MARI II II. 1929 THE Hfl.f.SUOKO ARCUS For Sale or Trude for Hens (Barred Rock preferre<|) On«* In­ cubator, 160 <*gg capacity, in fir» t cho condition. Bantz Brother», Hili boro, It 8. mils hoi i h of North PlniiiM on Shady Brook roud. 3 5p CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING -7 A READY MA Ilk I I M 11II IIIG RFHI'I.TH AT LITTLE CORT I Oc Flrat inaartloii. par line (N»i arrvlra tea than 35«’) Each adaiiy (ha ordor. Whan a atatamaut la rmiulrod, the titiniiiiuin charge la 50 M*line. »3 6 Wanted To rent 30 acres near Burbank LOST »nd FOUND Found Fraternity pin. Call at thi* office. 3 Loxt H-iy'- rout, irray plaid.- I’hone 1471, or leave at Sanitary iteauty Shoppe. Stolen Child'» .»living-» bank, No. 1051, nnd ring. Reward of $10 for information.—R. E. Hume, 1377 Third Ave. 3 PLANT FILBERTS, WALNUTS Send for our Free Booklet “A Complete Treatise on Filbert nnd Walnut Culture.” Submit your list for quotations on General Nursery Stock nt lower prices. Carlton Nursery Co. ExtAbliRhed «ince 1890 Carlton, Oregon FOR SALE i’ fflin. Telephone 8FI6, Hills- boro. 3p Nursey stock— First class tree* at reasonable price »*; apple», pears, cherries, la aenes, prune Mazz.ard cherries, Franquette walnut», fil- berts, ornamentals.— R. B. Porter, Forest Grove, phone 2F52; nurs- ery one mile north of highway on first road went of Masonic home. 39tf ' Grafted walnut» Franquette* on California Black root*, Free delivery on 10 or more tree* in county north of Baseline. Order wit»i your neighbor. 6 to 8 ft., $1.25; 4 to r, ft., $1; 3 to 4 ft., 75c Russell Loftl*, Pumpkin Ridge road, 3 mile« above North Plain*. Address Bank*, R. 3. Plume 4F1 North Plain*. 1-3 Court Attests to a Man’s Character A letter attesting to the hon- and integrity of Charles E. Prickett, wh»» served as road fore- man of district 62, has been writ­ ten by the county court and signe»! by Judge E. J. Ward and Commissioners !'. W. Livermore and J. M Hiatt. The court points out that there is no foundation t»> the rumors that Mr. Prickett had diverted some road funds from the original purpose for which these funds were intended. A record is kept in the trea­ surer'» office of all money re­ ceived and disbursed, the letter •ays, and anyone is privileged to see these records. The letter states that Mr. Prickett's services as foreman were satisfactory to the court an»l that the change in foremen was mad»- only in the interest of peace and harmony. ths Town (now City) of Hjlisboro, Ore- gon. Il M»- Ent ire $25 30 Lot 15 Block 2. N«»rth Side Addition to th« Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore- gon. If M<-Ent Ire $25.20 Lot 16 Block 2. North Ride Addition to th« Town City) of Hillsboro. Ore- gon. H M» Entire $30.00 Ix»( 12. Block 1, North Ride Addition to th« Town (n<.w City) of Hillsboro. Ore- gon. M. Welch $24.00 Lot 10. Block 2, North Hide Addition to th« Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore- gon. Laura Trachs«l __ 884.00 Ix>t II. Block 2. North 8i-U Addition to th« Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ gon. La urn T'achsel $21.00 Lot 9. Block 2, North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ gon. C. Peterson $24.00 Beginning at the southwest eorner of Block 2. North Sid« Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon, thence west 19C feet . thence north 208 feet ; thence Mist 196 feet; thence south 2o8 feet to th« place of beginning. Fred $ ■ • L»»t 1, Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. E. Utxinger $132.95 Lot 2. Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro. Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens 331 37 1x4. 3, Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel A. Steph- Ii I: Lot 13. Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph- 11.*» •M Lot 12, Stephens Addition to the City of HiBsl>oro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens . $1.60 Lr»t 4. Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens $ : I -i : Lot 5, Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph- - Ixzt 6. Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens . . . $30.67 Lot 7, Stephens Addition U> the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens $33.87 Lot 11. Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens ........................... ................ $1.60 Lut 10. Stephen» Addition to the City of Hill« boro, Oregon. Samuel T. S’eph- $!.»;•» Lot H. Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens Lot 9, Stephens Addition to the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel T. Steph­ ens $31.25 Part of R. Wileox Claim No. «8 T. 1 N. R. 3 W . beginning at the west end of the south boundry line of Garibaldi Ave­ nue in North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Oregon; thence west on the prolonged line of Garibaldi Avenue 15.37 cha ns more or less to the west line of said claim ; thence south 6.42 chains; tbence easterly 15.02 chains more or less ; thence North 1.56’ East 5.05 chains to place of beginning. F. W. Dels- man ..... ...................... $30.19 Said asaesment must be paid within 30 days from the date of said entry or an aplication filed with the Recorder of said City to pay the same in installments, but no aoesment less than $25.00 can be paid in installments, and no application therefor can be received or filed for any assessment if such assessment, added to to any previous unpaid assessment for any street or sewer improvement shall exceed the valuation of said property as shown by the last tax roll of Washington County, Oregon. Dated this March 14, 1929. NOTICE or JACKSON ASSESSMENT STREET To all owner« of lota, tracts or psrrvia of land hereinafter d««<’ r I ted: You ar« hereby notified that on Marell 14. 1929. an n«ae»Nm«nt was «nt«r««l in (te |)<>rk«t <>f City Liens of th« ('ity «f Hillsboro. Oregon, against your property <>n account of the street improvement on Jackson Street, fl «Mt Hoe of Fifth Street easterly to the we*t line of Sixth Street, all in the City of Hillsboro* Oregon, as follow« : Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 1, Tucker and Stewart’« A>rth 69.90 feet to the place of beginning ; being the north por­ tions of Lota 6-7-8. Block 4, Tucker and Stewart’s Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon. Shute Sav­ ings Bank ................... $182.28 Ix>t 5, Block 4. Tucker and Stewart’« Addition to the Town (now City) of Hille* boro, Oregon. Shute Savings Bank $57.40 Lot 4 Block 4, Tucker and Stewart’s Ad­ dition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro, Oregon. Shute Savings Bank $59.40 Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 4. Tucker and Stewart's Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ gon ; thence along the west line of Sixth Street, south 50.7 feet; thence west 148.6 feet to the east line of Lot 4, said Tucker ar.d Stewart's Addition ; thence north 50.7 feet to the south line of Jackson Street; thence east 148.5 feet to the place of be­ ginning. being the north 50.7 feet of Lots 1-2-3, Block 4. Tucker and Stewart’« Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro, Oregon. Shute Savings Bank $178.29 Said assessment must be paid within 30 days from the date of said entry or an application filed with the Recorder of said City to pay the same in installments, but no assessment leas than $25.00 can be paid in installments, and no application there­ for can be received or filed for any as­ sessment if such as-seesment, added to to any previous unpaid assessment for any street or sewer improvement shall exceed the valuation of said property as shown by the last tax roll of Washington County. Oregon. Dated this March 14. 1929. Goo“e eggs for sale, 25c each. Win. Docrn’ii place, 2 miles FOR RENT Hatching egg» and stock from »tilth of War«* stat ion. 3 6p birds on trapriented Small Farm to Rent Ten acres For Sale P«*kln dur>2 Walnut St., African gooHv eggs T. Hughes, aide. 2-9 IliilMboro. 3 4p Route 2 Cornelius; 4 miles Mouth Dudley, Heaverton. For Rent Beautiful little mod- of Cornelius. Baby Chia 3p vrn 6-room bungalow, I with go Now i» the time to order your I*(u Sab* S. White Leghorn iiirv , and small basement ; well per 100; Black Giants, For Sal«*—Vaughn drag saws. ary club Thursday on "Ortho­ $19 pur 100 prepaid. Get circu­ Forest Grove. Phone 16F525. 3 Loui- Wright, Forest Grove. dontia,” the correction of chil­ lar sure. Hart’s Hatchery, Beav­ Good young «ingle horse.—W. ’» teeth that are out of posi­ 2-4 dren erton. i Stf .1. Enschede, phone 34R2. ltf Phone 16F2. tion. Dental pictures and model» Two-bottom 14-inch Fordson For Sale White Leghorn Black mure, 1250 pound*, gentle, were shown. Dr. W. H. Pasley A dandy 10 acre place, all in hatching eggs, $4 per hundred, work» double, single.-—Cha*. Gra- plow.—Alltert Jansen, Rt. 2, For­ was chairman. est Grove. Phone 24F54 Forest from 2 and 3 yenr old free range hel, 3 mi, south of Hillsboro. 3-5p R. R. Easter had the five- min- cultivation, about 1 mile out of 51-54 p ute program. George Pudgett, Forest Hillsboro, few rods off an oiled hens, Fre-h milk goat« Toggenlx-rg 1 For Sale — Air compressor and ---------------- March 22-21----------------- Avenue, 1 mil«* northwest of Hills- mnrket road; a «nap at $1450, nnd Alpine.—Ji. A. Jack, 2 block* I 1 mall payment down, turroM on west of Reedville. 3p pump, 100 gallon tank and fit­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS For Sale—-150 pullets, R. 1. R. balance; also a nice b acre tract Five year old brown mart, ting-.—Henry Gurske, Cornelius, R. 2. 3-tf the County Court of the State of In Smile out of Forest (»rove, 3 or Barred Rocks, from heavy lay­ weight 1600.—Joe Schmidlkofer, Oregon for Washington County, Tractor For Sale acres in berriex, living water on ing hens. Price reasonable. No 1 mile east of Banks. 