Clean-lJp Day For Highways To Be May 10 iinlv« rsity of Portland, over the week end, < buries I long of 11 ill * burn was slated for iim in the oaal fn hl because <»f his hilling ability lloag, stands ware poor from no apparent cause that experiments been e died upon hv G II Obcrtrnf fer, stair i.iout executive, to |oin were run by I). I> llill, assistant I In* movement, which I k similar to igronomist, to determine Just what many in eastern st îles which have effect exposure to sunlight had on subsequent sprouting and proved highly effective In various the citi« ’. Boy Scout* have participated growth of (he plants. in clean lip movrnientN, have cleared To make the tests freshly cut p<> underbrush from roadside«, have tutors were planted with and with carried on campaigns to educate mil coating with lamlplastcr, seed people to cleanliness, and in other was kept two «lays after cutting ami ways have worked with city and Mime kept moist or dry with and state health official* for the belter without landplaster, uml one hatch mrnt of the community. w in greened before cutting and left Leader* in the seven area* in without laiidpl.isle r. Oregon have promised the support I’.acli batch was divided into two of their troops through the follow pads, one of which was exposed Ing < xccutivesi ( ’ B Fator of <’or three hours to sunlight before plant * m II in , <) I* West of Salem, W Lee I nder exactly similar rondi Illg Bricker of Medford, E \. Britton lions the exposed seed produced n it f l< oseburg, E K imm II S»ntt of Ix« ¡mor stand and a final yield of Grand«' and W W Bel» hcr of 'I hr 99.2 bushel* to the acre, an coin I >nllrs pared with 127.5 fur the others. Not <»nly hav« stu b organisations (’lit seed kept moi t give belter promised support, but many of thrm results than when allowed to dry, are aiding Mr*. Iloncyman bi send ing mst ruct ions t«i the worker*, mid and lindplaster returned benefits in puhli« iring the movement 'Flic depending somewhat on seed condi I idvrrsily of Oregon, the Oregon lions and weather conditions after Normal m I hhi I it M«inm«»uth and planting Oregon Stale college are c«»opcrat Erum liU exp« riinrnts Professor ing, mm w« l| ns the Oreg hi State I Illi decided that the best practice is Motor .ixMiri 11ion, the st itr (ham- to cut the seed under cover, coat it tier of commerce and the garden with l.indpT it er, and if lie« cssary to «•hili-* in cm h county. keep it for any length of time lie fore planting, store it under cool, dark, moist condition*. Graf Zeppelin Film To Thrill Audi« nee Dodge Six Makes An Enviable Record Recoriled in .» lilkihg picturr, every detail <»f II»«* ■ •«•iis.iti«»n il II d iy fli lit .inxiiid th«- vx <1 «hi, I idy (¡rue ll uon«»nd Hay, the «»lily woman passenger almard, are hear«! hi d« M ription <»f tile flight. There is aim the speech of congr «1 ul «tton to Commander ! .. k enrr by l*re»idrnt Hoover. “Around the World \’la (¡r if 7.rj»[»rlin“ was pr«»du«*rd hv the Hearst newspaper* and is distrib­ uted by Talking Picture Epics. From musical comedy to straight f ircr in the transition acconi|»lishr ( .»n id i, thciicc to M< x i<«» and li ick to Sp«»kane, was spoil s«»rcd recently by the American I «• gi«»n ami carried out in a Dodge Brothers' ix sedan. Flic following n suits w « re note«l: Miles traveled, 3HO9 ,’L miles per gall«»n, 23 3; 2177 Hille* travele«! before original six quarts of oil were changed; n«» w at« r added to radiator during entire tnpj engine run continm»us|y for 200 h«»urt. 