THE HILLSBORO ARGUS- HILLSBORO, OREGON JANUARY 24, 11)29 Th«' «'«fiite of Martin Huber has been admitted to probate. L. G. Bole of Cedar Mill wus a county si'ut culler Tuesday. II L. Ilickox of Sali iii s|M*nt th«- Th«' Sunshine Girls of th«' Meth week «'nd with his family here. ♦ ♦----------- Winston Pool, who H attending odist church gave 11 misiellaneous shower Friday evening at the hum«' O. S. C., wan at home for the w<«k- What*« On at the Mrs. L. E McDowi'II end. of Mr. iind ................................. Venetian Theater in honor of Misa Irene Connell, Ben Siu« of Eugene was u bride-elect of Carlton Hand« of Sunday of his aunt, Mrs. Friday end Saturday Portland. Thos«' present ware Miss Sias. Jan. 26-2« Connell, Mrs. Thomas Connell, Mi Mr«. 11. R. Chantier hai moved her Reginald Denny in R. L. Tucker, Mrs. McDowell, and candy kitchen in with Emmott's “The Night Hird" the Missi s Rose Cave, Putty Lomax, Meat market. Margaret Tucker, Ernestine Brown, Sunday Monday-Tuesday E. C. Ilrown underwent a major Pnuhiii' l.oikluiit, Hi'liii«' Mohr, January 27 2H 21* Leant* Regneir, Verna Snyder, ami operation at the Jones hoxpital Wed- Belle Bennett and Neil Hamilton nesday morning. Wiiinbeth McDowell. in "Mother Machree” Mrs. Ivan Simon of Portland was Rev. liurdy of Silverton, Rev. J. a gu«xt Tuesday of lol mother, E Ebert of Bunks, Rev. M. A. Marcy Mrs. T. A. McCourt. Wednesday- Thursday of Forest Grove, Rev. G. O. Oliver, January 30 31 Mrs. Georg«' Leminon of Toledo president of Willamette university, Richard liar thclmess in Rev. Joe Patten of Dundee mid Rev. and J. T. Swift of Portland are vis­ "Out If The Ruins” Simpson Hamrick of Murquum were iting at the O. Coslett home. M ins Helen Diemon, who in at­ here Monday and Tuesday working Coming with Rev. E. B. Lockhurt on the tending Pacific university, was a "Trull of ’UH" Willamette university finance plan. we«'k end guest of Miss Jessie Pool. They nil attended the chamber of Mins Frances Schultz of Oregon Clnrii How in "Wing«” commerce luncheon Monday. City is a guest this week of her ♦ ♦— Mrs. 8. E. Olson entertained a grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Gheen, mid fumily. Mr«. Charles Matthen of Portland group of friends Friday afternoon in J. Mrs. Emily Hawes returned to her wmn culling on Hillsboro friend* Mon­ honor of her daughter, Mrs. 11. Duncan of Tillamook, who was visit­ home in Portland Tuesday, after a day. ing here. Those present wer«* Mrs. few days' visit with her sister, Mrs. Al»<* Youngrn and daughter of Duncan, Mrs. Roy Pearson, Mrs. C. Clara Garrett. near llvlvvtiu w<*re Hillsboro visitor» G. Duxbury, Mis. Tom Literal, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Georg«' Hurma and Saturday. T. C. Darnell, Marjorie, Marian and Mr. mid Mrs. W. O. Morley at- Evungeliiitic «•rvicv* are being Nina Duxbury, Irene mid Lorraine tended Relsekah lodge meeting at held nt the •Farmington church for Darnell, John, Harry und Jimmie Boring Monday evening. two week*. Duncan und the hostess. Mrs. V. W. Gardner, Mm. George MU* Ix’onn Koger«, uttvnding Nor­ Th«' Indies of the Christian church McGrath and Miss Morrison are inn! nchool nt Monmouth, «pent the held a -liver ten Wednesday after­ delegates to th«* Episcopal conven­ week end with home folk*. noon of lust week at the home of tion in Portland this week. George Kinnenr, preaident of the Mrs. L. G. Selfridge. A dstirig ho* Mr. and Mm. W. H. Brunson of Ihiplrx (hl llurio r company of Port­ t«'HS«' were Mrs. J. Loonier, Mrs. E. Scofield spent a few days the first land, wu* in the city Friduy. ('. Brown, Mrs. Bessie James and of the week with Mrs. Brunson’s The Ladie*' Aid of th«* Farmington Mrs E. B Webb. A progrum wus parents, Mr. mid Mrs. C. S. Bennett. given under the supervision of Mrs. 4'hurch will meet with Mr*. Charlr* Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller of Mil­ Muud Powell mid Mrs. L. Shina- waukie and Mm. Katie Trickey of Roseman on Wednesday, Feb. 1.3. berger. About 40 ladies were in at ­ John Nyberg, prominent Tualatin