See You al the Night in I {ere Mondi Night in Paris” Here Monday VOLUME XXXV HILLSBORO, OREGON. Hoover Given For President Ticket Headed by O. Phelp* Win* City Election « Hiatt Defeats Brown Mr*. Well* Given Big Vote, But Peter*, I.aFollett and Wilke* Named An avalanche of vote* In the gen­ eral election Tuesday curried nl! democratic opposition before it as if in a tidal wave, with the result that it i* all over nnd the republicans are doing the shouting. Overcome* * City Vote Herbert Hoover, the vote indi­ cates, will enter the Whit«* House* on March 4 with the greatest popu­ lar support ever given n president of the United States. Mr. Hoover with the upstate New York vote overcame the large plurality held by Smith in New York City to secure th«' electoral vote of the governor's horn«* state. The municipal ticket, headed by Orang«* Phelps, one of Hillsboro's most progressive and popular busi­ ness men, was given an overwhelm­ ing majority by Hillsboro voters. Phelps received 772 votes for ma­ yor, as opposed to 382 for E. L. McCormick. It. C. Hill in North Hillsboro was favored by 688 voters as compart*«! with 355 for C. C. Bannister. It was reported at first thnt M. 11. Stevenson hail carried by th«' narrow margin of three* votes over George J. Limber, his opponent in Southeast Hillsboro, but u Inter check showed Stevenson 588 and Limber 485. J. L. Anderson re­ ceived 687 votes to 361 for C. E. llrundaw as councilman in South­ west Hillsboro. Thomas Connell run­ ning on thia ticket was unopposed for council ami his vote totaled 988. The race between J. M. Hiatt, in- (Continued on {*•$<• Four) Jurors Named For November The jury list for the November term of court, as drawn, doe* not include any women. The new jurors ar«' a* follow»: Stephen Baker. Gal«'* Creek; Otto George, Hillsboro route 5; IIIrani P. Downing, Beaver- ton route 1; I-ewis Power», Corne­ lius; Henry Peters, Sherwood route 4; II. H Armfield, Forest Grove; Edward II. Catching, Forest Grove; H. G. Dickniun, Portland route 5; E. D. Roseman, Beaverton; E. I>. Horner, Hillsboro; Henry T. Bruce, Riwilville; Albert Running, Corne­ lius; Arthur Knox. Gaston; Frank A Bennett. Forest Grove route 1; Fred Sewell. Hillsboro route 4; Alva Wo- dell, Cornelius; William Clap« haw. For« -t Grove; Frederick Henry Cald­ well, Hillsboro; A. M. Dickenson, Metzger; Homer R. Emmott, Hills­ boro; Kirk Hoover, Beaverton rout«* 3; Edward Meier, Hillsboro route 4; Paul J. Beck, Gaston rout«* 1; Gor­ don Fisk, Sherwood; Roy II. Jnquith, Laurel route 2; Clyde Leedy, Ti- card; "iird; W. W E. Hamilton, ____ Forest Grove; Bert A. Barber. Hillsboro; \\ illmm Clark, Forest Grove; F. G. Brown, North Plains. Three indictments on liquor charg« s resulted in a $500 fine nr.d six months on the first, and $3,000 fine nnd n year in jail on each of the last two counts for Dudley E. Wilson in circuit court last week. No parole was granted. He waived a grnnd jury indictment. Arthur Shontell waived th«' indictment and was fined $500 and paroled for six months, Orders were given in the follow­ ing cases F. G. and Clara B. Brown vs. Carl Stein; Union Central Life Insurance company vs. William Ker- ron et al; Portland Trust ft Savings Bank vs. Oregon Nursery company et nl. Carl V. Oppel pleaded guilty yes- terdny to liquor charges and was fined $500 and given six months in jail. He was paroled for $500. Robert Wood* was given the »«me sentence and parole was taken un­ der advisement. Make More Moves in New Court Building Th«' office of W. F. Boley nnd as­ sistant* is being moved to the first floor of the new addition to the court house this morning. Mr. Boley’s office is on the west, side of th«> building along with the sheriff and treasurer. County Clerk E. C. Luce will move over the week-end. He will be in the southeast corner of the first floor. Judge E. J. Ward and Commissioners F. W. Livermore and ___ J. M. Hiatt will probably move to their new quarters on the second floor early next week. i As soon as officers move out into tho new section, the old quarters ) are being remodeled. Hillsboro Airport Inspected by Man brom Government The Next President of the United States John E. Sommers, department of commerce airport specialist, was in Hillsboro Saturday to inspect the local airport, lie *aid Hill boro had a very good start for a city its size, nit hough much work was required to nut th«- port in A 1 condition. II. I.. Mackenzie and Jake Weil of the legion aviation committee ac­ companied him on the trip. Tne airport could he put in claa* 3 rating with little work, according to Mr. Sommer*. He said that it would be shown on department of commerce maps at the present time. He made suggestion« for improve- ........ which Dr E. 11. Smith, the owner, and the American Legion will endeavor to follow out. An aeronautic emergency com­ mittee consisting of Mr. Mackenzie, Jake w.d and w. Verna McKinney has been appointed from the Ameri­ can Legion. This committee is to take charge in case of an aeroplane crash or accident within the Hills­ boro territory. The committee has to be such that anyone in charg«* of an airline or army or navy plane can get in touch with and on whom they can depend. Legion Posts Show Activity Jones Talks to Business Men The legion program for th«' year calls for concentrated effort on com­ munity activities, declared Charles I*. Jones, district committeeman of tho American Legion, in an address nt the Monday noon luncheon th«* chamber of commerce. He urged the co-operation of cal people in events put on by American Legion, raying thnt would all be paid back in service to the community. Support in the le­ gion mcniliership drive was urged of th«* bu-iness men by Legionnaire Jones, who said th«* legion needed th«* member* for strength in organi­ zation and the service inan needs the American Legion. Committeeman Jones said thnt th«' legion was destined to brcome the greatest organization in the world nnd that it woul«l be for the good. He said that membership in th«* American Legion was only available to those who hail served in the World war under th«* American fing ami that it wns something that could not be bought. Cornman«ler W. H. Dierdorff of Hillsboro post acted as chairman of the meeting. H<* announced that the week from November 11 to 17 would b«> legion membership week, J. II. Murton, chairman of the activities committee, outlined the program for Armistice Day. Jake Weil said that business men end others solicited to buy or donate by veterans should find out if they have the recommendation of the le­ gion post here, because it is never given. Two Arc Arrested On Burglary Count A enr standing on the street* of Forest Grove, across from the Quick Lunch shop, early Saturday morn­ ing aroused the suspicions of Night Officer McGuire with the result that Chester Frost and George Sundquist of Portland were taken into custody charged with burglary. The nun are said to have been caught while attempting the robbery of the lunch counter. Sheriff J. E. Reeves says the men were involved in th«' robbery of the llarte pool hall and restaurant at Timber October M, and th«- Mike Welter garage at the same place last Friday night. Robert Woods wns arrested nt Beaverton Saturday on a liquor charge and Willis 11. Chnlker of Portland was taken Monday on booze charges. Carl Valentine Oppel of Portland was arrested Tuesday night at Bea­ verton on a liquor charge. His car was confiscated. Frank Kittson of Thatcher was taken into custody yesterday on an assault anil battery charge. Golden Rule Stressed By Rotary Chieftain Beaverton Hi Gives Hilhi a Scare on Grid Beaverton high school's record of no defeats for the 1928 gridiron reason was marred Friday afternoon when the blue and white boys of Hillsboro high took a 7 to 6 victory on the Beaverton field. The locals turned in their poorest performance of the season. The fight that has characterized the team so far in the season's play seemed gone and Hilhi was lucky to win the game. Break* Successful Off tackle bucks for Hilhi were good for from 5 to 15 yards on most every play and the locals worked the ball up and down the field for 60 and 70 v.«rd< only to I..