THE HILLSBORO ARGUS Giocai gneis + WHAT'S ON AT THE VENETIAN THEATER ► i Sunday. Monday, Turaday March 17 18-19 Jack Holt In ‘‘Sunset Pass” Wednesday and Thursday March 20 21 "Thu Escape” also Last chapter of "Tarzan the Mighty” ■ -♦ c of Henry Richards, died February 4, Ims been wiijmitt< <1 to probate. James Jone.«, who has been in California for several month»», ret Uincd home thin week. The men of th»» Christ inn ch Urch will give a chicken dinner at the church Friday evening from (1 to K o'clock, nt 50 cents per plate. ('. ('. Demmin of near Cor- nelius was a Hillsboro visitor Wcdne day. Mr. Demmin bud his tonsils removed Friday, Dr. Robb •perating. The Spanish American War Veterans and their Auxiliary will hi ln and Mrs. Hart. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Freeman of McCloud, California, left Wednes­ day morning for home, after a two weeks' vacation nnd visit with Mrs. Freeman’« mother, Mrs. W J. Stansell. Mr«. I || accompanied them on a trip to Hood River, where they visited Alvin Stansell and family, and a trip to Seattle, Wash. A curd from Mrs. John Blaser, formerly of Mountaindalc, who left here recently in company with her husbnnd and little daughter for Arizona, tells that they have arrived nt Phoenix nnd find it as warm as June or July wenther Is here. They had n very nice trip and visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. Zybach nt Long Bench, Cal., for a few days en route to Arizona. They expect to settle in Phoenix. The Women’s Home Missionary Society of the Methodist church met at the church Tuesday after­ noon, with Mr . L. F. Emmott and Mrs. Earl Naught us hostesses, After the business session, the enigmas were answered very in­ terestingly. A dramatization, "With or Without," was given by Mrs. L. F. Emmott, Mrs. Jones, nnd the Misses Pauline Lockhurt, Josephine Stuart and Leota Reign- ier. Announcement was made that the next annual convention of the Salem districe will be held here on April 19. Edna Katrina, the 5 year daughter of Mr. and M in . Edward Richter, died nt their home in i’oithind Monday of pneumonia, ami the funeral wuh held Wed nexday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Kenworthy Undertaking chapel, with interment in the Riverview cemetery. Mr. Rich­ ter formerly rrrided here and ix a memlxT of the llillxboro Pont, American legion. Mixx Amin Engeldinger, Inking nurse's training ut St, Joseph’» 1 hospital in Vancouver, Wash., wax a week end guest of ile r brother, Fred Engeldinger, und family, __ _ and on Sunday accom­ panied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engel dinger and children to Oregon City, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells. Mr. and Mrs. o (>. Freeman and Mr, and Mr . M. W. Johnson went to Donald Saturday night, where the men attended a home- coming nt the Masonic lodge. The Indies of the ord-r were enter­ tained nt the home of Mrs. Earl Carver, worthy matron, during the i nrly part of the evening and Inter joined the Mnsons nt a banquet in the Temple hull. The Pythian Sisters will give a card party Friday night nt the K. P. hall on Second street. The pnrty is sponsored by the Past Chiefs’ dub and members of the dub will net uh hostesses. Danc­ ing will follow the curds. Every* body invited. The home of It. E. Hume at 1377 Third avenue wa« entered the first of the week and a child's savings blink and u ring were stolen. Mr. Hume is offer­ ing a reward of $10 for any in* formation concerning the guilty party. Mrs. Fred Caldwell entertained a number of ladies of St. Mat thews’ church Monday af'ernoon at her home. The time was spent in sewing and about 45 blouses were completed for the boys ut St. Mary's school nt Beaverton. