4 MAY 2, 1929 THE HILLSBORO ARGILS—HILLSBORO, OREGON PAGE SEVEN ------9 '■ were Evu Beeler and Wulter 1' rank. I he pii luri conte I iirouM-d so mmh interest in the IB that th«*y started a gallery, pictures have bevri col Thur day aft«*rn« Blades' room enjoyed h A fter n gam« of lodi r merits were 1 nerved in the «lining room. Jay and Eva BmkebtiHi from Tucomu enrolled in school Mon- day. Lucille Malhson of grad«* 5B pent a few flays in Vancouver, B C., last w<« k. Ruth Austin, who has been ill for n week, returned to school Momliiy. Pupils receiving al! A’ m la term are: Virginia lb toil«’, Lor rean May, Dorr, Brandaw, Mar ««•ry Adam*', Margan t Batchelar, Dorothy Challneomb«*, Alice Gil­ bert, To h Tsuguwa, Florin«’ Weber, Anita Weik, Ma Strom, Alma Edinger, Ethel Harty, Bet tv Haven . Edith Walter . If Portlaml Wei«’ in Bank Weilne- ilay. Eil Schtilmerirh Hill boro W A. Jobir'toii, principili of J. (!. the Baiik< high *<'hool, i> leiivmg called on Mr. and Mr Hanki at the elo o of thix < hool »Schulmerich «»f Bank la t w«*< k I h. I l*‘ m-«* amoiig Salmday evening. the motit advaiK'ed H<*ho tlml of two of mona Grange mvctiiig in H i II m - her test «pm, and on its completion pronounced the car “the greatest the gm I«, ( latidu Lydtt nml boro were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. +— I have ever driven.” Grov«'t Rogei ot Hillsboro. (’ hh I h Inkley. Mi Mvrtl© Relben, Her and doming formed th«- «•ntcr- Thatcher Pnul Kedetzke of the regular rod ut the window, I the bottom hem and pulling the man Duurhy, Mr . Mary Hove«* tuininenl for the ««veiling. II iom * David Hill took Virgil Redetxke running n heavier rod through | material straight. The curtains pre o ut were Mr. mid Mr*. Otto and Mr and Mr». J. J. Ilutchen»«. ami Walter Haney to Corvallis to Mr S <’. Inkley pent overal Gnlttwny, Mr. mid Mr». John I «lays in Portland lawt woek with attend the O. S. ('. meeting. I loo i mid Dr. mid Mr*. Georg«’ The Ladies* dub will meet at TMiiiiesi«* nml twin nun» of Port- her won and wife, Mr. and Mr*. the home of Mrs. Will iluney on <'l«-m Inkley. Imid; Mr mid Mrs. i rmik Hurt W. G. Walker ami Bert Friday May H. wiek of Vernoiiiu, Mr mid Mr» Jim Wright and son, Harold. of n buiilneKK last Fred Enm<, Grover Rogem and Fore t Grove sjient Friday «•V«J Thurndny. brother of Hilliiboro, Mr. and Aino* Hutchen* and family of ning with hi» parents, Mr. and Mr». John Jen»«»n, .Mr. mid Mr Council Bluffs, Jowa, and Jack Mr». Ezra Wright. Claud«’ ¡.yd*. Mr. mid M r s. Whit«’ of California arrived Sat Ed Davi» was in Portluml on Thom*» tJuisllM, Mr. mid Mr. urday night for a visit with J. J. businesa Monday. (jit» Wil t»n, .Mr. mid Mr*». Bert Several from this community Hutchens, uncle <»f Amos Hutch­ Wilburn» mid Bert Friduj. ens, whom h«’ had not wen for attended Pomona Grunge at Hills- boro lust Wednesday. 35 year». Willard Shiplry Hurt Mr Mahoney and family and | Mr«. E. E. Hopkins spent the .V Willard Shipley was run over week-end visiting relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Connor of Carlton by a truck hint Saturday morning Wishram, Wash. Iler sister and -pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ‘-hi n helping Robert wlir!i Bob Hunt move htisbiind, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Flunk lieesucker. The ladies ure DIRECTORS ►f people to th«* Hunt sawmill, < 'ovIngton nml fnmilv of Los An sisters-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and IB* f«*ll under the truck and the gel«»«, will vi-it the Hopkins fam- Edward Schulmerich baby of Fore t (¡rove were call­ hind wheel paved over tli«* lower ily in Banks this w«M»k. President part of his body, He wu- taken Mi and Mi C C M cCom ing on his sister and her hus­ to Forest Grove Bert. Mating for medical mul »on of I’urtlnnd visited Sun band, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watkins, treatment. .Mgr. Ruy-Maling Company di.v nt the J. J. Hutchens home. last Tuesday evening. Guy Raymond of Portland vis­ Ilnrrv Wahl of Mi Minnville M. P. Cady ited Frank Jleesacker .Monday -pent the week end ut the home Verhoosi (.iris Win Pres. Cady Motor Company afternoon. The Vcrboort girls won the of hi brother. A. <’. Walil Dr. and Mrs. VanValin of New­ Lester Ireland Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Krueger Hanks I.UM-ball game between berg pent Sunday with her par­ Lester Ireland & Co. high school and Wrboort at and son of Cornelius -|>ent Sun ents. Mr. and Mr . Ed Davis. Banks Friduy afternoon by a i ben, went to Roy Saturday to a Admission, isticc" nt H i> in. picnic at the bom«’ of their teach­ Benet it 111 cents and 25 cents. er, Mis Rim«» lliltz. Those