-«- th«* ball on fumbles. In the second quarter Rushlow fumbled the ball and it rolled 30 yards townrd the Hilhi standards, where n Beaverton player recovered. A 15-yard pass, coupled with a line buck, gave Beaverton the first score of the game. Try for point fniled. On the kickoff Blazer turned in n 52-yar«i run before being hauled down. As th«* half ended Hillsboro was marching down on the Beaver­ ton goal. Rushlow started the second half by heaving on«* of his 40-yard passes, which Freeman caught and carried another 10 yards. He had a clear field ahead of him, but the rough condition of the ground mad«* his footing uncertain. From this point bucks carried the ball over th«* line for Jhe Hilhi touchdown, and a pass from Blazer to Patterson netted the extra point. Hillsboro mad«* nin«* fumbles, six of which were recovered by Beaver­ ton. Fant Follow Tea m A large crowd of Hillsboro busi- ness i mcn and students followed the team. The Hilhi lineup: Patterson, le; Pasley, It; Gabie, rg; Bagley, c; Dinsmore, rg; Chase, rt; Freeman, re; Rea, qb; M. Johnson, lh; Blazer, rh. and Rushlow, fh. Substitutes: Rehse for Pasley, H. Johnson for Blazer, Hare for Patterson, Vickers for Freeman, Batchelar for Rush- low. The growth and development of the individual member is the essen- tial part of Rotary, according to District Governor John Casper of Walla Walla, v.ho addressed the lo- cal Rotary club Thursday. Rotary, h«* said, wns meeting the desires and needs of th«* world. There are 2,900 clubs in 44 differ­ ent countries and the large memher- ship is indicative of the good work it is doing. “If you cannot do business with- ' out violating the _ golden rule there is something wrong,” the governor Two persons were injured in an said. He stressed the application of accident near Six Corners Friday the golden rule to the activities of! when cars driven by Theodore C. daily life. Fones of Portland and C. Ecks of Dundee collided. Mr. Fones received minor cuts and bruises about the nose, knee and leg, while Mrs. rvuvrt, Fones, who wnv was nti.i thrown out ui of the viiv . machine, was dazed and bruised and received minor lacerations. Two Are Hurt in a Car Wreck Friday The Sanitary Meat Market at Ti­ gard was robbed Sunday night of $140 in currency and silver. Sheriff J. E. Reeves investigated. Officers are of the opinion thnt someone wns watching Pete Potwin, proprietor, when he hid the money in a bag under a box in th«1 market. Tlu* Ralph Hannan lannan general store at Buxton was robbed Friday night. I Two beeves belonging to the Rei­ chert market nt Forest Grove were stolen from the Emmott slaughter house west of Hillsboro last night. Coffee Club Play Many Awards At the Venetian Won By Local Creates Interest “Chicken Feed,” the annual Cof­ fee club play, will be presented at the Venetian theater next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings under the direction of Mrs. H. H. Stannard. Ticket* should be reserved at once. The play is a story of modern home life and it revolves around the universal rights of the check book. Women declare their liberty—and thereby hangs the tale. It is a con­ tinuous round of comedy. The cast in order of their appear­ ance: Art Miltenberger, “Jim Bai­ ley”; Mrs. Victor Batchelar, “Luella Logan”; James Peppard, “Hughie Logan," her husband; Mrs. H. Sta- *ek, “Annie Bailey,” Jim’s wife; Vernon Turner, “Danny Kester,” the bridegroom; Fannie Konigan, “Nell Bailey,” the bride; Tom Cald­ well, “Chester Logan,” Hugh's brother; Wm. Earl Ogilbee, “Mr. Tevis,” the station agent; Reuben Kuratli, “Judge McLean”; Alexan­ der Morley, “Oscar,” and Mr*. Sam Johnson, “Miss Johnson.” Mrs. Bentley is business manager. Winter Brings On Dedication Shoot Criminal Activity At Local Airport A dedication shoot will he held at the new shooting grounds of the Washington County Rod and Gun club at th«1 Hillsboro Airport, begin­ ning at 10 a. m. Monday. Presidents of the Portland, Salem, Corvallis. Eugene and McMinnville clubs will be invited to take part in the dedi­ cation. Considerable work has been done, including the building of concrete walk*. and local gunners feel that they have one of the best shooting grounds in the state. 1HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1928 Nutmere Win* Coveted Prize and Sweepstake* List of Winners Large Fir«t Time Sweepstake* For Beat Potato Exhibit Ha* Come to Thia Section Washin *ton county ha* been awarded the silver trophy for winning the largest number of blue ribbons in the land prod­ ucts show. This county won 25 ribbon*. Winning four first premium awards and the sweepstakes banner, Washington county certified seed potato growers carried off the honors in the important potato classes at the Land Products show being held in connection with the Pacific Inter­ national Livestock Exposition in Portland this week. Rowell* In Charge Nutmere, a walnut orchard com­ pany in charge of Rowell Brothers of the Scholls community, won the coveted first prize in the certified Burbank seed potato class, and it was this exhibit that received the sweepstakes award for the best po­ tato exhibit in the show. “It is the first time in my recol­ lection that a western Oregon coun­ ty has won this banner,” stated C. D. Minton, manager of the Land Products sbow. Nutmere also won the first award in the commercial Burbank class. H. R. Findley & Sons, Portland route 2, won the __ _____ first w_____ prize _______ in the Netted Gem certified seed potato class, another honor usually con­ ceded to eastern Oregon annually. That all American Legion posts in the county are taking an active part in the affairs of their respec­ tive communities was shown by the reports of post representatives at a meeting of the Washington county council of the American Legion, fol- ; lowing the Hillsboro post special session at Beaverton Friday night. Ernest Schmid of Forest Grove is president of the council. President Schmid suggested that the posts work together for an all- , county Armistice Day celebration I after this year. The Sherwood legionnaires were instrumental in creating interest for a gymnasium for the Sherwood schools, according to Commander Walter Peter* Winner Young. The amount hag been put In the 4-H Club class of Bur­ , in the budget. banks, Walter Peters, of Sherwood, Windsor Moore of Banks said the won the first award. Banks post would be “over the top' .»» Washington county potato grow­ in membership by November 17. ers co-operating with County Agent The only way to become inoccu- O. T. McWhorter, placed twenty en­ Herbert Hoover lated with the legion bug is to ex­ tries in the potato show. pose yourself by coming to the To Bert Rowell, of «vow» Scholls, •= is uu» due meetings, declared Charles Jones, the credit for th'e seieCtion’of the Two Day* Remain district committeeman. * ■ winning sweepstakes exhibit. In Clubbing Offer Commander William H. DierdorfT , Other potato award* won «vu « by the ww in the Hillsboro post session urged W^hin'gtM"count7“‘iTowers X?e "aZ that every effort be made to have fonOws: Nutley, in charge of Carl Just two more days remain for old members signed up at once. No- Wohlschlegel. Laurel second, and those desiring to take advantage vember 11 to 17 is membership H. R. ~ Findley & ~ of the Hillsboro Argus and Ore- Sons, fourth, on week. goiiian clubbing offer, wherein , certified Burbanks. Nutley, third, An entertainment consisting of (Continued on Page Four) the two may be secured for $6 singing and dancing followed the by mail, or in other words, two for the price of one. The Daily The tenth anniversary of the sign­ meeting. This was arranged by the and Sunday Oregonian and the ing of the armistice, which ended activities committee, J. H. Murton, Argus by mail cost $7.80. the world’s greatest war, will be ob- chairman. Mr. Murton announced -erved here Monday, on account of that a legion blanket would be given November 11 coming on Sunday. the member selling the greatest Hillsboro post of the American Le­ number of tickets to the carnival gion has arranged a patriotic pro­ dance «nd “Night in Paris,” here gram v v-H f T II J 8 ram for the morning and the eve- on November 12. A little heard of Washington IllllsbOrO IS Called ning will be “chuck full of fun.” county industry that has been mak­ “Night in Paris" ing rapid strides since its inception Great plans are being made by the a year ago is the packing concern Elias Mason Rice, 79, a resident activities committee for the carni­ of L. B. Haley at Bethany. of Hillsboro for 37 years, died at val dance and “Night in Paris,” at Mr. Haley packs boned chicken, his home here early Sunday morn­ the Shute park auditorium, which is sandwich spread, chicken noodles, ing after an extended illness. Fune­ to start at 8:30. The regular Arab Judging of the windows in con­ chicken