4 THE HILLSBORO ARGUSHILI-SBORO, OREGON MAY 9, 1929 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ii I Or f»r I Or ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSIN ESS I>IR F.( TOR Y 4 Ti'uiinfi't Lucid mid long dn>- tnneo hauling. — Frmik Barr, 1032 Second xtriM't, HilUboro; phone 1049 61 tf Painting, piipcr hanging, tint ing, Tiffany (ini hing; good work. R. II. Taylor, We t Washing 7tf ton St., ni'iir Cannery fix your Better let Andy watch. He known how. J. L. Anderson, Jeweler, 1211 Mui n I (ltf «trwt. Electric welding, oxy-necty ii'tie welding; all kinds of machine Machine work. — < 'hristen-rn Works, 1155 Wunhingtun St.; phone 561. Expert Now is the your place made a making rockeries, planting flow­ ers anil shrubs, trimming your trees, etc. It it more profitable to consult an expert on this work than to give the work to an in­ experienced num. J. Huener- gardt. I’hone 11 lx. HilUboro. 7tf Electric Brake Testing For S h I<* Double pedigreed FOR EXCHANGE White l/eghorn cockereli» and Truth* for Washington county Mmull rooMter«.- .John K<*4*hnk<*, und in (’hirkarrm (’orneliii <, R. 2, 2 miles aouth of bou i land, 20 aert*.» 11-12p First <<»unty; improved, fenced, build jrolf linkn. Hughes Quality Hatchery I Iff ing-4, fruit, rock road, on mail route, near pavement, 'f. .L Booking orders for May 15, 22, Wirtz, Banka, II 13p LOST «nd FOUND 29 ut new low prices. Only $10 FOR SALE or EXCHANGE |> Bank«. Early n i d po- Wanted I FOR SALE—Livestock 5 I I Farmers’ Mar tutors, all WennlinK tor Mile.— J. w. ■ cm , grocery store and ket, IlillslH 11 ('<>r< y, near .Mountindal«. Wanted campground at Cannon H. L. White weanling pi|(n. — rags, at tl . This is a very good Stout, It. 5, Hillsboro, 3 mile« pay 5c per •r business, 35 other lots outh, near Gralml ehool. HP Want4*<| lie sold at bargain prices. Jersey bull calf, thoroughbred, plat«* upon the was taken for breeding purpo e Andrew r rc- Benson, t'orncliu . ll-13p utvr last 1 l|> turn to thli EASY TERMS 62 Mi'anling pi|(« for «ale, colli Wanted Bees and hi ready May I.—J. W. Corey, near plete, or swarm and I Mountaindale. 9tf nish hives.— C. II. See K. A. Price Good youriff single horse.—W. Sherwood, R* 4; mile At 1100 Second St., or Phone ltf J. Enschede, Farmington. 1911. Wanted Position at f fresh For Sale- or any kind of work. 1 July 1, 6 side or night work; r 2871Z or ci given. Write to 307 Fi St. North, Pore t Grove. For Sale­ Pickers—B«tter line mules; price ea t Rock Creek, on Pacific high um for gooseberries, stri circu- peas, raspberries and Illi Beav- six weeks’ work; good For Salt—Purebred Chester 4. 'ltf and fuel.—J. B. McLu White boar, 8 months old.—J. L. miles south of Hillsboro, Jun<* , R. 5, near wireless sta- 1112 arc getting 75 to 85 per cent pro­ tion. For Sale—Two Brindle heifers, duction these winter months. No males used with le-s than 260-egg one bred; also 8 cows, T. B. miles record. We have two outstand­ tested.—Paul Korth, 1 ing grades. Commercial grade, east of Hillsboro, on Main street $ 1 ti per 100; $150 per 1000. High road« first road to right and third 7tf record grade, $22 per 100; $200 house. per 1000. Cheap chicks are not Two Cows for Sale—One always the best, but we are sell­ Guernsey, fresh and first calf; ing the best chicks the cheapest. other Jersey-Guernsey, 5 years A>k for our catalog.—Panek Poul­ old, gives gallons [MT (lay, try Farm. Tigard. 46-tf very rich genti«.— 1). I.a- zuck, 1 Mi : north of Hills- Special May Chick» Boro high , on R. 1. 11-12 leghorn?. $12 per hundred; R. Hillsboro, Oregon If you Î or 5 cows you I. Reds, $13 |H'r hundred; Barred Rocks, $13 per hundred. Hatches can buy as many more without anything down and pay them off every week. Visitors i monthly, We have several fine come. Send for free fresh Jerseys and good age and W. J. Wilcox Poultry good milkers.— Reichert Bros., ’4 Hatchery, Reedville, ( mile east of Masonic home, on ■Address Beaverton, R 4 highway. Forest Grove. 6tf phone 7252 Beaverton Eor Sale—Well matched team High quality Whit of black geldings, 7 and 8 years chicks. Sires from d old; weight .3300 lbs.; sound and 137 eggs. Hanson str good work horses; will hire for weeks old and husky, 2l»c logging or heavy work and will May, $12 per 100; $11 in consider smaller team in ex- lots.—Paul Dudley, 'a mile change. Also iron gray gelding, Aloha. Mail R. 4, Beavt Oregon. Phone Beav< 7 years old, weighs 1400; good 0618. worker any place; absolutely sound; $85.