Is Every Set of Twins in County Entered in Round-Up at Fair on Saturday Afternoon? - ——— 1 •/ o WATCH YOUR DATE YOUR HOME PAPER The dale on the address of your paper gives lime of expiration. I’uy In advance. Thia paper has the moat thorough circulation in the county, making it the »1.50 and Werth It! Beat Advertising Medium The Leader in Its Field. No. 30. HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 192«. VOLUME XXXV MAY ESTABLISH FAIR ATTENDANCE RECORD First Chamber Forum Is Pep Meet for Fair PROGRAM—Washington County Fair Thursday Morning New Group Would Be at Helm Over Affairs of City 10:00—Band Concert in front of the pavilion. 10:30—Opening program in the pavilion. 10:30—Judging in all divisions. F. ir Officials Appreciate the 10:30—Horseshoe pitching contest. • Scare to Farm Folk Saturday Hillsboro Is Mecca of Children of County as Annual Show Opens Developments in the Hillsboro municipal election started Friday when nominating petitions were Henry Miller Farm Buildings filed for E. L. McCormick for mayor Destroyed by Fire Support of Hillsboro and C. C. Bannister, A. Brandaw Thursday Afternoon and George J. Limber for the coun ­ I :30—Rodeo in the baseball park. cil. 2:00—Sewing demonstration in the Club building. Mr. Brandaw is running in south- Local Department Aids Interest in Fair Seems to Be Greater This Year Than in Pre­ Publicity Has Results 3:30—Band Concert. west •st Hillsboro where the terms of 1 vious Years; State School Head Howard Gives the Open­ Orange Phelps and J. W. Connell Thursday Evening ing Address in Place of Hal Hoss; Twin Contest Draw« end January 1. The term of J. H. Illuminating Engineer Speaks 8:00 Free Vaudeville in the pavilion, which includes the following num­ Garrett in north Hillsboro ends this Hillsboro Firemen Prevent the Attention of Whole County; Amusements Many. bers: Quartet, Columbia Four; Tap Dancing, Marion Baker; At Luncheon Forum Blaze from Reaching the year, and W. V. Bergen is the hold­ The Good-Time Ambassador Comedy; Baker Trio, Piano and over, and Mr. Bannister would take Next Monday Nearby Farm Houses Banjos. Mr. Garrett’s seat. Mr. Limber is Hillsboro today is the center of interest for all children 0:00—Semi-old-tims dance. in the running for the councilmanic The opening chamber of com­ seat to be vacated by George Cham­ Fire destroyed the house, two in Washington county! The county’s annual fair opened thia bers in southeast Hillsboro. Charles barns and outbuildings on the Henry morning with every indication, in the opinion of observera, merce luncheon for the fall season Monday was in the nature of a E. Wells is the holdover city father Miller place at Witch Hazel Satur- that it was a bigger and better show than ever before. In­ Friday Morning in that section of the city. county fair "pep” meeting. Mem­ 10:00—Horseshoe pitching contest. day, resulting in a damage of ap­ terest seems to be greater and with the many free attractions bers of the county fair board and Closing date for the filing of pe­ proximately $1,500 with insurance and diversified amusements it is expected that the attend­ other Interested workers were the | 10:00—Cooking demonstration in the Club building. titions is October 6 and it is likely_ at _____ about ____________ »1,100. Part of the house- ance will exceed other years by far. guests and gave short talks. Fair 10:30—Band Concert. that other candidates will be named. | hold goods were saved. . The Hills- This is Children’s day at the fair and the kiddies are here ------------ (Visit tlx Fsir) ------ •- - Manager Finis L. Brown ncted ar I boro fire department answered the from every school in the county. They were especial guests Friday Afternoon chairman. call and prevented the blaze from of honor at the opening exercises at the auditorium in which ! scattering to nearby places. All speakers voiced appreciation 1:30—Rodeo in the baseball park. Charles A. Howard, state superin­ of the support given the annual 2:00— Canning demonstration in the Club building. The blaze started in the kitchen tendent of public instruction, made show by the business people of 3.30—Band Concert. I roof and quickly spread to adjoin-1 Speaker at Fair the opening address in place of Hal Hillsboro, and expressed the desire . ing places by burning along the Friday Evening Hoss, who could not come on ac­ that every section of the county _______ i fences. Had it not been for timely count of taking over the duties of lend their support and co-operation. 