3-4 In the Matter of the Estate of Louise Practically new, Model G Cen­ place, will rnuke good berry and place to k«*ep them.—I). Lazuck, K»xh. . I. c. pig-, h duly qualified as such. For Sale — Used incubators, ca ­ «ale, 50c each or will trad«? for week* old.—R. Hornecker 4 Son, Two-Acre Snap Now therefore, all persons having claims Red hens, pigs or what have you. on Road near wireless station. 3 pacity 640, 18J, 3.50, 525 eggs; against said estate are hereby notified Electric lights, city water and House for rent. $10 month, one St. Helens, in perfect condition, and required to present the same, to­ Registered Hamp-hire boar pigs, water cooling system. See them gether gux, 4 room«, nearly new, tile block from highway near Huber with proper vouchers therefor, to fruit cellar, woodahed, barn, commercial club. .1. Edward Wil­ prize winning stock.—W. T. I’ut- at Forest Grove Cash Store, Con- the undersigned at the law offices of Hare. McAlear A Peters, in the Shute nam & Son*, Rt. 5 Hill-boro. Stf chicken hounr, some furniture, M. E. Gerd< miles north of Hu- Savings Hank building, in Hillsboro, Ore­ garden tool«, wood. Tract all $ct son, 1 For Sale—Fresh cow, and new gon. within six mon the from the date bttr. itf to young fruit, nom$ of it just McCormick-Deering 2-horse cul­ FOR SALE— Miscellaneous hereof. Maguire Super Quality electric I tivator.- Harold Whatley, Moun­ Dated this 7th day of March. 1929. coming into bearing; located on For Sale—Live or dressed rab­ LINDA B. _______ KOCH. good gravel road, % mile to cen- hatchiol chirk- White Leghorn, taindale. 3-4p bits at any time.—Phone 965, Administrator of the $15 50. 100, or $175, 1000; Bar-' estate of deceased. ter <>f town. Coat the owner a For Sale- Grade Guernsey bull, Hillsboro. 5p Hare. McAlear &--------- red Plymouth Rock and R. I. Peters. , lot more hut will take $2150. 15 months old.—A. C. Hutchin- 2-6 For Sale—Pump gun, Luellin Attorneys for Administratrix. For further particulara are W. W. Reds, $18, 100, or $175, 1000; on, near West Union church. NOTICE OF SEVENTH STREET husky electric hatched chicks that ( setter. Make me an offer. — W. helen M c D aniel , Mellar, 1168 Third atreet, Hilla- Route 1. Hillsboro. 2tf ASSESSMENT Recorder of the City of R. Manley, R10 Tenth street, ltf boro.______ __________ 2-3 you can raise from Superior Hillsboro. Oregon. Ten Guernsey-Jersey heifer», 8 helen M c D aniel . Quality bred to lay stock. Cata­ For Sale—64 cords of second To all owners of lota, tracts or parcels Recorder of the City of of land hereinafter described: logue nnd testimonials free.— | bred; four to freshen in about 2 growth wood, $4 per cord on NOTICE OF BROADWAT STREET Hillsboro, Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE You are hereby notified that, on March .1. R. .Maguire, 787 Oregon st., wex-k*.—John Gottleib, 2H miles ground.—1236 Second St. Phone 14, 1929, an asse?»ment was entered ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 52tf To trade- -10 acres of hind, 1 ’< Portland. 3tf north of high school. 1 1. 52-tf in the Docket of City Liens of the City For Sale—Registered 2 ‘n year Oregon. against your prop­ To all owners of lot«, tract« or parcels of In the County Court of the State of mi lv from town Call at U m d Select your date for our White 1 For Sale—Large iron fireproof of Hillsboro, land hereinafter described : on account of the street improvement Oregon For Washington County. Car Exchange. ltf Leghorn chicks from our trap- old O. I. C. boar, weight about safe, 1200 pounds, $100.—A. R. erty You are hereby notified that. on March on Seventh Street, from a point 15 feet ___ __ In the Matter of the Estate of Job* R. I. R pullet*, 8 weeks old; nested stork that we have trap- 400 lbs., price $30.—Erin G. England, Commercial building, south of the center line of Washington 14. 1929. an assessment was i entered C. Beach, deceased. Street south to a point 8 feet north of in the Docket of City Liens of the City of will trade for wood.- T. I’. Good­ nested nnd pedigreed for eight Stowell, Rt. 2, Box 107, Bank*. Main street. Hillsboro. Notice is hereby given, that the under­ 42tf the center line of Baseline Street, all in Hillsboro. Oregon, against your property signed Executor of the last Will and 1 mile northwest of Manning. 3-5 in, Hillsboro, R. 1. Telephone years. Old customers tell us on account of the street improvement on Cedar posts, 21”x7’ for sale 8c. the City of Hillsboro. Oregon, as follows: Testament of said deceased, has filed in Twenty head of good Eastern 87F2. 3-tf are getting 75 to 85 per cent Beginning 4 chains south and 98 feet Broadway Street, from the south line of the above entitle»! court and cause, his Oregon farm horses, all broke and Hunger Bros. Lumber Co., Phone west of the southeast corner of Block 2. Oak Street to a line 8 feet north of the final account and report as such, and the Portland property tor Hillsboro durtion these winter months, center line of Walnut Street, all in the weighing from 1300 to 1700, for 2F51, Gales Creek; on good road, Morgan’s Addition to the town (now City) City Court has fixed and appointed the 23rd home ch»- <• in, about $3,000.