The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 03, 1929, Image 1

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♦—i———-—--------- —
The date on the address of |
your paper give» time off,
expiration. I'ay in advance. oz
$1.60 and Wurth III
This paper has the most
thorough circulation in the
county, making it the
Best Advertising Medium
------ -------------------------- ------- —
The Leader in Its Field
volumi : XXXV
New City Officials
New Officials
Are Sworn In
Last Evening
Meimge Clear
And Forceful
Asks Municipal Water
With the coming of th« new year,
the change from the old to the new
was made at the city hall last eve­
ning when the new city official» took
over the reigns of municipal govern­
Orange I’helns, councilman
from southwest Hillsboro for eight
years, succeeiled M. I', Cady, who
has been at the head of city affairs
as mayor for two terms.
Two Holdovers
The new councilmen arc J. I.,
Andvrnon and Thomas Connell from
Bout hwrat Hillsboro, M. II. Steven
non from southeast Hillsboro and
* t.
11 C. Hill from north Hillsboro. Th«*
retiring uhlvrnivn lire Grunge Phelps
and John W. Connell in * outhwest
Hillsboro, George Chiimlwr- in south- I
' » •'
V '
rant llillwboro nnd J. If. Garrett,
who him been a member of the
council for eight year*. repr< -enting
north 11 ill* boro. The holdover coun­
cil member* are (’. E. Well- in ‘■outh
rii-t liillaboro and W. V. lh-rgen in
north IlilUboro.
The li*t of appointment? made by
the new mayor and approved by the
council include George McGee ns
city engineer and acting manager.
Mrs. Helen McDaniel* will retain
her position as recorder and William
C. Chriatennen will continue a*-
treasurer. Benton Bowman will again
act hm city attorney, O. O. Freeman
will be police chief and Walter Tew
whm re named fire chief.
Dillon will Furceed hinmelf as fir*
marshal and W. W. Weaver received
the call for night fire patrolman. Dr.
J. B. Dinsmore wan named city
heulth officer.
The council
nnmed bv Mayor
Bergen, Hill and
Connell, Stevenson and Well«, street;
Stevenson, Hill nnd Connell, wnter
unit light; Wells. Bergen and Ander-
son, sanitary: Anderson. Bergen nnd
Connell, civic improvement. Hill.
Well» nnd Anderson, park.
C. E. Wells was elected president
of the council and Mayor Phelps tip
pointed Mrs, Edwnrd Schulmerich
The legislature should amend the
as a member of the library board.
An ordinance regulating the use present horticulture law to limit
of violet-ray and other machines the power of the horticulture board,
that interfere with radio was passed. according to representative farmer­
present at the Hillsboro chamber of
Drawback Says Mayor
Mayor Phelps in his message ad­ commerce rooms at the nii-eting of
vocated a municipal water system, the Willamette \ alley Farmers Ag­
saying that the present water sys­ riculture association. A committee
tem was the greatest drawback in was appointed to meet here Satur­
making the city presentable, lie said day to draw up a draft of the bill to
that the possibility of u municipal be presented to the legislature.
water plant should be investigated
Members of the committee from
by the council.
Washington county are John Milne,
The new mayor pointed out that Joe Cawrse, Fred Beach, Albert
through the efficient work of the llartranipf and George Biersdorff.
pir t city manager, (’. G. Reiter, n The Yamhill members are W. E.
saving of $.'1,600 hail been made and Grabenhorst, president of the asso­
that this money should be used to ciation. W. L. Vinton. W. L. Duerst,
make certain change« and improve John Bernard ami Arthur Christen­
ments in the city hall for the ac-1 sen, secretary.
commodation of municipal busines.
Farmers of Yamhill and Washing­
lie advocated adequate quarters for ton counties last year suffered a
city offices on the first floor and loss of $12,000 because they plowed
thus save people the necessity of up at the order of the horticulture
climbing the stairs. He said better board clover fields said to be in­
quarters should be arranged for the fested with the nematode. The farm-
efficient mill harmonious fire de (rs took the loss without any dam­
partment, which had done much for ages being paid by the state.
the city.
