•tei* ■ THE HILI.SBORO ARGITS— HILLSBORO, OREGON NOVI MUER H, l»2H. anks Community NewQ j J. i J. r i HUTCHENS, i i r't'z'ii i ,’ mu < Correspondent _ -.........i__ t MHS. Fir Grove Voter* for 10-Mill Road Levy lliiiik», Nov. H. At n road meet Ing held ut the Fir Grove church Im t Saturday evening n 10 mill tux was voted to help repair the road in that district. Coupe on Fire ProfvHMoi* Albert Yoder’« Ford count*, which wun piirked in front of him house, caught Are but Sut unlity night, but the ftr<* whk uxtin- gui«hed mid th«* car win only light ly dninngcd. Birthdays Occasion For Surprise Party « L. Kip- Evu twelve in au- A bo ut in the Usual Pranks Are Played Hallowe’en Hallowe'en wn« celebrated in Banka by the usual Hallowe'en tricks of tipping over outbuildings, tearing up retie** and Mew ala . dragging farm implement« nil over town, and carrying away anything that cuuld be found loose. Bank* Local« The Epworth League of the Bank- Methodist Epi-copal church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kessler for n social last Friday eve- lie-. R object talk and played. Several from h< re attended the International stock show in Port- land. Several families gathered at the bru«h pile« on Main street last Wed­ nesday evening, set the brush on lire and indulged in a weiner roast. The Mothers' club met last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. A Johnston. The subject of read­ ing to children was discussed. The next meeting will be at the horn« of Mr». G. W. Graw on December 7. A special song service will be given by Thomas l-aacs of Forest Grove, accompanied by Mr-. Iti uni­ son, at the Methodist church next Sunday evening. Beside« local people several car loads of people from Hillsboro and Cornelius attended the service given by Rev. R. FL Jenson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kessler on Main street Sunday afternoon. A hard time party was given by Ml .uul Mi-. II. A. Stdiler last Wednesday evening and the guests arrived in all kind« of costumes. The rooms were decorated in Hal- . lowe'en schemes. Games and »tunts I were plaved. Mrs. Estrlla Friday spent the week-end in Hillsboro visiting Miss Seely Burt. A baiiy girl was born to\D juol Mrs. E. L. Shipley Thursday eve nlng November I. II. Davie« will have a «ale at bis home north of town next Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. May rented the McCormick farm near llill-horo mid moved Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Kay and ■mi of Carlton called on friends here la i Friday. Little Conny Lou Kennedy bus been ill the past week. Mr. mill Mrs. Churl* < Ke lor and family, Mr*. C. It II.ill mol children took dinner nt the L. G Selfridge home in Hillsboro Inst Sunday. I’eter Burgiion of Vernonia called on old friends in Bunks Wedne day of lust week. The American Legion dance nt Manning Inst Thursday evening was well attended. Mrs Jessie Beard went to Port land Wednesday of last week, where i In is taking medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Erin Coffee and family of Portland sjient Sunday at the horn«* of Mrs. Coffee's parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Cass Wil-on. Mr. urul Mr Waiter Winegren mid daughter, Marjory, .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winegren mid son, Gerald, motored from The Dalles Sunday to visit their parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Ed Clark. i Little Ji hn Arthur Wahl is ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler called on friend« in Cnrneliu- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Walker spent Wednesday of In t week visiting their daughters in Vernoniu. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McGraw drove to Vernonia Thursday to vi.it their »on, Elii. McGraw, and fain- •ly. Mr. children spent several days last week visiting relatives in Portland. N. J. Griffin has been ill. Mr mid Mrs. Frank Rinck took their baby back to the hospital in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fortney of Bea­ verton, who have been visiting at the litis Armentrout home for the past week, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Armentrout and Mr. mid Mrs. Otis Armentrout ——————. “NO ARGUMENT/ hail mid Mrs. PAGE THREE [year Friday evening. A short pro-! Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson were visitor* Monday. I Forest Grove visitors Tuesday. Many children are absent from gram will be given. school on account of illness, 1 he school hud a Hallowe'en party E. Howell is hauling hay. The regular buxine«« meeting of M rs. Joe McRoberts’ small daugh­ la t Wednesday. About 26 parents! ter, who underwent an operation at Dr. Via’s hospital, i improving. Mil Hensley was a visitor at Robertson home in Hillside week. Mr. and Mr«. R. L. Stevenson family were dinner gu< ts of mid Mrs. Torn Stevenson Sunday. A daughter was born to Mi Mrs. Vandehey August 1. Mr. and Mrs. George Culver and family were in Foret Grove Sunday evening. Damage was done to private tele­ phone« Hallowe’en by cutting wires, pulling up poles und breaking insu­ lator«. Mr. arid Mrs. Frunk Donne and daughter of Corneliu visited nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moore Sunday. Eleanor and Hugh Leeper enter­ tained a number of friends st a Wednesday Hallowe'en party lust I’rofc-sor Route of Timber was a evening. Creek caller Sunday. A. II. Wolford mid Lyle Wolford Gales Mr. and — •• Loving • Mr*. E. and «on were week-end visitors at the Gen- .' unday in Oregon City as a xer homo on Green Mountain. Mrs. Jentry, who ha- been stay­ guest of .Mrs. Loving’- grandmother. The Parent-Teacher-.’ u delation ing with Mrs. W. T. Sellers for the ’.'.J hold it sei I,II.1 n < ■ • I n I- of till- oust few months, returned to her home last week. Mrs. Wright of Portland is staying then- now. Mr*. Harry l.ee and children were pile t at the W. G. McGraw home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilcox had a new hot point electric runge in­ Experience mid technical stalled in their home on Main street training plus modern equip­ Monday. ment guarantee your satisfac­ ♦ ♦------------------------------------------------- tion. Tubes amj batteries test­ ed free. Celebrate with the Legion, Nov. 12 Commercial Banking RADIO REPAIRING Gales Creek ----------- ♦ . ~ ; A new flag has been purcha-ed for the Gales Creek school. The money for purchasing it was raised by a paper and rag- drive. Mr and Mrs. George M< Roberts ;.ml Mr . 1!, ii. Lilly were f’. i tland FADA DEALERS HILLSBORO RADIO & ELECTRIC CO. Telephones 1332 and 1676 1255 Washington Street tS- the home of Mr«. Tom Stevenson. Mix« Esther Adkinn was home for a few days on account of illne««. She is attending Forest Grove high school. Has a Unique Function— ARE YOU GETTING IT? Commercial bankers have much to do with the moulding of an institution or business success. We- have worked close to many of the city’s most successful businesses, and offer you the same service these houses endorse. Hillsboro Land 8C Realty Co and 0 Washington County Farm Loan Association Commercial National Bank Member Federal Reserve System have Resources More Than $1,000,000 MOVED Safety Deposit Boxes, $2.00 a Year and Up Hillsboro, Oregon to THE NEW ZEROLENE the modern oil A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT 1162 Main Street Offices formerly occupied by the County Treasurer in the Commercial Building VENETIAN THEATER Sun. and Mon., ONLY, Nov. 11-12 Matinee Sunday, 2 P. M. Sunday Matinee—10c and 25c Evening Prices—10c and 35c WILLIAM FOX pre/en^/ * Merrier inowz Bey' JpeJiungnt StageStar cuts the. lpnmStrings of Jin Jtyanagtng Vienna. with MADCE BELLAMY LOUISE DRESSER BARRY NORTON Orom the story by EDNA FERBER J'cenano by MARION ORTH J. C. B LYSTON E Production^ Coffee Club Play, "Chicken Feed,” Tuesday and Wednesday - Reserve your seat now! Admission—25c and 50c