—In­ males used with less than 2.5 of Hillsboro. Oregon, as follows: can be hauled at any time; 3 of Hillsboro, Oregon; thence south 198 day of March, 1929. at the hour of 10 •nle or exchange at the Feed Barn Lot 1, Block 4. Oak Grove Addition to feet ; thence west 98 feet; thence north quire Dr. Riorden, Commercial record. We have two outs o’clock A. M.. of said day. and the court on Main street. 3p miles north of Gales Creek 198 feet; thence east 98 feet to the place the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ room of the above entitled court in Hills- Commercial n Bldg, (afternoons). 5<)tf ing grades. 52-8 of beginning. Mabe! L. Patterson City. $3.75 gon. A. A. Jackson --------- ----- -...... $28.50 b-»ro, Ore1 >n. as the time and place for High grade Snanen gout, $35. Lot 2, Block 4. Oak Grove Addition to hearing To Trade—10 acres of land $16 per 100; $1.50 per 1000. High Beginning 4 chains south of the south­ - - final — - account - Eor Sab-—Oak dining room objections to said the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon. near White Salmon, Wash., for i ecurd grade, , $22 | mt 100; $200 Gives 6 quarts daily when fre-h. table with six chairs, mounted east corner of Block 2, Morgan’s Addition C. E. ................... $28.50 and for the final settlement of said ee- the town (now City) of Hillsbore. Ore- tate. property in or near Hillsboro.- - p« 1000. Cheap chicks are not Also 2 duelings 10 month* old.— deer head, genuine Ruud Gas to Lot 3. Block 4, Oak Grove Addition to gon; thence west 98 feet; thence south Dated this 21st day of February. 192S. !’ <»d (’nr Exchange. 24tf always the best, but we are sell- Mrs. Fri ier, c o Miller hop ranch, Heater for hot water tank, drop 50 feet ; tbence east 98 feet ; thence north the Town (now City) of Hillsboro.^Orc- HENRY T BEACH. 128.50 Yamhill gon. C. E. Downer . ........ . “ 3 ing the best chicks 50 feet to the place of beginning. Susan the cheapest. Executor of the last will and For Exchange Have a client head sewing machine.—Write S. M. Riechel. Lot 4. Block 4, Oak Grove Addition to 131.87 Ask for our catalog, For Sale — Good w ’ ork — Panek Poul- hor»e, Testament of said deceased. \ ho will trad*» hia equity in n care Argus 48tf Beginning 7 chains south of the south­ the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ Hare. McAlear & Peters. 46-tf about 1400 lbs. Cheap if taken $27.79 east corner of Block 2. Morgan’s Addition gon. Ray Taylor Eat. ................... good house nnd lot in Hillsboro try Farm, Tigard. 58-4 Eor Sale — Good, sound, dry Attorneys for Executor. Lot 5. and north of Lot 6. Block 4. Hughes Quality Hatihery in- at once.—A. Manske, near Shady wood, 16-inch, $7 per cord; 4-ft., to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ Oak Grove Addition to the Town (now for a car. Oregon Farm: Co., gon ; thence north 98 feet; thence west 98 Phone 41F11, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1308 Main St., Hillsboro. 3 4 vites your patronng» :e. Chicks guar­ Brook school. City» of Hillsboro. Oregon. K. E. and R. $6. See wood at Smith’s Tire feet ; thence south 98 feet; thence east 2-3p Shop, 10th and Oak Sts.—Phone 98 feet tn the place of beginning. Minnie Hornby $29.55 In the County Court of the State of Ore­ To trade for what have you, nntced to live, a.x usual. Hatching North Plains. gon for Washington County. The south of Lot 6 and all of Lot 7, Jones. ............ $66.30 exclusively our Four good young cow» for sale own large high In the Matter of the Estate of Jane Spence, car, driven 13.000 miles, good 1161Y, or write T. N. Parse!, Cor­ Beginning 4 chains south of the south­ Block 4, Oak Grove Addition to the Town deceased. production Leghorns, or trade for beef; also Ford.-on Also high- i now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon. Mrs. condition. William Mann, 1 mile nelius, R. 2. 47tf east corner of Block 2. Morgan's Addition Notice is hereby given that the under­ .............................................. $30.29 to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ Geo. Taylor vast <»f Corncliua on highway, e t grade Rhode bland Reds nnd tractor and plow in good condi­ signed has been duly appointed by the Wood For Sale — First growth, Lot 8. Block 4. Oak Grove Addition to ; thence south 5t> feet ; thence west 98 above entitled Court, as Executors of the white hottie. i 3 Barred Rocks. Custom hatching, tion.—F. B. Davis, mile north 16-inch, $6.50 per cord; 16-inch gon feet ; thence north 50 feet: thence east 98 the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ last Wil! and Testament of said deceased, 2-3t> .