8:00 Free Vaudeville in the pavilion, which includes the following The contract to lay concrete pav-1 assistance all would have been de- Secretary of State Sam Kozer. The number-: Don and Inez, Tap Clog Apache; Musical act, Ac­ ing on Seventh street from Main to I stroyed, as the property and build- Board Works Hard 4-H clubs took part in the program cordion, Violin and Banjo; The Good Time Ambassador Com ­ Lincoln, Sixth from Oak to Base- i ings of neighbors, O. A. Anderson, The fair board has never worked edy; Comedy Juggler; Blues Singer. along with fair and school officials. so hard for n successful fair ns they line, and the widening of Lincoln I Elmer Scott, C. W. Bloom and Os­ Not Seeing Double have this year, according to Robert 9:00—Jitney dance. in front of the new high school, was j car B. Poe were threatened by the ’..——J —CO D f 110 T1. The twin round-up named on the Banks of Banks, president of the I awarded R«» by »Ln the _________ council ’T Tuesday program at 3 p. m. Saturday in the I night to Stein Brothers, of Eugene, board. County trucks were used in fight­ Saturday Morning pavilion has attracted considerable for »7,977.25. This total is based ing the blaze and the aid of neigh­ Mrs. Emma Bryant, secretary of attention, and from the number of on a figure of »2.11 per square bors, together with the fire depart­ the board, expressed the opinion 10:00—Finals in the horseshoe pitching contest. entries listed to date the competi­ yard of paving, and 26 cents a foot ment, fought hard and saved the that the most essential thing in put­ 10:00 Home-making demonstration in the Club building. tion should be interesting. The for curbing. adjoining property. ting on a county fair was to create judges have not been named. En­ Other bids were as follows: Rig­ Saturday Afternoon Interest among the people of the Twenty-four Hour« to Go trants may register at the business don, Woodburn, »8.163.80; K. G. county. She told of the growth of 1 :30—Rodeo in the baseball park. Mr. Miller had been insured with office at the fair grounds until noon Lundström, »8,351.80; C. G. Ran­ club work and said that boys and 3:00—Twin contest in the pavilion. Saturday. Prizes will be given as dalls, $8,400.15, and T. F. Ward, | a fire insurance company for 20 girls arc being taught that work is 3:80—Road program in the pavilion. follows: Hillsboro Argus, $10, twins $8,631.85. The la-t three were ’ years and paid on an annual basis. honorable. Mrs. Bryant said that He had just 24 hours more on his looking most alike; Washington ho­ from Portland. if the fair did nothing else than to 4;00—Band Concert. 30-day period of grace for paying tel, J. W. Kelley, proprietor, »10, Plans that would give more room ; encourage useful work among the Saturday Evening twins coming the greatest distance; , for the county fair grounds and his premium when the fire occurred. boys nnd girls, it would be worth 7:45—Vaudeville in pavilion, which includes the following numbers: give the fair board a definite under- , An old abandoned hop house on Frank’s Market and Thrift Grocery, while . Quartet, by the Portland Fire Department; Acrobatic Dancers; standing as to the use of the Shute the Bagley place at Leisyville was $10, best looking pair of twins; “It Is up to us as residents of Song and Dance; The Good Time Ambassador. Lee Oakes’ Grocery, $5, youngest J park were discussed with the city j destroyed by fire Saturday when a the county to show that if there is twins; Reynolds’ Grocery and Em- council Tuesday night by the fair straw pile was burned too near the j a better county in the country it 8:45—Fireworks. ! old structure. The Hillsboro fire de- motts’ Market, »10, greatest differ­ I board. will have to get up and hustle,” 9:00—Jitney dance. Thë present grounds, presented Partment ™ called to fight the ence in looks of twins; Skaggs’ Gro­ stated C. D. Minton of Forest fire. Charles A. Howard, state superin­ cery and Market, »10, pleasantest by the business men of Hillsboro, Grove, first vice-president of the A residence owned by the A. tendent of public instruction, was pair of twins, and Commercial Na- are not large enough for expansion, fair board. He pointed out that, Miss Washington explained Robert» Banks, president. Rossi estate at Beaverton burned the principal speaker at the opening | tional bank and Shute Savings there were enough amusements for exercises this morning. The discussion showed that there Sunday. bank, »10, oldest set of twins. The relaxation. ------------ (Visit th« Fair)------------ was land which could be purchased Auxiliary to the American Legion Henry Hesse of Scholls, second nearby and which would, together is giving a $5 prize to the twins vice-president of the board, said he I with a limited use of the park, al­ looking most alike, whose father is would like to sec the farmers close | ! a