The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin; hili , nono argus
JANUARY 17, 1020
iiillsiioro , oregon
Ih-an of Ih-nd: the widower, W. T.
Seller* of Banks two » h i •<, Mary
lialletk of Sacraimnto, ('al, and
Mr A. N. Pool of Monmouth; and
one brother, I’aylor Halleck, of New
llaz< Idale, Jan. 17.
J. G. Breth-
Interment was in the Bank« <<ine
Scholia, January 17.
Scholl« Co
Rev. J. Ebert of the eit.on <>f the Fed«ral comineree Coin
operative Berry Growei ' a ociiition 1» ry Monday.
held it* annual meet io« Monday and Banks Method) t Episcopal church niission gave an address on “How
flic department of commerce is ope­
elected the director* for the year. officiated.
rated in Oregon,” at tin* open meet
The director* elected were .1. B
ing of the Haz.eldah* Literary
Bartlett, T. Roy Moore, Victor Bo
<-iety Tuesday evening of last week.
Icon, A. .1 l.arkin and V. C. Wen
The work of the various branches
wtroin. Following the meeting of the
was outlined and he showed how
ii social ion the director* nut ami re
they co operate to help people in
elected J. H. Bartlett, pi« ideal, and
«•very field of commercial life. Mrs.
V. ('. Wen trout, accretaiy -Iren urer.
Laurel, .January 17.—-The annual Otto Andvrom of Witch Hazel played
Several member* of the Hill boro
a piano solo and gavi* a reading,
„..... elution attended, including George meeting of the Community Home
and Misa Rhoda Sh«-llenb«*rger of
|,. ... ..... Iworth, <;. <’. Chase, Henry club was held at the hall Monday
Th«? next
Roy Fields was re elected Beaverton sang a solo.
t'lmntlcr and Frank l.ognn.
Mi evening.
meeting of the society will be Jan­
... ..... Iworth, pre ideal <>f the Hill* a one of the board of directors, and
Fred Schmidt 1» the oilier director. uary 22, and i. debate on the corn
boro uaaociation, gave a brief talk.
munity hall question is planned with
Mr*. II. T. II
«•iit<*l’tniil<*<l the F. L. Brown is president, Dan <’ham-
IL Cameron and Agnes Syver on up­
Womrn'N dub Mt h«»r homo hr t week. bvrs, secretary, arid A. Rutschman,
Some improvements holding the affirmative and (’. P.
Mm. .1 B. Bieilhtt Mini M inn Murid« Sr., tr< a urer.
Sy verson and Jean Smith, the nega­
Larkin wore tiik« n into the club iin were suggested, and the president
ii «* w in«» m hem.
Mr«. L. M. II omm « was given the authority to appoint
Mr. and Mr>. C. P. Syverson enter­
pro «»nleti u roport on viirly Amon commit t ees.
tained with a “500” party last
ciiii lihrntur«», which tho dub i con
Plans were discussed and a com­ Thursday evening. Four table- wen*
ntlcring NtudyiiiK ’luring tho coming mittee appointed to see about play
played, after which dancing was en­
apparatus for the school grounds at joyed.
Mrs. J. <’. Smith won high
Mi-s Evelyn Ik e win oh‘cto<| a meeting of the Parcnt-Tvuchvr’s
cote for ladies and Charles LaFol
president of tho S c I io II n Epworth n ' ociiition held at the school house
lelte of Cornelia* hedd high score for
l^ouguo hr t Sunday evening.
Fi iday afternoon.
Th«» consolation prizes went
. i u i.. ■
fn i vic« i" • "I* nt.
The Laurel basketball boys won to Mr . Tom Kerr of Hillsboro and
Thoma« Rood, «erond vice pro ¡«lent; the game on the local floor from the
M i - n
II hzv I Farwell, fourth vice Mountain Home team by a score of
Thirteen guests were pr< -ent.
pro ideiit, and Mi * Margie Larkin, 17 to 34.
Walter and Raymond H«*ard and
■ . i. • ti ■. 11 < . hi • i
'I he losing side of the attendance Ray Cary left last week to work at
N ismii will lead next Sunday eve­ contest of the Young People’ Sun­
ning, amt tho topic for <tr<’u ion r. day school da t entertained the
Ihe sympathy of the community
•”1’110 induNtrittl syHtom a> it effect» winning side and the senior die« at'
is extended to Mr. ami Mr-. B. L.
a party at the hall la-t Friday « vc Leonetti ami family on the death of
The Scholls Grunge will h«»!«i an nfap.
their son and brother, Louis.
all day meeting Saturday, and a
In remembrance of hi birthday a
Mrs. Welter of Sublimity is mak­
literary program will be presented number of relatives and friends' ing her home for the present with
in the afternoon, according to Mrs. tailed at Rollin Meyer ' home Mon her daughter, Mrs. J. Gavsner.
