The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 27, 1928, Image 1

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    Set Aside the Days of October 15, 16 and 17 to Attend the Hillsboro Argus Free Electric Cooking School
^llsboroSBAro us
Register Now!
Saturday, October 6
I» the Last Chance!
F /
Register Now!
Saturday, October 6
I» the La»t Chance!
The Leader in Its Field
Some of the Winning Twins, Young and Old
Twin Round-up
Orange Phelps Nominee Club Boys and Shut
Girls Receive
Feature Event
For Switch Over
For Mayor of Hillsboro;
More Awards
Of Annual Fair
Second Ticket Is Filed
There will be a shut-down upon
the Tualatin Valley system of the
County Farmer» Represented Portland Electric Power company on
Exhibit» in All Departments
Sunday morning, from 1:00 to 5:00
In Premium» at Salem
Excel Previous Years
a. m. This shut-down lx for the
purpose of installing switches in
Indications Point to First City Election Contest in Many
with tho construction of
Local Angel Cake Best connection
the 25,000-volt feeder loop in thia
Weather Man Is Good
Years; Petition* Filed Monday for Theater Man for
1 valley.
This probably will be the last
Mayor; John L. Anderson, M. H. Stevenson and II. C. Hill
Club Workers Receive More complete system shut-down neces­
Many Added Attractions and
For Councilmen; Will Stand for Sound Business Adminis-
sary, as the purpose of this loop
Prizes Than in Previous
Displays Combine to Give
system is to provide a dual feed to
tration of City’» Affair».
Years; More to Judge
all stations located thereon.
Fair Place in Sun
other words, upon the completion of
PetitionR for a second municipal ticket were filed with
Washington county boys’ and
The twin round-up Saturday af-
City Recorder Helen McDaniels Monday, and from all indi- girls’ clubs are making an out- ceive service either directly from
was the crowning event of
•cation« Hillsboro is to have its first contested city election standing record at the state fair, Valley highway or somewhat direct­
the fourth annual
been ly by way of Cedar Mills, North
in many years.
county fair, which excelled all the
received by this county than ever Plains, Banks, and Forest Grove. A
others in attendance and interest
before and rabbits, ducks and home sufficient number of high tension
Would Succeed Cady
for the three days. All classes of
beautiful projects are yet to be switches are to be installed on this
■ xhibits surpassed those of previous
Orange Phelps, prominent liillaboro buHinetw man and a ' judged. Local boys and girls won
years, according to critics, who be­
member of the city council from southwest Hillnboro for eight in every project entered, with the loop so that any one station may be
cut out of service for repairs or
lieve that the annual county exhibi­
years, finally consented to the request of his many friends to exception of corn and potatoes.
temporary work without interfering
tion is on its way to future success.
be a candidate for mayor to succeed M. P. ( adv. Petitions
Bakes Good Cakes
I with service to the balance of the
Judges Not Envied
were also filed for John L. Anderson from southwest llills-
Miss Elsie Higdon, 15-yenr-old system. In the event that trouble
in the twin show
boro, M. 11. Stevenson from south
■laughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. I occurs upon a section of tranxmis-
great was evidenced by the
cast Hillsboro, and Harry
Higdon, of this city, won first prize i xion line by reason of storm or ac-
that all seats were taken and
Throws Liat in Ring ' on her angel food cake, which was cident, that section of line can be Top row, left to right, John and
from north Hillsboro.
scores were standing in every
Mr. Phelps has been a resident
entered in the open class at the killed and service maintained on all
of the pavilion. Thirty-three
of Hillsboro for more than 20 years,
state fair at Salem. The award parts of the system until necessary Rachel Coffey (Mrs. R. H. Wal-
pairs of twins were entered in the
the most of thut time having been
was made Tuesday.
repairs are made.
1 ker). Second row, left to right,
round-up and no one envied the
spent in the moving picture buxines*
Farm products entered by county
Nancy Lou and Marjorie Kasch,
work of the judges, because many
in which he is considered a pioneer.
farmers are taking their share of
looked as much alike as two peas,
and Vincent and Vernon Susbauer,
Three years ago this month he open­
the premium money, according to a
and all were good looking.
ed up in Hillsboro one of the finest
telegram received this morning from
Ada and Ida Heine, 4 H years, of
small town theaters on the Pacific
vin Robb, Other pictures could
County Agent O. T. McWhorter.