Corbett were in Hillsboro Friday, resident und road entbuainut, wnu u tendance. attending the funeral of their rela­ county Meat bu inra* visitor Friday. A surprise party wus held Thurs- tive, Thomas Gheen, Mi * (¡ladyn Hentlry arrived home ilny night at the home of Mr. and C. E. Wells returned Friday night Tuesday from a month'* visit with Mrs. Earl Cook in honor of Mr. from a 10-day trip to Stevenson, relative* und friend* in Lo* Angelea. Cook’s birthday. Those present were Wash., anil Redmond, whi're he was Harry Emrick of San Frnnci*co ar­ Mr. mid Mrs. Thumus Ireland, Mr. looking after his interests in the rived Friday for a vi*it with his mid Mrs. Hallie Ireland, Mr. mid telephone companies. parent*, Mr. und Mr*. Thomas Mrs. L. G. Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. Garthofner enter- Claud Cook. Lucile mid Vernon tain«'d at dinner Thursday evening Emrick. Cook, mid Mr. und Mrs. Earl Cook. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee of Wasco, The Delphian club met .Monday Mi s Angie Harrington left Wed­ I Dr. mid Mm. W. E. Pittenger and afternoon at the home of Mr-. John Bailey, with Mr*. Thoma* Connell nesday fur Long Beach, Cal., to Mr. and Mrs. (). R. Hemsing. visit her sister. Mrs. Lester Ireland, Miss Frances Sundberg, daughter a* leader. N. II. Schiedel, who ha* been end daughters, who are spending the of Mm. Viola M. Sundberg, left *eriou*ly ill with pneumonia, hn* re­ winter there. Miss Harrington, who Tuesday night to take a position as covered sufficiently to be able to has been ill, has a leave of absence bookkeeper with the Evans Auto of six months from her duties in Loading company'of Marshfield. be up again. Earl Grab«*!, who has been in th«* Richard H. Week*, wrvice man the post office. of the Burroughs Adding Machine Fred Gheen. who was called here Good Samaritan hospital suffering company, »pent a few day* in Hill*- on account of the illm*xx of his from an attack of influenza, is now boro thin Week. father, left for his home in Gustine, convalescing at the home of his Mr*. E. M. Hurd and *on, Mal­ Cal., Friday evening after the fun­ -i-ter, Mrs. Victor Holmes, in Rose colm, of Portland were week-end eral. Mrs. Clark Brown of Fern­ City. John Walters of Cedar Mills was gue t of Mr*. Hurd’s brother, Or­ dale. Wash., who was her«' during 1er father’s illness, left Sunday eve­ in the city on business Tuesday. Mr. ange Phelp*. and family. Walters would like to see another Mr. and Mr*. T. W. Zimmer of. ning for home. branch off from the Blackduck, Minnesota, arrived here I II. L. mid Ed Christensen re- highway road and follow the base hi t week for an extended visit with turned Friday night from Arcata, Canyon line. Cal., where they wer«' called on ac- Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Allison count of th«' death of their brother* The monthly aocial of the junior Mr. Hill was two children of Denver, Colorado, Bible clan* of the Methodi*t church in*Iaw, Frank Hill, will be held next Monday evening killed by a locomotive running over Wer«' guests a few days last week of him while working fur 11 snwmill their cousins, Mrs. Charles Stone, in the buaement of the church. Ray and Wilber Dillon, and families. company. Paul A Kohnke of Everett, Wa*h., Mrs. A. L. Brock entertained Wed­ The visitors left Friday for San left Sunday for home, after spend­ Frnncisco. ing *<»me time here in th«* interest* nesday evening with a •> o'clock din­ Margaret Ellen of the West Coast Telephone com- ’ ner in honor of the birthday of her old granddaughter Tallman, 4-year- of Mr. and M rs. daughter, Arlene. Those present pa ny. L. L. Crawford of Manning, died John Schaer of near North Plains were Misses Marcella and Nita Rog­ Sunday at the horn«1 of her parents, was a Hillsboro visitor Saturday. Mr. ers, Ida Lormor, Hazel Brown, Lucile Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Tallman, in Schaer ha* lived in thin county for llertey, Esther Wilier« mid Arlene Portland. Funeral services were held Brock. f>2 years, und more than half that Miss Bonnie