and noodles, chicken broth, ral services were held from the Con­ orchestra will furnish the music. chicken and brown gravy, plum pud­ gregational church Monday after­ This event is expected to attract the nection with the Armistice Day dis­ ding, fruit cake, fried spring duck, noon with the Rev. S. McMinis of­ largest crowd ever present at an plays will take place Friday after­ fried giblets, fruit, jams and jel­ noon, according to J. H. Murton, ficiating. Interment was in the Ma­ American Legion dance. legionnaires will assemble at the chairman of the legion committee in lies. His labels say, “Packed on the sonic cemetery. Veterans’ hall at 10:30 a. m. Mon­ charge of the Armistice celebration. farm by L. B. Haley." Five men He was born in 1849 in Carter day, and will march in a body to Many business firms have artistic are employed in the work. county, Kentucky. Deceased is sur­ the Venetian The pack has been increased 50 theater where the pa­ windows and are competing for the vived by the widow, and the follow­ triotic exercises per cent a month for the past four legion $5 cash prize. are to start prompt ­ ing sons and daughters: Roy J. Rice, months and at that it is hard for at 11. All legion men are asked Sr., Salem; Mrs. Daisy Buchan, ly them to supply the demand. Three to wear the caps. Veterans of all Marshfield; Mrs. Maude Follette, wars and their allied organizations to four hundred hens are used a Hillsboro; Mrs. Blanche Southard, are invited to participate in the ex­ week and this affords a market for and Mrs. Alma Carney, Portland. chickens locally. The sales have ercises. been increasing regularly since a Mr. Rice was married to Elnora Rev. Charles Tator, who won a man was put on the road with the Milton Lovelace, December 8, 1874, captaincy while serving with the Ca­ product. at Sedalia, Mo. They moved to Ore­ nadian expeditionary forces in The possibility of drilling for oil The plant was closed down last gon, settling in Columbia county, in France, will be the speaker at the in the farm land south of Hillsboro 1882, and eight years later moved patriotic exercises. Mr. Tator is was given impetus at a meeting of week for the installation of an elec­ to Hillsboro. Mr. Rice had been a pastor of the Annabelle Presby­ representatives of the Hillsboro and tric capping machine. member of the Baptist church for terian church of Portland. Portland chambers of commerce 55 years. An American Legion blanket will with Erich Schleif, Los Angeles en­ There are eight grandchildren and be given the legionnaire selling the gineer and geologist, here Friday af­ two great grandchildren. greatest number of tickets to the ternoon. Two large property own­ Services were conducted by Don­ carnival dance. ers in the district were present. The committee in charge of ai- elson ft Sewell, the new firm. It was agreed that the leases se­ fairs Monday includes J. II. Murton, cured should be put in escrow in ttle II. L. Mackenzie and Henry Kamna. local banks and after they were se- Road districts for the most part All Hillsboro business houses will . __ _ „„ ____ _ the throughout the county are voting cured the lawyers, ____ acting for be closed Monday. land owners, and oil people would special levies for road work within i Football at 2:00 p. m. get together to work oi_. out ______ a satisfac- their districts. The athletic attraction for Mon­ tory plan of procedure. It was also | The following districts have re­ day, which is being observed as stated that there would be no so- ported their millages to the county (Continued on Page Four) licitation for the sale of stock in court: .District. No. 1_, _ 7 mills; 4, 6 Mrs. Ethel Maude Kreitz, 38, of mills; 5. 5 mills; 7, 6% mills; 12, 5 Washington county. Hillsboro, died at the Jones hospital The Portlanders expressed the mills; 1 13, 4H mills; 15, 9 mills; 16, early Sunday morning after an ill­ Mr. ___ Schleif was a reli- ® .......... nn“ i; ®. 18, 5 mills; 19, 5 mills; 21, opinion that t__ ____ ness of many months. Funeral ser­ able and conscientious engineer. 10 mills; 23, 5 mills; 25. 4 mills; vices were held Wednesday after­ who is convinced that there is oil 26. 