THE HILLSBORO ARGUS- HILLSBORO, OREGON JANUARY 3, 1112» PAGE THREK mur huvi- Hillsboro Business and Professional Directory new Wedding Social Event Of Christina* Day Miss Eleanor Elizabeth Conant, daughter of Mr. and Mis. A. <’ Conant of Bank*, wa* married to Walter D. Enzic of Corvallis, son of Mr. and Mr . < W. Enz.le of Long day at 3 Bench, Cal., (hiitina o’clock at the home of the bride's Rev. W E parents north of Banks. Withnell of Willuminu reed the iin- pressive ring ceremony. 'I'll«* briile wa* g<>wii<*<| in light blue taffeta-and luce and carried a boutiuet of pink ro chud* ami Idle**, of the valley. Mrs Kathryn Starr of Monroe was maid of honor it nn of Hi!l*-boro, Mr. and Mr . J. Mathiscn of Mountaindalv. Mr. and Mr- Ca < Wil-on, Mr. and Mr* W. G. Walker and Miss Lena Taylor. The evening was spent play- mg cards. Club Meets Friday Zed Allee nf Corvallis spent the week visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Atlee. lie ha- been helping take the annual inventory at the store. Mr. und Mrs. George McGraw drove to Scofield Christmas day to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodman. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Manuel and baby of Cortland spent several days last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lexington have laen ■ holiday« visiting friend* und ml- utivv* nt Bunk' mid Aloha. Lewin Kipper ha been ill for the la*t two week*. Fred Ennr ami Mr. Wat <>ri of Hillsboro called on friend« in Banks Sunday afternoon. Herman J inner of Vernonia Hpent < hri fina' with hi parent*, Mr. mid Mr*. M. Turner. Mi Wmida Williams vhited with Mabel .StranlM-rg Saturday. Mr. mid Mr*. Dean Labnugh of N hmcu II, Wa h., visited frieiidK here Wednesday and Thur*day of lust week. Mr. Laluiugh _ _ tanghi in th«* high school here* lu t year. Albert Yoder of Hubbard vi*ited friend her«* bed .Saturday. He wa: accompanied by hi* parent*. Mr. and Mr . I*. II. Parmley und children und bin mother, Mr*. .J, E. Parml«*«*, drove to Portland Friday to visit at the home* of Mr. and Mr . Fred Irvin. They rturned home Saturday evening. A. (’. Wahi in ill thin week. Mr. and Mr*. .1, J. Hutch«*n* and family spent Christmas day at the home of their non, (). L. Hutchens, of Forest Grove. Mr. und Mrs. C. W. Moore drove to Portlund on business laut Thur- rs. Charles Burn* spent hint week visiting her daughter Mt Mo- Inllu. Mrs. 'Henry Stohler was a Port­ land visitor Friday. Rev. and Mrs. E. A Withnell und son, Harold, of VV illa mi nu Christum* dinner ut the W. Severance home, A baby girl was born to Mr. und Mrs. Dallas ('. Rice at Yuk imu, Wash., December 21. Mrs. Kiev will be remembered by her friends us Miss Katherine Itothniun. baby's name is Joanne. Several from here attended the funeral of Wilson Benefiel in Port­ land last week. He was well known in this community, where he lived when a hoy. Mr. und Mrs. Bernard Sellers and daughter of Monmouth sja-nt Christ­ mas with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Sellers and daughter spent the week visiting her parents, Mr. und Mrs, George Wilcox, north of town. .Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Slurries and family of Portland spent Christmu- nt the A. ('. Conant home here and attended the wedding of M isi Elea­ nor Conant. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Freidhy of Hillsboro spent several days last week visiting at the Roy I’arm ley home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davies and son, Alfred, spent Christman at th«* home of Mrs. Davies’ brother, Lu­ ther Pace, of .Milwaukie. Mr and Mr . Robert Banks enter­ tained at Christmas dinner their son, Harold, and wife and baby, and their daughter, Mm. Ellin Tavlor, husband and baby girl, Norma Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stafford and family spent Christmas and several «lays last week visiting his mother and other relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hedkins of Tillamook spenl -«•veral davn lust APPLES Per Box 50c vinteti who to t he of town, left Tues- Arizona. Bank* attended the i Marcy Merry at, Miss Port ha McTeice went to Huas, Wash., to s|M*nd the week with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolford and family went to Cornelius last week to attend a reunion at the home of -Mrs. Wolford’s mother, Mrs. Belle Lilly. A. IL Wolford was transacting business in Hillsboro Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Charles E. Wahl and son, Glen, Robert and Yvonne Ca.