$30.29 feet to the place of beginning. J. A. and gon. J. M. and I. E. Brown Two teams young horses, 1 uperior service nt low rates. of high school green wood, $6.50 per cord; other and has duly qualified as such. Lot 16. Block 5. Oak Grove Addition to $31.88 For Sale—Few heiiera, iruin lengths if wanted.—I’hone 342 or Cornelia R. Pinkerton. Now therefore, all persons having claim* large nnd 1 small. Also large Started chicks, brooded in our Beginning 66 feet south of the «oath- the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ against said estate are hereby notified thousand dollar trouble proof one month to six months ’ old. team of mules. Will sell very .$37.40 call at 1255 Seventh Street, Hills­ east corner of Block 2. Morvan's Addition gon. A. Gilmore ............... 15, Block 5. Oak Grove Addition u> and required to present the same, together cheap, or trade for cow.—First plant. Day old chicks ready Jan­ Also Police dog, 6 months old, boro. 39tf to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. the Lot Town (now City» of Hillsboro, Ore­ with proper vouchers therefor, to the uary 23 and every Wednesday 100 feet ; thence west cheap. — D. Lazuck, Hillsboro, R. Oregon ; thence south ranch en«t of Rock Creek bridge For Sale—10 shares class H 99 feet ; thence north 100 . $37.41 undersigned at the law offices of Hare, feet; thence east gon. Anna B. Schult« ........... _ Illustrated catalog 1; m miles north of high Lot 14, Block 5. Oak Grove Addition to McAlear & Peters, in the Shute Savings on highway. 3 thereafter. 99 feet to the place of * " beginning. ' • J. stock. Western Loan & Building Bank building, in Hillsboro, Oregon, with­ free. Visitors always welcome.— 2-3 865.40 the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ in six months from the date hereof. Nichodemus Do you want to trude your Fred F .Hughes & Son, Eleventh school. Co., Salt Lake City; 58 monthly ____________ $30.29 Commencing 215 feet south 0* 30’ w. of gon. N. Haworth ............................ For Sale — Good gentle team, Dated this 21 st day of February, 1929. surburbnn property for a double and Oak, Hillsboro, Telephone payments at $6.00 paid, will take the southwest corner of Block 2. Morgan’s Lot 13, Block 5, Oak Grove Addition to PETER A. SPENCE, true and sound, weight 1500 lbs. $360. (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore- house in Portland, in fine con- 1806 Eatebli bed 1017. Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills- the — Town - Matures in 120 months, and GEORGE SPENCE. 46tf tach, wagon, harness, two good ■ “ $30.29 boro. Oregon . thence south 49 feet; thence son. N. “ Haworth dition. located in the Hawthorne Executors of the last Will and pays 10»^ at maturity. — See F. Lot 12. Block 5. Oak Grove Addition to west 99 feet; thence north 49 feet; thence »-* ’• <>' *- c Custom Hatching cows.—H. H. Bates, 1 miles Testament of said deceased. district? Inquire of A. C. Co- 99 feet to the place of beginning. the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ Hare. McAlear A Peters, 1 will hatch your egg3 for less n. e. of Hillsboro, near airport; O. Eagon, Local Treasurer, 1308 east nant, owner. Banks. ________ 3j> Chas. & Louise Reinemer ............. $30.75 gon. Della Denton . -------------------- $29.55 Main St.. Hillsboro. 3 Attorneys for Executors. 5Î-4 than you can afford to set hens ph<.no 12 12. Lot 11, Block 5. Oak Grove Addition to Beginning 166 feet south 0* 30’ west of For Sale—Farm wagon and Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon. Any For Sale—3 grade Jerseys, high set of heavy harness; Lowden hay the southeast corner of Block 2. Morgan’s the FOR SALE or EXCHANGE or run small incubators. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills- Herbert A. Weik ......................................... $27.79 quantity. Set every Monday. Us­ The north 40’ of Lot 10 Block 5, Oak For Sale or Trade—1000-chick ing only Buckeye Mammoth In­ testers nnd producers; fresh Feb­ fork and carrier. Also Chevro­ 1 boro. Oregon ; thence south 49 feet ; thence Grove Addition to the Town (now City) In the County Court of the State of Ore­ ruary 13, 23 and March 11. — west 99 feet ; thence north 49 fee ’ : thence capacity brooder stove and hover. cubators. Send for free catalog. let touring car, in good condi­ Hillsboro. Oregon. R»>y McCluey $28.50 gon. For Washington County. Sewell station, tion. Will «ell or trade for hay, east 99 feet to the place of beginning. of The south 10 feet of Lot 10 and all of In the Matter of the Estate of Allen C. Will trade for wood. — T. P. \ i ¡tors always welcome. W. J. Brogden Acres. E. I.. McCormick. ....... $30.75 mile east of Hillsboro. Telephone Lot 9. Block 5, Oak Grove Addition to Tannock, deceased. Rei-inning 0* 3 A ’ west 1 chain and north Goodin, Hillsboro, R. 1. Telephone Wilcox, Poultry Farm and Hatch­ hog», or what have you?