7 mills; 27, 10 mills; 28, 10 noon from the Congregational mills; 31, 10 mills; 34, 10 mills; 35, and natural gas in the vicinity. church, with the Rev. George Pratt 10 mills; 36, 10 mills; 39, 8 mills; of Orenco and Rev. H. A. Deck of­ The Oregon state game commis­ 42, 10 mills; 44, no tax; 45, 4 mills; ficiating. Interment was in the sion have just finished planting 237,- 46, 10 mills; 48, 10 mills; 53, 10 Riverview cemetery in Portland. 000 Cutthroat trout from the Gales mills; 60, 1 H mills; 61, 7 mills; 63, 5 mills; 64, 7 mills; 14, no tax; 24, Mrs. Kreitz was the wife of Ralph Creek hatchery. The fish were from W. Kreitz, member of the firm of four to six inches long and were of 10 mills; 33, no tax; 37, 3 mills; the Imperial Feed ft Grain com­ the best quality raise«! in the state 56, 5 mills; 57, 2H mills; 58, 5 pany. Besides the widower, she is this year, according to Tom Craig One by one occupants of the old "‘«’•J and 62> 10 mills‘ survived by two sons, Ralph and I and Walter Ryckman in charge of wooden structures on Main street, Richard, and a daughter, Norma the distribution. The new tank truck was used to owned by E. J. Lyons of Turlock, Ellen. Her mother. Mrs. Nellie Bev­ Cal., are moving to more desirable eridge, and a brother, Norman plant the fish into the streams of quarters. The latest move is that Short, both of Prince Rupert, B. C., four counties without loss. Clear, i of the Hillsboro Land ft Realty Patton, Rock, f West ‘ ~ Dairy creeks also survive. company and the Washington Coun­ She was born July 2, 1890, at and the Nehalem river received ty Farm Loan association, headed by Wellington, B. C., and on November some of the fish. Other counties re- .- „ „ . —J , . Their new location I J. A. Thornburgh of Forest Grove, 3, 1909, was married to R. W. ceiving fish were Columbia, Yamhill I is at 1162 Main street in the Com-) Thomas Connell of Hillsboro and J. Kreitz in Vancouver, B. C. They and Lincoln, mercial building, where the county E. Morbach of Sherwood were yes­ inuvt moved ’U to tv Dayton, where nnviv they viivjr tv re­ treasurer just moved qut. terday appointed members of the sided until October 15, 1920, when county budget committee by the they came to Hillsboro. county court. They will meet at Services were in charge of Donel- the court house at 10 a. m., Novem­ son ft Sewell. ber 15. Monday to Be Gala Day For Veterans Here i New Industry Has Progress Early Resident of Judge Windows on Armistice Friday Oil Drilling Plans Are Given Impetus Levies Are Voted By Road Districts Mrs. Kreitz Passes Away Early Sunday Trout Distributed To Streams Locally Another Firm Moves From Wood Buildings Budget Committee Of County Chosen National Book Week | November 13 to 17 Fred Sewell Named For County Coroner National Book Week will be ob­ served in the public library from November 13 to 17, with the usual display of new books. A wonderful collection of children's books, as well as the late fiction, will be on the tables. The library will be closed all day Monday (Armistice Day). Folks at Show Fred Sewell was this morning ap­ pointed county coroner to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Glenn F. Bell, filed this morning. Mr. Bell leaves right away for San Diego, Cal. Set New Handicaps For Golf Players Standard Oil Wants Lease on Property New handicaps have been estab­ lished at the Forest Hills Country j club, according irding to Manager William The request of the Standard Oil' Martin. He I—— — .... members .............. company v.,...,,..... for . <• a lease .... ..... Tamiesie a «.....—< a . - asks that all on the turn in their score cards regularly > tract, owned by the city, across from as an aid to the handicap commit- the Shute park, was referred to the tee. _ park committee and city manager Winners in the par tournament) for action at a meeting of the coun- Sunday were as follows: Dr. Sam cil Tuesday night. Todd, first; Frank Miller, second;! As the election returns were com- Tom Dyer, third; Cap Fayram, I ing in, discussion of the vote took fourth, and Dr. Ralph Mills, fifth, ) up much of the time. Scout Honor Court Next Tuesday Night The Boy Scout court of honor was postponed until next Tuesday night on account of the past Tues­ day being election day. It will bo held in the circuit court room in th« Commercial building.