John Schmdtxvr.
The program i« day « veiling.
They were Mr. and
Miss Isabel and Elsie Todd were
open to the public.
Mr . William Hanson, Mr. and Mr.-. dinn« r guests of Mr. und Mrs. J. A.
About 2Q members of the Moun­ Bolma and children and Mrs. Frost Smith Sunday.
tain Horne ( lirrtian Endeavor co- and daughter of Scholls and Mr.
R< x Bogg» of Cooper Mountain
iiety visited the Laurd organization and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt.
left last 'Lue-day fur a business trip
last Sunday evening
M i - n Ella
An unusually large number at
to California and Idaho.
Bruce is president of the Mountain tended the Sunday school last Sun-i
The people of Hazeldale community
Home organization.
day. The special music each Sunday- are invited to inspect Washington
Mr . Carl Sieffert entertained in i« creating much added inkre-t. C ainty's New Store. Piano , Radios
honor of Mr. Sieffert’* birthday la t Reverend Culver, presiding elder,
Washing Machine. , G. E. Refrigera­
Saturday evening.
I he guest* wore preached.
He was accompanied by 1 tor-, Electric Ranges, Vacuum Clean-
Mr. and Mrs. (¡verge Lewellin, Mr. Mr-. Culver.
» , Hut Point appliance , Electric
and Mi
E. G. Heaton and family,
Several member of the Mountain Clocks, Electric Fixtures and a com­
Mr, and Mis. John Fi-her and Her­ Home < hn tian Endeavor society plete line of Eletrical supplies. Radio
bert l'i her, Mrs. Hayncn, and Non, attended the evening meeting here Sales and Service, Wiring, Repairing,
and Contracting. The be-t of serve <
Mrs. V. (’. Wenstrom reports that
I he people of Laurel community and a square deal to all. K. A. Price
»he haN received word that the dis­ are invited to in-pert Washington Music
Electric Co., 1160 Second
trict convention of Rebekah* will < ounty’ New Store. Piano«, Radios, St., Hillsboro, Ore. Phone 1011.
meet at Fore t (¡rove January 30.
U a hmg Machines, (¡. E. Refrigera
An Epworth League party wa tors. I'.lectric Ranges, Vacuum ( lean­
held al the parsonage Friday < ve­ er , H<>t Point appliances, Electric
iling with about 10 pre ent. A Vul (’locks, Electric Fixture» and a com
Tho teachers of the public school
vntine party is planned for February. plrte line of Eletrical supplies. Radio
entertained th<* directors of the
Mrs. Louise t’orozzi, presnlcnt of Side und Service. Wiring, Repairing,
school last Friday afternoon at the
the Rebekah as.scmlily, will visit and Contracting. The be t of < rvice South grade school lunch room. The
Ruby Rebekah lodge Saturday, Jan and a square d< al to all. K. A. Price
depart mental teachersand principals
Music A.’ Electric Co., 1 160 Second of th«» school gave reports on the
uary 20.
Lincoln lodge and Ruby Rebekah St., Hillsboro, Ore. Phone 1011.
Iwnefits derived from the visiting
bulge will hold a point installation
day in Portland.
\\ edne itav evening, January 30. Confer With M. E.
Three dubs have been organized
Mrs. Rollin Meyers of Laurel is
at the North grade school. They are
Ministers On Plans
dntrirt deputy president.
Sewing club I with Mrs« Stanton a
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett are
IL J. Duncan of Chicago, Vice- leader, cooking Division 1 with Mrs.
making their home nt the lloeffrl
Lester Mooberry as leader and Boys’
home at Witch Hazel for a few President, (■ .(>. Oliver of Willamette cooking camp club with Miss Her­
week- while Mr. and Mrs. N. Welsh uni\er-ity at Salem and Dr. '1*. H. man as leader.
will occupy the Bonnett home fur a Temple, new district superintendent
The North grade school is working
of the Sulem district, were here
on th«» fund for the David Hill
Bennett returned to
dist minister* of the county in con-1 monument. The second grade room,
Portland Monday.
taught by Mrs. Mooberry, has the
Mr. and Mr-. L. M He*- e attended nection with Willamette university. banner.
the Sunnyside Methodi t church in Rev. E. B Lockhart will assist in
The ?-choo|s are working on the
.Neuberg, Albany and Salem next
Portland In t Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mr*. Irvin Gray and week
family wore dinner guests of Mr. I'emple will hold hi« first quarterly
conference h<-re February D*.
and Mr*. Ed Sieffert Sunday.