—Paul Notice is hereby given that the under* 89’ 30’ west 1.50 chains from the south the Town »now City of Hillsboro, Oregon. 37F2. 3-tf ery, Reedville, Ore. Korth, 1 H miles east of Hills­ east R. and K. E. Hornby .......................... $28.50 signed, duly appointed Administrator of P. O. Ad­ corner of Block 2. Morgan ’ s Addition For Sal One large Holstein Said assessment must be paid within 30 the above named estate, has filed in the dress, Beaverton, Route 4. Tele­ heifer, 17 months* old, bred to boro, out on Main street; first to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ days from the date of said entry or an al->ve entitled Court and cause, his final gon; thence south 0* 30’ west 3 chains: phone, Beaverton 7252. 45tf freshen in October; 1 Guernsey road to right, and the third thence north 89’30* west 1.50 chains; application filed with the Recorder of said account and report as such, and the Court house. 52-tf City to pay the same in installments, but has fixed the 30th day of March, 1929, at thence north 0 ’ 30 ’ east 3 chains : thence Bennett’, Wiihbone Chick» heifer, bred to freshen in No­ Gray Digger poison mired ac- south 89’3''' east 1.50 chains to the place no assessment lees than $25.0o can be paid the h< ur of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, From 8 year trapnested line, vem her.— Bantz Brothers, Hiils- in installments, and no application there­ and the Court room of the above entitled of beirinnit Mina C. Shirley $2.70 ed Hollywood Tancred strain boro, R. 3 3; mile north of North cording to the U. S. Biological Lot 1. Block 2. Fairview Addition to for can be received or filed for any as­ court in Hillsboro. Oregon, as the time if such assessment, added to to and place for hearing objections to said ns and cockerels on range. Plains on Shady Brook road. 3-5p Survey formula for sale by: Les- the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ sessment $69.15 any previous unpaid assessment for any final account, and for the final settle­ ter Ireland & Co., Hillsboro; gon. Mary Vanderwal ............. Cockerels are from five special Lot 2. Block 2. Fairview Addition to street or sewer improvement shall exceed ment of said estate. For Sale—4 good farm horses, Hillsboro Feed Company, llills- Dated this 21st day of February, 1929. pens of our best 2-yenr-old hens weight from 1200 to 1350 lbs., the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ the valuation of said property as shown the last tax roll of Washington County, R. M. TANNOCK. and cocks. Hatching eggs, $4 aged from 7 to 10, good condi­ boro; Rowell Bros, Scholls; Banks gon. except tract sold to Mary E. Merrell by Administrator of the estate Oregon. as described in Deed recorded in Book per 100; custom hatching, $3 per tion and good workers, $50 each; Mercantile, Banks; Farmers’ Feed 54. Dated this March 14. 1929. of said deceased. page 365 of the record of Deeds of helen M c D aniel . Hare. McAlear & Peters, 100, and baby chicks, $14 per heavy team for sale, exchange or X- Supply Co.. Forest Grove: Peo­ Washington County. Oregon. David E. Recorder of the City of Attorneys for Administrator. 52-4 Heat-treated ........ $30.90 1000. Order at once.—Carrie hire; also several sets of harness. ples Store. Gaston; M. A. Kil- and Clara Wiley . Hillsboro. Oregon. 3 at the northwest corner of Bennett X- Son, located 1 mile —M. Fielding, 3 Vi miles south natrick. Sherwood; Carlson X’ Lot Beginning Crimped-center NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2. Block 2. Fairview Addition to the 1-4 NOTICE OF SIXTH STREET north of Reedville, or mail route west of Reedville on Farmington Sherk. Sherwood. Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Oregon, Discs ASSESSMENT In the County Court of the State of Ore­ thence south 48 feet ; thence east 150 feet; 2. Beaverton. 49tf load.____________________ Auction Sale 2 -1 f gon. For Washington County. north 48 feet ; thence west 150 Eighty rods west of Greenburg. thence To all owners of lots, tracts, or parcels In the Matter of the Estate of Price feet to the place of beginning. John PIANO TUNING Davis, deceased. March 18, at 1 o'clock sharp. — of land hereinafter described: Green ..................................... $33.75 FOR SALE—Farm Crops Notice is hereby given that the under* M. G. HUGHES You are hereby notified that, on March Lot 3. Block 2. Fairview Addition to Livestock, implements, household Few tons of loose hay. — W. J. 14. 1929. an assessment was entered signed has been duly confirmed by the the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore ­ Years' Experience furniture, and other articles too gon. Aleda Cobb ....... $63.60 in the Docket of City Liens of the City above entitled court, as Executrix of the Enschede, phone 34R2. ltf numerous Radio troubles adjusted— to mention. Terms, Lot 4. Block 2. Fairview Addition to the of Hillsboro, Oregon, against your prop­ last will and testament of said deceased, For Sale — Loose straw by the has duly qualified as such. Prices Reasonable cash.