I PAGE NINI THE HILLSBORO ARGUS- HILLSBORO, OREGON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Klrat InurUun. I”' !>'>• (N«> eervire lee« than 25r> b ach additional Inset dun. par line Be (Nu aervlr« leae than 15c) Reader«. per lin« IOe (Nu «ervie« lee« than IBc) ('•«nt Fl»« Wards 1« the I.In« lllark Face Headln»« Kaeh line counts th« asm» as two line«. Uaah should arrompsny th» order. Whan s statement Is required. th* minimum charge is 50 rents. Claselfisd culemns class al It e’t'leck Wednesday Neon ANNOUNCEMENTS Better watch repairing. "Kel llngtoii the Jeweler.'* 51tf Better let Andy fix your watch, tie knows how .1. 1.. Anderson, .lew *h i. 1211 Main ’ 161 f Notice is hereby given that 1 will not be responsible for any bills contracted ami charged to me by any other |M>rsoti than my- If. R. <«. Ireland. 4p BUSINESS DIRFCTORY_ Transfer Local ami long dis­ tance hauling. — Frank Barr, 1032 Second street, Hillsboro; phone 1843 61t_f Bettor let Andy fix your watch. He knows how.—J. L. Anderson, Jeweler, 1211 Main • triot, U'df PLANT FILBERTS, WALNUTS Send for our Free Booklet ‘‘A Complete Treatise on Filbert and Walnut Culture." Submit your list for quotations on General Nursery Stock nt lower prices. Carlton Nurtary Co. Established since 1890 Carlton, Oregon EUctrlc welding, oxy acetylene Wanted A garden tractor.— welding; all kinds of machine W. E. Rice, Hillsboro, It. 3. 4p work. Christensen Machine Will let contract to log 4,000,- Works, 1155 Washington St.; 000 feet good, large yellow fir, phone Mil.____________________ 21 f 3 miles truck huul, county road, to railroad and sawmill, all down hill haul. Alfred '■ Cummings, 2069 WANTED 4p Oak : I . ihn boro If you wish your lot plowed, see Kuratll & Wismar. 3-tf I.AWNS-GARDENS Plowing done by tractor. E. If you are interested in prun- Stiff, HI. 4 Beaverton. 3tf Wtinted—Woman to do house­ inc. budding, grafting, etc., con- work in small family.—1106 Jack- suit Jacob lluenergardt, proies- son St., Hillsboro. Phone 1854. 4 slonul pruner, grafter ami budder. All kind* of lawn and garden Want your garden plowed— work done at reasonable rate*. E. E. Rowton, 1026 First St. Creditable workmanship. — Phone Phone or <'ull evenings. 8tf HIX. 8tf See M. Wick for painting, tint Ing and papering. Work guar­ LOST and FOUND anteed. 80# Baseline. 3 11 Lost- Masonic stickpin.—Leave Wanted To rent 30 acres near 4p Laurel, suitable for potatoes.— lit Argus office. Lost—Boy's coat, grey plaid; Rex Wagner, Laurel. Phone 0840 reward. Leave at Sanitary Beauty Scholia. 3 4 Wanted to Huy Early seed po­ Shoppe, or telephone 1471. Lost—Pen part of a green tatoes, all kinds. Farmers' Mur Finder ket, Hill.boro. Phone 2031Z. bltf Conklin fountuln pen. 3tf Wanted Large, clean cotton pleaM« leave at this office rags, ut the Argus office. Will Lost Boy's coat, gray plaid.— Phone 1471, or leave at Sanitary pay 5c per pound. Wnnted — Experienced man Beauty Shoppe. wants work on farm, with house to live In. - A. E. Gray, Beaver­ FOR RENT ton, R. 4, Box 377. Ip hmall Farm to Rent- Ten acres Wanted About 500 Marshall strawberry plants.—Frank Hertel, cultivated, house, barn, orchard, R. 2, Forest Grove. Phone creek, wood, 20 acres pasture, toFIx, Hillsboro. 