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. I’. Tallman and Mr und Mi II. r did Tull mun and children were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. I.. I*. Tail­ man's mother, Mrs. James Gaunt, of McMinnville, the event being in celebration of her birthday. Mian Laura Deck, a student at Oregon State college, s|H*nt the week-end nt the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Deck. Miss Thelma Drake, also a student at O. S. (’., was her guest. Mi- Mildred McLeod under­ went n tonsil operation Sunday hospital, Dr. J. It. nt the Jones hospital. Dinsmore operating. She is convalescing nt the home of Mrs. May Smith. Mr. and Mrs. I. R Metzler and daughter, Marion, of Beaverton, were gue-ts Sunday of Mrs. Metz­ ler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mnx Crandall. Archdeacon Chambers of Port­ land wu< a Hillsboro visitor Tues­ day. consulting with members of the Episcopal church about church affairs. Mi-» Minnie Clark of Portland was n guest over the week-end of Mr«. IL S. Rogers, returning home Tuesday. A marriage license was granted in Vancouver Tuesday to Leo R. Reichert nnd Lelia Koberstein, both of Forest Grove. Don't forget the Busy Bees' card party nt the Grange hnll to­ night. Bridge and ”500." Every­ body invited. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Phillips have been ill with influenza, but Mr. Phillips is able to be out again. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. M. O'Donnell of Vernonia spent the week-end with relatives in Hillsboro. Honored With Birthday Dinner Mr Clay Freeman wir thu honor vu< I nt n birthday dinner of Mrs. Elizabeth nt the h< Mrs. Itagley S y evening. Harris, Mrs. Weik Bagley, M ttiTHon were the and Mr«. hoMtC.MHVM, the dinner was planned nx a complete xurprixe to Mr . Freeman. Decoration»» about the rooniM were in .St. Patrick’s colors, and »St. Patrick*» favors were used on th« tabic. Tho«e present were Mrs. Bagley, Mr. and Mix. Clay Freeman, Mr. and Mrx. A. T. Smith, Mr. and »Mrs. henni- Weik, Mr«. Edith Patter­ son, Mr». Beulah Harrix, Neville Bagley, M. M. .Stout and Mr. Kelley. Girls Hear Last Lecture The Camp Fire Girls met Mon day night nt the home of Marj­ orie Sewell, and heard the last of a series of lectures given by Mrs. Alta Lewi Stevens of the Ore­ gon Hygiene ir -.ociution. After the lecture a short business ses­ sion wa« held in which plans were di < u ed for going to the Coun­ cil Fire nt Forest Grove Saturday evening and to Portland Sunday evening to attend the 17th anni­ versary of the organization of the Camp Fire order. W. R C. Ilsvr Homecoming The Women’s Relief Corps (■rand Army of the Republic have a homecoming Friday ut Veterans’ hall, The meeting start with a pot-luck dinner ut noon, meal and coffee being fur­ nished by th«' corps. Members and their families are invited. An inti resting program will follow the dinner and the Women’s Re­ lief Corps will have a short busi­ ness session in the afternoon. Mr». Gardner Complimented Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Riggs en« tertained with a family dinner Tuesday night in honor of the birthday of their granddaughter, Mr-. John Gardner. Those pres­ ent were Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Taggart, Mr. und Mrs. Spencer Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bergen, Miss Floy Taggart, Spencer Clayton and host and hostess. Club Meeting Postponed The regular meeting of the Business and Professional Wo­ men's club for Friday evening has been postponed on account of the illness of the president, und the members will be notified later of the meeting date. f Fraternal + GRAND CHIEF VISITS NORTH PLAINS TEMPLE Mrs. Carrie Knight of Eugene, grand chief of Pythian Sisters of Oregon, officially visited Friendship Temple No. 8 Fri- day night. The Temple cx- emplified the ritualistic work and was highly complimented by the grand officer. Mrs. Knight was presented with a lovely vase from the temple, the presentation being made by the most excellent chief, Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck. A supper was served at the close of the evening. Friendship Temple will cele­ brate all birthdays of its mem- lu-rs which have occurred during U m year 1989 SO far. There will be n birthday box to collect a penny for each year of a mem­ ber'» age. Gaston, St. Helens and St. Johns Temples have been invited to enjoy the evening’s