Dr. Temple, Miperintemb nt of the
Method» t Episcopal church of the Neptunus Rex Diploma
Salem district, will speak at the Signed By Hoover
Scholls Methodist church Sunday,
February 3.
A diploma from the Domain of
.Mr*, (¡ray was c I hmm n superinten­
dent of the cradle roll at the Sunday Neptunus R< X received by R. F. Mil­
<in of Andy Miller of this city,
School board meeting at #the par
following hi* initiation on crossing
sunage Munday evening.
Mrs. Ida Kays and Mi-
Hazel the equator is on display in *thv
' mm
Farwell were guests at the J. Stret­
on hi South Aim man goodwill tour,
cher home Sunday.
♦ + +
was countersigned
Mm. Henry Jack underwent a
major operation in the Smith hos­ by Mr H oover.
pital in Hillsboro recently.
Mi .< Maybeth Nut Icy entertained I— -
We can give you every
several of the member» of the
League at dinner last Sunday eve­
kind of service from Fill­
Scheurer’s Famous
your tires with air to
»pending a few days with her sifter,
Overhauling your entire
who lives mar Beaverton.
Eleanor Smith is holding Miss Whip­
ple’s position for her.
Made und Served at
And you never have to
A btcn opticon lecture will be
given at tho Methodist church fol­
wait to get your gas and
lowing the league meeting January
when you drive in
27 th.
Th« ¡u’oplo of School« community
here. The next time you're
are invited to inspect Washington
in town try us.
(’ounty’s New Store. Plano«, Radio«,
Washing Machine«, G. E. Refrigera­
tors, Electric Ranges, Vacuum (’lean­
er«, Hot Point appliances, Electric
We use chicken only in
♦ ♦ ♦
(’locks, Electric Fixtures and a com­
our Tamales.
plete line of Eletrical supplies. Radio
Sale» and Service. Wiring. Repairing,
We Treat You Right
and Contracting. The best of service
Specinl Rates for Parties
and a square deal to all. K. A. Price
♦ + +
Music Ar Electric Co., 1160 Second
Wholesale and Retail
St., Hillsboro, Orc. Phone 1011.
o---------------------------------------------------------- o
Rev. J. Henry Ernst, pastor
o---------------------------------------------------------- o
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning
Telephone 1061
La* Rift*. Prop.
3rd and Wa,h.
worship at II; Epworth League, 8
p. m.; sermon topic, “Art Thou a ..............—n. .................................
The Willamette “Forward
Movement” campaign will get under
way in our district January 21.
I fazeklale Society
I fears Of Commerce
Berry Growers At
Scholls Name I leads
Laurel Community
I las Annual Session
I’ll Sav!
Tamales and Chili
City Service Station
F. M. Loomis of Forest Grove wa-
fined |50 and costs by Justice J. W.
Wednesday of last
w<-«*k on a charge of not keeping a
record of hide» tak<*n into his taxi­
dermist «hop, according to Deputy
Game Warden V. F. McFarlane^Ray
Smith received a like fine the same
day on a charge of having part« of
a deer in his possession during closed
Display Ad Sells
Radios For Tews
The pulling power of display ad­
vertising in the Argus was clearly
demonstrated to C. It. Douglass of
tlie Tews' Radio shop last week. An
advertisement for the sale of used
radios nearly cleaned them out, ac­
cording to Mr. Douglass.
Herman Thurnher, 71, who lived
on Iowa hill south of Blooming, died
Tue-day at the county hospital. He
was born in Austria, March 21,
1854, and came to the United .States
in 1888. Deceased is survived by a
brother, Ben Thurnher, of Portland.
The Hillsboro
Truck & Fuel Co
Lending varieties sold at
reasonable prices.
Imperial Feed & Grain Co.
Telephone 511
745 Second Street
Bring your own containers
The finest quality of rhubarb found
on the market is that which is forced
during the winter months, according
to the vegetable gardening depart-
ment of the experiment station,
Plants from two to five year* old.
taken from outdoor planting* can
readily be forced in a cellar, shed
or some place where artificial heat
can be provided, and which is prac-
tically light-proof.
After the rhu-
barb clump* ure dug it is best to
leave them lying outside until frost­
ed, to stimulate plant growth. When
placed in the forcing cellar they
are covered with a few inches of soil
and kept at a temperature of 55 to
65 degree*.