'Flic trip received a great «1« al of publicity, and in Mcx k «» the « ar wa* met by represent attvrs of the government. Wanted Large, clean cotton rag’­ ll the Argus office. Will p «y 5< per ¡mund 1115 2nd St. Next to I*. E. P. Co. Making Good « m «miaut t«ain«-rs who founded Oregon. pretty Mis* Marjorie Duna, above, was «hoben ‘ .Mis* Oregon * for the an­ nuii! I'loiK-vi Day c k-hrullon al i'ui I land. 4-11 Club Quilt Is Exhibited At Weil’s The quilt made by the I II club girls and <|tailt«-< k ( reek. “1 hr < >lti I>i*t ru t Sebo«»!,** given at the Hot k ( reck m I ioo I I «st Sat iirtlay night, wa* well attended Daniel fli'hrisen ¡»laved several ac- cordion w»l<>* between acts. Mis> Gurli (iu I.if on ami M in * Zur« lo r viated with the I thei latter’* parent* over the week end. Mi * Zurchrr ha* cofiiplrtcd her training at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. .Mis* Alice Tburnhehr of Port­ land spent the week «-nd wit h Miss Lydia Scheldt. L oii I h Bauer, (iotlicb Schneider anti Paul Heller had an automobile accident last Thursday morning on the way to Government camp ut Mount Hood. Mrs. Chri* Reichrn, who ha* hern ill for sonic time, i* able to be up again. Those who attended the birthday cel« bration of .Mrs. Peter Schniok- cr at U illamcttr from here were Mr. and .Mrs. Peter Zurchrr, Mr. and Mr*. Louis Zurchrr and the Hev. E. S< hridt. Carol I’urgy, who recently had an «»¡»erition at the Jones hospital In Hillsboro, i* convalescing. Southern Wc have machines of most all types and sizes at prices much below new. We thoroughly rebuild and refinish all machines and guarantee them uncondi­ tionally. Machines may be purchased on easy terms, and we also have a miscellaneous assortment of used store and office equipment of various kinds at very low prices. We distribute the new Add-Index Combination Add­ ing Machine and Cash Register. “Ask the. Man Who Uses One.” Royal Sales Company, Inc I senior manager of the sport. i I : Heinz Week at MacMarr Stores—Prices on Heinz Items Effective May 3rd to May 10th, Inclusive. Tickets Reservations made for any place in the world. Let me furnish you tick­ ets to PORTLAND or to CALCUTTA. RoLo/4 Rrnnc Three kinds—in tomato sauce, OuKeG DeailS—plain or kidney. Medium size i Tomato Soup- in111 Insurance, Bonds Vinegar- £Ä’hite:....... Room 3, Delta Bldg. Telephone 3171 Spaghetti-^.10 Rice Flakes PIGGLY WIGGLY Help Yourself from a Smiling Shelf « « 61 !,or25c 3 !ror 25c 2tor 25c 2'°25C 2f0,41C 2fr25c m May 3rd and 5th, 1930 Shrimp No. 1 cans Oysters 10c No. 1 cans Piggly Wiggly Flour Twin Bread 8C lb. loaf M. J. B. Coffee 1 lb. tin 39c Wesson Oil P. C. B. Golden Gate B. & M. Beans Buy it in the tins. Cookies or B. & M. Brown Bread Large 1 lb. box.......... 25C 2 tins............. 35c Quart 43C HOODY S PEANUT Sunset Matches Butter 2 ibs 35c Carton ............. Full Cream Cheese 15C 2 ibs 2for 19c 43c 29c 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuit 41c Tru Bake Crackers- fOrb’.caddy. Black Figs-fiba'hoice ,uality’. k M ac M arr C offee 6 to 8 pounds. ............ 19c Bulk Shortening Bulk Lard 2 ibs................. 29c 3 ibs 39c M ac M arr F lour Roasted in Portland. 1-lb. pkg. QQr* for......................................... di/V 3-lb. pkg. Q4 4£ for.................... -........... Measuring spoons available for those who have not been supplied Milled in the west. 49-lb. sack for.............. r-\ 100 size. Lettuce Solid heads. Each ........... 5c 55c 5c 5c 5c Three bunches 1*1 Radishes— for..................... z-x Three bunches • Green Onions— for........ SECOND STREET, HILLSBORO HILLSBORO 1VT F AT COMPANY SERVICE * QUALITY ____ Quality and Variety We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. In Fresh and Cured Meats $3.00 Orders Delivered in City. PIGGLY WIGGLY THE PRICE. SETS $1.59 Oranges- Dozen r> North­ 10-lb. sack for............. Bring Us Your Eggs 100 People Serve Them­ selves While 10 Are Being Waited On. Pacific Bananas- Pound /^» Picnic Shoulders 10c Approximately 50 pieces to the pound. Mazóla Oil- Sart can’ Piggly Wiggly IOC Big Value Gingersnaps--?er\Kb.val“e indeed It’s just as easy as going to your own pantry, You get just what you want and everyone knows Piggly Wiggly prices are the lowest you will find anywhere. For happiness in marketing, come to Piggly Wiggly. You can enjoy a varied meat menu, yet profit by consistent savings, by making all your selections here, . Large buying facilities enable us wholesale market . . . and the savings to command the pick of the v 1. are passed on to you. (Telephone Orders) Phone 3131 HILLSBORO, OREGON Portland, Oregon University of Oregon, Eugene Pacific : : Al water 9471 : PORTLAND,ORI GON (Paid Adverfiarmei «) New and Used Gaston Man Calls For New Managers KetchupÄ........ NOR BLAD /er GOVERNOR ( OMMITTFE I hud.fu.irttri: 20H I I Multnomah Hotel Russell Baker of Gaston, senior athletic manager, ha* Issued an ur* gent call for sophomore men to turn out for berth* on the baseball and track managerial staff*. Under the present system men turn out for managerial position* in their sopho­ more year. From their rank* three junior manager* are chosen, nnd one of these three men Is chosen a* the to J. Here they are—May Days! And every one finds the MacMarr Stores stocked to the fullest with fresh, seasonable foods. Full of flavor, health and whole­ some nourishment, these foods will bring praise from your family or guests. As for the VALUES—they are bigger than ever. We invite you to come in and see for yourself. You’ll be glad you came! Agent for We can help you sole your printing probit^?. Goiernor A. W. NORBLAD CASH REGISTERS 389 Stark St. I i vvyyvyvxvvyvv »*'^*»* r. 49 JX $1.59 KI NNI I It D. HAI st It. Ge* 7 ( kormua SAMU! L POWELL, Sort fury Il •rwra'f Dii hint J. Frankel. ( kormua Mrs. M. li. I.anion«, Seirtfary asked to offer their assistance the committer, of which It Securer is chairman. May Days are Big Value Days at the West’s Favorite Food Stores Rose Cave f <1 Keep him on the job! ! I Friday, Saturday and Monday, May 2, 3 and 5 University of Oregon, Eugene. — In the last pre-nriiaoii Baseball aerien “I could not sleep and got so nervous I hated everybody. Since taking Vinol, I can sleep 10 hour* and feel full of pep all day.” Juliii* Bender. Eor 30 year.* doctor* have ¡»re •erllicd Vinol because It contain* Important mineral clement* of Iron, calcium mil cod liver neptone. The ▼cry FIRST hottie bring* sound sleep and a BIG apprite. Nervous, wornout people are surprised how QUICK Vinol give* new life and pep I Tawte* delicious. The Hllls- imr<> Pharmacy. Adv. Junior Teams Will Clash At 4 Today i, i . i. , l . i Mid Co I >" wi E«|ulpinent I* needed f«»r the player*, follow««! with a song l»y I II «'lub ami it i* hoped that three other h»c»il organisation* will *pon*«»r the girl», m«»viiig pictures furnished by II « I* i< ifa I «1« |»lmn«- anil I el«* <»ther games in additi<»n to the corn inert ial cli/b. gt aph «-«»mpany, r« »«hugs by Mrs olio Amici »»n, n»ng . by th«- hoys’ The m I gam«-» the junior It. W. “Paddy” Kreil/, L. C Kra- >iuarlct, Ja< g B «rr, Robert Putter h.iM-hall s< ro will l»c belli at I rnien, IL M. Goodman, < H. No*|rr on, D«»nald Hollins and Elw«»«»d «»’< Im k this afternoon on the union arid Ray Dillon have offered their ( «»shit, under th«- direction «»f Miss high and iunmr high u hool athleli« .ervices a* cou< hr*. Other qualified Maurin«* M«»<»re, instructor of music fields. Ilo’ htii . started Monti iy h «1« hall men who are interested are in III«- Hillslmr«* grade school*; solos aftern«»«»n with four learn* iri ¡»lay, by Mrs. V. W. Gardner, accom team* number two and three win­ ¡».aided by Mrs. Charles Walker; ning No name* have been chosen r«-adings hy Mrs (o-«»rgc Jacks<»n, for the nine* arid «uggestioriH will ««»«»king d«-m«»nst rat ion by th«* club he welcomed from f «n* or *f»on*or*. girls under the direction of llo-ir hadcr, Mr*. I. C. K um I i , and a ¡»lay, “Stick ’Em I ¡>,” by the club, Lunch wun served after the pro- gram. I he «lui» wishes to thank th«* I lill hor«» ( hainber <»t ( «»mmerci for assisting with th«* program. District School” Is Successful Play • • Hoag Hits For U. O In Columbia Game Man Can’t Sleep, Gets Nervous, Hates People Page Three T II E II ILLS B OR O ARGUS, HILLSBORO, O R E G O N Thursday, May I, 1930. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR PRICES. WE WANT YOUR FAT BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND POULTRY.