The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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JANUARY 17, 1929
Local Briefs ?
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wilber of Members Give Talks
Norwick, New York, have taken up
Five minute talks were given by
their residence in Hillsboro.
Mr. each member of the Senate dub at
Wilber has been here a month and their meeting Monday evenin, anil a
Mrs. Wilber arrived Friday. They play was given. James Vickers was
expect to make Oregon their |M*rrna- chairman of the program committee.
nent borne and are looking for a
Thomas Hicks Gheen, 80, a resi­
Mrs. W. I*’. Lormor, enteitaincd the location.
favorably Impressed
dent of Hill-boro for many years,
What’* On •( «he
Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Caldwell died at 10 p. m. Wednesday after a
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Nelson and
call was answered by giving a simple
Venetian Theater
left Saturday for their home in week’« ¡line » with pneumonia. Fu-
dr ¡vrt recipe, and what constitutes children were .Sunday guv tx of Mr. Lansing, Mich., after a visit of sev­ neral services will be held from
a good home was the topic for gen­ Nelson's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. S. eral weeks her«' with Mr. Caldwell's Limber's Funeral Home at 2 p. m.
Friday and Saturday
eral discusHion. Mrs. Lormor dis Nelson, of Forest Grove. Mr. Nel­ brothers, Fred and John Caldwell. Friday with Rev. H. A. Deck offi-
Jan 18 It*
cursed the making of dye stuff, and son and his father spent the day It was the first time the brothers ciating.
Interment will be in the
"Behind The German Lines"
Mrs. Fred Cha e, saving devices. duck hunting nvur Dilley and bagged had seen each other in 23 years. The I. O. O. F. cemetery and the Odd
14 of the birds.
visitors were very much impressed Fellows will have charge of the serv­
Sunday Monday Tuesday
nt her Imine January 23 with a six
Mrs. C. E. Wells and Mrs. W.
with this section of the country. ices at the grave.
Jan. 20 21-22
o’clock dinner for the husbands. .Mrs. Hare entertained last Thursday af­ They are making their return trip
Mr. Gheen was born March 4,
James II. Lowe in
Charles Douglas ami Mrs. Fred Ennis ternoon with a bridge party ut the by way of California.
1848, at Philadelphia and came to
“Uncle 'l'ours < ubili"
were gui’tts of the club.
Four tabh-x
home of Mrs. Hare,
Oregon in 1883, settling near Cor­
nelius. He was married to Francis
At an elaborate dinner and dancing were played, Mrs. L. J. .Merrill rc- Roger» Win* Grand Prize
Friday and .Saturday
Michalec, November 14, 1881, and
party given at the Davenport hotel
Jan. 2ft 2«
moved to Hill-boro in 1891, where
in Spokane last Thursday evening
Chillies (Buddy) Rogers in
have since made their home.
Mrs. M. M. Cohen announced the
"Someone to Love"
Mrs. Fred Wilmot of Medford la
marriage of her daughter Anelene visiting this week at the hum» of card party Wednesday evening of Eight children were born to this
to Mr. Al Goldberger of San ¡•’ran Frank Barr, E. J. McAlear and E. la-t week. Grover Rogers ami Jacob union, all of whom are living. The
Coming Soon
cisco. oni of town gm is Included
Cluni How in
She I* also visiting Vanderven took first and second re­ widow and the following children
Mrs. Minnie I. .Schultz,
i Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Well and Mr. friends in Forest Grove, where the spectively for the men and Mr. Rog­ survive:
• w Ing ”
ers won the grand prize, which wax Oregon City; Fred E. Gheen, Gus-
and Mrs. R W. Weil. Mr. and Mrs. family formerly resided.
a dre sed chicken. The committee tine, Cal.; .Mr*. Sue K. Brown, Fern-
R. W, Weil returned to Hillsboro
Mrs. Elizabeth Bagley left today
1 Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Nuthiin Weil for Astoria for a few days’ vjsit with included Mr . Fred Caldwell. Mrs. dale, Wn. Mrs. Tonie Stuart, Hills-
Frank Schneider, .Mm. M. McPar- boro; Mr Edyth<* Lang-ton, Capitol
'I he estate of Logan C. McPherson remaining over for u short visit m
her <>n and daughter in law, Mr. and land und Mrs. J. J. Stangel.
has been admitted to probate.