Sherwood route 4, won the Hills­
coast. He Is a member of the
Lyman Peters won first on cabbage,
not be secured in time.
boro Argus prize of $10 for the
Knights of Pythias nnd Masonic
R. Buchanan took first on beets and
twins looking the most alike. The
lodges, and has been an active mem­
econd on turnips. G. C. Chase won
$10 prize given by J. W. Kelley,
ber of the chamber of commerce.
second on rye, and F. C. Francis
proprietor of the Washington hotel,
For muny years he was manager of
took second premium on onions,
for the twins coming the greatest
tho annual Fourth of July celebra­
while W. L. Arant won first prize
distance, was won by Virginia and
F. W. Loo«, escaped prisoner,
tions nnd in later years was chair­
on fireweed comb honey and second
Reginia Faust, age 11, daughters of
will be returned to the county
man of the park commission. He
on fireweed strained honey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Faust of 98th
jail here today, according to word
wax largely instrumental in straight­
Club work prize winners, as sub­ received this morning by Chief
and Mul'nomah streets, Portland.
ening out the tangled financial mess
mitted this morning by Archie Bry­ Deputy Sheriff Virgil Weckert.
The judg s probably had their
that resulted in an earlier attempt
ant, are ax follows:
greatest di ficulty when they select­
He was arrested in Seattle and
to build a dance hall or auditorium
ed the winner of the Frank’s Mar­
Handwork — Josephine Hutchens, waiving extradition was turned
at the Shute park. Mr. l’helpx went
The Jefferson high gridders shoved
ket and Thrift Grocery $10 cash
Forest Grove, 3rd.
over to his bondsmen.
on the council when the demand
“One of the important duties of prize for the best looking pair of
Sewing, Division 2—Thelma Cor­
became widespread for a business
any citizen or community stock­ twins. This honor went to Vincent
nelius, Cornelius, 1st; Ella Castle,
Night Officer W. W. Weaver was nomah civic stadium
administration of city affairs.
in Portland holder is to see that the city or and Vernon Susbauer, age 3, sons
Timber, 5th; Ellen Irmler, Corne- attacked early
_ Sunday night
when J Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Anderson is in the jewelry
county is conducted on a business of Mr. and Mrs. William Susbauer,
lius, 7th.
in the act of taking food to a pris­
business, M. 11. Stevenson, a former
The touchdown came after a 30- basis,” declared Fred B. Barnes, of near Banks. John and Clay
member of the council, is a member
, Aloha, 5th.
¡his escape. The officer was knocked 1 yard gain on a criss-cross play fol­ field secretary of the United States Schermerhorn, age 7 *4 months, of
of the firm of Wilkes Abstract com­
out by a blow over the htad, and lowing a buck through tackle. Bag- Chamber of Commerce for the II Forest Grove, won the Lee Oakes’
pany, and Mr. Hill is munager of! Orange Phelps, prominent
it was some time before his cries ley blocked the attempt for a point. western states, who met with the Grocery $5 cash prize for being the
the Carnation Mill; Products coni- r.esx man, candidate for mayor of
attracted the attention of two boys, Both teams battled on even terms, board of directors of the Hillsboro youngest twins present. Arvin and
Hillsboro. He is opposed by E. L. Stribich. Forest Grove, 6th.
Bachelor Sewing—Keith Kruchek, who notified Fire Warden Wilbur with the Democrats holding a slight ■ chamber of commerce Monday eve- Marvin Robb, age 13, sons of Dr.
(Continued on Page Four)
Hillsboro, 6th; Cephns Stone, Hills­ Dillon, Officer Weaver was badly upper-hand. The local eleven, with ' ning.
five new men on the line, were
boro, 7 th.
bruised about the head and face.
Mr. Barnes said the business man
puzzled by their rivals, but put up should strive to make it possible for;
Cooking, Division 2—Elsie Hig­
Releaked Saturday
don, Hillsboro, 5th; Juanita Kerr,
Loos, in jail on an assault and a game fight with the result that the taxpayer to get a dollar back1
Hillsboro, 8th.
battery charge, was released from Coach Goodman was well pleased in good government for every dol-
Gardening—Leila Peters, Moun­ the county jail Saturday on $500 w’ith the showing.