*- riata of Yamhill, Henry Wall of Eugene and Dr. Guy Gibson of For­ est Grove spent Christman at the A. C. Wahl home in Bank*. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Curtin ami family of Portland visited at th«* (L W. McGraw horn«* here Saturday afternoon. Leslie Bass of Whitcomb, Wash.,' spent the week-end at the home of E. E. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane and family of Maupin have been j -la nding u few da> - m this com- I + Hayward Th<- Hayward school presented a program under the direction of Mi“> Edna Baker last Friday afternoon. Mr*. Joseph Scheible is ill with the flu, and Gerald is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James Cramer in Hillsboro. Mr-. L. JesAe visited her daughter, Mrs. Willies, at Gale* Creek. L. I.aemerman is home for a va­ cation, For Information about Directory or Its Advertisers call The Argus__ 2fil jqoooc . i AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE BICYCLE SHOPS Phonographs and Small Household Motors, Starting Motors, Generators, Machinery Repaired Magnetos, Batteries, Carburetor* We Make Keys JIMMY’S BIKE SHOP 1353 Main Stree) LENTZ & CROW Phone 591 Second and Baseline BATTERY AND ELECTRIC SERVICE General Repair Work Sahnow Bros. 1361 Main St. Phone 2431 AUTO MAINTENANCE "^Whether you are buying or ¡telling, we solicit the oppor­ tunity to figure with you. QUALITY FEEDS for every feeding purpose It will pay you to get our prices QUALITY FEEDS CHIROPRACTIC AND NATURO­ PATHIC PHYSICIAN Association 1164 Third St LODGE DIRECTORY AUXILIARY TO POST NO. « American Legion Ultra Violet, Sun, and Infra Red Raya All the latest in Chiropractic and Physio- Therapy treatment«. Colon irrigation. 9:00 to 11:30 a. m. 1:00 U) 5:10 p. a. Night« and Sunday« by appointment Delta Building Telephones 2531 and 2532 1 ___________ Koom» <, 7, 8 and 9_______ Meets first Tuesday in each month at 8 p. m. in Veterans* Hall Vida Goodman. Ha Marie Hoffman. Sac. MACHINE SHOP MAIN STREET GARAGE 1048 Main Street Phone 191 Christensen Machine Works "Th« Safa and Sura Highway to Health'* VADERMINFRAL PACKS TELEPHONE 561 1155 Washington Street Office hours 10 to 2 and 2 to 6 Evenings and Sundays by appointment C. imercial Building—Off of Second Street ‘‘■Satisfaction At All Costs” PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS AUTO REPAIRING CLEANING AND PRESSING General Automobile Repairing Prompt and Skilled Service DR. J. B. DINSMORE Physician and Surgeon —THE— SUITATORIUM Cleaning and Pressing Complete X-Ray Office in Commercial Building TELEPHONE 141 Telephone 142; if no answer, call 2871-Z “Let Jim Clean It” Phone 601 Telephone 721-Z_____ Hillsboro. Ore. DENTISTS Elmer H. Smith, M.D., D.O. X-Ray Diagnosis and Treatments DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentist L. B. Smith, D.O. Osteopathic Physician Kelly-Springfield Tires Offices over Commercial National Bank Room 10, Commercial Building Office Phene «72 — Resident-« Phon« 473 V ulcanizing TELEPHONE 144 TELEPHONE 592 Evenings, Sundays by appointment ■Second and Baseline; Hillsboro, Ore. DR. D. E. WILEY, M.D. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist AUTO TOP SHOP REASONABLE PRICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 37I-X 1254 Second St. Across from the Court House DUNNING CLASSES Studio at home of Mrs. C. E. Deich- Offices in Heidel Building, upstairs, man, 1372 Baselin« Street Main Street, near Third Telephone 2953 TELEPHONE 2961-Y PIANO TUNING GLASS WORK A SPECIALTY Better Work For Less 1228 E. G. PAINE, Washington Proprietor. Dr. T. I— Perkins DENTIST BEAUTY SHOPPES Office Commercial Bldg., Hillsboro Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Of. Ph. 201IX Res. Ph. 2234X EVE’S BEAUTY SHOPPE ELECTRICAL SERVICE General Beauty Work PAY you Deposits Realistic Permanent Wave Machine Recently House Wiring and Contracting; estimates promptly given; authorised RCA **Radiola” Inrtalled—Permanent Ware« a Specialty dealer; electric appliances and equipment— TELEPHONE 1381-W Balcony Hillsboro Pharmacy You can deposit any amount from $1 to $10.000 BY MAIL, You can withdraw any or all of it HY MAIL. Furthermore, you DO NOT pay any pre- miums to secure the outstand­ ing benefit of 6% interest. Thousands of depositors have more than a million dollars on deposit and are earning substantial interest in ■ West­ ern Savings’*. To join them, all that is necessary is to choose your Savings Plan and MAIL us your opening deposit. I’pon receipt we will mail you pass book, signature cards, etc. How to Open Your Account Fili out and mail. FIRST DEPOSIT COUPON Credit this deposit to plan marked by X % □ Lump deposit 6% Paid up □ 6% Time □ MULLERS 6% Paid Vfr Certificates 6"> Time Savings Accounts Deposit $100 or multiples of $100. Pay* 6%. Interest paid January 1 and July 1. De­ positor can either borrow on or cash certificates as desired. Save anywhere from 12.20 monthly up. Pays 6%. In­ terest compounded semi­ annually. Guaranteed maturi­ ties. Can withdraw cash due on notice or borrow as desired. SET YOUR GOAL—START SAVING and 5‘ e and 6'J compound interest will get you there far faster. W estern S avings and Loan Association T. M. C. A. 6th snd Yamhill Bldg. Portland Under State Supervision Fine Cut Flowers Floral Designs, Fancy Baskets, Potted House and Garden Plants NEWSHAM FLORAL CO. SANITARY BEAUTY SHOPPE Funeral Designs—Choice Cut Flowers Wedding and Floral Pieces a Specialty Telephone 1891 Over Weils—Telephone 1471 GEO. E. UPTON On the Highway at City Limits Raw Fur Dealer HOSPITALS The Dr. E. H. Smith HOSPITAL Best Prices That the Market Affords. Price list and tags sent upon request. W. H. HUFF HARE. McALEAR & PETERS Attoroeya-at-Law Upstairs, Shute Savings Bank Bldg. BUMP 4k BUMP Attorney«-*t-Law Main Street—South of Court Hou«« Telephon« 193 M. B. BUMP D. D. BUMP Real Estate—All Kinds of Inaurane* DR. J. O. ROBB. M.D. Physician and Surgeon District Surgeon S. P. and P. R. 4 N. Rya. Office—Telephone Building. Second Street Residence—Curner of Sixth and Washington Phones; Office 2921—Res. 2923 REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Correspondent Pacific Coast Branch Offlca. Farm Loan Division. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York 214 A. Street South Phone 275M Forest Grove OREGON FARMS COMPANY F. O. EAGON, Manager BUY NOW! DR. E. H. SMITH. Manager Hillsboro, Oro. LOANS Non-Sectar an All Doctors Welcome KURATLI & WISMER Telephone Hillsboro 873 1236 Second St. Washington Street — Hillsboro Telephone 1391 Prices will soon raise, don't delay Coal ........................... $15.50 Briquets .................... $15.75 Wood .......................... $3.50 1308 Main Street REAL ESTATE All Kinds of Insurance Summer Prices Still In Effect I JONES HOSPITAL 1005 Seventh Street TELEPHONE 2871-Z Block or Slab Telephone 2661 1277 North Range Street Deposit any amount from $1 up, when and as you desire. 5rc interest rate. Interest compounded semi-annually. Full withdrawal privileges — anytime — subject only to state law safeguarding depositors. PLUMBING awd HEATING GREENHOUSE Twelfth and Oak Streets TELEPHONE 1021 Realistic and LeMnr Permanent Wave« Marcelling. Water and Finger Waving Shampooing. Facials. Manicuring Marinello Cosmetics Hillsboro Ice and Coal Company 5% Savings Account Í Plumbing and Heating Contractor TELEPHONE 1031 1134 Second Street 1115 Second Street Phone 1632_______ Res. Phone 2592 PRINCESS BEAUTY SHOP HILLSBORO :: :: OREGON FLORISTS Hair Cutting. Marcelling, Shampoo­ ing, Hot Oil Treatments, Etc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mr*. Garrett Full Month’s Interest Credited on All Deposits Received up to Jan. 12 M- G. HUGHES 2136 Main Street—Hillsboro Sixteen Years' Experience Radio troubles adjusted—Prices reasonable TELEPHONE 2085 H. E. Webb