THE HILUSBORO ARGUS—HILLSBORO, OREGON T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A READY MARKET Willi IllfJ KFhlU.TM AT I.ITTLK 4<>hT 1I E irat linieri l*>n. per line (No service I«*« than I If •»> *• I Insertion, per line (Nu servire les* Ilum 'Jfir) |(eud«*r*. per Illiti (Nn nervice le»«» Ihmi 2bc) C onm I Five Werda I» (lie I.ine lllark l'ace lli-ndlnva Flach line rm I tie aniue aa Iwo Illic» (’ m » h ahoul'l accolti pun y (he order. When a atafein ent la tequlrei!, inininium charae la 60 renta. t'laaalflait rolumna rluae at IS o’Chnk Wrdiieadny Noun 1 <*r 5r 1 Or Spraying Now is thr tin»«’ lo Imvr yi Irri’M mid »mail fruilh hprayi-d I*» im»rr prnfiliibh* lo ronsidl « \p«-tl on ibis work Ilian lo g III»' work lo mi hirxpt rii iirrd in J. II m io i ga rdl 1 ’I huu * I I , 11illNboro I I waul u good, nlialdr man ?•» inh» IniNiio'ss for liimwlf No»rl lira».I Washington <'«>ui «llillg Rawhigli', ( Hind lit i I’riidix'l h lo farim'i'N A |»rrmam I'tofil dilr, mid ph*.i l»nsim-ss jour own. \ rry l»lllr r ipilal 'piii'd, Srr me quickly It Ml Fall, Hill Imro. On . KI. 15 £ilmnr^_____ LOR REN L modern Bert ( the For Four young fr«*Mh COWN » hrifi-rs; fhrrr cows fresh 15, with first calf; COW, r* I old, fresh May 13, giving 8. very rich milk a «lay: 2 , 17 mo. old, m H rea Lazurk, It. I I1/« lid honablr, III. imrth of I hll'Jmro high nch. I'’or Sab* 5 c«»wa, heavy i (i \V. Map«1.; half milr 1 (¡roncr’H cornrr, Scholl. Scholls 0521 lo young Jersey milk Millie to freshen in i monthly payment«. Iron., on highway */$ Masonic Imme, I oreht I5tf I* old K. < 3 y Cil TM Wf.l of 1.5p mont I in olir. + , ANNOUNCEMENTS Hutter wntch rvpiiirniK. ”h<*l lington the Jeweler.’* b H f belter let fix your wntch. He known how. J. L. Aliilerion Jeweler, r.'ii Main Ht 1 Ot f BUSINESS DIRECT LORY I'urinaiK nt wave, wit h rintflvt chd.H, can bv hu<• Beauty Shopp«*. rh"ii<* 1 !IH 1 W 1 :i it Transfer !,< »«•«I and lolltf di'- tniiuv hauling’. Frank B arr, 1O32 Second »lr< Early <*«•O<|M X For S planter, planter; I isclicn, 151 lidi \v<- • » mo wits ton St., iM-ur (’arinory. Better let Andy fix your watch. He known how. J. L. Anderson, Jeweler, Main 1211 street. 16tf Electric welding, oxy acetylene welding; nil kind* of machine work. — ChrtatrnRen Machine Works, 1155 Washington St . p|ionr 561. 2tf ('arpenter and jobber, built-in fixtiii« n, icreenn made to order. William Dailey, IlilMmro, R. I, Box 1 13, near Helvetia. I2tf For Sale—Machinery, Tool» for nule. Hills* 1 2tf FOR SALE—Cars and Tires FOR SALE or EXCHANGE Eighty acres for 3 good milk at Arjfus of- rows.— Inquir«* 9 till fir«'. For Snlr or Tr.i, Hills- I.Mf >CM MX5OüM'JOC>0OOOOOninQ©CM'ÎOOOC><'M'M5C 1924 Ford coup?) good condi- MacKonzie Dillon, tion.—Kay Motor Co. 5tf ÜMcd cars bought _ and «old.— Used (’ar Exchange Second and Washington street«. *21 tf Eor Sale Buick sedan in prr- fret running condition; W'iuld «-on- sid<-r small rar in trade; must sell at once. Phone 2621 for odr.t ('liiircli, ( 'orm liiis. County Court Kulr I'I hii I h for Soli* I lenry Kriehcl, fir I house '.oiilh of Min 1er bridge. lÄp J. II Klone, <20 97 ; J. Nyberg, (25.47 ; «hai Ri/ber»’. |2'»9t; . J. Nyberg. (24 95, W. RaroApy. <17.45; tì. Nyberg. $3.49 . C. I Curti«, Il 49. w. T. Mereen, <9 97 ; <)ld new paper at tin­ « ha» Schafer, <4.50; G«. Wade. «60; For Sale Mereen, <15. <7 . f L. Brown, Arguo uffir«*; IOc per burnii«*. ti K. A <5 99; A. EL hmMt. <11.23; Je««* Bart- Mt, <6.9H Ed Demmin, <2; B. A Brown. <13' ; F I. Brow*, • ■* ■ A FL B»hrni»|t, l.>,. Br.iwn, <35.93. OSWEGO TAKES VICTORY Ade Kutcrhrnan. <13.96; F>1 Dernmin, FROM LOCAL TOSSERS <9 97; John hp.-irii ir. <17 47; Roy Fiel) , <3 49; F I. ftr ■».wn. <54 94. A. E. .Schmidt. <'/> 51 . I‘ ' Reid weg, <37.99 ; Ed (Continued from Page One) Demmin. <•'.»; 9'» ; B A Br-.wn, <9.97; I: 99 ; Ade Rutschman, Esta W h iihlumgal Camas, 2 to I. <7.98; J'.hn Sp.i ring. <13.9-; F. L. ruda Real < )rrg'»n City, I I to 6. Brown, <24 71; A F. Schmidt, <12.35; and Vancouver maiutaim-d its tie hw Demrnin, <». '»- Ed Demmin, 4 ; L. E. ner, < m .9 m . J, E Milze! I, (21.72; morin! «tay r bi’twrrn th«* Si-ll wood Fuller, <14 59, Bill Fuller . <26 92 ; Pharniíiry ¡ mid Hiltaboro waH won Johansen, 112; Sherw»M>d Valley Ll Luk«* «•» , <31 39 by the I lillni(*n, M to 2. J. N yberg. 19«»; L L E. SI angel, «»n th«* mound, h*t th«* Wilke», deputy y »-ounty surveyor, <4! 