Mr-. Mary Marlin,
Hill, Portland;
Mrs. ('lair Sample.
Mr. and Mrs.
Rose i'ity, Portland, and Elizabeth
Mrs. A. Brink of Cornelius was
Mrs. M. I <ischen left 'Fucsday to Sample Io.» t an infant daughter last B. and P. Club Have Supper
and Vincent at home, He is also
calling on Hillsboro friends Wvdncs- ‘ make an extended visit with her son, week.
The Bu-in< .- und Profes«ional club survived by
/ one sister in Washing­
J<»e Eischen, and family at Fre no,
Walter Freeman, Miss Mary Shir­ will have a pot-luck
and ton grandchildren.
Mrs. Eischen was the ley and Mi 'S Fay Jones wen* in New- evening at 6 0 o’clock at the cham- ton, I).
Mr. Gheen had been a member of
Mill was a Hillsboro visitor Tues­ guest of honor at a family dinner berg Sunday to arrange the program her of commerce rooms, The supper
the I. O. O. F. for more than 30
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr
for the Epworth League meeting will be followed by a program and years.
Mi s Anne Chalmci of Portland Frank Waibvl. Th«»*c present were here Februury I, 2 and 3.
social time. Mrs. J. W. Kelley, Mrs.
wax a guest last W’evk of her si ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alphoire Eischen and
K A. Price made n btisine . trip Emmu McKinney, Mrs. C. E. Wells
i family of near Schcfflin, Mr. und
Mrs. 1). E. Wiley.
He und Mi - Minnie Zeigler an
Eischen and child of near to Aberdeen, Wash., Sunday.
charge of the supper, with Mrs.
Don’t forget tin» Auxiliary card Corm lius, Mr«. M. Erchen and host win accompanied by Dr. Herbert
party tonight at the Veterans’ hull. | and hostc* in and family.
Miller, pre
ident of the North Pacific E L. Moore und the Misses Thelma
'Pullman, Eva Sorenson and Clara
Everybody invited.
Dental college of Portland.
M i « < t ’larn
iara Lalnndc entertained
Lulande in charge of the program.
B. i.vis, prominent fruit grower' i Monday night with a dumber party
R. J. Schw'anke <»f near Schefflin
from below Beaverton, was n county . in honor of the birthday of Mi * was a HilUboro visitor the last of Attend County Council Fire
The Forest Hills golf course will
m at culler U ednesday.
1 Evil Sorenson. The early part of the t he week. .Mr. Schwanke said that
Th«- Camp Fire girl« »tended the be closed to play when it is freez­
Mr... M Rost» of Rife, Wa h., was evening was iwnt nt the theater, hr und his family were just recover­ County Council Fire held at Forest ing or when there is frost on the
a guest Saturday *•( her duughtvr- [with a supper at midnight, und the ing from bud attacks of flu.
(»rove Saturday evening.
There ground, according to an announce­
in law, Mm. Goldu R om *.
j guests remained all night.
Mrs. V. W. Gardner and Mr«. C. were groups from all over Wash­ ment by William Martin, manager.
Mrs. Sam Stowell and daughter, pre (lit were Ml cs Mildred McLeod, E. Wells went to Portland 'Fhur-day ington county, and there were girl* Play of course will be resumed as
Mrs. Willhim Faconcr. of Buxton Aimna Joos, Eva Sorenson, Marion evening and joined the symphony from each group to take part in the soon as the frost is out of the
l.ytle, Mrs. Clark Gardner, and the chorus under the direction of Willem Fire lighting ceremonies. Those tak­ ground and when it warms up.
were Hillsboro visitors 1 ue-'day.
The course is in the best of shape
van Hoogxtratvn.
ing part in this ceremony from
Mr. and Mi . A E. Pugh were hostess
Mm. Sarah H oopengarner and Hill-boro were Mary Yantti, Hazel when it is not cold or freezing, Mr.