■ lar invested.
taindale, 1st; Corneil Bilyeu, Dur­ bonds and «a car was put up for
The dusty condition of the field
He outlined work for the board'
ham, 9th.
security. It was later discovered made playing very disagreeable and i of directors and suggested various
Calves—Curtis Hulit, Grabel Dis­ [that this car was held by the Port­ the players soon became exhausted. plans for activities. Mr. Barnes j
trict, Sth; Esther Boge, Farming­ land police as an embezzled ma- 1 Hillsboro looked fine on the de- urged the early appointment of a
The cast wind of the last week
Work is progressing rapidly on ton, 6th.
chine. When the bondsmen learned fensive, but were weak at yard planning committee if the city is to •
Chickens—Rex Howell, Hillsboro, i of this, they returned Loos to Hills- J gaining. Practice is going on each . have
fanned smouldering slashing fires I tho new sections of the court house
kind J of ' growth,
• He, “Go out and advertise your com­
......... the
.. right ”
boro Sunday night, and not finding' evening at the high school and the said that nature had bestowed Ore-
into blazing furnaces that destroyed nnd a few offices will be moved in
munity to bring people here and
; by the first of the month in order
any officers at the court house turn­ gridsters are rounding into form. gonians with much more than
homes, threatened others and caused that certain remodeling in connec­
ed him over to Officer Weaver. The Rae and Hare showed up big for be had elsewhere, and that can build up your community. Light it
untold thousands of dollars damage tion with the old part may be» start­
local authorities still have the $500 Hilhi, and Charley Blazer came • should be enthusiastic about we up and hold them here.”
within the county. These fires were ed. The county court, the county
' ur
This advice was given the mem-
bond money.
across with some great tackles.
; communities.
brought under control Saturday ami engineer, and the clerk will be
> hers of the chamber ef commerce at
The prisoner complained of be­
Sunday by superhuman effort
j the Monday noon luncheon by
among the first to move, according
ing hungry and gave the officer lineup on account of illness, but
neighbors, together with the aid of to Commissioner Frank Livermore,
Charles Pryal, Sr., illumination en­
money to buy him something to eat. will be in the game against Roose­
changing weather conditions.
gineer of the Portland Electric
who conducted the writer through
On his return to the city hall with velt here October 5.
William Dierdorff was Tuesday the food. Weaver set it down in the
Local Boys Aid
Power company, who gave a talk on
the building Monday.
The Hillsboro lineup: Hare, le;
window and interior illumination.
The building will probably be in night elected commander of Hills­ corridor and turned to lock the Pasley, It; Dinsmore, lg; Bagley, c;
The country chemical truck of
i R. R. Easter, division manager, was
the Hillsboro fire department was full use by November 1. The office boro post of the American Legion. I door back of him. It was while he Gabie, rg; Rehse, rt; Freeman, re;
i chairman.
lushed Friday to aid in fighting fire of the county agent will also be in A change made at the state conven­ J was turned that Loos is said to Rae, qb; Cox, lh; Blazer, rf, and
at Cedar Mills where the house and the new building, and as a conse­ tion at Medford requires that offi- have struck him over the head, se­ Chase, fb.
Hillsboro defeated Banks in the
Light Stimulate*
barn of Dan Losli and the house quence all county activities will be cers be installed by the first meet- cured the officer's gun, and pro­ were: M. Johnson for Blazer, H. Frank Turk benefit game at Ath- ; The speaker said that a town was
ceeded to hit him about the head. Johnson for Cox, Blazer for M. letic park Sunday, 8 to 6. The two ( built up by the way it was lighted,
and garage of Ben Croeni were de­ concentrated.
A housewarming may be held
Other officers are: Morris Weil, He was locked in a. cell and the Johnson, Cox for Rehse, M. John­ Portland Valley league teams were and pointed to the growth of Los
stroyed by fire with a probable loss
of $5,001), mostly covered by in­ when the final touches have been first vice-commander; Francis Liver- prisoner escaped by kicking out a son for Blazer, Kelly for Gabie, playing to raise a sum for Turk, Angeles, brought about by adver-
surance. These fires were caused put on the new structure and the more of Beaverton, second vice- screen window in the corridor. Offi­ Cawrse for Dinsmore, Turner for star Hillsboro third sacker, who was rising and aided by its wonderful
from smouldering slashings, accord­ whole county will be invited to par­ commander; Clark Gardner, adju- cer Weaver says that he locked the Cox.
hurt early in the season.
j street lighting systems that extend
i tant; L. J. Merrill, finance officer; cell door and that evidently the
ing to Fire Chief Walter Tows. Ben ticipate.