member of the American Legion. A dissolution of partnership ef­ low for a half mile race track. The up shop and attend the fair as the fecting two local business institu­ council turned the question over to J The twin round-up will be follow- Hillsboro business people plan to tions wns consummated last week. the park committee with instruc­ (Continued on Fag« Four) do on Hillsboro day. In the deal Glenn V. Payne becomes tions to work out a definite ar­ Fair Important owner of the Hillsboro Pharmacy rangement or lease with the board. Ed. L. Moore, secretary of the Hal E. Hoss, of Oregon City, will and L. C. Kramien and L. T. Mc- C. D. Minton of Forest Grove and chamber of commerce and in charge Pheeters are the proprietors of the Henry Hesse, members of the fair be appointed by Governor I. L. Pat­ of concessions and amusements, Seventeen new students register- board, were present and joined in terson shortly to serve as secretary I ed at the union high school Mon- Palm Drug store. stressed the importance of the fair of state, filling the unexpired term I day, according to Superintendent B. Mr. Payne and Mr. McPheeters the discussion. to the county and Hillsboro. He ------------ (Visit th* Fair)------ of Sam A. Kozer, who is resigning W. Barnes. This brings the regis­ (Continued <»n I’airr Four) had been in partnership in the . i hr I air)--------- to take over new duties as director tration there to 321, which is still Pharmacy for 16 years, which made ’ of the state budget. The change in less than last year. the store management one of the Clark Emmer Gardner, 76, of ■ state officials is set for Monday, oldest in the city. They purchased Superintendent C. H. Nosier of near Orenco, died in the Dr. Smith ! September 24, and Mr. Hoss will the Pharmacy from Page Gardner. the grade schools reports a regis- 1 serve by appointment of the gover­ tration of 552, which is also under ! hospital in this city Monday night Two years ago the two, in associa­ nor until January 7. 1929, the end last year’s mark. All children who | of injuries received Saturday when tion with Mr. Kramien, purchased of the term for which Mr. Kozer will be six years old by November ¡ a wood truck, which he was driving, the Palm confectionery from C. Just 14 days more! Teege and started a combination i 15 may enter school at any time I went over a fill near Quatama and October 6 is the last day in had been elected. crushed him between a fence and The Hillsboro union high school Mr. Hoss is the republican nomi­ [ now. J drug nnd confectionery store. The which a person may register in or­ eleven will play its first practice Pharmacy is the second oldest drug der to vote in the general election nee for the office of secretary of The grade school football team j the truck. Injuries included a game at the Multnomah civic sta­ store in the county. Mr. Kramien November 6. Regular hours of reg­ state, winning in the primaries by a started practice Tuesday evening broken collar bone, chest crushed, dium in Portland Saturday against will continue as manager of the istration at the county clerk's office wide margin over H. H. Corey and under the direction of Coach John­ ribs fractured and lung punctured. Jefferson high. Palm. He was bom September 10, 1852, son. The captain will be selected here are from 8 a. m. to noon, and Tom B. Handley. ------------ (Visit th« Fair)------------ The Hillsboro union high school There will be no drastic changes next week. at Battle Creek, Mich., and moved from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. daily. No Miss Dorothy Bryant, daughter of football schedule for the season All 4-H clubs are exhibiting their to Oregon 45 years ago. Years ago one may be sworn in at the polls in the personnel of the office of was announced Tuesday by Coach county school superintendent, named Here to Arrange for secretary of state, according to Mr. I work at the fair. Pins have been he farmed the Constable place at as in previous years. as an attendant of Mrs. Patterson B. M. Goodman. The annual big If a person is not 21 years of i Hoss, who has let it be known that ' presented to the children who have West Union, later moving to Port­ game for Hilhi with Forest Grove for Monday at state fair. Apartment Building age before October 6, but will be | he intends to conduct affairs as , completed all their work. A cook- land and then back to Washington as possible, without re- j ing demonstration will be given by county several years ago. Mr. Gard­ high will be played here on Thanks­ of age by November 6, they may ¡efficiently j giving. register anyway and vote in the ‘ Ipart* to Professional job-hunters Juanita Kerr and Hazel