The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 03, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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^“^MISS ELIZABETH COOKE, Correspondent
Mooberry» Hoiti
For Year End Party
Cornelius, January 1.—Mr. ami
Mrs. L. C. Mooberry entertained
with a Christmas an»i New Year's
party at their home Friday evening.
The evening was spent in games.
Those present were Julia Johnson.
Myra Wiedewitsch. Rosamond Mun­
dorff. Elizabethe Cooke. Doris Shay,
Dorothy Cochrane, Hilda Timmcke,
Mildred Leighton of Salem. Hila
Cornelius, Helen and Winifred Rand.
Mattie Mann, Vernita Irmler. Low­
ell, Maurice and Donald Mundorff,
Glen Shay, Jim and Tom Adamson.
Lester. Seth ami Glen Smith, Lloyd
Shaw, Laurence Brewster. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Suver and the host and
Girl Scouts Are
Being Organized
Portland anil spent several days
visiting her there this week.
Mrs. Emma Schmalie spent Christ-
mas in Portland.
Miss Marie Debouver spent Christ-
mas at home.
Miss Marie DeSmith of Portland
is spending several days at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolf and family
spent New Year's at the Ed Schul-
nierich home in Hillsboro.
Th«’ Misses Elizabeth Reetaller and
Carolin«’ Hoffman spent Christmas
and New Year's at the homes of
their parents.
Mrs. Jim Miller was hostess at a
New Year's dance given in Brill's
hall New Year’s eve.
The Junior Aid of th«» Lutheran
»•hurch will meet at the home of
Mrs. Herman Thies Saturday.
Th«’ Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran
church will meet at th«’ home of
Mrs. Benson next Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rand are
remodeling their home.
Virgil Chambers, who is working
near A-toria.
nt ('hri-tnia< at th»’
Mrs. L. G. Wiedewitsch was in Fern Hill school, spent the holidays
in Portland.
Portland Saturday.
Miss Adeline Bedortha of Port­
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
iani! spent th«’ Christmas holidays
C. Chambers.
Mrs. G. Suver of Albany spent at the horn«’ of her aunt. Mrs. O. M
Sunday at the home of her son, Joe Burbank.
The Shell oil company is putting
Mr. an»i Mrs. G. Beals were Christ­ in a service station ami repair shop
mas guests at the F. O. Shay home. m the Hatch building across from
Miss Mildred l.eighton of Salem ' the blacksmith shop.
Miss Margaret O'Connor of Se­
spent several day» last week at th»1
attle spent the Christmas holidays at
A. L. Oliver home.
Christmas guests at the Jos’ Suver the horn«’ of her sister, Mrs. A. I
horn»* were Mr. ami Mrs. B. Ingle- Brock. Miss O'Connor left Friday
britsen anil Mr. ami Mrs. C. Mc- for California, when’ she will spend
the winter.
Frank Doane has been confine»! to
Rev. and Mrs. U. O. Beadles and
weeks with
grandson, Lawrence, spent Christmas his home for the past two
in Tacoma as guests of Rev. ami the flu. He is being transferreil to
Beaverton, when’ he will tak«> care
Mrs. O. J. Beadles.
Mr. and Mrs. Culbert Mase of of a Union oil plant.
Rev. U. O. Beadles is confined to
Portland. Mrs. Ed Kemerer of Cor­
vallis, Doris Shay ami Elizabeth his home with illness.
Miss Gladys Stark of Portland
Cooke were Sunday guests at the
spent Christmas at home.
John Mundorff home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wiedewitsch
Lowell Mundorff is »pending the
week visiting friends and relatives had as Christmas guests Mr. and
Mrs. I.. G. Wiedewitsch ami »laugh
in Portland ami Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burbank and ter. Myra. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sohii»’
baby daughter. Mary Lu Edith, who of Forest Grove, ami Mr. and Mrs.
have been visiting at the O. M. Bur­ Wallace McPherson ami daughter,
banks home for the past week. re­ Maxine, of Portland.
Miss Ann»» I.iepold spent last week
turned t»> their home in Tillamook
visiting in Mill City.
Mr. an»l Mrs. McNeil ami sons,
M iss A. Daniels, teacher of th»-
Bobby and Jimmy, of Oak Grove
were Christmas guests at th»’ Jose ph
Finnigan home.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Olson of Tacoma
are pending two weeks at the home
of Mr. ami Mrs. C. N. Mlles Sr.
Miss Revilla DeSmith returned
last week from a week's trip to
I.» Roy Johnson and William Her
ring of Tillamook spent Christmas
in Cornelius.
The Peter Flirti«’ family s|
Monday and Tuesday visiting
Oregon City.