He further stated that
Report: read front other sections
the firemen were desirous of answer­
ing country calls ns a service to the convinced those present that the ac­
communities in the Hillsboro
trading tion of the board was unnecessary
Mr. Phelps expressed the and that by proper farming and ro­
opinion that suitable npnrntus be tation of crops the nematode pest
provided for the fire department . in would not cause any particular
serving the outside communities.
Amendment To
Lav/ Is Urged
The mayor called attention to Large Still Found
the charter amendment allowing In Beaverton House
sidewalk improvements to l>e paid by
bonding. He said that several miles
should he built before next fall ns a
more economical construction was
possible through large contracts.
Sidewalks in the business district are
in need of repair nnd a clean sweep
(Continued on Pnue Four!
Hillsboro Business Heads Are
Optimistic Over The New Year
Business in 1928 wan good in
spite of a presidential election year,
neeording to blinkers and other local
business men. They anticipate more
favorable conditions during the
present year.
The rural sections of Washington
county lire better served electrically
than those of other counties in the
northwest with the exception of
King county, Washington, where Se­
attle in located, and Multnomah, the
home of Oregon's metropolis, accord­
ing to It. R. Easter, local division
manngcr for the Portland Electric
Power company. He said that more
than 40 per cent of the farm homes
here are served with electricity.
Sixty thousand dollars were spent
in the extension of farm lines in
1928 and Mr. Easter stated that, a
like amount was in the budget for
In order to promote con­
tinuity of service locally $.'<0,000
was spent in the construction of a
new transmission line.
More farmers are adding to their
herds, asserted II. C. Hill, manager
Carnation Milk Products company.
Mr. Hill said the condenser hud a
successful year and has been able to
handle considerable of the surplus
milk that is going into Portland.
Labor saving machinery has been in-
stalled at the local plant and more
men are being added to the payroll,
The Car-
according to Mr. Hill.
nation plunt spends npproximately
$60,000 every month on the labor
and milk payroll.
A healthy increase over the pre
vious year was noted by W. C.
Christensen, cashier of the Commer­
cial National bank.
Mr. Christen­
sen was optimistic as to the future.
Optimism over 1929 business pro­
spects were expressed Monday by
L. J. Merrill, president of the Shute
Savings bank. Mr. Merrill said 1928
showed an increase over 1927.
John Goleeke, manager of the
Skaggs-Safeway store, said that 1928
was the best year he had experienced
during the three and a half years
he had been at the head of the local
A gain of $20.000 in business over
1928 was the experience of the local
Thrift store, according to Verne
Curry, manager.
The 1928 business was about the
same ns that in 1927, was the reply
of I). A. Kramer, Miller Mercantile
"The Christmas business was mueh
better than expected,” replied R. W.
Weil, Weil’s Department store. “Our !
dollar sale exceeded that of 1927.” |
No. 45
Receipts Of Post
Sheriff Denies
Take Office Monday New Officers
Needs of City
Office Here Take
Story That He
Are Talked By
Take Hold On
Pig Jump In Year
Neglected Duty
Cross Section
Monday Morn
Receipts at the Hillsboro postof­
fice for the year show a gain of
$1,024.74 over 1927, according to
Says He Was Looking For figures compiled by Fred C. Holz­ Men and Women, Picked At
nagel, postmaster.
The total for
Bandits, Not Roadhouse
Random, Express Views
1927 was $18,869.99 a- compared
with $19,894.73 for the past year.
The month of December receipts
were increased from $2,771.84 to
$2,998.01 in 1928, or an increase of
The local postoffice ha« five rural Various Suggestions Come Out
Judge Bagley Issues Order
carriers, three city carriers and four
Closing Tigard Roadhouse
at Question As to the
regular employes besides the post­
As a Nuisance
Greatest Need
Berg’s Chalet Robbed
Better Things Desired
Sheriff J. E. Reeves Wednesday
evening strongly denied the infer­
ence ap|H'uring in a news story in
the Portland Telegram Wednesday
that he had neglected his duty in
connection with the robbery of
Berg's Chalet near Tigard Tuesday
Building For
Year Runs To
Large Figure
What does Hillsboro need most
in 1929?