Blades from ner is survived by three brothers, Ray C. Finch of Portland, who The schedule as announced is ns Miss Bryant Will and political hangers-on. The Hoss Perry of Quatama, Ulysses of Hills­ Thompson’s cooking club. announced several weeks ago that general election. With national,' family has moved to Salem and Mrs. ------------ follows: October 5, Roosevelt high (Visit th« Fair)------------ boro, and Charles of Oregon City. state, county and municipal officers he would build a modern apartment of Portland, here; October 12, Hood taken up residence in the Fairmont A step-daughter lives in California. Attend First Lady house in this city, was here Friday to be selected interest should be the hill district. River nt Hood River; October 19, Mr. Millet Did Not highest. Funeral services were held thia with the contractor, plumber and ------------ (Visit th« Fair)------------ Newberg here; October 20, McMinn­ afternoon from the Glenn F. Bell Local registration officials are as electrician to make arrangements Miss Dorothy Brynnt, daughter of ville at McMinnville; November 3, follows: See Wife Take Gun mortuary and interment was in the Cornucopians Invite Beaverton nt Beaverton; November Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Brynnt of Forest for the structure. They said that Riverview cemetery in Portland. George Thyng, Beaverton; Nova 12 (Armistice Day) Tillamook here; Grove, has been appointed by Coun­ local labor would be used wherever Elma Leonard, Harvey Leonard, Through an error in understand ­ November 23, Amity nt Amity, nnd ty Judge E. J. Ward to represent possible. Daffy-Dils to Dine ing the Argus last week stated that Garden Home; Joseph H. Schamoni, ------------ (Vl.ll th« Fair)------------- the Forest Grove game hero Novem­ Washington county ns nn attendnnt Tualatin; W. Z. G. Steele, Metzger; of Mrs. I. L. Patterson, wife of Joseph E. Millet saw his wife take | ber 29. C. F. Tigard, Tigard; Henderson The Forest Grove Daffy-Dils have a gun from her nephew’s room early j The team is shaping up well, ac­ Governor Patterson, next Monday, Two Hit Over Head Smith, Banks; F. M. Wadsworth, been extended an invitation by the cording to the conch. He feels thnt the first dny of the state fair. She North Plains; F. L. Koberstein, Gas­ Hillsboro Cornucopians to attend a in the evening before shooting her-' At Scofield Mill ton; self in the head with a revolver. It he has one good team, but that he will wear a sash inscribed with the Manche I. Langley, Forest dinner here Friday night at the was the nephew instead who saw Miss is lacking in reserves. “Goody” letters, "Miss Washington." Grove; II. T. Bruce, Reedville; C. snys it is hard to tell how the boys Bryant's mother is Mrs. Emma Bry­ Expensive machinery belts have A. Peterson, Buxton; E. W. John­ chamber of commerce rooms. Both her take the gun from its regular ant. county school raporintendont. will stand up under fire. been cut and other properties de­ son, Sherwood; J. E. Bennett, organizations will participate in the place, but didn't think anything about it. Mr. and Mrs. Millet were on stroyed nt the Standard Box nnd Scholls; B. T. Hart, Timber; Sadie activities of the fair on that day. Sam Bentley was selected as sec­ the best of relations and, as stated Lumber company, according to the A. Brown, Orenco; C. J. Stickney, authorities, who believe that it is Aloha; T. V. Morgan, Cochran; retary at the meeting Monday night, in the article, after she had left the spite work. John McNew nnd Alvin John Ocklind, Cherry Grove; Cora Jack Murton is captain of the bed several times he put his arm Lull have been struck on the back Adkins, Gales Creek, and D. C. marching group, and T. G. Bron- over so that she would wake him Save Yourself leewe will head the chorus. Another in case she attempted to get up while acting as watchmen, McNew Whiting, Cornelius. meeting will be held in the chamber again. being struck when he went to in­ Gray Hairs— of commerce rooms Monday night. Funeral services were held Sun- vestigate a disturbance in the ma­ A board of religious education to Other members include Mrs. B. W. chinery room while serving as a Two Papers Sold -------- (Vi«it the Fair)--------- day for Mrs. Millet from the Glenn 4 F. Bell mortuary and interment was Whatever you want can be foster the week-day schools of re­ Barnes, Miss Mary Shirley, Miss special watchman. Authorities are For Price of One Duleina Brown, C. II. Nosier, Floyd Turk Benefit Game in the Tualatin Plains Presbyterian easily gotten through the ligious education was elected at a E. Miller, and Chester Wohler. All investigating the case. A clubbing offer has been ar­ ------------