Students Pledged At P. U. Mrs. Toelle Wins In Baking Contest V f * Senator Schulmerich Defends Stand On Governor Norblad Decides Against The University And Takes A Verbal Shot At Westside Clubs To Calling Of Special Session Of Legislature President Hall; Some Questions Asked Rushlow Is Star Big Bear Is Shot Consider Highway Woman Candidate In Oregon ’ s Win On Power Sites; Many Lives Fire Total Edward Schulmerich, state senator rd nothing about non-rrsident stu­ The monthly meeting of the By Timber Gunner United nnd one of the authors of the bill dents nt thr University of Oregon. Is A Visitor Here Jack Rushlow, son of Mr. and clubs will be held Westside Salem, Ore.—Taxpayers of Ore­ which is vested in cities and towns for the consolidation board for the So why all this explanation? Fur­ state schools of higher education, in a letter to the Oregonian de­ fends his statement concerning the university and takes n pot shot at President Hall. Hillsboro, Ore., Oct. 4.— (To the Editor).—In reply to Dr. Hall, who has accused me with deliber­ ately or unknowingly misrepresent­ ing the appropriation of $70,000 in the 1929 session of the legisla­ ture for research work for the University of Oregon: The fact of the matter is, to get the bill through, they hooked It in on Dir five Same bill for the annual appro­ priation for Oregon State so it would not be vetoed without de­ priving Oregon State of their ap- froprlation. More shrewd politics. asked why this was not brought in on a separate bill. That would have been vetoed, and I know from whence I speak. It was con­ tended for, and understood, that this appropriation was for a trip to Alaska and the Sandwich Is lands, which Dr. Hall admits, has been made. Now, how could 1 know this money was used for some other purpose. He further contends that I made some misleading statement relative to non resident students of the university. My statement contaln- F thermore, Dr. Hall confessed to me that he is now satisfied with the contents of thr consolidated meas­ ure, but at the time of its pas­ sage all thr opposition came from thr University of Oregon nnd its alumni. Thrir main contention was that they wanted the millage tax split 50 50 between thr two schools, which I refused to do. I told them to wait until a survey was made and then If they were entitled to it 1 had no objection». After thr bill was finally passed by both senate nnd house nnd in transit from thr house back to thr srnntr, thr bill was mutilated nnd thr following wns inserted: “From its passage thr millage tax shnll be divided 50-50 between thr Uni­ versity of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural school.” It was dis­ covered by thr srnntr committer in rechecklng. I do not claim thnt Dr. Hall knew anything about thin, but I would like to know in his opinion who did it. I further suggcNt that if Dr. Hall would nay more attention to thr lob hr was hired to do and spend less time running around thr state building up political fences It would be better for the state nnd thr school. EDWARD SCHULMERICH. Mrs. L. J. Rushlow, had nn im­ portant part in the University of Oregon 14 to 7 victory over Drake university at Soldiers' field in Chicago last Friday evening. The score was tied in the last few min­ utes of play, when a 25-yard pass, Kitsmiller to Rushlow, put the ball on the Drake ten-yard line. Kits- miller in three tries made the touchdown just two minutes before the game ended. Proceedings For Disbarment Filed E. B. Tongue with seven other attorneys is mentioned in disbar­ ment proceedings filed with the Oregon supreme court in Salem eWdnesday by Fred C. Worrall of Tillamook. The complaint charges the attorneys with irregu­ larities in the settlement of the estate of his father, Phillip J. Worrall, late Tillamook hotel man. The attorneys named in the pro­ ceedings besides Mr. Tongue were II. T. Hotts, George P. Winslow, Claude Barrick and A. A. Hall of Tillamook, ami J. P. Kavanaugh, Jay Bowerman and James L. Con­ ley of Portland. Mrs. Myrtle Purviance Wilson of Portland, candidate for gover­ nor, was a Hillsboro visitor Sat­ urday in the interests of her can­ didacy. Her name is not on the ballot and Mrs. Wilson asks that those favoring her candidacy write her name in on the ballot. She is particularly interested in child welfare, old age pensions and the unemployment problem. Her name is not on the ballot because her petitions did not