X arious suggestions dealing with
the advancement of the community
were made by the many Hillsboro
citizens picked at random by the
The thought gained from
the interviews is that the people of
Sheriff On Job
the community are desirous of bring­
ing about a bigger and better Hills­
Mrs. A. 11. Berg called Sheriff
Reeves, told him of the robbery and
While home building in the city boro.
when asked for a description of the was almost at a standstill in 1928,
The suggestions vary all the way
men gave the sheriff a meager de­ two structures of importance—the from a “more progressive spirit”
scription, he said. The sheriff ad­ court house and new union high to a “sewer in the east end of the
vised her to cull the Portland police school—have been built with the re­ town, or landing places for boats.”
so that they could be on the lookout sult that construction within the city If someone else has a good idea
for the two bandits, She told him during the past year is up to the that hasn’t been advanced, the
that both wore false mustaches and $300,000 mark. Home building was Argus would be glad to hear further
one was short and the other tall.
considerably less than in previous and continue the story until every­
Sheriff Reeves immediately had years and although many permits one has had his or her say.
the roads blocked at Multnomah and were issued by the city most of them
Here is what they had to say in
Newberg, while he started out on a were for repairs or buildings of a brief—
search for the bandits. He told the small cost.
V. W. Gardner of the Pool-Gard­
writer yesterday ufternoon that he
M*-an Development
ner Lumber Co.—“Better lighting
did not go to the chalet because he
The new high school and the court in the business district.”
knew the men would not be waiting house are considered big steps in the
Morris Weil of Weil’s Department
there for him.
development of the county and the Store—“Hillsboro people to trade
The Telegram »tory said the community.
Both structures are at home.”
bandits had a 12-hour start on the such that they will be a source of
Richard E. Wiley, manager Ore­
Washington county sheriff as the pride to every resident.
gon-Washington Water Service Co.—
result of his failure to respond to a
The addition to the Tamiesie “Encourage people to plant trees
telephone call from Mrs. Berg, who, building at Third and Main, hous­
with her daughter, sat up all night ing the Lester Ireland A- Co., is be­ and work with the power company
waiting for the authorities to come, ing rushed forward to completion by so that the trees will not interfere
Mrs. Berg was quoted in the Tele- the contractors and will be ready for with the wires. Line the highway
gram as saying that they (the an- occupancy within a short time. The with trees. Would like to see the
thorities) worry about us for fear cost of this together with the re­ street lighting improved.
Jerry Davidson, advertising sales­
that we might be breaking some of finishing of the main building will
man Argus—“Better street lighting
the prohibition laws, but when we amount to more than $10,000.
and community advertising.”
need help we get no attention what­
Lyon» Ha» Plans
Tom Shuck, Tom s Barber Shop—
E. J. Lyons of Turlock, Cal..
___ , “Street lighting, remove poles and
W«i Counting Money
owner of valuable business property cut sidewalk back on each side of
Sheriff Reeves said that he went on Main street, was here during the Main street.”
to the chalet Wednesday and was year for several weeks with the
told the story of the $1,600 robbery view of replacing his frame buildings manager Venetian theater—“Better
by Mrs, Berg's daughter and others. with a modern structure. He told lighting in the business district.
He was told that Mrs. Berg has friends when he left that he would
Hillsboro is the darkest town in the
counting the money when the front build in the spring.
Pr • pects of valley.”
door 1x41 started to ring and that other building in the business sec­
H. L. MacKenzie, MacKenzie Mo­
when she asnwered two bandits or­ tion this year are bright but no
dered her to stick them up and turn announcements have been made. tor Co.—“More progressive spirit.
Mrs. Helen McDaniels, city re­
over the money. 'She backed up the Announcement of intention to build
corder—“Better lighting, recreation­
stairs and into her room.
a large apartment house was made al center for the children and new-
A suit for abatement of the Berg late in the summer, but' to date city hall.”
Chalet as a nuisance was brought nothing has come of this.
E. R. Bailey. Bailey's Tire Shop—
by District Attorney E. B. Tongue
There has been considerable agi- “More payrolls.”
last week
' alleging
" '
Bergs tation
for an ornamental street
H. R. Chantier, county road de­
were manufacturing and selling
lighting system in the business dis­ partment—"Better lighting.”