Mrs. George .Schultz of Oregon
Sunday guc Is of Mr. Pugli’s father,
Honor Martin said.
Walter Pugh, und family at Salem.
i < ity. Mrs. (’lark Brown of Fern- Mrs. George Schrock of Portland Blades and Louise Frank,
gue I
Friday of Mr-. Anne beads were given and everal girls
Mr . II. J. Duncan and children dale, Wa>h., and Fred Gheen
Sigler arid Mr. ami .Mr . Frank Barr took rank. Mrs. McKellar of New
<if Tillamook are guests of Mr-. I tine, ('al., arrived the last
York, national officer, give a talk
and family.
Duncan’s parent , Mr. and Mrs. 8. week, called here by the
< illness of their father,
Mr. and Mrs. Thoma« Connell and about Camp Fire, and Mrs. Snyder
E. Olson.
Mr. Brown, who
daughter, Mi
Irene, were guests of Portland was present.
Mr, and Mrs. 1
tu .
his wife to Hillsboro,
* Connell's uncle, ♦—
Portland were guc
Jv «■ Bagby, and family at Molalla.
Seven teachers pa-.-< d the exam­
and Mis. L. P. Tallman and Mrs. Ferndale Sunday.
The Grange Busy Bees gave a
James Anderson received word ♦---------------
—+ inations given here in December,
Myrlh Hoffman.
card party last Thursday night nt Monday of the death of hi« only
to report* received by
.Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Johnson the (¡range hall. Mrs. R. Walworth
Pythian« of Hillaboro to
School Superintendent N. A. Frost
of Portland wire Hillsboro visitors and W. E. Ogilbee receiving high i i« r, Mr»«. George Brown of South- Hold Joint Installation
we«tern City, Missouri.
this morning from the office of the
Mr . Johnson formerly l score at bridge,
and Mis* Agnes
state superintendent of instruction.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne \ aught, for­
resided at Banks.
Wahlgren and L eonard Bruun re- merly of KI amath Fall«, arc guests
Those passing were: Ruth F. Will,
The l\thian Sisters of North wiving high al “1 :>ou."
of Pythias, and Phoenicia T ■ pie Orenco; Louise M. Cochrane, Cor­
of Mr. Vaught'a parents, Mr. and No. 10, Pythian Sister«, «ill hold
Plains will give a curd |*nrty at the
nelius; Flora M. McCranner, Beaver­
Peter Hoffman of Bi ma was a Mrs. R.
K. P. hull there next Suturday night.
joint installation of officers t t the ton root* 2; lira. Fred Ca Iwell,
Hillsboro vis itor Monday Mr. Hoff-
Mr. nnd Mm. Albert
Everybody invited.
K. P. hall Monday evening.
. E. Hillsbofo; Mabel E. Hanson, Hills­
said th at it is warmer up on Tillamook were « eek-ei
Fayram «ill install the Knights and boro route 5; Clara C. Flower. Hills­
W. E. Everett of Everett, Wash., i man
the mountain where he lives than it
Mi-. Vi ta Combs will in stal) the boro, and I. M. Wood.«, Cornelius.
is in the cil for a few day* look- i is down here in the valley, and said Mrs. Schlappi'« pai vili
Sisters. A short program will fol-
ing after th< itilvi e.«t» of the Wi -t l that the sun shone all day Sunday Mm. Otto Wismer.
low installation ceremonies, and I re-
< >a.«t Telephone company.
I up there.
fre.hnients will be served.
Thurnher, who died M
W. G Il .i.*, I.. T. M. 1 h* •• • . A.
M. Muhly of Graniin, Al-
II. Morgan, and J. W. Rnynnrd of berta, ('anada, who has been vi iting held at the Lutheran ch
At the regular meeting of the
Beaverton .• pent the week-end at ■ for m verni month-* with her mother. nelius today.