—M. Fielding, 1 mile west of Hazeldale store on Farm­ ington road. 7tf GUERNSEYS AT AUCTION Thirty-five head of registered Guernseys to be sold at the Washington County fair grounds Saturday, ’une 1. Eggs, Produce, Veal Watch for larger display ad­ vertising in the issue of May 2.3. and Hides —Mrs. A. 1. Hughes, sales rep­ resentative Oregon Guernsey Cattle club; E. A. Rhoten, sales manager, Salem, Ore.; Col. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer. 11-12 Ross Automotive Service I àrat «and Baseline FOR YOÌ3 the''^ UFISAVCH for Chicks ! FOR SALE—Farm Crops We consider Gcnnoz.one the greatest remedy made for diarrhoeas and bowel troubles in baby chicks. We nrc so anx­ ious to have every poultry raiser in our community try (lerinozone, that for a limited time we nre offering a 40c bottle for 10c. One to a family. Bring the attached coupon. No mutter how carefully you clean up each day, danger of digestive disorders and bowel troubles lire always present. Drinking water and utensils lire so easily contaminated, food particles escape your notice and hi-come moldy, droppings and disease germs are car­ ried into the feed troughs on the chicks' feet. Taks no chances, (lermozone purifies the drinking water and, even more Important, It kills disease germs, and guards against Infec­ tion, in crop, stomach and Intestines. Don't worry about the Incurable diseases. They are rare, anil sanitation Internally and externally Is the most you can do. The big things with chicks Is your protection against the troubles that are so likely to come. A teaspoon fill of Germozone In a quart of drinking water three times a week such a slmplo, Inexpensive little care! Yet what a dlfforence It makes to the chicks- and to you! “Best First Try for Sick Chickens” Wanted For Cash For Sale—Clover hay.—Wm. Joos, Hillsboro, R. 3, 2 hi miles east of North Plains. lip Baled vetch straw, good feed, $15.—W. J. Enschede. Phone I4R2. lotf For Sale at a Bargain—Ton loose clover hay, 30 bales of straw, 18 baby chick shipping boxes.—Phone 794 Saturday. 11M Alvin Steward 769 Second St Phone 1971 Why GERMOZONE Saves Chicks Germoxon« Is inure thnn just n mixture of Perin;in- ks <.in-i water: In addi­ tion to Permanganate it contains four other ingred­ ients. I’crninnganato Is like n cap In ti cap pistol; In Gertn- oxons it is th« cap hi the ■heli of a ohotcun When Permanganate rvachea the food In th«» crop it quickly breaks down and. liko the flnsn of the rap in the cap pistol, that’s as far as it goes But In Gormozone the breaking down of tlm Per­ manganate “seta off*’ a charge of Chlorine from the other four ingredients. Chlorine, the powerful anti­ septic, carries on through Into the Intestines, counter­ acts Infection, nn«l cleanses nnd sooth«*« the irritated membrane. Germozone purifies drinking water, but alone l.s not «nougli. stop diarrhoeas, the medi­ cine must reach the intes­ tines. Germosone does this. For morn thnn 30 yrnr« Gerin- oxono loin been the ureal remedy for nasal, crop nnd bowel disor­ Ltmhme t Rlr.t der» II nets t 3. Block 6. of and in new and in good condition.—In­ east said South Coast Addition, and the fol­ quire at Argus office. 9-1 lpm lowing named owners, or reputed own­ For Sale—64 cords of second ers, of the following descril>ed lots, or parcels of land abutting upon growth wood, $4 per cord on tracts said sidewalks, to-wit: The north 90*4 ground.—1236 Second St. ~ Phone feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12. in Most 1. Addition to the Town (now ~ 1391. 52-tf South Coast i of Hillsboro, Oregon. Fred G. For Sale—A big bargain, 6 City Hess, owner; all of Lot 1 and the west million feet yellow fir timber; 45 36.66 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, South Addition to the Town (now City) miles from Portland, near river. Coast Hillsbo**o. Oregon. Marie Tamiesie. —Wm. Zurcher, Hillsboro, R. 1, of Lot ____________ 6. Block 1, _____ South Coast Ad- owner;___ ___ Box SI. n di tion to the Town I now City» of Hills­ boro. Oregon. Mary E. Wilkes, owner; For Sale—Good, sound, dry Lot 7. block 1, South Coast Addition to wood, 16-inch, $7 per cord; 4-ft., the Town mow City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ $6. See wood at Smith’s Tire gon, Russell Rash and Gladys Rash, : Lots 7 and 8, block 2, South Shop. 10th and Oak Sts.—Phone owners Coast Addition to the Town (now City) 1161Y, or write T. N. Parsel, Cor­ of Hillsboro, Oregon, Mary C. • .c K- • Member Federal Reserve System Imperial Feed ÔC Grain Co. 731 Second St Reiourcea More Than $1,000,000 Hillsboro, Oregon The Largest Bank in the County' tion of the Forest Grove-Banks- Vernonia Market Road, extend­ ing from the Columbia county line south one mile. The work involves heavy clear­ ing, grubbing and 12,000 cubic yards excavation. Drainage structures will be installed by Wa hington County. No bid will be considered un­ Jess accompanied by cash, hid- tier’s bond or certified check for an amount equal to at least five per cent of the total amount bid. Plans, specifications, form of contract, proposal blanks and full information for bidders may be obtained from the office of Coun­ ty Engineer, upon deposit of two dollars, which will be returned to those submitting a bid. The right is iS reserved to re­ ject any or all proposals, or to accept the propo.