JANUARY 3, THE HILLSBORO ARGUS- HILLSBORO, OREGON litat» ljt>eal Brie[s *------------------- - What’s On at the Venetian Theater «»»d Saturday .l.tii I I Lawrence Gray, Louhe Lorrain«* in “Shadow» of the Night” Friday Sunday. Monday and I'uasday January »I '! H .luck Holt in •’Avalanche" Wedoeidu y - Thur sila y "Race for Life” Jan. 20 21-22 Humun Drama Ever Screened ‘'I’ncle Tom'n Cabin” Comini Great«*Mt ♦ R. W. Ileartt of Bethany was in th«* county seat Saturday. J. II. Do«d«*y of Banks was a Hills boro visitor last Thursday afternoon. Richard Connell of Portland was visiting with relatives here M<»miay. Fred Wilcox of Banks wa a Hill boro busin«*«» visitor the last «»f th«* week. Howard Watson left last week for Los Angele«, where he will upend the winter. Vnncouver, ..f Harry Wi«*h busin«* « visitor Monday. Shea will spend the winter in Port- land. Mr. ami Mr Fr«*«l Cornelius and Mi«« llvtti«* .lack were gueats over N«*w Year <>f Mr and Mrs. J. A. Purvis of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blank and fam­ ily, f«>rmrrly <>f Hill boro ami now <»f Portland, wer«* Sunday visitors at the Frank Barr home. Mrs . W. (J. Victor r«turn« Valerie Bag- 1 \ Mr Hill wa« formerly Miss Marjori«* Gilby «»f this city. Tom Shuck Is showing a "bear gun” to his fri«*n«|s this week. It is an eight gauge shotgun that weighs so much that it would wear tile hunter out carrying it around. Mrs. Janies Miltenherger of Ocean Beach, Cal., arrived lust Thursday evening for a few weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William relatives anil Tupper and other friend*. Ray McDuffee of Bandon was a guest Sunday of his parents in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Watson. He was returning home from Portland, where he iittended the State Teach­ ers’ convention. Ilaarby Bechen, a student nt O. S. spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. <’. Bechen of near Orenco. John Bechen of Bend wa* also a guest of his par- ent* over Christina.«. Mis* Margaret Tucker, Mis« Patty! Lomax. Harold Wismer and Wayne , Emmott wer«» a party of merry­ makers to .«pend Friday above Gov­ ernment Camp, enjoying the sports at that winter playground. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Phillips, Mr. and Mr.*. A. K. Pickens nnd son, Glonn, nnd Billie Collins spent Sun­ day at Vancouver, Wash., guests of Mrs. Phillips’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. nnd Mr«. D. C. Jolly. Vernon Chantier, a student nt U. of ()., returned Tuesday to Eugene after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. R. Chantier. Delbert Chantier of Port­ land also visited with his parents over Christmas. Mr. and Mr.«. Blaine Waldorf of Marcus, S. D., are making an ex- tended visit at the C. H. Gonyo homo, arriving on Christmas day, after making a drive of 4500 miles. They are accompanied by Miss Mar­ garet Sternad of Coper, S. I). Mr. Waldorf h a nephew of Mrs. Gon­ yo. They had not seen each other for 27 years. Mr. ami Mrs. G. N. Taggart enter- tained New Year’s dny with a dinner party, the guests being Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer •Tones of Orenco, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bergen, Mr. and Mrs. John Gard­ ner and son, Spencer Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. |H. H. Shayler, and Mis.« Floy Taggart. Little Maxine Jensen, 7-year-old «laughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Jenson of Portland, won the grand prize, a beautiful big doll buggy, for writing th«* best letter to Santa Claus in the contest sponsored by the J. C. Penney company, and broadcast over KGW. Her subject was “The Best Way to Spread Cheer.” Maxine is a granddaughter of W. A. Scott of th«» river road and a niece of Elmer Scott of near Hills­ boro and Mrs. G. A. Kempfer of Scholls. Her mother was formerly Helen Scott of this city. The card paity given by the Indie H Of St. Matthew's church Fri -lay night at th«* Catholic hull was well attended. Mr. and Mr- G. M Pool won high scores nt bridge, and M rs. William Reichel and A. Ker koff won first prizes at'TiOO.” The grand prize, a turkey, was won by .1. Vnnderven of Cornelius. Mi Vanl«< 4-nt«*(| th«’ l»ir«l to ReV. ( ’»» t t’llot*. Aft«*r r«*fr«* hini’iitM