The sheriff had an order trict although
the attempt
ML C. . Christensen, cashier Com­
in his pocket to close the place on
have an enabling act added to the mercial National bank—“Good Laun­
order of Judge
_ George
_ R. —
.... city charter failed in the special dry.
but did not close it up because Mrs. election in August.
, Ralph Easter, manager Tualatin
Berg said she had several hundred
An attractive new service station
J__2 _ Electric
____ _
dollars in food that would spoil un­ was built by O. Coslett during the Valley division Portland
Power company—“Shed its country­
less she could operate New Year’s summer at
First and Baseline town skin, make modern looking
(Continued from Pare Eight)
Hillsboro People
At North Plains Making Good Use
Of Local Library
The Mays Bros. Mercantile Co.,
of North Plains has made arrange­
ments for a power farming enter­
tainment Friday, January 11. They
have arranged with the speakers,
secured the motion pictures and com­
pleted plans to serve a lunch at
That part of the program dealing
with the care of the tractor will be
in charge of the International Harv­
ester company and will be practical
in every way. The men in charge
have been handling tractors many
years and not only know the tract­
ors from the standpoint of theory,
but can operate them anil give you
the benefit of their practical ex­
perience. They will be anxious to
answer your questions.
Several reels of motion pictures
w ill be, shown. These pictures will
bring to the people the latest meth­
ods of farming in other sections of
the country.
Farming today is dependent on
volume production—that is, the pro­
ducing of more per person on the
By increasing the volume
per person the cost of production is
materially decreased.
One of the
objectives of this entertainment is
to bring through pictures and other­
wise. experiences of the outstanding
farmers of the present day.
Tractors and other present-day
equipment will be on display to of­
fer a first-class study of the various
mechanical features.
Several new
machines have been introduced in
the past few years, some of which
are making their appearance in our
neighborhood for the first time.
Still In Fox Game
Says Dr. Perkins
The Hillsboro Silver Fox farm
has not been wiped out. contrary to
a story appearing
_ _
_ in another
___ ____
paper last week, according to Dr.
T. L. Perkins, siwner, who says that
he is still in the fox game.
unknown disease resulted in the
death of a number of valuable foxes
but the pelts were sold.
Dr. Perkins says he
has n number
of foxes at the McLain Fox ranch
on Rock Creek and that they will
be moved to the local farm about
June 1. In the meantime, Dr. Perk-
ins says that he is giving his place
a good overhauling.
Connell and Frost Only New
County Servants
Chevrolet Six
Displayed Here
Appoint New Deputies
Re-elected Official« to Start
New Term«; Mr«. Morgan
To Aid Frost
Only two new officers take over
positions at the court house next
Monday morning when the changes
are to take place. The new offi­
cial are John W. Connell, sheriff,
and N. A. Frost, school superinten­
John W. Connell, former sheriff,
Many Re-elected
will again take over that office
Re-elected officers starting on an-
are: E- C. Luce, clerk;
♦ ♦ +
W. F. Boley, assessor; E. B. Sap­
pington, treasurer; James W. Davis
recorder; J. M. Hiatt, commissioner;
George R Bagley, circuit judge;
Earl Hobbs, surveyor, and E B
Tongue, district attorney.
J' Ward and Commissioner
r. W. Livermore are holdovers.
W hen J. E. Reeves steps out of
the office next Monday, almost all
of his staff will be replaced with
new faces.
Charles Follett, well
known trapshooter, becomes chief
criminal deputy.
Paul Parsons of
f orest Grove and Fred Schendel of
the present force will be deputies in
the criminal department.
E sner of Tigard, Newell Macrum of
Aloha J. E. Bennett of Scholls and
Mrs. Viola Sundberg of Aloha, who
is with the present staff, will be
in the tax department. Grant Zum­
walt will be day jailer and janitor.
Mr. rrost has appointed Mrs. Zola
Morgan as deputy school superin-
tendent. Mrs. Morgan was deputy
when Mr. Frost was in office be­
fore and also under B. W. Barnes.
N. A. Frost returns to the office
of county school superintendent
after an absence of several years.