—C. F. Speerbrecker, own­ Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon. erty on account of the street improvement and Now therefore, all persona having claims and Rebaka Kamna $66.00 on Sixth Street, from the north line of load.—O. B. Bennett, Beaverton er. 3p Henry 2136 Main Street. Phone 2085 Said assessment must be paid within 30 Main Street to a line 13 feet south of against said estate are hereby notified and Route 2; Walker Road, two miles days from the date of said entry or an the center line of Jackson Street, (except­ required to present the same, together with east of Ortnco. 3-4 application filed with the Recorder of said ing the intersection at Sixth Street and proper vouchers therefor, to the under­ signed at the law offices of H. F. Mc­ City to pay the same in installments, but Lincoln Street, which is already improved White Idaho honey, 60 pound no assessment less than $25.00 can be paid ■ill in the City of Hillsboro, Oregon, as lnturff, 700 Chamber of Commerce Build­ can $6.—E. E. Northrup. 2 Mt ing, Portland, Oregon, within six months in installments, nnd no application there­ follows: miles east of Banks, or Banks The east one half of Lot 15 and all of from date hereof. for can be received or filed for any as­ Dated February 21. 1929. lot 16. Block 7. Tucker and Stewart ’ s sessment if such assessment, added to to Mercantile.___________________ 37tf VETERINARIAN RUTH D. PIRONI, Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ Portlander Talks at Rotary Meeting They’re Choosing These Disk Harrows for the Best of Reasons! Four Will Attend Girls’ Conference Dr. R. J. Nicol Calls promptly answered, day or night McCORMICK - DEERING The keen, lasting edges of MeCormick-Deering disk-harrow blades mean thorough work with the lightest possible draft. The bearings are lined with reversible, oil-soaked wood bushings—almost frictionless, durable, and leplacable at small cost when worn out. The standards are placed edge­ wise to the furrows to give maximum clearance between the disks. The disks have a wide range of angle, and the scrapers can be set as desired. Strength and long and satisfactory service are built into these harrows. I McCORMICK-DEERING MACHINERY and IMPLEMENTS Telephone 271 1004 Main Street Four delegates front the Con- Eor Sale—Seed anti feed Telephones 643 and 642 —Frank Schulnterich, Rt. 5, Hills­ gregationnl Bible school will at- boro. 3tf tend the annual Oregon Older Girls' Conference, the seventeenth of its kind in this state, which will hold its sessions Saturday and Sunday in the Congregational church in Oregon City, Besides schools delegates from Bible throughout the state, representa­ tives from all the colleges in will sell nt Public Auction on my place one-fourth mile Oregon will attend the confer­ ence. The delegates from the south of Beaverton at 1 P. M. Sharp— Hillsboro Congregational church school will include the Misses Marjorie A. Sewell, Kathleen Gregg, Gloria Coulter, and Dor­ othy Havens. The group will be accompanied by Mrs. Floyd Mil­ Livestock— 11 head of grade milk cows, some fresh and some ler, one of the local high school coming fresh, 1 young hull, 1 team black mares and harness, faculty, and teacher of the older high school girls’ class of the two brood sows, 4 young pigs, 1 boar, some chickens. bible school, as chaperone. The Older Girls’ Conference, Machinery, etc.— Drill, plow, disc, harrow, milk separator and which is conducted each year under the auspices of the Oregon milk enns, and small farm tools. Council of Religious Education, will have as its theme for this Terms of Sale— $20.00 and under, cash; over $20.00 six year’s meeting, "Permanent Val­ months time on approved note at 8% interest. ues.” AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 16 I Sizes I to 10 foot, with 16 or 18-inch disks. Third lever attachment and tongue truck at small additional cost. Hillsboro Feed Company FOR SALE—Seeds. Plants i Sprinit (»penine- M. J. DRISCOLL, Owner J. W. HUGHES, Auctioneer DOY GRAY, Clerk Doctor: "Did you follow my ad­ vice nnd drink hot water one hour before breakfast?” His Patient: “I did my best, but I couldn’t keep it up more than ten minutes, doctor." — Answers, London. any previous unpaid assessment for any street or ’ewer improvement shall exceed the valuation of said property as shown by the last tax roll of Washington County. Oregon. Dated this March 14. 1929. helfn 8 M c D aniel . Recorder of the City of Hillsboro. Oregon. NOTICE OF GARABALDI AVENUS ASSESSMENT To all owners of lots, tracts or parcels of land hereinafier described: You are hereby notified that, on March 14. 