-al deemed best for the county. E. J. WARD, County Jud tre. Goog light Boy place, 1 IS • - President Bert Maling M. I’. Cady Don't loso your chick«. Got Rtnrtcd with Gormozono now. Bring tlm coupon nnd 10c nnd got thin 40 coni bottle; nl.to n free copy uf thi» 1929 Loo Way Book, n fit pngn text bonk on IH rorro of Poultry anil Stock. Your hottlu 1« boro. Come I will try Oormnxonn and got It NOW. k I1!.. . ......................... . Give Phono 511 For Sale < ¡pan Marcu* wheat and white? /eed oats.— -L. Siegen- thaler, Be^averton, R. 2. Phone Rirh’s (¿arage. 7tf Eor Sale — Seed i potatoes. — Pet< r Riedweg, 1 milei •s south of llillxboro and half mile west of Laurel road. 1 ltf Get your early < * tomato plants that make large root systems of V. F. Perry, 1 miles northeast of Reedville, Phone 7218. R. 2, Beaverton. 11-12 Limited amount of certified Victory ceil oats.—John R. Pu- boltt, R. 4, Hillsboro, near West Union. Phone 25F5 North Plain«, etf CALL FOR BIDS ; ; ; V PAGE NINB Will stand the season the S. S. Dalby barn Farmington. Notice is hereby given that on May 7. 1929. the City Council of the City of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, I passed -and the Mayor of said City ap- 902. providing i proved -Ordinance No. for the construction of a concrete side- walk, in the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. as follows: On the south side of Wal- nut Street and on the east side of Sev- enth Street, beginning at the present concrete sidewalk 112 feet, more or less, east of the southeast corner of the in­ tersection of said Walnut Street with Seventh Street, in said City, and ex- tending thence west on the south line of said Walnut Street, 118 feet, more or less, to a point six feet west of the east line of said Seventh Street, thence s«>uth. parallel to the east line of Sev­ enth Street. 409 feet, more or less, to a point six feet south of the north line of Railroad Street, and that the fol­ lowing name«! owners, or reputed own­ lots. ers, of the following described tracts or parcels of land abutting upon said sidewalk, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Seventh Street with the south line of Walnut Street, in the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro, Oregon. thence east 112 feet ; thence south 151 feet; thence west 112 feet to the east line of Seventh Street; thence north 151 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, Chas. Hammock and Dixie Hammock, owners; Beginning at a point on the east line of Seventh Street 151 feet south of the intersec­ tion of the east line of Seventh Street with the south line of Walnut Street, in the City of Hillsboro, Oregon ; thence south 50 feet: thence east 112 thence north 50 feet ; thence west 112 feet to place of beginning, Chas. Ham­ mock and Dixie Hammock, owners. Under contract to Herbert Miller. Beginning nt a point on the east line of Seventh Street 201 feet south of the intersec­ tion of the east line of said street with the south line of Walnut Street, all in the Citv of Hillsboro. Oregon, thence south 151 feet ; thence east 100 feet ; thence south 50 feet ; thence east 12.5 feet; thence north 163 feet; thence west feet ; thence north 38 feet ; thence west 112 feet to the place of beginning, Anna L. Crews, owner; beginning at the intersection of the east line of Sev­ enth Street with the north line of Rail- road Street, in the Citv of Hillsboro, Oregon, thence north 50 feet : thence east 100 feet; thence south 50 feet; thence west 100 i feet to the place of beginning. F.thel M. _ _ Barnes, owner, are by said Ordinance No. 9 2 required to construct sai«i sidewalk abutting upon their respective lots, tracts or parcels of lan«i, at their own expense, within 30 days after the passage of said ordi­ nance, such sidewalks to be constructed under the supervisitm and subject to the approval of the City Engineer of said City of Hillsboro, Ore-on. and I in conformity with Ordinance No. 901 of said City entitled "An Ordinance pro- j viding specifications for construction I of concrete sidewalks in said City of Hills- Ore on. repealing Ordinance No. declaring an Phone 1053 Scholls Dr. R. J. Nicol VETERINARIAN Cnlls promptly answered, day t>r night Telephones 643 and 642 PIANO TUNING H • M. G. HUGHES 17 Years’ Experience Radio troubles adjusted— Prices Reasonable 2136 Main Street. Phone 2085 I rmprrpnry," approved April 23. 