THE HILLSBORO ARGUS PAGE FOUR SE IT EM li Kll 27, IV2H, Hll ! SBORO. OREGON — Local Happenings breaking wash tub and board. Mun­ ger's laundry displayed a complete«! laundry ami the ol«i fashioned wash Mi»» llettli» Join1' am! Mrs. t’liut tub in a booth mud«* of yellow and Skelton of Portland, ni««» and cou­ black. T7ie Leader in Its Field A cozy dining room, made of sin of Frank Barr, were dinner green and whit«' print, with an al­ guests Sunday nt tlm home of Mr. Harr. Other" pre-« nt wcr«' tractively set dinner table, and a ami Mi County Official Paper Miss .Stranahan Cslelirslss Biilliday little waitress drew««! in green, Mr. and Mr-«. Gernhl Barr of Me«l , w verne M c K inney MRS. F. C. MrKlNNEY Au«i«u Witos Editor Miss Marie Strniinhnn entvi tai mid ford. Francis Barr of Cochran, and mad«' up t?h' Imperial Cafe booth, which received so much favorable Mr. and Mrs. \ erne McKinney ami Inst Saturday evening with u birth Subscription Rates little son, Mr . Ann Sigler, ho t and day party. A delightful time wax comment. Per Year *4 Sis Months.. Tews’ Radio shop displayed the host«*»» ami children. Jack mid Doro­ spent in dancing at the pavilion, nf Issued on Thursday of each week by McKinney A McKinney. rub!i*hers. Entered in the thy Mr ami Mrs. Geral.l Barr left ter which refreshments were »vrved Stewart Warner radio sets. Postoffice at Hillsboro, Oregon, a* second-claM matter. Member of Oregon State Editorial A gay restroom of red and yel­ Sunday for home, accontpanie«l by ut tils* home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Association, and the National Editorial Association. low, with all tho favorite movie Mrs. Barr's mother, Mrs. Fred Wil Stranahan. Those present were Mr. mid Mr Alvin Bntchelar, the Mi l's stars’ pictures on the wall, was fur­ mot, of Medford. Swearing in at the polls is a dedication in a couple of months nished by th«' Venetian theater. Rev. and Mrs, K. B. Lockhart Evelyn Sewell, Velum Merrill, E< thing of the past. Have you regis­ would surely be appropriate. The A black background brightened hnv«> nnnounceil th«' «'ngagement of ther Perkins and Marie Stranahan; tered? If not, do so now. The new structure is so arranged that with print flowers in red, yellow their daughter, B««atrice M«'r«dith Lloyd Anderson, lloyd Sprague, Da books close October 6. There are it will expedite the conduct of and orang«' tones, made an attrac­ Lockhart, to Mr. David Egb«rt vid Schindler and Neil Stangel many reasons why you will want to county business for many decades. tive background for two taffeta eve­ Thompson of Portland. Mr I iionip w NU use your ballot November 6. ning gowns in pastel shades and a son is n »on of Dr D. A. Thompson, Mias Thekla Scheidt Slavic« black coat an«l hat, which were dis­ superintendent of l*re»byterlan Mis Is Bride Sunday Americans consume six million played by th«' Miller Mercantile cions of Oregi»n, and i» a student nt An inspection of the new court pounds of pickles in a single year, (Continued frx^m Last Week) horses and dogs. It was a hobby company. The marriage of Miss Thekla th«' State c«>llege, Ames. Iowa. Mi»» house reveals a structure of which it seems that even if we do have “I have not refuse«i definitely,” with him. The Higdon Motor company show­ Lockhart is a senior nt Willamette Scheldt, daughter of R«v, K. J. every citizen of the county may be prohibition in America, we are bad­ he said. "I must think it over in "Is ther«' a thoroughbred st ruin ed a complete line of new Chevrolet university, Salem. ' Scheldt, nnd Louis Zurchcr, sun of justly proud. A housewarming and ly pickled. all its bearings. In the end there is in men, too?” Malet asked. cars, including the coupe, coach, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zurcher, was A card pnrty was given al St. little doubt but I shall have to de­ “You bet there is,” Barnes said sedan, touring and truck. solemnised last Sunday evening ut Matth«*ws sc'hool hull Wt'dnesday T— cide against you. I wish it ha«i not promptly. “Put the thoroughbred night, with about fit' persons in at- the Phillip» Reformed church. Rev. happened. I am unsettled.” Sud­ to the test, and, whether he be Twin Round-up Feature Mrs. J. Albert of Port Scheldt performed the ring service tendance, ------------------------------------------------ ♦ denly he held out his hand to the man, horse or hound, he’ll respond.” Event of Annual Fair lami won first prise ■nd Mrs. J. and read Philippian» 2:2 6 from a The Ladies' club served a dinner man who was willing to do the Oscar Love, Grandpa Love, Claud “Barnes,” Malet began, when the Kummer of Gaston won second. New Testament printed in I ANN nnd Eslinger and Mr. Waldron went to in Forest Grove Monday. magnificent thing and make th«' sac­ subject was exhausted, “haven’t you (Continued from Fage On«) gave a short address on the same. Mrs. L. M. Fraer is visiting folks rifice gladly. “I must add to my yet found out that Nita is in love and Mrs. J. O. Robb of Hillsboro, Gentlemen’s first prixe went to Ed the Pendleton Round-up last week. The bride, who wus given in mar­ second. Klink and state in Salem will attend the and Mr. Redetzeke and family and strong personal liking for you an with young McKimber?” riage by her father, wore a gown won the Enimotts ’ Market and Rey- C. Be ­ Mesdames Alice Woods also took in the Pen­ fair while ■ there, increased respect, Not many would “Impertinent puppy.” Barnes oti the of white silk crepe. Iler veil was Prof, and Mrs. R. W. Hargitt do as you have done. Come and see stormed. “If !’ American Legion Tho Misses Esther, Marie, Elea­ At a meeting of the representa­ family of Portland visited at the Ruth and Lennie Lee and Thelma * Like her?” Bradney said warin- days but loaf until you were so Auxiliary of Hillsboro to the pair tives from the Methodist, Christian, nor Zurcher, and Miss Martha Ted Haney home Sunday. Heisler attended the fair in Hills- ly. “ She is the most delightful girl scared of the sight of Lippsky you I of twins looking most alike, whose Baptist and Congregational churches Hirsch were the ribbon bearers Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Heesacker boro. I have ever met or hope to meet. took those long hikes which put you and family of Gaston called on I Leo Chartery and John Davis and She is the only woman who has ever in condition? Don’t scowl at me. father was a member of the Ameri­ held Tuesday evening reports »how Gottlieb Schneider and Mr. Chris friends here Sunday. relatives attended the fair in Hills­ made me wish I was as young and I know you could lick me easily, can Legion, was won by Nancy Lou em Far« On») lt»6o William» avenue. Fortland, awe V. Mr». returned Tuesday night from Santa complish in the world would not be defeat.” Anna Sohler and Mrs. Mary Waibel. HtlU- Mr. and Mrs. James Loynes of (To Be Continued) Rosa, Cal., where he visited nt the that section of the country in log­ done. Again he would be com ­ aged 42; born, Vincent and Vernon Su»* Forest Grove spent last week with Wismers Honored on ged over land was on Are, accord- pelled to seek some uncongenial po­ bauer, near Banks, ags 3: Leia and Leila home of his daughter, .Mrs. William his brother, John Loynes, and fam­ Wedding Anniversary Hutchina. Rt. 2 Laurel, i Carrol Vallandigham, for several week«, I ing to the chief. sition, He said as much to his Industrial Exhibits at ily. and Catherine Roberts, lit. 1 Gaston, age Mr. Bowman says that he visited County Fair Colorful School Threatens! friend. It; Jack and Jerry Cartwright, Fomt Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wismer were Mrs. Lucy LaSalle and son, Mau- P> ! hia “But if you admit I’m putting Another blaze through logged off Grove, age 8 month»; Dorothy and Helen the California Knights of (Continue«! from Page One) given a surprise party Sunday after ­ rice, visited her daughter, Mrs. you in an unfavorable light, it is Nunenkamp, Huber, age 8 year»; Mary and home, which is located on a 1200- land carried from near the Corne­ Bruce McCann, and family, of Man- noon by about eighty of their old evident you think you are choosing materials and supplies and kitchen Marian Shute. 1186 Eaat Pine. Portland. acre place. lius Pass t<> Shady Brook. All the cabinets. | friends and neighbors from Beth­ age 11; Henry and Rachel Coffey (Mr», ning Sunday. the wrong thing, ” Malet retorted. ..................... farmers in that section, together A clever fish pond made with a Walker). Beaverton, age 80*^ year» . Henry any, Portland and Hillsboro, the oc- Walter Willis is building a new “I’m choosing to enjoy the re­ Congoleuni rug was the attractive and Henrietta V antler san den. Rt. 3 Banka, Mr«. Dailey Honored with help from neighboring com­ I casion being their twenty-fifth wed ­ silo. wards of an adventure which might feature of the Lester Ireland & Co. age 19; Virginia and Reginia Faust, Nth Mrs. Rose Prickett entertained munities, worked hard to buck the ding anniversary. When they re- have landed me in jail—and may display. The Majestic electric radio and Multnomah. Fortland, age II; John and Tuesday afternoon in honor of th«' advance of the Are. Chris Christen­ 1 turned from attending church at Clay Schermerhorn. Forest Grove, age 7*‘j FAVORS A COUNTY MANAGER yet. I’m very sorry about Nita, but was also on display. months. birthdny anniversary of Mr«. Mary sen lost n barn and considerable I Bethany, a large group of their she is young. Life is before her, Against a background of pink and The twins