Robinson and L. Turk secured ! out
miles. He said that where
I Alfred Morgan, chaplain; Fred Dion,
Croeni's right arm wax badly burn­
home-runs and Delplanche, Robin-I there is light there is activity and
sergeant-at-arms; Fred Engledinger,
Local Golfers Lose
son, Dillon, Kemper, and L. Turk that light stimulates. The speaker
i historian, and Glenn Powers, 1 Pnul i
The department at noon Friday Blooming Girl Hit
slammed out two-base hits. Robin­ also pointed to the change in Port­
To McMinnville Club son was the leading hitter of the land.
prevented a brush fire in the north­
day with a single besides the home-
Mr. Pryal said Hillsboro was "set
west of the city from spreading to
Every effort to have people reg­
run and double, Manager Dillon down like a gem in a setting of one
nearby buildings.
The McMinnville Golf club de­ played second base to start the of the most beautiful and fertile
Little Anita Krahmer, daughter ister and to bring about a heavy
After returning from Cedar Mills
feated the Forest Hills team at Mc­ game, and “yanked” himself after valleys in the world.” He could see
a blaze in tho rear of the Wash­ of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krahmer of vote in November, was urged by
Minnville Sunday by the overwhelm­ stealing a base and hitting out a no reason why the south should
ington hotel threatened extensive Blooming, narrowly escaped serious several speakers. Letters will be
Another free cooking school has ing score of 41 to 7. Members of double.
grow faster than the northwest,
damnge. Wind whipped the blaze injury Saturday when she ran in sent to teachers throughout the
been arranged for the women of the local team were J. H. Garrett,
with all that nature has bestowed
Hillsboro is in _ possession of _____
out of an iron refuse burner, not front of a car driven by William C. county asking their co-operation.
The quota of members for Hills­ Washington county by the publish­ Glenn Stapleton, William Christen­ second place trophy now of the it with. The engineer urged that
covered by a screen, nnd caused the Christensen of Hillsboro. She suf­
fire to spread to a woodpile, where fered minor injuries about the boro post by December 31 is 200, ers of the Hillsboro Argus and the sen, C. G. Reiter, B. M. Goodman, Portland Valley league, and it is on consideration be given the large in­
about a cord of wood wax charred. knees when struck, but was able to according to District Committeeman dates are Monday, Tuesday and R. Frank Peters, Dr. Ralph Mills, display at the Malibu. The locals flux of tourist cars into this state
Wednesday, October 15, 16 and 17. Richard Fendall, Dr. Todd, Charles won 18 games, were defeated in each year.
More fire at Cedar Mills Saturday be around the next day. The little
Charles D. Jones, district com- This time the instruction will be on Hill. Joe Frandsen, Norman Armes, eight starts, and tied in one.
Not an Expense
brought in an alarm to the local de­
announced that he had electric ranges in co-operation with S. E. Fayram and Leo Frank.
Hillsboro lineup: Delplanche, rf;
“If the tourist finds a town dark
partment, which extended aid. No was across the road from her par­ mitteeman,
bet a hat with Paul McDonald, dis­ the Portland Electric Power com­
Stangel, lb; F. Turk, ss; Deaville, he will keep on going,” stated the
buildings were burned, but all of ents and when the car came she trict four committeeman, that this pany, rather than the gas range, as
started across and became confused.
Gross, cf; Robinson, 3b; Frost, speaker. “When you find light you
(Continued on Pay Four)
district would lead in 1929 mem­ is the case in the annual cooking Ground Limerock Is
If; Dillon, 2b; Neuenschwander, p, stop.
Anything that produces a
berships by December 31. Jones school sponsored each spring in co­
and Day, 2b.
profit is not an expense. >>
attended a meeting of the depart­
Banks lineup: B. Turk, rf; Doan,
Defective eyes, he said, were due
ment executive group in Portland Coke company.
lb; Kemper, 2b; L. Turk, 3b; John­ to unscientific use of electricity.