Eastern .Star chapter Tuesday eve­
Ingwald Rommesmo
Pacific City <>n a fishing trip.
ning, the new officers put <>n the
Mrs. Mary Steinke, and brothers of
Mr«. E. E Cable anil Mr*. Hanson thia city and lor husband's folks Hazel underwent a maj
initiatory work for the first time,
at the Smith hospital
day and this was followed by a short
The e<tate of Mary O'Brien, who
<*f Portland were guest* last week
Corneliu-, left Sunday for afternoon.
of Mm. Cabl< ‘s brother mid -i-ter- home.
program. Floyd Miller gave several died January 2. has been admitted
Mr. and Mr«. C. P. Svvvrson and saxophone solos and Mrs. J.
in-law, Mr. and Mm. A. K. I’ugh.
‘ W. to probate and is valued at $19,000.
(»corgi» H. Dyer of Boston, Mas-
Mrs. R. V. Thoma* and son, sachuavtts, arrived Saturday for a .Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Heard of Cooper Holt gave several readings. 1 During Many relatives and others are to re­
Donald, who have been in South-* \ i it with bi. aunt, Mrs. Emma Mountain were county scat callers the serving of refre>hraents Miss ceive various sums according to the
Lenora Bryant and Floyd Miller term« of the will. Michael O'Connell
wiek, Idaho, visiting relative* for u Mt Nelly. Mr. Dyer just graduated Saturday.
of Beaverton was named executor.
Mr. and Mm. William Bistone, rendered some orchestra music.
month, arrived home Sunday night. from an electrical school at Lynn,
The estate of L. C. Hoffel, promi­
William Meierjurg.-n of :u ..r West Mass., and expects to locate in Ore­ who have been ’ ¡siting friends in
The correspondent from the Pyth­ nent Witch Hazel poultryman, who
Portland, returned home the last of
I nion was in the city Wednesday. gon.
ian Sisters of North Plains reported died intestate January 8, has been
the week.
It was the first time he had been to
Dean Sellers of the Bend Bulletin
Mrs. Elford had won a prize at admitted to probate.
Mrs. Dora S. Gilbert of Forest
town in two months on account of whs a Hillsboro visitor Wednesday,
the card party, which -he wishes to W. H. Hoeffel were named as
( nroute home. Mr. Sellers was called Grove is visiting nt the home of her correst to Mrs. Alvord, just a mis- cutors.
Mr. ami Mrs. W. F. Stangel and to Banks last week
account of sister, Mr«. C. Hillier, on Walnut iH'Iling of the name. Sirs. Elford
his mother, street.
two children of Condon, and Mr. und the illness and death
is ill at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Mary I.isco of Portland was Mrs. Fred Gordon in this city.
Mrs. Joe Kalupky of Wilsonville Mra. W. T. Seller«.
were guests Sunday of Mr. und Mr».
Mr. nnd Mr«. A. O. Johnson of
J. J. S tangel.
, Portland have taken up their resi­ and looking after property interest* Meury Estate Is
li.-, t
Mr. here.
H. L. Cln isten • n and his brother, dence nt 1756 Main
Admitted to Probate
Mr. and Mrs. I,, L. Baker
Ed, of Clatskanie left Monday for Johnson has been here for some time
G. C. Scheurer, formerly of Port­
Arcata, Cal., being called there by ax assistant cashier in the Commer- land were Sunday guests of
land, has purchased the Wigwam
the accidental death of their brother-' cial National bunk.
caffeteria and will have his opening
in-law, Frank Hill.
Melchoir Meyers of below Beaver- Meury, whose estate has been ad- Saturday, Mr. Scheurer. who is ex-
Mm. J. W. Gaunt and Mr. and
perienced in tamale manufacturing,
The Coffee hub will give a card Mrs. J. E. Jones of Cove (>rchard ton was a county seat business caller
January y at the age
■- of
-* 73. The will make a specialty of tamales.
party at the chamber of commerce were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Friday.
room next Thui 'day night. Bridge Mrs. L. P. Tallman. Mrs. Gaunt ami
Mrs. Eva Bridges is in Portland heirs include the following sons and Lunches and short orders will be
and “500” will be played. Everybody Mrs. Jones and mother and sister of this week visiting relatives.
is cordially invited to attend.
Mm. Tallman.
