Page Twelve Thunulay. Muy |, T II E H I L LS R OR O A R G US. II 11.1. S R O R O . O R E G O N SALE STARTS IV Free Tickets to the Venetian Theatre FREE See Monte Blue in the “Isle of Escape” TO THE FIRST TEN CUSTOMERS purchasing $10.00 or over 10 electric "Boudoir Lamps.” Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3 FREE To the first 50 customers making purchases of $1.00 or more Friday morning, May 2, we will give each a FREE TICKET TO THE VENETIAN THEATRE good Friday or Satur- day, May 2nd or 3rd. TO THE FIRST 5 CUSTOMERS purchasing $25.00 or «»ver, 5 beautiful 23-piece “Copper Lustre Tea Sets.” Gigantic Surprises in every department. Values like these can he found only at Washington County's Largest Dept. Store FREE TO THE FIRST 3 CUSTOMERS purchasing $50.00 or over, 3 beautiful 32-piece "Dinner Sets." Flat Crepes 250 Dresses For women and misses. Plain and printed silks, rayons and flannels. Sizes 14 years to 50 bust measure. Values to $10.00. Guaranteed Fast Reg $2 25 yard. white. 2 for $7 Another Lot 1 $15 to $25 COATS ' Corsets, brassieres and garter belts. Special factory shipment. Prac- tically all styles. Values to $3.00. Surprise Lot Brassieres Values to 75c. Some discontinued numbers that arc so popular. All sizes. 19c, 3 for 50c WASH DRESSES Surprise SPECIALS Rayon Princess Slips and smocks; and WHAT A SALE I Plain and fancy prints and ginghams. All sizes, values to Si. 98. A timely surprise for the ladies. All colors and JQz» your size________________ Coat, Suit Hangers Reg. 10c each. Extra special sur­ prise, your Op choice_____________________ Vwz Vai. and Art Lace Thousands of yards beautiful laces. This is indeed a surprise. Qn Yard_____________________ OV Women’s Hats Vais, to $5.00 Women’s and Chil A real surprise, Felts, straws and silks. All head sizes, $1 small «nd large. Get here early _ ___________________ dren’s Belts Surprise lot on sale, 5c each______________ Children’s Hats and Tams Straws, braids, knits and felts. Washington county's greatest assortment. Values to $1.50-------------------- black and $1.59 yard 49c $1.50 Pure Silk Hosiery Women’s full-fashioned Luxite, Allen A and Kayser 98c makes. 800 pairs to pick from. CHOICE________ A surprise table of 19c Women’s fancy turn-back cuff, guaranteed washable, All 49c colors. Reg. 98c___ Gloves Now 5c Pair PEQUOT PILLOW CASES Size 42x36. Reg. 50c value. Years of service at surprise savings. Each 39c $1.75 PEQUOT SHEETS 81x90 size for big double bed. Weil’s Department store’s ex­ tra special QQ price .... tJJXaWU Strong, comfortable nnd light. Spr rial conat ruction, »olid upper», Wrnrflri solei. Pair Mule links, Q^wZ» Oe>V $1.00 $1.88 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes Men’s Canvas Gloves Good grade white duck with knit wrists that don’t sag down. ON SALE, pair____________ 8c Our famous $198 cannery shoe. Heavy Xtrnrflcx soles, special waterproof welting and full leather lined vamp. Surprise Sale - Boys’ Heavy Overalls Blue denim bibs. Sweaters! Sweaters! For nil the family, All stylrs and sizes. A big table Take your pick early SPECIAL SURPRISE for the little folks. Mothers will take advantage of these remarkable values and buy two or three pairs______________ _ ' 11,1 98c 98c Sale Polo Shirts For men nnd boys. All colors. Reg. |1 M Sizes 28 to O. 88c Children’s Play Suits Genuine heavy blue denim waist or bib and bell bottom. All sizes, 4 years to 41 waist. Reg. $150 Men’s Suits A surprise never before equalled. Tweeds, cnssltiieres and worsteds. Values to $25.00. 98c Now Men’s Union Suits 39c Ask for Your Sewing and Crochet Books—FREE Boy’s Suits Colored Clark’s O. N. T., suitable for all sewing. Spool________ 2c All wool knicker suits with one and two pairs of pants. greatest surprise value store. Fast colors, selling reg. nt $2.50. The finest soft collar shirt made for men. All sizes to 17. Washington County’s Largest Dept. Store Hillsboro, Oregon $1.95 In Values to $10.00. 