Davidson of Whittier, Tuesday in Portland. time ut his present home. Cnl., is a guest this week of her Mrs. W. V. Morrison entertained While the Methodist church is be- ing remodeled and decorated the brother ami sister-in-law, Mr. mid Tuesday evening with a dinner party Boy Scouts, which meet in the Mrs. Gerald Davidson, and her bro­ at her home on East Alder street, ther, Nenl Duvidson. She is en Portland, given in honor of the church Thursday evening, will meet route to eastern Oregon for an ex- birthday of her son. Jack Murton. in the high school hall instead. tended visit. Th«> guests included Misses Lenora Mrs. T. W. William* and little Bryant and Mildred McLeod, Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Ralston nnd son of San Diego, _ (’al., arrived last «on. Billie, and and Mrs. Clark Gardner and Ted Mrs. Emma Elliott week for a few months' visit with Lester Elliott of Portland were Hornecker of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ben F. Layman of Portland. J. T. Anderson of Farmington. Gerald Davidson, Mrs. Elliott is Mrs. Edgar Rehse of near Farm­ Ambrose Schmidlin and ju>n the grandmother of Mr. Davidson, ington was agreeably surprised Fri­ Charles, of Vernonia, and Georg«' Alfred Wallin of the Grove I.uni- day evening when a large number of Schmidlin were here Thursday after­ her company of Mountaindale was friends come in to help celebrate her noon, conferring with the county transacting The guests met at the business in Hillsboro birthday. court on the market road question. We.Im '.day Mr Wallin reported , Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kanina F. M. Dill«» of Cornelius was a that they had about two inches of Jr., and went to the Rehse home Hillsboro visitor Monday. Mr. Dill«' snow at his place when he left. from there. The blowing of many and family, who have been living at Charles D. Jones attended a auto horns was the first thnt Sir. Cornelius for about 11 year, formerly and Mrs. Rehse knew of the party. resided at Grand Forks, North Da­ Ia'gion convention nt Silverton Wed­ nesday night and one at Newberg kota. today and evening. Mr. Jones is Surprised on 10th Anniversary Mrs. W. L. Wilcox, Mrs. Milton district committeeman of this dia- Mr. and Mrs. James Peppard were Ilans, and Rev. and Mrs. S. McMinis trict. agreeably surprised Saturday when attended th«' mid-winter rally of th«' Mis« Helen Stoltenberger of near a number of friends and relatives Willamette Baptist association at the North Plains, a high school student came in to help celebrate their lltth llinsvri Memorial church in Portland in this city, underwent an operation wedding anniversary. The evening last Thursday. for appendicitis last Thursday after­ was spent in playing cards, with a supper served by the guests at mid­ Mrs. Roy Pearson entertained at noon nt th«1 Smith hospital. night. Those present were Mr. and tea 'Tuesday of lust week in honor H. J. Duncan of Tillamook spent Mrs. H. E. Pittenger of Longview, of Mrs. II. J. Duncan of Tillamook. the week end with his parents-in-law, Wash, ■; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Karasie- Those present were Mrs. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Olson. Hi.« wife wicz, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. T. <’. Darnell, Mrs. ('. Dux­ Wnll.ii*«> Kidd, Mr. and bury, Mrs. C. I>. Churchley, Lor­ nnd children, who have been visiting Mrs. here, returned home with him, Mrs. . A. J. Miller, all of Vancouver, raine Darnell, Nina Duxbury, Jimmy 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. S. F. Jackson . _. ----------- re­ Wash., ; Mr. and Mrs. _ L. ___ Duncan ami the hostess. L. Withcril Mrs. W. B. Fuller and daughter. turned to their horn«' at Eugen«' to­ and family of Capitol Hill, Mr. and day after a few days ’ visit nt the Mrs. Ward Walker and family, Mrs. Miss l.elah, left Friday for Sac­ ramento, Cal., for a visit with Mr. home of their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Cora Strum nnd family, Mr. and Chriatensen, and fumily. Mrs. Dewey Johnson and family, J. and Mrs. Beecher Jones and family. Mrs. Laura Olds of near Beaver­ H. Peppard of Westimber, C. J. Mrs. Jones is a daughter of Mrs. Fuller. Miss Fuller will go south ton was a Hillsboro visitor Wednes­ Peppard, Perry Walker. Mr. and Mrs. as far ns Los Angeles, where she day. She reports her mother, Mrs. J. E. Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. will visit the Losli family, formerly R. II. Walker, as quite ill at their Peppard and family. home. of this city. Miss Rose Cave is covering the Ray Emmott of Ontario was a east end of the county for th«' Wash­ Hillsboro visitor th«1 first of the ington Savings A Loan association Crues week, a guest of his parents, Mr. and Ray Dillon has the west end. Cartouche and Mrs. II. R. Emmott. Ray is in Mi«« Laura and Rollin Deck of the stock business in eastern Oregon, ij'jcwel movement and brought a bind of cnttle to the O. S. C., Corvallis, spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Portland market. Twenty cattle buyers from easti'rn Oregon came H. A. Deck. Stnnford Cannon of Portland spent down with a big shipment. th«' week-end with his mother, Mrs. The card party of th«1 Auxiliary Ih'lla Gonyo, north of Hillsboro. to the American Legion last Thurs­ Mrs. Daisy H. Noe of Vale arrived day night was well attended. Mrs. Harry Morgan and R. F. Peters won Sunday for an indefinite stay while first prizes nt bridge, and Mrs. J. L. auditing the county books. Mrs. Max Crandall Hnd Mrs. Auld and W. (). Jacobs had the high scores at "500.” After refreshments George Woodworth visited friends in Portland last week. were served, .. dancing „.,.t .. .. .. -- was enjoyed , with Mrs. Myrth lloffman at Robert Youngwi and two daugh­ Surrly price it no obattcle! piano. ters of Helvetia were county seat We luve Jxinty Gruen wrut- callers Saturday. Rev. A. J. Neufeld, pastor of the let« for u little u $17to Chris Aschanz and son, Fritz, of Methodist church at Woodburn, was and fine Gruen wrutlets in a guest nt the Washington hotel Mountaindale were Hillsboro visitors lakt «olid gold caae«, for Saturday. while assisting in th«> Willamette $17 to. Somewhere in our University campaign her«1 Monday complete «hewing of Gruen Guild Watches, there i. one and Tuesdny. Mr. Neufeld nlso vis­ fur you. Come in and *ee it. ited Scholls in this interest. Rev. SCHEURER’S FAMOUS S. J. Sibley, pnstor at Tigard, was also here Tuesday assisting in the above mentioned effort. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Waldorf of Take 'em home Jeweler Mnrcus and Miss Margaret Stenard Hot or Cold 1211 Main Street of Cooper, South Dakota, who have hern visiting at the C. II. Gonyo We are open until home since f’hristmas, left Monday 11 P. M. for Salem, where they will visit other relatives. From there they WIGWAM RESTURANT will make their return trip by way Under New Management of California. They have driven «»000 miles since in November. Sbucai BrieisO Why not wear a Gruen? Tamales and Chili J. L. Anderson PAGE SEVEN the county will be represented. A The lo-al Masons and Eastern large number will attend from here. Star members had charge of the The Three Link association will services at the Masonic Home last meet at Ga-.ton Friday night. Elec­ Sunday afternon at 3 o’clock. Rev. tion of officers will he part of th«' Marcy of Forest Grove, a member Pythian« of Hillsboro order of business. Lodges from Gas­ of the Blue lodge of Hillsboro, de­ Hold Joint Installation Phoenix Lodge, K. of P , and ton, Banks, Hillsboro and Beaver­ livered th«* sermon, and vocal music was furnished by the Eastern Star Phoenicia Temple, Pythian Sisters, ton will be in attendance. <|uartet, Mrs. V. W. Gardner, Mrs. held joint installation of officers at Grand Chancellor, K. of P-, E. Wells. Floyd Miller and George Monday night, with the K. P. - hall .................... Will Visit Here Monday T. McGrath. u good crowd in attendance. Stanton Rowell of Grants Pass, Mr«, Vestu Combs was installing officer for the Pythian Sisters, as grand chancellor of Knights of