Scherrer, Judith Schmidlin, Emma
Ihe Ladies’ Aid society of the Mr*. Rehte Entertain*
Next Wednesday night there will
A bbl, Lena VanDomelen and Erwin
be a card party at St. Matthews Methodist church will give a tea
Mr . Edgar Rehse of Farmington M ury. Rudolph Scherrer was nanx d
hall, the committee being Mesdamc.s next Wednesday afternoon from 2:30 entertained with a card party nt her executor.
T. J. Nault, George Garrow, Fred to ft o’clock in the church basement. home recently. Mrs. Lot Buttler and
Engeldingrr and F. L. Pranger.
Everybody invited.
Mrs. Eva Bagnell held high scores, Pat tition Of Firm
Mrs. II. A. Uppenkamp entertained
Mrs. Thomas Molev of Milwaukie and Mrs. .John Kanina Jr., and Mr*«.
The super-service station at the
Monday evening with a 6 o’clock wax a week end gue t of Mr. and Hoffman, consolation. The members Sought In Suit
corner of First and Baseline streets
dinner in honor of Mrs. M. Eischen, Mrs. L. F. Emmott. 'Fhe visitor was of the parts organized a social club
will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. O.
A suit to bring about a partition Coslett. the owners, who will also
who left I'uculay for Fresno, (’al. a former friend of I L,. F. and II. R. to be called “You go-I go," which
The evening was spent in playing Emmott in the cast.
will meet each month, Those pre­
spend $2.000 in fitting up a bar­
Miss Margaret Pranger, with the sent were Mrs. Ervin Hu rkhalter, the hill south of Scholls has been becue. The Cosletts will operate the
Frank Schulmerich, Mrs. Lot
N. C. Shipley, who has been very! Albers Co. of Portland, spent the
ill with pneumonia, is reported as w<»«»k-cnd with her par<»nt.s, Mr. and Butler, Mrs. E. L. Kraus, Mrs. James Brown against Ferd Groner and
Mrs. Lawson Auld, Mrs. Ed- sociates.
improving. N. C. Shipley, Jr., and Mrs. Mrs. B. .1. Pranger of near Lcixv-
«in Burkhalter, Mr
John Kanina,
E. J. Dunn of Pasadena, (’al., ar­ ville.
Jr., Mrs. N.
rived last week, being called here by
Mr . William Masterson spent the man, Mrs. J. Mann, Mrs. Ed Hoff-
Johnson—To Mr. and Mrs. C.
Ihe illness of their father.
week-end at Roseburg, where she Burkhalter,
.Johnson of Forest Grove, a girl,
Mrs. A. L. Chase entertained Tues­ visited her step-father, George J. hostess.
Tuesday at the Jones hospital.
day afternoqp with a neighborhood Exsig, at the Old Soldiers’ home.
Giesbers—To Mr. and Mrs.
party, those present being Mis. W.
Mrs. II. I. Patten, who has been Bride-Elect Honored
Giesbers of Verboort, a son,
A. Hughes, Mrs. W. G. Ide, Mrs. E. n the Good Samaritan hospital for
Mrs. Ben Leu, Ophelia and Deila morning at the Dr. Smith hospital.
B. Watt«, Mrs. G. C. Chase, Mrs. several W’eeks following an operation,
Wismer entertained with a miscel-
Ralph Ireland and the hostess. v
was brought home Sunday.
lancous showed Tuesday evening in
Vacate Road
Mr. and Mrs. '1’. (’. Reynolds and
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Abbott and honor of Miss Bertha Linder of
Part of county road No. 233. near
son, Reginald, were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Whitcomb of Bethany. The guests were Misses
of Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds and Portland were guest.« Sunday of Mr. Mary Trachsel, Leona Schindler, Buxton, will be vacated, according
to the resolution passed by
family at Yamhill, at a family din­ and Mrs. Robert Cull.
Mary Jefferies, Rosa. Edna and county court Tuesday.
ner party.
Mr. and Mrs. George
.John Starkey of north Tualatin Alma Stucki, Gladys Kuratli, Hulda
Allen and son of Salem were also'
Plains is laid up with a badly Kehrli, Hulda Zurbrugg, Mesdames
guests at the Reynolds home.
sprained ankle, the result of a fail Silina Ferry, Freda Cook, Tillie
Miss Hazel Morrison of Berkeley, Inst week.