13 : L. I*. Hhaw, <15/ .75, Peter Hoffman, <7.99; I visitors down with six hits, whilf » Rudolph N. I •en. » (2.49; Harry Luck. his teammates Wf*r«* finding r the ' DI HitrhcfM-k, <62.8«); Chas. L. E. Slegal, <2.99; Mailer ftpposing hurlers for 12 saf<* bin < Walker, Bro«.. <1122. W»»le A rment raut, <4.49; gles c. Railing, <10.49; H. Vanderzanden, II I 11illsboro \ B. If • 2 99 Albert Vanderzanden, <14.97; J O <) M. Vanderzan»! fen, 31*71. H Jr ir. <2.24 ; 0 I B. Turi-., 2b Stanley Hahn, • 1 50 II JcHse, 75c; J. M. (I Vanderzanden, 0 3 I De.ville. If <26.21 ; (i. I*. Esaner, Q 0 o Robinson, rf 4 I . • «ner. <5.98; Ray Montyorn- 98 ; H Whatley, <5.98; A. Erd- 0 0 0 4 Hoag, ss 4» Ba *n R»a. <5.98 . E. Weight, () I 0 4 I., Turk, 3b W Wi­ •ii'ht, <1.49 Julius Weight, 0 o 0 3 Stangid, If ll. Van iderzanden, 12.99; Phil Her- «> .98; A. . Herget, < m .96 ; A Cia 0 get. 0 3 I lelpla n< he, rf . Mar Sta'lelman, $2.i 9; C. Da LVIM. 0 tlx n 0 3 K r<-il /., (• adelman. 1149; Scholls 1 Tile 92. a 19 ; J 0 Co., <2 16. Hare »1 St earn«, <* 3 6.3 ; W. L. o O 3 Dwyer, p Ste’ ven«, <6 W. L. Steven». <4.05; W. L. 1 Stevens <3 5; Sherrnan-Stan w » mm | Lum- 33 I Total her Cu <: .08; MacKenxie Motor Co., E. •591.50 Ir n M Smith I ( right-of-way », AB. It ( IsW'rgO 0 0 Holt & F t». <5«».4O; Rollin«* Gar- 4 •25; Gebhardt, lb •25.35 ; MacKenzie Motor Co., o age, 0 1 • Brooks • 19.35 ; C. R Grinding A Ma»-hine 0 Works, Inc., W <33 0 3 Jagrlski, rf 4«); Cady Motor Co., 0 <255.52 f ’orwiri Hardware, <2.50; Chris- 0 4 Smith, ms <39.50; Factory tensen Machine Work«, 0 0 4 Roberts, 2b Motor Car < • <24.85: Federal Pipe and 2 0 Tank I Rittenhouse, rf Co., <3 52 ; ; The Frederick Post Co., 0 <2.12; G H. P. Lumber Co.. <19«).8>; G 0 3 Shipley, 3b •> I’ Lumber Co.. <1.38; Hi H^lsbp. <2.30 ; JnrtJn & 0 Gite, 15* 18; .1 D Kelly A Ron. <225.80; o 0 3 Swart/., p J. L. Latturc Equipment Co., 125; Mark- Gear Co.. •10.20; C M Pnwell. o « 0 worth 30 Total <12.50; F. L. Pranger Co., < 1 H. 1 0 ; Rob- • Brooks I in Kth for J agri ski. ert« F Service Station, 1 <2.25 ; RoberUon Heavy Hardware Co., <3o44; H. W. Hillsboro 4 Sharp Co. . <3.08 ; Smith i Auto Parts Co., I 0 n n 1 1 0 0 Hits Wheeler Co., <11.71; “ Woodbury & 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 () I <75.65; G. Runs _ W ______ Marsh. <48 ___ ; _ Bitulmuls A«phalt Sales ( ’ <».. <365.17; Central Sand (taw’ego I A Gravel Co., (43.76; Concrete Pipe Co., 0 •> 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 Hits <34.56; Concrete Pipe Co., • 100.44 ; Con- 0 o o 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 crete Pipe Co., <15.55; Lester Ireland Runs Rittenhouse. First A Co., <28.37 ; Lester Ireland & Co., Two base hit <2.65; Lester Ireland A Co., <39 : Lester on balls <)ff Swartz 1, off Hwy er Ireland A Co., <3.90; R. J. . Schwanke. By Swartz !i. bv <48.25; Portland Electric Power Truck out I 1 Co., Left on bases Hills 27c; Portland Gas & Coke • c... tM Dwyer H Sander ’s Bailey ’ s Tire Shop, <15.95; ball - Passed boro 2( ( Iswego 1 Magneto Shop, <44.53 ; G. W. Bean Co., Hit by pitcher— Ilitten- <2.62; F'eenaughty Machinery Co.. <109; K rcitz. Eeenaughty Machinery Co.. <15.84 ; (?arl- house. Pet ro­ ...n & Sherk <■• r»., <84.75 ------- : General ‘ ~ A ». r . H I’ha r. Sell. di. M Barnes», <26.91; leum Corp. 4> 0 I •Srhefter Kuratli & Wismer, <10; "L I. C. Melquist, •> 0 o <3.45; Otto Erickson A Co., . <22.20 ; C'*ast Rejrotti, If Sale«. Inc., <4 20; The P. J. Cronin Co., 1 I 3 T. I’ecciu, ss <“2 ; Benz Su rings. <2o.O6 : Ballou & o () 3 Sa re anioni, 2b Wright, <2.0"; Barde Steel Co.. <123.67; 0 1 3 Colyear Motor Sales <9.30; J. E. Milan, lb 2 Hasel tine A Co.. <7! Hillsboro Bat* o t Wilson, 3b Howard-Coop- tery Service Station. 1 0 l.uciino, exp.. H 1J Hanyen. circuit court reporter, state 39 Total cases. <25.20; J. W. Connell, county sher­ (»th. •Johnson for Gross in iff. tax dept.. <117.40; Geo. Spiering. Sell wood — damages, sheep killed by dogs, dog license f> fund. •it; Mrs. ~~ V. C. Clinton, bounty, Hits ----- 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 • > <8.40; Jacob Huenergardt. court house 0 o <) 0 o ♦> 0 0 0 Runs • 125; Vernon C. Strubb. circuit exp., I lillsboro ..— court juror (march. 