ar- rive in time and there was some question as to there being enough names. Install Pastor At Blooming Church The installation of Rev. E. Hin- rirhs of Canada ns pastor of the St. Peters Lutheran church nt Blooming took place Sunday morn­ ing nt 10:30 with Rev. P. II. Schnus of Schefflin officiating. He wn« assisted by Prof. W. J. Sylvester nnd llcv. George Rente | of Hillsboro. Schefflin nnd Hills­ boro congregations nttended. In the evening n reception wns given in the church basement. next Tuesday evening at 7:45 o’clock in the American I.egion hall at Forest Grove. A proposed coast range highway, which will provide an additional route from Portland to Tillamook county, will be discussed, The fol- lowing professional and business men will participate in the dis­ cussion: H. T. Botts of Tillamook, Dr. E. B. McDaniel of Portland, Dr. Charles Lamkin of Hillsboro, C. J. Stickney of Aloha, Sam Do­ lan of Corvallis, and Dr. O. H. Holmes and L. M. Graham both of Forest Grove. Mrs. William Kletzel, president of the Oregon state congress of Hillsboro boys were Parent-Teachers' association will Four pledged to Gamma Sigma frater- speak on "Free Text Books.” nity at Pacific university, accord- Ing to the university pledge list as announced. They are Delbert Chantier, ■, Delbert Turner, Turner, Glenn Turner and I.es Les Chase. Other Gamma Sigma pledges from the The Hillsboro grange will meet county are Alvin Smith of Gaston and Grant Van Doren of Forest Saturday and the contestants in the Commercial National bank 4-H Grove. club corn show will be guests at The county federation of wo­ luncheon and the afternoon pro­ men's clubs will be entertained at gram will feature club work. O. M. the Leisyville school by the I.eisy- Plummer, manager of the Pacific ville Woman’s club Friday, Octo­ International, will be one of the speakers. ber 17, in an all-day session. A bee man nt Timber hnd been nnnoyed by hnving his hives upset nnd the bees stolen. Oscnr Shif­ fer, who hns gnined considernble renown ns n trapshooter, watched for the marauder and found that it was a big black bear, which he shot. It weighed 267 pounds nnd measured 7% feet from tip to tip. The benr was sold to a Portland meat market, where it nttracted the atention of throngs of people. Pledge Hillsboro Boys At Pacific Hillsboro Grange To Meet Saturday gon who have been holding their breath the past few weeks await­ ing the governor's decision rela­ tive to the proposed special ses­ sion of the state legislature, can now heave that proverbial “sigh of relief" since Governor Norblad has decided against the session as an unwarranted and unnecessary expense under the circumstances. The governor’s decision wax made after a careful study of an opin­ ion prepared by Attorney General Van Winkle dealing with various phases of the water power situa­ tion. While the governor is of the opinion that the state’s laws covering water power are weak and in need of several amendments to properly protect the state’s interest he declares that there Is no urgent need which can not be met as well by the regular ses­ sion of the legislature as by a special session called to meet this fall. Among other amendments which the governor will probably make to the next legislature as a result of the present agitation will be one providing for a state tax on water appropriated for power purposes and another one authoriz­ ing the state to condemn and take over power projects constructed by private corporations, a right now but not in the state govern- ment. Floyd C. Bierly of Bearerton has applied to the state engineer*« office here for permission to ap­ propriate water from Flint ditch in Washington county for the irri- gation of 20 acre« of Land. Thirty-two human lives were the toll of the fire demon in Ore­ gon during 1929. In addition 94 persons were seriously burned and property valued at $6,808,000 de­ stroyed bv fires in the state dur­ ing the year. These startling fig­ ures were b ought out by Clare A. Lee, stat« fire marshal, In an anpeal to the people of the state to observe fire prevention week. Lee’s figures show that Oregon’s property loss from fires last year was equal to a tax of $7.18 on every man, woman and child in the state. Any Oregon city which aspire« to enter the power business may condemn and take over the plant of any private power utility in Its neighborhood If It so desires, ac­ cording to Attorney General Van­ Winkle.