Wisnier, Freda Schindler, Ilia Han­
Cal., arrived 'Fhumday and is a guest *
Mrs, A. B. Flint and daughter, sen. .Lena Linder, Louise Dysle,
of Mrs. George McGrath. Miss Mor- Margaret, of Scholls left
Inst week Marie Kehrli, Marie Berger, Emma
ri <»n, a graduate of the University
for the Meier. Elsie Keichen, Anna Jossy,
of California, will have charge of winter.
Ida Kuratli, C. Reimer, May Ald-
the Sunday school and young peo­
inger, Theresa Meier, Mary Wismer,
ple’s work in All Saints Mission.
Lauro Wismer, Hazel Dysle, and
tendent, is milking his first visits to j Hortense Streib.
The house was
Mrs. Raleigh Walker and Miss
decorated with rosebuds and stream­
Angie Harrington were down from I
Howard Wells of O. S. C.. Cor­ ers.
Forest Grove Tuesday afternon. Miss]
Harrington is just recovering from villi*», spent the week-end with his
— — Ill—
1 »vi»
»♦.>»» ♦ u
nnil Ml’S.
Honored on 71.1 Birthday
E. W
an illness and is planning to leave! parents, Mr. and
Carl Wisnier and son of near
next we(»k for Long Beach, Cal., I
Mr. and Mrs. Arno l’ickens enter­
where she will visit her sister, Mrs. j Cedar Mill were Hillsboro business tained Sunday with a dinner party
Lexter Ireland, and family, who are visitors last Thursday afternoon,
in honor of the 71st birthday anni­
«pending the winter there.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Nitchninn nnd versary of Mrs. Pickens’ father, J. B.
Those present were Mr.
Charle* Murrny Brownhill, the 2- fnniily of Shady Brook were Ilills- Phillips.
and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. D. C. Jolly I
year-old non of Mr. nnd Mrs. ('hnrles I boro business visitors Snturdny.
nnd Mrs. (’hnrles Jolly of Van-1
Io Brownhill of Tillamook, died
The Laurel Community club will
Tuesday morning nt the Doernhecher give a dance Saturday night nt ths* couver, Wash., nnd host and hostess.
If you've never bowled, now
Human nature never asserts
hospital in Portland, from pneumonia community hull in thnt place.
is the time to learn this ex-
itself more in unselfish devo­
and complications. The funeral was
tion than when it places me­
Miss Hortense Streib of Portland
hilcrating sport. We can give
held this afternoon in McMinnville. nrrived Snturdny for a visit with her
morials over the resting places
you alleys by reservation for
Mr. and Mrs. Brownhill formerly mother, Mrs. (). J. Wismer.
of the Departed.
This is a
lived in Beaverton, and are Weil,
your party, and suggest that
R. Beamish nnd sisters. Misses |
known here, Mr. Brownhill being a.
They are asking from
for man to pour forth his li­
you take advantage of mixed
Mary nnd Jane, of Cedar Mill were
brother of Mrs. William Manley.
$500 to $575 for the
bation, to make his burnt of­
parties on ladies' night.
Hillsboro visitor* Saturday.
fering, in loving tribute to the
same car. Will sell for
Hillsboro people who attended the
Mrs. R. K. Wiley and daughter,!
Joint installation ceremonies of Port­ Kntherine, who have been very ill
$150, plus cost of li-
land Canton and Auxiliary Tuesday with flu, are recovering.
Select your memorial from
evening were Mr. and Mrs. W. ().
our large stock.
Arnold Hutchinson and son, Or­
Morley, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Harms,
Mrs. Allierta Hargreave, nnd A. L. ville, Jr., of West Union were county [
Brock. Mr. Morley was installed ns sent callers Tuesday.
with good rubber and
H. C. Frnnci* nnd A. W. James'
enptain of the Cnnton Portland No.
built-in- rumble seat.
1, and George Harms was installed of Jncktown were county sent callers,
as picket. Mrs. Morley was installed Snturday.
H. H. Stannard, Manager
as officer of the day of Portland
Mrs. Perry Bntchelar is ill in the
Telephone Building
Auxiliary No. 1.