1929), <27; Wm. 12 0 X Scott, bounty. (l.oO; Aloha Wood Yard. I 1 I o 5 3 I Hits * - ■ •> relief . R. Jone«, <6.25: Edw. C. Luce. H 0 X I I 0 I () 3 Runs o Dea county clerk. <150; Z. R. Hiatt, deputy Two-base hits I. Turk county * clerk. <115.00; E3thel Campbell. VlllCt Robinson, B. Turk. Th rec­ deputy » county clerk. <100; Josephine on balls base hit—L. Turk. F'irst Off Stangel 2, off Galloway, Struck out By Slangel Arena 1. L».« PIANO TUNING ........ -j 3, by Arena I. Left 6, by Galloway M. G. HUGHES on bases Sellwood 5, Hillsboro 5. 17 Years’ Experience bases Milan, Luciano, Stolen Radio troubles adjusted— \ augbn, Deaville Robinson. Prices Reasonable The last panic in the first half 2136 Main Street. Phone 2085 of the season v will be played on local grounds Sunday after- with Washou gal-Camas WCHJMHI M lihNu FAMM max HIHII POTATOES - L A When the Sun Shines Bright —and the hay needs cutting—FAST Let this McCormick-Deering Mower Do the Job. When weather conditions are favorable at hay- ing time you need a mower that goes over the You can’t af- fashion fields in true businesslike fashion. ford to risk your crop with a slow out-of-date machine that wastes precious sunshine because of breakdowns, etc. McCormick-Deering Mowers are durably math« of the best materials obtainable and assure you ot great reliability. They tire designed for fast work with a minimum amount of labor. They are built to meet every field requirement. We have both the high-lift and vertical-lift types on display at our store. Come in and see. them—and get acquainted with a real mower that offers many modern refinements and fine features. Attention! Poultrymen McCORMICK-DEERING VERTICAL and H I G H - L J F T HAY MOWERS Now Cold Storage ■ For Sale or to Be Returned This Fall. Cal! McKinley Mitchell & Son SETH Do not overlook the fact that your growing pul­ lets require close observation at this time for in­ ternal parasites (worms). We have for your re­ quirements pullet size gizzard capsules that will keep the flock free from worms. MILLER Phone Hillsboro 1641 SUMMER WOOD One capsule to each bird weighing 2'a pounds more Coccidiosis 4-ft. Wood For the control of Coccidiosis we are making a Lacto Milk Mash, specially prepared. The milk used is manufactured for this purpose, and is better than the 40 per cent dried sweet milk. The Lacto Milk does not force growth A trial will be convincing. Best Old Growth Fir ....................... $6.00 Second Growth Fir ...................... $5.25 Second-class wood, cord ................... $4.50 Quality Feeds As Your Needs 16-in Wood, first class, cord .................... $7.00 16-in. wood, second- class, cord $6.25 12-in wood, cord $7.50 First-class slab, $4.50 cord ; We Have Them IlMPERlAL Feed and Grain Co., Inc "Quality Feeds for Every Feeding Purpose” Hillsboro Good equipment makes a good fanner better Burbank Seed Potatoes 310 Exchange Bldg., Portland Beacon 5528 Hillsboro Feed Company McCormick-Deering Machinery and Implements 1004 Main Street Telephone 271 ■ Phone 511 731 Second St See us for other wood prices. Hillsboro Truck & Fuel Co Phone 1402 PAGE NINE Hughes, deputy cr>unty clerk, E. II. exp., <13 90; E. L. Hobbs, county sur- I 1 rene veyor. <22.50; Jones Auto T»»p Sh«»p, | plaintiff*« roNtfl taxed at <14 25. and the Sappington, county treas., (haprnanh clerk, county treas, J • court hou«e exp.. <3.50; Hillsboro Phann- , iff and upon «aid writ; command­ Jarne* D Davis, county recorder, • 100. ary, county jail. <35.90; luunty assessor. coat« ing me to make «ale of the following rder, 60c; relief, •2 50; * “ — Claude FL — Smith, arribed real pr»»i»erty «ituate«! in Wash­ <90 ; Vatan« Valene Underwoo«], deputy county county h»*p., <29.25; Independent Trana- [ ington County, State of Oregon, towit t re<’order, •90; <90; Lawyer-« ('»»-Op Pub. Co., fer and Fool »I Oil Delivery, court house| The «outh quarter of the «<»uthw«et law library fund. •30; C. C. C. Bannister, exp., <41 40 . Oregon Laundry, county quarter of the aoufheaat quarter (S'* of circuit court bsiliff, •42 N. EL Stangel, hosp.. <37.77 ; Hillsboro Pharmacy. county I SW't of SF:1,» of «cction twenty-seven clerk r ircuit judge. <75; Jo «eph _ Robinson, hosp . •25.74 . H. N. " “ Huck ‘ & ‘ “ Sons, Inc., (27); and north half of the northeast bailiff grand jury, <9. N. A. Frost relief N A. Fuller. <2 H. A Wahner. quarter (N’j of NF.1*) of section thirty- rou n t y >1 supt.. <150; Zola