Laundry Up For
Sale On Monday
Munger's Laundry will be sold at
sheriff's sale at 10 a. m. Monday
to satisfy a judgment given the
Commercial National bank in circuit
court here,
It is understood that
several are interested.
The first of five condemnation
suits started by the state highway­
commission in connection with right
of way along the Canyon road from
Beaverton started Wednesday.
was that of the state against Perry
D. Miller et al.
George Archer. Jr., waived an in­
dictment, pleaded guilty and sen-
tence was postponed,
W. E. Taylor
and S. G. Blakkolb pleaded not
An order was given in the case of
the Oregon Iron & Steal Co. vs.
Fujii and Effie O. Linquist vs. Otto
W. Linquist.
A divorce was granted Viola E.
Meek from Robert M. Meek.
Judge Bagley has issued an order
enjoining Emma and A. H. Berg
front using Berg's chalet following
suit by the state asking abatement
of a nuisance.
A sedan license 146-577, owned
by Harry W. Briggs, was ordered
confiscated. Orders were given in
the following cases: N. Cromwell
Noren vs. L. H. Peters et al; Grace
Petit Scudder vs. James M. Scudder.
A divorce decree was granted
Thomas A. McDonald from Bertha
A. McDonald.
Injuries Fatal To
Beaverton Citizen
Charles T. Myers, 45, of near
Beaverton, died Saturday at the
Weatherly Surgical hospital in Port­
land from shock and internal in­
juries sustained when he slipped and
fell against a pile of timbers where
he was working on the dock of the
Multnomah Box company, The en-
tire pile gave way and he fell with
it into the river, He was rescued
by fellow workers.
He was married in Portland 13
years ago to Miss Jessie Reed of
Pitsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The widow, a sister, Mrs. Lulu
Wetzel of Vancouver, Wash., and
two brothers, William T. Myers of
Portland, and Arthur Myers of Rich­
mond, Cal., survive.
Funeral services will be held this
afternoon at 1:30 at the Forest
Grove Undertaking chapel under the
auspices of the Holbrook lodge, A.
F. and A. M. Interment will be in
the Lincoln Memorial park, Port­
Hilhi Quintet Will
Battle Oregon City
The outstanding Chevrolet of
Chevrolet history, a six in the price
of the four, was placed on display­
The Hilhi basketball team will
in the show rooms of the R. J. Hig­
play a practice game with the Ore­
don Motor company Friday after­
gon City quintet at Oregon City
The new car is attracting
Friday evening. Coach B. M. Good-
considerable attention among motor
man does not anticipate a victory be­
fans because of its graceful lines
cause of lack of practice, but says
and motor performance. More than
the team should give a good account
250 persons saw the car the first
of itself when it meets Tillamook
day it was on exhibit.
here January 12 in the first con­
The car is meeting with popular
ference game. Goody says the team
approval throughout the country, ac­
looks better than last year.
cording to Mr. Higdon, who says that
The coach would not give the
552 cars were sold at the public
starting lineup, but says the team
showing at the auditorium in Port­
will be picked from the following,
land without a demonstration.
who are working hard for first
Mr. Higdon said yesterday that six
team positions, Leonard Rea, Charles
carloads had been sold and that all
Blazer, Milton Johnson, Herbert
of these orders would be filled this
Robert Patterson, James
month. He expected a catjoad to­
Lee Gabie, William Free­
day. Ten persons, he said, had or­
man, Harold Pasley, Rupert Ken­
dered the car since it was placed on
nedy and Delbert Turner.
display here. Those who have ridden
A market has been gradually de­
in the car here are impressed with.
veloped for the canned chicken and
its performance.
other products from the L. B. Haley
The motor in the new car rep­ plant at Bethany until his sales
resents four years' development and amounted to $4,000 in the period
testing and it develops 32 per cent from September 1 to December 15.
more power than any previous Chev­ During the first few months that
rolet engine.
It displays greater
the business was established there
C. G. Reiter, accompanied by Mrs.
speed and faster acceleration and was little or no market.