were Kurvvd, ihincintf W im «*rijoy«**! with Mrs. J. L. A ul*i nt the piano. William A i I hiiim of north of Hill« boro r«*ceived u <'hri«t nut* gre<*ting from hi» m«*«*«*, Mbs L«*lii Pio, from Shnnghni, I’hinii. Mi a Pio han been teaching in (’Ilina for nearly three year» und <*x|M-<*tN to remain another year. She hu< witneMMed many ex­ citing event* during her »tay there. She formerly taught school in Port­ land. Mr. Adams also received a card from his niece, Mrs. Emma Pitman, of Los Angeles, formerly of thin city. At the (’offe«» club card party at the chamber of Thursday night i commerce room», Mr*. Sarah Frost nnd (’ II. Emmott won first prizes at bridge, and Mrs. J. L. Aulii ami E B. Watts won high acore at “500.” Mrs. Fred Caldwell, Mrs. T. (’. Reynolds, Mrs. L. L P. Strana han. Mrs. Allan Pugh, Mrs. J. IL W tidier and Mr«. Florence I lodge were th«* hostess-' s. Walter Zuercher ami family and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donovan of Ehnonica were county seat visitors Saturday, Mr. Zuercher has been improve some extensive making manta on his place, including u He says that modern water syatem. with the modern improvements lif«* on the farm i* a« good as anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lincoln and daughter, Vertie, of Rudyard, Mon­ tana, arrived last week for a few week»' vi it with Mr. Lincoln’s mo­ ther, Mr«. A. R. Lincoln, and other ndatives, and with Mrs. C. D. Farn­ ham and family. They expect to re­ turn home about the 10th of tile month. Mr and Mr«. Fred McNelly -if Cuquilli* arrived here last Wcdnis day for a visit with Mr. McNelly’« moth«*r, Mr«. Emma McNelly. Mrs. Fred McNelly took sick the day of arrival here and Mr. McNelly, who returned to hi« horn«* Saturday, i« expected back hero today. Mr. and Mr«. A. K. Pickens en- tertain«d with a dinner party New Year’s dav in h nor of Mrs. John Collins ami on and daughter, Billie nnm<* of Mrs Killing’s parent*, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Sullivan of Orenco. Mr Otto St«mke entertained with two tables of bridge Saturday eve­ ning. Th«» Th <• present were Mr. nnd Mi A. W. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs J W. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Phillip« and Mr. and Mr . Steinke. Mr. nnd Mr*. Phillip* won the prize*. Mis- Helen Connell entertained a few friends Saturday aft«*rnv«»n with a bridg«* party. Those present were Mrs. Kenneth l.ne.i , Mrs. Verne Me Kinney, Mrs. Maurice Perkin« of I. os Anglic«, Miss Margaret Long, Miss Eva Sorenson, nnd the hostess. Mrs. J. W. Henrey and son, E. C. Hen rey, of near Gaston were in Hilhboro Monday. Mrs. Henrey and her late I husband formerly lived on th«- hr. 1 Bailev place, northeast of Hillsboro, and moved to Portland about 15 year» ago. William Greener nnd family nnd Elmer Musprave of Hardman spent last week here visiting Mr. Greener’s mother, Mrs. Fred Greener, and other relative.«. Greener has been in the central Oregon country since 1914. The Leisyville Women’s club will meet nt the home of Mrs. Lily Han­ lev on Thur day, January 10, in an all-day meeting, beginning nt 10 o’clock. pot-luck dinner will Im served. Harold Wisiver, a senior nt the I’niver ity of Washington, who has been spending the holiday* with his parent». Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Wismer, will return to Seattle Sunday. IMrs. Sarah Frost of New York, who has been visiting at the home of her father. Fred Alvord, near North Plains. left Wednesday for her home in the east. F J ward Kaufman and family of Portland were calling on old friends here Saturday. He was formerly with the transfer company here. Mrs. Ruth Blackburn of Prine- ville was a guest the last of the week of her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Tupper. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Hall left Wednesday for Long Beach, Cal., nnd other southern California cities for a month. The Three Link Social club will give n card party at the I. (). O. F. hull tonight. Everybody invited. Mrs. William Gillenwater nnd son, Eugene, of Yamhill spent Christmas at the Sherman Hyre home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor White nnd Miss Clnrn Fisher of Buxton were Hillsboro visitors Mondny. Misses Hazel Penne nnd Gladys Nissen of Scholls were Hillsboro visitors Wednesday. Mrs. A. II. Biassing sold a poem, “Procrastination,” this week to the Sunset magazine. H. O. Shultz of Wauna spent Christmas with jii* mother, Mrs. Anna B. Shultz. Rev. Lockhart. went to Portland 1 Wednesday to attend the funeral of J. W. Day. I. J Bnrtii'i, 7R, died Saturday at hi* home at Metlger. John Walteri of Cedar Mill* wa a county n al caller Weilm--day. Mr*. I’cr John-on and daughter, ' Anna, of Ri i il*ville were Hilliboro viiitor* Monday, William Scheurer of Connell sta­ tion wa* trariHiicting l.unines, in Hill boro Wedne* guarantee. 3E H. C. Peterson Sales — BUICK — Service Hillsboro 1057 Third Street We now have the Hillsboro Agency for— Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Radio Units. Let that money-gift buy a Gruen Watch! In such a purchase you will obtain beauty and usefulness, something that will perman­ ently acknowledge the good wishes of the giver. Here we have a tine selec­ tion of Gruen Guild Watches in all the modern styles. Let us help you choose youts today! These are the best money can buy. These cost less because they last longer. Try one and you will never use any other kind. FOOD EXPERT Hillsboro MISS RAVEN, food expert connected with The Battle Creek Food Company is conducting a special food demonstration at 1158 Main Street, opp. Court House. When questioned as to the value of certain foods in ex­ tremely hot weather, she said that it wasn’t work that caused that tired feeling, but usually lack of endurance caused by poor condition of the blood caused by improper diet. “Trees, flowers and other green growths, reflect the soil in which they grow,” Miss Raven continued, “and we humans reflect in like manner the foods which we eat in the condition of our health and development.” “Under-capacity for work is the greatest cause for fatigue, far greater than overwork.” Guaranteed For Two Years Sahnow Bros. Garage i Telephone 2431 1361 Main Stremi Hillsboro, Oregon '+ 3. ALL DURING WEEK JAN. 7 to 11 JEWELER Hillsboro 0 and here is just a little suggestion that will make Your New Year a really happy one. Try one of our with a real EE WATCH FOR MILLER’S Wishing You A Happy New Year used car 3E Mrs. Goodin Surprised a A real has been permanently Will Be at Health Food Store 1211 Main Street Chantier Candy Kitchen THE MAYTAG SHOP Miss Ethel Linklater entertained transferred to with a miscellaneous shower Satur­ day afternoon in honor of Miss Irene Connell, who will soon become the bride of Carlton Hnnde of Portland. A table was decorated with a Christ­ mas tree and candles, with many lovely gifts for the bride-elect. Those present were Mis* Connell, For further service telephone Forest Grove 24. and the Misses Ruth McGrath. Ruth Julien. Ruth Gillmore. Margaret Rood, Eugenia Cypher. Eleanor Mal- ing of Dunthrope, Iola Robb. Erma ■aaBaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBaaiiaEBaBBRRMBwaaBBBBBBBBMaaaaa Pasley, Patty Lomax, Alice Nosier, and the hostess. J. L. Anderson In Old Home Supply Grocery Store Notice to Maytag Users Bride-Elect Honored Home Made Candies Pure and Delicious—Made to Your Order—Dozens of Va­ rieties—Try these Candies be­ fore buying elsewhere. Bertha Zanow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dane, at Laur.l iin Koch and son. Junior; Mri. Fred There will be a dance at the Lau­ Brandaw, Charlis and Louis Bran­ rel Community hall Saturday night, daw, Misses Cornelia Liebenow, January 5. Everybody invited. 41-45 Esther and Martha Zanow, Mildred and Marcella Brandaw. Better let Andy fix your watch. He know* how—J. L. Anderson, Jeweler, 1211 Main street. lfl-tf Busy Bees Card Party Miss Raven, through training in Battle Creek Diet System Methods coupled with her experience in conducting food dem­ onstrations has made her truly a specialist in her line. She has helped many to choose just the foods they needed to reduce comfortably; to end constipation; to build good, rich blood; to build up their weight to normal and other needs. She will be on hand at Health Food Store during the week, ready and willing to answer questions on dieting and proper combinations of foods. Health Food For Everybody