F. Mor- county jail, • I 50 ; A J. Williams and four (34), all In township one (l) gan, i asst, to county school supt. • 100; R. Sorenson, county jail I i lx>ard of pris- south range three (3). w«t of the Wil­ J W Connell, conn y sheriff, I <149 69 . oners >. <3'2.2o. J W Connell, sheriff's lamette meridian, containing ninety (90) ( Chaa. Follette, dept y county sheriff, •xp., (86.85; <86 -- J. W W. CofltMil, tn < acres. <13 4 69 , Paul Parsn i», deputy sheriff, • 12; “ Percy Long, court house exp., 50c ; _ ‘ Now. therefore, by virtue of said ex­ < I 34 69 ; A F. Sr her lei, deputy sheriff, Hillsboro Sash and Do«»r Planing Mill, ecution, judgment, decree and order of <134 69 ; 1 / alt, jaijor, 116 69 ; Inc., county hosp., (3.63; H. A. Wahner. sale and in compliance with the com­ janitor, •50 . H , « . Elsner, tax i col lee­ county hosp., <1.65; A. L. McBride, re- mands of said writ, 1 will on Monday, tor, • 124.69 ; Newell M»'Crum, deputy lief S. Carter. (20; O. D. Glover * Son, the 1st d iy of duly. 1929, at 10 o'eloefc tax collector. <99.69; Viola Sundberg, relief M E. R«>i»er. <10 ; HaneCs Electric A. M . at the front door <»f the county d deputy tax collector, <99 69; Helen Con- Shop, county h»sip., <3 f 25; Beattie (k court house in Hillsboro, Oregon, sell at nell, clerk tax dept., <22.5 8; Mildrsd Hoffman, Inc., county _ __ j w>rt\«r. <1.60: public auction. subj<>rt to redemption, to Lindholm, clerk tax dept., <90.33; Wmd- H. A. " Kuratli, salary justice of the the __ ______ highest bidder for cash in hand, all «sor Cuore, i lerk tax flept., . <40; Dr. R. J. Nicol, county ho«v ip., <7 ; Cor- G'Hxlman, janitrcM» county hosp., I win Hardware, eounty «heriff. 60c ; West In the County Court of the State of Ore- Anna 8. K etc hem, nurse eounty (’« a-’ Telephone ('<>.. circuit judge. <8.65; gon. for Washington County. <52.50; Chaa. Hcoglund, •22.50; county school nrho'd supt., <4.80; county sur­ In the Matter of the Estate of William Gemerquette, S3«); Lillian Larson, veyor. <410; <4.10; tax dept., <3 <3.50; 50; c»»unty Tolke, deceased. county h»Mpital (general». •2 m ; 1 sheriff, •40.65: <40.65: county recorder, re»-order, <3.50; Notice is hereby given that the under­ Boley, eounty as»eHi*or. <154 0; J. K county •ounty clerk. <3; county treasurer, < <3.65; ’>. signed has been duly appointed by the {»enter, deputy euuntw aj Msssor, juvenile officer, M.1S: <6.15; . county judge, above ertitled court as the Administratrix Helen Steinke, deputy cm unty assessor, <5.55; Frank’s, county 1 h»* h»*p., p.. <56.20; of the estate of said deceased, and has <100; Sarah Whileside, slip copyist coun- Glaser Bros.. county c»»unty hosp,, hosp., . (7.43: <7.43 ; Lester duly qualified as such. ty assessor, <12; Vernrta Netocm, slip Ireland A Co., county hosp., h«>sp., •13.52: <13.52 : FL Now, therefore, ail persons having copy ixt county asHessor, <54.25; Elizabeth W. Marvin Co., county ’ hosp., hrsp., 1 <17.75; against said estate are hereby Birdsel), slip copyist county assess»»r, The Upjohn Co., Inc., c county inty hosp., <6.14: claims notified and required to present the <38 5«»; Marguerite Munflon, «lip copyist Swift A Co., county hoap.. hosp.. <8 <8; ; Clair same, together with proper vouchers county asse-sor, <35 ;0 Ruth Phillip -........z*. «lip Wetzel, bounty. <2 io: J. . E. Mitzel, coun- therefor, to the undersigned at the law copyist county a»ses»or, <17.50; H. A. ty hosp.. <21.72 : Fuller, t eounty ___ Bill Ball, slip copyist county assesaor, <45.5«). hosp., , <1122; S. E. Fayram, sheriff’s offices of Hare, Mr Aiear A Peters, in the Shute Savings Bank Bldg., in Hills­ Relief Della Bertha A rmst rung. <10 ; exp., <31.25; M J. Haynes. sheriff’s boro, Oregon, within six months from the Mr«. CurlejA Bennett ( ( for Eugene Hal- exp.. <5; Palace Laundry Co., county I date hereof. Mr». lett», <15; Mm. Riley Boyd. <12; <27.01; MacKenzie Motor Co., sher- Dated this 16th day of May, 1929. H. F. Bridgman, <8; Mrs. Minnie Buz- exp.. • I 10.95; Dr. J. B. Dinsmore. I LENA TOLKE, hard, <10; Agatha Co »x»per, <15; Anna county jail, •7.50; Edw. C. Luce, county Administratrix of Said Flstate. Custard, <8; Thomas E •¿merick. <12; Mrs. clerk, dog license exp.. (6.30; circuit Harriet Fagalde, <10; John Frederickson, court, state rases, 36r ; circuit court exp., Hare. MrAiear A Peters. Attorneys for Administratrix. 