1929 an assessment was entered in the Docket of City Liens of the City of Hillsboro. Oregon, against your prop­ erty on account of the street improve­ ment on Garabaldi Avenue, from a line ten feet west of the center line of North Plains Rond westerly to the west boundary line of said City (being approximately 900 feet.) all in the City of Hillsboro. Oregon, as follows : I.ot 11. Block I. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ gon. Russell B. and Frieda C. Frost $26.40 Lot 12. Block 1. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ gon. Russell B. and Frieda C. Frost $26.40 Lot 13. Block 1. North Side Addition to the Town (now City» of Hillsboro. Ore­ gon. Russell B. and Frieda C. Frost $25.57 Lot 14. Block 1. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ gon. Russell B. and Frieda C. Frost $25.57 Lot 15, Block 1. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore­ gon. Russell B. and Frieda C. Frost $25.57 Lot 16. Block 1, Nor’h Side Additi- n to (he Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore- con. Rusnell B. am! Frieda C. Frost $29.48 Lot 9. Block 1. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Oregon. Andrew and Ona Wleb-dd $•') ’ Lot 10. Block 1. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro. Ore- con. .Andrew and Ona WiebolJ $25.20 Lot 13. Block 2. North Side Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro Ore­ gon. H. McEntire $25.20 Lot 14. Block 2. North Side Addition to boro. Oregon. Robert A. Case .. $328.68 Lot 1. Block ”, Tucker and Stewarts Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills- $328.68 boro. Oregon. M. H. Stevenson Lot 3. Block 6, Tucker and Stewarts Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills- $328.68 boro. Oregon. J. W. Bailey __ Lot 2. Block 6, Tucker and Stewarts Ad­ dition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro. Oregon. Fred Meyers . $325.32 Lot 3. Block 5, Tucker and Stewarts Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro. Oregon. Union High School No. Lots 1 and 2. Block 5. Tucker and Stewarts Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon. Union High School No. 3 $381.59 Lots 3 and 4, Block 1. Ennes’ Addition to the Town (now City) of Hillsboro, Ore­ gon. Union High School No. 3 $18.10 Lot 16. Block 4, Tucker and Stewart’s Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro. Oregon. Shute Savings Bank $333.66 Lot 1, Block 4. Tucker and Stewart’s Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro, Oregon. Shute Savings Bank $374.94 Lot 2. Block 4. Tucker and Stewart’s Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro. Ore-on. Shute Savings Bank $8.25 Lot 3. Block 4, Tucker and Stewart’s Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro. Oregon. Shute Savings Bank $8.25 Lot 4. Block 4. Tucker and Stewart’s Addition to the Town (now City) of Hills­ boro. Oregon. Shute Savings B ink $8.25 Said assessment must be paid with!.'. 30 days from (he date of said entry or an application filed with the Recorder of said City to pay the same in installments, but no assessment less than $25.00 can be paid in installments, and no application there­ for can be received or filed for any as­ sessment if such assessment, added to to my previous unpaid assessment for any street or sewer improvement shall exceed the valuation of said property as shown by the last tax roll of Washington County, Oregon. Date»! this March 14. 1929. H elen M c D aniel , 3 Recorder of I he City of Hillsboro. Oregon. Executrix of the last Will an4 Testament of said deceased. H. F. Mclnturff, 700 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Oregon, at­ 52-4 torney for executrix. ADMINSTRATOR’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has been, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, appointed administrator of the estate of J. Manske. deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such official. All persons claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me. with prv.’er vouchers an­ nexed. at the law office of Benton Bow­ man. in the City of Hillsboro, Washing­ ton County. Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated this February 14. 1929. A I.BERT MANSKE. Administrator of the estate of J. Manske. deceased. Benton Bowman, 5i-a Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State Oregon, for Washington County. of In the Matter of the Estate of Simon Woelfel. decease»!. Notice is hereby given. that the undersigned, duly appointed Administra­ trix of the above name«! esf te, has filed in the above entitled Court and cause, her final account and report as s .eh, and the Court has fived the IStlr day of March. 1929. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said »lay. and the court room of the above entitled court In Hillsboro, Oregon, as the time nnd place for hear­ ing objections to said final account, and for the final «e* tiemen t of said estate Dated this 14th day of February, 1929. E. U GHEEN. Adminlstrsi rix of the estate of said d*ceased. Hare. M-’A’ear A Peters, si-a Attorneys for Administratrix.