who j of Division in. , Girls' Sewing went were Mari«* Ri<*b«*n, Dorothy club. Langpnp, bVrn Stafford, Patricia K grade Friday afternoon the _ J«»n ' IB, Evaline >hipl«*y, Carol X i/o/i/ift/n Maver X Strohmeyvr and Hazel Wolford, school played Tigard baseball team. Boys «on, II to 2. Girls ’ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Movey of game was called at end of third Plains spent Sunday nt th« ’ North inning because of an accident. A. II. Wolford horn«’. Mr. and Mrs. William Jons ofi Georgia limes and Sylvia John­ North Plains were guests nt th«* son were injured in a collision. E. (’. Wilson horn«* Sunday. Mrs. Both were able to lie in school Friday afternoon both Joos' sister, Mrs J. C. Schulmer- Monday. V' Now you will hear the actual ich, is staying at the Wilson teams will play Forest Grove. If I Pupils making perfect records voice of a mighty city, caught by home, resting after n recent >11- the miracle «peaking screen to in health project in 4B were ness. thrill you! The celebrated Wil- Mrs. George McFarlane was Lids McWhorter, Walter Frank, Harold Armstrong, Mary Peter ­ lard Mack, author and star of taken to the Forest Grove hospital Broadway’s Sunday and operated on Monday. son, Keith Busch. Eva Beeler, most famous melo- and Evelyn Steinke, drama«, make» his first talking She is doing well anil a speedy Dorothy Marjorie Duxbury and Helen recovery is expected. screen appearance in a gigantic I W. G. Walker drove to Forest Rice. Lucky ones to draw prizes X drama written by himself especial­ ai Thatcher will be dry in half an hour with­ BOTH upper and lower bowel, it out th<- disfiguring hole mark» the remove» old waste matter you stretcher makes. never thought was in your »y*- ten». ix*t Adlerika giv«* your Woolen materials can often be darned with threads of the ma­ terial, split silk or hair so that the garment may again be pre- sentablc. stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! Overcome constipation, Hill-boro Pharmacy. Your Favorite Stars Now A small bottle of amn u-efu! on a desk. One di the pen as bright as ne« is especially helpful to th use various colors of ink. Talk and Sing Narrow French heel host indicated for popularity in coming season, rather than square and pointed types. at the VENETIAN THEATER Tailored suits will be worn this ___ pring, either finger-tip length or ■lightly longer. Our Price Schedule JUMPS FROM BED GAS PRESSES HEART Stomach gas pressed so on my heart I had to get up nights. 1 began using Adierika and have been entirely relieved.”—R. F. Krueger. Adierika relieves gas and »our »tomach at once. Acting on Wednesdays and Thursdays 10c-35c Programs will consist of synchronized or part talking features, talking Vitaphone acts and news reels. COMING Fridays and Saturdays 10c-35c "A Lucky Break” Programs will consist of all-talking or part talk­ ing features, talking Vitaphone acts and news reels. Senior Class Play Sunday, Monday, Tuesday May 9 10c-50c Matinees 10c-35c Hillsboro Union High School AUDITORIUM Programs—Our greatest special talking fea­ tures, Vitaphone acts and news reels. r»: f VENETIAN THEATER W 1^ ■ F ». f : ; Y HILLSBORO f OREGON 5 X 5 n- Sunday - Monday - Tuesday May 5, 6 and 7 f Sunday Matinee, 2 P. M. Commercial National Bank U (fammount 10c and 35c Evening Prices ture 3 10c and 50c s X k VENETIAN THEATER AL CHRISTIE PRESENTS 3** Friday and Saturday - This Week Matinee Saturday 2 P. M. VOUCLU 3 Z u«l H» Prices 10c and 35c tn Z The Carrot ion Kid Willard Mack's detective thriller i / M ly for the marvelous new era of the films. X M X X] X' x' Best Wishes to the Progressive VENETIAN THEATER Its Claude Neon Sign Will command ATTENTION V (osmopo Irtan X X X X X. X 2S-* Production X R Î à X, »T with Robert Ames Sylvia Field Willard Mack OF THE ia ’ I KF» JOEÌ If you were a peaceful salesman ! TYPEWRITER and a bunch of CROOKS hailed you as the GREAT- EST gun-man of the age! And they gave you a GUN! And told you to SHOOT! To KILL! And “the SWEETEST GIRL in the world” got in the way! And you couldn’t see ANY- THING to shoot any wav! But you had to shoot or BE SHOT! Could YOU laugh it off? Doug. does. AND VITAPHONE ACTS t. h’/ r/ Up and coming merchants are finding Claude Neon Signs a sure business getter and a profit­ able investment. ./1 /’ .1 Coming Wednesday, Thursday, May 8-9 Nancy Carroll * Electrical Products Co. AND Sole Licensee of Claude Neon Signs VITAPHONE ACTS X '/•A “Manhattan Cocktail” Sound—Music—Talking and Singing Sequences 7 Also Talking Vitaphone Acts Thirty-first and Sandy Boulevard, Portland, Ore. WM. HAGUE, Hillsboro Representative a ^ctrq^o^//fy/?-^|ayer picture Adults, 35c Children, 10c