12-16 /7. Katie Gohte, <15. M. R. Hag, <15; <«5: county . clerk. <6 ; J. W. Copeland Mary Ellen Holland, <10; Ermin Jensen Yards, county hosp., <12.93 ; C. L. Oakes’ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT (guardian of minor children of Chris Grocery, relief F. Osborne. <10.17; f'nin- ; Jensen, deeeaaed», <40; Stella Kelly, <10; ty jail, <7.50 : S. M. Reagan, county Frank Kelaey, (10; Mrs. Myrtle Manon. herd i r> - . $2 1 ! ' 7 ; J. W. e<,pelanti In the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon, for Washington County. <10; Grace C. Matteson, <6; Mrs. Adelia Yards, court house exp., <31.47 ; Alaho Messersmith, <15; Alice B. Messinger, Grain A Fuel Co., relief J. R. Jones, In the Matter of the Estate of John Henry Herdlein, deceased. $10; Catherine Morris, $10; Mrs. Mary K. <9.80; D. P. Corrieri, court house exp., ____ , Notice is hereby given that the under- Neilson, <20; Mrs. Sarah Nunely, <12; 97; The Swender Blue Print Co., county vr u q • ’ , sign«!, duly appointed administratrix of Mrs. Blanche Palmer. <15; Flora Peschka, assessor, f • ir /o- 7« <191-5; C»*leV — Truck Service the above named estate, has filed in the <15; Tom Pickering. <5; Mrs. W. A. court hunty assessor, _ _____ such, and the Schreiner, <10; Mrs. Minnie Sharp. <20; Frederick Post Co., county <1; The account and report as survey» r. eourt has fixed the 14th day of June. .Mrs. C»»ra Strum. $10; Clara Y. Srn«k, <35.28 ; ----- Hillsboro Pharmacy circuit court 1929i at :h< hoar of 10 o.cIock * of <12.50; Elois Schweizer. $15, Mrs. J. F. exp. ___ (jury mcai.l, »19.50: Hlllahoro said day and the court room Tolson, <20; Mrs. Vaseleif, <10; Press Transfer ---- . .----- -------------- — the Co., court house exp.. <2.81 ; Vincent. $10; Filmore Wolfe (for Mrs. .MacKenzie Motor Co., county comrs. exp., above entitled court in Hillsboro, Oregon, Dora Wood». <15; .Mathilde L. Worley. •732.50; W. B. Coon, county herd insp., as the time and place for hearing objec­ <15; Mrs. Pearl Morton, <32.50; Mrs. <216.45; Helwig-Ch*nman Co., tax dept.. tions to said final account, and for the final settlement of said estate. Freda Well-. <15; Mrs. M. Amarher. $20; S. E. Fayram. county clerk’s ex­ La ted this 16th day of May. 1929. Mrs. Grace D. Creese (for Willard M ir- <16.54; <5.50; S. E. Fayram, dog license j ALVINA HERDLEIN, riei, <10; .Mr. and Mr«. Frederick Hill­ pense, Electric Power 1 fund. 15.50; Portland — S Admini»tratrix of the Estate of Said yard, <10; Edith M. Varley, <17.50; Mrs. Co., county hosp., <17.52; Harry John- Deceased. Frances Randolph, <30. sheriff’s exp.. <13.95; Bushong A Paul L. Patterson, deputy dist. atty., son, elections, <17.79; Ed Miller, relief, Hare. McAlear & Peters, Attorneys for Administratrix. 12-16 • 150; Agnes Wahlgren, dist. atty. exp.. Co.. Hillsboro Sash & Door Planing <15; <75: Grace Millgate Richmond, county Mill, Inc., court house exp.. <12.09; Hills- ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS health nurse. <200. Transfer Co., county —-- ------------------ v hosp., <2.50; Jurors, circuit court, Nov. term., 1928 boro ’ Garage. Garwe. county hosp., h«ip.. <3.50 «3_S0 ; In th< County Court of the State of Ore- P. Downing, Rollins (March. 1929»- Hiram MacKenzie Motor Co., county hosp., 75c; ’7? ' gon, for Washington County. <30.60 ; Lewis Powers, •20.40; Edw. B. Lester Ireland & Co., county 1 . — r., - In_ the Matter of the Last Will and *p Catching, $25.80; Albert Running, <23.80; <11.54; M Marugg. cattle indemnity, n <10; Testament and Estate of Minnie Hein­ Alva M Wodell. <23.80; H<«mer R. Em- Dr. O. H. Holmes, institute exp., <10; eck, deceased. <21 Kirk Hoover, <24.60 ; Gordon Supt. S. S. Duncan, institute exp.. <10; Notice is hereby given that the under­ Fisk. (25.80; F. G. Brown. <26.2'»: Floyd Mrs. Ruby Scherar Brennan, institute FL H» ffman. <30; Allen Day. (8.40; Th»-. exp. <10; Clarence Sievers, bounty, 90c; signed have been by the above entitled Bradley, <30; B. O ~ rima n. ~ <22. NO; Fred S. B»*ly. bounty. <3; The Sherwin-Wi- court duly appointed joint executors of Pearson. <22.20 ; David C. Stokesberry. Co., county hosp.. <5.06: Lester the last Will and Testament and Estate • 18.60 ; Geo. Andrews, <40.20; L. C. liams Ireland A Co., county jail, <1.15; court of Minnie Heineck, deceased, and have <22.80; Floyd Shay, <4.44; house exp.. <31.38: C. A. Dunham Co., duly qualified as such joint executors. •< __ Otto B. Bennett. $7.40: J. W. Kelley. $9; court house exp.. <25.84; H H. Carey, All persons having claims against said required to present the Emil Duyck, <10.40; Henry G. Cox. 312; sheep killed by dogs, dog li- estate to are us. hereby with proper vouchers, at the Geo. I. Gebhardt, <10.80; Jno. A. Lindow, damages, fund. (30; Earl FL Fisher, bounty, same law office of M. B. Bump, in Hillsboro, <10.80; Phillip Hillecke. <9.80; J. R. cense Union Oil Co. of Calif., court Washington County, Oregon, within six Loftis, $10: Chas. L. Downing. <9: Geo. <1.10; house <25.30: Aloha Mercantile exp.. months from date hereof. Hughson, <10; Robert FL Burns. <10.20; Co., relief of J. R. Jones (February Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, May 14, Bernard Hee*«acker. <8.80; Glen H. Epier. an»1 March». <42.9fL___________________ _ 1 1929. $10.5«»: David T. Beck. <11.60; Chas. L. WALTER H. HEINECK and BEN HETN­ Crocker. <9.40; Geo. T. Pratt, <9.80; NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ICK, Joint Executors of the Last Will Wm. Richter. •6>»» ; FSdwin Allen. $’‘.-" ; and Testament of Minnie Heineck, De­ John H. Buchanan, <6.80; Newton John­ In the County Court of the State of ceased. son. <8.20. Oregon, for W ’ ashington County Date of first publication May 16, 1929. Jurors, circuit court, March term,’ 1929 In the matter of the estate of William Date of last publication June 13, 1929. (March» —Lesley J. Andrews. <28.50; Les- N. Brown, deceased. M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. Oregon, ter M. Davis, <27 ; Archie Campbell. Notice is hereby given that the un- i D. D. Bump, Forest Grove, Oregon, <22.80 ; R.ibert Alexander. <29.10; The». Attorneys for Said Executors and Es­ Rich. <19.80; Albert Hergert. <21.60; dersigned administrator of the estate of tate. 12-16 Jas. L. Cline. $7 ■ ■ : Fred w. Her-_-er. William N. Brown, deceased, has filed <4.40 ; Chas. B. Buchanan. <21 ; Le<» L. his final account and report as such Notice is hereby given that the un­ Arns, •30 ; Rutherford Wheeler, <2*.20 ; administrator in the county^ court of ” -------- dersigned, a sister of Arthur Schmidt, Comstock, the state of Oregon, for Washington L. V. B. Prickett. •34.20 county, and that said final account and a former resident of Metsger, Washing­ •28.20 : Arthur Bauer. <30 ; Chas. report has been set for final hearing ton County, Oregon, has applied for •28.80; Vernon C. Strubb. J9 ; < and settlement before said court at the letters of administration of the estate of Baldwin. (27.60; Charles Hanson. < Bucher, <26.00; E. D. Bicknell. court room of said court in Hillsboro, the said Arthur Schmidt, for the reason Fred “ * B. Clement, <5 ; Mont- Oregon, on Monday. July 1, 1929, at 10 that the said Arthur Schmidt disap­ •23.40; Arthur _____ gomery Turner. •5.80: Jno. Wenger. <3; o’clock a. m. of said day. peared during August, 1921, and has not Peter F. Johnson. <3 : Alfred Pieren. <3 ; Dated and first published May 30, 1929. been heard of or from since that time, John B. Bateman, <3; Herbert A. Hub­ Date of last publication June 27, 1929. and that upon Friday, the 12th day of July. 1929, at the hour of 10 o’clock bert (3. F. L. BROWN. Widows’ Pensions—Cora Mabel Bell. Administrator of the Estate of William A. M., in the county court room in the • 17.50; Bertha Bores. <25; Nunda A. court house in Hillsboro, Washington N. Brown, Deceased. Brown. $25; Florence Butcher, $25 : Min­ M. B. Bump, residence and address Hills­ County, Oregon, the court will hear evi­ nie Cox. <10; Mrs. Grace D. Creese. dence concerning the alleged absence of boro, Oregon, $17.5'»; Grace Mary Downs. $10; Lottie D. D. Bump, residence and address For­ the said Arthur Schmidt, and the circum­ Blanche Ezell. $40: Mrs. Myrtle Finsley, stances and the duration of said absence est Grove, Oregon, 110; Ada $40; Margaret E. Gritzmacher. _ 14-18 and the presumption of his death. Attorneys for Said Estate. Hagen. $32.50; Eva Hansen, $10; Laura This notice is served pursuant to an T. Hayes. 31”: Mary FL Johnston. $25; order of the Honorable EL J. Ward, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Mrs. Stella Kearn, $32.50; Martha M. I judge of the above entitled court, made Miller. 