When turkeys show considerable
swelling of the face due to roup or
colds, they can sometimes be profit­
ably treated by cutting open the
face and draining out the contents,
finds the poultry department of the
The cavity is then packed
with a piece of cotton or gauze
saturated with suitable antiseptic,
such as tincture of iodine, using
enough packing to keep the skin in­
cision open, thus preventing healing
before the infection has been de­
stroyed in the cavity. It is best to
replace the pack with a new
every day or two.
J anuary
Clearance Sale
All Millinery Your Choice §1.90
Men’s Ail Wool Suits
Good Styles
Hillsboro Transfer Co.,
operated by Strong and
Larrance, is stil located at
1153 Washington
and solicits your business
on all hauling jobs
+ + +
Contract and Long Dis­
tance Hauling
Telephone 1542
Bread and Pastries
are mixed, baked and sold
under the most sanitary
Our goods
are only handled at Bak­
ery by proficient, expert
Try our daily specials
January 21 to 26
Monday Special
All Donuts, a doz.......
Tuesday Special
All Rolls, doz
All Cookies, 2 doz...... 25c
Note our regular prices
on our quality bread:
ll^lb. Loaf 12c; 2 for 23c
1 lb. Loaf 8c; 2 for 15c
We are selling Butter Nut
Bread in connection with
our own.
Perfection Bakery
Coffee Shop
"For Health Protection
Use Perfection
Formerly known as the
Friday Special
for every feeding purpose.
It will pay you to get our
money that’s in it. They serve be­
cause people argue and argue cor­
rectly that the public is entitled to
“good government,” anil it takes
good men to provide good govern­
But the public can't expect
that big men are going to wear
themselves down at the heels in their
devotion to public service.
In the
long run the public gets only what
it pays for.
—Oregon Voter.
Remnants, Half Price — French Ginghams, yd. 15c
Scotch Bread, each.... 14c
Whether you are buying or
selling, we solicit the oppor­
tunity to figure with you.
Hillsboro Argus—$1.50 per year.
Thursday Special
Hay - - Straw
A county commissioner of a Wil-
lamette Valley county has been paid
$1500 a year salary.
This man's
tax« - alone amount to this sum, or a
little more.
So he has been busi­
ness man enough to amass a con­
siderable amount of property.
announced early in the fall that he
would not be a candidate for re­
election and that he would probably
resign before his term of office ex­
pired, January 1.
This commis­
sioner was one of three men who
have been handling the business af­
fair- of a large county, affairs which
entailed expenditure of more than
$1,000,000 a year.
For his talents
the county gave him a stipend that
wouldn't attract the services of an
efficient head janitor. Men capable
of paying $1500 a year in taxes are
not working for the public for the
Apple or Peach Pie—
each ............................... 20c
Feeds - - Grain
One door east of Ireland's
Game Violations
Result In Fines
Wednesday Special
Banks, Jan. 17.—Mr». Ellen L. I
Sellers, 62, died at her home in
Banks after an extended illness of
about six years.
She was born in
Kings Valley, January 11, 1866, and,
moved with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. Halleck to Monmouth,
where she graduated from the Ore­
gon Normal school.
In 1888 she
was married to W. T. Sellers of Eu­
gene and they moved to Banks in
1917, where they have since resided.
She is survived by five children,
Charles of
Banks, Bernard of Monmouth and
Apple House
picture contest sponsored by the
Federated Women's clubs.
t'anip Cookery boys’ club with
Herman as leader met at the
home of Lloyd Selfridge
The Hill boro grade school hoys'
ami girls' basketball team* defeated
the For« • (¡rove team last Friday
on the local floor. The girls’ score
wa* 21 to 13 and the boys' 15 to 1.
Both teams played at Tigard last
Mid year examinations Iwgin next
Clarence Rash has returned to
school after a long absence due to
an attack of pneumonia.
The Hillsboro Boys’ Camp Cook­
ing club gave a dinner in the cafe­
teria room at the south grade school
last Wednesday evening, which they
prepare«! and served.
This event
complete* the course in camp cookery,
and one of the members will rep­
resent the club at Corvallis summer
school next summer.
Mr*. Lee is
manag< r of the club. The member* of
the club are Donabl Rollin*, Vernon
Cook, Jack Barr, Lester Williams,
Earl B< alley, Arthur Webb, Kel ey
Miller, Aaron Belle, John Holt, Ger­
ald Lawrence, Sid Eiling-on, Adrian
Horn« « ker.
Mi*« Meredith and Mr.
nod Mi . C. 11. Nosier were dinner
guests of the club.