6 to 16 years. "Kirsch” Curtain Rods $3.98 Child’s Shoes and Oxiords Slsrs 4 tn 14 98c Values to $1.25. 36 inches wide and five feet long, with brackets, all ready to put up. While the/ last 10c Hegular $2 50. Leather Face Gloves A special surprise value. palms anil heavy canvas knit wrists. Pair 3 for _ $2.98 Men's Scout Bals Summer weight, serviceable knit. Short or long sleeves, ankle length__ Great Sale Purses Non-rustahle, brass finish, full ex- tension, with brackets. Values to 85c each_______ For women nnd minnr«. Braided uppers, one piece aule», reinforced nr» li. Combination tan color». Surprise ».de 8c 49c c Imported Sandals Work and Dress Sox Values to $2 00 organdy, lace and ribbon trimmed. Your choice Women’s crepe bloomers nnd step-ins, children’s rayon vests, girls' bloomer knee union suits. Spe­ cial table full of underwear bargains. Values to $1 00------------------------------------ »1 Colored cotton socks that look well and wear well. Surprise special Sale Infants’ Bonnets Underwear Surprise Hundreds of pair* of them. Solid leather, some a little out of date, but months of we ir in every pair Lake your pick 98c Men’s, Boys’ Overalls Oil Window Shades 100 Yards Thread Now’s the time to lay in your sup- ply for next fall. R 11.50 43c Women’s cotton gloves, suitable for house and garden work. NOW 69c Men’s Pajamas-Night Gowns Fast color stlfcl and hlckorv. Ages 2 to 8 yrnrs. Reg ffc 55c Printed scarfs and printed ties for women and misses. Vais, to $1.00___ and underarm bags, All colors and styles. Values to $3.00__________ Women’s famous “Munsing” summer union suits. All styles, I oose and tight knee, bodice and built- up tops, including 100 Munsing Rayon combina­ tions and step-ins, values to $2.50, surprise special «1 INCH Full 9-4 wide. Bleached. Make your own sheets and save at this surprise bargain. Per yard Vai. to $1 Neckwear 5c MUNSING ~Wëâr PEQUOT SHEETING For little girls. Take advantage now of this very low Afl pri<<-, each.........................tJAlVU Chamoisette Gloves Women’s and Children’s Hose 36-inch A. B. C. Prints Wonder assortment of guaranteed fast colors " 19c and tub. Reg. 25c and 29c yard Washanredy Krinkle Crepe Plain, fancy and modernistic patterns. Requires 19c no ironing. Reg. 35c yard___________________ Bright Colored Chailies Get your fail quilts started now. Buy this 19c chailie during surprise sale, yard_____________________ 13c Sale All-Silk Messalines Big lot silk that sold regular to $2.00 yard. 49c Extra Surprise Special__________________ Heavy Turkish Towel Sale Size 44x21, highly absorbent, double thread. Reg. 40c. 29c Surprize Special____________________________________ Values to 50c Surprise Lot Silk Mulls, Maulines and Veilings. These are mostly short lengths and imperfect materials ____________________ 5c Surprise Sale Woolens 36 to 54 inch washable fast color Kashas, 54-lnch tweed suitings and coatings. Values to 98c $2.00 yard____________ $3 Chinchilla Coats (ilossill t rope silk I Oc colored pencil* Combs I’.istri brushes I hitnblrs Hooks ami ryes I’kg needles Pkg. pins 2c SURPRISE SPECIAL 39c, 3 for $1.00 This spring's newest broadcloths and tweeds. Tans, greens and blues.’ New capes, princess high belted types and tailored styles. Sixes 14 to 48. Three-quarter socks, half socks and anklets. wonder values that sold to 50c pair. NOW------------------------------------------ Our finest flat crepes in 40 different colors, including Vai. to $5 Shoes For Women and Boys YOUR CHOICE Hair pint Bobby pins Safety pins Darning cotton Br lids Edgings Curd buttons Shor laces Snaps Colors $3.= 2c Notion SURPRISE The our Sizes