celebration. Diamond Anne’s DIAMOND ANNE the luckiest man she knows is a Parachute manufacturer. — Not one of his customers has ever complained of one of his parachutes not opening. Mrs. It. W. Barnes attended the luncheon Saturday at the deathman hotel for worthy mat­ The Young People’s Fellow-hip rons of Portland and vicinity. of All Saint«' Mi - ion will be host to u conference of Episcopal Friend-hip Temple of North young people’« organizations in Plains will give a ”500" card the Deanery here Delegation- are party on Monday evening, March • xpeeted from Monmouth, Mc­ 18, ut the K. P. hall. Supper Minnville, Eugene, Corvallis und and dancing will follow. Every­ Salem. body invited. The conference will be at 3 The Pythian Sisters’ past chiefs’ p. m with a devotional service led club of Phoenicia Temple will by Rev. Runnells of McMinnville give a card party Friday night at and Rev, Gray of Corvallis. The the K. I*, hall on Second street, regular busine-H session and pro­ Hillsboro. Bridge, “500,” and gram will follow, A fellowship refreshments. Everybody cor hour and evening luncheon will dially invited, and a special In­ close the session. This conference will be one of vitation is extended to the fra­ several that are to be held ternity. throughout the year at various The Em tern Slur chapter will town» in the Deanery. -— .. Spring Opening— hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening, und after a -hort session will huve a St. Patrick’s program in the dining room, consisting of musical numbers and a hort skit by the compnittee. Mrs. Floyd Miller is chairman of the pro­ gram committee. E. W. Lebeck of Portland was fined X25 in justice court Mon­ DANIEL LOSLI day by Justice Henry Kuratli Daniel Losli, 81, long a resi on a traffic violation charge. He dent of the county, died at his was charged with overloading a home near Cedar Mills Friday, truck in moving a house over a and funeral services were held market road near Tigard, Sunday from the llethany Baptist weight was 54,300 pounds and is 20,000. church with Rev. William Graf limit ---------------- Man k 22-21----------------- and Rev. P. H. Lieh officiating, Interment was in the Union ceme- Other locals on page eight. tery. Mr. Losli wa- born August 22, 1847, in Switzerland, and was Too Late to Classify married November 20, 1880, to Found-—Man’s gold watch.— Miss Anna Marie Ruch, In 1888, See E. I. Kuratli, Commercial he came to this country, settling National Bank. 3 near Cedar Mills, A year later, For Sale—New Home sewing Mrs. Losli and her six children followed. The family lived for machine.—Apt. 8. over Weil’s ___________________ many years at Quatama, increas­ store. ing until they were blessed with Want your garden plowed seven daughters and five sons. E. E. Rowton, 1026 First St. They became members of the Phone or call evenings. 3tf Cedar Mills Congregational church. For Sale — Holstein cow — John Deceased is survived by the widow, 12 children, 20 grand­ Frank, 1 mile north of Reed- 3] children and one great-grandchild. ville on Orenco road. For Sale — Oliver typewriter M. rriage Licenses A-l condition.—S. G. Franklin Norman Dale Dixon and Flor- J Hillsboro, R. 1. 3-5p enee Ruth Munkres, both of For- Lost—Pen part of a green est Grove, March 8. Francis J. Adams and Ida Conklin fountain pen. — Finder 3tf Mae Swift, both of Portland, please leave at this office. March 9. For Sale—Clover hay, first John H. Crocker, Banks route grade. $23 per ton delivered.— 3, and Mary M. Jackson, Cor­ Leo Susbauer, at Cornelius Ga­ nelius route 1, March 9. rage. 3-tf Thomas Bellinger, Forest Grove, For Sale — 3 cows, 1 fresh and und Mildred I. Hope, Hillsboro 2 to freshen in April.—Floyd route 3, March 9. Barnett, mile north of high — March 22-22----------------- school. Phone 1045. Births For Sale—Black horse, 8 yrs. Godfrey- ’—To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Godfrey of Cornelius, March old, weight about 1500, gentle, sound and true.