1929, and if such owner, owners or reputed own­ er«, fail to construct Maid sidewalk, with­ in said time, the City Engineer of said City will construct the same at the ex­ pense of the abutting property, as is in uch case* r>w« '—*1 by the Amended ( harter of said City. iilil Dated this 8th ..*y of May, 192!). HELEN M DANIEL. Recorder of the City of Hillsboro, Or« SIDEWALK • itorney'» faaa; and th. further »urn at 818.60 c < m U and dinbun«4»tn*nta. Notice la therefore hereby given that I will on Monday, the 2oth day of May. A. I)., 1929. at the hour of 10 o’clock * " in the morning of Maid at the said day, «lay, __ __ ______ front door of th« Court House in Hiliabr»ro» Washington ( •Minty. .... Own. uff«r for __ Male and sell at public auction to th« higheat bidder for caah in hand all th« right, title and interest which the said defendants had on th« 17th day of April, 1929, or_ _ time _ thereafter _________ at ____ any in and to the following deacrilied real property, to-wit: Being a part of the Lemuel A. Spark. D. L. C. No. 59. in Twp. I North, Range 1 Weat, Willamette Meridian ; beginning at the north­ west corner of said claim, an iron pipe from which the stump of th« original U. S. bearing tree, a fir 18 in. in diameter, beam North 60 deg. West 50 links distant and run­ ning thence south 36 min. West on the west boundary of said claim 21.49 chains to a point in the cen­ ter of the Hillsboro-Portland r«»ad: thence south 55 deg. 56 min enst in the center of said road 9.04 chains to a point from which an iron bears North 36 minutes East chains distant; thence north minutes East 29.18 chains to an pipe on the north boundary of claim; thence north 87 degrees 25 minutes west on said north bound­ ary 7.49 chains to the place of be­ ginning, containing 20.00 acres, more or less, all in Washington County, Oregon ; subject to redemption as provided by law, nnd will apply the proceeds of said sal« in the payment of costs and expense« thereof and the balance, if any. I will pay to the Clerk of the above entitled Court as required by law. Dated April 18th. 1929. J. W. CONNELL. Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. 8-12 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on May 7. 1929. the City Council of the City of Hillsboro, Washington County, Or«Bon, I.asMed hd -1 the Mayor of «aid City ap- prove«! Orrliriance No. 904. providing for the construction of cimerete concrete «idewalkx, in the said City of HilUboro, HilUboro. a« fol- lows: Beginning 1 foot north of the northwest corner of Block 1, Fairview Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon, thence extending south 21 i feet, more or I ch ., along the eaat line of Seventh Street to the north line (extended west) of Hillsboro Com- merrial Bank property: Al$o beginning at the present concrete sidewalk one tof»t east of the northeast corner of Block 1. Fairview Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon, thence extending west, on the south side of Base Line Street, 128.5 feet, more or less. to and connecting with the present concrete sidewalk. Also beginning on the north line (extended east) «if Lot 7, Bl«>ck 1, F'airview Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillaboro, Oregon. th«ne« south« on the w«?»t line of Eighth Street, to a point six feet south of the north line of Oak street, thence extend­ ing wo»' along the north line of Oak Street from a point one foot east of the southeast corner of said Block 1, 91 feet, more or less, to and conneirting with the present concrete sidewalk at the S. E. corner of the Vanett property, and that the following named owners, or repute»! owners, of the following de­ scribed lota, tracts or parcels of land abutting upon said sidewalks, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 1, Fairview Addition to the Town < now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon, thence south 118 feet, thence east 80 feet, thence north 118 feet, thence west 80 feet to the place of beginning, Emery E. Driskell and Jonie Driskell, owners ; be­ ginning on the east side of Seventh Street 118 feet south of the northwest corner of Block 1, Fairview Addition to ’he Town (now Cityi of Hillsboro. Oregon, thence south 75 feet, thence east 192 feet, more or less, to the cen­ ter of said Block 1, thence north 75 feet, thence west 192 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, including a 20-f