The Past Chiefs’ club of Phoe­ sisted by Mrs. E . L. Moore as grand Pythias for the domain of Oregon, nicia Temple will meet next Monday senior and Mrs. I’carl Brown as will make an official visit to evening at the home of .Mrs. Lloyd graml manager, Miss Marjorie Sew- Phoenix lodge next .Monday night. Brown. Mrs. S. E. Fayram will be ell was goddess of flowers anil the Other grand officers are expected assisting hostess. little flower girls were Margaret to attend, and all members are urged Woodmen and Royal Neighbors Havens, Betty Morgan, Edna Ruth to be present. will go to Banks February 5 to the and Margaret Phillips, Dorothy Ku- Rebekah« Have Special get-together meeting of the Banks, rntli and June Gifford. Forest Grove, Hillsboro and Beaver­ The officers installed were Mrs. Meeting Next Tueeday Verne McKinney, most excellent The Rebekahs will have a special ton lodges. (Additional Locals on Page Four) chief; Mrs. T. C. Reynolds, excellent meeting Tuesday night at the I. O. senior; Mrs. Frank Davis, excellent O. F. hall when Mrs. Louise Corozzi Dance at North Plain« junior; Mrs. W. W. Phillips, man- of Ashland, president of the Re­ At the W. O. W. hall Saturday ager; Mrs. John Kamna Jr., mistress bekah Assembly of Oregon, will night, January 26. Clark’s orches­ of record« and correspondence; Mrs. make an official visit. tra. Tickets, 75 cents. 48 Alfred Morgan, mistress of finance; The social club of the Eastern Mrs. w. “ C. Gifford, ----- protector; Better let Andy fix your watch. Mrs. R. E. Hutcherson, guard, and Star met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. W. Barnes, and He knows how.—J. L. Anderson, Mrs. A. H. Busch, past chief. 16-tf 8. E. Fayram was installing offi- after the business session the time Jeweler, 1211 Main street. cer for the Knights, assisted by A. was enjoyed in playing bridge, Mrs. Commence the year right. W. Havens, as grand prelate and O. T. .McWhorter receiving high 1 Without good eyesight J. D. Anderson as grand master-at- score. Officers for this year were w you’re only half efficient. Fred ‘ Tesch, work. The officers for the year are elected as follows: Mrs. — E. J .Sherman, chancellor com- president (re-elected ); Mr«. R. E. Dr. Glutsch will examine your mander; W. W. Phillips, vice chan- Parsons, vice president Mrs. C. E. eyes without charge or obligation. cellar; J. J. Wismer, prelate; W. C. Deichman, secretary (re-elected), Washington Hotel, Wednesday, Jan. 47-48 Gifford, master of work; W. H. and Mrs. O. T. McWhorter, trea- SO. Dierdorff, keeper of records an«l surer. seal; G. R. Chapman, maxter-at- The Social Circle of the Congre­ arms; J. D. Anderson, master of fi­ nance; A. W. Havens, master of gational church elected officers for exchequer; 8. E. Fayram, inner the year at the meeting Thursday guard; J. W. Connell, outer guard, at the home of Mrs. B. W. Barnes. Mrs. R. C. Vaught was reelected and Fred Sewell, trustee. Mrs. A. H. Busch, the outgoing provident, Mrs. H. A. Deck, vice most excellent chief, presented cor­ president; Mrs. R. Walworth, secre­ sage bouquets to the members of tary, and Miss Jessie MacKay trea- the team, the outgoing mistress of -urer. Mrs. Barnes was assisted in records and correspondence, Mrs. entertaining by Mrs. C. E. Lytle. Harry Morgan, the pianist, Mrs. Some of the officers of the Fred Sewell, and the trustees. A short program followed instal­ Eastern Star chapter attended the lation ceremonies. Damon Greer school of instruction for chapters Jr., gave a recitation, Mrs. Herman of Portland and vicinity Friday night Frank sang several solos, with Mrs. at Multnomah chapter. Those at­ Sewell as accompanist; Henry Ku- tending from here were Miss Lenora ratli gave a reading, and the Pyth­ Bryant, Mrs. B. W. Barnes, Mrs. ian Sisters degree team put on a Thomas Gregg. Mrs. Donald Megar­ gel, Mrs. R. E. Parsons, Mrs. Floyd drill. Miller, Mrs. Fred — • — Tesch and Jack Murton. Royal Neighbor« ln«talled + Fraternal Î Officer« Friday Evening The Royal Neighbors installed the officers for 1929 at the Grange hall