—John Spiering, 11, a boy. _ ___ ______ Jack—To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Laurel. Jack of near Hillsboro, March 13. LAWNS-GARDENS a daughter, at the Smith hospital. Howell—To Mr. and Mrs. S If you are interested in prun- B. Howell of Hillsboro, March IS ing. budding. grafting, etc., con- a girl, at the Jones hospital. suit Jacob Huenergardt, protes­ ------------- Spring Opening ---------- - sional pruner, grafter and budder. Practice Game Sunday All kinds of lawn and garden Local ball tossers will limber work done at reasonable rates. up in a practice game at the ball Creditable workmanship. — Phone 11IX. 3tf park Sunday afternoon Housemoving On a Truck Is Costly The past oracles of the Royal Neighbors will sponsor a comedy, "All a Mistake,” at the Grange hull Friday night, at 8:15. The Woodman and Royal Neighbor lodges of Banks, Beaverton, For­ est Grove and Hillsboro, their Old English Cakes Dance Cornelius Dance at Laurel Dance to real jazz music. There will be a dance at Lau­ Karns and his Jazz band, Satur­ rel Community hall Saturday night, day night at the Greyhound. 62tf March 18. Everybody invited. Pythian Sisters Card Party Danes at Orenco The Past chiefs' club of Pyth­ There will lie dancing every Wednesday night at Smith’s Inn ian Sisters will give a card party at Ore neo. 2-3 Friday night, March 15, at the K. P. hall. Bridge and “500,” followed by dancing. Everybody Dance Cornelius invited. Admission 25 cents. 2-3 Dance to real jazz music. G»il ___ Karns arid his Jazz band, Satur For Blue White Diamonds see day night, March 23, at the Grey­ "Kellington the Jeweler.” 51-tf hound. 3-4 Better let Andy fix your watch He knows how.—-J. L. Anderson, “All a Mistake” Jeweler, 1211 Main atieet. Will be presented by the Royal Neighbors, March 15, at the When you need Grange hall. Admission, 25 *J5^^glasses, see DR. LU- cents. 2-3 Z A D E R at the Hillsboro Pharmacy, every Sat­ urday. 32tf Auxiliary Card Party The Auxiliary to the American Legion will have a card party Thursday night, March 21, at the Veterans’ hall on West Main street. Bridge and “500” will be jdayed. Everybody cordially in­ vited and a special invitation is extended to newcomers. Admis­ sion, 25 cents. 3-4 A chicken dinner will be given by the men of the Christian church Friday evening, March 15, 6 to 8 o’clock, 50c. 3 Glasses broken through any unfortunate acci­ dent will be replaced by us without cost. A perodic ex­ amination of your eyes is a wise precaution. We will examine your eyes without charge or ob­ ligation. Dr. Glutsch, Tuesday, March 26th, at Washington Ho- 3-4 CONSULT Dr. E. M. Riorden Eyesight Specialist For complete Optical Service Every day. Appointments TELEPHONE 144 Farmer s Attention! When in town take your lunch with us either at our Fountain or in the Dining Room —we are open for your convenience — our prices are reasonable. Give us a chance to show you. We feature Froskist Ice Cream Take a brick home with you. Bricks with Sham­ rock center are fea­ tured for this week­ end. Commercial Building 4> “Comfort-Giving Glasses Hillsboro Pharmacy What Oregon Makes — Makes Oregon SNAPPY NEW STYLES Suits and Overcoats Now On Display Order now for Easter Delivery. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. A small deposit will place your order. The Wherrie Tailoring & Woolen Co. believe our friends and customers are interested in new styles and patterns. We get the latest styles and pat­ terns just as quickly as they are created in the East. There are 65 cutters, tailors, etc., in the WHERRIE tailoring shop, located in Portland. Every genuine Wherrie suit or overcoat is unconditionally guaranteed to your entire satisfaction. “You must be Satisfied.” AT LAST A New Hoffman Pressing Machine Ready for your service. MEN’S SUITS PRESSED Special for Saturday March 16........................ I HILLSBORO ENCAMPMENT TO ENTERTAIN MONDAY COMEDY TO BE GIVEN BY R. N. A. FRIDAY PAGE SEVEN Will Call and Deliver in City Limits. Spencer Jones Cleaning and Clothing Shop Phones: Office 1272; Res. 2621. Corwin Bldg. 1150 2nd St., Hillsboro 3E 7 Spring time and Grass time Printing Service Let us take care of your job from start to finish! We plan, merchandise, layout and illustrate your advertising at no extra cost to you. No job is too small or large, Give us a ring and we will send our rep- resentative with samples. Are you feeding a balanced ra­ tion for your dairy herd? If not try our Imperial Brand and Bea­ ver Brand Feeds. Cow Ration or Beaver Dairy carry in proper proportion proteins, fats and car­ bohydrates plus the essential minerals to give you a complete ration. Freshly Made Chick Feeds Can now be obtnined Hillsboro. We have secured of the formulas which are very popular in eastern cities. complain brought about bj' a gift presented when the box ia marked Introd ucing Saturday Specials Anderson Old English Malted Milk Sponge' Cake Jeweler Hillsboro, Oregon Old English Malted Milk Silver Cake. Old Fashioned: “I want n bottle of iodine." "Sorry but this is a drug store. Can’t I inter­ est you in a magazine, some nice leather goods a few radio facts, or a toasted cheese sand­ wich? Hold Conference I lere Next Sunday Hillsboro Encampment, I. O. O, entertaining all Odd Fel- Rebekahs, and friends at O. O. F. hall Monday eve- ning, March 18. Grand High Priest George Haw of . Portland - j and Grand Senior Warden E. Hold Food Sale Pratt of McMinnville, will be in A cooked food -ale will be held attendance. A musical program in Frank’s Market Saturday, start­ will be rendered and a social time ing at 10 a. m. The high school will follow. class of All Saints’ Episcopal Mis­ sion is having this sale to raise GRAND CHIEF VISITS HERE ON MARCH 22ND money for their Lenton Mission­ ary offering. Mrs. Carrie Knight of Eugene, Altar Society Sponsors Play grand chief of Pythian Sisters of The Altar Society of St. Mat- Oregon, will officially visit Phoe­ thews’ church will give the play, nicia Temple on Friday night, "All a Mistake,” at the St. March 22. All members of the Temple are Matthews’ hall Sunday night at 8 o'clock. The piny is the same requested to attend, and members and the same charncters as will of other Temples are invited. The be given Friday night by the ritualistic work will be exempli­ Royal Neighbors. fied. Puts Hillsboro On Map Mrs. Otto llartrampf received a letter Tuesday from her uncle, L. W. Mead of St. Louis, Mis­ souri, who sent a clipping from the St. Louis Dispatch, telling about Dr. E. II. Smith feeding the birds from his airplane. The story read, in part: "Banquet for Birds. Prevented from for­ aging for food by heavy snow, of birds near Hillsboro, ♦ thousands are pecking away at a I Oregon, banquet table two miles squnre says : and generously spread with wheat, try it next time and be convinced. J families and friends, , will lie en tertained. A pot luck lunch w ill be served. llll.l :B(»RO, OREGON NEW FLAVOR Try Barita for tlie very next meal. It la a concentrateli yeast extract that rivals the wonderful flavor of cholcMt href, chicken or mush­ room*. Ready for Instant use In broths, soups, bouillons, sauces, gravies anil sandwiches. A 50c jar goes a long ways. Rimi: CiHFK H lá UTGF'OI» / i l-.WyboJlf Your Usali h Food Center 1158 Main St. Hot Cross Buns STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES INVOICES RECEIPTS OFFICE FORMS DODGERS CIRCULARS LETTERS BLOTTERS BUSINESS CARDS SHIPPING TAGS Only grains and concentrates that have proven their true feed value are used in Imperial Chick Scratch and Chick Starter Mash J IF IT'S PRINTING—WE Ours are Different a doz........................ 25c For Health Protection Use Perfection Always B-K the most efficient Disinfectant on the market—non-poisonous. As effective for sterilizing milking utensils as it is for keeping water fountains, etc., pure and sweet in poultry pens. Order now and give the Baby Chicks a nice clean start. Phone Perfection Bakery and Coffee Shop Formulas are carefully compiled and ex­ treme care is used in all milling operations resulting in a feed that are bringing in re- peat orders. Phone Imperial Feed & Grain Company “Quality Feeds For Every Feeding Purpose” Phone 511 Hillsboro 731 Second St.