* Z PAGE TWO THE HILLSBORO — ' ths Assembly of God Mission (Full1 ■ Gospel) on West Main street are as I ! follows: Sunday school at 9 45 a.! in., followed by morning worship at 11 o’clock. Evangelistic message Sunday evening at 7:45. Christ’s] ♦ ♦♦ Orenco, Sept. 27. — School was Helvetia, Sept. 27,—Fire is rag Ambassadors meet Tuesday evening Methodist Episcopal Church dismissed last Thursday to allow the ing in the Helvetia ami Mason Hill , at 7:45. Bible study Thursday eve ­ teachers and pupils to sttenil the E. B. Lockhart, Minister ning. Healing service Saturday eve­ woods. Th«- high winds on Thurs­ Washington county fair in Hills­ Mr. Lockhart will preach at the day ami E’riday started many fires boro. All who were there comment­ morning hour of worship the key-1 ning at 7:45. ♦ ♦♦ ed on the fine exhibits, program in note sermon for th«- year the church - from slashings that had been burn­ ed after th«- recent rain. Crews of the hall Thursday morning, and the is entering upon. In the evening a » Foursquare Gospel Light House rodeo in the baseball park in the platform meeting will be held with | (Formerly Full Gospel Tabernacle) volunteer worker* back fired around afternoon. several speakers discussing “Annual Fourth street, between Baseline and Mason Hill school house ami farm» close by, ami saved th«- building*. A social was given Friday eve­ Conference Impressions. or What Oak street* ning under the auspices of the the Bishop Said," As part of thi- The fire crossed the Mason Hill road school at 1:45 p. m., and and th«> barn on Chris Christensen'» Sunday Christian Endeavor society, which Epworth League service the pastor preaching at 3 p. . m. Evangelistic place was burned It is now check­ was well attended. will tell “What a Student Pastor servjC)J at 7;45 :45 p. iu.. ___ and ____ also on The pickers in the 80-acre date at Conference said about the young Wednesday 7 and Fri«iay at 7:45 p.m. ed near Paul Heuschkel's place. Neighbors back-fired on th«' Ritter prune orchard expect to complete people at Epworth League rally." We invite the public to these ser­ place Saturday night and on Matt their work this week. A fair crop ♦ ♦ ♦ vices. Mercep's east line Monday night. was harvested this year and is be­ Christian Church ♦ ♦ ♦ The fire on th«' logged off land ing dried at Forest Grove. Corner Third and Baseline Streets Hilltboro Congregational Church burned four houses ami a tent, ami Mrs. Ruth Will and children spent, M. Putman. Minister George T. Pratt, Minister the old sawmill near th«' ol«i Elliott the week-end at Forest Grove. Lawrence Rose returned Saturday 1453 Washington St., Phone 471-Y Sunday school at 10 o'clock, place. On E’riday th«> fire on Er- Bible school at 10 a. m. 11 a. Floyd Miller, superintendent. The nest Amacher's place got beyond from Umatilla county, where he was employed on a combine during the m., sermon, “Leaving the First classes are now organised and there control and set fire to th«' pasture harvest season. » Love.” 7:30 p. m., sermon, 'Serving is a place for every one. Morning on Lippen'* place and did much Miss Joyce Handley, who left here This Generation. Y. P. C. S. C. worship at 11 a. m. damage elsewhere. a few weeks ago to begin her work and Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. Friday was Helvetia day at th«' ♦ ♦♦ as teacher in the Corvallis schools, I Three Deer Hunters Fined county fair, judging by the number injured her back just before school» Free Methodist Church Roseburg, Sept. 21.—Three Bea­ in attendance from this vicinity. opened and has not been able to i verton hunters, H. P. Downing, Carl The children voted to close school Corner Fifth and Oak Streets take up her work yet. Olson and Harry L. Robinson, were on Friday instead of Thursday, and J. N. Wood, Pastor Miss Matilda Dallinger accom­ their teachers accompanied them. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. G. W. fined $100 each here today after panied her sister, Mrs. Bertha Sha­ ; pleading guilty to having untagged The parents co-operated with the ver, to Monmouth Friday afternoon Bondurant, superintendent. Preach­ | venison in their possession. Deputy- teachers ami arrangements were and returned Sunday evening. Mrs. ing at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. ni. State Game Warden Walker said he made for all to get there. The Willard Brown took Miss Dallinger’s Prayer meeting on Thursday eve­ had received reports the men were general report was that th«' exhibits ning. All are welcome to these ser ­ place in the school room during her killing does and fawns and were were better than ever before. The vices. absence. hunting with spotlights at night. He I children, as well as the old folk, ♦ ♦♦ Rev. George T. Pratt was unable investigated their camp and found enjoyed Grandpa Bulger's cartoons Assembly of God Mission to fill his appointments Sunday on carcasses of five deer, none of and talk. account of illness. Mrs. Pratt had West Main Street which had evidence of their sex. No Jackson quarry was closed Mon- charge of the stewardship program J. D. and Mrs. Miller, Pastors hides or horns could be produced, day on account of the funeral of in the evening. The regular weekly services at he declared.—Oregonian. Elmer Elkstrom, was fatally S. W. Baughman and son. Rich­ ard. drove to the Hood River coun­ try last week to pick apples. The nursery company shipped a carload of stock last week. Mr. Sayre, residing just north­ west of town, is now employed as one of the janitors in Meier A Frank's store. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Woodward and family drove out to Mount Hood Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Shaver and children, Pauline. Martha and Hubert, left last Friday for Monmouth, where Mrs. Shaver will attend the State Normal school during the coming year. She will keep house and the Give the SAFEWAY man an opportunity to get acquainted with you children will all be in school. Miss Dallinger will look after the place and he will soon be able to serve you more satisfactorily than and will make her home with Mr. you have ever been served before! and Mrs. Eld or Henschke. Miss Rosa Csergia had her tonsils removed at Hillsboro one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Smith left the first of the week for the Hood River country to pick apples. They expect to be gone four or five weeks. Their little daughter, Doro­ thy, is with her grandmother in Portland. C. J. Buford, residing 20 miles south of Corvallis, called on his granddaughter, Miss Bertha Buford, Sunday evening. Mr. Buford is a Fruit and Berry Fresh Creamery forest ranger, and although he is 83 100-tb 7(Y years old. he still rides the range on An All Hard Wheat sack / «7 horseback. 49-It) J. C. Wilson and daughter, Esther, Pound moved to Portland Monday, where sack . they will make their home on Wil­ lamette Heights. The Wilsons lived here for 14 years. Mr. Goldberg traded for the Wilson property here. Miss Marie Hansen, a sophomore in the Hillsboro union high school, was taken ill with the flu a week Broken Slices For Dessert* ago Monday, and has been confined Large 2U Tins to her room since. She is some bet­ Six Flavors ter. School Dismissed For the Big Fair a number of “The Gideons” from Portland, who will have charge of the service. We urge you to com«’ and hear these commercial salesmen give their testimony. Forest l ires Cause Damage to the North Distribution Without WasftéKb YOU WILL BE SATISFIED Once You Have Tried Safeway Butter 1 16 a., $1.00 Pineapple Jell Well Ö At the Churches 3 Cans Christian Science Society Cocoa Ungraded No. 2 Tins 2 Cans 25c $1.39 Dozen cans.. Corn First Baptist Church Fancy Yellow S. McMinis, Pastor Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morn­ ing worship at 11 o’clock. Sermon subject, “The Day of Atonement.” Evening service at 7:30. We are to have with us next Sunday evening No. 2 Tins Buy It in Bulk Pour a cup of Max-I-Mum Coffee and a tragro.ee will greet you that you’ll never forget The hest coffee* in the world are your* in thi* blend. They are se­ lected from the high plan­ tations of South America and roasted in our own plant by expert*. For ex­ pert roasting is the basis of coffee success. Take home a pound of thia wonderfu. coffee today. Filberts Pounds The Better Hand Soap 3 Spaulding .-»porting Goods 1152 Second St. Phone 72 I and »ell Fre»h Egg*. Chickens ami Spring Chickens, live or drossed, while you wait, on Saturday. Co., Wholesale Produce 1120 Second St. Phone 1831 Y Next door Modern Woodman Hall A K A ULA JUL i UNDERSTANDING Our regard for the Public’s Intelligence and the Public’s Confidence in Our Policies has made the Thrift Grocers one of the lending dis­ tributors of Foodstuffs in this community. -TT* Thrift Values for Saturday and Monday, Sept. 29 and Oct. 1 THRIFT COFFEE "Th«' Taste Treat"—The aroma, the flavor and the enjoyment it gives, has made it our biggest seller of all Coffees— Always Ground Fresh One Afiz* T ‘hree to Your Order ................. pound lOU pc pounds Crown Flour Shr’d Wheat Oregon Milk Cheese The Popular Family Patent— 4<)-th The Bag Big Original 12-ounce Package—Pkg. Freshly Condensed; Purr and Wholesome; Tall Tins; 3 cans Full Cream— Per Pound • Recleaned— 3 pounds for $1.85 9c 25c 27c rhe national dessert; assorted flavors; 3 packages.... Sugar 25c Best Food— I’int jar 55c Standard, with I’uree; No. 2C> tins; 3 cans for .. Safeway Markets Edward’s Dependable; in vacuu im puck tins; “.Just let it percolate 'P , I l-Jb tin ............................... Van Camp’«; medium .size; 3 cans 53c Shrimp Fancy mild sugar cured — Fine for boil­ ing or frying— recognize the varying de­ mands of the appetite with the changing seasons. They change the items of their stock with the change in demand — always supplying the meat with the greatest appeal at the most economi­ cal price. This accounts for the steady flow of cus­ tomers through - 25c Cudahy’s White Rib­ bon brand, considered by many as the best— 2 Pounds - Store No. 47 33c Safeway Markets At All Seatons Hillsboro Pork Roast Pound - 25C A fine i pack ' of Eastern Country Gentle- man Corn—No. 2 Tins; 2 cans for....................... 35c 10c Lux—Keeps the skin white and soft—3 bars Pound - 25C Phone 2171 25c Laundry Soap White Wonder—Cleaner and whiter clothes—10 bars 35c Citrus Powder 1-3 I’int Squata—Very handy for table JÄ.............. 39c 25c Toilet Soap Jelly Glasses Choice Shoulder Cuts from Safeway Quality Beef— 27c Tuna Flakes 7-oz. Tins of delicious light meat—2 cans ................... Parowax One Pound package ............................... Adt/V Sardines 5 ounces of tasty fish— fi cans Fame Corn Choice Shoulder Cuts from young, grain-fed pork— 32c Pork and Beans 29c Picnics 39c Tomatoes Golden Marshmallow, the all purpose cane and corn sprup 5-lb pail American Beauty; a fine dry pac k— Makes dandy salads— 2 cans Smoked 25c Mayonnaise Coffee Extra Fancy Pack Shortening Corwin Hardware We always buy Eggs and Chickens Joseph Fossati Syrup Safeway Market Savings for Saturday Pound LONG RADIO CASH PAID Sergeant (at police station): “What! You back againt" Prisoner: "Yes, sir. Any mail?" XXXX Powdered or Golden Brown—3 pounds Pounds We are now the Agentä for the popular FUNERAL HOME Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grott and Si.th A Wethington Phon. 97 j *on of Portland nml Mr. and Mrs. till I BORO OBI GO . were Ernest Myer* ami family guest* at th«’ home of Conimi Pie ren Sunday. Clark Zurcher roturnsd from Southern Oregon ln»t week. BILL BENHAM Mr. nml Mrs. Abe Youngen mu GOI.F INSTRUCTOR tore