The classes will be conducted each
George F. Bulkley, field expert
The county agent now has about son, ss; VanDomelon, rf; Mast, cf;
afternoon at 2:30 in the Venetian
Moran, c; Mallery, p and cf, and for the Carnation Milk company,
theater by Miss Dorothy Hubbs, 15 tons on pooled orders for a sec­ Huson, p.
will speak next Monday.
May Iron Out the
home economist of the Edison Elec­ ond carload of ground limerock to
be delivered at Hillsboro this fall,
Cakes, doughnuts, and other good
8 8 3
The industrial exhibits by busi­
The price of the state lime in Hillsboro
Building Problems point automatic range wil be used. pooled
Banks ...
6 7 3 Organize a Flying
ness concerns of the county, partic­ things to eat were displayed in a
Not only will Miss Hubbs attempt
ularly Hillsboro, are of real value setting of green and Invender by
to leave something of value with
Club for Lessons
to the fair board in financing the the Perfection bakery.
Differences existing between P. J. the local housewife in showing how will be refunded when sacks are re- Grade School Budget
Using their financial statement as
turned in good condition within the
annual shows. The booths this year
were very colorful, and showed in­ a background the Washington Coun­ tracteft, and F. Marion Stokes, the dainty touches they love so much to specified time.
Committee Is Named Organization of the Hillsboro Fly­
creasing thought and interest in the ty Bnnkers’ association furnished a architect, should be ironed out with­ see on the dinner and luncheon
rest room for weary sight-seers.
ing club for training purposes is
county fair.
Tho Oregon Washington Water in a few days, according to L. J. table, but Mrs. Washington County Send Blanks Out to
well under way and Bill Harris and
With an elaborate background of Service compnny furnished n booth Merrill, chnirman of the union high will have an opportunity to show
The Hillsboro grade school bud­ Hal Richmond of Portland, mana­
purple and white the Portland Elcc- which the Boy Scouts used to dis­ school board. Mr. Merrill said that her ability in bread baking for
committee meeting will be held gers, state that they expect to start
Call Road Meetings get
trie Power company displayed a play a camping scene and their unless it was settled at once the prizes the second day and in cake
October 8. Members of the board work next week. Dr. Smith's plane
complete lino of modern electrical work.
board would probably make other baking the third day. The cakes
have selected the following members Air King, will be used in the in­
household fixtures and wnter sys­
Tho new gas Hentrola, placed in arrangements for construction to go will probably be auctioned off for ; The blank petitions for calling of the budget committee: M. H. struction with the Hillsboro Airport
tems. In a second booth, decorated a setting of green nnd yellow by the ahead.
charitable purposes by some local special road meetings are being Stevenson, E. J. McAlear, E. I. Ku- as base of operations. A number
Charles A. Murphy, who repro- organization.
in black and white, with harmoniz­ Portland Gas A Coke company, at­
mailed out to all districts by Secre­ ratli and Dr. J. O. Robb. Director of student members have already
ing lights, the Power company show­ tracted much attention. The gas sented the Portland school board for
Men and boys will be welcomed tary E. J. Godman of the county H. C. Hill was not present at the signed up.
ed their lino of kitchen and dining compnny also displayed a complete six years as inspector of construc­ to the Argus Free Electric Cooking court. These meetings are required meeting of the board Monday night
Under the plan the student flyer
tion, and who also was building in- school. Friend husband may find to be held in November and the pe­ and has not appointed his member will receive ten hours of dual fly­
room utensils.
line of ranges.
titions are sent out early in order of the committee. Estimates as out­ ing time, 50 hours of solo flying,
Tho Maytag Washing Machine
Pool-Gardner Lumber company
company placed their mnehines showed a complete line of building Forest Grove, has been employed as wife takes another vacation or goes that plenty of time be given for lined by the board are within the and a complete ground course. Th*
away on a visit.
inspector of construction here.
publication and posting of notices.
(Continued on Pnge Four)
six per cent limitation.
»gainst a background of blue.
Richmond-Harris system is used.
Night Officer
Victim Sunday
Of a Prisoner
Get Dollar Back
Jeffs Win in
First Contest For Every Dollar
Invested, Advice
County Is Hit
Officers to Move
Hard by Fires
Into New Section
In Past Week
Within Few Davs
Tourists Pass
The Unlighted
City or Town
Dierdorff New
Legion Leader
Locals Win in
Benefit Game
Electric Cooking
School Arranged
For Local Women
• Industrial Exhibits at County Fair
Colorful; Aid in Financing Show