Jones hospital.
Fhomas Gheen Dirs
Wednesday Evening
Forest Hills Course
In Best Of Condition
Teachers Pass In
Their Examinations
Admit Two Estates
To Probate Court
.station, washrack and barbecue and
will lease the shop and battery room. I
The station will be 100 per cent i
Jannsen, Gaunt Buy
Bragga Fish Fann
Too Late to Classify
For Sale—Two cows, 1 to freshen
few days. — Dan Huchison,
Bank I, R. 3; 2 miles north of North
We wish to express our sincere
appreciation to our friends who of­
fered their sympathies during our
recent bereavement at the loss of
our wife and mother.
W. I
■ • i
and Sons.
The Bragga fish farm above Mea­
cham's Crossing has been purchased
by A. M Jannsen and Frank Gaunt
of Reed vi lie and Aloha. Mr. Gaunt
will live on the place and Mr. Jann­
sen will look after the sales. The ,
consideration was $5,000. There are |
Dance Of the Bright Lights
about 15,000 young fish on the.
Dance Friday night, January 18
place and 15 deer, 11 belonging to! in St. Matthews' hail. Good music
the owners and four to the state.
I and good time assured.
Dance at Laurel
There will be a dance at Lau-
The Hilhi Girl Reserve club with
advisors. Miss Tennessee Weather- rel Community hall Saturday night,
red, Mrs. Clara Megargel, and Miss January 19. Everybody invited. 47
Louise Nex, met at the high school
Coffee Club Card Party
Monday afternon. After a general
busini- * meeting, the girls sang club
At the chamber of commerce rooms,
songs and enjoyed a fashion parade Thursday night, January 24. Bridge
of modem and old-time dress worn and “500,” prizes and refreshments.
by girls.
The program committee Admission 25 cents. Everybody in-
were the fashion models.
The long anticipated hobo party
for the new girls of the club was
Dance at Kansas City, Saturday
given Tui -day evening. The girls, night, January 19.
Gents’ tickets
wearing hobo apparel, met at the 75c, ladies 25c. Cafeteria supper at
city library and the itinerary of midnight.
these modern tramps included sand­
wiches at the home of Dorothy Gil-
Better let Andy fix your watch.
more, pickles at Winabeth Mc-
Dowell's, and coffee, sandwiches, and He knows how.—J. L. Anderson,
stur.ts at the home of Anna Mae Jeweler, 1211 Main street.
When you need glasses, ,
>•<_■ DR. LUZADER at
Sell Confiscated Cars
the Hillsboro Phar- \Sts~~
Three confiscated cars were sold
macy, every Saturday.—32-tf
Wednesday by the sheriff. A Chev­
rolet touring went for $9, a Buick
for $30 and a Ford coupe for $85.
Faces Traffic Charge
Kenneth Van Buren was regis­
tered at the county jail Tuesday on
a traffic violation charge.
Marriage License,
Frank A. McMahon, Hillsboro, and
Alyce Olson, Gaston, January 14.
Charles B. Damron, and Daisy
Brown, both of rtland, January 14.
Brown, both of Portland, January 14.
William Merkle and Tillie Raun,
both of Tigard, January 16.
Commence the year right.
Without good
you're only half efficient.
Glut-ch will examine your
eyes without charge or obligation.
Wa-hington Hotel, Wednesday, Jan.
Dr. E. M. Riorden
Eyesight Specialist
For Complete Optical Service
Every day
Commercial Building
Comfort-Giving Glasses”
It s Performance Is Unbelievable
Crosley Radio
Discount For Cash—Terms if Desired
Authorized CROSLEY Service Station
1122 Third St.
Phone 1942
Buys Cafeteria and
Will Open Saturday
Guaranteed For 12 Months
Will Run Barbecue
In Service Station
Strike For
An Evening
Of Exercise
Mark Every Grave
Snap for Someone!
1926 Dodge Coupe
Rehsc Bowling
And Your Old Battery
Will fit Ford, Chevrolet, Star and all other light cars.
Sahnow Bros. Garage
Telephone 2431
1361 Main Street
Hillsboro, Oregon