Reiter, left Friday for
- be-
Bend - to
is expected to deliver better than an
come the first city n.anager of that
average of 20 miles to the gallon of
municipality. Mr. Reiter, who haa
gasoline. Some of the features in­
served Hillsboro in that capacity for
clude big four-wheel brakes, two-
four years, goes to the central Ore-
beam headlamps. artistic Fisher
gon city with a large increase in
bodies, a dash that has everything
salary together with more respon­
The annual meeting of the Wash­ before the driver and many other
ington County Farm Loan associa­ features.
Mr. Reiter was Thursday pre­
The annual meeting of the cham-i
tion will be held at the chamber of
her of commerce will be held in the sented with a handsome desk set by
oommerce rooms at 10:30 a. m.
chamber rooms tonight (Thursday) his associates in the city govern­
The present officers of
The presentation was
at 8 p. ni. The present officers are: ment here.
the organization are as follows:
R. W. Weil, president; W. Verne j made by J. H. Garrett, councilman.
Martin Larsen. Bethany, president;
McKinney, vice-president, and W. C. Councilman W. V. Bergen engraved
Williams, Forest
Christensen, treasurer. The retiring the massage of good will and the
vice-president and A. R. England,
.directors are Dr. J. O. Robb, and names of the donors on a copper
Hillsboro, secretary. The directors
In the bowling tournament of
are John Kirkwood of Reedville, D. doubles and singles held last week W. C. Theda, who has served in plate accompanying the gift.
G. Lilly of Forest Grove and F. L. Jim Dicky carried away 11 honors. Glenn F. Bell’s place for the past
two months. Dr, Charles A. Lam-1
Brown of Laurel.
In the doubles Dicky and Bergen kin is the holdover member of the
were first, H. Ireland and Larrance, board.
second; Harvey and Rehse, third. In
The new officers will be formally
singles Dicky was first, Rehse sec­ introduced at the forum luncheon
ond; H. Ireland, third, and Bergen, next Monday.
The millage levy for the county
In all events Dicky was first, Scout Honor Court
for 1929 is 26.3 not including the
The delivery truck of the Rey­
high school tax, according to As­
Thursday night the C. W. White Next Tuesday Eve
nolds’ Grocery was burned Monday
sessor W. F. Boley. The following
at the Dad Follis Service station on Motor company bowl the Hillsboro
figures were prepared by the county
A large class of Boy Scouts will court: state tax, $249,063.62; gen-
Tenth street, when gas that was Cash grocery. The C. C. Store bowls
overflowing from the truck tank the Imperial Cafe Friday night. J. H. receive honors at the court of honor eral
came in contact with a heated ex­ Garrett has high score this month in the circuit court room Tuesday school fund, $98,000; county road
haust pipe. The top and a load of on the $5.50 meal ticket donated by^ evening, according to R. Frank fund, $108,038.69, and high school,
the Club cafe.
I Peters, chairman of the court.
groceries were burned.
Book* borrowed from the Hills­
boro library during the year to­
taled 23,080. an increase of 250
over the previous year, according t >
a report submitted at the city hall
by S. C. Killen, secretary-treasure.'
of the board.
Books on hand at the beginning
of the year totaled 5788—442 were
purchased, 12 were donated and 65
replaced. Seventy-one books were
withdrawn as worn out, 35 were lost
or taken from library and 13 were
destroyed on account of contagious
Borrowers’ cards nt the beginning
of the year amounted to 1,887 and
345 were added during the past
year, while 242 were withdrawn,
leaving the number at 1990.
Receipts included $122.86 in fines,
$66 from country patrons, $6 for
lost books and $2.000 from the city.
Balance on hand December 15, 1927,
$54.20 and balance on hand De­
cember 15, 1928, was $64.80. Ex­
penditures were made as follows:
salaries, $1105.50; books and maga­
zines, $688; water and light, $101.-
66; building and grounds. $96.10;
fuel, $123.80; miscellaneous, $56.34.
L. B. Haley Plant At
Bethany Progresses
Reiter Leaves To
Take New Position
Annual Fann Group
Meeting Is Tuesday
Annual Meeting Of
Chamber Is Tonight
Honors In Bowling
Won By J. Dickey
Reynolds Truck Is
Burned On Monday
County Court Sets
Levy For 1929 Tax