THE HILLSBORO AUGES MARI H 21, 102!» ’'Bashful Mr. Bobbs” Was Great Success HILLSBORO, OREGON Mary Mohr of Mrs. E. Muelh week «rt Crews, were Hillsboro visitors Thursday turned home the last of the week munitie». Mildred Stanek, Dori» McWhorter, afternoon, attending th«* funeral after a few weeks' visit with her ‘ ‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A business und serial meeting Frank Vuylsteke, Dorothy Bell I of Mr. ‘ Dooley, of near Banks. Mrs. for the purpose of organizing a and George Tsugawa, 2nd grade. Roy. Mr. un the Picture Ma^itlcent’ CARLLAEMMLES Superproduction WHO* <4U3ld VICTOR HUGO'S Ommorbd Clusii •verywher. for its vast disianc» range, split-hair selec­ tivity and superb tone —NOW ¿rearer than ever / Oreater power, greater response, even sharper tuning. And equipped with Philco’a New Type Electro-Dynamic Speaker. At last, a Dynamic Speaker that gives you the high notes as well ss the pleasing lows. No unnatural rumbling; no blurred tones. Speech clear and dietinct. And tremendous volume without distortion. TV<> Aerial Needed ! Philco needs no aerial for local and many distant stations. Range control cuts out local interference and separates distant stations. Many other features. Come In ar at our store Friday evening, March 22, between the hours of 7:30 and 8:30 p. m., and see our display of the latest Crosley Radios. You will not be asked to buy. We also offer guar- anteed radio service in your home or in our shop. Sup­ plies at lowest prices. Batteries Recharged. ADIO DOUGLAS 1122 Third St. $50,000 Hillsboro, Ore S ALE These Two Days Will Be Great Days For Huge Savings—The Final Smash On All Odds and Ends Give You Great Values Special Groups at Special Prices! Extra Special Saturday Hope Muslin Records like this Graduating or Yes, records like this, some even more startling, are being made by Philco users in all parts of the country. Location, of course, does make a difference. But even where reception is most difficult, the Philco has proved its ability to overcome obstacles which baffle other sets. And where conditions are good, Philco 19 making amazing performance records. Evening Frocks 010.49 We have a few gradu­ ating or evening frocks in very choice shades. These are now priced for only .............. $10.49 Free Home Demonstration We will gladly show you what the Extra Special Saturday It’s the Climax—It’s the Finish! We wish to thank all the people of Hillsboro and vicinity for their valued patronage during this big sale. We are indeed proud of the wonderful values you received from your purchases. This store is the home of low prices on high-grade merchandise at our regular price. Shop this store for your every need. The closing days of this sale will long be remembered in Hillsboro. Come! Buy! Save! Morning Frocks 98c Very special $1.95 values in these charm­ ing morning frocks, shown only in this store and for the first time. These are the last word in new spring ideas. They arrived by express for your special opportunity of buying these Friday and Saturday for only, each .............................................................. 98c Men’s, Young Men’s Suits, Overcoats We now have about 20 Suits and Over­ coats left. These are very nicely tailored by fine manufacturers, many Kirschbaum and Curlee made. In new spring styles and patterns. To clean up this lot we offer these for much less than cost. Come and take your choice for just HALF of the reg­ ular price. 40c Bath Towels 19c We offer for sale on Saturday a very special 40c bath towel, 20x40 in size, for only ....19c (Limit 3 towels to each customer.) Men’s Unions 69c Values to $1.59 only Men's spring and summer unions, B. V. D.’s included. These values are exceptional and right at a time you need them. Very spe­ cial now only .......... 69c 69c. Boy’s 01 Blouses 49c We have a fine group of boys' blouses in reg. $1 values. Good range of sizes and patterns. Special now only ...49c No 1 Special Easy Payment!« 01 Silk Hose 69c Only a small payment down; the bal­ ance in easy monthly payments. You needn't wait to pay cash; own this new Philco now­ pay out of income. In order to acquaint the women of this vicin­ ity with the greatest values in silk hosiery we offer you extra spe­ cial on our reg. $1.00 hose. Now only .. .69c i\'o Obligation K. Â. Price Music & Electric Co. The Impassbned Call of the Flesh Subdued by LOVE Sublime I* 1160 Second Street Telephone 1911 ♦--------------------------------------- -- --------- -------------- '—4* A PAUL LENI JWwi William Knipp, .".I. progririM Close Their We have a fine group of new seasonable silk dresses for women, There are very fine values at reg. $16.75. Many colors and beau­ tiful patterns. Very special only...... $11.98 alar I i rut CONRAD VEIDT/i^ , MARYPHILBIN KNIPP MILLER MERCANTILE COMPANY A fu 11-t.ngth con- •ole cabinet of superb f I n i« h. Handsomely matched walnut pan­ el«. Alao other furni­ ture model« —come In • nd aee them. Philco will do right in your own home. obligation whatever. WILLIAM Last Call-Only 2 Days More! Then Philco Console The Philco “Neutrodyne-Plus” Radio, famous Friday and Saturday, March 22-23 ------------------M.rrh Zl-JJ-------- Phone 1942 On Saturday we will sell Hope Muslin for only 13c per yard. (Limit 5 yards to one customer.) 8-Tllbc«— inrlHftlttfr rrctliirr P iin I i - Pull Amplification NEW TYPE Electro-Dynamic Speaker Spring Opening Formerly Tews Radio Shop Silk Dresses 011.98 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday March 24-25-26 Better Watch repairing.—"Kel- lington the Jeweler." 52tf HILLSBORO’S 5 R o*A'\ VENETIAN Muhly, near Blooming. Funeral services will be held Friday after­ noon at the Blooming church. Mrs. Muhly is survived by the 1 following sons and daughters: I Fred, Blooming; Theodore, North Fork, Cal.; Paul, West tfnion, Iowa; William, Minneapolis, Minn.; Melchoir, Albert, Canada; Mrs. Senechai, Minnesota; Mrs. Ford, Pearson, Wash.; Mrs. Hols, Canada, and Mrs. Meyers, Bloom­ ing. You’re There with a Crosley Rules Governing Gifts Can Be Learned at Our Store ------------- Harin» Opsnlnr------------- ' Les« Tubes of the Wigwam confectionery, «lie