Euri I’helps spent Christmas in
Portland at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs Florean l.tepold had
aa Chriatmaa dinner guasta Anna
and Herman I.iepold, Ted and John
Liepold, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thies
and sons, l.ester ami Elmo, and Le-
Roy Johnson.
suvilla eruption): "Great snakes! It wtruction of a new hoinw on the
reminds me of Hades."
Cornell rond, just north of Main
English Tourist (luking nt him in utivvt.
aniaaement) : "My word! You Allieti
cans do go everywhere."
Laurel Community club Ims ju't
finished completing the concrete floor
"One of the best ways to keep a in the basement of it community
Both these builders find It
New Year's resolution in to your Iml!
self." But! U’t tn suggest one that profitable and agreeable to deal with
you can keep (not to yourself) but Pool Gardner Lbr. Co.
let others know—that is, resolve to
remodel the old house or fix up the
Boya like to “make thing».** Tell
attic. The year 1U2H whs 7 Mi inch-
to go to Pool Gardner Lumber
es short in rainfall, no it looks like
I o. for the kind of woo»!» they need.
a wet two or three months in which
to do inside remodeling, painting,
lay hardwood floors, make two or
three nice rooms out of the attic.
Pool Gardner Lbr. Co. has both
suggestions and material for doing
just such work.
T. Wright in starting the
Ih pvndablv .Service
"Certified by Centurie* Wood—
I' m » It! Nature Renew* it.”
Cornelius, January 3.—The girls
of the Cornelius grade school are be­
ing organized into a group of Girl
Scouts. Mrs. Ruth Miles is leader, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I
and the officers are Blanche Fin­
nigan, president; Helen Godfrey,
vice president; Beth Cochrane, sec­
retary, and Dorothy Cooke, trea­
The Methodist church Epworth
League held a cabinet meeting and
New Year’s party at the John Mun­
dorff home New Year's eve. After
the meeting the evening was spent
in music and games. Those present
were Rosamond Mundorff. Mattie
Mann. Helen and Winifred Rand.
Doris Shay, Hila Cornelius. Vernita
Irmler, Elizabethe Cooke, Glen Shay.
Lowell, Maurice and Donald Mun­
dorff, Laurence Brewster. Lester
and Seth Smith, Thomas Adamson,
Daniel Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Suver and Mr. and Mrs. John Mun­
For The Best in Meats at All Times
Is it Worth While-to budget?
Phone 982
We hear this question n«ked almost every
day—-most frequently about this time of
year. Budgeting household expense» and then
living within the budget is no small task.
Nevertheless, it most decidedly i» worth
while. In our daily contact with ami -.erviee
to hundreds of thousands of families through
out the West, we have a
(unity to study this quo
observation that—asid»’ fr
having unusually large ii
successful and contented
budget their expenditures a
plans as rigidly as circumstances will permit
Almost invariably such families buy nil o
their foods at Safeway Stores.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Miles Sr., en­
tertained with a dinner party Christ­
mas. Those present were Mr. ami
Mrs. L. G. Stocker anii children.
Helen. Leona and Eldon; Mr^ and
Mrs. Elbert Billings and son. Dean;
Mrs. Alice Billings. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Walker and daughter, Bar-
bara; Mr. and Mrs. A. Trussemrit-
_ _ and Mr. and
ter, Floyd ____
Mrs. E. Walker Sr., all of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Billings and
two daughters, Alice and Emily, and
son Allen Jr., of Nehalem, Mr. and
Mrs. Olie Olson of Tacoma. Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Miles Jr.,
Miles and the host and hostess.
A Christmas party was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Suver
Christmas night and the evening was
spent in playing games. Those pres­
ent were Doris Shay, Helen Rand,
Mattie Mann, Adeline Bedortha of
Portland. Hila Cornelius, Rosamond
Mundorff. Winifred Rand. Elizabethe
Cooke, Glen Shay. Lester, Seth and
Glen Smith, Maurice and Donald
Mundo» if and Mr. and Mrs. Suver.
Installation Saturday
Neighbors of the Woodcraft will
hold a public installation Saturday
Miss Gladys Holscher spent the
holidays at some, She is employed
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henderson
spent New Year's in Beaverton as
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daugh­
ter, Julia, were Portland visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Suver and Mrs.
Charles McClaughery were in Port­
land Thursday.
E. G. Duffy left for Kenewick
Monday to spend several days with
his father, who is very ill.
Miss Myra Wiedewitsch has been
ill with the flu.
Jim Adamson, who finished Norm­
al at Christmas, left for Klamath
Falls Monday. He has a school near
Mr. and Mrs. Weber and family
have moved into the Bantz place.