retristcred from Port­ Dniley, who maki's her home with young timber, while much fence was ' friends had already gathered at the Plan Appeals to Editor as Promising Wismer home on First street, where whereas I’m past middle age. Floyd, blue the C. C. store showed selec­ land were children of former Wash­ Mrs. Prickett. Every guest present burned on the John Johnson place. Efficiency a picnic dinner was spread on tables you are intoxicating yourself, not tions from their line of wall paper, ington county people. was over 80 y«-ars of ag«- Mrs. All the household goods »ere moved with sentiment, but with sentimen­ shoes and merchandise. The judges in the twin contest Dailey’s ag«' was 80 yean; Mrs. M. into the center of n Aeld on the in the yard. Mr. and Mrs. Wismer A county manager plan of gov­ tality. It’s a symptom of a gener­ A bower of autumn leaves and were Mrs. A. E. Owen of McMinn- A. Powell, 88; Mrs. Margaret Mc­ Toge Johnson place because it was ernment would be patterned upon received many beautiful gifts. ous nature, but it yields before a ville, Mrs. Elizabeth Vincent of Ti- Kinney, 80; Mrs. M. M. Brierly, 86; felt that the fire would take the Those present were Mr. and Mrs. logical examination. I am not go­ harmonizing draperies and two mod­ the city manager plan which is now ish fall coats with matching hats Rard, and Charles Young of Sher- Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, 82; Mr.. house. The Mason Hill school house Gus Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. John accepted as the most modern sys­ ing to throw away what we have completed the Weil's Department wood. Mrs. was threatened. Elizabeth Crandall, HI, and Meier and family, John Kehrli and tem of municipal government. There gained. You must not ask it of store booth, which attracted much Fred Johnson wns sawing a tree Herboldt Grape» Shown Ellen Seelye of Independence, 81. Miss Hulda Kehrli, David Kuratli would be an administrative, non­ me. My God! Floyd, do you sup­ attention. down and while he was resting a Mrs. M. Cave and Mrs. Mary Elliott, Especially noticeable in the hor­ I salaried commission representative and daughter, Ruth, all of Port­ pose I am content to go back to my nearby tree fell across the one he A miniature dairy farm against of different districts of the county land; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kuratli job at the refinery again when an arrangement of red and white ticultural exhibit was the display of pioneers, were unable to attend. had been working on. If he had The afternoon was spent in reminis ­ and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wis ­ Louis Herboldt ’ s seeilless grapes. In and under this commission a busi­ there’s a chance to escape?” crepe paper and a display of Car- cing about early days, and refresh­ been working nt the time he would ness manager of the county. The mer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry “I suppose not,” Malet said quite nation milk attracted the children explanation it was stated that the ments of ice cream tind cake were have been killed, according to John Aldinger, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wis- grapes were the result of years of money which the average county wearily. “The way of sacrifice is especially to the Carnation Products Ryan, local mail carrier, who helped experimentation and research to served. now pays out as salary and wages mer, Mrs. E. I. Kuratli, Mr. and too hard.” out there several nights. booth. i dopt foreign grapes to the Oregon of its three commissioners would be Mrs. William Haase, Mr. and Mrs. Bradney frowned. He did not Miss Drake Weds Mr. Clark A display of everything that can sufficient to secure the services of W. Aldinger, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. rest easily under the imputation be printed by the Argus furnished climate based on a comprehensive Carbon tetrachloride has been Miss Edna Mae Drake of Molalla a competent executive. The gov­ i Tucker and family, Mrs. C. Reimer, that he was choosing the selfish the background for a comfortable study of grape culture by Mr. Her- became the bride of .Mr. Oliver S. found successful in treatment of all of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Al ­ boldt during many years spent in ernment of the county would be de- way. davenport and chair for whomever Palestine and southern Europe. Clark of Myrtle Point nt a wedding sh«'ep and goats infested with liver- partmentized under this modern fred Hamel and family, Mr. and “At least, I have Peter Milman cared to stop and chat or rest. fluke, n serious handicap to the in­ Mrs. C. E. Wismer and family, Mr. An American flag ma----------------------------- ♦ Is Your Ad Right at Her Fingertips?