4p good road.— -1552 Walnut St., Hillsboro. 3-4 p Young married couple wants For Rent— Beautiful little mod- work; prefer milking or farm ern 5-room bungalow, with ga- I boti.............. willing _ to work.—J. rage, and ninall basement; well work ; both H. Martin, Beaverton, It. 2. Incited close in; $20 a month.— 4 Oregon Farms Co., 1308 Main St., Phono Beaverton 2618. A hilly with H ycurs' experience 11 iiMmro. ji_4 wants to sell for farmers on the For Rent Farm ö? 6Ö acres, Carroll Yamhill street Public 4Vi miles south of Hillsboro; 6- Farmers’ market, Portland.— Ad­ room house, big barn, new 20x48 dress Rt. 4, Box 139, Ilills- chicken house, und alfalfa chicken boro. 3 i lot fenced off; 1 acre of 2-year- Wanted — Middle-aged woman old blackcaps, about 5000 straw­ to keep house in fumily of two; berry plants, and variety of fruit. -Julius Christensen, Hillsboro, no children; good home for a Phone 1x25 Scholl*. 2 tf good woman.—C. A. Breuer, 211 I: 5 Second Avenue, North, Forest FOR EXCHANGE Grove. 4<’>tf To trade—10 acres of land, 1 ‘4 miles from town.—('all et Used Cur Exchange. ltf Porthind property for Hillsboro home close in, about $3,000.—In­ quire Dr. Iliorden, Commercial Mitf Bldg. (afternoons). To Trade—10 acres of land near White Salmon, Wash., for property in or near Hillsboro.— Used Car Exchange. 24tf For Exchange—Have a client who will trade his equity in a good house and lot in Hillsboro for a cur.—Oregon Farms Co., 1308 Muin St., Hillsboro. 3-4 Squash Growers desiring to contract acreage will kindly call at cannery at an early date. Nursery Stock Peaches, Walnuts Ornamentals RAY-MALING CO., Inc. and Special Price For One Month Hillsboro, Oregon Scholls Nursery Co. Hillsboro, Ore. ---- Rt. 2 Sow with 8 pigs.—J. W. Price, Goose eggs for sale, 25c each. ! 4p Wm. Doorn's piar«', 2 miles half mile north of Hillsboro. south of Ware station. 3-6p ' Fresh milk goats, Toggenberg Maguire Sup r Quality electric and Alpine.—B. A. Jack, 2 block, 3p hatched chick*—White Leghorn, west of Reedville. $15.50, 100, or $175, 1000; Bar Five year old brown mare, red Plymouth Rock and R. I. weight 1600.—Joe Schmidlkofer, Reds, $18, 100, or $175, 1000; 1 miie east of Banks. 3-4 husky electric hatched chicks that Registered Hampshire pigs, you can raise from Superior Quality bred to lay rtock. Cata­ prize winning stock.—W. T. Put­ logue and testimonials free.— nam A Sons, Rt. 5 Hillsboro. 3tf For Saie—-O. I. C. pigs, 9 J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon St., i ind. 3tf weeks old.—R. Hornecker 4 Son, on road near wireless sta­ Hughe* Quality Hatchery in- : tion. 4 vitea your patronage. Chicks guar­ For Sale—Span of heavy anteed to live, as usual. Hatching . mules, bargain; will trade for exclusively our own large high cows.—J. M. Tuttle, U mile production Ix-ghorns. Also high­ north Shute school house. 4-5p FOR SALE or EXCHANGE lit grade Rhode Island Reds and For Sale—3 cows, 1 fresh and For Sale or Trade for Hens Barred Rocks. Custom hatching, I to freshen in April.—Floyd (Barred Rock preferred)—One in­ superior service at low rates. 1 2 Barnett, mile north of high cubator, 160 egg capacity, in first Started chicks, brooded in our