Mrs. Roy Cook spent the holidays
in Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burbank and
daughter of Tillamook and Miss
Adeline Bedortha of Portland, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Burbank,
Seth Smith and Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Burbank, spent Thursday visiting in
Miss Madeline Ward of Portland
spent the holidays at the home of
her grandmother, Mrs. W. A. Good­
Mrs. M. D. Mann entertained New-
Year's with a dinner. Those present
were Mrs. Henrietta Morgan of
Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Moo­
berry, Mr. and Mrs. William Mann,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mann and
daughter, Barbara Jean, of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann and daugh­
ter Mary Roe, of Hillsboro, Miss
Mattie Mann, Miss Queen Hoskins
of Dilley and Loyal Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brock had as
New Year’s guests Mr. and Mrs.
Erwin Sahnow and daughter, Do­
Miss Mayme Susbauer accompanied
her aunt, Mrs. Vernon Briggs, to
The Thrifty, substantial, cash paying individual faces the New Year
with light heart.
No worries over unpaid bills — no “Dead Horses" to pay for from
future earnings.
Get “Next” to the
Make your New Year’s Resolution Now! -
care-free habit of paying as you go!
Resolve to pay cash and Save!
Thrift Grocers — All that the name implies.
Thrift Savings for Saturday and Monday, January 5th and 7th
Fisher’» Blend — for all purposes
“Blend’s Mah* Friend.” 49 lb. Bag
— Pl Oil
Calumet — the biggest seller
Baking P’der
1 lb. tin ...........................................
American Beauty Macaroni—Spaghetti
or Egg Noodles; 3 Pkgs...............................
Whole Wheat—Graham or Rye Flour, or Creamed
Rolled Oats—No. 10 Bag....................................
Quick Quaker— for the hurry Off/»
up hot breakfast—large pkg.
Rose Dale Salmon—medium
red—1 ■> flat tins—2 cans .........
Note These Weekend Safeway Values
Best Creamery
Pure Cane
Maximum Brand
lb. B.
Max-1-Mum Coffee
Long Grain Variety
ice pudding is tasty
and very healthful
Home Grown
Fine quality, Large
in size
New Shipment Thompson
Seedless—3 lbs............................
Best Food Mayonnaise
Pint Jar .......................................
Black Figs—Choice California
just arrived—4 lbs........
Fancy New Crop—
well filled frames—2 for
Comb Honey
Broken Slice—Golden Hawaiian/*
Fruit in l’ge No. 2' j> tins, 3 cans t/Ov
The popular cleanser and laun- Off/»
dry help—2 bottles ...................
Chili Con
Max-I-Mum Coffee ha»
that happy faculty about it
that is only found in old
friends----reliability. It has
that continued assurance
that today s coffee will be
as satisfying as that of yes«
terday—its quality is uni­
form. And notice how eco­
nomical it is. I ry a pound
Maximum Brand
Solid Pack
Best Foods
Bread and Blitter
Highway White;
very tender and sweet
oz. cans
n 'nwwnewnm
Corn and Peas
Standard Pack Corn—
No. 2 tin—3 cans .....................................................
A. & L. Golden Yellow Corn—
Del Maize—No. 2 tins—3 cans ...........................
Preferred Stock Telephone Peas in full 1 lb. tins-
3 cans ......................................................................
Bull’s Eye Standard Pea.’
No. 2 tins—3 cans .........
6 cans 75c
Boiling Size
Juicy Sweet Navels
Large 300 Size
1 Dozen
Safeway Market Savings for Saturday
A. & L. Solid Pack
No 2 tins—3 cans ................
Hot Sauce
Del Monte Hot Sauce
Thrift Coffee
The Taste Treat”—Ground Fresh to
Your Order—
Three Ci QQ
pound.. “OV
pounds tJJ A
Cudahy’s Fancy Eastern
Sugar Cured Hams—
need no parboiling —
Whole or Half
Old Dutch Cleanser—
chases dirt—Can ......
(Limit 3 cans to customer)
Toilet Soap
Life Buoy Toilet Soap—
3 bars .............................................
Warrenton Minced Clams—fine pack—
free from sand
tall tins—2 cans ..........................
Where you save on Foodstuffs
1 Doz
- 33C
Cudahy’s White Ribbon
Brand: an unusually
good Shortening
2 Pounds
We made a special effort to
buy Fancy Hams at a price
that would ennble everyone
desiring Baked or Boiled
Ham have a whole or half
one at a reasonable price.
In this we have succeeded
and are offering a fancy
Eastern sugar cured ham at
quite a saving over the
other items equally attrac­
tively priced for those not
wanting ham. Visit n Safe-
wny Market anil note the
savings that can he made
by buying all your meats
Pork Roast
Choice Shoulder Cuts
from young grain-fed
Pound -
Pork Steak
Nice lean Pork Steak
cut from shoulder of
young, grain-fed pigs.
Pound -
That’s Thrift!
Store No. 47
Phone 2171