Electric Service For appointments Telephone 2191-Z Over Skagg's Grocery O MATTER where you live, or may travel, your Savings Account with Western Savings will pay you 6rJ ami give you the advantages of ready cash. At no time will the cashier’s window be further away from you than the nearest postman. Helen Wilcox DR. W. H. PASLEY Dentist PAIN E’S AUTO TOP SHOP through 1929 make youi Physician and Surgeon Commercial Building Offices over Delta Drug Store on Telephones: Office 2681; Res. 2682 Main Street—Hillsboro PIANO LESSONS Office Ph. 991-X Res. Ph. 1991-X JONES AUTO TOP SHOP Complete information on request. Write for it. Imperial Feed & Grain Co Relief Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Welding General Repair W ork All kind* of Machine Work Willys-Knight and Whippet Service DR. WILLIAM M. ROBNETT BAILEY’S TIRE SHOP Address Hay - - Straw Agent for Fire Phone 1732__________ AUTO TIRE SHOP Name _____________________ ____ _______________ Feeds - - Grain General Insurance CHIROPRACTIC­ PHYSIOTHERAPY 1152 Third Street Second and Washington Streets L. P. Stranahan, Manager CHAS. L. WALKER Oregon Dr. George T. Darland CORNELIUS J. W. Copeland Yards INSURANCE ( Continued) Bicycle Repairing National Batteries J. N. DICKEY, Prop. Service Garage Next to the Postoffice With the Lumber you have pur­ chased at one place and an­ other? Our regular customers are satisfied with our Lumber and Service. If you are not one of our customers give us a trial next time you place an order. All we want is a chance to serve you. Telephone 511 I he merchants and professional people listed on this page are known as reliable business men and women of Hillsboro. Here you will find the business places listed alphabetically, which will serve you economically and promptly. When you call on them please mention that you saw their advertisement in The Argus. ------ ♦ 4----------------------- ------------------------------------ ♦ The Apple House Arc You Satisfied? Telephone 301 favor of Vernonia. The game wa- played on the local floor. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Gr. enie of Treehorn, December 26. Mr. Greenie wa formerly Mi ■ Rilvm Eberly, of Bunks. This ii the first grundson in the Frank Eberly family. The Bankr Royal Neighbors lodge has joined with the Forest Grove, Hill-boro and Beaverton lodges in putting on a dance here in the Parmley hall Friday, January 8. Me Gertrude Friday of Portland visited over New Year with her uncle, John Friday, und family north of Banks. Mr. und Mrs. I’ete Myers ami children und Gus Meyers, who ha- lived here for several month- left Monday for Toledo, Wash. The Meyers brother* have been engaged in logging operation* north of Bank since coming here. Lee Irvin and children of Portlund spent Sunday of last week at the W. T. Sellers home here. I General Hospital Cases Maternity Cases a Specialty BERT C. HUNTINGTON Realtor City Property—Farms—Rentals Loans—Insurance 1213 Third Street—Hillsboro, Oregon Office Phan« 223 Keaidenc« Phon« ttS'« RUBBER STAMPS INSURANCE Order Your Washington County Agencies George T. McGrath Hillsboro Argua Shute Bank Building Hillsboro :: :: RUBBER STAMPS and SEALS from th« “The Insurance Man” Insures Everything Tslsphsn* 1(1 Msin gir**« Oregon FRANK P. 8P1ERING District Repreaentativ« METROPOLITAN Life Insurance Company Telephon« 1091-W No. 7 Weil*« Apt«. Hillsboro. Oregon SHEET METAL WORKERS Galvanized Iron Skylights, Cornices, and Roofing; Heating, Ventilating a Specialty BROWN BROTHERS Telephone 2261-X Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin The POLICYHOLDERS’ COMPANY J. P. Johansen Telephone 1732 Everything In INSURANCE L. J. Rushlow Hillsboro, Ore. SIGNS Electric Illuminated Painted Bulletin« SMITH BROS. SIGNS Of the Better Kind Over Delta Drug Store Gold Lettering Show Curda WHERE TO EAT Innaranc« Specialist Make« Own Adjust­ ment« and Pays Claim« Person­ ally Telephone 1701 1332 Washington St HILL8BORO DEN OF SWEETS Light Lunches, Toasted Sandwiches “Sunfreze” Ice Cream Soft Drinks, Candy, Cigars, and Cigarettes 1148 Second Street Hillsboro, Ore.