125; Elizabeth Millett. $10; Maude . Notice i, hereby riven by 11» under- i ent^ on^th. Mth rrv n. A. Bennett, grand juror. Oregon, for Washington County. Barber. grand juror. <9.20; Clyde A. In the matter of the Estate of Lucy A. SIMMONS ’ <12.40; “ Paul ‘ ’ J. Leedy. grand ‘ juror, Coolidge Baker, deceased. William <10.80; juror. grand _____ Beck. _____ Notice is hereby given that the un­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Clark, grand juror, <10.20; H. H. Arm­ dersigned has been duly appointed by Oregon, for Washington County. field, grand juror. $10.20. the above entitled court as the Admin­ George FL Walmer and Clara M. Wai- Witnesses. Circuit Ci----?. C Court . rt Ver n Buhl- istrator of the estate of the above mer, husband and wife. Plaintiff, vs. win, state vs. W. E. Taylor. <3.20; Mrs. named deceased, and has duly qualified M. K. MacRae, Defendant. Jennie Baldwin. State vs. W. FL ” Taylor, as such. To M. K. MacRae, the above named de­ <3.20; I. M. Tucker, State vs. G. A. fendant : having Now, therefore, all persons Richards. <3.20; John Ryan. Vtate vs. claims against said estate are hereby In the name of the State of Oregon: Arthur Miltenberger. $2 ; Wm. Goetter. notified and required to present the You are hereby required to appear in State vs. Arthur Miltenberger. $2 ; Mrs. same. together with proper vouchers the above entitled court and answer the Helen Homer. State vs. Mrs. Emma therefor, to the undersigned at the law complaint filed against you in the above Berg. <6; Mrs. Margaret Roberts. State offices of Hare. McAlear A Peters, in entitled cause on or before the 14th day vs. Mrs. Emma Berg. <6: Mrs. Margaret the Shute Savings Bank Bldg., in Hills­ of June, 1929, said date being after Roberts. State vs. Mrs. Emma Berg. <6; boro. Oregon, within six months from the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this O. M. Taylor, State vs. N. J. Skee. the date hereof. i summons; and if you fail so to appear <3.60 ; Harley L Taylor. State vs. N. J Dated thi« 16th day of May. 1929. State vs. C. L. Leedy. <3.60 ; answer said complaint, the Plain­ Skee. JAMES A. SEWELL, will apply to the Court for the re­ N J. Skee. •5.40; W. G. Clark. State Administrator of the Estate of Lucy A. . 3kee, $3.20: Mrs. Simington. prayed for in their complaint, to- vs. N. . J. Coolidge Baker. Deceased. For a decree declaring the Plain- Slate ’ vs. N. J. Skee. $3.49; Mr. Marrs. Hare, McAlear & Peters, N. J Skee. $3.40; Mrs. Marrs. be the owners in fee - simple and State vs. 12-16 tiff« to ----------------------------- Attorneys for Administrator. in the actual possession of all of Lot 6 1 J. Skee. $3.40; E. D. Lusby. State vs. N. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Block 1 of Hocken’« Addition to Beav- State vs. N. J. Skee. $3.60; Walter ....... State V». vs. Royal Weckert. ; erton, Washington County, Oregon, as Schmidt. O. w. Galbreath. State vs. Royal Weck- In the County Court of the State of ( Ore" ( the same appears upon the duly recorded D. L. gon, for Washington County. plat thereof in the office of the Record- $6; ; C. FL Fuller. State vs. Royal ert. <6 In the Matter of the Last Will an<* | er of Conveyances of said County and Weckert, <6. Testament and Estate of George F- State; and that you and all persona Grand Jury Witnesses Minnie Brandt, Heineck, deceased. ; ! claiming oy, by, inruugu through vr or unuvr under you, be »8.40: F. E. Rowell, <4.20 ; W. L. Notice is hereby given that the un- , forever barred and precluded from claim- Schmidt. <6 ; FL D. " Lusby, <3.40: D. O. Galbreath. <6; J. 1 H. Reichert. <3.20 ; dersigned has been by the County Court 1 ¡nK or attempting to claim, asserting or <6 ; c. H. Roberts. <6 ; of Washington County, Oregon, duly ap- attempting to assert any right, title or M J. Haynes. ‘ pointed administrator with the will an- • interest in or to, or claim or lien upon W. B. Coon, •3.20. rea| property, adverse to the title James H. Davis. county recorder’s nexed of the estate of George F. Heineck. exp.. <9.