Friday evening. Mrs. H. H. Stannard was the installing officer, assisted by Mrs. W. F. Lormor as ceremonial marshal, and Mrs. T. Qualls as musician. Mrs. Fred Ennis was installed as oracle, and the other officers are Mrs. Victor Batchelar, past oracle; Mrs. H. E. Rea, vice oracle; Mrs. D. A. Kramer, chancellor; Mrs. J. M. Tillman, recorder; Mrs. Claud Cook, receiver; Florence Coslett, marshal; Ida Lormor, assistant mar­ shal; Mrs. Haud Dickason, inner sentinel; Mrs. Roy Pearson, outer sentinel; Mrs. Julius Corenson, 1- year manager; Mrs. L. F. Brown, 2- year manager; Mrs. Len Shattuck, 3- year manager; Mrs. W. E. Ogilbee, musician; Mrs. J. Nicodemus, flag bearer; Mrs. Edwin Bowman, Faith; Mrs. C. Duxbury, Courage; Lucile Cook, Modesty; Mrs. Janies Peppard, Unselfishness; Mrs. Elmer Peterson, Endurance; Mrs. Stannard, drill captain and press correspondent. Mrs. Thomas Qualls sang a solo. Mrs. Batchelar was presented with a past officer's pin, and Mrs. Freda Frost was presented with a gift for faithfulness as marshal for four years. The members decided to have a food sale on February 9. and also to have a silver tea on February 14 at the home of Mrs. W. F. Lor­ mor. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. L. F. Brown, Mrs. Charles Douglass, Mrs. H. II. Stannard and Mrs. John Johansen. Modern Woodmen Officers Installed Last Thursday George Woodworth was the instal­ ling officer for the M. W. A. lodge at the installation ceremonies at the Grange hall last Thursday evening. J. M. Person was installed as coun­ sel, G. H. Ireland as advisor, A. Wohler, banker; George T. McGrath, clerk; Waldo Ditter, escort; William Emrick, sentry; Theo Wilkins, watch­ man; F. L. Hewitt, 2-year manager, and W. E. Brown, 3-year manager. A special meeting is planned for February 20, when there will be initiation and refreshments. It is expected that a Portland team will be in attendance and exemplify the initiatory work. Dance at Laurel There will be a dance at Lau­ rel Community hall Saturday night, February 2. Everybody invited. I'J Dance at Corneliu« Dance to real jazz music. Gail Karns and his jazz band, Saturday night at the Greyhound. 48-4'Jp When you need glasses, .e DR. LUZADER at XÏ-2 vE'- the Hillsboro Phar- -------- macy, every Saturday.—32-tf Mrs. R. E. Parsons of Orenco has been elected vice president of the Associate Matrons’ club of O. E. S. of Portland and vicinity. The new officers of Phoenicia Temple will hold office for the first time at the regular meeting Friday night, and all members are quested to attend. OUR Fresh Bread and Pastries are baked the same day sold. Please place orders the day before to assure both of having goods. BATTERIES NOTICE We have a supply of flour sacks at 90c a doz. Get them now, no orders taken Take advantage of our daily specials. Will fit Ford, Chevrolet, Star and all other light cars. Saturday, Jan. 26 only: Pecan Butter Rolls . 15c And Your Old Battery Guaranteed For 12 Months Perfection Bakery and Sahnow Bros. Garage Coffee Shop 1361 Main Street “For Health Protection Use Perfection” Telephone 2431 Hillsboro, Oregon the Advent of Colder Weather With Two Important Meetings Scheduled Within Week Rebekahs will meet in county con­ vention next Wednesday at Forest Grove, when all Rebekah lodges of Stock of all kinds, but Milk Cows and Laying require heavier feeds able production is to tained. especially Hens will if profit­ be main­ IMPERIAL Brand mixed Feeds contain sufficient yellow Corn and other grains high in carbohydrates to make a well balanced ration. Oil Meals are used to supply the necessary Protein to maintain satisfactory production. Prices right now are probably as low as they will be for several months. This may be the right time to lay in a good stock. We solicit an opportunity to figure with you on your feed requirements. Hess Panacea fed to poultry and Hess Tonic to milk cows will tone up your stock and produce big returns. Imperial Feed & Grain Company “Quality Feeds For Every Feeding Purpose” Phone 511 Hill* boro 3E 731 Second St. i