<<: 1 Mrs. A. B. Todd. county deceased, and has duly qualified as such an(j interest of the Plaintiffs therein Carpenter. administrator. t and thereto. sheriff’s exp., • 14.70; J. E. All persons having claims against said This summons is served upon you by county assessor’s exp., •2.33 ; Chas. O. Roe, county hosp., • 4.95 : Glass & estate are hereby required to present | publication thereof in the Hillsboro Ar- Prudhomme Co.. county clerk. • 15.70; the same to me. with proper vouchers, at KUflf pursuant to order of the Honorable West Coast Printing A Binding Co.. the law office of M. B. Bump, in Hills- Qgo. r . Bagley, Judge of the above en- West Coast Print­ boro. Washington County, Oregon, with- titled Court, which »aid order was made, county clerk, 361.4' ------------- -- # from ----- j — / rendered and dated May 15th, 1929. months date k -------- hereof. ing & Binding Co., dist. atty. exp.. in six Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon. May 14, The date of the first publication of county sheriff <34.04; ------- - ----------- ’s exp.. ------ <2.92 ; | this summons is May 16th, 1929, end county school supt., <26.02: circuit judge. 1929. WALTER H. HEINECK. .......... . <9.37: N. A. Frost, county school supt. the date of the .. last publication thereof exp.: exp. <103.48 ; The .» K. Gill Co., county Administrator with the Will Annexed of ¡s jUne 13th. 1929. the Estate of George F. Heineck, De­ HARE, McALEAR & PETERS. school supt. exp.. <29.13; Powers Grocery Attorneys for Plaintiff«. Inc., relief W. A. Gilbert. •5: <5; 8. E. ceased. Date of first publication, May 16. 1929. Resident Attorneys, State of Oregon, . ... <3 ; State Fayram. county school supt.. Date of last publication. June 13, 1929. officers’ P. O. Address, Shute Saving« Bank Industrial Accident Com.. pence . Bldg., Hillsboro, Oregon. 12-16 contribution. <26.69; W. W. Weaver. M. B. Bump. Hillsboro. Oregon. D. D. Bump. Forest Grove, Oregon. night watchman court house. <2.50 ; Attorneys ’for the Estate. 12-16 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Portland Gas X- Coke Co., county hosp.. <7.80 : D. D. Bump, damages, goats killed NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE by dogs, dog license fund, <33; Henry In the County Court of the State of Ore­ Duyck. damages, sheep killeii by dogs. -I vuii gon, , iur for Washington iv aniiiiixvun vzvws»»#. County. dog license fund. <10; H. FL Thompson, In the Circuit^Court of the State of ¡n the matter of the Eatate of Jennie Oregon, for Washington County. damages, sheep killed by dogs, dog li­ Young, deceased. cense fund, <10; Portland Electric Power John F, Kaufman, Plaintiff, vs Jennie Notice is hereby given that the under­ L. Brown. Wm. W. Brown, Percy L. signed has been duly confirmed by the Co., court house exp., <99.79; Ernest F. Brown. Ellis A. Brown. Olive Brown above entitled court as administrator of Schmidt, Com. American Legion. Wash­ and Hillsboro Trading Company, a cor­ the estate of said deceased and has duly ington Post No. 2. indigent soldier fund. poration, Defendants. <58.06: Vaught's Grocery, relief Mrs. qualified as such. By virtue of an execution, judgment, Now, therefore, all peraon« having Kiepke. <6.33: Mrs. A. B. Todd, proba- tion officer. <112.50; Hanel's Electric decree and order of sale issued out of the , against «aid eatate are hereby noti­ Shop, court house exp., ROc: Delta Drug above entitled court in the above en- j fied and required to present the same, to­ Store, court house exp., <2 ; county jail, titled cause to me directed and dated the gether with proper vouchers therefor, to <1.60; county surveyor, 60C: circuit 23rd day of May, 1929, upon a judg- I the undersigned at the law offices of judge. <1.60 ; county clerk, <1.10; re­ ment and decree entered in said court on ! Eugene H. Dowling, in Portland, Oregon, lief. $4: Mrs A. II. Todd, probation of­ the 23rd day of May, 1929, in favor of within six months from the date hereof« Dated this 16th day of May. 1929. ficer exp., <46.80; Mrs. A. B. Todd, John F. Kaufman, plaintiff, and against W F. YOUNG. county sheriff’s exp., <6.10: Imperial the above named defendant« for the fol­ lowing sums of money, to-wit : <32.00 Administrator of Said Estat< Cafe, circuit court exp., jury meals (State vs. Royal Weckert). <6.50; Hills­ with interest at 10 per cent from No­ Eugene H. Dowling, 617 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., boro Argus, com proc. (Jan. Feb. and vember 1, 1925 ; <122.24 with interest at Portland, Oregon, March). <75; tax dept., <107; Oregon- 10 per cent from November 1, 1926; the 11-li Washington Water Ser. Co., court house I further sum of <75.00 attorney fees and . Attorney for Administrator. »